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Improving Secondary School Students' Achievement and Retention in Biology Through Video-based Multimedia Instruction


Academic year: 2017

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Figu r e  1 . Pe r for m a n ce  of Biology  St u de nt s in M a y / Jun e  W ASSCE, 2 0 0 7 - -2 0 1 1  in N ige r ia  a t  Cr e dit  Le v e l
Table 2 show s t hat  an F ( 1, 115)  =  110.299, p =  0.000 for t he m ain effect  ( t r eat m ent )  w as significant
Figu r e  2 . Gra phica l I llu st r a t ion  of St u de nt s’ Post t e st  Ach ie v e m en t  in   Biology  Using An im a t ion +  N a r r a t ion , An im a t ion +  Tex t , An im a t ion  +   N a r r a t ion  +  Te x t  a n d Conve n t ion a l Te a ch in
Table 5 shows t hat  an F ( 1, 115)  =  20.292, p =  0.000 for  t he m ain effect   ( t r eat m ent )  w as significant


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