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Academic year: 2019






ABSTRACT. It is given notions of singular hyperbolicity and sectional Lyapunov exponents of orders beyond the classical ones, namely, other dimensions besides the dimension 2 and the full dimension of the central subbundle of the singular hyperbolic set. It is obtained a characterization of dominated splittings, partial and singular hyperbolicity in this broad sense, by using Lyapunov exponents and the notion of infinitesimal Lyapunov functions . Furthermore, it is given alternative requirements to obtain singular hyperbolicity. As an application we obtain some results related to singular hyperbolic sets for flows.


1. Introduction and statement of results 1

1.1. Preliminary definitions and Main results 2

1.2. Singular hyperbolicity of various orders 3

1.3. p-sectional Lyapunov exponents 6

2. Fields of quadratic forms 7

2.1. J-separated linear maps 9

2.2. Lyapunov exponents 11

3. Proof of Theorems 11

References 14


Let M be a compact C∞ riemannian n-dimensional manifold, n≥3. Let X1(M) the set of C1vector fields onM, endowed with theC1 topology. And denote by Xt :MM theC1 flow

generated byX.

In a remarkable work Morales, Pac´ıfico and Pujals [17] defined the so calledsingular hyper-bolic systems, in order to describe the behaviour of Lorenz attractor. It as an extension of the

Date: July 4, 2017.

2000Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 37D30; Secondary: 37D25.

Key words and phrases. Dominated splitting, partial hyperbolicity, sectional hyperbolicity, Lyapunov function. L.S. is partially supported by a Fapesb-JCB0053/2013, PRODOC-UFBA2014, CNPq postdoctoral schoolarship at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. She also thanks to A. Hammerlindl for fruitful conversations during International Conference Dynamics Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity - Provo-UT 2017.


hyperbolic theory for invariant sets for flows which are not (uniformly) hyperbolic, but which have some robust properties, certain kind of weaker hyperbolicity and also admit singularities. In [18], the same authors proved that every robustly transitive singular set for a three dimen-sional flow is a partially hyperbolic attractor or repeller and the singularities in this set must be Lorenz-like.

In this paper, we prove a relationship between the J-algebra of Potapov [20, 21, 25] a new definition of singular hyperbolicity, envolving intermediate dimensions of the central subbundle. TheJ-algebra here means a pseudo-euclidean structure given byC1non-degenerate quadratic form J, defined onΛ, which generates positive and negative cones with maximal dimension p

andq, respectively.

The maximal dimension of a cone inTxMis the maximal dimension of the subspaces contained

in there.

We are going to prove sufficient and necessary conditions for a flow to be singular hyperbolic of some order, in a sense to be clarified below.

It is also given a characterization of singular and sectional hyperbolicity for a flow over a compact invariant set, improving a result in [1].

The text is organized as follow. In first section, it is given the main definitions and stated the results. In second section, it is presented the main tools by using the notion of J-algebra of Potapov. In third section, it is proved the main theorems.

1.1. Preliminary definitions and Main results.

Before presenting the main statements, we give some definitions.

LetMbe a connected compact finiten-dimensional manifold,n≥3, with or without boundary. We consider a vector fieldX, such thatX is inwardly transverse to the boundary∂M, if∂M6= /0. The flow generated byX is denoted by{Xt}.

Aninvariant setΛfor the flow ofX is a subset ofMwhich satisfiesXt(Λ) =Λfor allt∈R. The

maximal invariant setof the flow isM(X):=∩t≥0Xt(M), which is clearly a compact invariant


A singularity for the vector field X is a point σ∈M such that X(σ) =0 or, equivalently,

Xt(σ) =σfor allt∈R. The set formed by singularities is thesingular set of X denoted Sing(X)

and Per(X) is the set of periodic points of X. We say that a singularity is hyperbolic if the eigenvalues of the derivative DX(σ) of the vector field at the singularity σ have nonzero real part. The set of critical elements ofX is the union of the singularities and the periodic orbits of

X, and will be denoted by Crit(X).

We recall that an invariant setΛfor a flowXtis an invariant subset ofMwith a decomposition

TΛM=EsEXEuof the tangent bundle overΛwhich is a continuous splitting, whereEX is the direction of the vector field, the subbundles are invariant under the derivativeDXt of the flow

DXt·Ex∗=EXt(x), x∈Λ, t∈R, ∗=s,X,u;

Es is uniformly contracted byDXt andEuis uniformly expanded: there areK,λ>0 so that kDXt|Es

xk ≤Ke

−λt, kDX


x k ≤Ke

−λt, xΛ, t


Recall that the index of a hyperbolic periodic orbit of a flow is the dimension of the contracting subbundle of its hyperbolic splitting.

Our main results is the following.

LetΛ⊂M be a compact invariant subset forX.

Definition 1. A dominated splittingover a compact invariant set Λ of X is a continuousDXt

-invariant splittingTΛM=EF withEx6={0},Fx6={0}for everyx∈Λand such that there are

positive constantsK,λsatisfying

kDXt|Exk · kDXt|FXt(x)k<Ke


, for allx∈Λ, and allt>0. (1.2) A compact invariant setΛis said to bepartially hyperbolicif it exhibits a dominated splitting

TΛM =EF such that subbundle E is uniformly contracted. In this case F is the central subbundleofΛ.

A compact invariant setΛis said to besingular-hyperbolicif it is partially hyperbolic and the action of the tangent cocycle expands volume along the central subbundle, i.e.,


t,t>0, xΛ. (1.3)

The following definition was given as a particular case of singular hyperbolicity.

Definition 2. Asectional hyperbolic set is a singular hyperbolic one such that for every two-dimensional linear subspaceLxFxone has


t,t>0. (1.4)

1.2. Singular hyperbolicity of various orders.

Given E a vector space, we denote by ∧pE the exterior power of order p of E, defined as

follows. If v1, . . .,vn is a basis of E then ∧pE is generated by {vi1∧ · · · ∧vip}1≤in,ij6=ik,j6=k. Any linear transformationA:EF induces a transformation∧pA:∧pE → ∧pF. Moreover,

vi1∧ · · ·∧vip can be viewed as thep-plane generated by{vi1,· · ·,vip}ifij6=ik,j6=k. A reference for more information about exterior powers is, for instance, [7].

We may define a new kind of singular hyperbolicity.

Definition 3. A compact invariant setΛisp-singular hyperbolic (orp-sectionally hyperbolic) for aC1flowX if there exists a partially hyperbolic splittingTΛM=EF such thatEis uniformly contracting and the central subbundleF is p-sectionally expanding, with 2≤p≤dim(F).

IfLxis a p-plane, we can see it asev∈ ∧p(Fx)\ {0}of norm one. Hence, to obtain the singular

expansion we just need to show that for someλ>0 and everyt>0 holds the following inequality k ∧pDXt(x).vek>Ceλt.

Our first main result concerns in a characterization of singular hyperbolicity of any order via infinitesimal Lyapunov functions, following [1], [2], [24], [25], [21].

Recall that, if T :ZZ is a measurable map, we say that a probability measure µ is an invariant measure ofT, ifµ(T−1(A)) =µ(A), for every measurable setAZ. We say thatµis an invariant measure ofX if it is an invariant measure ofXt for everyt ∈R. We will denote by



the set of all invariant measures ofX. A subsetYZ hastotal probabilityif for everyµ




Theorem A. A compact invariant setΛwhose singularities are hyperbolic (withind≥ind(J)) for X ∈X1(M)is a p-singular hyperbolic set if, and only if, there exist a neighborhood U ofΛ and a field of non-degenerate quadratic formsJon U with index1≤ind(J)≤n−2such that X is non-negative strictlyJ-separated and the spectrum of the diagonalized operator DXt satisfies

the properties:

(1) r1−<1; and

(2) Π1pr+i >1, where 2≤p≤dim(M)−ind(J),

in a total probability subset ofΛ. Moreover, if r+i ·r+j >1, for all1≤i,j,≤ p,i6= j, in a total probability set, thenΛis a sectional-hyperbolic set.

In [1], the authors proved the next result about sectional hyperbolicity.

As a direct application of TheoremAand Theorem2.9in Section 2, we reobtain the next one, without the assumption on the singularities.

Corollary B. [1, Theorem D]Suppose that all singularities of the attracting setΛof U are all of them sectional-hyperbolic with indexind(σ)≥ind(Λ). Then, Λis a sectional-hyperbolic set for Xt if, and only if, there is a field of quadratic formsJwith index equal to ind(Λ)such that

Xt is a non-negative strictlyJ-separated flow on U and for each compact invariant subsetΓin

Λ∗=Λ\Sing(X)the linear Poincar´e flow is strictlyJ0-monotonous for some field of quadratic formsJ0equivalent toJ.

Thus, Theorem A is improvement to this result, once it does not requires a priori sectional hyperbolicity on the singularities.

In [3], this author together with V. Araujo and A. Arbieto, proved that the requirements in the definition of sectional hyperbolicity can be weakened, demanding the domination property only over the singularities, because in this setting the splitting is in fact dominated. More precisely, we proved the next result.

Theorem 1.1. [3, Theorem A]LetΛbe a compact invariant set of X such that every singularity in this set is hyperbolic. Suppose that there exists a continuous invariant splitting of the tangent bundle ofΛ, TΛM=EF , where E is uniformly contracted, F is sectionally expanding and for some constants C,λ>0we have

kDXt|Eσk · kDXt|Fσk<Ce−λt for all σ∈Λ∩Sing(X)and t≥0. (1.5)

Then TΛM=EF is a dominated splitting.

The study of conditions to a given splitting of the tangent bundle to have the domination property is an important research line in the area of Dynamical Systems, see [4], [8], [5].

Some progress in this context has been obtained, for instance in [2, Theorem A], with V. Araujo, we given a characterization for dominated splittings based onk-th exterior powers, where


We note that if EF is a DXt-invariant splitting of TΓM, with {e1, . . .,eℓ} a family of ba-sis for E and {f1, . . . ,fh} a family of basis for F, then Fe =∧kF generated by {fi1∧ · · · ∧

fik}1≤i1<···<ikhis naturally∧ kDX


· · · ∧eik}1≤i1<···<ik≤ℓtogether with all the exterior products ofibasis elements ofE with jbasis elements ofF, wherei+j=kandi,j≥1, is also∧kDX

t-invariant and, moreover,Ee⊕Fegives

a splitting of thekth exterior power∧kT

ΓM of the subbundleTΓM.

Theorem 1.2. [2, Theorem A]Let TΓM=EΓFΓbe a DXt-invariant splitting over the compact

Xt-invariant subsetΓ such thatdimF =k≥2. LetFe=∧kF be thekDXt-invariant subspace

generated by the vectors of F and E be the˜ ∧kDX

t-invariant subspace such that Ee⊕F is ae

splitting of the kth exterior powerkT

ΓM of the subbundle TΓM.

Then EF is a dominated splitting if, and only if,Ee⊕F is a dominated splitting fore ∧kDX t.

We note that the equivalence is only valid ifk=dimF.

Here, it is proved a result similar to [3, Theorem A], but now it is done on p-sectional hy-pothesis. Note that, in this case, it is no longer true without some more requirements on the combinations of the Lyapunov exponents of the subbundles (due Theorem1.2), since for p>2 we can have uniform contraction onE,p-sectional expansion onFand none dominated splitting, as exemplified below.

In [2, Example 3], we have an example where evenEF being dominated we do not obtain


EFedominated, fork<dimF. The next example is a similar one.

Example 1. Theorem 1.2 does not hold if we take c<dimF: consider σ a hyperbolic fixed point for a vector field X in a 4-manifold such thatDX(σ) =diag{−3,2,4,10}. The splitting

E=R× {03},F={0} ×R3is dominated and hyperbolic but, forc=2<3=dimFthe splitting ˜

EF˜ of the exterior square is not dominated. Indeed, the eigenvalues for ˜F are 2+4=6,2+ 10=12,4+10=14, and for ˜E the eigenvalues are−3+2=−1,−3+4=1,−3+10=7, so we have an eigenvalue 7 in ˜E strictly bigger than the eigenvalue 6 along ˜F.

We can see that even under the domination assumption over singularities, we have no longer the same result as Theorem1.1, it is enough to take the union of an isolated hyperbolic singularity with a periodic orbit displaying the features of the above example.

However, we might ask how this assumption worked out in [3] and [2]. In fact, within the accounts of the results contained therein it is obtained domination due 2-sectional expansion together with the uniform contraction. The singular case requires domination on the singularities, once it is necessary matching the splitting.

Observing these results, we can get a characterization of domination property based on Lya-punov spectrum, without any other assumption on the singularities (if any). This is the content of our next result.

Theorem C. Let Λ be a compact invariant set of X . Suppose that there exists a continuous invariant splitting of the tangent bundle ofΛ, TΛM=EF . Then TΛM=EF is a dominated splitting if, and only if, existsη<0for which

lim inf



t log|DXt|Ex| −lim supt→+∞


t logm(DXt|Fx)<η, in a total probability set ofΛ.


Corollary D. Suppose the assumptions of Theorem1.2. Then,Ee⊕F is a dominated splitting fore


t if, and only if, there existsη<0for which

lim inf



t log|DXt|Ex| −lim sup t→+∞


t logm(DXt|Fx)<η,

in a total probability set ofΛ.

1.3. p-sectional Lyapunov exponents.

The next definition reminds a previous one from Arbieto [6] which deals with, in his terminol-ogy, the sectional Lyapunov exponents.

Based in the same ideas, we can state an analogous term for general singular sets. Inspired by [6], we finally define:

Definition 4. Thep-sectional Lyapunov exponents(orLyapunov exponents of order p) ofxalong

F are the limits




t logk ∧

pDX t(x).vek

whenever they exists, whereve∈ ∧pF

x− {0}.

Following the corresponding result from [3, Theorem B] and [6, Theorem 2.3], just by some modifications in computations and hyphotesis, changingk ∧2DX

t(x).evkbyk ∧pDXt(x).vek. We

obtain, via Theorem 2.9, the analogous for singular hyperbolic and partially hyperbolic sets of the main result of this paper.

Corollary E. Let Λ be a compact invariant set of X such that every singularity in this set is hyperbolic. There exists a continuous invariant splitting of the tangent bundle, TΛM=EF , of Λwhere:

(1) the Lyapunov exponents on E are negative (or positive on F), and

(2) lim inf

t→+∞ 1

tlog|DXt|Ex| −lim sup t→+∞



in a total probability set ofΛ, if and only if, TΛM=EF is a partially hyperbolic splitting.

This way, we can extend and improve [3, Theorem B] and [6, Theorem 2.3], as follow.

Corollary F. LetΛ a compact invariant set for a flow Xt such that every singularityσ∈Λ is

hyperbolic. Suppose that there is a continuous invariant splitting TΛM=EF . The setΛ is p-singular hyperbolic for the flow if, and only if, on a set of total probability inΛ,

(1) lim inf



tlog|DXt|Ex| −lim sup t→+∞



(2) the Lyapunov exponents in the E direction are negative and

(3) the p-sectional Lyapunov exponents in the F direction are positive .

This way, the definition of singular hyperbolicity (of any order, including the classical one) can be rewritten based on the Lyapunov exponents. Indeed, we have

Definition 5. A compact invariant set Λ⊂M is p-singular hyperbolicforX if all singularities inΛare hyperbolic, there exists a continuous invariant splitting of the tangent bundle onTΛM=


(1) the Lyapunov exponents in theE direction are negative,

(2) the p-sectional Lyapunov exponents in theF direction are positive, (3) lim inf



tlog|DXt|Ex| −lim sup t→+∞


tlogm(DXt|Fx)<0 in a total probability set ofΛ.

The last item guarantees that the dominated splitting of the singularities matches to the one over the rest ofΛ.

Remark 1.3. The properties ofp-singular hyperbolicity can be expressed in the following equiv-alent forms; see [5] for the classical one. There existsT >0 such that

• kDXT|Exk<


2 for allx∈Λ(uniform contraction); and

• | ∧p(DXT|


x)|>2 for allx∈Λ.

From now on, we consider M a connected compact finite dimensional riemannian manifold and all singularities ofX (if they exist) are hyperbolic.


In this section, we introduce the quadratic forms and its properties.

Let J: EU → R be a continuous family of quadratic forms Jx : Ex → R which are

non-degenerate and have index 0<q<dim(E) =n, whereUMis an open set such thatXt(U)⊂U

for a vector fieldX. We also assume that(Jx)xU is continuously differentiable along the flow.

The continuity assumption onJjust means that for every continuous sectionZofEU the map

U →Rgiven byx7→J(Z(x))is continuous. TheC1assumption onJalong the flow means that the mapx7→JXt(x)(Z(Xt(x)))is continuously differentiable for allxU and eachC1 sectionZ


The assumption thatM is a compact manifold enables us to globally define an inner product inE with respect to which we can find the an orthonormal basis associated toJx for each x, as follows. Fixing an orthonormal basis onExwe can define the linear operator

Jx:ExEx such that Jx(v) =<Jxv,v> for all vTxM,

where <, >=<, >x is the inner product at Ex. Since we can always replaceJx by (Jx+Jx∗)/2

without changing the last identity, where Jx∗ is the adjoint of Jx with respect to <, >, we can

assume that Jx is self-adjoint without loss of generality. Hence, we represent J(v) by a

non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form<Jxv,v>x. Now we use Lagrange’s method to diagonalize

this bilinear form, obtaining a base{u1, . . . ,un}ofExsuch that



αiui) = q


−λiα2i + n


λjα2j, (α1, . . .,αn)∈Rn.

Replacing each element of this base according tovi=|λi|1/2uiwe deduce that



αivi) = q


−α2i + n

j=q+1 α2


Finally, we can redefine <, > so that the base {v1, . . .,vn} is orthonormal. This can be done

smoothly in a neighborhood ofxin Msince we are assuming that the quadratic forms are non-degenerate; the reader can check the method of Lagrange in a standard Linear Algebra textbook and observe that the steps can be performed with small perturbations, for instance in [14].

In this adapted inner product we have thatJxhas entries from{−1,0,1}only,Jx∗=Jxand also


Having fixed the orthonormal frame as above, thestandard negative subspaceatxis the one spanned byv1, . . .,vqand thestandard positive subspaceatxis the one spannedvq+1, . . . ,vn.

2.0.1. Positive and negative cones. LetC±={C±(x)}xU be the family of positive and negative


C±(x):={0} ∪ {vEx:±Jx(v)>0} xU

and also letC0={C0(x)}xU be the corresponding family of zero vectorsC0(x) =J−1x ({0})for

allxU. In the adapted coordinates obtained above we have

C0(x) ={v=


αiviEx: n

j=q+1 α2

j = q

i=1 α2


is the set ofextreme pointsofC±(x).

The following definitions are fundamental to state our main result.

Definition 6. Given a continuous field of non-degenerate quadratic formsJwith constant index on the trapping regionU for the flowXt, we say that the flow is

• J-separatedifDXt(x)(C+(x))⊂C+(Xt(x)), for allt>0 andxU;

strictlyJ-separatedifDXt(x)(C+(x)∪C0(x))⊂C+(Xt(x)), for allt>0 andxU; • J-monotoneifJXt(x)(DXt(x)v)≥Jx(v), for eachvTxM\ {0}andt>0;

strictlyJ-monotoneif∂t JXt(x)(DXt(x)v)

|t=0>0, for allvTxM\ {0},t>0 andxU; • J-isometryifJXt(x)(DXt(x)v) =Jx(v), for eachvTxMandxU.

Thus,J-separation corresponds to simple cone invariance and strictJ-separation corresponds to strict cone invariance under the action ofDt(x).

Remark 2.1. If a flow is strictly J-separated, then for vTxM such that Jx(v)≤0 we have JX

t(x)(DXt(v))<0 for all t >0 and x such that Xs(x)∈U for every s∈[−t,0]. Indeed, otherwiseJX

t(x)(DXt(v))≥0 would implyJx(v) =Jx DXt(DXt(v))

>0, contradicting the assumption thatvwas a non-positive vector.

This means that a flowXt is strictlyJ-separated if, and only if, its time reversalX−t is strictly (−J)-separated.

A vector fieldX isJ-non-negativeonU ifJ(X(x))≥0 for allxU, andJ-non-positiveonU

ifJ(X(x))≤0 for allxU. When the quadratic form used in the context is clear, we will simply say thatX is non-negative or non-positive.

We apply this notion to the linear Poincar´e flow defined on regular orbits ofXt as follows.


ExXNx, whereNxis the pseudo-orthogonal complement ofExX with respect to the bilinear form J, andNx is also non-degenerate. Moreover, by the definition, the index ofJrestricted toNx is

the same as the index ofJ. Thus, we can define onNxthe cones of positive and negative vectors,

respectively,Nx+andNx−, just like before.

Now we define the Linear Poincar´e Flow Pt of Xt along the orbit of x, by projecting DXt

orthogonally (with respect toJ) overNXt(x) for eacht∈R:

Ptv:=ΠXt(x)DXtv, vTxM,t∈R,X(x)6=0,

whereΠXt(x):TXt(x)MNXt(x) is the projection onNXt(x) parallel toX(Xt(x)). We remark that

the definition ofΠxdepends onX(x)andJX only. The linear Poincar´e flowPt is a linear

multi-plicative cocycle overXton the setU with the exclusion of the singularities ofX.

In this setting we can say that the linear Poincar´e flow is (strictly)J-separated and (strictly)J -monotonous using the non-degenerate bilinear formJrestricted toNx for a regularxU. More

precisely: Pt isJ-monotonous if∂tJ(Ptv)|t=0≥0, for eachxU,vTxM\ {0}andt>0, and

strictlyJ-monotonous if∂tJ(Ptv)|t=0>0, for allvTxM\ {0},t>0 andxU.

Proposition 2.2. Let L:VV be aJ-separated linear operator. Then

(1) L can be uniquely represented by L=RU , where U is aJ-isometry and R isJ-symmetric (orJ-pseudo-adjoint; see Proposition2.3) with positive spectrum.

(2) the operator R can be diagonalized by a J-isometry. Moreover the eigenvalues of R satisfy

0<rq≤ · · · ≤r1=r−≤r+=r+1 ≤ · · · ≤r+p.

(3) the operator L is (strictly)J-monotonous if, and only if, r− ≤(<)1and r+≥(>)1.

2.1. J-separated linear maps.

2.1.1. J-symmetrical matrixes and J-selfadjoint operators. The symmetrical bilinear form de-fined by (v,w) =hJxv,wi, v,wEx for xM endows Ex with a pseudo-Euclidean structure.

SinceJx is non-degenerate, then the form(·,·)is likewise non-degenerate and many properties of inner products are shared with symmetrical non-degenerate bilinear forms. We state some of them below.

Proposition 2.3. Let(·,·):V×VRbe a real symmetric non-degenerate bilinear form on the real finite dimensional vector space V .

(1) E is a subspace of V for which(·,·)is non-degenerate if, and only if, V =EE. We recall that E⊥ :={vV :(v,w) =0 for all wE}, the pseudo-orthogonal space of E, is defined using the bilinear form.

(2) Every base{v1, . . .,vn}of V can be orthogonalized by the usual Gram-Schmidt process of

Euclidean spaces, that is, there are linear combinations of the basis vectors{w1, . . . ,wn}

such that they form a basis of V and (wi,wj) =0 for i6= j. Then this last base can be

pseudo-normalized: letting ui=|(wi,wi)|−1/2wiwe get(ui,uj) =±δi j,i,j=1, . . . ,n.


(4) For every linear map L:VRthere exists a unique vV such that L(w) = (v,w)for each wV .

(5) For each L:VV linear there exists a unique linear operator L+:VV (the pseudo-adjoint) such that(L(v),w) = (v,L+(w))for every v,wV .

(6) Every pseudo-self-adjoint L:VV , that is, such that L=L+, satisfies

(a) eigenspaces corresponding to distinct eigenvalues are pseudo-orthogonal;

(b) if a subspace E is L-invariant, then Eis also L-invariant.

The proofs are rather standard and can be found in [14].

The following simple result will be very useful in what follows.

Lemma 2.4. Let V be a real finite dimensional vector space endowed with a non-positive definite and non-degenerate quadratic formJ:V →R.

If a symmetric bilinear form F:V×VRis non-negative on C0then r+= inf



hJv,vi ≥usup∈C

F(u,u) hJu,ui =r−

and for every r in[r−,r+]we have F(v,v)≥rhJv,vifor each vector v.

In addition, if F(·,·)is positive on C0\ {0}, then r−<r+and F(v,v)>rhJv,vifor all vectors v and r∈(r−,r+).

Remark 2.5. Lemma 2.4 shows that if F(v,w) =hJv˜,wi for some self-adjoint operator ˜J and

F(v,v)≥0 for allvsuch thathJv,vi=0, then we can finda∈Rsuch that ˜JaJ. This means precisely thathJv˜,vi ≥ahJv,vifor allv.

If, in addition, we have F(v,v) >0 for all v such that hJv,vi=0, then we obtain a strict inequality ˜J>aJ for some aR since the infimum in the statement of Lemma2.4 is strictly bigger than the supremum.

The (longer) proofs of the following results can be found in [25] or in [21]; see also [26]. For aJ-separated operatorL:VV and ad-dimensional subspace F+⊂C+, the subspaces F+ andL(F+)⊂C+ have an inner product given byJ. Thus both subspaces are endowed with

volume elements. Letαd(L;F+) be the rate of expansion of volume of L|F+ and σd(L)be the

infimum ofαd(L;F+)over alld-dimensional subspacesF+ofC+.

Proposition 2.6. We haveσd(L) =r+1· · ·r+d, where ri+ are given by Proposition2.2(2). Moreover, if L1,L2areJ-separated, thenσd(L1L2)≥σd(L1)σd(L2).

The following corollary is very useful.

Corollary 2.7. ForJ-separated operators L1,L2:VV we have

r+1(L1L2)≥r+1(L1)r1+(L2) and r1(L1L2)≤r1(L1)r1(L2).

Moreover, if the operators are strictlyJ-separated, then the inequalities are strict.

Remark 2.8. Another important property about the singular values of aJ-separated operatorL

is that


if, and only if,Lis (strictly)J-monotone.

This property will be used a lot of times in our proofs.

2.2. Lyapunov exponents.

It is well known that under conditions of measurability, by Oseledec’s Ergodic Theorem, there exist a full probability setX such that for everyxY there is an invariant decomposition

TxM=hXi ⊕E1(x)⊕ · · · ⊕El(x)(x)

and numbersχ1<· · ·<χl corresponding to the limits

χj= lim t→+∞


t logkDXt(xvk,

for everyvEi(x)\ {0},i=1,· · ·,l(x).

In this setting, Wojtkowski [25] proved that the logarithm of the pseudo-Euclidean singular values 0≤rq−≤ · · · ≤r1−≤r+1 ≤ · · · ≤r+p ofDXt areµ-integrable, and obtained estimates of the

Lyapunov exponents related to the singular eigenvalues of strictlyJ-separated maps.

Theorem 2.9. [25, Corollary 3.7]

For1≤k1≤p and1≤k2≤q


1 +· · ·+χ −

k1 ≤




logridµ andχ+1 +· · ·+χ+k

2 ≥





Look that, ifXt is aJ-separated flow onΛ, for each diffeomorphismDXt if we fixt>0, the

last theorem holds forri±,t, whereri±,tare the singularJ-values ofDXt.


In this section, we prove our mains results.

First, we prove TheoremA, by using CorollaryFwhich is proved below.

Proof of TheoremA. Suppose Λ p-singular hyperbolic set of index ind. Then, 1≤ind≤n−2 and there is a dominated splitting TΛM=EF, where E is uniformly contracting and F is uniformlyp-sectionally expanding. Moreover,hXi ⊂F, by Lemma3.2. By using adapted metric [9], we construct the quadratic forms J such that X is non-negative strictly J-separated. By Proposition2.2 and Corollary 2.7, there is aJ-diagonalization of DXt by aJ-isometry, that we

are also denoting by DXt, such that its spectrum has the required properties. In fact, for each

singular valueri corresponding to the contracting subspace, we must haveri−<1. Analogously, as F is a p-sectionally expanding subbundle, the sum of each p corresponding singular value,

r+i 1,· · ·,r


ip, must be greater than one. Even including the corresponding field direction.


Moreover, strictlyJ-separation guarantees that there exists a dominated splitting. LetTΛM=

EF the corresponding splitting and the decomposition in direct sum of Lyapunov subspaces


By Theorem2.9,


1 +· · ·+χ−rr



logri andχ+i0+· · ·+χ+ipp




So, we obtain that the Lyapunov exponents overE are all of them negative and the p-sectional Lyapunov exponents onF are all of them positive, in a total probability subset. Now, Theorem

Cand CorollaryFimply thatΛis ap-singular hyperbolic set forX. We recall now that, fixed a compact Xt-invariant subset Λ, we say that a family of functions {ft :Λ→R}t∈R is subadditive if for every xM andt,s∈R we have that ft+s(x)≤ fs(x) +


Proof of TheoremC. Note that, onceTΛM=EF is a dominated splitting, there is an indefinite

C1field of quadratic formsJsuch a wayX is strictly separated and, by Proposition2.2, 0<rq≤ · · · ≤r1=r−<r+=r+1 ≤ · · · ≤r+p.

Moreover, by Corollary2.9,


1 +· · ·+χ −

k1 ≤




logri andχ+1 +· · ·+χ+k

2 ≥




logr+i .

Sincer−−r+ <0, we obtain

lim inf



t log|DXt|Ex| −lim supt→+∞


t logm(DXt|Fx) =

=max{χEi (x),1≤ir(x)} −min{χFi (x),1≤is(x)} ≤η<0,

for allx∈Λ, in particular, in a total probability set.

Reciprocally, suppose that there exists a continuous invariant decomposition,TΛM=EF, andη<0 such that

lim inf



t log|DXt|Ex| −lim sup t→+∞


t logm(DXt|Fx)≤η<0, in a total probability set inΛ.

Consider ft(x) =logmk(DXDXt|tE|Fxxk), which is a subadditive family of continuous functions and


f(x) =lim inf



t ≤lim infn→+∞


t logkDXt|Exk −lim supn→+∞



By Subadittive Ergodic Theorem [12], the function f(x) =lim inf

t→+∞ ft(x)

t coincides with ef(x) =




t ft(x) in a set of total probability. Moreover, for any invariant measure µ we have that R e

f dµ= lim


R ft t .

Thus, we can use the following result from [4].

Proposition 3.1. [4, Corollary 4.2]Let{t7→ ft:S→R}t∈Rbe a continuous family of continuous

functions which is subadditive and suppose thatR ef(x)<0for every µ


X, with fe(x):=




t ft(x). Then there exist a T >0and a constantη<0such that for every xS and every

tT :


Note that, all of the last accounts are true independently toxis either a regular or a singular point.

Hence, we obtain ft(x)≤k−ηt,t≥0,x∈Λ, for some constantk>0, and this gives us the

domination property onΛ.

Now, we prove the CorollaryE.

Proof of CorollaryE. Suppose that we are under the hypothesis. By TheoremC,EF is a dominated splitting onΛ.

Since E is an invariant subbundle, consider ft(x) =logkDXt|Exk,t ∈R, as our subadditive


As in the proof of TheoremC, we obtain ft(x)≤k−ηt,t≥0,x∈Λ, for some constantk>0.

This means thatE is uniformly contracting under the action ofDXt.

The case of positive Lyapunov exponents overFis analogous, by taking ft(x) =logkDXt|Fx. (Also see proof of [3, Theorem B]).

For the converse, by using adapted metrics (as in the proof [1, Theorem A]) we obtain aC1

field J of nondegenerate quadratic forms for which X is nonnegative strictly separated. Now,

Proposition2.2and Theorem2.9complete the proof.

Finally, the proof of CorollaryF.

We also need to use the following lemma.

LetΛbe a compact invariant set for a flowX of aC1vector fieldX onM.

Lemma 3.2. [3]Given a continuous splitting TΛM=EF such that E is uniformly contracted, then X(x)∈Fxfor all x∈Λ.

Proof of CorollaryF. By TheoremC,TΛM=EF is a dominated splitting. Ifx=σ∈Sing(X), by hyperbolicity, we obtain the desired features.

Following Corollary E, we obtain that this is a partially hyperbolic splitting as well, with subbundleE uniformly contracting. By Lemma 3.2, if x is a regular point, the flow direction


Since F is an invariant subbundle, consider ft(x) = logk ∧pDXt|Fxk,t ∈R, and there is a decomposition in direct sum of Lyapunov subspaces

Fx=⊕ s(x)−1

j=0 Fj(x).

One of them, say EX =F0(x), generated byX(x)6=0. Denote byχFj(x),j=1,· · ·s(x)−1 the

corresponding Lyapunov exponents.

Fixingi1,· · ·,ip∈ {1,· · ·,s(x)−1}and considering pvectorsv1Fi1\ {0},· · ·vp−1∈Fip−1\

{0}, putL=span{X(x),v1,· · ·,vp−1}as the generated p-plane.

From assumption,

0<χ≤lim inf



t log| ∧


t|L|=χF0+χFi1+· · ·+χ

F ip−1,

and we obtain


j=1 χF

ij ≥χ>0,∀ij∈ {1,· · ·,s(x)−1}.

For some singularity,σ∈Λ, we must have f(σ)≤ −χ, as a consequence of domination . Now applying the following proposition from [6]:

Proposition 3.3. Let{t7→ ft :Λ→R}t∈R be a continuous family of continuous function which

is subadditive and suppose that f(x)<0in a set of total probability. Then there exist constants C>0andλ<0such that for every x∈Λand every t>0we haveexp(ft(x))≤Cexp(λ2t),

to the function ft(x)give us constantsD>0 andη<0 for whichk ∧pDXt|∧pF

Xt(x)k ≤Deη


soF is a p-sectionally expanding subbundle.

The converse follows from the lines of the last proof, by using Proposition2.2 and Theorem

2.9. So, we are done.


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