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Impact of mass coral bleaching on reef fish community and fishermen catches at Sabang, Aceh Province, Indonesia


Academic year: 2017

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Aqu a cu lt u r e , Aqu a r iu m , Con se r va t ion & Le gisla t ion

I n t e r n a t ion a l Jou r n a l of t h e Bioflu x Socie t y

I m pa ct of m a ss cor a l ble a chin g on r e e f fish

com m un it y a n d fish e rm e n ca t ch e s a t Sa ba ng,

Ace h Pr ovin ce , I ndon e sia


Edi Rudi,


Taufiq I skandar,


Nur Fadli,


Hidayat i Hidayat i


Depart m ent of Biology, Syiah Kuala Universit y, Banda Aceh, I ndonesia; 2 Depart m ent of Mat hem at ic, Syiah Kuala Universit y,Banda Aceh, I ndonesia; 3 Depart m ent of Marine

Science, Syiah Kuala Univ ersit y, Banda Aceh, I ndonesia; 4 BAPPEDA Aceh, Banda Aceh,

I ndonesia. Corresponding aut hor: E. Rudi, edirudi@yahoo. com

Abst r a ct. Mass coral bleaching was observed at Sabang, Aceh in ear ly 2010, and appr oxim at ely 60% of har d coral in wat er s sur r ounding Sabang died post- event . Coral m or t alit y was expect ed t o affect t he com posit ion of r eef fish due t o decr ease it s funct ion such as pr oviding a shelt er, feeding and spawning gr ounds for fish and ot her m ar ine or ganism s. The obj ect ives of t his r esear ch wer e t o evaluat e t he im pact of coral bleaching on coral r eef fish com m u nit y and t o com par e t he com posit ion of fisher m en cat ches befor e and aft er t he coral bleaching. The d at a wer e collect ed befor e ( in 2 008) and aft er ( in 2 010) t he m ass coral bleaching event in Sabang wat ers by using a phot ographic m et hod and t he dat a on t he average cat ch of fisher m en ( cat ch per fishing effor t ) was calculat ed in kg/ hour. The dat a of t he knowledge of fisher m en on clim at e change was collect ed by quest ionnair e m et hod. The r esult s showed t hat 259 species of cor al r eef fishes wer e caught by fisher m en in 20 08 and 2 010. Ther e was n o significant ly differ ence bet ween t he fish cat ches befor e and aft er t he m ass coral bleaching. However, species r ichness decr eased up t o 50% aft er t he m ass coral bleaching. The knowledge of fisher m en on clim at e change issue was ver y low.

Ke y W or ds: cat ch per fishing effor t , clim at e changes, phot ographic m et hod and disast er.

I n t r odu ct ion. Aceh Prov ince has a large pot ency on coast al resources bot h biological and non biological resources. The province is surrounded by approxim at ely 1, 865 k m of coast line and has 180 large and sm all islands. Marine resources are v ery im port ant for t he Acehnese since m ore t han 55% of t ot al populat ion depends on t he coast al ecosy st em s m ainly from t he fisheries sect or ( Yusuf 2003) .

Sabang and it s surrounding w at ers hav e good coral reef ecosy st em s, especially in areas t hat are m anaged by local fisherm en organizat ion called “ Panglim a Laot ”, a t radit ional organizat ion for fisherm en in a cert ain fishing ground t hat shares a st rict set of rules and regulat ions ( Baird et al 2005; Brow n 2005; Cam pbell et al 2007; Hagan et al 2007) . I n addit ion, Sabang is also rich in reef fishes com m unit y (Rudi et al 2009) . For ex am ple, Allen & Adrim ( 2003) report ed six endem ic fish species from Sabang w at ers. Nev ert heless, coral bleaching as t he effect s of clim at e change w as happened in Aceh w at er from March- May 2010 as predict ed by NOAA ( 2010) . Based on our rapid surv ey in lat e May 2010 w e show ed t hat approx im at ely 60- 80% of coral reefs in t he Sabang w at ers dead probably due t o increasing t he sea surface t em perat ure during t he period.


happen due t o t he release of zoox ant hellae in coral t issue perm anent ly ( Marshall & Baird 2000; At ew eberhan & McClanahan 2010) .

Clim at e change has dev ast at ing effect s in coral reef ecosy st em s due t o ex t rem e env ironm ent al sensit ivit ies and consequent bleaching of reef building corals. I n early 2010, t he reefs of m uch of Aceh, in part icular Sabang, w ere st ruck by m ass coral bleaching caused by high sea-w at er t em perat ure t hroughout t he Andam an Sea. The dam age t o t he reefs w as ext ensiv e, wit h close t o 80% m ort alit y of suscept ible species at m any sit es around Weh I sland, Sabang. This was ex pect ed t o have an effect on t he cat ches of fisherm en in Sabang. How ever, how m uch t his phenom enon influences t he cat ches of Sabang fisherm en is st ill unk now n. Therefore, t here is v ery crucial t o evaluat e t he im pact of coral bleaching on com m ercial coral reef fish fisheries at Sabang focused on t he species com posit ion and fisherm en cat ch per unit effort ( CPUE) . This st udy can be used as a basis for disast er m anagem ent due t o clim at e change in part icular coral bleaching.

M a t e r ials an d M e t h ods. The st udy w as conduct ed on Decem ber 2010 t o January 2011. The dat a collect ion w as conduct ed in fiv e fish landing sit es in Weh I sland Sabang, nam ely Lhok Anoi I t am , Lhok I e Meulee, Lhok Keneuk ai, Lhok Pasiran and Lhok Laot Pria ( Figure 1) . The fiv e sit es w ere chosen in order t o com pare fisherm en cat ches before ( in 2008) and aft er ( in 2010) t he m ass coral bleaching in Sabang w at ers. Dat a of fisherm en cat ch of hand line fishing m et hod w as used in t he st udy. WCS I ndonesian Program has already collect ed t hese dat a before t he bleaching w hich w ill be com bined wit h post- bleaching dat a.


Phot ographic m et hod w as used t o est im at e fish biom ass. The fish sam ples were collect ed from fisherm an w ho j ust landed at each sit e. Ev ery fish t hat caught w as t hen docum ent ed ( using high- resolut ion digit al cam eras) , num bered and indent ified ( Figure 2) . The fishes w ere indent ified based on Carpent er & Niem ( 1998, 1999a, 1999b, 2001a, 2001b) , Allen ( 2000) , Kuit er & Tonozuk a ( 2001a, 2001b, 2001c) and Kim ura & Sat apoom in ( 2009) . The UTHSCSA I m age Tool 2. 0 soft w are w as used t o m easure t he fish size. The param et ers used include t he t ot al lengt h, fork lengt h and st andard lengt h. The fish w eight w as predict ed using following equat ion: W = a Lb ( King 1996; Kum olu-Johnson & Ndim ele 2010) , w here: W = fish w eight ( k g) , a = st at ist ical const ant s ( index ) , L = fish lengt h ( cm ) , b = st at ist ical const ant s ( index ) ; a and b of each fishes w ere t ak en from FishBase ( Froese & Pauly 2011) . Dat a analysis for cat ch of fisherm en w as calculat ed in cat ch per unit effort ( k g/ hour) . The st udent t - t est w as em ployed t o com pare dat a fish cat ches before and aft er m ass coral bleaching. I nt erv iew for each fisherm an w as conduct ed t o get inform at ion of fishing gear, fishing ground, cost and t im e consum es for fishing act ivit y. I nform at ion relat ed t o fisherm en k now ledge about clim at e change and coral bleaching w ere also collect ed using quest ionnaires m et hods.

Figure 2. Phot ography m et hod t o est im at e fisherm an cat ch: phot os of som e fishes t hat j ust gat hered from fisherm en (left ) and num bered fishes ( right ) .

Re su lt s a n d D iscu ssion


t hey can got fish cat ches sim ilar t o pre coral bleaching, but t he species com posit ion has decreased significant ly.

Figure 3. The species num ber of reef fishes t hat caught by fisherm en in Sabang.

Table 1 The cat ches of fisherm en ( m ean of CPUE ± SE) at fiv e sit es and t- t est result s

( ns = not significant at 0. 05)

Sam pling sit es Tim e/ t est

I e Meulee Anoi I t am Keunekai Pria Laot Pasiran

2008 0.224 ± 0.029 0.608 ± 0.199 1.300 ± 0.361 0.282 ± 0.052 0.875 ± 0.126

2010 0.299 ± 0.026 0.582 ± 0.133 0.756 ± 0.134 0.455 ± 0.096 1.557 ± 0.326

t - t est ns ns ns ns ns

Our finding show ed t hat coral loss caused by m ass coral bleaching im pact ed on t he species richness of reef fishes in Sabang w at ers as show n by fisherm en’s cat ch. Prat chet t et al ( 2008) st at ed t hat coral loss m ay also have longer- t erm consequences for fishes t hat require liv e corals as set t lem ent . Furt herm ore, Cinner et al ( 2009) report ed t hat t he loss of habit at st ruct ure following coral m ort alit y is ex pect ed t o affect 56% of t arget ed species. Berum en & Prat chet t ( 2006) show ed t hat dist urbances ( including m ass coral bleaching) hav e a crit ical effect on t he st ruct ure of coral and reef fish com m unit ies. Long t erm change will m ak e t he species com posit ion of coral com m unit ies and reef fish assem blages v ery different from init ial st at e.

Based on CPUE dat a, our findings hav e show n t hat unt il six m ont hs aft er m ass coral bleaching, t he fisherm en of Sabang w ere st ill sust ained in fishing. How ev er, it is est im at ed t hat for a longer t im e, e.g. m ore t han t w o y ears aft er t he coral bleaching, t he im pact w ould be significant , especially for coralliv ore fishes t hat need coral as food source. Cinner et al ( 2009) st at ed t hat coral bleaching can indirect ly affect coral reef fishes and fisherm en need adapt iv e fishing gear and m anagem ent in response t o clim at e change. I t is est im at ed t hat it needs m ore t han fiv e y ears for coral reef of Sabang t o recov er t o init ial condit ion.


fact or t hat caused t he coral bleaching. Sim ilarly, t he quest ion regarding w hat is clim at e change, 64% of fisherm en claim ed t hey did not k now w hat clim at e change is.

Lack of k now ledge of Sabang fisherm en about clim at e change could be one point of v ulnerabilit y of Sabang fisherm en on disast er preparedness, especially disast ers caused by clim at e change. Wisner et al ( 2003) st at ed t hat disast ers are defined as t he result of t he int eract ion of v ulnerabilit y or pow erlessness of hum ans ( v ulnerabilit y ) t o t hreat from t he nat ural act ivit y of harm ful ( hazards) such as eart hquak es, t sunam is, floods, st orm s and ot hers at t he sam e t im e. I n ot her w ords, if a disast er occurs som ew here or is prone t o t he dangers of eart hquak es, t sunam is, floods, landslides or st orm s, but hum ans w ho liv e in t hese places do not hav e t he k now ledge and abilit y t o deal wit h it . I n generally, t he k nowledge of Sabang fisherm en and how t hey adapt t o clim at e change w ere low. For t hat , it needs a lot of act ivit y t o be done about environm ent al aw areness cam paigns relat ed t o clim at e change.

The k now ledge of Sabang fisherm en and how t hey adapt t o clim at e change w ere low. Consequent ly, t here w as a need t o m it igat e t he fisherm en of Sabang Aceh t o face clim at e change issues. Som e recom m endat ions are put forw ard relat ing t he result s of t his st udy. There is a need t o support and build t he aw areness of fisherm en and coast al com m unit y from clim at e change issues. There are som e adapt ion and m it igat ion st rat egies t hat w ere prepared t o face t he clim at e change for ex am ple by look ing for and creat e alt ernat ive liv elihoods for fisherm en. Mit igat ion can be done by m aint aining and im proving t he qualit y of m arine ecosy st em s, such as accelerat ing t he est ablishm ent of m arine prot ect ed areas, prom ot ing ecot ourism and aw areness- raising effort s of ot her com m unit ies in t he prot ect ion and preservat ion of m arine resources in a sust ainable m anner unt il t he fut ure. Prat chet t et al ( 2008) st at ed t hat t he longer- t erm consequences of clim at e change and coral bleaching for coral- reef fishes are far from cert ain, but reducing direct ant hropogenic pressures and im prov ing m anagem ent of coral reef habit at s are im port ant elem ent s in prev ent ing ecological and econom ic consequences of declines in t he abundance and div ersit y of coral reef fishes.

Con clusion s. There w ere no significant ly differences bet w een t he fisherm en cat ches before ( in 2008) and aft er (in 2010) m ass coral bleaching in Sabang Aceh. How ev er, t he t ot al num bers of species richness decreased around 50% . The k now ledge of Sabang fisherm en and how t hey adapt t o clim at e change w ere v ery low. These findings suggest t hat t here is a need t o educat e t he fisherm en in Sabang Aceh about clim at e change issues in order t o build t heir capacit y t o adapt .

Ack n ow le dge m e n t s. The aut hors w ould lik e t o t hank TDMRC ( Tsunam i and Disast er Mit igat ion Research Cent er) of Sy iah Kuala Univ ersit y and Minist ry of Educat ion and Cult ural of I ndonesia for providing t he funding for t his st udy ( cont ract num ber 537. F/ TDMRC- UNSYI AH/ TU/ XI / 2010 and cont ract num ber 019/ UN11. 2/ LT/ SP3/ 2012, respect iv ely ) . Thank s also t o WCS I ndonesian Program t hat helped in fisherm en cat ch dat a before ( in 2008) m ass coral bleaching in Sabang.

Re fe r en ce s

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Received: 26 Mar ch 201 2. Accept ed: 12 July 2012. Published online: 12 Sept em ber 201 2. Aut hor s:

Edi Rudi, Depar t m ent of Biology, Facult y of Sciences, Syiah Kuala Univer sit y, Banda Aceh 2311 1, Aceh, I ndonesia, e- m ail: edir udi@yahoo. com

Taufiq I skandar, Depar t m ent of Mat hem at ic, Facult y of Sciences, Syiah Kuala Univer sit y, Banda Aceh 2311 1, Aceh, I ndonesia, e- m ail: t au_is2003@yahoo. com

Nur Fadli, Depar t m ent of Mar ine Science, Facult y of Mar ine and Fisher ies, Syiah Kuala Univer sit y, Banda Aceh 2311 1, Aceh, I ndonesia, e- m ail: ivad29@yah oo. com

Hidayat i Hidayat i, BAPPEDA Aceh, Jl. Tgk. H. M. Daud Beur eueh No. 26 Banda Aceh231 21, Aceh, I nd onesia, e-m ail: hidayat i77@ye-m ail. coe-m

This is an open- access ar t icle dist r ibut ed under t he t er m s of t he Cr eat ive Com m ons At t r ibut ion License, which per m it s unr est r ict ed use, dist r ibut ion and r epr oduct ion in any m edium , pr ovided t he or iginal aut hor and sour ce ar e cr edit ed.

How t o cit e t his ar t icle:


Appendix 1 List of econom ical reef fish t hat caught by fisherm en in Sabang w at ers before (in 2008)

and aft er ( in 2010) t he m ass coral bleaching

2008 2010

No Fam ily Genera Species


1 Acant hur idae Acant hur us A. bar iene +

2 A. dussum er i + +

3 A. gr am m opt ilus +

4 A. leucost er non +

5 A. lineat us + + + +

6 A. m at a + + + +

7 A. nigr ofuscus +

8 A. nubilus + +

9 A. t ennent i +

10 A. t r iost egus +

11 A. t r ist is +

12 Ct enochaet us C. m ar ginat us +

13 Naso N. caur oleacauda + +

14 N. hexacant hus +

15 N. t hynnoides +

16 N. vlam ingii + + + +

17 Apogonidae Apogon A. fleur ieu + + +

18 Cheilodipt er us C. m acr odon +

19 Balist idae Balist apus B. undulat us + + + + +

20 Balist oides B. conspicillum + +

21 B. vir idescens + + + + + +

22 Meilicht hys M. niger + +

23 Odonus O. niger + + + + + + + + +

24 Rhinecant hus R. r ect angulus + + +

25 Sufflam en S. bur sa + + +

26 S. chr ysopt er a + + + + + +

27 S. fr aenat us + + + + + + + + +

28 S. flavipect or alis +

29 Melicht hys M. indicus +

30 M. niger + + + + + +

31 Xant hicht hys X. caer uleolineat us +

32 Belonidae Tylosur us T. cr ocodilus + + + + 33 Caesionidae Caesio C. caer ulaur ea + +

34 C. lunar is + + +

35 C. t er es + + + + + + +

36 C. xant hon ot a + +

37 C. var ilineat a + + +

38 Pt er ocaesio P. lat ivit t at a +

39 P. pisang + +

40 P. t ille + + + + + +

41 P. t esselat a +

42 Car angidae Alect is A. ciliaris + + +

43 Elagat is E. bipinnulat a + + +

44 Car angoides C. gym nost et hus +

45 C. fer dau + + +

46 C. or t hogr am m us + + + + + + + +

47 C. oblongus + + +


49 C. chr ysophr ys +

50 Car anx C. m elam pygus + + + + + + + +

51 C. ignobilis + + + + + + +

52 C. sexfasciat us + + + + + + + +

53 C. papuensis + +

54 Decapt er us D. m acar ellus + +

55 Rast r elliger R. kanagur t a +

56 Selar oides S. lept olesis + + + +

57 Car char hinidae Car char hinus C. albim ar ginat us + + 58 Chaet odont idae Chaet odon C. guent her i +

59 C. lunula +

60 Heniochus H. diphr eut es +

61 Cir r hit hidae Par acir r hit es P. for st er i + + 62 Ephippidae Plat ax P. t eir a + +

63 P. boer sii +

64 P. or bicular is +

65 Haem ulidae Plect or hinchus P. albovit t at us +

66 P. flavom aculat us + + + +

67 P. gibbosus +

68 P. picus +

69 P. polyt aenia + +

70 P. vit t at us + + + +

71 Holocent r idae Myr ipr ist is M. adust a + +

72 M. ber ndt i + + + +

73 M. bot che + + + + +

74 M. m elenost ict a +

75 M. m ur dj an + + + + + + +

76 M. hexagona + + + +

77 M. violacea +

78 M. vit t at a + +

79 M. chr yser es + + + + +

80 M. t r achyacr on + +

81 M. pr alinia + + + +

82 M. woodsi +

83 Neoniphon N. sam m ar a +

84 Sar gocent r on S. cor nut um +

85 S. diadem a +

86 S. r ubr um +

87 S. spinifer um + + +

88 S. t ier e +

89 S. punct at issim um +

90 S. it t odai +

91 Plect r ypops P. lim a +

92 Polydact ylus P. sexfilis +

93 Kyphosidae Kyphosus K. bigibbus + +

94 K. vaigiensis + + +

95 Labr idae Anam pses A. m eleagr ides + +

96 Cheilinus C. fasciat us +

97 C. t r ilobat us + +

98 Choer od on C. schoenleinii + +

99 C. zozt eopor us + +

100 C. cephalot es +

101 Halichoer es H. ar gus +


103 H. scapular is +

104 H. solor ensis +

105 H. zeinicus +

106 Hem igym nus H. m elapt er us +

107 Hologym nosus H. doliat us + +

108 H. longipes +

109 Novaculicht hys N. t aenior us +

110 Oxycheilinus O. ar enat us + +

111 Pseudocheilinus P. ocellanus +

112 Thalassom a T. j anseni +

113 T. lunar e +

114 T. lut escens +

115 T. quinquevit t at um +

116 Let hr inidae Gnat hodent ex G. aur eolineat us + + + + + + + + + +

117 Let hr inus L. am boinensis + + + +

118 L. or nat us +

119 L. bengalensis +

120 L. er yt hr opt er us +

121 L. er yt hr acant hus + + +

122 L. conchyliat us +

123 L. lent j an + + + + + + + + +

124 L. m icr odon + +

125 L. m iniat us + +

126 L. obsolet us +

127 L. r ubr ioper culat us +

128 L. sem icinct us + +

129 L. xant hochilus + + + +

130 Monot axis M. gr andoculis + + + + + + + +

131 Gym nocr anius G. gr iseus + + + +

132 G. fr enat us + +

133 G. euanus + +

134 G. gr andoculis +

135 G. m icr odon + +

136 Lut j anidae Apr ion A. vir escens + + + + + + + + + +

137 Aphar eus A. fur ca + + +

138 A. r ut ilans + + + + + + + + + +

139 Lut j anus L. ar gent im aculat us + + +

140 L. bengalensis + +

141 L. bohar + + + + +

142 L. car ponot at us + + +

143 L. decussat us + +

144 L. ehr enber gii + + +

145 L. gibbus + + + + +

146 L. m onost igm a + +

147 L. kasm ir a + + + + + + + + + +

148 L. fulviflam m a + +

149 L. lut j anus + +

150 L. m adr as +

151 L. m axweber i +

152 L. sebae +

153 L. quinquelineat us +

154 L. vit t a +

155 L. r ufolineat us + + +


157 Par acaesio P. sor dida + +

158 Pr ist ipom oides P. filam ent osus +

159 Monodact ylidae Monodact ylus M. ar gent eus + + + + + 160 Mullidae Mulloidicht hys M. vanicolensis + + +

161 M. flavolineat us

162 Par upeneus P. bar ber inoides + +

163 P. bar ber inus + +

164 P. cyclost om us +

165 P. hept acant hus + + +

166 P. indicus +

167 P. m acr onem a + + + + + + + + +

168 P. pleur ost igm a + + + +

169 P. t r ifasciat us + +

170 P. m ult ifasciat us + +

171 P. r ubescens + +

172 Upeneus U. vit t at us + + + +

173 U. m oluccensis +

174 Nem ipt er idae Nem ipt er us N. per onii + +

175 Scolopsis S. affinis +

176 S. aur at us + +

177 S. bilineat a + + +

178 S. ciliat us + + +

179 S. m ar gar it ifer +

180 S. t aeniopt er us +

181 S. xenochr ous + +

182 Pem pher idae Pem pher is P. vanicolensis +

183 P. adust a +

184 P. aualensis +

185 Pinguipedidae Par aper cis P. t et r acant ha + + + 186 Plat ycephalidae Thysanophr ys T. car bunculus + 187 Pom acent r idae Abudefduf A. vaigiensis + + + + +

188 Am blyglyphidodon A. cur acao +

189 A. t er nat ensis +

190 Am phipr ion A. clar kii +

191 Chr om is C. albom aculat a +

192 Neoglyphidodon N. oxyodon + +

193 Pom acent r us P. agassizi +

194 P. azur em aculat us +

195 St egast es S. obr ept us +

196 Pr iacant hidae Pr iacant hus P. blochii + + + + + + + +

197 P. ham r ur + + + + + +

198 P. m acr acant hus + +

199 Scar idae Chlor or us C. m icr or hinus +

200 C. bleeker i + + +

201 C. sor didus + +

202 Hipposcar us H. har id +

203 H. longiceps +

204 Scar us S. lat ipinnis +

205 S. fr enat us + +

206 S. ghobban + + + + + + +

207 S. globiceps +

208 S. niger + + + +

209 S. oviceps + + +


211 S. quoyii + +

212 S. r ivulat us +

213 S. t r icolor + +

214 S. schelegeli +

215 S. r ubr oviolaceus + + + + +

216 S. fest ivus +

217 Scom br idae Scom ber oides S. com m er soni +

218 S. lysan + +

219 Thunnus Thunnus sp. 1 + + +

220 Scom ber om or us S. cavalla +

221 Ser r anidae Aet haloper ca A. r ogaa + + + +

222 Anyper odon A. leucogr am m icus +

223 Cephaloph olis C. ar gus + + + + +

224 C. boenak +

225 C. leopar dus +

226 C. m iniat a + + + + + + + + +

227 C. sexm aculat a + + + + + + +

228 C. sonner at i + + + + + + + +

229 C. nigr ipinnis + + + + + + + +

230 C. ur odet a + + +

231 C. spilopar aea + + + + + + +

232 Epinephelus E. caer uleopunct at us + +

233 E. coioides + + +

234 E. fasciat us + + + + + + + + + +

235 E. hexagonat us +

236 E. longispinis + + + +

237 E. ar eolat us + + +

238 E. m acr ospilos + +

239 E. bleeker i +

240 E. m alabar icus + +

241 E. m er r a + + + + + + + + +

242 E. ongus +

243 E. houlandi +

244 E. polyphekadion +

245 E. quoyanus + + + + + +

246 E. t auvina + +

247 E. spilot oceps + + + +

248 E. undulat us +

249 Gr acila G. albom ar ginat a + +

250 Plect r opom us P. punct at us +

251 Var iola V. lout i + + + + +

252 V. albim ar ginat a + + + + + + + + +

253 Sphyr aenidae Sphyr aena S. bar acuda + + + +

254 S. fost er i + +

255 S. flavicauda + + + +

256 S. heller i + +

257 S. j ello + + + +

258 S. qenie +

259 Synodont idae Synodus S. j aculum +


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