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Saint 1 Tarcisius Parish 1 Framingham MA. SAINT TARCISIS PARISH 562 Waverly Street, Framingham MA 01702


Academic year: 2021

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Saint Tarcisius Parish 1 Framingham MA

1 1


562 Waverly Street,

Framingham MA 01702


Paróquia São Tarcísio



Saturdays evening Masses: 4:00 PM (English) 7:00 PM (Portuguese) Sunday Masses: 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM (English) 9:30 AM (Portuguese) 12:30 PM (Portuguese) 7:00 PM (Portuguese) Weekday Masses:

Monday Through Friday: 7:00 AM

Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Portuguese)

First Friday Adoration ... (Church) 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Mass (Portuguese)

Confessions ………..Please Call the Rectory to Schedule

an appointment.

Baptism Preparation ... 3rd Saturday of the Month (English)

Last Friday of the Month (Portuguese)

Baptism………...….Look at inside page.

Weddings ... Consult with priest before setting date

Sick Parishioner Visitations: ... Please notify the rectory when


Saint Tarcisius Parish 3 Framingham MA 3 3



08 ,2020

MASS INTENTIONS 31 - Saturday - 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Portuguese Mass 01- Sunday -

8:00 AM -  Antonio Palmieri, by Family

9:30 AM - Portuguese Mass

11:00 AM  Alsuino & Olivia Rego by Family

12:30 PM- Portuguese Mass 7:00 PM - Portuguese Mass

02- Monday– All Souls` Day

7:00 AM -  Santo &Rose Ferrari, by Family

7:00 PM - Portuguese Mass

03-Tuesday-St. Martin de Porres, Religious

7:00 AM -  Steve Ryder, by Family

04-Wednesday- St. Charles Borromeo,Bishop

7:00 AM -  Larry Paglia, by Nicie Margaret

7:00 PM - Portuguese Mass 05- Thursday- 7:00 AM - 06- Friday - 7:00 AM - 07- Saturday - 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Portuguese Mass 08 - Sunday - 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM - Portuguese Mass 11:00 AM 12:30 PM- Portuguese Mass 7:00 PM - Portuguese Mass Revolutionary Holiness

Today we celebrate the joyous feast of all saints, not only those recognized and pro-claimed by the Church , but of all those ordi-nary saints , not recognized or proclaimed but who lived holy lives in faith, hope and charity. In other words, we remember and celebrate those who have gone through the world doing good and proclaiming faith in Jesus Christ. It is the feast of victory for our brothers and sisters who have overcome the "great tribulation" de-scribed in the first reading.

It is the celebration of those who lived in the presence of God and are now definitely with Him in heaven, among them, we find our loved ones who have passed away.

There is a misconception that a saint is someone who spends most of his life praying and reading the Bible. Of course a saint does pray and read the Bible, but to think that holi-ness comes down to that, is to ignore the story of thousands of saints in the church, men and women who transformed society and lives of many, who saved humankind from social catastrophes ; and that Pope John Paul II

called " authentic revolutionaries of human history ." A Saint is not someone strange who

spends the day doing miracles, but who spends the day doing the will of God. True ho-liness is always revolutionary because it trans-forms.

In today's Gospel Jesus proclaims happy: those who have God as a defender and who do his will. Saints are all those people who live united to God and spend their lives.

These people may find tribulations but not let themselves be shaken nor succumb. All Saints of God, pray for

COLLECTION - October 19 - October 25 Offertory $ 4,700.00 Tithing $ 5,147.29 Weekly Expenses $ 12,500.00

Confession Please call the Rectory

Monday to Friday at 9:00 AM - 5:00PM


Year of the Eucharist

Thanks be to you. O lord , for your Body and your Blood, for

these ever- abundant gifts we praise you.

Draw near to us, and have mercy on our sins; Lord Jesus , who are holy and kind, have mercy.

May your Body and Blood, Which we receive in the Eucharistic, Be a powerful medicine for our souls

And lead us to heaven.

Help us to worship you, Good Shepherd, And look Kindly upon your grazing sheep.

Protect us by these gifts, And increase our faith in you, Who are truly present in the Eucharist.

Restore us by your grace Into your image and likeness, That the Father may see and love in us

What He sees and loves in His Son, Who lives and reigns forever and ever.


Cardinal O’Malley Statement

Pope Francis comments on Civil Unions

October 22, 2020

Quite understandably, the Holy Father’s recent state-ments concerning civil unions have captured the atten-tion of the world press, because many people are anx-ious for the Church to change its position on marriage and family. Pope Francis strongly and consistently teaches that marriage is between a man and woman for a lifetime and that this is God’s plan for having and raising children.

The Pope’s endorsement of civil unions is not an en-dorsement of homosexual activity. Just as the Church does not campaign against civil laws that allow for common-law marriage or second marriages that are not sacramental, even though such arrangements can be in violation of the laws of the Church, the Holy Father recognizes that in civil society there can be co-gent reasons to enact such laws providing for civil unions which are not the same as the institution of marriage.

Pope Francis has seen civil unions as a way for gov-ernments to provide protections and health care for couples in long-term, committed relationships, wheth-er they be siblings or friends or partnwheth-ers. Such ar-rangements are not always of a sexual nature.

The Holy Father is very aware of the suffering and alienation of homosexual individuals, gay people, who are rejected by family and society. He is also keenly aware of the parents and loved ones who also suffer because a member of their family is bullied or marginalized for being different. The demands of sex-ual morality are very challenging for anyone seeking to lead a life of faithful discipleship. We do not serve people well by falsely claiming that we can change the Decalogue. Our task is to show people that we love them and care about them and that together we can strive to be better people, more generous, more courageous and more faithful to what God is calling us to do.


Saint Tarcisius Parish 5 Framingham MA

5 5

Oração do ano Eucaristico

Senhor Jesus, que para permanecer entre nós, instituístes o sacrifício da Nova Aliança, e mandastes que o celebrássemos em me-moria de vós, conceidei-no que, ao partici-par do banquete do vosso Corpo e do vosso Sangue e adorando vossa presença no Santíssimo Sacramento do Altar, continues a vossa ação em nós. Que nunca falte o alimento necessário na mesa do vossos filhos e filhas, o pão da Palavra em nossos corações e o pão da unidade e do amor entre todos nós e na Igreja.

Vimos aos vossos pés para vós adorar do profundo do nosso coração e vos pedimos: Fazei crescer em nós a cari-dade, a tolerância, a paciência, a esperança e a fé para que durante e depois dessa pandemia do covid-19 sejamos mais unidos e mais cristãos.

À luz do vosso Espírito, pelo qual hoje realizais o memorial da vossa Páscoa na Igreja, trabalhemos pela nossa Paróquia São Tarcísio e pelas nossas famílias.

Que o vosso corpo e sangue que comungamos na Santa Missa e que adoramos no Santíssimo Sacramento do Altar nos dê forças para viver a nossa fé nas dificuldades, alimente a nossa esperança no dia a dia e aumente nossa caridade para com todos.


32° Domingo do tempo Comum

A Santidade Revolucionária

Hoje celebramos a alegre festa de todos os santos. Daqueles reconhecidos e proclamados pela Igreja. Sabe-se que nesses dois mil anos de história da nossa Igreja houve mais de dois milhões de mártires cristãos. Mas é a festa também daqueles santos ordinários, não reconhecidos e nem proclamados, mas que viveram a santidade como algo natural em sua vida, vivendo as virtudes teológicas da fé, esperança e cariade. Em outras palavras, passaram pelo mundo fazendo o bem e proclamando a fé em Jesus Cristo. É a festa da vitória daqueles irmãos e irmãs nossos que superaram a “grande tribulação” descrita na primeira leitura. Recordamos então, aqueles que viveram para sempre na presença de Deus, entre eles encontramos os nossos entes queridos que já faleceram. Celebramos todos os fiéis defuntos. Existe a falsa idéia de que santo é alguém que passa a maior parte da vida rezando e lendo a Bíblia. Claro que santo reza e lê a Bíblia, mas pensar que santidade se resume nisso, é desconhecer a história de milhares de santos e santas na igreja, homens e mulheres que transformaram a sociedade, que salvaram a humanidade de catrástrofes sociais e que Papa os chamou de “autênticos revolucionários da história humana”. A

verdaddeira santidade é sempre

revolucionária. Santo tampouco é

alguém estranho que passa o dia fazendo milagres senão é aquele que passa o dia fazendo a vontade de Deus.

A santidade portanto, é fruto da graça de Deus e do nosso esforço pessoal e comunitário.

Todos os santos e santas de Deus, rogai por nós!


Curso de Batismo : 20 de

Novembro às 7:30 PM.

Na Igreja.

Batizados : 07 e 21 de Novembro

Sábado às 5:20 PM.


Agendamento na

secretaria . Segunda à Sexta de

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

Respeite a sinalização dentro da Igreja, seguindo as setas indicadas no chão.

Use Mascaras.

Respeite o distanciamento Social



Esta chegando o dia do Sorteio do Carro !!

22 de Novembro, logo após a Missa das 7:00 PM.

Adquira já seu Ticket!!

Na Secretária ,no Brace e no final das Missas.

Contamos com seu Apoio!!

Acesse nossa Radio

(508) 665 –9540

Web Site: www.Scalabriniradio.net Facebook: Scalabrini Web Radio Youtube: Scalabrine Web Rado Usa


Atendimento em

Drive thru

Ligar para Agendar

(508) 628 - 0360 - (508) 628 - 3721

Necessita de ajuda ? A Place to Turn pode te ajudar!!!

Estamos localizados na :99 Hartford Street - Natick (508) 655-8868 Fraldas ,Cesta Básica e Roupas. Você poderá vir a cada 60 dias .

Horário :Segunda, Terça e Quinta-feira das 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM. Quarta-feira das 11:00 AM –12:30 PM e 17:30 PM - 19:00 PM


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Life Celebration

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Life Celebration

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