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Participation of portuguese manufacturing industry in global value chains


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Master in International Business

Participation of Portuguese Manufacturing Industry

in Global Value Chains

Katsiaryna Pechankova



Master in International Business

Participation of Portuguese Manufacturing Industry

in Global Value Chains

Katsiaryna Pechankova

Dissertation developed under the supervision of Professor Ana Lúcia Marto Sargento, professor at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria



I would like to express my gratitude to some people, who made the development of this work real.

First of all, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Professor Ana Sargento, coordinator of the current dissertation, for outstanding support, clarification of my doubts and for her exceptionally professional guidance while developing this work.

Moreover, I would like to thank to ESTG and all professors of the course of “Master in International Business” for providing the valuable knowledge during the course.

Besides, I am grateful to the Erasmus Mundus program and Infinity project, in particular, for giving me an opportunity to study in Polytechnic Institute of Leiria and organized my stay in Portugal. I would like to express my special thanks to Ana Cecília, coordinator of Infinity project, who has always helped us with organizational issues.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank Ricardo, my parents, grandparents, sister and friends for provided support and motivation.






A indústria de manufatura de Portugal tem uma importância significativa na criação de rendimento nacional e no emprego. Como tem sido indicado por vários investigadores, os métodos tradicionais de análise não conseguem atingir todas as dimensões da competitividade económica. Esta dissertação é então, no fundo, uma análise da indústria de manufatura em Portugal relativa ao valor acrescentado desta à produção e o impacto para o emprego no âmbito das cadeias de valor globais (CVGs). A presente dissertação visa estudar de que forma a indústria de manufatura portuguesa, e os seus respetivos setores, tem um impacto direto e indireto sobre a criação de valor acrescentado e emprego, assim como a forma como esse impacto pode ser medido.

Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foi utilizada a abordagem input-output para o cálculo de multiplicadores e o novo quadro proposto por Timmer et al. (2013) para o cálculo dos indicadores do rendimento CVG (GVC income) e empregos CVG (GVC jobs), através do conjunto de dados do projeto WIOD. Além disso, para ilustrar a aplicação da metodologia indicada foi utilizada a indústria têxtil portuguesa a titulo de exemplo.

Verificou-se que as mudanças na demanda final de setores como a Celulose, Papel, Impressão e Publicação; Maquinaria, Nec e Têxteis e Produtos Têxteis teria um impacto maior no valor acrescentado criado do que alterações na demanda por outros setores da industria manufatora. Ao mesmo tempo, o emprego criado pelas mudanças na demanda final de setores tais como Alimentos, bebidas e tabaco; Madeira e Produtos de Madeira e Cortiça e Tecidos e Produtos Têxteis seria mais impactante do que nos remanescentes. Neste respeito, o numero de postos de trabalho ocupados por indivíduos menos qualificados parece ser mais influenciado pelas mudanças na demanda final do setor do que aqueles postos ocupados por indivíduos com qualificações mais elevadas.

Além disso, foi descoberto que a distribuição de rendimento CVG e empregos CVG para indústria de manufatura portuguesa partilham uma disposição semelhante. No entanto, uma observação mais atenta da distribuição de empregos CVG por níveis de qualificação, revelou uma aparente progressão geral em que as necessidades de trabalhadores pouco qualificados pelos setores são colmatadas localmente, enquanto as necessidades de trabalhadores mais qualificados são atendidas com maior recurso ao estrangeiro.



Os resultados obtidos através de cálculos dos multiplicadores apresentados fornecem uma ferramenta poderosa para os decisores políticos realizarem o planeamento estratégico de desenvolvimento da economia nacional. Usando a metodologia designada e os resultados obtidos, um governo e/ou organizações supranacionais podem direcionar as suas políticas para as indústrias com maior impacto de uma unidade adicional de demanda para economia e, assim, definir novos investimentos.

Palavras-chave: Cadeias de valor globais, rendimento CVG, empregos CVG, modelo input-output, multiplicadores, WIOD.




Portugal’s manufacturing sector has a significant importance both in national income and employment. As has been pointed out by several researchers, the traditional methods of analysis fail to grasp all the dimensions of economic competitiveness. This dissertation is then, at its core, an analysis of Portugal’s manufacturing industry in terms of the latter’s value added to production and impact to employment under the framework of global value chains. The current dissertation seeks to study in which way the Portuguese manufacturing industry, and its respective sectors, has a direct and indirect impact on the creation of value added and employment and how this impact can be measured.

For development of this work the input-output approach for calculation of multipliers and the new framework proposed by Timmer et al. (2013) for calculation of GVC income and GVC jobs indicators were used, elaborated on the basis of the WIOD project dataset. Moreover, to illustrate the application of the provided methodology the Portuguese textile industry was used as an example.

It was found that the changes in final demand of such sectors as Pulp, Paper, Printing and Publishing; Machinery, Nec and Textiles and Textile Products would have a larger impact on generated value added than other manufacturing sectors. At the same time, employment created by the changes in final demand would be more impacted by such sectors as Food, Beverages and Tobacco; Wood and Products of Wood and Cork and Textiles and Textile Products. In this regard, the number of low-skilled workers in Portugal seems to be more effected by changes in final demand, than those occupied by higher -skilled individuals. Moreover, it was found that the distribution of GVC income and GVC jobs for the Portuguese manufacturing industry shares a similar outlook. However, upon closer inspection of GVC labour distribution by skill levels there seems to exist a general progression in which low-skilled jobs requirements are met by local resources, while the need for higher skilled jobs require a greater “off-shoring” of work

The results obtained through calculations of presented multipliers provide a powerful tool for policy makers in strategic planning of development of national economy. Using the



provided methodology and obtained results, a government and supranational organizations could define which industry would have the greatest impact for an additional unit of output generated through the economy, and thus define the sectors for further investments.

Keywords: Global value chains, GVC income, GVC jobs, input-output model, multiplicators, WIOD.



List of figures

1. Simplified structure of IO table ... 18

2. WIOT Schematic view ... 40

3. Bilateral transaction between Portugal and other countries ... 41

4. Transactions from each Portuguese manufacturing sector to other countries ... 42

5. Transactions from other countries to Portuguese industries ... 43

6. Distributions of domestic intermediate consumption, foreign origin intermediate consumption and Portuguese value added in final output ... 44

7. Share of value added, domestic and foreign intermediate consumption in the Portuguese Manufacturing Industry ... 44

8. Share of value added, domestic and foreign intermediate consumption in the Portuguese Manufacturing Industry ... 45

9. Share of Intermediate Consumption and Value Added in Portugal, by sectors ... 46

10. GVC income distribution for the Portuguese Manufacturing Industry ... 53

11. Distribution of GVC workers ... 53

12. GVC labour distribution by skill level ... 54

13. GVC income distribution for the Portuguese sector of Textile and Textiles products.. 56

14. Distribution of GVC workers for the Portuguese Textile sector ... 57





List of tables

1. Contributions to GVC indicators ... 16

2. Databases for Input-Output Analysis of International Trade ... 31

3. GVC income received from 10% increase in Portuguese textile sector ... 56

4. GVC jobs generated by 10% increase in Portuguese textile sector ... 57





List of acronyms

GVC Global value chains EU27 European Union (in 2011)

EU26 European Union (in 2011, minus Portugal)

OECD The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development PMAN Portuguese manufacturing industry

PREST Portuguese non-manufacturing industry PTEXT Portuguese textile sector

REST Rest of the countries

WIOD World Input-Output database WIOT World Input-Output table

Abbreviations from WIOD


GO Gross output by industry at current basic prices (in millions of national currency)

LAB Labour compensation (in millions of national currency) EMP Number of persons engaged (thousands)

EMPE Number of employees (thousands)

LABHS High-skilled labour compensation (share in total labour compensation) LABMS Medium-skilled labour compensation (share in total labour



xii Countries:

AUS Austria IRL Ireland

AUT Australia ITA Italy

BEL Belgium JPN Japan

BGR Bulgaria KOR South Korea

BRA Brazil LTU Lithuania

CAN Canada LUX Luxemburg

CHN China LVA Latvia

CYP Cyprus MEX Mexico

CZE Czech Republic MLT Malta

DEU Germany NLD Netherlands

DNK Denmark POL Poland

ESP Spain PRT Portugal

EST Estonia ROU Romania

FIN Finland RUS Russia

FRA France SVK Slovakia

GBR Great Britain SVN Slovenia

GRC Greece SWE Sweden

HUN Hungary TUR Turkey

IDN Indonesia TWN Taiwan

IND India USA United States of


IRL Ireland RoW Rest of the World



Table of Contents










3.1. Datasets used to measure GVCs ... 9

3.2. Different indicators of GVCs ... 12

4. GVCS IN THE IO FRAMEWORK 17 4.1. IO approach in international trade analysis ... 17

4.2. GVC jobs and GVC Income variables ... 26

4.2. International IO databases ... 28

4.3. Use of the WIOD ... 33


5.2. Descriptive analysis ... 41

5.3. Multipliers within WIOD: calculation and interpretation ... 48

5.4. GVC jobs and GVC income in Portuguese manufacturing industry ... 52 5.5. Illustrative example: GVC income and GVC jobs in Portuguese Textile Sector 55



5.6. Results Analysis ... 61

6. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONS 63 REFERENCES 65 APPENDICES 73 Appendix 1. Some of Leontief Inverse indicators for Portuguese economy ... 73

Appendix 2. Output multipliers for Portuguese Economy ... 74

Appendix 3. Value Added Multipliers ... 75



1. Introduction

Recently, the topics of fragmentation and global value chains are gaining a lot of attention. Generally, a global value chain of a product is defined as the collection of all activities needed to produce a product (Los et al. 2015). This term reflects a strong trend to the dispersion of value chain activities across the world (Powers, 2012). Yet, global value chains are heterogeneous throughout industries, products and services. (OECD, 2013)

Product fragmentation is becoming more profitable, since additional production costs of coordination and transportation are reduced (Bridgman, 2012). In this way, growing fragmentation determines more possibilities for international competition for more parts of production process, which means that more parts of production process become open to international competition. (Timmer et al., 2013) Thus, there is a new stage of globalization when we can see international competition more at the level within industry, rather than at the level of the whole industries. Timmer et al. (2013) define national competitiveness as “a country’s ability to realize income and employment growth without running into long-run balance of payment difficulties” (Timmer et al., 2013, p. 615). For them competitiveness is the ability to perform activities that meet the test of international competition and generate increasing income and employment.

Since manufacturing goods are more subjected to international fragmentation because of a high degree of international contestability, it seems reasonable to concentrate attention on this topic. In Portugal, manufacturing sector has a significant importance both in national income and employment. Currently, more than 30% of the final demand for manufactured goods and market services represents value added created abroad (OECD, 2012). The Portuguese participation in GVCs is mainly determined by the use of foreign intermediates in Portugal’s export, which means high degree of backward participation. Nowadays, the Portuguese economy is fully integrated in the world trade system. Nevertheless, there is substantial room to increase the intensity of its participation in GVCs. (Amador &Stehrer, 2012).

The current study focuses on Portuguese manufacturing sector. More precisely, the aim of this work is to study which of the manufactures have the most direct and indirect impact on value added and employment in Portugal, following the perspective of global value chains.



In order to achieve this aim, the output framework will be used. In generic terms, input-output tables include the consumption of production factors (inputs) which can be, on the other hand, the output of other industries. In this way, the input-output tables show interactions and interdependencies between industries. (Sargento, 2009) An input-output table displays the “the flows of products from each industrial sector, considered as a producer, to each of the sectors, itself and others, considered as consumers” (Miller & Blair, 2009, p. 2).

Therefore, for conducting this research, the World Input-Output Database (WIOD), presented on the site www.wiod.org, will be used. It is a new alternative in study of globalization of production processes. Having been developed by Timmer et al. (2015), the WIOD contains annual time series of world input-output tables from 1995 onwards. A world Input-Output table is understood as “a set of national input-output tables that are connected with each other by bilateral international trade flows” (Timmer et al. 2015).

This work is going to follow a macroeconomic perspective; the obtained results can be used by policy makers in decision making process, when they can estimate the potential impact on income and jobs from changes occurring in the chosen industries and in the whole economy.

The dissertation has the following structure. Chapter 1 presents the theoretical framework regarding globalization, competitiveness and global value chains. Chapter 2 includes different approaches to GVC measurement. Chapter 3 describes the contributions in the literature that relate GVCs and IO models, particularly the recent WIOD database. Chapter 5 reflects the empirical approach to Portuguese manufacturing sector, following by Chapter 6 with Conclusions and Discussion section, where main achievements, implications and limitations are indicated.



2. Globalization, competitiveness and Global

Value Chains

The process of increasing globalization has changed the international environment significantly. Generally, globalization is defined as “the increasing interdependence of economies via cross-border transactions of goods, services, natural resources, capital and labor” (Di Mauro & Foster, 2008, p. 7). It is turning out quite difficult to measure globalization because of the growing number of cross-national cultural, political, social and economic interactions as well as the development of a network of direct and indirect relations between individuals that are far away from each other, which entails that distance, as a limiting factor, has a reduced influence. (Arribas et al., 2009)

Baldwin (2006) defines a new paradigm of globalization, taking place at a finer level of disaggregation. Coordination costs as well as those of international communications have fallen and EU firms offshore many tasks. Therefore, if previously international competition took place between firms and economic sectors in different countries, now it appears at the level of individual workers, doing similar tasks in different states.

Moreover, globalization has facilitated and extended the distribution of global production, which requires the organization of ties within global production networks more intensive (Navdi, 2008)

Globalization creates pressure to distribute resources between sectors and firms. Baldwin (2006) defines globalization as an unbundling with two stages. The first unbundling allowed the geographical separation of factories and consumers. The second one has separated the factories and offices themselves. Geographical separation became possible and attractive, because the gap in the North-South relation of productivity-wage grew, and communication and transportation costs became lower.

Gerrefi & Lee (2012) distinguish the consolidation of global value chains and the new geography of value creation and capture. During the past decade, a lot of GVCs shifted production from North to South in the global economy, and nowadays large emerging economies are playing very important roles in these industries as exporters and also new



markets. As the number of intermediate products expands, the geographical gap between the value added to a product, as added in a specific location, and that where a product reaches its final stage in production and is exported widens.

The existing approaches towards the understanding of international trade have been changing too. In the past, it was important to perform tasks in close proximity, because transportation and communication costs were preponderant. In order to communicate, it was necessary to travel physically and transportation was slow and costly. Thus, specialization required geographical concentration. Nowadays, the great reduction of these costs have simplified trade between countries. If before producers divided the production process into several tasks and utilized the gains of productivity from worker specialization, today there are additional gains derived from the cheaper cost of work in different locations (Grossman & Rossi-Hansberg, 2006). Thus, declining additional production costs of coordination and transportation make product fragmentation and vertical specialization become more profitable (Bridgman, 2012).

In this way, the link between specialization and geographical concentration is becoming weaker. Today, the majority of goods are not produced from start to finish in a single country. Countries participate more and more in global supply chains where the manufacture of complex goods requires many tasks, which can be performed in several different locations. (Grossman & Rossi-Hansberg, 2006). Furthermore, there is no need to make the stages of production process near to each other and more parts of production process become open to international competition. Increasingly, there is a new stage of globalization where we can see international competition more at the within industry level, rather than between industries. The increasing integration of world market brings attached an increased disintegration of the production process, where manufacturing or services activities from abroad are compounded by those done at home. (Feenstra, 1998)

It is important to note, that, according to Sturgeon & Memedovic (2010), trade in intermediate goods is more volatile than trade in final goods, which supports the notion that parts and components suppliers suffer from so called “bullwhip” effects during recessions, these entail increased impacts during slowdowns and downturns on the trade of material, parts and components than on that of final goods since, during the periods of economic uncertainty, final goods producers tend to delay orders for parts and components (Escaith et al, 2010).



Since buyers and suppliers gain the ability to communicate and follow quite complex requirements for information exchange in GVCs, international trade needs greater levels of explicit coordination, making more important “customized”1 intermediate goods. Trade in “customized” intermediates should be increasing in relation to “generic” products and commodities, because of the rise of GVCs, and the increasing competence of local suppliers and transnational corporation in developing countries. (Sturgeon & Memedovic, 2010) Bridgman (2012) explains, using trade costs, the alteration in international trade. He defines a model that makes it possible to shift production from domestic to foreign sources and allows the decomposition of various trade costs and offshore some of them. Supporting foreign direct investment, financial liberalization has allowed firms to offshore and keep production within the firm at the same time. This kind of trade between affiliates within multinationals determined trade growth.

From what has been exposed before, there is no doubt, that globalization has impacted the international environment and the profound changes in this process require the definition of new and more complex measures of competitiveness. Besides, due to the highly dynamic pace of change, finding how to stay competitive has become one of the prime and foremost concerns in many countries.

The notion of competitiveness as a key element of market economy has gained a lot of attention in economic policy and mass media. There are many different and specific definitions of this notion. In general terms, when applied to countries, competitiveness can be defined as “the ability of a country to realize central economic policy goals, especially growth in income and employment, without running into balance-of-payments difficulties” Fagerberg (1988, p.355). Besides, Timmer et al. (2013b) in defining competitiveness emphasize “the ability to perform activities that meet the test of international competition and generate increasing income and employment” (Timmer et al., 2013b, p.616).

Taking into consideration the above mentioned new aspects in globalization and international trade, a new problem in defining competitiveness has surfaced. It is becoming

1In their study Sturgeon & Memedovic (2010) distinguish customized and generic goods. By "customized"

products they understand items made specifically for one or a few final products. "Generic" products are used in a wide variety of end products



easy to indicate the geographical location of the last stage of production, but this doesn’t mean that this place is the where most of the value of the produced article has been added. At the same time, growing fragmentation brings forth greater possibilities for international competition for more parts of production process, which means that more parts of production process are available and susceptible to international competition. (Timmer et al, 2013) Global value chains are heterogeneous throughout industries, products and services. (OECD, 2013). According to Sturgeon & Memedovic (2010), global economic integration depends on the characteristics of specific products and the processes and the activities and regulations that prevail in certain industries.

The production systems of manufacturers are more subjected to international fragmentation because of their high degree of cross-borders contestability: they can be produced in any country with little variation in quality. Moreover, it should be noted that the global value chain of manufacturers contains not only activities in the manufacturing sector, but also in such sectors as agriculture, business services and others. (Timmer et al., 2013)

In this situation, insertion and participation in GVCs has become very important for the economic growth of many countries, in particular for nations with a low income, due to the accompanying job creation potential, inflow of foreign currency and contributions to poverty reduction. Globalization has created new opportunities for developing countries to participate in the global economy. At the same time, intense international competition threatens to push many firms out of GVCs. Developing countries can no longer compete on cheap labor alone, they must increase their capabilities or specialize in particular market segments. (Gerrefi & Fernandez-Stark, 2011).

Therefore, the notion of global value chain has been gaining a lot of attention. Gereffi et al. (2005) define a value-added chain as “the process by which technology is combined with material and labor inputs, and then processed inputs are assembled, marketed, and distributed”. Generally, a global value chain of a product is defined as the collection of all activities needed to produce a product (Los et al., 2015). This term reflects a strong trend to the dispersion of value chain activities across the world (Powers, 2012).

According to Koopman et al. (2013) at each stage in the process, as goods cross an international border, “the value-added trade flow is equal to the value added paid to the



factors of production in the exporting country” (Koopman, 2013, p. 2). Nevertheless, as all official national trade statistics are still measured in gross terms, which include both intermediate inputs and final products, they “double count” the value of intermediate goods that cross international borders more than once and there is a discrepancy between gross and value-added trade.

Powers (2012) introduces the notion of the “value-added trade balance” as the difference between exports of value added (domestic value added consumed abroad) and imports of value added (foreign value added consumed at home). The countries with the biggest gap between the gross and value-added deficits are integrated more tightly to the major regional supply chains.

Gross exports statistics are unable to capture the value added in internationally fragmentized production. According to Timmer et al. (2013) the strong process of international fragmentations, leads to an increasing disconnection between gross export and GVC income. Timmer et al. (2013) analyze value added and jobs involved in global production chains and, thus, propose a new measure of the competitiveness of a country based on value added and jobs involved in global production chains – these are GVC income and GVC jobs indicators, which are described in detail below, in Chapter 4.1.



3. Different approaches to GVCs

3.1. Datasets used to measure GVCs

Normally, international trade data reflects the gross value of products. Since they cross borders, it becomes challenging for researchers to calculate the real value added for products within a certain country. Goods cross borders many times passing through global supply chains and, in this way, some elements are double-counted, which overestimates the amount of domestic value-added in exports. The data of bilateral gross exports do not tell us where the value added embodied in those exports is finally consumed. Thus, gross trade is becoming a misleading measurement of value added and its exchange between countries. (Johnson, 2014)

This is why, nowadays, global value chains are always considered while speaking about the global economy. This notion normally includes a rising share of international trade, global GDP and employment. GVCs also connect firms, workers and consumers all over the world and insertion in this process is the first step for firms and workers that want to be a part of the global economy. (Gerrefi & Fernandez-Stark, 2011).

For measuring trade in value added, it is necessary to see the way that goods pass through the global supply chain from input producers to final consumers, distributing the value added in final goods to producers at each stage. (Johnson, 2014). In this way, for the analysis of GVCs, the input-output structure is generally used.

Besides Input-output tables, there are two more main approaches for GVC measurement, that are possible to distinguish in the existing literature: international trade statistics on parts and components and customs statistics on processing trade. (Amador & Cabral, 2014) The simplest methodological approach is to classify goods as parts and components and measure fragmentation by comparing trade in these classified goods with the trade in final products. The data for this approach is generally obtained from the UN trade database the Standard International Trade Classification, that contains information about imports, which includes intermediate goods used to make goods for exports and those that are used for domestic consumption, and about export - using imported parts and components and final assembled goods for transactions.



The determinants of trade in parts and components of bilateral trade relations at the global level were analyzed by Athukorala et al. (2005 and 2006). They found that trade in fragmentated goods is expanding more quickly than final-good trade. Moreover, different regions (North America and Europe compared to East Asia) depend more on this new form of international specialization. The explanation for this fact can be relatively more favorable policy for international production, as well as benefits from the early entry into this new form of specialization, and considerable wage difference.

Sturgeon and Memedovic (2011) follow a similar approach. They found evidence of deepening economic integration and significant differences between industries, which means that global economic integration depends on the characteristics of specific products and processes. Using the United Nations COMTRADE database, they examined characteristics of final and intermediate goods trade and find a growing participation of developing countries in GVCs. For Sturgeon and Memedovic (2011), it is important to investigate trends in intermediate goods trade in order to understand better GVC formation.

It is important to note that parts and component trade measured with the help of reported trade data provides only a representative measure of fragmentation trade, it has the low accuracy of the measure and relies a lot on the product classification of trade statistics. On the other hand, the main advantage of this approach is the high coverage and low complexity of the data and its comparability across countries. (Amador & Cabral, 2014)

The methodological approach of customs statistics on processing trade analyzes customs statistics. These statistics contain information on trade that is associated with customs arrangements, where tariff exemptions or reductions are granted in accordance to the domestic input content of imported goods. (Amador & Cabral, 2014)

A lot of studies use the US Offshore Assembly Programme and the EU Processing Trade datasets in order to obtain a measure of international fragmentation.

For instance, Clark (2006) investigates country and industry-level determinants of vertical specialization-based trade. He identifies industries based on use of offshore assembly provisions in the US tariff code. Investigating the factors for vertical specialization, he found that firms tend to shift the simple assembly operations to countries of unskilled employees and vertical specialization-based trade continues to grow in relation to total trade.



However, this approach has some limitations. The main disadvantage is that it captures only the cases where components are exported (imported) for processing abroad (internally) and then reimported (reexported). (Amador & Cabral, 2014)

An important view in the GVCs research is occupied by firm-level approach. It has appeared recently and is expanding rapidly. The data for this approach generally obtained both from international trade data and surveys.

Mion&Zhu (2013) analyze the impact of imports from different origins on firm employment growth, exit, and skill upgrading, using Belgian manufacturing firm-level data and distinguishing between firm-level offshoring of final versus intermediate goods. They found that China differs from both other low-wage and OECD countries, as industry-level import competition from China reduces firm employment growth and induce skill upgrading in low-tech manufacturing industries and offshoring of final goods to China actually increases firms' probability of survival.

Using Japanese firm-level data, Hijzen et al. (2010) explore the impact of offshoring on firm productivity and found that offshoring has a positive effect on productivity growth.

Another source for firm-level data for GVCs research is survey data - the International Study Group on Exports and Productivity, the Competitiveness Research Network, the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry survey of corporate offshore activities by manufacturing firms are an attempt to provide survey information on offshoring of production activities a service. Survey data generally do not cover a wide range of countries, but provide detailed information for one or several countries.



3.2. Different indicators of GVCs

There are different indicators of GVCs such as the participation index (importance), depth, length of global value chains and the specific position of countries in GVCs that can be considered.

In order to define to what extent countries are involved (GVC participation index) in a vertically fragmented production, the vertical specialization (VS) share is used, which corresponds to the value of imported inputs in the overall exports of a country. (Hummels et al., 2001; Koopman et al. 2013) The VS share reflects the importance of foreign suppliers in the value chains. On the other side, a country also participates in GVCs as a supplier of inputs used in third countries for further exports. In this case Hummels et al. (2001) introduce “VS1’ share, which reflects “the percentage of exported goods and services used as imported inputs to produce other countries’ exports” (Hummels et al., 2001 p. ). The VS and VS1 shares together (Koopman et al, 2013) allow to make a comprehensive assessment of the participation of a country in GVCs as a user of foreign inputs and supplier of intermediate goods and services used in exports of other countries.

Foreign inputs and domestic intermediates used in third countries for exports show the importance of vertical specialization. However, they don´t measure the value chains length, i.e. number of production stages involved.

In their study, Dietzenbacher et al. (2005) introduced the measure of average propagation length, that was later developed in their other study Dietzenbacher et al. (2007) as “the average number of steps it takes a stimulus in one industry to propagate throughout the production structure and affect another industry (or itself)” (Dietzenbacher & Romero, 2007, p. 364).

Dietzenbacher & Romero (2007) investigated linkages between industries in production chains, paying a special attention to sequencing. In this regard, the important aspects are both the strength of the linkages and the distance between industries. They see production as a stepwise procedure. Not investigating separate product chains, they tried to find chains in the national and intercountry production structures. In this production chain, there are two important aspects — strength of the various links and the number of steps. Thus, they studied linkages between industries from the perspective of production chains, where sequencing



plays an important role. And the distance between two industries is a relevant aspect, next to the strength of the linkage.

Fally (2011) used a simpler index. This index takes the value of 1 if there is one stage in production in the final industry and this value increases when inputs from the same industry or other industries are used, with a weighted average of the length of the production involved in these sectors. Using this index, Fally (2011) found that the US industries have become less vertically fragmented over the past 50 years, with a smaller average number of production stages. The same approach used Antràs et al. (2012) in their study, however it was used as an intermediate stage to measure uppstremness.

Speaking of the specific position of a country in the GVC, there is a distinction based on specialization between upstream and downstream country: upstream countries produce products and services at the beginning of production process (ex. activities related to innovation, design, etc.), while downstream countries assemble products and are closer to final consumer or provide final consumption related services (such as marketing, branding, logistics, etc).

The measure of upstreamness was introduced by Fally (2011) and Antràs et al. (2012) and it refers to the distance to final demand. If upstreamness increases, the economy is becoming more specialized in the production of inputs at the beginning of the value chain. If the distance to final demand has decreased, there is a trend to specialize in goods and services more downstream.

The GVC approach analyzes the global economy from two opposite directions: top down and bottom up. In regards to the top down view, normally it refers to the governance of global value chains. By governance of GVCs, we mean understanding the coordination of a GVC when certain actors in the chain (lead firms) have more influence than others. Because this subject is beyond the scope of application of the present work, it will not be developed here (for useful references in GVCs governance, please refer, for instance, to Gereffi et al. (2005) and (Sturgeon et al., 2008)). Concerning the bottom up direction, it refers to upgrading. This notion is generally used for the strategies used by countries or regions to maintain or improve their positions in the global value chains. (Gereffi. & Fernandez-Stark, 2011). In other words, upgrading in GVCs, generally means adding value to production or shifting to higher value activities in global production operations (Gereffi et al., 2005).



Gereffi (2005, p. 171) defines industrial upgrading as “the process by which economic actors – nations, firms and workers – move from low-value to relatively high-value activities in global production networks”. Ponte & Ewert (2009) define the GVC upgrading as an ability to make better products through improving processes of producing these products, and/or acquiring new functions

There are 4 categories of upgrading (Schmitz, 2006):

(1) product upgrading: shifting to more sophisticated products with increased unit value;(2) process upgrading: by the reorganization of productive activities, achieving a more efficient transformation of inputs into outputs;

(3) functional upgrading: acquiring new functions (or abandoning old ones) that increase the skill content of activities;

(4) inter-sectoral (or inter-chain) upgrading: applying competences acquired in one function of a chain and using them in a different sector/chain.

Upgrading of product and practices effects product quality and includes better practices, however, it doesn´t mean higher value added nor more efficient processes. Nevertheless, in this way, GVC participants, especially from developing countries, can improve their position in GVCs. (Ponte & Ewert, 2009)

Fernandez-Stark et al. (2012) present a typology for policy recommendations to increase the capabilities of the labor force to develop GVC upgrading. They distinguish three core groups: Early reactive interventions, ongoing proactive interventions and future-oriented interventions. Early reactive interventions respond to instant needs of industry and help to secure current participation in the GVC. Ongoing proactive interventions develop a qualified labor force for the emerging needs of the industry, which supports upgrading within the chain. Future-oriented interventions create a solid base for the workforce to respond to new demands that are likely in the future. Each of these initiatives can be implemented to respond to imperfections of the existing education and training systems in different countries. These interventions support GVC upgrading and creates competitive industries with flexible workers able to adapt to international trends. (Fernandez-Stark et al., 2012)

Besides upgrading seen as a shifting to higher value activities in global production operations, another important positive effect can be associated, in some cases, to countries’



involvement in GVCs: the increase of sustainable management practices. According to Jorgensen & Knudsen (2006), multinational buyers define social and environmental requirements for small and medium-sized enterprises, that are integrated into global value chains. In recent years, large firms have increasingly adopted sustainable supply chain management practices in global value chains. At the same time SMEs have become increasingly integrated into global value chains and hence SMEs have also become exposed to such practices.

Johnson and Noguera (2012a) compute and analyze the value added content of trade and developed a data set of “value added exports” that describes the destination where the value added produced in each source country is absorbed. This measure of “value-added exports” corresponds to “the amount of domestic value added embodied in final expenditure in each destination” (Johnson & Noguera, 2012a, p.227 ). Thus, they introduced the appropriate measure of exports in international models that are written in value-added terms. Basing on the ratio of value added to gross exports, they measure the extent of double counting in trade statistics, which is an important metric of product fragmentation in the context of multi-stage production.

Using an IO table approach, Timmer et al. (2013) introduced new measures of competitiveness: GVC income and GVC jobs.

All value added in all the stages of production are considered as a GVC income. GVC income indicates competitive strength in a particular set of activities (directly or indirectly related to the production of final manufactures). GVC income is obtained from decomposition of the value added of a final product into the value added by each country involved in its production process. It is important that GVC income measure consists of value added in the production for both domestic and foreign final demand, which is very important in analysis of competitiveness of countries with a large domestic market. It is possible to designate world GVC income as the GVC income summed over all countries in the world. GVC income indicates the extent of a country’s competitiveness to other nations in terms of activities (not products) related to global manufacturing. Moreover, it shows how economy can compete in both domestic and global markets.

Another important question in GVC structure is employment and characteristics of workers directly and indirectly involved in production. Using number of workers per unit of output,



it is possible to obtain the number of workers directly and indirectly involved in the production of manufacturing goods and sector of employment, which corresponds to GVC jobs. (Timmer et al., 2013).

Table 1, below, summarizes some key contributions made by preeminent researchers in the field of GVC and where they have done so.

In regards IO based indicators, more detailed information will be discussed in the following section of this work, Chapter 4..

Table 1. Contributions to GVC indicators

Reference (s) Dataset used с GVC Indicator Indicator description

Hummels et al., 2001; OECD Input–Output


VS and VS1 VS is the value of imported inputs in

the overall exports of a country.. VS1 is the percentage of exported goods and services used as imported inputs to produce other countries’ exports”

Koopman et al. 2013 Global Trade Analysis

Project (GTAP) Dietzenbacher et al. (2005) Andalusian input-output tables. average propagation length

Average propagation length is the average number of steps it takes a stimulus in one industry to propagate throughout the production structure and affect another industry (or itself)

Dietzenbacher &

Romero, 2007

1985 intercountry input—output table for six European countries

Fally (2011) US input-output matrices developed by the Bureau of Economic Analysis Distance to final demand

Distance to final demand - number of stages before obtaining good i, an

alternative measure Di can be

constructed to reflect the number of production stages between production of good i and final demand

Gereffi et al. (2005) Inter-firm data Upgrading The process by which economic actors

– nations, firms and workers – move from low-value to relatively high-value activities in global production networks

Ponte & Ewert (2009) South-African

input-output table

Upgrading An ability to make better products

through improving processes of

producing these products, and/or

acquiring new functions Johnson and Noguera


GTAP Value added exports


Amount of domestic value added embodied in final expenditure in each destination”

Timmer et al. (2013) WIOD GVC income Value added of all production factors,

including capital and labour, in the country that have been directly and indirectly involved in the production of final demand

GVC jobs number of workers per unit of output, it

is possible to obtain the number of workers directly and indirectly involved in the production of manufacturing

goods and sector ofemployment



4. GVCs in the IO framework

4.1. IO approach in international trade analysis

As it was mentioned above, normally, gross exports overestimate the competitiveness of countries that have a big part of imported intermediates (Los, 2015). In order to obtain a complete picture of fragmentated production process the GVC perspective with input-output approach is used.

Input-output analysis is a theoretical framework that was developed by Wassily Leontief in 1930s. Later, it was developed for many countries and in 1960s an input-output framework was integrated into the system of national accounts, published by the United Nations, and nowadays it is widely used in analysis of a country economy.(UN,1999)

An input-output model is constructed for a particular economic area and it includes the transactions of products between sectors (interindustry flows). The monetary values of these transactions (usually designated as zij) between pairs of sectors (from each sector i to each

sector j) constitute an important set of data for the creation and utilization of the input-output model. (Miller & Blair, 2009, p.11)

If we put these transactions in a table reflecting inwards and outwards flows, the input-output table will be obtained, which is a valuable tool in the further input-output analysis. The general view of IO table is represented in Figure 1.

The rows in this table show the output of each product i, that is used for intermediate consumption by different industries j for the various purposes of final demand. The columns of an IO table contain information on the provided input of the total supply of each product

j, which include both national production and imported products. The value of production

includes intermediate consumption of several inputs i from different industries and value added.

The essential part of the IO table is the interindustry transactions table, since it contains detailed data on the interrelation of various economic activities. Each column of this intermediate consumption table represents the total amount of each input i used in the production of output j, regardless of the geographical origin of that input. (Sargento, 2009)



Products 1…n Total Final Demand Total Demand

1 n Total intermediate consumption Value Added Total Supply of domestic products Imported products Total Supply

Figure 1. Simplified structure of IO table

(Source: Sargento, 2009)

While using input-output analysis, it is assumed that the amount of goods produced by sector

j during one year influences sector j’s demand for input from other sectors during the same

period. Moreover, there are some external (exogenous) purchasers such as households, government and foreign trade. Generally, their demand is not related to the amount being produced, but is determined by other considerations. This demand (final demand) is for goods that are not supposed to be used as an input to an industrial production process, but to be used as goods as such.

Let assume that one economy consists of n sectors. If the total output (production) of sector

i is xi and the total final demand for sector i’s product is fi, the equation accounting for the

way in which sector i distributes its product through sales to other sectors and to final demand is the following:

xi= zi1+ · · · + zij + · · · + zin+ fi=∑𝑛𝑗=1 𝑖𝑗𝑧 + fi (1)

The zij represents interindustry sales by sector i (also known as intermediate sales) to all sectors j (including itself, when j =i). This equation represents the distribution of sector i output. Identifying sales of the output of each of the n sectors, we have:

x1= z11+ · · · + z1j+ · · · + z1n+ f1 ⋮ xi= zi1+ · · · + zij+ · · · + zin + fi xn= zn1+ · · · + znj + · · · + znn+ fn (2)


19 Let: 𝑥 = [ 𝑥1 ⋮ 𝑥𝑛 ] , 𝑍 = 𝑧11 … 𝑧1𝑛 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 𝑧𝑛1 … 𝑧𝑛𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓 = [ 𝑓1 ⋮ 𝑓𝑛 ] (3)

So, this information on the distribution of each sector’s sales can be summarized in matrix notation as equation (4).

x = Zi + f (4)

The i is used for a column vector of 1’s (summation vector). Let’s put the information in the jth column of z’s on the right side:

                z z z nj ij j   1 (5)

These elements reflect sales to sector j – j’s purchases of the products of the various producing sectors in the country; the column contains the information about the sources and volumes of sector j’s inputs. It is important to note that during the production process, a sector also pays for other components, such as labor and capital, and uses other inputs as well, for example inventoried items. These are considered as primary inputs and designated as value added in sector. Moreover, sector j may purchase imported goods as its input. All these inputs (value added and imports) may be united and called payments sector.

As there is a possibility of purchases by a sector of its own output as an input to production, these interindustry inputs include intraindustry transactions as well.

When the values of these interindustry flows are inserted in a table, with sectors of origin (producers) listed on the left and the same sectors, destinations (purchasers), listed across the top, we obtain input–output table (Figure 1), where the columns reflect each sector’s inputs and the rows represent each sector’s outputs.



Technical coefficients. In order to measure a relationship between a sector’s output and its input, it is necessary to find technical coefficients; technical coefficients express the amount of intermediate input i used per unit output of sector j :





𝒙𝒋 (6)


aij – technical coefficient,

zij – value of transaction from sector i to sector j,

xj – total output of sector j.

Assuming that technical coefficient are unchanging and replacing each zij by aij, we obtain:

𝑥1 = 𝑎11𝑥1+ ⋯ + 𝑎1𝑖𝑥𝑖+ ⋯ + 𝑎1𝑛𝑥𝑛+ 𝑓1 𝑥𝑖 = 𝑎𝑖1𝑥1+ ⋯ + 𝑎𝑖𝑖𝑥𝑖+ ⋯ + 𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑥𝑛 + 𝑓𝑖 ⋮ 𝑥𝑛 = 𝑎𝑛1𝑥1+ ⋯ + 𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑥𝑖+ ⋯ + 𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑥𝑛 + 𝑓𝑛 (7)

Looking at these equations, it is possible to see the dependence of interindustry flows on the total outputs of each sector. In this way, if it is possible to forecast the demands of exogenous sector for a certain period of time, the estimated amount of the output from each of the sectors can be estimated in order to supply these final demands (Miller & Blair, 2009). In this case, the f1, . . . ,fn are known numbers, the aij are known coefficients, and the x1, . . . ,xn

are to be found. (Miller, Blair, 2009). So, putting all x to the left, we obtain the following matrix: 𝑥1− 𝑎11𝑥1− ⋯ − 𝑎1𝑖𝑥𝑖− ⋯ − 𝑎1𝑛𝑥𝑛 = 𝑓1 𝑥𝑖− 𝑎𝑖1𝑥1 − ⋯ − 𝑎𝑖𝑖𝑥𝑖− ⋯ − 𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑥𝑛 = 𝑓𝑖 ⋮ 𝑥𝑛 − 𝑎𝑛1𝑥1− ⋯ − 𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑥𝑖− ⋯ − 𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑥𝑛 = 𝑓𝑛 (8)



Then, putting the x1 together in the first equation, the x2 in the second, and so on, we obtain

the following matrix:

(1 − 𝑎11)𝑥1− ⋯ − 𝑎1𝑖𝑥𝑖− ⋯ − 𝑎1𝑛𝑥𝑛 = 𝑓1 −𝑎𝑖1𝑥1− ⋯ + (1 − 𝑎𝑖𝑖)𝑥𝑖− ⋯ − 𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑥𝑛 = 𝑓𝑖 ⋮ −𝑎𝑛1𝑥1− ⋯ − 𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑥𝑖− ⋯ − (1 − 𝑎𝑛𝑛)𝑥𝑛 = 𝑓𝑛 (9)

Taking into consideration the basic definition of inverse, we can obtain the general view of matrix of technical coefficients:

A = Z𝒙̂−1 (10)

So, the corresponding matrix for (6) is

x = Ax + f (11)

Let I be the n × n identity matrix – ones on the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere:

I = [ 1 ⋯ 0 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 0 ⋯ 1 ] (12) Then:                        ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 1 1 1 2 1 2 22 21 1 12 11 a a a a a a a a a nn n n n n A I        (13)

Thus, the system shown in (8) can be presented as:



From the basic definition of an inverse for a square matrix, (I−A)−1=(1/ |I−A|)[adj(I−A)]. If |I−A| =0, then (I−A)−1 can be found, and using standard matrix algebra results for linear equations the unique solution to is given by

x = (I − A)−1f = Lf (15)

where (I−A)−1= L = [lij] is known as the Leontief inverse or the total requirements matrix.

Miller & Blair (2009, p.19-20)

An important part of input-output analysis is occupied by multipliers. Input-output multipliers are the summary measures obtained from the elements of L.

Miller & Blair (2009) define the following mostly used types of multipliers, that estimate the effects of exogenous changes on

(a) outputs of the sectors in the economy;

(b) income earned by households in each sector because of the new outputs;

(c) employment (jobs, in physical terms) that is expected to be generated in each sector because of the new outputs;

(d) the value added that is created by each sector in the economy because of the new outputs. Miller & Blair (2009, p.244)

Multipliers express the impact produced by a given change in one specific sector j, for instance, motivated by a final demand increase. There are two groups of multipliers: the simple and the total ones. The simple multipliers capture direct and indirect effects obtained from an input–output model that is open for households. This means that all households’ expenditures are considered to be exogenous. Besides these two effects, the total multipliers include also induced effects – effects which take into account the effects of increasing output on household’s income and, consequently, household’s consumption. Total multipliers are, thus, obtained from a model that is closed for households.

In this study we will deal with simple multipliers, given the structure of the matrix used as the database.



Multipliers refer to the difference between the initial effect of an exogenous change and the total effects of that change. There are two groups of multipliers: the simple and the total ones. The simple multipliers capture direct and indirect effects (obtained from an input– output model that is open for households). Besides these two effects, the total multipliers include also induced effects (obtained from a model that is closed for households).

In this study we will deal with simple multipliers, given the structure of the matrix used as the database.

Output multipliers. An output multiplier for sector j corresponds to “the total value of

production in all sectors of the economy that is necessary in order to satisfy a dollar’s worth of final demand for sector j’s output”. (Miller&Blair, 2009, p. 245) Output multipliers (column sums of L) represent sector-to-economy multipliers, that link final demand in sector

j to economy output.

For the simple output multiplier, this total production is found from a model with households exogenous. The initial output effect on the economy shows just the initial dollar’s worth of sector j output that is necessary to satisfy the additional final demand. Thus, it is possible to say that the output multiplier is the ratio of the direct and indirect effect to the initial effect alone.

In practical terms, we can see that if the government try to define on what sector to spend additional dollar (or other amount), when compare output multipliers it would see the greatest impact for a total dollar value of output generated through the economy.

Value added multipliers. Another kind of multiplier relates the new value added created in each sector in response to the initial exogenous shock to that initial shock. The only new information required is a set of sectoral value-added coefficients – v′

𝒗 = 𝒗′𝒙̂−𝟏 (16)

And the value-added multipliers can be denoted, then, as

𝒎(𝒗) = 𝒗𝒄′𝑳 (17)

It is often mentioned that value added is a better measure of a sector’s contribution to an economy because it represents the value that is added by the sector in engaging in production



– the difference between a sector’s total output and the cost of its intermediate inputs. (Miller&Blair, 2009, p. 256)

Income Multipliers and Employment Multipliers. The economic impact of new final

demand on created jobs and increased household earnings is more question of concern than simply output by sector. Income and employment multipliers allow to explore the impact on the households in physical (jobs) or monetary (earnings) terms.

Using labor-input monetary (wages received per unit of output, as in [an+1,1, …, an+1,1]) or

physical (person-years per unit of output) coefficients, it is possible to convert the elements in L into dollars’ worth of employment. (Miller & Blair, 2009) Thus, let the row vector of this information be designated as h’ (for households). For monetary values, it is [zn+1,1, …,

zn+1,1], for calculation in physical terms it should be some measure of number of employees

in a certain period. Then the row of respective input coefficients in monetary would be denoted as:

𝒉𝒄′ = 𝒉′𝒙̂−𝟏 (18)

Then the income multipliers are denoted as:

𝒎(𝒉) = 𝒉𝒄′𝑳 (19)

It is necessary to note that of the employment multiplier (in physical values), it is more illustrative to consider the jobs created per thousand of dollars of additional output. Then in physical values the technical coefficients are denoted as :

𝒆𝒄= 𝒆′𝒙̂−𝟏

∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 (20)

And multipliers as:

𝒎(𝒆) = 𝒆𝒄𝑳 (21)

This decomposition method can be used for analysis of value and quantities of specific production factors (labor or capital) in the production of a certain final good. In the current



study this method is used in Chapter 5, for the analysis of Portuguese textile sector and the impact of changes in its final demand.

Therefore, IO framework provides a valuable tool for international and domestic trade analysis and allows to evaluate direct and indirect effects on the economy. The empirical application of IO analysis is provided in Chapter 5.



4.2. GVC jobs and GVC Income variables

Following the approach of Johnson &Noguera (2012) and Timmer et al. (2013) we can measure GVC income and GVC jobs, applying IO approach. Using international input-output model, Timmer et al. (2013) traced the value added at the various stages of production and developed an ex-post accounting of the value of final demand (Timmer et al., 2013). For these calculations, the model developed by Johnson & Noguera (2012) can be used and then generalized to value added analysis by specific production factors.

Following Timmer et al. (2013), S, F and N denote sectors, production factors and countries respectively. Each country-sector produces one good, thus, there are SN products. For output production in each country-sector, domestic production factors and intermediate inputs, that can be of domestic or foreign origin, are used. Country-sector output is used to satisfy final demand (domestic or foreign) or used as intermediate input in production (domestic or foreign). Final demand has such components as household and government consumption and investment. To track the shipments of intermediate and final goods within and across countries, it is necessary to define source and destination country-sectors.

For a particular product, the source country is denoted by i, the destination country is denoted by j, the source sector is denoted by s and the destination sector is denoted by t. By definition, the quantity of a product produced in a particular country-sector is equal the quantities of this product used domestically and abroad. The product market clearing condition can be written as 𝑥𝑖(𝑠) = ∑ 𝑓𝑖𝑗(𝑠) + 𝑗 ∑ ∑ 𝑚𝑖𝑗(𝑠, 𝑡) 𝑡 𝑗 (22)

Where xi(s) denotes the output of sector s of country i, fij(s) is the value of goods shipped

from this sector for final use in any country j, mij(s,t) is the value of goods shipped from this

sector for intermediate use by sector t in country j.

In this way, the market clearing conditions for each of the SN goods can be combined to create a compact global input-output system. If x is a vector of production of dimension (SNx1), which is obtained by putting output levels in each country-sector and f is the vector of dimension (SNx1) that is constructed by obtaining world final demand for output from



each country-sector fi(s). World final demand is the summation of demand from every

country. Obtaining a matrix of global intermediate input coefficients of dimension SNxSN, the elements of which are denoted as 𝑎𝑖𝑗(𝑠, 𝑡) = 𝑚𝑖𝑗(𝑠, 𝑡)/𝑥𝑖(𝑡) denote the sector s output in country i used as intermediate input by sector t in country j as a share of output in the latter sector. With this information, we come again to the equation x = Ax+ f, or, after its rearranging to equation (10).

In order to decompose the final demand of a specific product into value added in country-sectors that directly and indirectly participate in the production process of the final good, let pi(s) represent the value added per unit of gross output produced in sector s in country i, thus

creating the stacked SN-vector p containing these value added coefficients. The elements in p do not account for value added embodied in intermediate inputs used. To take these into account, we derive the SN-vector of value added levels v as generated to produce the unit final demand column vector zn , with the nth element representing an additional unit of

global consumption of goods from country-sector n, and pre-multiply the gross outputs needed for production of this final demand by the direct value added coefficients vector p:

𝐯 = 𝐩̂(𝐈 − 𝐀)−𝟏𝐟 (23)

Where 𝑝̂ is a diagonal matrix with the elements of a vector (in this case p) on the diagonal. From now, it is possible to multiply 𝒑̂(𝑰 − 𝑨)−𝟏 with any vector of final demand levels to

estimate what value added levels should be attributed to this particular set of final demand levels.

This decomposition method can be used for analysis of value and quantities of specific production factors (labor or capital) in the production of a certain final good.

In the current study this method is used in Chapter 5.4 and 5.5, in the analysis of the whole Portuguese manufacturing industry, as well as in the illustrative example where it is shown how the increase in final demand of the Portuguese textile sector will influence the number of jobs and income generated in Portugal.

Therefore, IO framework provides a valuable tool for international and domestic trade analysis and allows to evaluate direct and indirect effects on the economy. The empirical application of IO analysis is provided in Chapter 5.


Table 1. Contributions to GVC indicators
Figure 1. Simplified structure of IO table
Table 2. Databases for Input-Output Analysis of International Trade  Name of
Figure 2.  WIOT  Schematic view


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