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Teste com várias soluções


Academic year: 2021

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Navegação Electrónica


Náutica de Recreio

• Contexto

• Teste com várias soluções

• Conclusões


Náutica de Recreio



Cartas Náuticas Digitais

> Raster

> Vectoriais ENC-57 e 63

- Qualquer carta é uma aproximação à realidade

através de um modelo (Elipsóide; projeção Mercator)

- Referenciais > WGS-84, Regional, etc.

- Referencias locais


Regulation 34 - Safe navigation and avoidance of dangerous situations

1. Prior to proceeding to sea, the master shall ensure that the intended voyage has been planned using the appropriate nautical charts and nautical publications for the area concerned, taking into account the guidelines and recommendations developed by the Organization.*

2. The voyage plan shall identify a route which:

2.1. takes into account any relevant ships' routeing systems

2.2. ensures sufficient sea room for the safe passage of the ship throughout the voyage

2.3. anticipates all known navigational hazards and adverse weather conditions; and

2.4. takes into account the marine environmental protection measures that apply, and avoids, as far as possible, actions and activities which could cause damage to the environment

*Refer to the Guidelines for Voyage Planning, adopted by the Organization by Resolution A.893(21)


If an electronic chart system is used to assist voyage planning the plan should also be drawn up on the paper charts. Where official (ENC) vector data is available an ECDIS provided with fully compliant ENC data for the vessel’s voyage may be used instead of paper charts. Raster Chart Display Systems (RCDS) using official and up to date Raster charts can be used in conjunction with paper charts to assist voyage planning and route monitoring. Hazards should be marked on the RCDS as well as on the paper chart. Systems that use unofficial chart data should not be used for voyage planning or navigation.


a.) positions obtained by electronic positioning systems must be checked regularly by visual bearings and transits whenever available;

b.) visual fixes should, if possible, be based on at least three position lines;

c.) transit marks, clearing bearings and clearing ranges (radar) can be of great assistance;

d.) it is dangerous to rely solely on the output from a single positioning system; e.) the echo sounder provides a valuable check of depth at the plotted position;

f.) buoys should not be used for position fixing but may be used for guidance when shore marks are difficult to distinguish visually; in these circumstances their positions should first be checked by other means;

g.) the charted positions of offshore installations should be checked against the most recent navigational notices;

h.) the functioning and correct reading of the instruments used should be checked; i.) account must be taken of any system errors and the predicted accuracy of

positions displayed by electronic position fixing systems; and

j.) the frequency at which the position is to be fixed should be determined for each section of the voyage.


Portaria 1464/2002

6.2 — As ER dos tipos A, B, C1 e C2 devem possuir

cartas e publicações náuticas adequadas à zona em

que navegam e devidamente actualizadas.


Reino Unido

SOLAS V em que se estipula:

“1.) Regulation SOLAS V/1.4 allows Administrations to determine to what extent Regulations 15 to 28 apply to smaller vessels and fishing vessels. In the case of Regulation the carriage requirements for charts and publicationsdo not apply to the following:

e.) Pleasure vessels under 150 gt.”. Small craft

2.) All small-craft users should note that Regulation 34 (Safe navigation and avoidance of dangerous situations) is not listed in Regulation 1.4 and therefore applies to ALL SHIPS ON ALL VOYAGES (Regulation 1.1). The definition of ship in this respect includes all small watercraft. Operators of small craft of the categories listed above should therefore have sufficient charts and published information on board to be able to plan the intended voyage and execute it safely. When the type and structure of a small vessel means that it is

impracticable to carry charts and publications, the crew should have sufficient knowledge of the area of intended operation and of all local dangers and regulations so that they can complete the intended voyage in safety.


Some hydrographic surveys date from the Victorian era. Tom Partridge uses satellite imagery as a sanity check for navigation and finds unexpected benefits

Tom uses Navionics on his plotter and a laptop loaded with charts, plotter software and satellite

imagery. Where some surveys are over 100 years old, it’s a useful blend of old and new Credit.

Yachting Monthly




Escandinavos, Bélgica, Holanda, etc.

 Responsabilidade do skipper (Seguros,

Investigação de acidentes, Justiça…..)

França, Espanha, Itália….


Teste com cartas ENC




MacENC Fugawi



“Trial” com cartas ENC S-63

- OpenCPN, SW gratuito que corre em Windows

- HW com um custo da ordem dos 200-300 EUR (Usou-se

um híbrido Acer Aspire Switch 11 com écran de 11,6” e

Windows 8.1 que custou 233,99 EUR);

- há cartas gratuitas disponíveis, mas não actualizadas;

- Para usar cartas ENC S-63 oficiais há que adquirir um

“User Permit” (IHO) por cerca de 15,38 EUR;


Na Europa cartas distribuídas por IC-ENC (UKHO) e Primar

(Norwegian HO)


Acordo UKHO via J. Garraio

(10 licenças até 31 de Maio)

Cartas costeiras de Portugal da Nazaré a Sines

Cartas de pormenor de:

Baía de Cascais

Entrada de Lisboa e Tejo até V F Xira

Entrada de Setúbal


Canal do Barreiro Navionics UKHO CM93_2011 Bóia 1 38° 40,77 N 38° 40,78 N 38° 40,78 N 009° 08,30 W 009° 08,3051 W 009° 08,31 W Bugio Resguardo 38° 40,67 N 38° 40,7380 N 38° 40,65 N Bóia 7 009° 16,95 W 009° 16,8998 W 009° 16,90 W Desvio para N Actualiz 29.12.2015


Custo das Cartas

EUA Gratuitas, S-57, com actualizações (NOAA 100% financiada

pelo OGE); Brasil e outros cartas raster gratuitas

Europa pagas; IH’s usam S-63 através de dois distribuidores IC-ENC

e Primar; IH’s com receitas próprias (SHOM teve caso jurídico)

ENC S63 Portugal 12 meses 23,76 €

3 meses 7,13 €

Raster PT 12 meses 8 cartas 220EUR+IVA



1. Obter um User Permit (15,38 EUR)

2. Instalar o plug-in S-63

3. Com o User Permit gerar um fingerprint que vai identificar a

máquina, gerando un installprint e install permit

4. Carregar o install permit e as licenças adquiridas

5. Carregar um CD ou DVD que contém as cartas licenciadas

Cartas só disponíveis durante a validade das licenças

6. Semanalmente carregar os CD’s ou DVD’s com as

actualizações recebidas durante a validade (vêm com atraso de

algumas semanas)


UserPermit 9B6CF954668F1B7F0332E7883147 (comprado em www.o-charts.org) InstallPermit 012D7831

Fingerprint 02W_1456507579.fpr

Charts UKHO (Trial gratuito válido até 31 de Maio via J. Garraio)

PT3242032016053103CFD9E86AC97E8603CFD9E86AC97E864B9452D0601E3FB4,0,4,GB, PT32420420160531152C5E69129B174C152C5E69129B174C24CB5714A41C02D5,0,5,GB, PT4264072016053183E66BFBBF7FDE5283E66BFBBF7FDE521855142DC8CB4C78,0,2,GB, PT526303201605318304624113455D0D8304624113455D0D839AEA5421B9CDF5,0,8,GB, PT52630420160531FECB419C489EE59AFECB419C489EE59A0744DF627F2B8FC6,0,6,GB, PT52630520160531D1AEA17791E33D39D1AEA17791E33D395437A36064F6B2A0,0,6,GB, PT52630620160531D5D28F31445DB969D5D28F31445DB969680D81E038196797,0,5,GB, PT526307201605311EB1D42BA0732FFD1EB1D42BA0732FFDD70BD051837938EA,0,3,GB, PT52630820160531E1F94F8EF1A681B6E1F94F8EF1A681B608873722DFC4DE34,0,4,GB, PT52630920160531910BCE92FA4B44C5910BCE92FA4B44C59355B18DEA177EA9,0,2,GB,



Exemplos de cartas não oficiais

Sea Pilot (acordo com IH, actualizadas

semestralmente - Android)

Navionics (já tem acordo com a NOAA)

C-Map Jeppesen Boeing (vários acordos)


(a Navionics 46XG Alemanha a Itália

incluindo ilhas custa 300 USD e está

sempre disponível)


Nova barra de Punta Umbría “actualizada” numa carta Navionics

Aviso 34/199 Carta 4411 (Datum WGS84) do IH de la Marina


Perigos da Navegação Electrónica

- Ficar sem sistema > redundância

- Overzoom > procurar detalhes que não


- Zoom out > leva a perder informação

(Vestas, etc.)

- Cartas apelativas viciam e conduzem a

excesso de confiança


Voiles et Voiliers Hors Série 48



É possível usar cartas oficiais ENC-63 actualizadas em sistemas

simples de custo reduzido não ECDIS

O procedimento é complexo e oneroso

A regulamentação internacional dá liberdade às Administrações para

definir isenções às disposições SOLAS V (ver UK e outros)

A redação da Portaria 1464/2002 é difícil de cumprir quanto a

actualizações de cartas na Náutica de Recreio


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