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Morphometry and Ultra-structure of the Intestinal Mucosa of Broilers Fed Different Additives


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ISSN 1516-635X Jul - Sep 2007 / v.9 / n.3 / 173 - 180

M o r p h o m e t r y a n d Ul t r a -st r u ct u r e o f t h e

Int est inal M ucosa of Broilers Fed Dif f erent

Addit ives

M ail Address

Ke yw ords Aut hor(s)

Arrived: M ay / 2007 Approved: October / 2007


This study aimed at evaluating the effect of the use of different grow t h promot ers on t he morphomet ry and ult ra-st ruct ure of t he intestinal mucosa of 42-day-old broilers. A total number of 36 male Cobb broilers w as distributed in a randomized experimental design w ith a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement, w ith 3 prebiotic and 3 probiotic sources in the feed, summing up 9 treatments, w ith 4 replicates each. There w as a significant interaction (P<0.01) among the studied factor for villi height (VH) in all intestinal segments, and for crypt depth (CD) in the duodenum and the ileum. In the duodenum, higher villi w ere obtained in the control group, w ith the combination of B. subtilis and prebiotics, and w ith the single use of M OS+OA. No VH differences w ere observed betw een the control group and those fed prebiotics. In the jejunum, the highest villi w ere obtained w ith the use of the bacterial pool, follow ed by the control group, and by the use of B. subtilis. Higher villi w ere also obtained in the control group and in the groups fed M OS, w hen B. subtilis w as used in combination w ith prebiotics, and w hen the bacterial pool w as used individually or in combination w ith M OS. In the ileum, the highest villi w ere obtained w ith the individual use of B. subtilis, and w hen M OS+OA or M OS w ere individually used or in combination w ith the bacterial pool. As to duodenal CD, deeper crypts w ere observed in the control group and in those fed B. subtilis or M OS+OA. In the ileum, deeper crypts w ere also found in the control group and those fed B. subtilis. Deeper crypts w ere also found w hen the bacterial pool w as individually used or in com binat ion w it h M OS+ OA, and w it h t he individual use of M OS. It w as concluded t hat t he use of grow t h promoters w as beneficial to increase intestinal villi height w hen Bacillus subtilis w as used in combination w ith prebiotics. The other grow th promoters (M OS+OA, M OS, and bacterial pool), can be individually used in most sit uat ions. The t est ed grow t h promot ers did not inf luence intestinal villi density.


The present production systems commonly use antibiotics, either in therapeutic doses to prevent and to control diseases, or in subtherapeutic doses, aiming at grow th promotion and performance improvement. How ever, these applications may pose serious risk to human health w hen improperly used. The presence of antibiotic residues in animal products may cause many disorders in consumers – from allergy reaction to the possibility of resistance development and consequent selection of resistant microorganisms (Witte, 2000; Gomes & Demoly, 2005). In t his sense, many count ries, including Brazil, have been researching alt ernat ive product s t o replace t he t radit ional ant ibiot ic grow t h promoters, such as prebiotics and probiotics.

Pelicano ERL1

Souza PA1

Souza HBA1

Figueiredo DF2

Amaral CM C2

1 Dep ar t am en t o d e Tecn o lo g ia - FCA V/

UNESP. Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil.

2 Depart am ent o de M orf ologia e Fisiologia

Animal - FCAV/UNESP. Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil.

Elizabete Regina Leone Pelicano Depto de Tecnologia - FCAV/UNESP Via de Acesso Prof. Paulo D. Castellane, s/n Zona Rural

14.870-000. Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil Phone: 16 3203 7342

E-mail: erlpelicano@yahoo.com.br

Broilers, probiotics, prebiotics, digestive system, intestinal villi.

The aut hors t hank Fundação de Am paro a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) for providing financial resources.


Probiotic action can be explained by mechanisms, such as the production of antimicrobial substances and organic acids, protection of villi and absorptive surfaces against toxins produced by pathogenic microorganisms, an d im m u n e syst em st im u lat io n (Vicen t , 1 9 5 9 ; Dobrogosz et al., 1991; Ew ing & Cole, 1994; Walker & Duff, 1998; Pelicano et al., 2002). According to Fox (1 9 8 8 ), o n e o f t h e essen t ial r eq u isit es f o r t h e est ab lish m en t o f m icro o rg an ism s in a ch an g in g environment, such as the gastrointestinal tract, is their ab ilit y t o at t ach t o t h e su rf ace o f t h e in t est in al epithelium. This suggests that one w ay to prevent the colonization of this environment by pathogenic bacteria is t o sat urat e epit helial binding sit es by benef icial microorganisms, thereby preventing the attachment of pathogens. This mechanism is presently designated as the “ competitive exclusion” principle.

On the other hand, prebiotics act by reducing the replication of several intestinal bacteria – pathogenic or not – due to pH reduction caused by the increase of lactic acid levels in the cecca (Choi et al., 1994). Some bacteria recognize the binding sites of M OS as intestinal m ucosa biding sit es, t heref ore reducing int est inal colonization by pathogenic bacteria. Consequently, in addition to a low er incidence of infection, the mucosa is able t o f ully perf orm it s secret ion and nut rient digestion and absorption functions (Iji & Tivey, 1998). Several authors reported positive effects of prebiotics on the intestinal mucosa. M acari & M aiorka (2000) observed a significant increase in villi height in the three sections of the small intestine of one-w eek-old broilers w ith the addition of M OS, and Dionizio (2001) found higher duodenal villi w ith the use of prebiotics (FOS, lact ose, M OS, and sucrose) in 21- and 42-day-old broilers.

Therefore, this study aimed at evaluating the effects o f t h e u se o f p r o b io t ics, p r eb io t ics, an d t h eir combination on histological and morphological indexes of the intestinal mucosa of 42-day-old broilers.


Locat ion and Experim ent al Period

The present study w as carried out in the Optical M icroscopy and Scan Electron M icroscopy laboratories of the School of Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences – FCAV/UNESP, Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil.

Birds and M anagem ent

The experiment initially used 1260 Cobb male broiler chicks, distributed in 9 treatments w ith 4 replicates of

3 5 b ird s each . M o rp h o m et ry an d u lt ra-st ru ct u re analyses w ere carried out in 36 birds (4 per treatment), w ith 2.5-kg average live w eight at 42 days of age.

Birds w ere subm it t ed t o st andard m anagem ent commonly adopted in commercial broiler production. Birds w ere housed in a conventional masonry broiler house divided into 36 pens (35 birds/pen) measuring 3.20 m x 1.46 m (bird density: 8 birds/m2), w ith ± 5-cm thick w ood shavings litter, and equipped w ith chick tube feeders, and aluminum pressure drinkers. During the first rearing w eeks, chicks w ere brooded under infra-red lamps. After the second w eek of age, 20 kg capacity tube feeders, and automatic bell drinkers w ere introduced.

Birds w ere vaccinat ed in t he hat chery against M arek’ s disease, and in t he broilers house against Infectious Bursal disease and New castle disease.

Environmental temperature and air relative humidity w ere daily recorded, and curt ains and f ans w ere managed to ensure bird thermal comfort. Feed and w ater w ere offered ad libitum.

Experim ent al Design and Treat m ent s

Birds w ere distributed in a completely randomized experimental design in a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement w ith 3 probiotic dietary sources (no probiotic, probiotic 1, probiot ic 2) and 3 prebiot ic diet ary sources (no prebiotic, prebiotic 1, prebiotic 2), w ith a total of 9 treatments w ith 4 replicates of 36 birds each.

The follow ing treatments w ere applied: 1 - Control (n o g ro w t h p ro m o t er); 2 Bacillu s su b t ilis; 3 -Lactobacillus acidophilus and casei, Streptococcus lactis and faecium, Bifidobacterium bifidum, and Aspergillus oryzae (bacterial Pool); 4 – phosphorylated mannan oligosaccharide (M OS) and Organic Acidifier (OA); 5 -M OS; 6 - Bacillus subtilis + -M OS and OA; 7 - Bacillus subtilis + M OS; 8 Bacterial pool + M OS and OA; 9 -Bacterial pool + M OS.

Gr o w t h p r o m o t e r l e v e l s i n t h e experim ent al f eeds

Grow th promoter levels w ere added according to the manufacturors’ recommendations:

• Probiotic, based on Bacillus subtilis, w as added at 150 g/ton feed during all rearing phases (01 -42 days of age);


• Prebiotic, based on M OS and AO, w as added at 2 kg/ton feed in the starter phase (01 - 21 days) and 1.5 kg/ton thereafter (22 - 42 days of age); • Prebiotic, based on M OS, w as added at 1 kg/ ton feed in the starter phase (01 - 21 days) and 0.5 kg/ton feed thereafter (22 - 42 days of age);

Experim ent al f eeds

Feeders w ere filled using dedicated spoons in order t o prevent cross-cont am inat ion of m icroorganism s among treatments. The same procedure w as adopted w ith the material used for cleaning the drinkers.

Birds w ere offered w ater and feed ad libitum during the entire experimental period, w hich w as divided in three phases. During the starter phase (01-21 days), b ir d s w er e f ed d iet s co n t ain in g 3 0 0 0 k cal/ k g metabolizable energy, 21.4% crude protein, 1.263% lysine, 0.561% methionine, 0.960% Ca, and 0.450% available P. Grow er diets (22-35 days) contained 3100 kcal/kg metabolizable energy, 19.3% crude protein, 1.156% lysine, 0.514% methionine, 0.874% Ca, and 0 .4 0 6 % availab le P. Fin ish er d iet s (3 6 -4 2 d ays) contained 3200 kcal/kg metabolizable energy, 18% crude prot ein, 1.040% lysine, 0.445% met hionine, 0.800% Ca, and 0.365% available P. Other nutrient levels w ere added according to the recommendations of Rostagno et al. (2000).

St at ist ical analysis

Data w ere submitted to analysis of variance using Estat 2.0 (1992) softw are, and means w ere compared using t he t est of Tukey at 5% signif icance level (P<0.05).

Evaluat ed param et ers

M orphometry (Optical M icroscopy)

After 12-hour fasting, birds w ere sacrificed, and duodenum, jejunum, and ileum sections w ere collected to perform optical microscopy analysis. After collection, these sections w ere fixed in Bouin’s solution for 48 hours. Sam ples w ere t hen dehydrat ed in graded ethanol concentrations (70% up to absolute), cleared in xylol, embedded in paraffin, cut in microtome at a 5-µm sections, and stained w ith M asson’s trichrome.

The morphometric study of intestinal villi height and crypt depth (in µm) w as carried out using an image-analyzing system (Kontron Elektronik – Video Plan), coupled to a binocular microscope (Carl Zeiss). Villi height w as measured from the basal region, w hich corresponded to the higher section of the crypts, to the apex. Crypts w ere measured from the base up to

the crypt-villus transition region. Fifty villi height and crypt depth readings w ere performed per treatment/ intestinal section, w ith a total of 2,700 readings.

Ultra-structure (Scanning Electron M icroscopy) After 12-hour fasting, birds w ere sacrificed, and duodenum, jejunum, and ileum sections w ere collected t o perf orm scanning elect ron m icroscopy analysis. These sect ions w ere f ixed in glut araldehyde f or 24 hours, fixed in phosphate buffer 0.1 M , pH 7.4, post-fixed in osmium tetroxide at 1% for 2 hours, w ashed in the same buffer, and dehydrated in graded ethanol series, from 30% , 50% , 70% , 80% , 95% to 100% (absolute), w here samples w here w ashed three times. Samples w ere then processed in a critical-point dryer w ith liquid CO2, in a Bal-Tec apparatus, coated w ith gold/palladium in a Denton Vacuum Desk II apparatus, and observed under scanning elect ron m icroscope (Jeol-Jsm 5410).

In order t o m easure villi height , sam ples w ere electron-microphotographed in three different fields. Th e scale o f each p h o t o g rap h w as ch eck ed b y measuring observation field w idth and length, thereby resulting in the area of the photograph. Villi w ere then counted in each field (324 readings/treatment), and the villi number /µm2 w as calculated.


Table 1 presents the analysis of variance relative to villi height (VH), crypt depth (CD), and villi density data. VH and CD means are summarized in Tables 2 and 3. Table 1 show s that, except for the ileum w ith the use of prebiot ics, probiot ics and prebiot ics signif icant ly influenced VH and CD, but there w as no effect on villi density. A significant interaction w as observed among the studied factor on VH in all three intestinal segments, w hereas CD w as affected only in the duodenum and the ileum.


Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus reuteri, and L. johnsonii, w as added to the broiler feed, as compared to a control group. The result s obt ained in t he present st udy indicat e t hat in order t o obt ain bet t er duodenal morphometry, characterized by higher villi, probiotics co n t ain in g m o re t h an o n e b act erial cu lt u re are required. How ever, other literature reports show that t he use of a single bact erial cult ure is suf f icient t o in cr ease VH, su ch as t h e r esu lt s d escr ib ed b y

Dobrogosz et al. (1991), w ho observed a significant increase in intestinal villi height w ith the use of such products.

No VH differences w ere observed in the duodenum b et w een t h e co n t ro l g ro u p an d t h o se f ed o n ly prebiotics (M OS and OA, or M OS). These results do not agree w ith those reported by Dionizio (2001), w ho found an increase in VH w ith the use of diets containing M OS as compared to a control group in 42-day-old

Table 1 – Analysis of variance of morphometry data: probability of treatment effects.

Villi height Crypt depth Villi density

Causes of variation Duod. Jejunum Ileum Duod. Jejunum Ileum Duod. Jejunum Ileum

PRO 5.21* * 18.54* * 10.14* * 16.28* * 22.78* * 4.46* 3.61ns 0.13ns 0.62ns PRE 14.59* * 29.35* * 2.07ns 13.60* * 4.89* * 45.41* * 0.40ns 0.97ns 0.04ns PRO x PRE (1) 5.63* * 20.47* * 4.13* * 4.04* * 0.65ns 6.60* * 1.13ns 1.99ns 1.56ns CV (% ) 21.56 17.55 20.02 39.00 38.23 37.17 23.20 17.27 17.46


The details of interactions (PRO x PRE) for villi height and crypt depth are presented in Tables 2 and 3.

Table 2 – Details of PRO x PRE interactions for villi height in the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum of 42-day-old broilers fed in-feed probiotics and prebiotics.

Treat ment s Villi height (µm)

In-feed probiotics

No Probiotic Bacillus subtilis Pool (1) M ean

In-f eed prebiot ics Duodenum

No prebiotics 1740 Aa* 1400 Bb 1570 ABa 1570

M OS+ OA 1786 Aa 1752 ABa 1595 Ba 1711

M OS 1776 Aa 1872 Aa 1738 Aa 1795

M ean 1767 1675 1634


No prebiotic 1529 Ba 1158 Cc 1702 Aa 1463

M OS+ OA 1405 Ab 1338 Ab 1374 Ab 1372

M OS 1558 Aa 1642 Aa 1601 Aa 1600

M ean 1797 1379 1559


No prebiotic 1225 Aab 1169 Aa 1195 Aa 1196

M OS+ OA 1267 Aa 1017 Bb 1163 Aa 1149

M OS 1132 ABb 1100 Bab 1214 Aa 1148

M ean 1208 1095 1190

(* ) M eans follow ed by the same capital (small letter) in the same row (column) are not different (p>0.05) by the test of Tukey; LSM (Duodenum) = 172; LSM (Jejunum) = 122; LSM (Ileum) = 110. (1) Probiot ic based on Lactobacillus acidophilus and casei, Streptococcus lactis and faecium, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Aspergillus oryzae .

Tabela 3 - Details of PRO x PRE interactions for crypt depth in the duodenum, and ileum of 42-day-old broilers fed in-feed probiotics and prebiotics.

Treat ment s Crypt dept h (µm)

In-f eed probiot ics

Sem Probiotic Bacillus subtilis Pool (1) M ean

In-f eed prebiot ics Duodenum

No prebiotic 328 Aa* 284 Aa 220 Ba 277

M OS+ OA 325 Aa 247 Bab 257 Ba 276

M OS 238 Ab 209 Ab 225 Aa 224

M ean 297 246 234


No prebiotic 281 Aa 259 Aa 213 Ba 251

M OS+ OA 182 Ab 180 Ab 214 Aa 192

M OS 190 Ab 173 ABb 147 Bb 170

M ean 218 204 191


broilers. In the present study, higher duodenal VH w as observed w ith the association of Bacillus subtilis w ith prebiotics, as w ell as w ith the individual use of M OS + OA. In the duodenum, it w as deduced that the use of probiotics is more beneficial w hen these are associated w ith prebiotics, but the same is not true as to prebiotics. In t he jejunum , VH decreased according t o t he follow ing order: w ith the individual use of the bacterial pool, f ollow ed by diet s w it h no grow t h prom ot er inclusion, and finally by diets including only Bacillus subt ilis. As observed in t he duodenum, t he use of probiotics consisting of several bacterial cultures again in creased jeju n al VH as co m p ared t o p ro b io t ics cont aining a single bact erial cult ure. According t o Andreatti Filho & Sampaio (2000), a higher number of bacterial species seems to determine higher probiotic ef f icacy as com pared t o product s w it h a reduced number of species. Therefore, w e can deduce that the higher number of bacterial species contained in the bacterial pool ensure better protection of the villi and of the absorptive surface, having direct influence in the increase of villi height. In addition, according to Cera et al. (1988), maximal absorption and digestion capacity, provided by a large luminal area, w ith high villi and mature enterocytes, is essential for the animals’ development.

Higher VH w as also observed in birds f ed diet s co n t ain in g o n ly M OS an d d iet s w it h n o g ro w t h promoter as compared to those fed diets containing M OS + OA. According to Oyofo et al. (1989 a,b,c), M OS reduces t he colonizat ion of t he int est ine by enteropathogenic bacteria by blocking the binding sites of the intestinal mucosa receptors to bacterial fimbriae. Therefore, the higher VH in the groups fed M OS may result from a low er colonization by pathogenic bacteria, t hereby m aint aining t he int egrit y of t he int est inal mucosa, w hich t hen be able t o realize it s nut rient digestion and absorption functions. Also, in the jejunum, higher VH w as observed w hen Bacillus subtilis w as associated w ith prebiotics, and w hen the bacterial pool w as used individually or associate w ith M OS. It w as again observed t hat t he use of probiot ics is m ore beneficial w hen it is associated w ith prebiotics. Balog et al. (2007) observed that the inclusion of a symbiotic (probiot ic + prebiot ic) in f ree-range broiler diet s sig n if ican t ly im p ro ved p ro d u ct io n p erf o rm an ce; h o w ever, t h is p ro d u ct d id n o t ch an g e ep it h elial m orphom et ry (villi height and crypt dept h) in all evaluated small intestinal segments.

In t he ileum , no VH dif f erences w ere observed betw een the groups fed only Bacillus subtilis or the

bacterial pool as compared to the control group. These results are consistent w ith those obtained and reported by Bradley et al. (1994) and Pelicano et al. (2003), w hen including probiotics in the feed of broilers from 21 to 35 days, and from 1 to 42 days of age, respectively. In the present study, although not statistically significant, again higher ileum VH w as obtained w ith the use of probiot ics cont aining several bact erial species as compared to the use of individual culture.

As to the individual use of prebiotics, higher ileal VH w as observed w ith the use of M OS associated to OA, and low er VH w hen M OS w as individually used. There w as no difference in VH w hen the control group w as compared w ith those fed prebiotics. These results disagree w it h t hose report ed by Loddi (2003) and Corneli et al. (2004), w ho did not observe differences in VH among groups fed different dietary prebiotics. How ever, these studies also show ed that both additives did not promote different villi heights as compared to the control group.

In the present study, higher VH in the ileum w as obtained w ith the individual use of Bacillus subtilis, w hen M OS + OA w ere individually used or associated w ith the bacterial pool, as w ell as w hen M OS w as used. The ileum w as the only intestinal segment that w as benef icially af f ect ed by t he individual used of t he probiotic based on Bacillus subtilis.


individual use of M OS. Savage et al. (1996) observed a significant reduction in CD values in the duodenum w hen M OS w as included in a turkey diet; how ever, Sp rin g (1 9 9 6 ) o b t ain ed h ig h er CD valu es in t h e int est inal m ucosa of broilers supplem ent ed w it h synthetic M OS. In the present experiment, higher CD values w ere observed in t he duodenum w it h t he individual use of Bacillus subtilis, as w ell as w ith M OS + OA.

Consistent w ith the results found for the duodenum, deeper crypts w ere observed in the ileum of birds that did not receive grow th promoters, as w ell in the birds fed the individual Bacillus subtilis culture. Pedroso (1999) also found deeper crypts in the ileum of layers w ith the continuous dietary inclusion of probiotics based on Bacillus subtilis. In the present study, the highest CD values w ere observed in the control groups, and the low est in the groups receiving the individual prebiotics. Similar results, albeit non-significant, w ere obtained by Loddi (2003), w ho obtained the highest CD value in the ileum of birds in the control group. We observed higher CD values w ith the individual use of M OS, Bacillus subtilis, and bacterial pool, and also w hen the bacterial pool w as used in association w ith M OS and OA.

Table 4 presents data relative to villi density per sm all int est ine segm ent of broilers f ed dif f erent probiotics and prebiotics. As evaluated w hen broilers w ere 42 days of age, villi densit y present ed t he f ollow ing decreasing order: ileum , jejunum , and duodenum (Figure 1). These results are consistent w ith those found by Yamauchi & Ishiki (1991). No differences in villi densit y w ere observed am ong broilers f ed probiotics, prebiotics, or those fed the basal diets, in all three evaluated intestinal segments.

Tabela 4 – Villi density (number of villi/1,145,306 µm2) per

sm all int est ine segm ent of 42-day-old broilers f ed in-f eed probiotics and prebiotics.

Treat ment s Villi density

Duodenum Jejunum Ileum

In-f eed probiot ics (PRO)

No Probiotics 22 32 48 Bacillus subtilis 27 31 51 Bacterial pool (1) 27 30 49

F t est 3.61ns 0.13 ns 0.62 ns LSM (% ) 5.89 5.41 8.68

In-feed prebiotics (PRE)

No prebiotic 26 32 49

M OS+ OA 24 29 50

M OS 25 32 49

F t est 0.40 ns 0.97 ns 0.04 ns LSM (% ) 5.89 5.41 8.68 PRO x PRE 1.13 ns 1.99 ns 1.56 ns

CV (% ) 23.20 17.27 17.46

W it hin t he same f act or, means f ollow ed by t he same let t er in t he same column are not different (p>0.05) by the test of Tukey; LSM -Least Signif icant M ean; CV – Coef f icient of Variat ion. (1) Probiot ic based on Lact obacillus acidophilus and casei, St rept ococcus lact is and faecium, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Aspergillus oryzae .

In the duodenum, villi w ere more dispersed, in low er numbers, and leaf-shaped, as reported by Yamauchi & Ishiki (1991) and Sato (2001). In the jejunum, villi presented a zigzag pattern, sometimes suggesting a w ave shape, w hich w as also found by Pelicano et al. (2003). According to Yamauchi & Ishiki (1991), this organization of the villi may promote a more efficient structure for nutrient absorption than w hen villi are in parallel or randomly organized. The bolus w ould travel longer in a zigzag flow than in a straight flow , allow ing m ore cont act of t he nut rient s w it h t he absorpt ive surface of the intestinal epithelium. As for the ileum, all treatment groups presented high density of tongue-shaped, making it difficult to analyze them individually.

Figure1 – Scanning electron microphotograph of intestinal villi in the duodenum (D), jejunum (J), and ileum (I) of 42-day-old broilers



The use of grow th promoters increased intestinal villi height w hen Bacillus subt ilis w as associat ed t o prebiotics. The other tested grow th promoters (M OS + OA, M OS, and bacterial pool) can be individually used in most circumstances. The tested grow th promoters did not influence villi density.


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Tabela 3  - Details of PRO x PRE interactions for crypt depth in the duodenum, and ileum of 42-day-old broilers fed in-feed probiotics and prebiotics.
Tabela 4      – Villi density (number of villi/1,145,306 µm 2 ) per sm all int est ine segm ent  of  42-day-old broilers f ed in-f eed probiotics and prebiotics.


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