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The spectrum of the MartinMoralesNadirashvili minimal surfaces is discrete


Academic year: 2018

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DOI 10.1007/s12220-009-9101-z

The Spectrum of the Martin-Morales-Nadirashvili

Minimal Surfaces Is Discrete

G. Pacelli Bessa·Luquesio P. Jorge· J. Fabio Montenegro

Received: 3 March 2009 / Published online: 7 August 2009 © Mathematica Josephina, Inc. 2009

Abstract We show that the spectrum of a complete submanifold properly immersed into a ball of a Riemannian manifold is discrete, provided the norm of the mean cur-vature vector is sufficiently small. In particular, the spectrum of a complete minimal surface properly immersed into a ball ofR3is discrete. This gives a positive answer to a question of Yau (Asian J. Math. 4:235–278,2000).

Keywords Proper bounded minimal submanifolds·Discrete spectrum·Essential spectrum

Mathematics Subject Classification (2000) 53C40·53C42·58C40

1 Introduction

An interesting problem in geometry is to understand the relations of the geometry of a Riemannian manifold and its spectrum. Particularly interesting are the geometric restrictions implying that the spectrum is purely continuous or discrete. There are several results along these lines, see [5,6,8,12,21,23] for geometric conditions implying that the spectrum is purely continuous and [2,7,10,14,15] for geometric conditions implying that the spectrum is discrete.

The first and third author were partially supported by CNPq-CAPES, Brazil. G.P. Bessa (

)·L.P. Jorge·J.F. Montenegro

Department of Mathematics, Universidade Federal do Ceara–UFC, Campus do Pici, 60455-760 Fortaleza, CE, Brazil


L.P. Jorge



Since every complete Riemannianm-manifold can be realized as a complete sub-manifold embedded into a fixed ball of radiusrof ann-dimensional Euclidean space, withndepending only onm, see [20]. It would be important to understand the rela-tions between the spectrum and the extrinsic geometries of bounded embeddings of complete Riemannian manifolds in Euclidean spaces.

A particularly interesting aspect of this problem is the spectrum related part of the so calledCalabi-Yau conjectures on minimal surfaces. S.T. Yau, revisiting Calabi conjectures on minimal surfaces, in his Millennium Lectures [24,25], wrote:It is known[19]that there are complete minimal surfaces properly immersed into a[open] ball.. . .Are their spectrum discrete?It is not clear that the Nadirashvili’s complete bounded minimal surface [19] isproperly immersed. However, in [17,18], F. Martin and S. Morales constructed, for every open convex subsetBofR3, a complete proper minimal immersionϕ:D֒B, where Dis the disk on R2. The Martin-Morales’ method is a highly non-trivial refinement of Nadirashvili’s method, thus we name, (as we should), these complete minimal surfaces properly immersed into bounded convex subsetsB of R3 as Martin-Morales-Nadirashvili minimal surfaces. In this paper we answer positively Yau’s question in the following corollary of the main theorem.

Theorem 1.1 Letϕ:M ֒BR3(r)⊂R3be a complete surface,properly immersed

into a ball.If the norm of the mean curvature vectorH ofMsatisfies


M |


thenMhas discrete spectrum.

The Theorem1.1is a particular case of our main result, Theorem1.2, that shows that the spectrum of a complete properly immersed submanifoldϕ:M ֒BN(r)is

discrete provided the norm of the mean curvature vector H=Trα is sufficiently small. HereBN(r)⊂N is a normal geodesic ball of radiusrof a Riemannian

mani-foldNandαis the second fundamental form. In the following we denote

Cb(t )=

⎧ ⎨

bcot(√bt ) ifb >0,

1/t ifb=0, √

−bcoth(√bt ) ifb <0.


Theorem 1.2 Letϕ:M ֒→BN(r)be a completem-submanifold properly immersed

into a geodesic ball,centered atp with radiusr,of a Riemanniann-manifoldN.

Letb=supKNradwhereKNradare the radial sectional curvatures along the geodes-ics issuing fromp.Assume thatr <min{injN(p), π/2

b},whereπ/2√b= +∞if b0.If the norm of the mean curvature vectorHsatisfies,


M |

H|< m·Cb(r),


The idea of the proof of Theorem1.2can be extended to prove that the essential spectrum of submanifolds properly immersed1 in a cylinder BN(r)×R is empty

provided the norm of the mean curvature is small, see Theorem4.1.

A Riemannian manifoldM is said to bestochastically completeif for some (and thus, for any)(x, t )M×(0,+∞)it holds that


p(x, y, t )dy=1,

wherep(x, y, t )is the heat kernel of the Laplacian operator. Otherwise, the man-ifold M is said to be stochastically incomplete (for further details about this see [9]). It seems to have a close relationship between discreteness of the spectrum of a complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds and stochastic incompleteness. For instance, it was proved in [1] that submanifolds satisfying the hypotheses of The-orem1.2, (without the properness condition) are stochastically incomplete. Harmer [10], shows that stochastic incompleteness implies discreteness of the spectrum in a certain class of Riemannian manifolds. Based on these evidences, we believe that the following conjecture should be true.

Conjecture 1.3 A complete noncompact Riemannian manifold has discrete spectrum if and only if is stochastically incomplete.

Remark 1.4 I. Salavessa [22], proved discreteness ofX-bounded minimal submani-folds of Riemannian manisubmani-folds carrying strongly convex vector fieldX.

2 Preliminaries

LetM be a complete noncompact Riemannian manifold. The Laplacian △acting onC0∞(M)has a unique self-adjoint extension to an unbounded operator acting on

L2(M), also denoted by △, whose domain are those functions f L2(M) such that △f L2(M) and whose spectrum (M)⊂ [0,) decomposes as (M)= p(M)∪ess(M)wherep(M)is formed by eigenvalues with finite multiplicity

andess(M)is formed by accumulation points of the spectrum and by the

eigenval-ues with infinite multiplicity. It is said thatMhas discrete spectrum ifess(M)= ∅

and thatMhas purely continuous spectrum ifp(M)= ∅.

IfKM is a compact manifold, of the same dimension as M, with boundary then there is a self-adjoint extension△′of the Laplacian△ofM\K by imposing Dirichlet conditions. TheDecomposition Principle[7] says that△and△′have the same essential spectrumess(M)=ess(M\K). On the other hand, the bottom of

the spectrum ofM\Kis equal to the fundamental tone ofM\K, i.e. inf(M\K)= λ∗(M\K), where

λ∗(M\K)=inf M\K|grad



, fC0∞(M\K)\ {0}



To give lower estimates forλ∗(M\K)we need of the following version of Barta’s Theorem.

Theorem 2.1(Barta [3]) LetM be an open subset of a Riemannian manifold Mand letf C2(),f| >0.Then


(− f/f ). (2)

Proof LetX= −grad logf be aC1vector field in. It was proved in [4] that


(divX− |X|



△f f


The second main ingredient of our proof is the Hessian comparison theorem.

Theorem 2.2 LetMmbe a Riemannian manifold andx0, x1∈Mbe such that there

is a minimizing unit speed geodesicγjoiningx0andx1and letρ(x)=dist(x0, x)be

the distance function tox0.LetaKγ ≤bbe the radial sectional curvatures ofM

alongγ.Ifb >0assumeρ(x1) < π/2

b.Then,we haveHessρ(x)(γ′, γ′)=0and

Ca(ρ(x))X2≥Hessρ(x)(X, X)≥Cb(ρ(x))X2 (3)

whereXTxMis perpendicular toγ′(ρ(x)).

Let ϕ : M ֒W be an isometric immersion of a complete Riemannian m -manifoldMinto a Riemanniann-manifoldWwith second fundamental formα. Con-sider aC2-functiong:WRand the compositionf =gϕ:MR. Identifying

Xwithdϕ(X)we have atqMthat the Hessian off is given by

Hessf (q)(X, Y )=Hessg(ϕ(q))(X, Y )+ gradg, α(X, Y )ϕ(q). (4)

Taking the trace in (4), with respect to an orthonormal basis{e1, . . . em}forTqM, we

have the Laplacian off,

f (q)=



Hessg(ϕ(q))(ei, ei)+




α(ei, ei)

. (5)

The formulas (4) and (5) are well known in the literature, see [11].

3 Proof of Theorem1.2

LetK1⊂K2⊂ · · ·be an exhaustion sequence ofMby compact sets. The well known

Decomposition Principle[7] states thatMandM\Ki have the same essential

spec-trum,ess(M)=ess(M\Ki). Therefore, the Theorem1.2is proved if we show that


By hypothesis we have a completem-submanifoldϕ:M ֒BN(r)properly

im-mersed into a ballBN(r)=BN(p, r)with center atpand radiusrin a Riemannian

n-manifold N with radial sectional curvatures KNrad along the radial geodesics is-suing from p bounded as a =infKNradKNradb=supKNrad in BN(r), where

r <min{injN(p), π/2√b}. Here we replaceπ/2√bby+∞ifb0.

Define a functionv:BN(p, r)→Rby v(y)=φa(ρ(y)), whereφa: [0, r] →R

given by

φa(t )=

⎧ ⎪ ⎨

⎪ ⎩

cos(√at )cos(√ar) ifa >0, t < π/2√a,

r2t2 ifa=0,

cosh(√ar)cosh(√at ) ifa <0.


Observe thatφ (t ) >0 in [0, r),φa(r)=0, φa′(t ) <0 and φ′′a(t )−Ca(t )φa′(t )=0

in[0, r]. This functionφa we learned from Markvorsen [16]. Let f:M→R

de-fined by f =vϕ and consider an exhaustion sequence of M by compact sets

Ki =ϕ−1(BN(p, ri)), where ri < r, ri → r. By Barta’s Theorem we have that

λ∗(M\Ki)≥infM\Ki( −△f

f ).

Now by (5) we have

△f (x)=



HessNv(ϕ(x))(ei, ei)+




α(ei, ei)





HessNv(ϕ(y))(ei, ei)+ gradv, H.

The metric ofN inside the normal geodesic ball BN(p, r)can be written in

po-lar coordinates asds2=dt2+ |A(t, ξ )|2dξ2,A(t, ξ )satisfies the Jacobi equation

A′′+RA=0 with initial conditionsA(0, ξ )=0,A′(0, ξ )=I. We have at the point

ϕ(x)an orthonormal basis{∂/∂t, ∂/∂ξ1, . . . ∂/∂ξn−1}forTϕ(x)N. We may choose an

orthonormal basis forTx(M\Ki)ase1= e1, ∂/∂t ·∂/∂t+e⊥1, wheree⊥1 ⊥∂/∂t and{e2, . . . , em} ⊂ {∂/∂ξ1, . . . ∂/∂ξn−1}. Computing HessNv(ϕ(x))(ei, ei)we have

HessNv(ϕ(x))(e1, e1)

a′′(t )φ′a(t )·HessNρ(e1⊥/|e⊥1|, e⊥1/|e⊥1|)


a′(t )·HessNρ(e⊥1/|e⊥1|), e⊥1/|e⊥1|))

a′(t )·Ca(t )−Hessρ(e⊥1/|e⊥1|, e⊥1/|e1⊥|)


a′(t )·HessNρ(e⊥1, e1⊥) (7) and fori2


wheret=ρ(ϕ(x)). Now,

−△f = −φ′a(t )·Ca(t )−Hessρ(e1⊥/|e⊥1|), e1⊥/|e1⊥|))


−φa′(t )·

HessNρ(e1⊥/|e⊥1|), e⊥1/|e1⊥|))+



HessNρ(ei, ei)

−φa′(t )gradρ, H

≥ −φ′a(t )· [m·Cb(t )−sup|H|].

We used thatCa(t )≥Hessρ(e1⊥/|e1⊥|), e⊥1/|e⊥1|))≥Cb(t ), Hessρ(ei, ei)≥Cb(t )

by the Hessian Comparison Theorem and that−φa′(t ) >0. Hence

λ∗(M\Ki)≥ inf

M\Ki −

△f f

≥ inf

M\Ki −φ

a(t )

φa(t )[

m·Cb(t )−sup|H|]

≥ −φ ′



m·Cb(r)−sup|H|]. (9)

Thusλ∗(M\Ki)→ ∞asri→r. This proves Theorem1.2.

4 Cylindrically Bounded Submanifolds


N(r)×Rℓ⊂Nn−ℓ×Rℓ,m≥ℓ+1, be an isometric immersion

of a complete Riemannianm-manifoldMm into theBN(r)×Rℓ, whereBN(r) is

a geodesic ball in a Riemannian (nℓ)-manifoldNn−ℓ, centered at a pointpwith radiusr. Let b=supKNradwhereKNradare the radial sectional curvatures along the geodesics issuing fromp. Assume thatr <min{injN(p), π/2√b}, whereπ/2√b= +∞ifb0.

Theorem 4.1 Suppose thatϕ:Mm֒BN(r)×Rℓas above satisfies the following.

1. For everys < r,the setϕ−1(BN(s)×Rℓ)is compact inM.

2. supM|H|< (m−ℓ)Cb(r)where|H|(x)is norm of the mean curvature vector of


ThenMhas discrete spectrum.

Proof Observe that the condition 1. is a stronger property than being a proper immer-sion except whenℓ=0. As before, letri→rbe a sequence of positive real numbers

ri< r and the compacts setsKi =ϕ−1(BN(ri)×Rℓ). We need only to show that


ρ(x)=distN(p, x),φa given in (6) and a=infKNrad. Letf =v◦ϕ:M→R. We

have by (5)

△f (x)=



HessN×Rℓv(ϕ(x))(ei, ei)+ gradv, H




HessN(φa◦ρ)(ϕ(x))(ei, ei)+ grad(φa◦ρ), H. (10)

Atϕ(x)=(y1, y2), consider the orthonormal basis


Polar basis

∂/∂t, ∂/∂ξ1, . . . ∂/∂ξn−ℓ−1,

Cartesian basis

∂/∂s1, . . . ∂/∂sℓ}








Choose an orthonormal basis{e1, e2, . . . , em}as follows


∂ ∂t +




∂ ∂ξj +



∂ ∂sj


Using thatφ′a(t ) <0,φ′′a=Ca(t )φa′(t )and Hessρ(y1)(∂/∂ξj, ∂/∂ξj)≥Cb(t )for

allj=1, . . . , n1, we have that

Hessφa◦ρ(y1)(ei, ei)

a′′(t )ai2+φa′(t )



bij2Hessρ(y1)(∂/∂ξj, ∂/∂ξj)

≤φa′′(t )ai2+φ′a(t )



b2ijCb(t )

=Ca(t )φa′(t )a


i +φa′(t )




Cb(t )

a′(t )ai2(Ca(t )−Cb(t ))+φ′a(t )




Cb(t )

≤φa′(t )





sinceCa(t )≥Cb(t )and wheret=ρ(y1). Therefore



Hessφa◦ρ(y1)(ei, ei)≥ −φ′a(t )






Cb(t )

≥ −φ′a(t )(m−ℓ)Cb(t )

From this we have that


f (x)≥ − φ′a(t ) φa(t )

(mℓ)Cb(t )−sup

M |

H| (11)

so that


M\Ki −

△f f

≥ −φ ′




M |


Therefore infM\Ki(− △f

f )→ +∞asri→rproving Theorem4.1.

5 Final Remarks

The proof of Theorem1.2can be easily adapted to prove that the spectrum of a com-plete properly immersed submanifoldϕ:M ֒BN is discrete provided the norm of the mean curvature vectorH is sufficiently small, whereB is a smooth convex bounded subset ofN.

The distance to the boundary∂Bis smooth in aǫ-tubular neighborhoodTǫ(∂B)\

∂Bof the boundary for smallǫ >0. Letǫi→0 a sequence of positive numbers and

letKi=ϕ−1(B\Tǫi(∂B)). We have to show thatλ∗(Ki)→ ∞asi→ ∞.

We can define a positive smooth functiong:Tǫ(∂B)\∂B→Rusing the distance

to the boundary and then definef =gϕand apply a Hessian Comparison Theorem of Kasue [13] together with Barta’s Theorem as in the proof of Theorem1.2. We leave the details to the interested reader.


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