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Rev. esc. enferm. USP vol.46 número4


Academic year: 2018

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O uso de técnicas de estaísica bayesiana é uma abordagem que tem sido bem aceita e estabelecida em campos fora da enfer -magem como um paradigma de redução da incerteza presente em uma dada situ -ação clínica. O presente arigo tem como propósito apresentar um direcionamento para o uso especíico do paradigma baye -siano na análise de diagnósicos de enfer -magem. Para isso, as etapas e interpreta -ções de análise bayesiana são discuidas; um exemplo teórico e outro práico sobre análise bayesiana de diagnósicos de en -fermagem são apresentados; e há a descri -ção de como a abordagem bayesiana pode ser uilizada para resumir o conhecimento disponível e apresentar esimaivas pontu -ais e intervalares da verdadeira probabili -dade de um diagnósico de enfermagem. Conclui-se que a aplicação de métodos estaísicos bayesianos é uma importante ferramenta para a deinição mais acurada de probabilidades de diagnósicos de en -fermagem.

dEScRitoRES Diagnósico de enfermagem Metodologia

Análise estaísica

Nursing diagnoses analysis under

the bayesian perspective






The use of Bayesian staisical techniques is an approach that is well accepted and established in ields outside of nursing as a paradigm to reduce the uncertainty pres -ent in a given clinical situaion. The pur -pose of this aricle is to provide guidance regarding the speciic use of the Bayes -ian paradigm in the analysis of nursing diagnoses. The steps and interpretaions of Bayesian analysis are discussed. One theoreical and one pracical example of Bayesian analysis of nursing diagnoses are presented. It describes how the Bayesian approach can be used to summarize the available knowledge and make point and interval esimates of the true probability of a nursing diagnosis. It was concluded that the applicaion of Bayesian staisical methods is an important tool for more ac -curate deiniion of probabiliies related to nursing diagnoses.

dEScRiPtoRS Nursing diagnosis Methodology Staisical analysis


El uso de técnicas de estadísica bayesiana es un abordaje bien aceptado y estable -cido en campos externos a la enfermería, como un paradigma de reducción de la in -ceridumbre presente en una circunstancia clínica determinada. El arículo iene por propósito presentar una dirección para el uso especíico del paradigma bayesiano en el análisis de diagnósicos de enfermería. Se discuten las etapas e interpretaciones de análisis bayesiano. Asimismo, se pre -senta un ejemplo teórico y otro prácico sobre análisis bayesiano de diagnósico de enfermería. Se describe el modo en el que el abordaje bayesiano puede uilizarse para resumir el conocimiento disponible y presentar esimaciones puntuales e inter -valares de la verdadera probabilidad de un diagnósico de enfermería. Se concluye en que la aplicación de métodos estadísicos bayesianos es una importante herramienta para la deinición más exacta de probabili -dades de diagnósicos de enfermería.

dEScRiPtoRES Diagnósicos de enfermería Metodología

Análisis estadísico

marcos Venícios de oliveira Lopes1, Viviane martins da Silva2, thelma Leite de Araujo3 A Análise de diAgnósticos de enfermAgem sob umA perspectivA bAyesiAnA

el Análisis de diAgnósticos de enfermeríA bAjo unA perspectivA bAyesiAnA



Although the lack of atenion to diagnosic accuracy is a problem described in literature(1), it is known that

the use of valid and reliable nursing diagnoses strength

-ens professional responsibility, pracice and basic nursing

research(2). In this sphere, it has been defended that evi

-dence on accurate nursing diagnoses or the best nursing intervenion choices is sill relaively small in comparison

with biomedical literature(3). In addiion, nurses need skills

to reach decisions for more complex problems, deparing

from a well-structured knowledge base(4).

The accuracy of nursing diagnoses has been described in view of individual clinical judgments in speciic situa

-ions(5). On the other hand, discussions on how to accurate

-ly ana-lyze a set of data concerning nursing diagnoses have been scarce. In most cases, these discussions are centered

on the descripion of sample percentages taken from spe

-ciic populaions. Despite the existence of diferent analysis

techniques that can be used to enhance diagnosic preci

-sion and accuracy, literature appoints that, to cope with the uncertainies present in diferent clinical situaions, nurses

commonly use knowledge based on their ex

-periences, which is considered necessary, but

not a suicient base for this end(6-7).

Hence, the correct deiniion of the preva

-lence, incidence or even the impact of nurs

-ing diagnoses in a speciic populaion needs to be more precise and accurate, with a view to guiding the choice of the intervenion or informaion to be delivered to paients more

adequately(7). When considering that nurses

work in condiions of uncertainty, dealing with

probabiliies, skills need to be developed to as

-sess the best esimates in the light of available

evidence(8). Moreover, nurses are increasingly asked to order

and interpret diagnosic tests, making it essenial for them to understand the importance of recognizing basic standards

and measured associated with clinical condiions(7).

In this respect, (speciically) clinical judgment and the ideniicaion of a nursing diagnosis’ occurrence paterns

(in general) represent a process of informaion accumula

-ion, with a view to reducing our uncertainty about these

diagnoses. A study about the concept of uncertainty con

-cluded that, in nursing, addiional research is needed to

explore the extent of probabilisic reasoning and its ef

-fects on our degree of uncertainty about the phenomena

speciic to the profession(9).

In the probabilisic domain, decisions are based on pre

-dicing the probability of paricular paient outcomes(10).

In its pure sense, probabiliies represent chance, or a nu

-merical measure of the uncertainty associated with an

event or events. The probabilisic approach provides in

-formaion about the degree of uncertainty of a diagnosis,

and can thus be used as a base to improve pracice(7,10-11).

In this sphere, staisical analysis plays a fundamental role. More recently, researchers in diferent areas have taken interest in a staisical branch that deals with the deiniion of probabiliies from the subjecive viewpoint:

Bayesian staisics. The use of Bayesian staisical tech

-niques is a well-accepted and established approach in ar

-eas other than nursing(8).

Some authors consider that Bayesian thinking can con

-tribute to reduce uncertainty about nursing phenomena,

contribuing to accurate analyses(12). Other authors airm

that, in its study about the quality of nursing judgment and decision making, none of the studies analyzed used this approach as a criterion to compare nurses’ judgments

and decisions(11). These same authors add that, indepen

-dently of discussions about the existence or not of a ‘prag

-maic reality’, Bayesian analysis can be an important ad

-diional tool for measurement purposes in judgments and decision-making research.

In this sense, the Bayesian paradigm exactly studies uncertainty about scienists parameters of interest and uses the probability concept that corresponds to the use of this world in daily life(13). Therefore, the

development of a speciic probabilisic nota

-ion for Bayesian analysis of nursing diagno

-ses can contribute to discussions about and

improvements in the characterizaion pro

-cess of diagnosic proiles(8,11).

Based on the above consideraions, the aim in this study is to describe the bases of Bayesian analysis and present direcions for

the speciic use of this paradigm in the anal

-ysis of nursing diagnoses. The inal descrip

-ion in this paper includes the fundamental steps for the probability determinaion of a

human response, based on preliminary knowledge (a

pri-ori distribuion) and on knowledge provided by research data (likelihood).


Two main staisical approaches exist: the classical

(aka frequenist or objecive) and the Bayesian(14). The

basic diference between these two approaches is the

probability concept. Despite diferent deiniions of prob

-ability, the two types of interest to deine in this paper are empirical and subjecive probabiliies. The empirical probability view is deined by the proporion or relaive frequency of the observed event in the long term (in the staisical jargon, we talk about “when the sample tends

to the ininite). On the other hand, the subjecive prob

-ability view refers to the personal measure of uncertainty based on available evidence. That is the view the whole Bayesian analysis rests on.

some authors consider that bayesian thinking can

contribute to reduce uncertainty about nursing phenomena,


It is important to highlight that both approaches tend to present the same numerical results in situaions in

which our conclusions are only based on empirical obser

-vaions (research data). Their interpretaions, however,

are completely diferent. Moreover, subjecive probabili

-ies can be used to analyze events for which we have no previous empirical data. These aspects will be discussed

further ahead. Finally, subjecive probabiliies can be con

-sidered more general than empirical probabiliies, as the former can also be used to measure our uncertainty about

unique and paricular events(14).

As described in many studies, the Bayesian approach originates in the work of the Briish cleric Thomas Bayes

about equality between general probabiliies, which be

-came known as the Bayes theorem. The Bayesian propos

-al for diagnosic probability an-alysis is strongly based on axiomaic fundamentals, which provide a uniied logical

structure, contribuing to consistent data evaluaion(15).

In terms of nursing diagnoses, the probability of a human

response is interpreted as a condiional measure of uncer

-tainty of this response event, considering speciic deining

characterisics and the context in which the health assess

-ment took place.

In pracical terms, nurses are confronted with a set of paients, in which each of them can present the human response of interest with a certain probability degree. In this context, the deiniion of the actual probability that a human response will occur in a given populaion

depends on preliminary knowledge about human re

-sponse in that populaion and on available clinical infor

-maion. This characterizes nursing diagnosis analysis as a measurement problem of the degree of uncertainty. In a

notaional form, the probability θ of a human response

based on available informaion k, represented as p(θ|k),

is a measure of the degree of belief in the presence of re

-sponse θ, as suggested by the informaion contained in k.

Hence, the probability atributed to a response is always condiional to the informaion one has about it in a given clinical situaion.

Thus, and considering a set of deining characterisics,

Bayesian analysis is based on the fact that the inal proba

-bility of a human response event (a posteriori probability),

condiioned to the informaion obtained through a data

survey (research), is proporional to the probability of ob

-taining that research sample (likelihood) muliplied by the

probability that was iniially atributed to the response (a

priori probability). As described, the likelihood funcion is directly related with the human response event ideniied

based on the research data, while a priori probability rep

-resents the prevalence of the human response based on previously exising knowledge.

In short, Bayesian analysis involves three phases: es

-tablishment of iniial informaion and its correspond

-ing iniial probability distribuion; likelihood informaion

based on the obtained data; and establishment of poste

-rior probability, which combines preliminary informaion

with the research data(16). Each of these phases has essen

-ial characterisics that should be carefully considered to analyze the human response of interest.

iNitiAL oR A PRIORI diStRibUtioN

Bayesian methods demand the choice of a prior proba

-bility distribuion. In this phase, researchers should deine a single probability distribuion that describes available knowledge on the human response of interest, and use the Bayes theorem to combine this with the informaion the research data provide in the likelihood funcion. This phase is a hard task though, in which prior informaion may have a weak role as adequate approximaions of an actual prior distribuion. The naïve use of simple prior distribuions,

like the search for presumably non-informaive probability

distribuions, can hide important non-proven supposiions,

which can easily dominate or invalidate the analysis(17).

In technical terms, at irst, the deiniion of prior dis

-tribuion depends on how the variable of interest was deined. A nursing diagnosis can be considered a discrete

distribuion variable, as its values are inite in a given in

-terval, represented by the number of individuals with the diagnosis of interest. The probability distribuions of discrete variables of direct interest for nursing diagnosis

analysis include binomial distribuion. Its probability func

-ion is deined as follows:

h n h

















In this case, P(H = h) represents the probability of ind

-ing exactly a number h of individuals in the sample ob

-served with the human response of interest; n is the total

number of individuals assesses, h represents the num

-ber of individuals with the human response and θ is that

probability that the human response of interest will occur. The use of so-called conjugate distribuion families can facilitate Bayesian analysis. The staisical term conjugate

family refers to the fact that, for any iniial distribuion be

-longing to a distribuion family, the inal distribuion will belong to the same family. In many circumstances, binomial

distribuion is conjugate with the Beta distribuion family(18).

The following formula is used to calculate Beta distribuion:

Where is the Gama funcion. In summary, the above distribuion measures how probability the occurrence of a given human response is,

in view of the described iniial knowledge and that avail

-able in scieniic literature(15,19). On the other hand, discus


-edly do not have informaion about the probability and/ or probability distribuion of the event of interest. Some

authors recommend the use of non-informaive distribu

-ions. These distribuions should represent our lack of knowledge about the phenomenon. To give an example, if we are interested in idenifying the actual occurrence

proporion of a nursing diagnosis, a non-informaive dis

-tribuion would be a binomial dis-tribuion with p = 0.5, i.e. in this case, we are considering that the probability that

an individual will present the nursing diagnosis in ques

-ion is similar to casing a coin and deciding according to

the obtained result. It is a fact that a priori distribuions

are highly subjecive and another strategy to idenify these distribuions can be discussions with expert panels. The aim of these panels is to establish a consensus on the probability of the event in quesion.

LiKELiHood FUNctioN

Next, and based on the data collected in a research,

the likelihood raio is established, where p(k|θ) is a func

-ion that describes the likelihood of the disinct values of

human response θ in the light of data k the research pro

-vided(15). In fact, the θ values that increase p(k|θ) are those

values that made the observaion of result k, which was eventually observed, more plausible. Consequently, ater

observing the sample data, the value of the observed hu

-man response proporion is more likely than the others. In this context, suicient staisics are needed. The deiniion of suicient staisic refers to a funcion that

contains all informaion about the human response avail

-able in the research data. Concerning nursing diagnoses, a suicient staisics in the proporion of individuals with the diagnosis. The likelihood esimate is but the esimates of the parameters of interest, obtained based on the study sample, which is common is classical staisical analyses.



The Bayes theorem is simply expressed in words

through the state in which a posteriori distribuion is pro

-porional to likelihood imes a priori distribuion(15,19). The

posterior distribuion is centered in a point that repre

-sents a balance between prior informaion and the data

obtained in the research, so that the data control this bal

-ance to a greater extent as the sample size increases(16).

From a Bayesian viewpoint, the inal result of an infer

-ence problem in any unknown number is but the corre

-sponding posterior distribuion. Thus, everything that can

be said about any human response θ of the parameters

in the probabilisic model is contained in the posterior distribuion p(θ|k)(15).In summary, the deiniion of the

inal probability distribuion (θ) of a human response is

extracted from research results about the prevalence of

a human response, deined through the model p(k|θ),

combined with the iniial distribuion p(θ) of the human

response of interested (iniially supposed prevalence). To deine a inal distribuion, in general, the conjugate

distribuion families are used. In some situaions, howev

-er, the distribuions may not take a known or even simple form. In these cases, data simulaion methods have been used to extract Bayesian analysis conclusions. As this topic

is somewhat complex, it will be not discussed here. Any

-one interested can consult the large bibliography available about Monte Carlo simulaion methods in Markov Chains, EM algorithms etc.

To esimate nursing diagnosis event proporions, if

the a priori distribuion was deined as a binomial distri

-buion, its conjugate inal distribuion will be a Beta dis

-tribuion. Thus, the inal distribuion p(θ|k) of a human

response of interest can be treated as a Beta distribuion

with the parameters (α + k, β + n – k) – where α and β

represent parameters that can be calculated based on the

mean and variance of the iniial binomial distribuion, n is

the number of individuals assessed and k the number of

individuals with the phenomenon of interest(17,20).


The intent is to discover the unknown proporion of

the nursing diagnosis Inefecive breathing paterns, indi

-cated by θ here, in a populaion of children with pneumo

-nia. Ater a bibliographic survey, prevalence rates of θ are

ideniied between 0.20 and 0.60. Ater assessing 1000

children with pneumonia, 200 displayed the nursing diag

-nosis of interest. To deine the inal probability distribu

-ion of the Inefecive Breathing Patern diagnosis in this

populaion, we will proceed as follows:

Step 1: Establish the iniial distribuion:

We consider θ a variable whose probability can vary in

the interval between 0 and 1, making it a coninuous vari

-able. For the case of a human response, the distribuion

that treats θ as a coninuous variable is the Beta distribu

-ion. This distribuion is characterized by two non-negaive

constants α and β, and the values of their respecive vari

-ables vary it into the interval 0 and 1. To ind the Beta distri

-buion of interest, let us start by specifying the means and

standard deviaion of θ. In our case, we can assume that θ

= 0.40 (mean prevalence rate for the diagnosis Inefecive Breathing Patern). As the largest part of our probability has to range between 0.20 and 0.60, it is reasonable to suppose that there are two standard deviaions from the mean 0.40 unil 0.60, which equals a distance of 0.20. Then a standard deviaion is equivalent to 0.10. One property of the Beta distribuion is that α and β can be found through the means and variances, applying the following formulae: α = μ{[μ (1 – μ)/ σ2] – 1}; β = [1 – μ]{[μ (1 – μ)/ σ2] – 1}, where μ indi


For our example:

α = 0.4{[0.4 (1 – 0.4)/ 0.01] – 1} = 9.2 β = [1 – 0.4]{[0.4 (1 – 0.4)/ 0.01] – 1} = 13.8

To avoid complex calculaions with the Gamma func

-ion due to non-whole values for α and β, we will round of the values of α and β. Then, the iniial distribuion is: p(θ) = Be (θ|9, 14).

Step 2: Establishment of Likelihood distribuion:

In the analysis of the 1000 paients, 200 of whom pre

-sented the nursing diagnosis under analysis, the binomial distribuion is used to calculate the probability extracted from the data:

Step 3: Establishment of inal posterior distribuion:

The a posteriori distribuion is obtained by the product

of the a priori distribuion and the likelihood:

p (θ|k) = Be (θ|α + k, β + n – k) = Be (θ|9 + 200, 14 +

1000 – 200) = Be (θ|209, 814), where n is the number of pa

-ients assessed and k the number of pa-ients with the nurs

-ing diagnosis under analysis (Inefecive breath-ing patern).

Step 4: Calculaion of descripive means and credibility intervals:

The mean posterior distribuion is calculated as = μ = α/(α + β) = 209/(209 +814) = 0.204

The posterior distribuion variance will be = σ2 = [μ(1

– μ)]/(α + β + 1) = [0.204(1 – 0.204)]/(209 + 814 + 1) =

0.000158 and the a posteriori standard deviaion will

equal 0.0126.

As the Beta distribuion is symmetrical and can be ap

-proximated by a normal distribuion, and given that the

standard deviaion of θ was calculated as 0.0126, for a

95% conidence level, we calculated 1.96 standard de

-viaions, equaling 0.0246. Subtracing and adding up this mean value gives us a 95% credibility interval of 0.1796 – 0.2289. It was intuiively concluded, at a 95% conidence interval, that the probability of the diagnosis Inefecive Breathing Patern ranges between 17.96% and 22.89%. Observe that the interpretaion of the Bayesian credibility

intervals difers from the interpretaion of conidence in

-tervals in the classical approach.



For an applicaion using real data, a data set related to esimated proporions of nursing diagnoses in children

with congenital heart disease was obtained from an ear

-lier study(21) of 45 individuals. These data were used as the

base to deine the likelihood funcion of four nursing di

-agnoses: Acivity intolerance, Inefecive airway clearance;

Delayed growth and development and Inefecive breath

-ing patern. The inal proporion distribuions of each diag

-nosis were calculated, based on three possible a priori

dis-tribuions, besides data from the research menioned: one non-informaive binomial distribuion with a parameter of

0.50 and variance of 0.25; one a priori distribuion based

on the judgment of two nurses experienced in the use of nursing diagnoses and care for children with congenital heart disease, who sought a consensus on the probability

of each diagnosis and the respecive 95% probability inter

-val; and an a prior distribuion based on data from a previ

-ously published study that used a similar populaion of 22

children(22). Calculaions were developed in a similar way as

presented in the previous secion and summarized in Table

1, which displays the inal esimated proporions of the di

-agnoses Acivity Intolerance (AI), Inefecive Airway Clear

-ance (IAC), Delayed Growth and Development (DGD) and

Inefecive Breathing Patern (IBP) in children with congen

-ital heart diseases, based on three a priori distribuions.

Table 1 – Final estimated proportions of three nursing diagnoses in children with congenital heart disease based on three a priori distributions

Diagnosis Priori (binomial) Posteriori (Beta) Final estimates

θ θ *(1 – θ) α Β θ Credibility interval

1. Non-informative binomial

AI 0.5 0.25 38 7 0.8444 0.8388 0.8500

IAC 0.5 0.25 24 21 0.5333 0.5227 0.5439

DGD 0.5 0.25 35 10 0.7777 0.7704 0.7851

IBP 0.5 0.25 41 4 0.9111 0.9076 0.9145

2. Priori by experts

AI 0.6 0.0025 38.6 7.05 0.8455 0.8400 0.8510

IAC 0.6 0.0025 24.6 21.05 0.5388 0.5284 0.5493

DGD 0.3 0.0025 35.3 10.05 0.7783 0.7710 0.7856

IBP 0.7 0.01 41.7 4.1 0.9104 0.9070 0.9138

3. Data-based priori

AI 0.86 0.34 38.03 7.00 0.8444 0.8388 0.8500

IAC 0.72 0.44 24.02 21.01 0.5335 0.5229 0.5440

DGD 0.68 0.46 35.01 10.00 0.7777 0.7703 0.7850


As the sample size was moderate, the posterior distri

-buion was strongly inluenced by the clinical data (likeli

-hood funcion) and the punctual esimates and credibility

intervals did not show mutual diferences. To give an ex

-ample, it can be airmed with a 95% conidence level that the probability that children with congenital heart disease

will present the nursing diagnosis Acivity intolerance ig

-ures between 83% and 85%. It is perceived that the inter

-val is quite small, indicaing the good precision of our esi

-mate. Similar reasoning is possible for the other diagnoses.


The axiomaic bases of Bayesian premises permit di

-rect comparisons of nursing diagnoses in diferent reali

-ies, with a view to establishing whether the informaion found can be used as valid informaion in the form of a

prior distribuion. Then, the available knowledge and re

-search data can be summarized in a posterior distribuion

that presents punctual and interval esimates of the actu

-al probability of a nursing diagnosis, providing an intuiive interpretaion that is closer to reality.

Thus, the main advantage of using Bayesian methods is to use all available knowledge about a phenomenon to

express it jointly, in the form of a single probability distri

-buion, from which all relevant informaion for the study

can be extracted, in a gradual process of reducing uncer

-tainty and learning about the study phenomenon. Classi

-cal staisi-cal methods treat each study developed on the

same theme independently, ignoring the existence of pre

-vious data. In nursing diagnosis research, the applicaion

of Bayesian methods can be useful to analyze the prob

-ability of diagnoses in speciic groups, as well as to analyze rare events (whether the nursing diagnosis or the baseline

disease for which the nursing diagnoses are studied). Clas

-sical stai-sical methods depend on relaively large sample sizes, which are hard to get in many of these situaions.

Other advantages include: the independence of the sample size used (it is obvious that, in small samples, the credibility intervals calculated will be larger, indicaing greater uncertainty on the study phenomenon) and the

non-use of common restricive premises in the applicaion of staisical tests in the frequenist paradigm. In addiion,

the Bayesian paradigm operates with the uncertainty con

-cept, permiing its applicaion in approaches that aim to discuss the accuracy, sensiivity and speciicity of nursing diagnoses, as important themes in the determinaion of relevant clinical indicators.

Despite the appointed posiive factors, it is important to clarify that diiculies and limitaions are atached to the use of Bayesian analysis. These limitaions include: the need for knowledge on staisical distribuions and calculus; the use of speciic sotware with not very

user-friendly interfaces; the need to establish a prior distribu

-ion based on preliminary knowledge. The later is not

always easy, due to the absence of preliminary informa

-ion. In some situaions, uniform distribuions are used or the prior distribuion is deined subjecively. This may

not adequately represent reality and induce to analysis er

-rors though. Methodological bias for Bayesian studies is the same as for studies using classical staisical analysis. In addiion, considerable atenion should be paid when

informaion from previous studies is incorporated in a

priori distribuions. The incorporaion of research of low

methodological quality can inluence inal posterior distri

-buion esimates.

Despite the whole notaion used in this paper, it should be clariied that our consideraions correspond to

the fundamentals of Bayesian theory, described speciical

-ly for the ana-lysis of nursing diagnoses. Our descripion is limited to the isolated analysis of a human response, with a view to presening the bases of the Bayesian paradigm.

More speciically, the methodological process of a Bayesian analysis of nursing diagnoses should include the descripion of the human response of interest, prior knowledge on that response, according to the prevalence found in preliminary studies, the prior probabilisic model chosen and its jusiicaion, the respecive iniial and inal

distribuions and likelihood of reference, and the numeri

-cal conclusions that can be extracted. The presented ap

-plicaion example describes each of these steps, unil the inal probability interval is obtained.


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Table 1 – Final estimated proportions of three nursing diagnoses in children with congenital heart disease based on three a priori distributions


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