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Influence of the washing process of bleached palm oil on the mitigation of 3-MCPD, 2-MCPD and glycidyl esters : Influencia do processo de lavagem do óleo de palma clarificado na mitigação de ésteres de 3-MCPD, 2-MCPD e glicidol


Academic year: 2021

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UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos





Campinas 2019





Supervisor/Orientador: Profa. Dra. Adriana Pavesi Arisseto Bragotto Co-supervisor/Coorientador: Profa. Dra. Klicia Araujo Sampaio

Campinas 2019

Dissertation presented to the School of Food Engineering of the University of Campinas in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master, in the area of FOOD SCIENCE.

Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos da Universidade Estadual de Campinas como parte dos requisitos exigidos para a obtenção do título de Mestre em CIÊNCIA DE ALIMENTOS





Claudia Aparecida Romano - CRB 8/5816

Silva, Willian Cruzeiro,

Si38i SilInfluence of the washing process of bleached palm oil on the mitigation of 3-MCPD, 2-MCPD and glycidyl esters / Willian Cruzeiro Silva. – Campinas, SP : [s.n.], 2019.

SilOrientador: Adriana Pavesi Arisseto Bragotto. SilCoorientador: Klicia Araujo Sampaio.

SilDissertação (mestrado) – Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos.

Sil1. 3-Monochloro-1,2-propanediol. 2. Glicidol. 3. Óleo de palma. 4. Refino de óleos. I. Bragotto, Adriana Pavesi Arisseto. II. Sampaio, Klicia Araujo. III. Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos. IV. Título.

Informações para Biblioteca Digital

Título em outro idioma: Influencia do processo de lavagem do óleo de palma clarificado na mitigação de ésteres de 3-MCPD, 2-MCPD e glicidol

Palavras-chave em inglês: 3-Monochloro-1,2-propanediol Glycidyl

Palm oil Refining oils

Área de concentração: Ciência de Alimentos Titulação: Mestre em Ciência de Alimentos Banca examinadora:

Adriana Pavesi Arisseto Bragotto [Orientador] Ana Paula Badan Ribeiro

Roberta Ceriani

Data de defesa: 14-02-2019

Programa de Pós-Graduação: Ciência de Alimentos

Identificação e informações acadêmicas do(a) aluno(a) - ORCID do autor: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5473-1755

- Currículo Lattes do autor: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4850520705993117



________________________________________ Profa. Dra. Adriana Pavesi Arisseto Bragotto DCA/FEA/UNICAMP


_________________________________________ Profa. Dra. Ana Paula Badan Ribeiro

DTA/FEA/UNICAMP (Membro titular)

_________________________________________ Profa. Dra. Roberta Ceriani

DPPP/FEQ/UNICAMP (Membro titular)

A ata da defesa com as respectivas assinaturas dos membros encontra-se no SIGA/Sistema de Fluxo de Dissertação/Tese e na Secretaria do Programa da Unidade.



Aos meus pais Ausione e Fernando e a minha avó Nicinha

com muito amor


6 À Profa. Dra. Adriana Pavesi Arisseto Bragotto pela orientação, disponibilidade, aprendizado, paciência e dedicação e por me manter motivado nos momentos mais difíceis.

À Profa. Dra. Klicia Araujo Sampaio pela coorientação, pela disponibilidade, aprendizado, pela sua indispensável colaboração no trabalho.

À Dra. Roseli Aparecida Ferrari por todo o ensinamento e sua formidável colaboração na parte prática e teórica do projeto.

Ao Dr. Eduardo Vicente pela ajuda, e pelo aprendizado e seu tempo dedicado a ajudar durante as análises de cromatografia gasosa e sua essencial contribuição para desenvolvimento do trabalho.

À Profa. Dra. Ana Paula Badan Ribeiro e à Profa. Dra. Roberta Ceriani por aceitarem a participar da banca do exame de qualificação e suas sugestões para o trabalho. Ao Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos e a equipe do CCQA pela oportunidade e pela ajuda com a execução dos experimentos.

A Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior pela concessão da bolsa de mestrado.

À Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo pelo financiamento do projeto (Processo número: 2016/239583).

Aos meus pais pelo suporte e por estarem comigo em todos os momentos.

Ao Felipe Andreas por todo apoio, pela compreensão, pela motivação, pelo companheirismo e por estar comigo nos momentos mais difíceis.

Ao Lucas Rezende pela amizade, pela força e todo seu apoio motivacional.

À todas as pessoas que, de alguma forma, colaboraram para a realização deste trabalho.

O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) – Código de Financiamento 001.


7 A formação de compostos tóxicos potencialmente carcinogênicos durante o processamento tem sido considerada uma importante questão em relação à segurança dos alimentos. Dentre estes compostos tóxicos, destacam-se os ésteres de cloropropanóis (3-MCPDE e 2-MCPDE) e ésteres de glicidol (GE), os quais podem ser formados durante o refino de óleos comestíveis, sobretudo no óleo de palma, bem como em diversos alimentos processados. Estas substâncias podem oferecer risco à saúde de alguns grupos populacionais devido a sua toxicidade e carcinogenicidade. Assim, para mitigar os riscos envolvidos na ingestão destes contaminantes é necessário o desenvolvimento de estratégias efetivas de redução que possam ser aplicadas em escala industrial. Os objetivos deste estudo foram investigar os solventes mais adequados a serem empregados na lavagem do óleo de palma quanto a sua capacidade de formar duas fases distintas após a lavagem; verificar o efeito da lavagem do óleo de palma clarificado com diferentes solventes sobre a redução de 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE e GE; e avaliar os parâmetros de qualidade do produto final. Foram testados os seguintes solventes: acetona, isopropanol, etanol 99,5% e etanol 70%. Foram utilizados dois tipos de lavagem as quais foram denominadas lavagem simples e dupla lavagem. A lavagem simples foi realizada em uma única etapa de lavagem, enquanto que a dupla lavagem foi executada em duas etapas na qual a primeira consistiu em utilizar etanol a 99,5% e a segunda empregou soluções hidroalcoólicas com diferentes concentrações de etanol (40% e 10%) e água. Os parâmetros de qualidade avaliados foram ácidos graxos livres, índice de peróxidos, estabilidade oxidativa e cor. Os solventes que apresentaram uma separação satisfatória foram etanol 99,5%, etanol 75% e água. A lavagem simples do óleo de palma clarificado resultou em uma redução limitada nos níveis de 3-MCPDE e 2-MCPDE de até 15,1% e 56,4%, respectivamente e provocou um aumento dos níveis de GE de até 129,6%, enquanto que a dupla lavagem reduziu ligeiramente os níveis de 3-MCPDE e o 2-MCPDE em até 17,1% e 18,1%, respectivamente e provocou uma redução significativa dos níveis de GE de até 76,9%. Não foi observada uma perda substancial na qualidade do óleo desodorizado que passou pelo processo de lavagem em comparação com uma amostra controle de óleo desodorizado (sem lavar). A redução de 3-MCPDE e 2-MCPDE pode ser atribuída à remoção de parte dos precursores clorados solúveis em etanol do óleo. A significativa redução nos níveis de


8 tratamento de lavagem poderia ser usado como uma estratégia suplementar para reduzir a formação de contaminantes no óleo de palma, especialmente os GEs.


9 The formation of toxic compounds potentially carcinogenic during food processing has been considered an important food safety issue. Among these toxic compounds, special attention has been given to monochloropropanols esters (3-MCPDE and 2-MCPDE) and glycidyl esters (GE), which can be formed during edible oil refining, especially in palm oil, as well as in several processed foods. These substances may pose a health risk to some population groups due to their toxicity and carcinogenicity. Thus, in order to mitigate the risks involved in the intake of these compounds, it is necessary to develop effective reduction strategies that can be employed on industrial scale. The objectives of this study were to investigate the most suitable solvents to be used in the washing of bleached palm oil in terms of their ability to form two distinct phases after washing; verify the effect of washing bleached palm oil using different solvents on the reduction of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE; and evaluate the quality parameters of the final product. The following solvents were tested: acetone; isopropanol; ethanol 99.5% and ethanol 70%. Two types of washing were used which were called single washing and double washing. The single washing was performed in a single washing step, whereas the double washing was performed in two steps in which the first one consisted of using ethanol 99.5% and the second one employed ethanol solutions of different concentrations (40% and 10%) and water. The quality parameters evaluated were free fatty acids, peroxide index, oxidative stability and color. The solvents that showed a satisfactory separation were ethanol 99.5%, ethanol 75% and water. The single washing of the bleached palm oil resulted in a limited reduction in the levels of 3-MCPDE and 2-MCPDE of up to 15.1% and 56.4%, respectively, and lead to an increase in GE levels up to 129.6% , whereas the double washing reduced the levels of 3-MCPDE and 2-MCPDE by up to 17.1% and 18.1%, respectively, and caused a significant reduction of the GE levels of up to 76.9%.It was not observed any substantial loss in the quality of the deodorized oil that has undergone the washing treatment compared to the control sample (non-washed deodorized oil). The reduction of 3-MCPDE and 2-MCPDE could be due to the removal of part of the ethanol-soluble chlorinated precursors from the oil. The significant reduction in the levels of GE may be associated with the removal of precursors of this contaminant present in the oil, such as diacylglycerols. Based on the results obtained



Capítulo 1 - Strategies to mitigate MCPD and glycidyl esters in refined oils and foods Figure 1. Chemical structures of the contaminants in their free and esterified forms. Adapted

from EFSA.1

Figure 2. Nucleophilic attack of chloride in the triacylglycerol structure. Adapted from Rahn

and Yaylayan.31

Figure 3. Formation of 3-MCPDE and GE by an intermediate cyclic acyloxonium ion. Adapted

from Rahn and Yaylayan.31

Figure 4. GE formation by an intramolecular rearrangement. With permission from Destaillats

et al.33

Figure 5. Interconversion between 3-MCPDE and 2-MCPDE. Adapted from Rhan and


Figure 6. Proposed mechanism for the formation of 3-MCPD diesters from DAG mediated by

a free radical. With permission from Zhang et al.35

Figure 7. Concentration of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE, and GE in different types of edible oils.

Adapted from EFSA.1

Figure 8. The main strategies reported to reduce 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE in edible oils

and foods.

Figure 9. Effect of washing bleached palm oil (BPO) with sodium thiosulfate on the formation

of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE.

Capítulo 2 - Washing bleached palm oil to reduce monochloropropanediols and glycidyl esters

Figure 1. Levels of diacylglycerols (DAG) and 3-MCPDE in BPO washed with different

solvents (single washing), after deodorisation.

Figure 2. Levels of DAG and 2-MCPDE in BPO washed with different solvents (single

washing), after deodorization.

Figure 3. Levels of DAG and GE in BPO washed with different solvents (single washing), after


Figure 4. 3-MCPDE and DAG levels in BPO washed with different solvents (double washing),

after deodorisation.

Figure 5. 2-MCPDE and DAG levels in BPO washed with different solvents (double washing),

after deodorisation.

Figure 6. GE and DAG levels in BPO washed with different solvents (double washing), after



Capítulo 1 - Strategies to mitigate MCPD and glycidyl esters in refined oils and foods

Table 1. Occurrence of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE in different types of food and vegetable oil. With permission from Arisseto et al.56

Capítulo 2 - Washing bleached palm oil to reduce monochloropropanediols and glycidyl esters

Table 1. Percentage of recovery of the solvents after partition.



Introdução geral ... 15

Capítulo 1: Revisão Bibliográfica - Strategies to mitigate MCPD and glycidyl esters in refined oils and foods ... 17

Abstract ... 18

1. Introduction ... 19

2. Chemical and physical properties ... 20

3. Toxicological aspects ... 21

4. Formation conditions and mechanisms ... 23

5. Occurrence in oils, fats and foods ... 27

6. Mitigation strategies ... 33

6.1 Removal of precursors ... 34

6.2 Modification of processing parameters ... 35

6.3 Addition of refining aids ... 36

6.4 Removal of the contaminants from the refined oil ... 37

6.5 Reducing contamination from the oil to the food ... 37

7. Analytical methods ... 38

8. Regulatory aspects ... 39

Conclusion ... 40

Acknowledgments ... 40

References ... 41

Capítulo 2 - Washing bleached palm oil to reduce monochloropropanediols and glycidyl esters... 46

Abstract ... 47

Introduction ... 48

Material and methods ... 49

Bleached palm oil ... 49

Standards ... 49

Solvents and reagents ... 50

Selection of washing solvents ... 50

Sample treatment ... 50

Single washing ... 50

Double washing ... 51



monoacylglycerols (MAG) ... 51

Determination of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE, and GE ... 52

Free fatty acids ... 52

Peroxide value ... 52

Oxidative stability ... 52

Colour ... 53

Statistical analysis ... 53

Results and discussion ... 53

Selection of washing solvents ... 53

Effects of single washing on the formation of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE ... 54

Effects of double washing on the formation of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE ... 57

Conclusion ... 61 Acknowledgments ... 62 Disclosure statement ... 62 References ... 62 Conclusão Geral ... 67 Referências ... 69 Anexos ... 81

Anexo 1. Perfil de ácidos graxos da matéria-prima (óleo de palma clarificado) ... 81

Anexo 2. Lavagem do óleo de palma clarificado com solvente; a. óleo/água; b e c. óleo/etanol 99,5%... 82

Anexo 3. Sistema de bancada montado para a desodorização das amostras ... 83

Anexo 4. Óleo de palma clarificado antes da desodorização (à esquerda). Óleo de palma de palma após desodorização (à direita) ... 84

Anexo 5. Curvas de calibração. A) 3-MCPD; B) 2-MCPD; C) Glicidol ... 85

Anexo 6. Cromatograma dos padrões e padrões internos do 3-MCPD, 2-MCPD e glicidol correspondente ao ponto 5 da curva de calibração ... 86

Anexo 7. Autorização da editora para inclusão do artigo publicado na dissertação ...87




A formação de compostos tóxicos durante o processamento tem sido considerada uma importante questão em relação à segurança dos alimentos. (ARISSETO et al., 2013). Dentre estes compostos, os ésteres de 3-monocloropropano-1,2-diol (3-MCPDE) e 2-monocloropropano-1,3-diol (2-MCPDE) compreendem um grupo de contaminantes químicos derivados de glicerol (1,2,3-propanotriol) que têm sido identificados em vários alimentos e ingredientes alimentares desde 2004 (EFSA, 2016; SVEJKOVSKA et al., 2004; ZELINKOVÁ et al., 2006). Estes compostos são formados a partir de lipídios e cloretos durante o processo de refino de óleos vegetais, especialmente sob as altas temperaturas empregadas na etapa de desodorização. Ésteres de glicidol (GE) também compreendem contaminantes químicos formados durante o processamento de óleos vegetais, mas através de diferentes precursores e mecanismos (PUDEL et al., 2011). O óleo de palma é o óleo que tem apresentado as maiores concentrações desses contaminantes em relação a outros óleos vegetais. Além disso, esse óleo é considerado um dos mais consumidos no mundo uma vez que participa da formulação de uma vasta gama de alimentos (EFSA, 2016; USDA, 2018).

A presença de 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE e GE na dieta é uma preocupação potencial, uma vez que estes ésteres são efetivamente hidrolisados por enzimas no trato gastrointestinal, liberando suas formas livres, 3-MCPD, 2-MCPD e glicidol, que são potencialmente tóxicas podendo apresentar riscos à saúde do consumidor, uma vez que muitos deles são considerados possíveis ou prováveis agentes carcinógenos em seres humanos (ABRAHAM et al., 2013). Assim, diversas estratégias têm sido propostas nos últimos anos para a redução efetiva desses contaminantes. De maneira geral, três abordagens independentes têm sido investigadas: remoção dos precursores; modificações dos parâmetros de processamento; e degradação ou remoção dos contaminantes formados no produto final (HAMLET et al., 2011; MATTHÄUS et al., 2011).

A formação de 3-MCPDE e 2-MCPDE durante o processamento de óleo de palma é influenciada pela presença de precursores clorados orgânicos e inorgânicos presentes na matéria-prima em combinação com altas temperaturas empregadas no


processo de refino que podem chegar a até 270 ºC (DIJKSTRA & SEGERS 2007; PUDEL et al., 2011). Para o GE, a presença de acilgliceróis parciais, como os diacilgliceróis, em altas temperaturas favorece a formação desse composto (DESTAILLATS et al., 2012). Assim, a remoção desses precursores através da lavagem do óleo pode ser uma estratégia promissora para reduzir a formação desses contaminantes. Além disso, a lavagem do óleo de palma clarificado (BPO) para mitigação de 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE e GE não foi reportada até o momento na literatura. Durante o processo de refino, outras fontes de cloro podem ser introduzidas no óleo antes da desodorização, como é o caso da utilização de terra ácida ativada com ácido clorídrico, a qual é bastante utilizada no refino do óleo de palma, dados seus benefícios em termos de redução de pigmentos nesse produto (SILVA et al., 2014). Diante do exposto, o presente trabalho pretende investigar os efeitos da lavagem do óleo de palma clarificado, antes da desodorização, sobre a formação de 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPD e GE, incluindo a seleção de solventes para lavagem e a avaliação dos possíveis efeitos deste tratamento na qualidade do óleo.

O Capítulo 1 (Revisão bibliográfica), intitulado “Strategies to mitigate MCPD

and glycidyl esters in refined oils and foods”, constitui um capítulo de livro a ser

publicado na obra: Mitigating Contamination from Food Processing pela Royal Society

of Chemistry, editado por Professor Graham A. Bonwick e Dr. Catherine S. Birch. O

capítulo apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre aspectos físico-químicos, toxicologia, ocorrência em alimentos, mecanismos de formação, estratégias de mitigação e métodos analíticos relacionados ao 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE e GE.

O Capítulo 2, publicado na revista Food Additives and Contaminants: Part

A intitulado: “Washing bleached palm oil to reduce monochloropropanediols and glycidyl esters” discute os resultados obtidos relacionados à mitigação dos


CAPÍTULO 1: Revisão Bibliográfica


Strategies to mitigate MCPD and glycidyl esters in refined oils and


Willian Cruzeiro Silvaa, Roseli Aparecida Ferrarib, Eduardo Vicenteb, Klicia Araujo Sampaioa, Adriana Pavesi Arissetoa

aSchool of Food Engineering, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Rua Monteiro Lobato 80, 13083-862 Campinas - SP, Brazil

bInstitute of Food Technology (ITAL), Avenida Brasil 2880, C. P. 139, 13070-178 Campinas - SP, Brazil

A ser publicado no capítulo 5 do livro: Mitigating Contamination from Food Processing pela Royal Society of Chemistry, editado por Professor Graham A. Bonwick e Dr. Catherine S. Birch.



The formation of toxic compounds that are potentially carcinogenic during food processing has been considered an important food safety issue. Among them, particular attention has been given to 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol esters (3-MCPDE), 2-monochloropropane-1,3-diol esters (2-MCPDE) and glycidyl esters (GE), which can be formed during edible oil refining, especially in palm oil. These contaminants can also occur in a variety of processed foods and the highest concentrations have been found in those that use refined oils in their formulation. 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE are formed at high temperatures mainly in the deodorization step of the edible oils refining process, and different mechanisms have been suggested. So far, several strategies have been proposed to mitigate these contaminants in edible oils, including the removal of precursors from the oil prior to deodorization, modifications of processing parameters, the addition of refining aids to prevent the formation of the contaminants during processing, and degradation or removal of the contaminants formed in the refined oil. Moreover, strategies to minimize the contamination of fried foods due to oil uptake during frying have been investigated.


1. Introduction

The esterified forms of monochloropropanediols (MCPDE) and glycidol (GE) are a group of processing contaminants formed during edible oil processing, especially in the refining steps in which high temperatures are employed.1 MCPDEs are formed from acylglycerols and chlorides, presenting two positional isomers known as 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol esters (3-MCPDE) and 2-monochloropropane-1,3-diol esters (2-MCPDE). Glycidol is an organic compound structurally characterized by a glycerol molecule containing epoxide and alcohol functional groups. These substances have attracted worldwide attention since their free forms (3-MCPD, 2-MCPD e glycidol) have shown toxicity and carcinogenicity in animal models.2

In recent years, significant levels of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE, and GE have been found in processed foods and edible oils. The highest concentrations of these contaminants have been observed in palm oil; however, other vegetable oils have presented substantial amounts, such as palm kernel oil, corn oil, and coconut oil, among others.1 In addition, high concentrations have been found in foodstuffs that use refined oils in their production such as infant formulas, biscuits, crackers, potato chips.1,3

These compounds are not present in the raw material, but can be formed through chemical reactions under high temperatures, such as those employed in the deodorization step of the refining process of oils. Above 140 ºC, detectable amounts of these contaminants can be found in refined oils.4 Depending on the type of the oil, the deodorization step requires high temperatures (180 – 270 ºC) to remove free fatty acids (FFA) and other compounds, which is a critical factor for the formation of these contaminants.5–7 Other factors have been identified to play an important role in the contamination of refined oils, such as the presence of potential precursors that include chlorinated compounds and partial acylglycerols.

Considering the consumer exposure to these chemicals through the diet and potential risks to health, it is of utmost importance to develop means to mitigate the formation of these contaminants in food products. Thus, some strategies have been investigated using different approaches that include: removal of precursors from the crude oil; modifications of the processing parameters; addition of substances that can prevent the formation of the contaminants during processing; and removal of the contaminants formed in the refined oil.8,9 This chapter provides a comprehensive


review of these strategies, as well as an overview of toxicity, formation, occurrence, regulation and methods of analysis for 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE in refined oils and foods.

2. Chemical and physical properties

Figure 1 illustrates the chemical structures of free and bound forms of monochloropropanediols and glycidol. Both of them occur in several foods and food ingredients, but the esterified form, bound to fatty acids, is the mostly common.1

Free 3-MCPD (molecular weight of 110.54 g/mol) is a hygroscopic colorless liquid with a pleasant odor. It is soluble in water, alcohol, diethyl ether, and acetone. Its boiling point is 213 ºC at 760 mmHg.1 2-MCPD is a positional isomer of 3-MCPD. Their chemical structures differ only in the position of the chlorine atom which confers to 2-MCPD similar chemical and physical properties. As 3-MCPD, 2-MCPD has a molecular weight of 110.54 g/mol and density of 1.3218 g/cm3 at 20 ºC.1 Glycidol is colorless and odorless liquid with a molecular weight of 74.08 g/mol. Its boiling point is 162 ºC and density at 20 ºC is 1.143 g/cm3. It is miscible in water, alcohols, ketones, esters, ether, and aromatic compounds.10

Considering the bound forms, the most common fatty acids that esterify to 3-MCPD, 2-MCPD and glycidol are lauric acid (C12:0), myristic acid (C14:0), palmitic acid (C16:0), stearic acid (C18:0), oleic acid (C18:1), linoleic acid (C18:2) and linolenic acid (C18:3).11 Since glycidol has only one hydroxyl in its structure, it can be esterified to one fatty acid, whereas 3-MCPD and 2-MCPD can each form monoesters and diesters. When bound to fatty acids, the solubility of these compounds in non-polar solvents increases and decreases in polar solvents given the non-polar character of fatty acids.1


Free 3-MCPD Free 2-MCPD Free Glycidol

3-MCPD monoester 3-MCPD diester Glycidyl ester

2-MCPD monoester 2-MCPD diester

R- alkyl group

Figure 1. Chemical structures of the contaminants in their free and esterified forms.

Adapted from EFSA.1

3. Toxicological aspects

Toxicity has been mainly attributed to the free forms of monochloropropanediols (3-MCPD and 2-MCPD) and glycidol. However, the esterified forms are hydrolyzed by lipases in the intestinal tract releasing the free forms and eliciting potential toxicity.12

3-MCPD presents testicular and renal toxicity as well as the potential to induce cancer in experimental animals while glycidol is considered a genotoxic carcinogen. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 3-MCPD is classified as a possible human carcinogen (group 2B) and glycidol as a probable human carcinogen (group 2A).10,13 There is no carcinogenicity classification


for 2-MCPD given the limited data available in the literature.1 Nevertheless, it has been observed that 2-MCPD presents toxicity in rat kidneys just as 3-MCPD, but by different mechanisms.14

After oral intake, 3-MCPD esters are slowly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, with a peak concentration in plasma after 2 – 3 hours. The slow absorption can be explained by the hydrolysis reactions of the esters in the intestinal tract that retards 3-MCPD absorption.12 Experimental data shows that 3-MCPD diesters reach the maximum serum concentration of 135 ng/mL at about 2.5 h after oral intake of 1,600 mg/kg of 3-MCPD dipalmitate. Although the 3-MCPD main target organs are kidneys and testis, its metabolites have been identified in other sites such as liver, brain, thymus, intestine, spleen, and plasma.15 In vivo genotoxicity has not been observed for 3-MCPD and 3-MCPDE.16

A preliminary study by Huang et al (2018), showed that 3-MCPDE may present immunotoxicity, since an adverse effect on T lymphocyte-mediated immunity, which involves the attenuation of MAPK and NF-B signaling pathways, was observed.17

Glycidol presents genotoxicity due to the high reactivity of the epoxide ring in its structure. The electrophile nature of the epoxide ring allows glycidol to bind covalently to DNA and hemoglobin resulting in DNA adducts such as 3-(2,3 dihydroxypropyl)-dUrd and 3-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-dThd.18

For risk assessment purposes, a tolerable daily intake (TDI) is generally used for 3-MCPD, which is an estimate of the amount that can be consumed over a lifetime without presenting an appreciable risk to health. The TDI established by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is 2.0 µg/kg body weight (bw). Exposure data shows that the intake of 3-MCPD slightly exceed the current TDI for some population groups, which may pose a health risk especially for high consumers in younger age groups fed with infant formula only.19 Although the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) derived a different Provisional Maximum Tolerable Daily Intake (PMTDI, 4 µg/kg bw), the conclusions about the potential risks to infants were similar to those from EFSA.20

As glycidol is a substance that presents both genotoxicity and carcinogenicity, the Margin of Exposure (MOE) approach has been used for risk assessment. The MOE is a ratio between two factors which considers the dose at which a small but measurable response of an adverse effect is observed in a given


population and the level of human exposure to the substance. This tool does not quantify the risk of a particular substance, but it indicates the level of safety concern of a contaminant present in food.21 For glycidol, it was considered that a MOE of 25,000 or lower represents a health concern. The most alarming scenario was found for infants receiving infant formula only. The MOE found for this age group was 5,500 for the mean occurrence level and 2,100 for the 95th percentile of occurrence.1

4. Formation conditions and mechanisms

3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE are not present in quantifiable amounts in crude oils. These substances are formed during the refining process, particularly, under the deodorization conditions which apply high temperatures, usually above 200 ºC.22

Most edible oils require a refining process in order to remove undesirable compounds that may affect the oil quality such as phospholipids, FFA, pigments, volatiles and contaminants. The edible oil refining process can be carried out by two different mechanisms, either chemical refining or physical refining. The primary difference between them is that chemical refining has a neutralization step to remove FFA which includes an alkali treatment to neutralize the oil, whereas in physical refining FFA are eliminated by stripping during the deodorization step.23

The main steps of chemical refining are degumming, alkaline neutralization, followed by washing with water, bleaching and deodorization, while physical refining encompasses degumming, bleaching, and deodorization.24,25 The choice of the type of refining will depend on the individual characteristics of the crude oil such as FFA and phospholipids content as well as the costs of the process.25

The deodorization is the most critical step of the oil refining, in which odoriferous compounds such as FFA, aldehydes, ketones, peroxides, alcohols and other organic compounds are removed from the oil. Deodorization consists of a stripping process in which a given amount of a stripping agent (usually steam) is injected through the oil at high temperatures and low pressures.23,26 Deodorization has four main variables that can be adjusted by the refineries according to the type of oil and the desired final product, and these variables include temperature, pressure, stripping steam and time.27


Due to the high temperatures applied in the deodorization step (up to 260 ºC), some undesirable changes can occur in the oil affecting negatively the quality of the final product such as the formation of trans fatty acids and an increase in interesterification reaction. In addition, 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE are mainly formed in this step given the application of high temperatures.3,22,28,29 The temperature is a factor that plays an important role in the formation of these compounds. Quantifiable levels of 3-MCPDE and GE in palm oil can be observed from 140 ºC.4 In addition, above 250 ºC the concentration of GE increases exponentially with time.22

Besides the temperature, which is considered a critical variable in the formation of these contaminants, the influence of other factors has also been reported, such as the presence of chlorinated compounds in the oil that act as precursors of 3-MCPDE and 2-3-MCPDE. In vegetable oils, these compounds can be originated mainly from the endogenous metabolism of the plant and from the use of fertilizers containing chloride salts in cultivation. Moreover, the use of HCl-activated clays during the bleaching step of the refining process can also represent a source of chlorine.30 At high temperatures, the chloride present in the oil, through nucleophilic substitution, attacks the glycerol carbon resulting in fatty acid elimination and formation of 3-MCPDE (Figure 2). Alternatively, 3-MCPDE may result from a nucleophilic attack of chlorides in intermediate ions as a cyclic acyloxonium (Figure 3).31

The presence of partial acylglycerols such as diacylglycerols (DAG) and monoacylglycerols (MAG) has been associated with the formation of GE.32 The proposed mechanism involves intramolecular rearrangement that results in fatty acid elimination (Figure 4).33 In addition, cyclic acyloxonium ions can be formed at deodorization conditions and initiates the formation of GEs (Figure 3).34 Furthermore, it has been suggested that an interconversion between 2-MCPDE and 3-MCPDE through a GE intermediate can occur at high temperatures (Figure 5). 31 Also, it has been proposed that 3-MCPDE can be generated through a reaction mediated by free radicals (Figure 6).35


Figure 2. Nucleophilic attack of chloride in the triacylglycerol structure. Adapted from

Rahn and Yaylayan.31

Figure 3. Formation of 3-MCPDE and GE by an intermediate cyclic acyloxonium ion.


Figure 4. GE formation by an intramolecular rearrangement. With permission from

Destaillats et al.33

Figure 5. Interconversion between 3-MCPDE and 2-MCPDE. Adapted from Rhan

Rahn and Yaylayan.31

Figure 6. Proposed mechanism for the formation of 3-MCPD diesters from DAG


5. Occurrence in oils, fats and foods

The highest amount of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE is found in edible oils, particularly, in refined oils. Palm and palm-derived oils (palm olein and palm stearin) present the highest concentrations of these contaminants (Figure 7) due to the presence of precursors in the crude oil, such as chlorinated compounds and DAGs.4,36

Palm oil is an edible oil extracted from the mesocarp of the fruit of the Elaeis

guineensis Jacq., which has a semisolid appearance at room temperature and reddish

color due to its high content of carotenoids. This oil has a ratio of approximately 50% of saturated fatty acids and 50% of unsaturated fatty acids. The main fatty acids present in this oil are palmitic (43.4%), oleic (40%) and linoleic (10.5%).37 Palm oil can be naturally fractionated in a liquid fraction (65-70%), known as palm olein, and in a solid fraction (30-35%), known as palm stearin. The typical composition of palm oil is 87-92% triacylglycerols (TAG), 3-8% DAG, 0-0.5% MAG and 1-5% FFA.38,39

Both refined palm oil (RPO) and its fractions have been widely applied in the food industry due to their functional benefits, versatility and high productivity. These benefits include stability at high temperatures and during storage, excellent sensory attributes such as neutral odor and flavor, and creamy texture. RPO applications include the production of margarine, ice creams, wafers, fried foods, and infant formulas, among others.40


Figure 7. Concentration of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE, and GE in different types of edible

oils. Adapted from EFSA.1

MCPD and glycidyl esters are not expected to be found in unrefined oil.29 Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), for example, is a cold-pressed oil extracted from fresh olives by mechanical means. This process does not require high temperatures and, consequently, MCPD and glycidyl esters are not expected in this product. However, it has been observed that these contaminants are present in EVOO commercialized in the market. A study conducted in Brazil showed that the levels of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE in EVOO were up to 1.16 mg/Kg, 0.58 mg/Kg and 1.98 mg/Kg, respectively.41 Another work conducted in Taiwan reported levels of 3-MCPDE in EVOO up to 0.24 mg/Kg.42 Adulteration of EVOO accounts for about 24% of all food fraud records.43 In this way, MCPDE and GE content could be used as a complementary indicator of adulteration in EVOO.

Table 1 shows that these contaminants also occur in various processed foods including meat products (mostly delicatessen products), dairy products, cereal, and bakery products, fries, soups, sauces, roasted coffee, and infant formulas.1,44,45 The presence of significant amounts of MCPDE and GE in infant formulas has been raising potential concern.1,46,47

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500

Corn oil Olive oil Palm Kernel oil Peanut oil Rapeseed oil Soya bean oil Sunflower oil Walnut oil Coconut oil Palm oil (µg/Kg) GE 2-MCPDE 3-MCPDE


It has been reported that these esters are not formed endogenously in foods during processing, such as in fried foods, suggesting that these products are mainly contaminated by the oil used in frying, through a clear carry-over of the contaminants from the oil to the food.48


Table 1. Occurrence of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE in different foodstuffs and oils. With permission from Arisseto et al.56

Food group Number of


3-MCPDE [µg/kg] 2-MCPDE [µg/kg] GE [µg/kg]

Method Reference

Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range

Carbohydrate-rich products

Potato chips 5 431.4 < LOQ - 604 NR NR 1.9 ND - 9.5

GC-MS 49 Corn puffs 4 195 45 - 267 NR NR ND -Sticks 5 318.5 25 - 257 NR NR 2.3 < LOQ - 11.6 Crackers 5 449.4 112 - 748 NR NR ND -Peanuts 3 475.3 251 - 753 NR NR ND -Granola 3 375.0 206 - 513 NR NR 9.6 ND - 28.8 Muesli 3 353.6 86 - 585 NR NR ND -Flakes 3 50.3 26 - 78 NR NR ND -Sugar free biscuits 5 599.2 133 - 1501 NR NR ND -Organic farming biscuits 5 237.0 59 - 495 NR NR ND -Gluten free biscuits 4 326.3 91 - 571 NR NR ND -Baby biscuits 6 283.5 88 - 443 NR NR ND -Classic biscuits 5 590 363 - 870 NR NR ND -Bread and bread rolls 75 29 23 - 36 14 9.8 - 19 8 7.8 - 8.3 Breakfast cereals 66 26 19-33 15 10 - 20 17 16 - 18 GC-MS 1 Fine bakery wares 88 172 167 - 178 87 82 - 92 112 112 - 113 (continua)


Table 1. Occurrence of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE in different foodstuffs and oils. With permission from Arisseto et al.56 (continuação)

Food group Number of


3-MCPDE [µg/kg] 2-MCPDE [µg/kg] GE [µg/kg]

Method Reference

Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range

Edible oils and fats Olive oil 15 4.0 1.0 - 7.6 - - - - GC-MS/MS 42 Olive pomace oil 7 12.3 7.4 - 20.53 - - - - Sunflower oil 11 230 80 - 960 110 20 - 520 230 20 - 900 GC-MS/MS 50 Refined palm oil 6 1330 180 - 2480 650 80 - 1650 1870 100 - 3,550 Refined rape seed oil 5 440 30 - 510 210 10 - 310 310 10 - 1,100 Fish oil 5 - 1,500 - 5,500 - 100 - 230 - - GC-MS 51 Margarine 5 - 1,300 - 7,300 - 630 - 1,700 - - Corn oil 38 503 502 - 505 233 - 650 647 - 654 GC-MS 1 Olive oil 9 48 48 - 49 86 85 - 88 15 0 - 31

Palm kernel oil 97 624 - 270 249 - 291 421 415 - 428

Peanut oil 8 229 - 102 90 - 115 148 133 - 162

Rapeseed oil 294 232 224 - 239 109 78 - 140 166 144 - 188

Soya bean oil 191 394 392 - 396 167 159 - 175 171 157 - 186

Sunflower oil 596 521 517- 524 218 207 - 229 269 259 - 279

Coconut oil/fat 204 608 608 169 143 - 194 476 472 - 479

Palm oil/fat 501 2,912 2,912 1,565 1,563-1,566 3,955 3,954 - 3,955


Table 1. Occurrence of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE in different foodstuffs and oils. With permission from Arisseto et al.56 (continuação)

Food group Number of


3-MCPDE [µg/kg] 2-MCPDE [µg/kg] GE [µg/kg]

Method Reference

Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range

Edible oils and fats Margarine and similar products 170 408 406 - 409 159 152 - 166 361 358 - 364 GC-MS 1 Extra virgin olive oil 46 133 ND - 116 61 ND - 580 323 ND – 198 GC-MS 41 Olive oil 13 855 280 – 3,777 420 170 – 1,910 643 ND – 1,880 Oil blends 17 304 180 – 610 120 ND – 250 825 310 – 1,840 Infant formula Infant formula 40 150 ND – 630 - - 220 ND – 750 GC-MS 46

Infant formula 98 370 24 – 920 - - 84.4 < LOQ – 400 LC-MS/MS 52

Infant formula

milk powder 88 185 0 – 136 41 0 – 52 - - GC-MS 53

Beef flavoring products 6 256.3 30.6 – 501.7 NR NR NR NR UPLC-TQMS 54

Pork, beef, chicken

Cooked by gas

fired frying pan - - - - - 70 – 170 NR


Cooked by

charcoal grill - - - 67 – 1,110 NR

With permission from Arisseto et al.56

NR - Not reported in the study; ND - Not Detected; LOQ - Limit of Quantification; GC - Gas Chromatography; LC - Liquid

Chromatography; MS - Mass Spectrometry; UPLC - TQMS Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography - Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry.


6. Mitigation strategies

In order to reduce the formation of these contaminants, some strategies have been proposed with different approaches (Figure 8) that includes: the removal of precursors, such as chlorinated compounds present in the crude oil; modifications of the processing parameters, in order to modify the drastic conditions applied in the refining process; the addition of refining aids to prevent the formation of the contaminants during processing; and degradation or removal of the contaminants formed in the final product using adsorbent agents.8,9 Also, strategies to prevent the carry-over of the contaminants in fried foods due to oil uptake have been investigated. These measures will be further discussed in detail hereinafter.

It should be mentioned that the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods (CCCF) has been working on the elaboration of a code of practice for the reduction of 3-MCPDE and GE in refined oils and food products made with refined oils. The document covers a series of mitigation measures in different productions stages of edible oils that includes harvesting, milling and refining.57

Figure 8. The main strategies reported to reduce 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE in


6.1 Removal of precursors

Satisfactory results have been obtained by including a washing step of the oil prior to deodorization at the first stages of oil processing using an aqueous solution containing ethanol. This process was associated with the removal of organic chlorinated compounds and showed reductions up to 38% of the final levels of 3-MCPD esters. Washing the palm fruit pulp prior to oil extraction yielded even more satisfactory results, around 95% of reduction of 3-MCPDE.8,58 Similar results have been achieved with other types of oils. For instance, washing peanut oil with ethanol solution 50% (v/v) before deodorization reduced 3-MCPDE levels by 42.3%. As suggested in some studies, washing the oil at the early stages of palm oil refining could be more effective to remove the chlorinated precursors since these compounds at that stage are in smaller amounts and have lower lipophilicity59.

Washing bleached oil before deodorization has also been investigated and could be a potential alternative strategy to remove chlorinated compounds when HCl-activated bleaching earths are used during refining. Washing bleached peanut oil with ethanol solution using different ratio of volume before deodorization showed a reduction in the DAG levels and, consequently, a reduction on GE levels.32 In experiments performed by our research group (data not published), a sodium thiosulfate aqueous solution was tested to wash bleached palm oil (BPO) before deodorization in order to mitigate MCPDE and GE. The use of this salt could be a strategy to remove chlorinated compounds in the oil given its high reactivity with chlorine and the fact that the thiosulfate ion behaves as a good nucleophile that could attack alkyl halides, releasing halides in the reaction medium. If such attack occurred on the chlorinated precursors present in the BPO in the form of alkyl halide, it could result in a reduction of the chlorinated precursors since the chlorine resulting from that reaction would be soluble in the aqueous phase of the partition. However, it was observed that washing BPO with an aqueous solution of sodium thiosulfate 2.5% and an ethanolic solution of sodium thiosulfate 2.5% lead to a slight increase of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE, and GE levels compared to control. The possible explanation for this outcome is a salting-out effect caused by sodium thiosulfate that saturated the washing solution preventing it from solubilizing the water and ethanol-soluble chlorinated compounds. Also, the addition of the salt seems to favor the formation of DAGs, resulting in an increase of the contaminants (Figure 9).60


Figure 9. Effect of washing BPO with sodium thiosulfate on the formation of 3-MCPDE,

2-MCPDE and GE.

6.2 Modification of processing parameters

The reduction of the contaminants during refining can be achieved by reducing the harsh conditions used in the deodorization step, illustrated by the high temperature and the deodorization time which have a decisive influence on the formation of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE, and GE.26

Different alternatives have been suggested to moderate the deodorization conditions and one of them is the method known as dual deodorization. This method combines a short time deodorization at a higher temperature with a long deodorization at a low temperature. Usually, the first step is carried out at 250 – 270 ºC for a short time and a prolonged time at 200 ºC.61 This approach has been applied by industries to preserve tocopherol (Vitamin E) and tocotrienol in the oil and reduce trans fatty acid formation.62 Dual deodorization reduced the formation of 3-MCPDE and GE by up to 80% compared to conventional deodorization.61

Another possibility to reduce the formation of the contaminants by modifying the conditions of the deodorization step is the use of short path distillation. This is a distillation technique that involves the distillate moving through a short distance at a reduced pressure of 0.001–1 mbar, which allows lowering the boiling point of


substances. This technique is applied when heat sensitive components have to be distilled or to prevent the oil from physical and chemical changes that occur at high temperatures such as the formation of trans fatty acids.63

It has been observed that short path distillation produced a refined palm oil with no 3-MCPDE and low GE. However, there was a substantial loss in sensory attributes in the refined oil. Thus, this result limits the application of this technique for commercial purposes.64 Furthermore, short path distillation has some limitations in terms of up-scaling the refining process and it can increase the costs of the process.

6.3 Addition of refining aids

Another approach used to mitigate the formation of the contaminants is the addition of substances that can prevent their formation or compete with precursors for reaction with the chlorine-donating compound during deodorization.

Adding glycerol and ethanol in the oil as a refining aid could achieve about 25%–35% reduction in 3-MCPDE levels. This hypothesis is based on the ability of ethanol to form volatile chlorinated adducts that would be removed from the oil during deodorization.58

The addition of diacetin, a short-chained DAG, has been investigated since it could react with chlorinated compounds and be subsequently removed from the process due to its low boiling point.8 It has been demonstrated that diacetin could reduce the formation of 3-MCPDE during peanut oil refining by 43.8%, 46.4% and 44.6% when using a weight ratio of diacetin of 4%, 8%, and 10%, respectively.32

Another possibility is the addition of a substance that can neutralize FFAs before deodorization such as carbonates and bicarbonates. Experimental data from Ŝmidrkal et al (2016), showed that alkaline carbonates or hydrogen carbonates added before deodorization can completely avoid the formation of 3-MCPDE.65

Also, the addition of formic acid in the water used to generate the stripping steam for the deodorization presented a reduction on GE levels by 20% and 40% when using a concentration of 5% and 10% of formic acid, respectively.66


6.4 Removal of the contaminants from the refined oil

Another mitigation approach is the removal of the contaminants after the refining process, by means of adding an agent that can selectively react with the contaminants resulting in non-toxic products.

Some studies have investigated the ability of different inorganic adsorbent materials on reducing 3-MCPDE levels in refined palm oil. The following materials were tested: amorphous magnesium silicate, magnesium silicate, zeolite, silicon oxide, sodium aluminum silicate, synthetic calcium silicate, and synthetic magnesium silicate. Calcinated zeolite and a synthetic magnesium silicate were the only materials that could reduce the content of 3-MCPDE, which was up to 40%.67

The removal of 3-MCPDE from refined oils by an enzymatic treatment has been evaluated as well. The first step of the experiments consisted of the hydrolysis of the esters by Candida antarctica lipase A, releasing free 3-MCPD. Then, the degradation of free 3-MCPD was achieved by the combination of the enzyme halohydrin dehalogenase from Arthrobacter sp. and an epoxide hydrolase from

Agrobacterium radiobacter converting free 3-MCPD to the non-toxic product glycerol via glycidol. This enzymatic treatment could reduce the levels of 3-MCPD by up to


6.5 Reducing contamination from the oil to the food

Strategies to minimize the contamination of fried foods have also been investigated. These strategies focus on using material or treatments in the food during or prior to frying to prevent contaminated oil uptake in food.

The effect of pre-treatments on the contamination of French fries by 3-MCPDE has been investigated. It was observed that a pectin coating in blanched potatoes reduced the levels of 3-MCPDE by 19%. The reduction is possibly due to the formation of a calcium-pectate complex on the potato resulting in less oil absorption and an increase of stiffness of the cell wall of the potato, which consequently reduced the contamination by 3-MCPDE.69


Strategies have been studied strategies on the reduction of contamination of pre-fried breaded and frozen fish products. These strategies included the addition of an adsorbent material (zeolite) to the pre-frying oil, as well as the addition of L-cysteine in the breading ingredient. Both strategies could reduce 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE levels significantly in fried fish.70

7. Analytical methods

The analytical approaches for the determination of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE in foodstuffs involve: indirect analysis, in which the total concentration of the contaminants is measured as free 3-MCPD, 2-MCPD and glycidol obtained after a hydrolysis/methanolysis of the esters; direct analysis, in which the 3-MCPD, 2-MCPD and glycidyl esters are individually identified.71

The first step of indirect analysis is the cleavage of esters to their free forms (3-MCPD, 2-MCPD and glycidol) in the oil sample or the lipid phase of foods. This can be carried out through a transesterification reaction in the presence of methanol either in acid or alkaline media.72 The transesterification reaction is followed by neutralization and salting-out steps, and then the analytes are derivatized with phenylboronic acid to obtain highly volatile derivatives before injection into a gas chromatographic system.

Three official methods have been proposed by the American Oil Chemists 'Society (AOCS): Cd 29a-13, Cd 29b-13, and Cd 29c-13. These methods are based on the indirect determination of these contaminants in oils and consist of a simultaneous determination of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE, and GE. In the method Cd 29a-13, GE is converted to 3-monobromopropanediol fatty acid esters (3-MBPDE) in an acid solution of sodium bromide. Also, 3-MBPDE (formed from GE), 3-MCPDE and 2-MCPDE are then converted into the non-esterified forms in an acid methanolic solution. The methods Cd 29b-13 and Cd 29c-13 employ a base catalysis using an alkaline alcoholic solution to release the free forms of the analytes. The method Cd 29c-13 involves differential measurement of GE by the application of two protocols and does not quantify 2-MCPDE. In 2017, the AOCS published a new protocol, Cd 30-15, which is used for the analysis of contaminants in emulsions.73,74

The primary advantages of indirect methods are the low number of analytical standards and a more straightforward interpretation of results. The disadvantages include the several steps that must be carried out before injection into


a GC system such as transesterification, neutralization, salting-out and derivatization.56

The direct analysis determines the esters without chemical reactions such as transesterification and derivatization, reducing the time of analysis. Thus, they are determined as they are found in foods. Usually, high performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) is the selected technique for the determination of the individual compounds, using time of flight (TOF), Orbitrap and triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (MS/MS).2 The disadvantage of the method is the large number of analytical standards that have to be included in the analysis resulting in increased costs of the assay.71

8. Regulatory aspects

Based on risk assessment results of 3-MCPDE and GE, Regulation (EU) 2018/290 amending Regulation (EU) 1881/2006 was recently adopted across the European Union as a risk management strategy. In this regulation, the European Commission published the maximum levels for GE in vegetable oils and fats, infant formula, follow-on formula and foods intended for medical and baby nutrition. For vegetable oils and fats placed on the market for the final consumer or for use as an ingredient in food, with the exception of foods intended for baby nutrition, the limit set was of 1,000 µg/Kg. For vegetable oils and fats destined for the production of baby food and processed cereal-based food for infants and young children, the limit set was of 500 µg/Kg. For infant formula, follow-on formula and foods for special medical purposes intended for infants and young children, the limits set until June of 2019 were of 75 µg/Kg (powdered food) and 10 µg/Kg (liquid food). After this date, new limits will be of 50 µg/Kg (powdered food) and 6 µg/Kg (liquid food).75

No limits have yet been set for 3-MCPDE and 2-MCPDE in refined oils and foodstuffs, but a regulation for these contaminants should eventually be proposed in the future.19,75



The edible oil and food industries have been facing a significant challenge in achieving an effective reduction in the levels of 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE in order to provide a safe product to consumers. Different mitigation approaches have been investigated so far, but the great challenge is to up-scale these strategies without a negative impact on the oil quality. It is quite clear that the way forward for this issue is the implementation of various techniques at different stages of the oil processing chain. This approach could be similarly compared to the hurdle technology applied in food microbiology which consists of combining methods or processes at various points in the food production chain, which secures the safety, stability, organoleptic properties, nutritional quality and the economic viability of food products. Regulations recently adopted reinforce the idea that it is of utmost importance to implement mitigation strategies to reduce 3-MCPDE, 2-MCPDE and GE in foods and food ingredients.


The authors acknowledge the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) [grant numbers 2016/239583, 2017/26675-5 and 2014/2152-0]. W. C. Silva thanks the financial support of Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education within the Ministry of Education of Brazil (CAPES) under Grant number 33003017027P1 - PROEX0082040.



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Washing bleached palm oil to reduce monochloropropanediols and

glycidyl esters

Willian Cruzeiro Silva1, Jéssika Karolline Santiago1, Maisa Freitas Capristo1, Roseli Aparecida Ferrari2, Eduardo Vicente2, Klicia Araujo Sampaio1, Adriana Pavesi


1 School of Food Engineering, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Rua Monteiro Lobato 80, 13083-862 Campinas - SP, Brazil

2 Institute of Food Technology (ITAL), Avenida Brasil 2880, C. P. 139, 13070-178 Campinas - SP, Brazil

This is an original manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A on 24 January 2019, available online at doi.org/10.1080/19440049.2019.1566785

Artigo publicado na revista Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A Print ISSN: 1944-0049 Online ISSN: 1944-0057

Classificação: Qualis A2


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