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ANA PAULA MOTA DA COSTA E SILVA. Curriculum Vitae. I. Personal Data


Academic year: 2022

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I. Personal Data

Full name: Ana Paula Mota da Costa e Silva

Address: Faculdade de Direito, Alameda da Universidade 1649-014 Lisboa

Telephone numbers: +351 217906708; +351962837189 E-mail address: paulacostasilva@icloud.com

II. Current activities

Full professor at the Faculty of Law of the Lisbon University

Member of the Board of the Portuguese Association for Arbitration (Associação Portuguesa de Arbitragem)

Member of the Consulting Counsel of Concórdia – Centre for Conciliation, Dispute Mediation and Arbitration (Concórdia – Centro de Conciliação, Mediação de Conflitos e Arbitragem)

Chair of the Institute for Brazilian Law (Instituto de Direito Brasileiro)

Chair of the Board of Directors of the Securities Institute (Instituto dos Valores Mobiliários)

Legal Consultant and Arbitrator

Counsel at the Portuguese and Brazilian Bar Associations

III. Practice in Arbitration - Arbitrator (chair and member) in ad hoc arbitrations

- Arbitrator for the Commercial Arbitration Centre (Centro de Arbitragem Comercial)

- Arbitrator at the Centre for Voluntary Institutionalised Arbitration of the Securities Institute (Centro de Arbitragem Voluntária Institucionalizada do Instituto dos Valores Mobiliários)


2 - Arbitrator at the Centre for Voluntary Institutionalised Arbitration of the Portuguese Association of Intellectual Property Rights (Centro de Arbitragem Voluntária Institucionalizada da Associação Portuguesa de Direito Intelectual)

- Arbitrator at the Chamber of Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration of the Bahia Commercial Association (Câmara de Conciliação, Mediação e Arbitragem da Associação Comercial da Bahia)

- Arbitrator at Concórdia – Centre for Conciliation, Dispute Mediation and Arbitration (Concórdia – Centro de Conciliação, Mediação de Conflitos e Arbitragem)

- Arbitrator for the ARBITRARE – Arbitration Centre for Industrial Property, Domain Names, Companies and Designations –(Centro de Arbitragem para a Propriedade Industrial, Nomes de Domínio, Firmas e Denominações)

IV. Academic qualifications

Graduated, Master, PhD and Agregada in Law; Lisbon University Faculty of Law

V. Teaching Activities

Responsible for the subjects of Arbitration Law, Securities Law, Civil Procedure Law and Legal Theory in the undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degree programmes at the Lisbon University Faculty of Law (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa).

VI. Links with Brazilian Universities

Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Bahia (Universidade Federal da Bahia)

Contributing Professor at the Federal University of Bahia (Universidade Federal da Bahia)

Visiting Professor at the postgraduate programme at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Faculty of Law (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)

Visiting Professor at the postgraduate programme at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Estatal do Rio de Janeiro)


3 VII. Publications in the field of Arbitration

- co-authorship with Duarte Gorjão Henriques, Arbitration in swaps: the Portuguese experience, Arbitration International, December 2017, volume 33, Issue 4

- Impartiality and Independence of the Arbitrators, Portuguese Arbitration Day, CIETAC, Beijing, September 2017, academia.edu.

- Revisiting stability and changeability of the res iudicata in arbitration: when future refutes prognosis (Revisitando a estabilidade e a modificação do caso julgado arbitral: quando o futuro desmente a prognose), in co-authorship with Nuno Trigo dos Reis, Spain Arbitration Review, n.º 28/2017, 83-94x

- The arbitrability of the request to overturn the arbitral award: expanding arbitation to an unlikely realm (A arbitrabilidade da pretensão anulatória de decisão arbitral: expansão da arbitragem a um domínio improvável), Portuguese Bar Review (Revista da Ordem dos Advogados), Year 75, I/II, 2015 (published in 2016), 39-53; Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação (Arbitration and Mediation Review), n.º 47 (2015), 233-244

- Value of the claim and causes for the value in arbitration procedures (Valor da causa e causas do valor nos processos arbitrais), in Studies of Arbitration Law, in homage of Mário Raposo (Estudos de Direito da Arbitragem em Homenagem a Mário Raposo), Catholic University Publishing, Lisbon, 2015, 199-209

- Translation with Duarte Gorjão Henriques of Essay "BIT's", "BAT's" and

"BUT's": reflections on international dispute resolution (Ensaio “BIT’s”, “BAT’s” e

“BUT’s”: reflexões sobre a resolução de litígios internacionais), from Gary Born, Arbitration and Mediation Review (Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação), Year 11, 42, July-September 2014, 191-211

- The request for modification of the res iudicata in arbitration – a forgotten challenging method (Acção modificativa do caso julgado arbitral – um meio de impugnação esquecido), in co-authorship with Nuno Trigo dos Reis, Portuguese Bar Review (Revista da Ordem dos Advogados), Year 74, II, 425-441

- Exceptional legal standing, procedure and arbitral award: the eternal return to the transfer of disputed assets or rights during the proceedings (Legitimidade extraordinária, procedimento e decisão arbitral: o eterno retorno à transmissão da coisa ou direito em litígio na pendência da ação), in Civil Procedure in the Brazilian and


4 Iberoamerican Traditions (Processo Civil nas Tradições Brasileira e Iberoamericana), Conceito Editorial, Florianópolis, 2014

- Infringement of the right to an inter partes hearing and irregularity when constituting the arbitral tribunal (Preterição do contraditório e irregularidade de constituição de tribunal arbitral), in Procedure Review (Revista de Processo), Year 37, 212, October 2012

- co-authorship with Marco Gradi, Third party involvement in voluntary arbitration proceedings under Portuguese and Italian law (A intervenção de terceiros no procedimento arbitral no direito português e no direito italiano) Brazilian Arbitration Review (Revista brasileira de arbitragem), Year VIII, nº 28 (oct/nov/dec 2010), 41-92

- Arbitrability and collective supervision in the litigation of company resolutions (Arbitralidade e tutela colectiva no contencioso das deliberações sociais), in Studies in Homage of Professor Doctor Carlos Ferreira de Almeida (in Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Carlos Ferreira de Almeida) , Almedina, Coimbra 2011

- The New Face of Justice. Extrajudicial means of conflict resolution (A Nova Face da Justiça. Os meios extrajudiciais de resolução de controvérsias), Coimbra Editora, Coimbra 2009

- De minimis non curat praetor. Access to the legal system and alternative means of conflict resolution: effective alternativity and complementarity (De minimis non curat praetor. O acesso ao sistema judicial e os meios alternativos de resolução de controvérsias: alternatividade efectiva e complementaridade) RePro 158 (Year 33;

April 2008), 93-106 [The Law (O Direito), Year 140 (2008), 735-752]

- Debating Voluntary Arbitration Law (Lei de Arbitragem Voluntária em Debate), coordinated by Antonio Teixeira Duarte, AA.VV., II Collection of texts published in News Letter GRAL, February 2008

- Execution of national and foreign arbitration awards in Portugal (A execução em Portugal de decisões arbitrais nacionais e estrangeiras), Intervention at the I National Arbitration Congress (I Congresso Nacional de Arbitragem) (2007), Portuguese Bar Review (Revista da Ordem dos Advogados),Year 67, 629-682 (= I National Arbitration Congress by the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (I Congresso Nacional de Arbitragem da Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portuguesa), Commercial Arbitration


5 Centre (Centro de Arbitragem Comercial), Contributions, Almedina, Coimbra 2008, 131- 180

- Debating Voluntary Arbitration Law (Lei da Arbitragem Voluntária em debate), coordinated by António Teixeira Duarte, AA.VV., News Letter DGAE, nº 7 (September 2006), 9, 14-16, 18

-The arbitrability of interim measures under the Portuguese and Brazilian Law (Arbitrabilidade de medidas cautelares nos direitos português e brasileiro), Brazilian Arbitration Review (Revista brasileira de arbitragem), n. 4 (2005), 65-84

- The arbitrability of interim measures (Arbitralidade de medidas cautelares), Portuguese Bar Review (Revista da Ordem dos Advogados),, Year 63 (April 2003), 211-235 - Means of challenging awards handed down in voluntary arbitration under Portuguese national law (Os meios de impugnação de decisões proferidas em arbitragem voluntária no direito interno português), Portuguese Bar Review (Revista da Ordem dos Advogados), Year 56 (1996), I, 179-207

VIII. Interventions in the field of Arbitration

- Speaker at the II Oxford Symposium on Comparative International Commercial Arbitration, Panel III: Precedents in International Commercial Arbitration,, in Oxford, organized by the Commercial Law Centre of University of Oxford, November 20, 2017

- Speaker at the III Luso-Brazilian Conference on Civil Procedure Law, co- organized by the Institute of Brazilian Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon and NELB, on November 2 and 3, 2017 (topic: Precedents in arbitration/Precedentes na arbitragem)

- Speaker at the conference organized by CIESP and CBAR, in São Paulo, October 26, 2017 (topic: The Arbitral Tribunal possibilities and limits for applying penalties to the parties for disloyal behaviour/Possibilidades e limites de sanção pelo tribunal arbitral à parte por comportamento desleal)

- Lecture at the Mackenzie Presbiteranian University, in São Paulo, October 25, 2017 (topic: Controversial aspects in national and international arbitration/Pontos controversos na arbitragem interna e internacional)

- Speaker at the IV Pan-American Congress on Arbitration, organized by CAM-CCBC, in São Paulo, October 23 and 24, 2017


6 - Speaker at the VII International Arbitration Meeting of Coimbra, in the panel

“The burden of proof: what can the arbitrators do?"/“Ónus da Prova – Que pode fazer o tribunal?”, , organized by José Miguel Júdice and António Pinto Leite, October 12, 13 and 14 , 2017

- Speaker at the conference "Task Force on Third-Party Funding", co-organized by International Council For Commercial Arbitration and Queen Mary University of London, in Lisbon, October 9, 2017

- Lecture at the Beijing University of International Relations, September 20, 2017 (topic: Why want to be an arbitrator?/Porquê querer ser árbitro?)

- Speaker at Portuguese Arbitration Day, organized by CIETAC, in Beijing, September 18, 2017 (topic: Impartiality and Independence of the Arbitrators)

- Lecture to the postgraduate course in Securities Law, sponsored by the Securities Institute (Instituto dos Valores Mobiliários), in June 2017 (topic: Arbitration in the financial instruments sector/Arbitragem no sector dos instrumentos financeiros)

- Lecture to the postgraduate course in Law, sponsored by the Private Law Investigation Centre of the Lisbon University Faculty of Law (Centro de Investigação de Direito Privado da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa), in June 2017 (topic:

Arbitration in the financial instruments sector/Arbitragem no sector dos instrumentos financeiros)

- Lecture to the postgraduate course in Arbitration Law, sponsored by the Private Law Investigation Centre of the Lisbon University Faculty of Law (Centro de Investigação de Direito Privado da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa), in June 2017 (topic: Stability and modification of the arbitral award/Estabilidade e modificação da decisão arbitral)

- Speaker at the IV Luso-Brazilian Workshop on Arbitration, in Lisbon, May 2017, organized by the Commercial Arbitration Centre (Centro de Arbitragem Comercial) and CAM – CCBM (topic: Corporate Arbitration: procedural particularities and institutionalised arbitration/Arbitragem societária: especificidades processuais e a arbitragem institucionalizada)

- Lecture to the postgraduate course in Arbitration Law, sponsored by the Private Law Investigation Centre of the Lisbon University Faculty of Law (Centro de Investigação de Direito Privado da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa) during


7 the 2015/2016 academic year, in March 22, 2016 (topic: Pleas for annulment [of the arbitral awards]/Fundamentos de anulação [das decisões arbitrais])

- Moderator at the II Workshop on Arbitration, under the subject Caution in international arbitration (Cautelas nas arbitragens internacionais), organized by the Private Law Investigation Centre of the Lisbon University Faculty of Law (Centro de Investigação de Direito Privado da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa), March 10, 2016

- Lecture to the course about Tax Arbitration Case Law, organized by CAAD (Lisboa) in partnership with the Tax Justice Jornals (Cadernos de Justiça Tributária) (CEJUR), in Lisbon, February 26, 2016 (topic: Compliance with the Constitution and the political opportunity of administrative arbitration/A conformidade constitucional e a oportunidade política da arbitragem administrativa)

- Lecture with Francisco Prol to the postgraduate course sponsored by the Securities Institute, in Lisbon, June 2, 2015 (topic: Arbitration and Securities Market/

Arbitragem e Mercado de Capitais)

- Speaker at the V Meeting of CIMA - Civil and Commercial Arbitration Court (Corte Civil e Mercantil de Arbitraje), organized by CIMA, in Lisbon, March 25, 2015 (topic: The Court of Appeal in arbitration/A segunda instância arbitral)

- Keynote speaker at the launching session of the Concórdia Centre – Centre for Conciliation, Dispute Mediation and Arbitration (Centro Concórdia, Centro de Conciliação, Mediação de Conflitos e Arbitragem), organized by Concórdia, in Lisbon, December 3, 2014 (topic: Arbitration: past, present and future/A arbitragem: passado, presente e futuro)

- Speaker at the conference organized by APA - Portuguese Association of Arbitration (Associação Portuguesa de Arbitragem) in partnership with Porto Commercial Association (Associação Comercial do Porto), in Porto, November 25, 2014 (topic: Challenging arbitral awards in the new Voluntary Arbitration Law: new regimes and new sticking points/A impugnação das decisões arbitrais na nova LAV:

soluções novas e pontos de atrito)

- Lecture to the course organized by the Political and Legal Sciences Institute of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa), in Lisbon, September 25, 2014 (topic:

Arbitration procedure in Portugal/O processo arbitral em Portugal)


8 - Speaker at the II Coimbra International Arbitration Meeting, October 18, 19 and 20, 2012 (topic: What can go wrong with the new Voluntary Arbitration Law?/O que poderá correr mal na aplicação da nova LAV?)

- Speaker at IV National Meeting of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, organized by Múltipla in partnership with Jus Podium, in Bahia, September 13 and 15, 2012 (topic: Private autonomy and Arbitration/Autonomia privada e arbitragem)

- Lecture to the Improvement Course for Judges-Arbitration, organized by the Paraná School of Magistrates (Escola da Magistratura do Paraná) in partnership with the Industry Arbitration Chamber of the State of Paraná (Câmara de Arbitragem das Indústrias do Estado do Paraná), August 16 and 17, 2012 (topic: Overview of the relationship between Judiciary and Arbitration in Portugal/Panorama das relações entre Poder Judiciário e Arbitragem em Portugal)

- Commentator at the session on Cooperation between Arbitral Tribunals and State Courts, integrated in the Colloquium on ADR on the topic "Alternative means of enforcing justice/Meios Alternativos de Aplicação da Justiça", organized by the School of Law of the University of Minho, November 25, 2011

- Speaker at the Seminar organized by Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles Soares da Silva § Associados on “The new Voluntary Arbitration Law/O projecto de nova Lei de arbitragem voluntária”, February 16, 2011 (topic: Challenging arbitral awards:

fundamental changes/Impugnação da decisão arbitral: alterações fundamentais) - Commentator of the intervention of Miguel Galvão Teles on “Third parties in arbitral proceedings/Intervenção de terceiros", on the Seminar organized by Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles Soares da Silva & Associados about “The new Arbitration Law”, February 16, 2011

- Commentator of the intervention of António Pinto Monteiro on “The arbitrability of interim measures/Arbitrabilidade de medidas cautelares", organized by the Faculty of Law of the New University of Lisbon, November 2010

- Commentator at the session sponsored by the Arbitration Practice Council of the Portuguese Arbitration Association (Conselho de Prática Arbitral da Associação Portuguesa de Arbitragem), February 2010 (Topic: The arbitrability of disputes/A arbitrabilidade dos litígios)

- Speaker in the postgraduate course on Commercial Law organized by the Commercial and Economic Law Centre of the Catholic University Faculty of Law


9 (Centro de Direito Comercial e de Direito da Economia da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Católica) between October 2009 and June 2010 (Topic: Challenging shareholder resolutions)

- Lecture to the postgraduate course at the Law Faculty of the University of São Paulo (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo) in May 2009 (Topic:

Arbitration in Portugal: current practice and perspectives/A arbitragem em Portugal:

actualidade e perspectivas)

- Speaker at the postgraduate course on Arbitration at Faculty of Law of the New University of Lisbon (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa) during the 2008/2009 [February 27] academic year (Topic: the arbitration process. Initiating arbitration and procedural steps. Autonomy of the arbitration process. Importance of agreements and procedural decisions. Fundamental principles and imperatives in the arbitration process. Taking of evidence in domestic and international arbitration/O processo arbitral. Início da arbitragem e passos processuais. A autonomia do processo arbitral. Importância dos acordos e das decisões processuais. Princípios fundamentais e imperativos no processo arbitral. A produção de prova na arbitragem doméstica e internacional)

- Lecture to the postgraduate course on Arbitration organized by the Faculty of Law of the New University of Lisbon (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa) during the 2007/2008 academic year (Topic: Arbitration awards. Types of arbitration awards. The problem of arbitration awards by agreement among the parties. Form and content. Means of challenging arbitration awards. Recognition and execution of arbitration awards. International law and comparative analysis of Portuguese Law. Litispendence and res iudicata in international arbitration/A decisão arbitral. Tipos de decisão arbitral. O problema da decisão arbitral por acordo das partes. Forma e conteúdo, Meios de impugnação da decisão arbitral. Reconhecimento e execução da decisão arbitral. Lei internacional e análise comparativa da lei nacional.

A litispendência e o caso julgado na arbitragem internacional)

- Speaker at the Brasília edition of the First Luso-Brazilian Symposium, part of the 200-year Anniversary Commemorations of Independent Judicial Power in Brazil, organized by the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil (Supremo Tribunal Federal do Brasil) and the Institute of Brazilian Law (Instituto de Direito Brasileiro) of the Faculty of Law of the Lisbon University, in October 2007 (Topic: Access to the legal system and


10 alternative means of conflict resolution/O acesso ao sistema judicial e os meios alternativos de resolução de controvérsias)

- Speaker at the conference-debate, organized by CICAP, in November 2006 (topic: Arbitration: publicity or privacy?/Arbitragem: publicidade ou privacidade?)

- Lecture to the postgraduate course on International Business Law (International Contracts and Arbitration) organized by the Faculty of Law of the Lisbon University during the 2005/2006 academic year (Topic: Arbitration awards/Decisão arbitral)

- Lecture to the postgraduate course on International Business Law (International Contracts and Arbitration) organized by the Faculty of Law of Lisbon University during the 2004/2005 academic year (Topic: Arbitration awards/Decisão arbitral)

- Lecture to the postgraduate course on International Business Law (International Contracts and Arbitration) organized by the Faculty of Law of Lisbon University during the 2003/2004 academic year (Topic: Arbitration awards/Decisão arbitral)

- Speaker at the seminar about “The new Securities Code”, organized by MGI, in 2000 (topic: Conflict resolution: the arbitration, the mediation and the class action/Resolução de litígios. A arbitragem, a mediação e a acção popular)

- Speaker at the seminar under the theme: “Arbitrtion – na option to consider”, organized by Portuguese Bar, in colaboration with Colégio de Abogados de Madrid and Cour Européenne d’Arbitrage in 1996 (topic: The means of redress against the arbitration award in Portuguese domestic law/As vias de recurso contra a sentença arbitral no direito interno português)

IX. Member of the review panel for Prizes for Scientific Works

- Member of the review panel for awarding the CMVM prize for scientific work in the field of law, year of the competition: 2007; meeting of the review panel:

2008; date the prize was announced: December 2008

- Member of the review panel for the 1st Wolters Kluwer Portugal Prize for articles on legal doctrine, year of the competition: 2008; meetings of the review panel:

January and February 2008; date the prize was announced: March 2008


11 - Member of the review panel for the 2nd Wolters Kluwer Portugal Prize for articles on legal doctrine, year of the competition: 2010

- Member of the review panel for awarding the CMVM prize for scientific work in the field of law, year of the competition: 2011; meeting of the review panel:


- Member of the review panel for awarding the CMVM prize for scientific work in the field of law, year of the competition: 2013; meeting of the review panel:


- Member of the review panel for awarding the CMVM prize for scientific work in the field of law, year of the competition: 2015; meeting of the review panel:


- Member of the review panel for Concurso bianual para Jóvenes Procesalistas, attributed by Iberian-American Institute of Procedural Law (Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Procesal),year of the competition: 2016; Prize awarded in Honor of Professor Doutor José Carlos Barbosa Moreira


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