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Sao Paulo Med. J. vol.117 número3


Academic year: 2018

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During initia l e va lua tio n o f c hildre n o n a n o utp a tie nt b a sis, the ind e x o f susp e c te d he a rt dise a se ma y b e hig h, pa rtic ula rly if we c o nside r tha t inno c e nt murmur o c c urs in a b o ut 5 0 % o f the pe dia tric po pula tio n.1 -3 This is the mo st c o mmo n c a use o f re fe rra l to the pe dia tric c a rd io lo g ist, w ith se ve ra l re p o rts o f suc h experienc e pub lished wo rldwide. O ther c a uses like c he st pa in, b re a thle ssness a t re st a nd o n e ffo rt a nd a rrhy thmia a re le ss fre q ue nt, a ltho ug h no t le ss imp o rta nt in this se tting . O b vio usly, the de c isio n to re fe r a pa tie nt fo r a spe c ia list c o nsulta tio n is ma inly de pe nde nt o n the ability o f the pediatrician to reco g niz e heart disea se. This inherent c ha ra c teristic is c erta inly re la te d to the info rma tio n p ro vid e d d uring g ra d ua te a nd p o st-g ra d ua te tra ining , w hic h se e ms to va ry fro m c o untry to c o untry, a nd is a lso re la te d to individua l skill.

The purpo se o f this pa per is to present experience fro m a public o utpatient clinic fo r pediatric cardio lo g y situated in the state o f São Paulo , in the so utheast o f Brazil. The results are based o n a pro spective study o f 2 6 7 5 co nsecutive children under the ag e o f 1 5 , all o f them referred fro m pediatricians fo r a cardiac evaluatio n.

Cardiologic e valuation of childre n with suspe cte d he art

dise ase : e xpe rie nce of a public outpatie nt clinic in Brazil

Pediatric Cardiology Outpatient Clinic, SUS and Department of Pediatrics,

Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Fernando Amaral João Antonio Granzotti


Contex t: During initial evaluatio n o f children o n an o utpatient basis, the index o f suspected heart disease may be hig h, particularly if we co nsider that inno cent murmur o ccurs in abo ut 5 0 % o f the pediatric po pulatio n. This is the mo st co mmo n cause o f referral to the pediatric cardio lo g ist.

O bjective: To repo rt o n the experience o f a public o utpatient clinic in the so utheastern reg io n o f Braz il.

Design: Retro spective analysis o f all patients submitted to cardio lo g ic evaluatio n within a 3 9 mo nth perio d.

Setting: public pediatric cardio lo g y o utpatient clinic.

Pa rticipa nts: 2 6 7 5 co nsecutive children ag ed ≤1 5 years referred fro m the lo cal and reg io nal basic health units due to suspected heart disease.

M a in M ea surem ents: Reaso n fo r referral, diag no stic investig atio n, final diag no stis based o n the reaso n fo r referral, therapeutic pro cedures.

Results: The main reaso ns fo r referral were: murmur (7 0 %), preco rdial pain (9 %), suspicio n o f arrhythmia (9 %) and breathlessness (5 %). O f the to tal number, 6 9 5 cases (2 6 %) did no t co mplete the investig atio n and were no t included in the analysis. A final diag no sis was o btained based o n the reaso n fo r referral and the main co nclusio ns were: l) a hig h incidence o f no rmality was fo und: murmur (8 3 %), pain (9 8 %), arrhythmia (9 7 %) and breathless (9 4 %); 2 ) heart disease was unlikely, based o n o ther referral reaso ns; 3 ) 1 4 % o f the children were co nsidered abno rmal and 1 % needed therapeutical pro cedures.

Conclusions: The establishment o f a pediatric cardio lo gy o utpatient clinic within the public health service in the regio n seems to be justifiable, due to the high current demand. The lo w glo bal incidence o f heart disease, with a high prevalence o f children with inno cent murmur, disclo ses the need fo r a specific training pro gram in cardio lo gy fo r pediatricians.

Key w ords: Heart disease. Child. Incidence. Epidemio lo gy.



The g reat majo rity o f the 2 6 7 5 cases were referred fro m the 3 2 so -called Basic Health Units (BHU) lo cated in the city o f Ribeirão Preto , state o f São Paulo , Braz il, where primary pediatric care is o ffered daily. The material was co llected fro m September 1 9 9 0 to December 1 9 9 3 (a p e rio d o f 3 9 mo nths). The ma le se x w a s predo minant: 1 4 4 4 cases (5 4 %). Reg arding the ag e at referral, 2 6 patients (1 %) were neo nates, 4 5 5 (1 7 %) were infants, 8 3 0 (3 1 %) were o f pre-scho o l ag e and 1 3 6 4 (5 1 %) were children o f scho o l ag e.

Every patient was seen in an adequate a nd silent ro o m in the o utpa tient c linic , with histo ry a nd p hysic a l e xa mina tio n d ire c te d to wards the cardio vascular system. Based o n the da ta fro m the clinica l exa mina tio n a lo ne, a n initial diag no sis was made and all the patients were submitted to an electro cardio g ram (EKG ). O ther tests like chest X-ray, echo cardio g ram and hemo dynamic studies were o nly do ne when heart dise a se wa s o b vio us, the type o f te st b e ing re q ue ste d in a c c o rd a nc e w ith the c linic a l diag no sis. The investig atio n was co mpleted in 7 4 % o f the c a se s. To fulfill the c rite rio n o f co mplete investig atio n, all the patients wo uld have to return to the clinic either with o nly the EKG (in cases co nsidered no rmal when first seen) o r with EKG plus o ther tests fo r tho se with heart disease diag no sed so lely o n clinical g ro unds. After the final diag no sis was established (clinical plus la b o ra to ry te st da ta ), ma na g e me nt wa s determined acco rding to the specific pro blem. All the clinical and labo rato ry data has been sto red in the co mputer sectio n o f the Pediatrics department (Fig ure 1 ).


1) Re ason for re fe rral

The mo st fre q ue nt c a use o f re fe rra l wa s the pre se nc e o f a he a rt murmur: 1 8 7 2 pa tie nts (7 0 %). O the r re a so ns we re : c he st pa in, ma inly in the pre c o rdia l re g io n: 2 4 0 (9 %); suspic io n o f a rrhythmia : 2 4 0 (9 %); a nd b re a thle ssne ss

a t re st a nd/ o r o n e ffo rt: 1 3 4 (5 %). The se fo ur re a so ns fo r re fe rra l a c c o unte d fo r 9 3 % o f the c a se s o n first e xa mina tio n. O the r le ss fre q ue nt c a use s o f re fe rra l we re : c ya no sis: 4 0 (1 .5 %); c a rd io me g a ly o n the c he st X-ra y: 2 6 (1 %); histo ry o f rhe uma tic fe ve r: 2 1 (0 .8 %); splitted se c o nd so und (S2 ): 2 1 (0 .8 %); a nd syste mic hype rte nsio n: 1 9 (0 .7 %). The se c a se s, a dde d to the mo st fre q ue nt c a use s de sc rib e d e a rlie r, c o mprise d 9 7 .8 % o f the c a se s studie d. The o the r 2 .2 % inc lude d a ve ry va rie d spe c trum o f c a use s: unkno w n (n= 8 ), sync o p e (n= 8 ), pre se nc e o f a third he a rt so und (S3 ) (n= 7 ), dia g no stic o pinio n (n= 7 ), ne e d fo r surg ic a l fo llo w-up (n= 5 ), splitted first he a rt so und (S1 ) (n= 4 ), diz z ine ss (n= 3 ), inc re a se d S2 (n= 2 ), Do wn’s syndro me (n= 2 ), fa milia l he a rt dise a se (n= 2 ), he a rt fa ilure (n= 2 ), c he st d e fo rmity (n= 2 ), re d spo ts o n the skin (n= 2 ), pa st histo ry o f e nd o c a rd itis (n= 2 ), syste mic hyp o te nsio n (n= 2 ), inc re a se d S1 (n= 2 ), le g e de ma (n= 1 ) a nd re lig io us re c o mme nda tio n (n= 1 ).

2) Diagnostic inve stigation

Amo ng the 2 6 7 5 first-examined patients, 6 9 5 (2 6 %) did no t co mplete the investig atio n acco rding to the pre-established criteria and were no t included in the analysis o f the results. There was little difference in the incidence o f patients who did no t co mplete the investigatio n, in relatio n to the main reaso ns fo r referral: murmur (2 6 %), c he st pa in (2 4 %), b re a thle ssne ss (2 5 %) a nd arrhythmia (2 1 %).


3) Final diagnosis base d on the re ason for re fe rral

Heart murmur: in 1 2 7 1 cases the murmur was co nfirmed. Amo ng these, 1 0 4 2 (8 2 %) were co nsidered inno cent. Reg arding the 2 2 9 (1 8 %) patho lo g ic murmurs, the mo st frequently fo und diseases were: ventricular septal defect (VSD): 8 2 (3 8 %); pulmo nary valve steno sis (PVS): 4 1 (1 9 %); ao rtic valve steno sis (AVS): 2 4 (1 1 %); atrial septal defect (ASD): 1 3 (6 %); and mitral reg urg itatio n (MR): 1 0 (5 %). The o ther 2 1 % o f patients co rrespo nded to vario us fo rms o f heart dise a se : mitra l va lve pro la pse (MVP) (n= 9 ), persistent ductus arterio sus (PDA) (n=7 ), tricuspid valve insufficiency (n=5 ), idio pathic dilatatio n o f the ma in p ulmo na ry a rte ry (n= 5 ), a trio ve ntric ula r se p ta l d e fe c t (AVSD) (n= 4 ), dilated cardio myo pathy (n=3 ), transpo sitio n o f the g re a t a rte rie s (n= 3 ), p ulmo na ry va lve reg urg itatio n (n=2 ), sho rt PR interval o n the EKG (n=2 ), myo carditis (n=2 ), tricuspid atresia (n=2 ), false tendo n o f the left ventricle (n=1 ), ao rtic reg urg itatio n due to a bicuspid ao rtic valve (n=1 ), primary pulmo nary hypertensio n (n=1 ) and lo ng Q T syndro me (n=1 ).

Chest pa in: in 1 9 0 c a ses studied, 1 8 6 (9 8 %) were co nsidered no rmal fro m the cardiac po int o f view. In 4 patients, sig ns o f po ssible heart disease were fo und: idio pathic dilatatio n o f the main pulmo nary artery (n=2 ), mild MR and sho rt PR interval o n the EKG .

Arrhythmia: amo ng the 1 9 5 cases referred, 1 8 7 (9 6 %) were co nsidered no rmal, while 8 c a se s p re se nte d p a tho lo g ic fe a ture s: W o lf-Parkinso n-W hite syndro me (n=2 ), sympto matic sinus bradycardia, do cumented supraventricular tachycardia, frequent ventricular ecto pics, ASD, PVS and sho rt PR interval.

Breathlessness: in 1 0 0 cases studied, 9 3 (9 3 %) were no rmal and in 7 , evidence o f heart disease was fo und: co mplete rig ht bundle branch blo ckag e (n=2 ), ASD, sho rt PR interval, primary pulmo nary hypertensio n, AVSD and idio pathic dilatatio n o f the main pulmo nary artery.

Cyano sis: 4 0 cases were referred because o f this sig nal, all o f who m were no rmal.

Abno rmal chest X-ray: amo ng the 2 4 cases

referred, 1 9 (7 9 %) were no rmal, while 5 were co nsidered abno rmal: dilated cardio myo pathy (n= 2 ), id io p a thic d ila ta tio n o f the ma in p ulmo na ry a rte ry (n= 2 ) a nd mild mitra l reg urg itatio n.

Splitted seco nd heart so und: in the 2 1 cases re fe rre d b e c a use o f this p o ssib le a b no rma l find ing , 1 9 (9 0 %) w e re no rma l w hile in 2 , c o mple te rig ht b undle b ra nc h b lo c ka g e wa s do cumented.

Systemic hypertensio n: amo ng the 1 9 cases referred, 1 0 (5 5 %) had no rmal blo o d pressure, while in 9 (4 5 %) hypertensio n was do cumented. Reg arding the 6 2 patients referred due to a variety o f reaso ns such as: histo ry o f rheumatic fever, edema, heart failure, systemic hypo tensio n, d ia g no stic o p inio n, inc re a se d S1 , sync o p e , splitted S1 , chest defo rmity, po st-o perative fo llo w-up, unkno wn cause, red spo ts, increased S2 , diz z iness, relig io us reco mmendatio n, histo ry o f endo carditis, familial heart disease and Do wn’s syndro me, 5 4 (8 7 %) were no rmal while in 8 (1 3 %) a cardio vascular abno rmality was fo und: PVS (n=2 ), VSD (n=2 ), rheumatic MR, W PW syndro me, residua l po st-o pera tive pulmo na ry ste no sis a nd re sid ua l p o st-o p e ra tive a o rtic reg urg itatio n.

4) The rape utic proce dure s

Seventeen patients (1 %) were referred to a tertiary unit fo r specific treatment after the final dia g no sis wa s esta b lished. Three ca ses were sub mitte d to the ra p e utic c a the te riz a tio n: 2 pulmo nary valvo plasty and 1 PDA o cclusio n with a Sideris pro sthesis (4 ). Fo urteen cases were o pe ra te d o n: duc tus lig a tio n (n= 5 ), re lie f o f co arctatio n o f the ao rta (n=2 ), clo sure o f an ASD


(n=2 ), clo sure o f a VSD (n=2 ), co rrectio n o f an AVSD (n=2 ) and relief o f subao rtic steno sis (n=1 ).


The analysis o f o ur data sho ws that, at first, the index o f suspec ted hea rt disea se is hig h during the initial pediatric evaluatio n. The 2 6 7 5 co nsecutive cases here presented were co llected during a 3 9 -mo nth perio d, c o rrespo nding to appro ximately 6 8 patients/ mo nth, which sho uld b e c o nsid e re d a sig nific a nt numb e r fo r a sub spec ia lity. Reg a rding this epidemio lo g ic a l detail, it sho uld be no ted that referral to o ur clinic is no t co mpulso ry, and it is likely that o ther cases ha ve b e e n re fe rre d to o the r c e nte rs, characteriz ing the po ssibility o f cho ice during the referra l pro cess. Ano ther po int which we believe sho uld be emphasiz ed is that 2 6 % o f the 2 6 7 5 pa tients initia lly eva lua ted did no t co mplete the investig atio n. This is a matter fo r c o nc ern b ut, unfo rtuna tely, diffic ult to c la rify. Ho wever, it is impo rtant fro m an epidemio lo g ical po int o f view that this number sho uld be reduced, co nsidering facto rs such as the characteristics o f the place where patients are seen, do cto r-patient relatio nships and also individual pro blems.

It is well kno wn that the majo rity o f patient referrals to pediatric cardio lo g y clinics are due to heart murmurs. As is well-co nfirmed in the literature,1 -3 the inno cent murmur, which acco unts fo r a g reat number o f these referrals, o ccurs in a p ro xima te ly 5 0 % o f the no rma l p e d ia tric po pulatio n. Altho ug h the o rig in o f these murmurs is no t w e ll d e fine d , its a sso c ia tio n w ith intraventricular fibro muscular bands5 is widely kno wn, especially the musical Still murmur.6 These b a nd s, ho w e ve r, a re c o nsid e re d no rma l variatio ns and no cause-effect relatio nship with the murmur has been demo nstrated so far.7

O ur data co nfirm this info rmatio n: 7 0 % o f the cases referred to o ur clinic were due to a heart murmur. The final analysis revealed that the g reat majo rity o f these cases (8 2 %) were inno cent murmurs, meaning absence o f heart disease. This data, in ag reement with info rmatio n fro m the literature,8 makes us co nsider two initial

hypo theses: either there is a hig h deg ree o f co ncern abo ut heart disease in the reg io n o r there is a lack o f specific kno wledge which wo uld allo w the p e d ia tric ia n to re c o g niz e a n inno c e nt murmur. As this diag no sis can be made o n strictly clinical g ro unds,9 -1 1 with a lo w pro bability o f erro r, we may co nclude that in the g reat majo rity o f o ur patients, heart disease co uld have been ruled o ut at the first pediatric examinatio n.

It sho uld be remembered, ho wever, that the diag no sis o f an inno cent murmur may be very subjective and influenced by many facto rs, like a n a d e q ua te e nviro nme nt, the o rg a nic a nd emo tio nal state o f the child and the experience o f the investig ato r. Do ubts may arise in so me circumstances, with so me autho rs using the term ‘ po ssibly patho lo g ic’ to describe a murmur.1 2 W e believe these cases sho uld be sent to a pediatric cardio lo g y examinatio n. Amo ng the 2 2 9 (1 8 %) cases o f patho lo g ic murmurs in o ur material, we no ticed that the majo rity o f them co rrespo nded to causes usually detected in day-to -day pediatric cardio lo g y practice: VSD, PVS, AVSD, ASD and MR. Mo st o f these cases were co nsidered mild fo rms o f the diseases, with no treatment being re q uire d . Ho w e ve r, c a re ful fo llo w -up is reco mmended fo r these patients. Specific details like lo ng term pro g no sis o f the disease, physical a c tivity, life insura nc e , w o rking c a p a c ity, preg na nc y a nd pro phyla xis a g a inst b a c teria l e nd o c a rd itis re q uire a d e q ua te c o unse ling , depending o n the type o f heart disease present. The seco nd mo st frequent cause o f referral


(9 %) in o ur material was chest pain. Amo ng the 1 9 0 cases studied, 1 8 6 (9 8 %) were no rmal. The 4 abno rmal cases were: mild mitral reg urg itatio n (n= 2 ), id io p a thic d ila ta tio n o f the ma in pulmo nary artery and sho rt PR interval, and were incidental finding s, no t related to the pain itself. This sympto m is very co mmo n in g eneral medical practice and quite relevant due to the sig nificant incidence o f hypertensive a nd a thero sclero tic d ise a se in so c ie ty.1 3 , 1 4 The id e ntific a tio n o f o rg anic disease is no t co mmo n in this situatio n,1 3 a ltho ug h so me fo rms o f he a rt d ise a se ma y pro vo ke preco rdial pain: severe ao rtic steno sis,1 5 mitra l va lve p ro la p se ,1 6 hy p e rtro p hic cardio myo pathy,1 5 co ro nary artery ano maly,1 3 p e ric a rd itis,1 7 Ka w a sa ki d ise a se1 8 a nd arrhythmia.1 3 All these po ssibilities were ruled o ut in o ur cases due to the absence o f co mpatible clinical finding s. Also , the EKG was no rmal but, nevertheless, we believe it sho uld be reco rded in any patient with preco rdial pain. O ur current p o lic y is to se nd the p a tie nt b a c k to the pediatrician fo r further investig atio n, if necessary. Suspected arrhythmia was ano ther frequent reaso n fo r referral (9 %) amo ng o ur material. These children either presented sympto ms like palpitatio ns o r had arrhythmia no ticed by the mo the r a nd / o r p e d ia tric ia n, usua lly a s a n irreg ular rhythm. In the 1 9 5 cases studied, 1 8 7 (9 6 %) were no rmal, the g reat majo rity o f them with sinus arrhythmia o n the EKG , a frequent and benig n finding in no rmal children.1 9 Eig ht c a ses were c o nsidered a b no rma l: ventric ula r e c to p ic s re q uiring me d ic a l tre a tme nt (n= 3 ); W PW syndro me incidentally fo und o n the EKG w itho ut d o c ume nte d a rrhy thmia (n= 2 ); sup ra ve ntric ula r ta c hy c a rd ia (n= 2 ); a nd sy mp to ma tic sinus b ra d y c a rd ia (n= 1 ). C ha ra c te riz ing a n a b no rma l rhythm o nly b y a usculta tio n ma y b e difficult, especia lly if a n irritable child is being examined. The rhythm irreg ula rity is usua lly a udib le a nd very o ften caused by a sinus arrhythmia, but despite this, we believe the EKG sho uld always be reco rded in o rder to rule o ut rhythm abno rmality.

The co mplaint o f breathlessness at rest and/ o r o n effo rt was present in 5 % o f o ur cases and,

o ut o f the 1 0 0 cases analyz ed, 9 3 (9 3 %) were no rmal. In 7 abno rmal cases the diag no ses were: a tria l se p ta l d e fe c t, p rima ry p ulmo na ry hyp e rte nsio n, a trio ve ntric ula r se p ta l d e fe c t, co mplete rig ht bundle branch blo ckag e (n=2 ), sho rt PR interval and idio pathic dilatatio n o f the main pulmo nay artery. It sho uld be no ted that o nly the first 3 cases co uld po ssibly have so me relatio n with the main sympto m.

Cyano sis o curred in 1 .5 % o f o ur cases as the main co mplaint. It is interesting to no te that all the patients were co nsidered no rmal after inve stig a tio n. It is w e ll-kno w n tha t p a re nts erro neo usly asso ciate the purple lips o f a crying child with heart disease, at least in o ur culture.

Heart disease suspected exclusively as a result o f chest X-ray o curred in 1 % o f o ur patients. In the 2 4 cases investig ated, 1 9 were no rmal while 5 were labeled as patho lo g ical: dilated cardio myo pathy (n=2 ), mitral reg urg itatio n (n=1 ) and idio pathic dilatatio n o f the main pulmo nary artery (n=2 ). The first 3 cases had to be fo llo wed up . Pulmo na ry a rte ry d ila ta tio n, a c o mmo n finding in daily practice, is usually co nsidered a benig n abno rmality, despite a recently repo rted serio us co mplicatio n2 0 in o ne such case. Care must be taken when interpreting a chest X-ray: inadequate technique may be respo nsible fo r apparent abno rmalities o n the film. To tal absence o f c linic a l a nd / o r e le c tro c a rd io g ra p hic co rrelatio n allo wed us to co nsider cases as being no rmal.

An inte re sting se mio lo g ic mista ke w a s detected in o ur patients: 2 1 cases were referred because o f a bro ken-up seco nd heart so und. N ineteen o f them were no rma l a nd we ma y c o nc lud e the p hy sio lo g ic sp lit w a s no t reco g niz ed. In 2 cases a co mplete rig ht bundle branch blo ckag e was reco rded, which explains the auscultato ry finding .

In the 1 9 c a se s re fe rre d b e c a use o f hyp e rte nsio n, 1 0 (5 5 % ) w e re no rma l, a nd pro bably an inadequate cuff size had been used. Amo ng the 9 cases with hypertensio n, 2 had co arctatio n o f the ao rta.


Results). Amo ng the 6 2 cases studied, 5 4 (8 7 %) were no rmal while 8 (1 3 %) had so me fo rm o f heart disease: pulmonary valve stenosis (n=2 ), ventricular se pta l de fe c t (n= 2 ), W PW syndro me , mitra l regurgitatio n, po st-o perative residual pulmo nary steno sis and po st-o perative residual ao rtic steno sis. The very lo w incidence o f each o f the reaso ns fo r referral amo ng this g ro up o f patients makes it impo ssible to perfo rm a reliable analysis.

The ve ry lo w inde x o f the ra pe utic ne e d fo und in o ur ma te ria l (1 %) re fle c ts the re la tive b e nig nity o f pa tie nts’ c o mpla ints re fe rre d to the c linic . The 1 4 c a se s o pe ra te d o n, a s we ll a s the 3 pa tie nts sub mitte d to a n inte rve ntio na l c a theteriz a tio n, ha d a fo rm o f c o ng enita l hea rt d ise a se fre q ue ntly c la ssifie d a s “ simp le ” , usua lly with a g o o d pro g no sis. Ano the r fa c t whic h a lso c ha ra c te riz e s the b e nig n a spe c t is tha t the g lo b a l inc ide nc e o f he a rt dise a se wa s 1 4 %. Fo r c o mpa riso n, the e xpe rie nc e g a ine d in the pe dia tric c a rdio lo g y o utpa tie nt c linic o f the He a rt Ho spita l lo c a te d in the sa me c ity, w he re te rtia ry tre a tme nt is ro utine ly o ffe re d, sho uld b e me ntio ne d. At this institutio n, during a 1 2 -mo nth p e rio d , 4 2 0 p a tie nts w e re e va lua te d fo r susp e c te d c o ng e nita l he a rt d ise a se . Amo ng the m, o nly 6 (1 .5 %) c a se s were c o nsidered no rma l, with a wide spec trum o f he a rt d ise a se b e ing d o c ume nte d (unp ub lishe d o b se rva tio ns). This p a tte rn o f re fe rra l is d iffe re nt fro m the p a tte rn o f o ur ma te ria l pre se nte d a b o ve . The g re a t ma jo rity o f the pa tie nts re fe rre d to the He a rt Ho spita l ha d a lre a dy b e e n se e n b y a pe dia tric ia n a nd a lso b y a lo c a l c a rdio lo g ist b e fo re b e ing se nt fo r spe c ific tre a tme nt.

In c o nc lusio n, we b e lie ve the se tting up o f a pe dia tric c a rdio lo g y o utpa tie nt c linic is justifia b le in a ny la rg e pro g ra m o f pe dia tric prima ry c a re . The hig h de ma nd is ma inly due to the ina b ility o f the p e d ia tric ia n to d iffe re ntia te b e tw e e n no rma l a nd a b no rma l he a rts. De sp ite the lo w g lo b a l inc id e nc e o f he a rt d ise a se (1 4 %), this numb e r b e c o me s re le va nt in a na lysis o n a n individua l b a sis.2 1 The g rea t ma jo rity o f o ur pa tients were referred b ec a use o f a hea rt murmur, mo st o f them b eing

inno c e nt. The p o ssib ility o f he a rt d ise a se re la te d to o the r re fe rra l re a so ns is re mo te a nd invasive therapy is rarely necessary. These data ha ve b e e n ro utine ly c o mp a re d thro ug h the ye a rs. Pa rt o f this ma te ria l ha s b e e n pub lishe d e lse whe re a nd the re sults a re e sse ntia lly the sa me .2 2 It wo uld b e inte re sting to c o mpa re the se re sults with tho se fro m o the r c e ntre s a nd diffe re nt c ulture s. Mo re de ta ile d studie s se e m to b e re le va nt in o rde r to de c re a se the hig h inde x (2 6 %) o f pa tie nts who do no t re turn to the c linic a fte r the first visit. It se e ms o b vio us tha t a sp e c ific tra ining p ro g ra m fo r pe dia tric ia ns is hig hly re c o mme nde d in o rde r to a vo id unne c e ssa ry re fe rra l.


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Contex to: Durante a avaliação inicial de crianças em nível ambulato rial, o índice de suspeita de cardio patia po de ser elevado , particularmente se fo r co nsiderado que o so pro ino cente o co rre em apro ximadamente 5 0 % da po pulação pediátrica. Esse ruído é a causa mais co mum de encaminhamento ao cardio lo g ista pediátrico . Objetivo: Relatar a experiência de um ambulatório de cardiologia pediátrica da rede pública de saúde na região sudeste do Brasil. Tipo de estudo: Análise retrospectiva de todos os pacientes encaminhados para avaliação cardiológica dentro de um período de 3 9 meses. Loca l: Ambulató rio de cardio lo g ia pediátrica da rede pública de saúde. Pa rticipa ntes: 2 6 7 5 crianças co nsecutivas pro cedentes das unidades básicas de saúde lo cais e da reg ião , encaminhadas devido à suspeita de cardio patia. Va riá veis Estuda da s: Mo tivo do encaminhamento , investig ação diag nó stica, diag nó stico final baseado no mo tivo de encaminhamento , pro cedimento s terapêutico s. Resulta dos: O s principais mo tivo s de encaminhamento fo ram: so pro cardíaco (7 0 %), do r preco rdial (9 %), suspeita de arritmia (9 %) e dispnéia (5 %). Entre o g rupo to tal, 6 9 5 (2 6 %) caso s não co mpletaram a investig ação e não fo ram incluído s na análise. Fo i estabelecido um diag nó stico definitivo relacio nado ao mo tivo de encaminhamento e as co nclusõ es principais fo ram: 1 ) alta incidência de no rmalidade fo i enco ntrada: so pro (8 3 %), do r preco rdial (9 8 %), arritmia (9 7 %) e dispnéia (9 4 %); 2 ) a presença de cardio patia fo i co nsiderada impro vável baseado no s o utro s mo tivo s de encaminhamento ; 3 ) 1 4 % das crianças fo ram co nsideradas ano rmais e a necessidade de pro cedimento terapêutico invasivo fo i de 1 % do s caso s.

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Ferna ndo Am a ra l - Master in Cardio lo g y, Divisio n o f Pediatric Cardio lo g y, Department o f Pediatrics, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto .

Joã o Antonio Gra nzotti - MD, Assistant Pro fesso r, Head-Divisio n Pediatric Cardio lo g y, Department o f Pediatrics, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto .

Sources of Funding: N o t declared

Conflict of interest: N o t declared

La st received: 1 2 may 1 9 9 8

Accepted: 1 June 1 9 9 8

Address for correspondence:

Fernando Amaral Av. Independência, 1 3 7 9


Figure 1 - Attendance model and data analysis pattern in a Pediatric Cardiology outpatient clinic.
Figure 2 - Referral reasons in 2675 children submitted to cardiologic evaluation.
Figure 3 - Incidence of cardiovascular normality re- re-lated to the referral reasons in 2675 children with suspected heart disease.


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