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The Development of Agriculture and Trade Relations in the Caucasus in the Early 20th Century


Academic year: 2016

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Copyright © 2015 by Sochi State University

Published in the Russian Federation

Bylye Gody

Has been issued since 2006.

ISSN: 2073-9745

E-ISSN: 2310-0028

Vol. 38, Is. 4, pp. 1039-1046, 2015


UDC 94 +33

The Development of Agriculture and Trade Relations in the Caucasus in the Early 20th Century

1 Tatiana E. Gvarliani 2 Evgeniya V. Vidishcheva

3 Ilya M. Rassolov

1 International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research, Russian Federation Dr (Economy), Professor

2 Sochi State University, Russian Federation PhD (Economy), Associate professor

3 Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russian Federation Doctor of legal Sciences, Associate Professor


The article analyzes the development of agriculture and trade relations in the Caucasus in the early 20th century. This article utilizes the records of Georgian national archives, pre-revolutionary periodicals and monographic literature published in pre-revolutionary, soviet and Russian contemporary periods.

The authors used the research methods such as principles of objectivity, historicism, systematic, comprehensive accounting of the economic indicators of agriculture development and trade in the Caucasus and the maximum possible neutrality of the researcher to interpret factual material.

The authors come to the conclusion that the development of agriculture in the Caucasus after the revolutionary upheavals of 1905-1907 years in the subsequent period before the First World War entered into the stage of recovery. The reasons of this phenomenon became the discovery of significant quantities of oil, cement, manganese and other fields. The objects of the industry demanded also the additional food supply, this enabled the agriculture in the Caucasus to develop actively.

Keywords: agriculture, trade, the Caucasus, early 20th century.






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. . « 1905 »

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, . 1910

11904 , 156867 .

, –67666 . 1912

10121, , 167535 . , 95 .

. 1910 1913 68 %,

– 64 %. ,

, 79,5 %, – 66,4 % [12].

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. 1913 . ,

. , ,

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, .

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, 1905–1906 . .

, - . ,

1913 . , – .



, .

1911 . ,

307,7 .

18,6 . [16]. 231,8 .

49,9 . ,

326,3 ., 281,7 . 44,6

. ,


, . .

, 180 [17].

- , .

. , ( , , ) 1913 .

115, 1905 . 28, . . , 4 .

- 1913 . 500 .,

3,5 1905 (150 .).


1905 1:15. 1912 .

1:11 [18].

. .

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, ,

, ., , , . .

1913–1914 . 634 (

-). 4,6 ,

8 15


, 574 . ,


5 ,



1913 . 361 ,

68,4 12 .

: ,

300 . ., 1500 . .,

, , , , ,

16 . 65 . , – 2 .

52 . [19].


. .

151 372 ,

240 41 132 .

99 241 , 62 134

38 107 .

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. 1912 .

, 1913 .

. ,

, .


, ,

. ,

, 80 . .

29 , 50 % ,

– – [20].


1906–1912 .

( ) [21]

1906 296,6 49,8 35,0 120,2 78,9 239,1 231,2

1907 334,0 56,2 31,5 94,3 140,0 237,5 120,9

1908 316,9 48,4 36,0 76,6 167,0 278,0 83,7

1909 332,2 56,0 42,4 127,6 201,0 299,8 101,3

1910 349,8 62,8 63,1 190,0 242,9 304,5 240,4

1911 381,1 70,0 - 146,7 237,2 - 284,0

1912 351,05 75,0 40,6 - 227,5 358,7 -

1913 [22] 342,2 94,0 154,6 247,7 - - 257,1

1914 342,0 53,5 46,7 124,8 - 216,5 147,1


, ; – , , , .

: , , , ; – ,

, [23].

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1) ;

2) .

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, . 2 . .


. .

1912 . 302 .

122 .

, [26].


, , , , , ,

. ,


, .

, , ,

. , , - .

, , , ,

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. 1905 .



. , [28].

1913 .

37 % , , ,

, ., 63 % , .

37 % 35 %

( ); 1,5 %

0,36 % – [29].




, , , ,


1913 . .

, ,

( , ), ,

, 200–300 . ,

XVII , .


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, ,




. 1905

4574 . , 342610 ,

219820 : 1912 19981,67 .,

4470433 4114705 . ,

, 5 [32].


, .

, , [33].

, , 1907 .

, – [34].

30 1907 . , ,

, , 800 .

« » : « ,

. » [35].

, ,

. 100 .

227 6 ,

, - ,

-. « ».

. [36].


. ,


1908 . ,

120 . [38].

, ,

. . . , 1911 . ,


3 1911 . ,

, , ,


, ,



, , . .




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