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Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. vol.28 número1


Academic year: 2018

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R e v is ta d a S o c ie d a d e B r a s ile ir a d e M e d ic itia T r o p ic a l 2 8 (1 ) : 7 - l l , j a n - m a r , 1 9 9 5 .






T .T . R osa, L .F . Junqueira Junior, F .J.C . M angia, J .P .R . Veiga and F .V . Pádua

T h e e ffe c t o f a n 8 h o u r - p e r io d o f w a te r d e p r iv a tio n o n f l u i d a n d e le c tr o ly te r e n a l e x c r e tio n w a s in v e s tig a te d in m a le W ista r r a ts in fe c te d w ith th e s tr a in S ã o F e lip e (1 2 SF ) o/Trypanosom a cruzi, in c o m p a r is o n w ith a g e a n d s e x m a tc h e d n o n -in fe c te d c o n tr o ls . T h e m e d ia n p e r c e n t r e d u c tio n s in th e u r in a r y f l o w (-4 0 % v - 6 3 % ) a n d e x c r e tio n o fs o d iu m (-57 % v - 7 9 % ) w e r e s m a lle r in c h a g a s ic th a n in c o n tr o l r a ts , r e s p e c tiv e ly . S o , c h a g a s ic r a ts e x c r e te d m o r e th a n c o n tr o ls . O n th e o th e r h a n d , th e m e d ia n p e r c e n t d e c r e m e n t in th e c le a r a n c e o f c r e a tin in e w a s h ig h e r in c h a g a s ic (-5 1 % ) th a n in c o n tr o ls (-3 9 % ). T h u s, c h a g a s ic r a ts s h o w e d s o m e d is tu r b e d r e n a l h y d r o e le c tr o ly tic r e s p o n s e s to w a te r d e p r iv a tio n , e x p r e s s e d b y s m a lle r c o n s e r v a tio n , o r h ig h e r e x c r e tio n o f w a te r a n d s o d iu m in a s s o c ia tio n w ith s m a lle r g lo m e r u la r filtr a tio n ra te . T h is f a c t d e n o te d a n e le v a tio n in th e f r a c t io n a l e x c r e tio n o f s o d iu m a n d w a te r.

K e y -w o r d s : W a te r d e p r iv a tio n . U rin a ry f l o w . U rin a ry s o d iu m a n d p o ta s s iu m . G lo m e r u la r fi l tr a t i o n ra te . T. cr w /Á -in fe cte d ra t.

Some studies have demonstrated that in patients with the indeterminate and cardiac chronic forms of Chagas' disease, there are disturbances in the renal control o f the hydric and saline homeostasis, as well as changes in the osmolarity o f the extracelular fluid, and in the balance of electrolytes, resulting in a higher natriuresis in comparison with healthy subjects1 10 18. The majority o f these observations were based on protocols that used expansion of blood volume by intravenous infusion of saline solution to induce the effects studied. Large variations in the daily serum concentrations of potassium, greater than in normal individuals19, also observed in chagasic patients.

In chronic chagasic patients, in which acute changes in the levels of sodium in thekydneys were induced by intravenous injection of the loop diuretic furosemide, suggested that the alterations in the natriuresis were related to a mineralocorticoid effect16. This suggestion was based in a smaller sodium/potassium ratio observed in the saliva of chagasic patients when compared to that o f control Laboratórios de Nefrologia e Cardiovascular, Departamento de Clínica M édica, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, D F, Brasil.

Research supported by CNPq (Grants 403748/82, 301705/85, 407647/85, and 800020/86).

A d d r e s s to : D ra. Tânia Torres Rosa.CLM /FS/UnB. Campus Universitário. 70910-900 Brasília, D F, Brasil.

Recebido para publicação em 20/01/94.

subjects, assuming that this relation represent an indirect index o f a mineralocorticoid excess2.

Presently it was investigated the effects of water deprivation on urinary flow, clearance of creatinine, and urinary excretion o f sodium and potassium in a rat model o f chronic chagasic infection. The objective of the study was to identify any possible disturbance in the hydroelectrolytic homeostasis in the rat infected with T.


Thirty male Wistar rats that survived the acute phase of T. cru zi infection, induced at 25-30 days of age, were used in the study. These rats, weighing 50 to 80g, were intraperitoneally inoculated with 2,000 to 6,000 trypomastigote blood forms per gram body weight of São Felipe (12SF) strain o f T. cru zi

obtained from blood o f infected mice. After inoculation, rats were let to evolve for 8 months till reaching the chronic phase. Thirty non-infected age and sex matched rats formed the control group which were simultaneously observed.

Acute infection of all animals was proved by microscopic detection of circulating parasites in the peripheral blood during the first weeks following inoculation. Chronic disease in this rat model of chagasic infection, developed at the University of Brasilia Cardiovascular Laboratory, was identified


R o s a T T , J u n q u e ir a J u n i o r L F , M a n g ia F J C , V e ig a J P R , P á d u a F V . E ffe c ts o f w a te r d e p r i v a t i o n o n r e n a l h y d r o e l e c tr o l y t i c e x c r e tio n in c h r o n ic a lly Trypanosoma cruzi- in fe c te d ra ts. R e v i s t a d a S o c i e d a d e B r a s ile ir a d e M e d ic in a T r o p ic a l 2 8 : 7 - 1 1 , j a n - m a r , 1 9 9 5 .

by the presence o f inflammatory and degenerative lesions o f variable degree in the atrial and ventricular m y o c a rd ia l fib e rs , and by the in trin s ic neuroganglionitis of the heart4 5 8.

Experim ental protocol

After 8th month of infection, chagasic rats were individually housed in metabolic cages, under a natural 12 hours light-dark cycle at the temperature of 21 °C to 27°C and humidity of 60% to 80%. Control rats were treated as the chagasic group.

The experim ental protocol included four periods:

1. adaptation, that lasted 5 days for the animals to habituate to the new environment;

2. basal or pre-hydropenia, that consisted in the collection of urine for 24 hours, and blood and urine samples for analysis;

3. hydropenia, iniciated 48 hours following the basal period, consisting of total restriction of access to water (water deprivation) for 8 hours; during this period, urine was also collected, and at the end samples o f blood and urine were further obtained;

4. recovery or post-hydropenia, consisted in the return to basal conditions, with farther collection of urine following 24 hours after the period of hydropenia.

In all four experimental periods, rats were allowed to have free access to standard food and were weighed each day. Excluding hydropenia, in all the other periods animals were kept on water a d lib itu m .

The variables used for assessment of renal function during hydropenia were: urinary flow (Vu); creatinine clearance




employing the method of Follin-W u in a Micronal B-29511 spechtrophotometer, for evaluation o f glomerular filtration rate; and the urinary excretion of sodium (Uj^aV) and potassium (Uj^V) using a Micronal B- 262 flame photometer.

Statistical analysis

analysed employing the Mann-Whitney test for unpaired comparisons between the groups, and the Wilcoxon signed rank test for paired comparisons within each group, using the STATGRAPHICS software (STSC 'S Plus-Ware, 1985) in an IBM/PC microcomputer. A two-tailed p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results are reported as medians with the lower and upper quartiles.


During the experimental periods the serial weight curves were similar for the two groups of rats, with the means ± standard deviation (sd) varying between 337 + 53 and 369 + 56g in the control, and 347 + 56 and 377 + 38g in the chagasic group.

Table 1 shows the median with lower and upper quartiles of the fu n ction al variables in the basal and hydropenic periods, for control and chagasic groups of rats. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed between the chagasic and control groups as to th e basal v a lu e s o f u rin a ry flow (4.17 v 4.17/il.m in1, respectively), glomerular filtration rate expressed by the creatinine clearance (351 v 400/xl. m in 1.100g4 ) , and excretion of sodium (274 v 3 5 3 ^ E q .m in _1.10"3) and p o tassiu m (764 v 826/tEq.min"1.10‘3).

The percent changes induced in the variables after hydropenia is also shown in Table 1. Significant (p < 0.01 - 0.05) and marked absolute reduction in all the variables was observed in both groups of animals. However, only the urinary excretion of potassium showed median percent decrem ent statistically similar (p > 0.05) in the chagasic (-64%) and in the control group (-70%). The median reduction in the urinary excretion o f sodium was relatively smaller (p < 0.05) in the chagasic (-57 %) than control (-79 %) rats. The urinary flow was also reduced less (p < 0.05) in the chagasic (-40 %) than in control (-63 %) rats. On the contrary, the median decrement in the clearance o f creatinine was relatively higher (p < 0.05) in the chagasic group (-51 %) than in the control (-39%) group.


R o s a T T , J u n q u e ir a J u n i o r L F , M a n g ia F J C , V e ig a J P R , P á d u a F V . E ffe c ts o f w a te r d e p r iv a tio n o n r e n a l h y d r o e le c tr o fy tic e x c r e tio n in c h r o n ic a lly Trypanosoma cruzi- in fe c te d r a ts . R e v is ta d a S o c ie d a d e B r a s ile ir a d e M e d ic in a T r o p ic a l 2 8 : 7 - 1 1 , j a n - m a r , 1 9 9 5 .

Table 1 - Urinary flo w (V y), creatinine clearanoe ( C l^ ) , and urinary excretions o f sodium (V NAV) and potassium (UX V) sh ow ed by control and chagasic rats in the basal state and after water deprivation.

control rats chagasic rats

basal hydropenia - A% basal hydropenia - A%

\ r N 27 27 25 26 25 25

v u

(/jl/min) QI-QSMed 3.47-6.254.17 2.08 63%** 4.17" 2.08 40% **, + 0-3.12 75/%-36% 2 .78-5.90 2 .08 -4.16 65%-3%





19 351 255-418

5 217 199-255

5 39%* 42%-23%

16 400" 351-449

7 172 165-224

7 51% *, + 56%-49%

UNAV (/iEq/m in.10'3)

N 27 13 12 26 14 14


353 208-534

83 62-156

79%** 86%-64%

274" 176-383

109 42-176

57% **, + 77%-45%

u x v (/Æ q/min.10-3)

N 28 15 13 27 20 15


826 609-1123

386 260-490

70%** 76%-52%

764" 601-962

332 218-482

64%** 77%-24%

Date are reported as medians (Med) with the inferior and superior quartiles (QI-QS) o f N rats considered for analysis. * p < 0 .0 5 , ** p < 0 .0 1 (hydropenia x basal, Wilcoxon test); + p < 0 . 0 5 ," p > 0 .0 5 (chagasic xcontrol, Mann-Whitney test).


R o s a T T , J u n q u e ir a J u n i o r L F , M a n g ia F J C , V e ig a J P R , P á d u a F V . E ffe c ts o f w a te r d e p r i v a t i o n o n r e n a l h y d r o e l e c tr o l y t i c e x c r e tio n in c h r o n ic a lly Trypanosoma cruzi- in fe c te d r a ts . R e v is ta d a S o c ie d a d e B r a s ile ir a d e M e d ic in a T r o p ic a l 2 8 : 7 - 1 1 , j a n - m a r , 1 9 9 5 .

DISCUSSION-The responses to water deprivation presented by the normal rats were, as expected, a marked reduction in the urinary excretion o f sodium and potassium and in the urinary flow rate, associated with the decrement in glomerular filtration rate. Different mechanisms and hormonal actions promote these renal effects for the maintenance of the hydroelectrolytic homeostasis in hydropenia, the most important o f which are the renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system, the arginine-vasopressin h o rm o n e , the a tria l n a triu r e tic fa c to r, cardiorenal reflexes and the baroreceptor control of vasopressin3 11 13 14 17.

Chagasic rats also showed significative retention of electrolytes and water, and reduced glomerular filtration rate following hydropenia. However, the urinary flow rate, the clearance o f creatinine and the excretion of sodium were reduced in these rats in significantly different proportions in relation to the normal rats; urinary flow rate and the excretion of sodium showed smaller decreases, and the creatinine clearance exhibited a greater decrement in the chagasic rats, expressing diverse functional responses to hy drop enia. T herefore, w ater deprivation did not prevent a higher excretion of sodium in these animals. Unexpected high natriuresis was described previously1 18 in chagasic patients submitted to the expansion of blood volume and to changes in plasma osmolarity.

The decrease in the excretion of potassium was similar in both groups of rats.

To explain the sm aller capacity for the maintenance of sodium and water balance during hydropenia in the present experimental model of chagasic infection, some possibilities can be raised. One of these is that the hormonal control of the hydroelectrolytic homeostasis would be altered, resulting in higher natriuretic and diuretic effects. Isolated or associated deficient secretion ofarginine- vasopressin, higher plasma levels of the atrial natriuretic factor, or inhibition o f the renin- angiotensin-aldosterone system are the mechanisms probably implicated.

Another possibility is an altered renal tubular response to hormonal action in chagasic rats, i.e.,

Tubular-interstitial immunological lesions cannot be excluded as an alternative12.

It should be pointed out that in chagasic patients alterations in the osmotic threshold for vasopressin secretion was observed in association with induced increase in the plasma osmolarity18. Increased plasma concentration o f renin6 and higher levels of aldosterone15 were also decribed in these patients. Regarding the latter observation, patients with primary aldosteronism showed increased plasma atrial natriuretic factor, resulting in higher natriuresis following acute sodium load9.

Another important conjecture concerns the interplay of cardiovascular and renal influences on the hormonal responses,considering the widespread impairment of the autonomic nervous system in C hagas' disease. Particularly, reflex cardiac autonomic dysfunction is a striking disturbance in chronic chagasic patients7. In the rat model of chagasic infection presently studied, reduced baroreflex bradycardia due to impaired efferent parasympathetic activity of the heart caused by in trin sic n e u ro g a n g lio n itis w as v e rif ie d 8. Inflammatory and degenerative lesions of variable degree were also observed in atrial and ventricular myocardial fibers in the maj ority of infected rats4 5.

In conclusion, disturbed homeostatic response to water deprivation expressed by higher elimination of sodium and water in association with smaller glomerular filtration rate was observed in chronically

T. c r u z i-infected rats. Possible explanations include disturbances in the hormonal and/or neural systems concerned to hydroelectrolytic homeostasis; cardiac and renal autonomic mechanisms, and renal tubular processes can also be implicated.



R o s a T T , J u n q u e ir a J u n i o r L F , M a n g ia F J C , V e ig a J P R , P á d u a F V . E ffe c ts o f w a te r d e p r i v a t i o n o n r e n a l h y d r o e l e c tr o l y t i c e x c r e tio n in c h r o n ic a lly Trypanosoma cruzi- in fe c te d ra ts. R e v is ta d a S o c i e d a d e B r a s ile ir a d e M e d ic in a T r o p ic a l 2 8 : 7 - 1 1 , j a n - m a r , 1 9 9 5 .

c h a g á s ic o s m o s tr a r a m a lte r a ç ã o n a r e s p o s ta e x c r e tó r ia h id r o e le tr o lític a r e n a l e x p r e s s a p o r m e n o r c o n s e r v a ç ã o d e á g u a e s ó d io e m a s s o c ia ç ã o à m e n o r ta x a d e filtr a ç ã o . P a la v r a s -c h a v e s : H id r o p e n ia . F lu x o u rin á rio . S ó d io e p o tá s s io u r in á r io s . T a x a d e fi l tr a ç ã o g lo m e r u la r . In fe c ç ã o m u r in a p o r T. cruzi.


The authors are grateful to Dr Paulo Sergio Siebra Beraldo for carrying out the infections, Mr João Ronaldo de Andrade Rocha and Maria da Graça Souza for technical assistance. Mr José Clas da Rocha for preparation o f drawings, and Mr Paulo Hipólito Bezerra Leite for photographical work.


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Table 1  -  Urinary flo w  (V y),  creatinine clearanoe ( C l^ ) ,  and urinary  excretions o f  sodium   (V NAV) and potassium (UX V) sh ow ed by  control and chagasic rats in the basal state and after water deprivation.


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