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Territory and solidarity: the European Union territorial cohesion policy and the role of local institutions


Academic year: 2021

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Territory an

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tuto Universitár stituto Universitá Crédito Agrícola ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax.

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l. gal. rritório -iul.pt/

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Fátima Ferre Sérgio Lago Licínio Pina

P n.º 2012



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Abstr This with speci econo funda alway partic and illustr rural Key w coope DINÂ Tel. 2


ract paper analys an emphas ficities of lo omic theorie amental by th ys had a gr cipatory mod must be sc rates this ass

developmen words: terri erative finan ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax.

ry and so

ses the evolu is on the i cal realities. es of develo he European reater territo dels and the

rutinized. T sessment by nt. torial cohesi ncial institutio Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m

olidarity: t

ution of the mportance g Despite spa opment, only n Union. Eve orial focus t involvement The referenc providing ev

ion, rural dev ons. udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i

the Europ

policy a

notion of te given to th ace and territo

y recently t en though the than other E t of local act ce to a Por evidence on t velopment, r udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d

pean Unio

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erritorial coh e processes ory has alwa the territoria e European R European po tors within th rtuguese coo the role that

rural develop onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL

inamiacet.iscte-on territo

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hesion in the of particip ays received al dimension Rural Develo olicies, the his policy ha operative fin a local insti pment policy rritório -iul.pt/

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European U pation and t attention fro n was consi opment Polic real relevan as been quest nancial insti itution can p y, crédito agr




Union, to the om the idered cy has nce of tioned itution play in rícola,



In th dimen appea nucle the ce solida valor includ distan are m of dev evolv devel Crédi and in appro mom territo funda scruti DINÂ Tel. 2

1. Introdu

his paper it i nsion of its p al to a place-ear aspects o entrality of p ary territorie risation of the Only rece ding in polic nce between many perspec velopment p In this pa ved within th lopment poli ito Agrícola nstitutional c In Sectio oached in th ments of the orial based p amental prop inizes the rol

ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax.


is argued th policies and -based appro of Solidarity participatory es depends eir specificit ently the terr cies not territ n policies and

ctives that, fr processes.

aper our con he EU, highli icy. Regardin (CA) - in t characteristic on 1 we pres he disciplina EU territori policy, rura posals of te le of CA in P Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m

hat the conce with the terr oach in the d Economics, models of g on doing p ies, on demo ritorial dime torially orien d scientific t rom very earl

ncern is to un ighting local ng this, we a the strengthe cs. sent a very b ary field of ial cohesion al developme erritorial coh Portuguese ru udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i ern of the E ritorial cohes design and im

, like the att governance a policies con ocratic partic ension was ta nted. This fa thinking. Ind ly, consider t understand ho l communitie analyse the r ening of terr brief review f Economics n’s policy; in ent, assessin hesion prese ural developm udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d European Un sion relates to mplementatio tention to lo and decision-nnected with cipation, and aken as fund act can be int deed, and in the territory ow the conc es participati role of a fina itorial cohes of how the s; Section 2 n Section 3, ng its potent ented in the ment. onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL inamiacet.iscte-nion (EU) w o the notion on of policie cal specifici -making. The h them, on on ensuring damental in E terpreted as a n the case of as fundamen ept of territo on, namely i ancial cooper sion, attendin concept of 2 identifies , a special f tialities regar previous s rritório -iul.pt/

with the terr of solidarity es highlights ities/identitie e creation of the respec sustainabilit European po an indicator f Economics, ntal in the an orial cohesio in relation to rative institu ng to its terr territory has the key de focus is put rding some ection; Sect


ritorial y. The some es and f more ct and ty. licies, of the , there nalysis on has o rural ution - ritorial s been fining t on a of the tion 5



The throu the e (‘Les of we the p factor are o consi force explo econo of res resou Analy spatia into t theor devel activi aspec found Losch invol concr This relati endog DINÂ Tel. 2

2. Territor

presence of ugh the discip emergence o s Economiste ealth in a rea presence of l rs of produc often negativ idering, nam s controlled oitation and c Despite E omics, analy sources to be urces and ac ytical preced al one” (Cap Regional the analysis ries in region loped in the ities in space cts of econom ders of locati h. The terri lves the red

rete realities new concep onal dimens genous, that “[E]embed success o relational moreover, ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax.

ry and deve

f territory in plinary field f this scient es’, as they p action to the and in class ction and soc vely perceive mely, the con

by this soc care. Economics t ysts have dev e used for va ctivities are dence and p ello, 2011: 2 economics i of market w nal economic e early 190 e”; and “reg mic growth ion theories o itorial appro efinition of and not to ption of spa sion of econ is: dded in socio-f the local e skills of lo a decision-m Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m

elopment: a

n the reflect d of economi tific domain present them French merc ical Politica cial classes t ed by Classi ntradiction b cial group, a territorial roo voted most o arious purpos located or w priority has t 2). is the branch working (Ide cs: “location 0, which de gional growth and the terr one should m

oach, which the concept homogenou ace has seve nomic and s -economic an economy: ent ocal actors g making capacit udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i

a brief disc

tion about d ics. In fact, are ‘territor mselves), for cantilist poli al Economy to the develo cal Econom between the and their freq

ots, and acc f their attent ses; they hav where they thus been g h of Economi em: 1). It is n theory, the eals with th h (and devel ritorial distri mention Mar emerged in tion of ‘spa us space-dista eral implicat social pheno nd cultural sys trepreneurial generating cu ty which enab udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d

ciplinary ap

development some of the rially rooted instance, con icies that priv is mainly re opment of in mists (e.g., A economic i quent neglig ording to C tion and effo ve concerned will be loc iven to the

ics that incor possible to oldest branc he economic lopment) the ibution of in shall, von Th n the 1970s ace’. This c

ance (“a sim tions, includ omena and t

stems whose c ability, local umulative kn bles local econ

onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL


processes c e fundamenta d’. The Phys nceive land a vileged man lated with th ndustrial capi dam Smith, importance o gent behavio apello, “[...] orts to determ d themselves ated only in temporal dim rporates the d identify two ch of regiona c mechanism eory, which f ncome” (Idem hunen, Webe s within reg oncerns now mple geograp

ding the con the vision o

components d l production nowledge-acqu nomic and soc

rritório -iul.pt/ can be illus al contributio siocrats’ app as the only s nufactures. In he contributi italism. Land John Stuart of the produ our regarding in the histo mine the quan s with where n the recent imension ov dimension ‘s wo large grou al economics ms that dist focuses on s m: 2). Amon er, Christalle gional econo w to specifi phical contai nsideration o f developme determine the factors (...), uisition and, cial actors to


strated ons to proach source n turn, ion of dlords -Mill) uctive g land ory of ntities those t past. er the space’ ups of s, first tribute spatial ng the er, and omics, c and iner”). of the ent as


Durin theor devel Garof indus cohes argue (know comp value (Cape


This EU p the m we na mainl Europ transn Spati Acco introd territo Right A m Direc result DINÂ Tel. 2 guide the enrich it w process of world econ ng the 1970s rists, like Gia

lopment’), R foli (‘system strial system’ These no sion approac e that these th wledge, lear petitiveness. ed and appre ello, 2011: 1

3. Solidari

section pres policies, whic main moment amed a solid The them ly among p pean Perspe national coop al Planning O ording with duced by th orial cohesio ts (2000) (“se more develop ctorate Gene ts of the ES ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax. development with the extern f growth, and nomy”(Idem: s and the 198 acomo Baca Reinhart Wet m areas’), C ’) (Idem: 14-on-orthodox t ch that prese heories have rning, relatio Far from b eciated for th 5).

ity and terr

ents the fund ch culminate ts and the ter darity vision o me of territor politics invol ective of Sp peration in t Observation Camagni (2 he Third Co on can still ervices of ge ped presenta eral of Regio SPON and Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m process, supp nal information d to the socia 14). 80s, this new ttini (‘theory tmann (‘indi Claude Courl -15). theories con ented in the enriched ec onality, and being of sca heir contribu

ritory in the

damental mo es with the “T rms in which of the territo rial cohesion lved in terri patial Deve the context o Network (E 2007), the c ohesion Rep be found in eneral econom ation of the ons in the I other Europ udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i port it when u n and knowle al, technologi w perspective y of the indu igenous pote let-Benard P nsider some c next sectio onomic anal social capi ant economic ution to kno

e European

oments of th Territorial A h territorial c ory (Table 1) n has been d itorial plann elopment, wh of INTERRE SPON) (Cam concept of t port (Europe n Article 36 mic interests e concept of Interim Terr pean Commi udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d undergoing ch edge required t ical and cultu

e was carried ustrial distric ential’), Bern Pecqueur an central aspec n and summ lysis by ident ital) which c significanc owledge on

n Union: te

e institutiona Agenda for th cohesion was . debated in E ning. In 199 hich in turn EG and led to magni, 2007: territorial co ean Commis 6 of the Cha s”)(Faludi, 20 f territorial ritorial Cohe ission (EC) onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL

inamiacet.iscte-hange and inn to harness it to ural transform d out by some ct’), Walter S nardo Secch d Bernard G cts envisaged marized by C tifying the in come togeth ce, these ele local develo

erritorial co

al considerat e EU 2020”. s presented, e Europe since 99, this deba n originated o the creation 5). ohesion was ssion, 2004) arter of Fun 006: 669). cohesion w esion Report studies (Ca rritório -iul.pt/ novation, and to the general mation of the me neo-Marsh Sthor (‘botto hi and Gioac Ganne (‘loc d by the terr Capelllo: “[. ntangible ele her to form ements shou opment proce


tion of territ . We will con emphasizing e the years 1 ate originate d programm n of the Eur s “authoritati ). A referen ndamental H was given b t, which use amagni, 200


hallian om-up cchino alized ritorial ..] we ments local uld be esses” ory in nsider g what 1990s, ed the mes of ropean ively” nce to Human by the ed the 7: 5).


Acco and c Euro (199 Thir Con Inte Com (200 Tow Coh Goth Lisb forc Gree Barc The Terr Terr (201 The Comm that: Europ "(EC Luxe Light ESPO 6): " DINÂ Tel. 2 ording to the corresponds t Table opean Perspec 99) rd Cohesion R nstitution (200 rim Territoria mmunity Strat 06) wards a Strong hesion in the L henburg Amb bon Treaty (20 ce) en Paper on T ca Report (200 Fifth Report ritorial Cohesi ritorial Agend 11) importance munity Strat "the promo pean territor , 2008). This The 2005 mbourg prod t of the Lisb

ON. The con "territorial ca ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax. report, territ to "a balance 1 – Main step Document ctive of Spatia

Report and Eur 04) al Cohesion Re egic Guidelin ger European T Light of the Li bitions (2005) 007- signature Territorial Coh 09) on Economic ion (2010) da for the Euro

of territoria tegic Guideli otion of terr ry has the op s message on 5 informal m duced the do bon and Go ncept of terri apital" should Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m torial cohesio ed distributio ps in the intro al Developmen ropean eport (2004) a es for Cohesio Territorial isbon and e, 2009 - entry hesion (2008) , Social and opean Union 2 al cohesion

ines for Coh

itorial cohes pportunity to n territorial c ministerial m ocument Tow othenburg Am torial cohesi d be conside udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i on is comple on of human oduction of te nt Progr (INT ESPO Intro goal. and on Deve territ Comp territ The c of Te y into The c law. New Place Terri goal 2020 Integ and t in the EU hesion adopt sion should o contribute cohesion is al meeting on te wards a Stron mbitions, w ion acquires ered by deve udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d ementary to e activities wi erritorial coh M

ramme for tra TERREG). ON duction of ter eloped present orial cohesion plementarities orial cohesion concept acqui erritorial Capi concept acqui territorial par e-based polici itorial cohesio of smart, inclu grated develop territorial coor context wa ted by the C be part of to the agend lso present in erritorial coh nger Europe which incorpo here a pract lopment pol onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL inamiacet.iscte-economic an thin the EU s hesion in EU p Main innovatio ansnational coo ritorial cohesi tation of the co n during the 19 s between eco n. res a practical tal.

res legal statu

rtnerships es

n’s role in the usive and sust pment, territor rdination of po as further u Council in 20 the effort t da of growth n the Lisbon hesion and r an Territoria orates the an ical sense (C icies of the t rritório -iul.pt/ nd social coh space." policies on operation ion as a EU’s oncept of 970s and 1980 onomic, social l sense. Conce us in EU prima e Europe 2020 tainable grow rial connectivi olicies underlined b 006, which to ensure th h and employ Strategy. regional pol al Cohesion analytical ba Camagni, 20 territory as p


hesion, 0s. l and ept ary 0 th. ity by the stated hat all yment icy in in the asis of 07: 5-part of


the e 'polyc innov mana 670). relate devel my o socia may incor acces land prese Green of the EU. partn institu imple "plac based reduc multi conte is als socia of the peopl depen

1 In t itself. DINÂ Tel. 2 fforts to inc centrism' an vative and agement, and Concerns an ed with distr lopment, sus In this di opinion, if th al cohesion, i be seen as rporates three ss to service and natural ence of 'socia The notio n Paper on e territory, tr Among the nerships", th utions, loca ementation o The so-ca ce-based" stra d policy is a cing persiste ilevel govern exts, and it tr o presented al inclusion, s e EU 1). In sh le, taking in nds on where

his context, t ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax. crease Europ nd partnershi competitive d the advance nd policies a ributive purp tainability an rection, Cam he concept o it must nece the territori e dimensions s and knowl l resources, al capital', an on of sustai Territorial C ransforming several iss hat is, the al stakeholde of policies. alled 'Barca R ategy in the long-term str ent social e nance. It pr riggers institu as the best w strengthenin hort, it is pro nto account e they live (I

he Economic Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m pean competi ip between u e activities, ement of eco associating th poses, were c nd good gov magni introdu f Territorial ssarily link t al dimension s: territorial ledge; territo and econo nd developing inability imp Cohesion (EC diversity int ues presente participation ers, voluntar Report' corre definition an rategy aimed xclusion in omotes the utional chang way to meet g solidarity w oposed that th that their w Ibidem: XIII)

and Monetary udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i itiveness. Th urban and r strengtheni ological struc he "classics" combined wi vernance (Ibid

uces the con Cohesion h the sustainab n of sustain quality (e.g. orial efficien omic compe g shared visi poses itself C, 2008) it i to an asset th ed for deba n of econo ry organizat esponds to a nd implemen d at tackling specific pl supply of i ges "(Barca, the challeng within the U the "territoria well-being a ). y Union is a m udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d he priorities rural areas, t ing trans-E ctures and cu themes of E ith issues of dem). ncept of territ has to add to bility issue. I nability"(Cam , quality of l ncy, includin titiveness), ions about th in territorial is presented hat enables s ate, it is the omic and so tions and N fundamental ntation of Co persistent un laces throug integrated go 2009: VII). ges and expec Union, and th

alized social and the effec

mean to achie onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL inamiacet.iscte-presented ar the promotio uropean ne ultural resour European regi f competitive torial cohesio the content In a word, te magni, 2007: iving and wo ng the efficie and territori he future) (Ide l cohesion d as a harmon ustainable de e concept o ocial actors NGOs) in th l moment in ommunity po nderutilisatio h external oods and se The "place-b ctations of th he peace and agenda" sho ctiveness of

eve that goals

rritório -iul.pt/

are the increa on of 'cluste etworks and rces (Faludi, ional policy, eness, endog ion as follow t of economi erritorial coh : 6). The co orking condi ent use of en rial identity dem: 6-7). documents. I nious develop evelopment of "new terr s (e.g. non-he definition the defence olicies: "[A] p on of potenti intervention ervices tailor based" persp he EU (effic d welfare pur ould be focus f any interve s and not an


ase in ers' of d risk 2006: , more genous ws: "In ic and hesion oncept itions, nergy, (e.g., In the pment of the ritorial -profit n and of the place-al and s and red to ective iency, rposes sed on ention end in


Given gover is rel actors capac institu of the as ec repre and I cohes territo Comm Union that " and c each polici devel of cit of te polici proce first t This polici goal o econo is foc sustai to ser and DINÂ Tel. 2 n the purpos rnance sectio lated with th s". It is unde city to transm utions and p e policy shou conomic and sentatives of In the Co Inclusive Gro sion. It is u ory, includin munication i n 2020. The "territorial co clarifies that area" (EU, 2 ies contribut lopment of th ties and rura erritorial coh ies." Both R ess of finding The Fifth to be done a report inclu ies described of a more sm Accordin omic conver cused in a ba inable devel rvices of gen financial se ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax. ses of this p on of the Bar he importan erstood that, mit at the Eu private actors uld also allow d social partn f civil society ommission C owth (2010), understood th ng its most re is one of the word 'solida ohesion com developmen 2011: 3). It i tes to territo he European al areas”. The hesion invol Rural Devel g a balanced h Report on

after the Lisb udes a polic d above. It mart, inclusiv ng with the R gence of reg alanced acce opment, and neral interes ervices. Sus Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m paper, it shou rca Report, ce of partic and among o uropean level s: "[T] he op w the views o ners, NGO's, y - to be mad Communicati , the referenc herefore that emote region e documents arity' arises in plements the nt opportuniti is then defen orial cohesio n Union", it is e identificati lves various opment and territorial de Economic, bon Treaty, w cy vision tha argues that ve and sustain Report, while

gions and the ess across th d in the respe st includes, n stainable de udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i uld be consi "The Strateg cipation men other things, l views, asse pening up of of sub-region , environmen de known"(Id ion Europe 2 ce to "inclus t growth sho ns, increasing s present in n this contex e mechanism ies should be nded that a " on (Idem: 4) s precisely th ion of mecha s aspects, in d Cohesion P evelopment o Social and which presen at encompas territorial co nable growth e economic a e social exclu he territory to ect for territo namely, the evelopment udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d idered here o gic and more ntioned abov this mobiliz essments, and f debate on th nal public ac ntal, volunta dem: 179). 2020, The St sive growth" ould be exte g territorial c the Territor xt related to t ms of solidari e designed ac place-based" . One of the he "increase anisms of go ncluding the Policies eme of the EU. Territorial C nts territorial sses much o ohesion may h path. nd social coh usion of soci o quality ser orial and cult

access to ed policies em onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL inamiacet.iscte-one of the to e effective go ve: the "mob zation depend d contributio he progress ctors and inte ary and equa

trategy for S includes soc ended to the cohesion (EC rial Agenda f territorial coh ity with a qu ccording to t " approach in e "territorial in the integr overnance an e "territorial erge as key Cohesion (E l cohesion as of the evolu y contribute t hesion is mo ial groups, te rvices and in tural specific ducation, hea mphasize th rritório -iul.pt/ opics listed overnance", w bilization of ds crucially o ons of local p and achieve erest groups ality bodies, Smart, Sustai

cial and terr e entire Eur C, 2010: 17)

for the Euro

hesion. It is ualitative app the specificit n the definit l priorities fo rated develop nd implemen l coordinati y elements in EC, 2010) wa as one goal o ution in terr to the gener ore concerned erritorial coh nfrastructures cities. The a alth care, bu he environm


in the which f local on the public ments - such other inable ritorial ropean ). This opean stated proach ties of ion of for the pment ntation on of n this as the of EU. ritorial al EU d with hesion s, in a access siness mental


dimen role o polici socia envir relate emplo regio rather infras infras infras effect inves Innov impo unem relate regio and th from to pro terms expec increa grow instea regio recog the p DINÂ Tel. 2 nsion. Addin of cities and The sear ies. It is men al and territor In the 20 ronmental ind ed with prod oyment mov It is reco ns that are n r than to do structures, in structure is structures ar ts of innovat stment in less vation prom rtant for im mployment. The Cohe ed with the te nal and loca he special pl Firstly, it simple gran omote an in s of consultin cted effect o ase in emp wingly endoge ad of compen Secondly ns the poss gnizes that in policy design ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax. ng the territo to specific ar rch of territo ntioned that a rial cohesion 000s, dispari dicators have ductivity gr vements to hi gnized that not main cen

radical inno nstitutions a growing in e still very i tion on deve s developed r motes growth mproving the esion policy erritory: the al actors, the lace of rural a t is argued t ts to loans an nnovation cu ng, networki of this more ployment. In enous develo nsating laggi y, it is defen sibility to de nvolving reg n up to the i Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m

orial dimens reas with dem orial cohesio all EU polici n. ities between e decreased. owth, either igher value a innovation i ntres of inno ovations. It i and human r n importance important to elopment. Du regions, nam h, which cr living cond has evolved importance o e efficacy of areas on the that the imp nd venture ca ulture, distinc ing and clust e proactive p

n a similar opment by su ing regions b nded that “o esign and d gional and lo implementati udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i sion to cohes mographic a on implies ies should ta n European The main e r inside sect added sectors is one of the ovation, the is considered resources th e in the di guarantee th ue to this, co mely transpor reates jobs. ditions of p to consider of loans and f the local de promotion o pact of Cohe apital. The a ct from the tering is also policy is an direction, upporting re by their disad one-size-fit-a deliver polici ocal commun ion phase co udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d sion, it impl nd social pro a concern w ake into acco

regions in t xplanation f tors (related s. e main factor concern sho d that less d hat support i istribution o he access to ohesion polic rtation netwo The creatio opulations, e some import venture capi evelopment of territorial b esion policy access of SM subsidy cult o seen as a va increase in National co gions in area dvantages. ll” policies ies accordin nities, stakeh ontributed to onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL

inamiacet.iscte-ies also mor oblems. with the terr ount their eff

erms of econ for growth in d with innov rs of regiona ould be to ab eveloped reg innovation. of products markets, wh cy continues orks. on of empl especially in tant dimensio ital, the relev

model for so balance. will be imp MEs to financ ture. Non-fin aluable polic productivity ohesion pol as where they should be a ng with their holders, and o a better im rritório -iul.pt/ re attention ritorial impa fects on econ nomic, socia n all EU regi vation) or d al convergen absorb innov gions should While the d online, tran which will spu s to finance p loyment is n regions of ons, some of vance of invo ome program proved by m ce is a key el nancial supp cy instrumen y, rather a s licies empha y are compe avoided, givi ir needs. Th social partne mpact of Coh


to the act of nomic, al and ions is due to nce. In ations d have digital nsport ur the public rather f high f them olving mmes, moving ement port in nt. The simple asized etitive, ing to he EU ers, in hesion


Polic that a the fu count Cohe strate variet partn target Repo being to loc devel EU, i and u rural infras living rural Europ farmi (ERD of ec Agric struct In syn solida in the attent mech the C of lo imple DINÂ Tel. 2 y in the peri are interested uture. The cr

tries, the diff esion Policy. egies and the Thirdly, ty of policy nerships with ted area. A ort recognize g necessary a cal authoritie Finally, lopment and it is recogniz using the loc areas inclu structures, an g conditions areas has be pean Agricul ing activitie DF) in a broa conomic act cultural Fund tural changes nthesis, the E arity approac e territory, bu tion to the hanisms. All The next Cohesion Poli ocal specifici ementation. ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax. iod 2000-200 d in program reation of par fficulty in ide . In general, design of pr the Report r programmes h local actor An example es, however, a larger invol es. the EU asc d territorial b zed that polic cal developm ude: maintain nd respect th in rural area een done by t ltural Guidan es in specifi ad range of a tivities. Th d for Rural D s in farms’ b European de ch to the terr ut at the sam e specificity these things section cons icy that poin ities and the

Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m 06. It is state mmes’ succes rtnerships ha entifying par , the involve rogrammes th recognizes th s. This mode rs, and an i of the appli

that the loc lvement of lo certains that balance. Due cies have to ment model n economic he rural char as, promoting the European nce and Gua ic regions, areas, includ e rural deve Developmen businesses an ebate about te ritory. In this me time the em y of territo are present i siders rural d nt to a solidar e involveme udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i ed that partn ss, and that as not been e rtners and the ement of pa han in the im hat the local el involves a integrated a ication of th cal developm ocal partners t rural areas e to the wide be designed where possi activity, gu racter of suc g social cohe n Social Fun arantee Fund and by the ding transpor elopment pi nt, also supp nd using the L erritorial coh s approach th mphasis is a ories, susta in the notion development rity vision o ent of local udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d nerships mob such mobiliz easy due to t e reduced kn artners has b mplementatio l developme ctions in sm pproach to his approach ment model s and a larger s are centra e variety exi attending to ible. Key ele uarantee the ch areas. Thi esion at the n nd (ESF), sup (EAGGF) – European R rt and the pr illar of CAP

orts rural are Leader Initia hesion introd he goal is to also on the pr ainability an n of place-bas policy in clo f the territory economic a onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL

inamiacet.iscte-bilize the kno zation should he lack of ex nowledge tha been larger i on phase. nt model ca all and delin several imp is the Lead needs furth r delegation al for prom sting in rura o the specific ements in th offer of so s ensures the national leve pporting hum – Guidance S Regional De omotion of t P, financed eas, through ative for rural duces fundam attain a resu rocess of atta nd participa sed policies. ose articulati y, namely to and social a rritório -iul.pt/ nowledge of d be reinforc xperience in at partners ha in the creati an be applied neated areas, provements i der Initiative her improvem of responsib moting sustai al areas acro cities of each he developm ocial service e improvem el. The supp man capital, b Section, prom evelopment the diversifi by the Eur h the promoti al developme mental aspect ult of larger e aining such r atory gover

ion with aspe o the conside actors in pol


actors ced in many ave of ion of d in a close in the e. The ments, bilities inable oss the h area, ent of es and ent of port to by the moting Fund cation ropean ion of nt. ts in a equity result: rnance ects of eration licies’


4. EU

Desp by its conne stabil is tru Areas remai Confe agricu 'susta prese resou year that s need 874). devel (2007 revea decen predi the St remai Sectio of ins (Dwy Regu "[O]n [...] R in its

2 Reg Develo DINÂ Tel. 2

U Rural de

ite its territo s highly sec ected with th lization of m ue that some s’ framewor ined margina The abse ference in 19 ultural policy ainable and i ented a set o urces; a mult programmes should be use for monitor This approa The asses lopment pol 7). The auth als a “conser ntralized and sposition tow tructural Fun ined the resp on of the EA stitutional fa yer et al, 20 ulation and th n a more po Regulation, a s collection

g. 1698/2005 opment was c ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax.


orial vocation ctor nature, w he working m markets and th e measures a rk, incorpora al in the cont ence of the 996. Commi y towards a ntegrated rur of guiding p tisectorial an s, the import ed in the dec ring and eval ach was reaff ssment of th icy between hors' conclus rvatism" and d participated ward conserv nd dedicated ponsibility o AGGF); iii) t amiliarity wi 007: 880). T he design an sitive note, agreed in Sep of measure

5 (20 Septem created throug Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m

policy and

n, the rural d without a lin model of the he support of and programm ated central text of the CA territory in issioner Fisc policy of rur ral developm principles: "s nd territorial tance of the centralization luating with firmed in the he level of d n 2000-06 w ion is that th d to that exte d. Among th vatism", are: to agricultur of institution the inconsist ith territorial The authors nd implemen although the ptember 200 es and overa

mber). The c gh the Reg. 12 udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i

d territorial

development nkage with t e Common A f farmers’ in mmes, as is th considerati AP. rural develo chler mentio ral developm ment'. The sta sustainability approach, t private and n of the desig the particip e CAP reform decentralizati was presente the final resu

ent a difficu he factors po : i) the centr re (EAGGF) ns dedicated tency betwee lized approac show optim ntation of th e European A 052, differs re all scope, it reation of th 290/2005 (21 udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d

l cohesion

t policy was territories an Agricultural P come, witho he case of a ions to the opment poli ned the nee ment tailored atement that y particularl he need of d community gn and imple ation of stak ms of 2003 an ion and "terr ed by Dwye ult is less th ulty in apply ointed to exp ralizing natu ); ii) the fact to the agric en the two p ches by enti mism about t he Rural Dev Agricultural elatively littl t contains n he European June). onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL inamiacet.iscte-in certainamiacet.iscte-in m nd their need Policy (CAP ut an anchor aid within th territory, bu

icy was refe d to change d to local nee emerged fro y of the na defining inte capacity bui ementation o keholders”(D nd 2004. ritorial respo er, Ward, Lo han was prom

ing a territor lain the tren re of the Gu that the finan cultural secto illars of the ties with a c the 'new' Ru velopment P Fund for Ru le from Regu new provisio Fund to the rritório -iul.pt/ moments crit ds. This nat P), which aim r in the territ he ‘Less Fav ut such mea erred in the e the focus o eds by provid om the confe atural and cu egrated and m ilding at eac of policies, an Dwyer et al, onsibility" of owe and Ba mised. The p rialized appr nd of "institu uidance Secti ncial manage or (the Guar CAP; iv) th centralized c ural Develop Policy in 200 Rural Develop ulation 1257 ons aimed a e support of


icized ture is ms the ory. It voured asures Cork of the ding a erence ultural multi-ch site nd the 2007: f rural aldock policy roach, utional ion of ement rantee e lack culture pment 07-13: pment 7/1999 at the Rural


streng the s 886). Deve Axis innov logic place desig of po solida Plans descr plan (agric count diver the v follow betwe EU (V in an (LAG integr territo desig an ex botto 2020 all th natur the h Amon DINÂ Tel. 2 gthening of etting up of Another as elopment Pro 4 on the Com vation in the . For Dwye ed emphasis gning and del Leader In olicies and a arity within t The EU s (RDP). In ribe below th has four ax culture and f tryside, Axis rsification of valorisation o wing vectors een rural ter Vector 3). T integrated a G) are the en rated in Lea orial socioec The philo gn and imple xample of lo m-up approa related with he programm re to the othe orizon of 20 ng the meas ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax. strategic asp f national an spect pointe ogramme (RD mmunity Init implementa er et al, "EU upon the im livering polic nitiative eme an example the terms set

Rural Deve what follow he contributi es: Axis On forestry), Ax s Three is d f the rural eco

of the poten s: territorial rritories (Vec This bottom-approach (ec ntities respo ader. They s conomic dive osophy of in mentation of ocal develop ach. It is imp h Structural F mes, with a co er programme 020’) include sures related Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m pects of rura nd EU-wide d out as po DP) relates t tiative Leade ation of the R U Structural mportance of cies to help r erges as an e of 'good pr t forth in the elopment Re ws we descr ion of a Port ne focus the xis Two is m dedicated to onomy, and ntial of loca strategies of ctor 2); and -up initiative onomic, soc nsible for th should corre ersity. nvolvement f rural devel pment govern portant to ref Funds recom ompulsory n es. The curre es the referen d with this o udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i al developme observatorie ositive in the to the consid er. This initia RDP under r Fund Progr f cross-secto rural areas ad exemplary in ractice' in p preceding pa egulation is

ribe the Port tuguese loca improving mainly conce improving Axis Four is al developme f rural develo building net e uses local p cial, cultural he implemen espond to a b and partner opment initi nance consid fer that the p mmends the e nature to the ent debate ab nce to the te objective is udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d ent planning es to help ex e assessmen deration of a ative is indee review, again rammes and orial and mu djust to chan nitiative in te pursuing the aragraphs of the base of tuguese RDP al organizatio of competiti rned with im the quality s the Leader ent and gov opment (Vec tworks invol partnerships and environm ntation and m balanced and rship of loca atives throug dering the in roposal of R enlargement Rural Devel bout the CAP erritorial bala the support onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL inamiacet.iscte-and program xchange best nt of the des axes, includin ed seen as on nst the domi d Community ulti-institution ge" (Ibidem: erms of a terr implementa f this article. national Ru P (2007-13) on to rural d iveness of th mproving the of life in ru Initiative. T vernance. Le ctor 1); supp lving all the

to promote r mental). Loc management d representat al actors in t gh Leader is nvolvement Regulation for of the Leade lopment Fun P after-2013 ance as a ma to rural emp rritório -iul.pt/ mming, as w t practice "( sign of the ng the creati ne of the fact inant conserv y Initiatives nal partnersh : 883). ritorialized d ation of terr ural Develop ) because we development he primary e environmen ural areas an This initiative eader include port to coope rural areas rural develop cal Action G t of local pr tive expressi the identific here presen of local act or the period er methodolo nd and an op (‘The CAP w ain goal to p mployment an


well as (Idem: Rural ion of tors of vative have hip in design ritorial pment e will . That sector nt and nd the e aims es the eration of the pment Groups rojects ion of cation, nted as tors: a 2014-ogy to ptional within ursue. nd the


prese the s cohes states desig

5. Ru

In thi plays opera unive dome Howe of mo Caixa from mana the G today activi to all stand impo banks will econo almos word Addit more banks DINÂ Tel. 2 ervation of so strategy of t sion. In fact, s that: “[T]h gn and implem

ural develo

is section we s an importan In 2011, ating in Por ersal bank. C estic market,

ever, its pres ore than 30% CA group

as, with both

standard c agement and Group. During th y almost eve ities connect economic se dard commer rtant in CA t Like othe s (Barradas e see below i omies, decisi st similar to d to say in a tionally, the capital and s in the cred ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax. ocial tissue i territorial de the issue ‘N he pursuit o mentation of

opment and

e present evid nt role in rura CA made rtugal. This CA is a fina , with a mar sence is disp % in some reg p is compose h of them ha commercial decision, wi he past three eryone can ted to the pri ectors and ho rcial bank. than in other er European c et al, 2011). in more det ion centres c be a client o an organizat bank follow a larger spe dit to firms, Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m in rural areas evelopment New territoria f territorial f policies” (E

d local insti

dence that th al developme one hundred bank has a ancial group rket share in proportionally gions. ed by a cent aving the leg

banks. The ith Caixa Ce decades, the be an assoc imary sector, ouseholds, of Despite this r banks (Ferr cooperative b CA is more ail. CA mai closer to loca of a local ba tion manage ws a more con ecialization i meaning tha udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i s (Cordovil, is also stre al partnership cohesion m EC, 2008: 12

itutions: th

he Portugues ent in articul d years, and historical c that occupie n 2010 of a y large in ru tralized body gal form of Caixas are entral acting ere was an ev ciate of the , as it was in ffering a com s, credit to reiro et al, 20 banks, CA h e dedicated t in strength al needs and ank. The mor ed according nservative bu in retail bank at it plays a udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d 2012). The ssed within ps’ (Green P may also imp


e case of C

e cooperativ lation with th d actually is connection t es the seven around 3% o ural regions, w y, Caixa Cen a cooperativ e small loca as a guide, r volution in th Caixas, not n the past. Th mplete set of the primar 012). has some feat

to the develo is the know the trust of c re than 400 t g with demo usiness appro king. CA is more signif onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL inamiacet.iscte-involvement the framew Paper of Terr ply wider pa

Crédito Agríc

ve bank Créd he Portugues s the only c o agricultur nth position on loans and with a branc ntral, and se ve and a leg al banks, w regulator and he legal fram t being nece his means tha f financial pro y sector is tures distinct opment of ru wledge and clients. To be thousand me ocratic coope oach, which also more f ficant role in rritório -iul.pt/ t of local act work of terr rritorial Cohe articipation i


dito Agrícola se RDP. co-operative re, but today in the Portu d 5% on dep ches’ market

everal local b gal status dif with autonom d representat mework of CA essary to de at today CA oducts simila still much t from comm ural regions, presence in e a client of embers can h erative princ involves les focused than n the expansi


tors in itorial esion) in the a (CA) bank y is a uguese posits. share banks, fferent my of tive of A and evelop lends ar to a more mercial as we local CA is have a ciples. s risk, other ion of


produ being being share perio opera the ba (prox comm partic proje what the d conce Secon in oth relati 250 s finan capita branc occur than outpu larger resou Caixa taxes The l popul defin effect DINÂ Tel. 2 uctive capaci g exclusively g larger than e in local dep d of crisis o ative bank. The role ank has a lar ximity); 2) C munities (gov cipates in its cts that invo follows we p Regardin development erned with th ndly, since l her banks. T ve terms, ve small village ncial system. a and the G ches of comm rs for the am the average ut than credi r difficulty in The prox urces policy, a. The local locally, and larger presen lations and f ned in previou t on aggrega ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax. ity. Despite b y focused on the average posits marke f 2008-10, to of the bank rge presence CA has a gov vernance); 3) financing an olve also Eu present in m ng proximity of poor an he long-term ocal Caixas This closenes ery large com

es, CA’s bra At NUTS3 GDP per cap mercial bank mount of cred of the banki t to househo n obtaining e imity with th which pref l Caixas also d contribute t nce of CA firms to finan us sections. A ate demand, Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m

being focuse n profits, its of the banki ets. The good

o follow an

in local dev in all the ter vernance mo ) CA is cons nd in local pa uropean and ore detail ea and governa nd rural regi m wellbeing o have autono ss is also ev mparatively t anch is the o 3 level, the c ita is much ks per capita dit per capita ing sector. C olds. Typica external finan he local com fers to recru o invest profi o the buildin in rural and ncial services Also by fina CA contribu udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i ed on maxim profitability ing sector. T d financial p anti-cyclical velopment ca rritory and a

del that prom sulted in the

artnerships (p National pub ach one of the

ance, CA is m ions. Firstly,

of customers omy, the dec vident in the to other bank only point o correlation b smaller tha a and GDP p a. Moreover, Credit to firm ally the CA’s

nce. mmunity is als uit workers l its locally, bu ng of local bu d poor regio s. This is a c ancing new b utes to the e udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d izing membe y is quite goo This is partial performance, l lending beh an be system close involv motes the ec formulation partnerships) blic funding ese points. more commi , being a co s and local e ision centre fact that th ks and it is m of contact th between the an the correl per capita (Fe

, CA is more ms has a larg s clients are so expressed living in the uy products usiness netw ons contribut ontribution t businesses an economic con onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL inamiacet.iscte-ers/customer od, with the lly grounded allowed the haviour, char matised aroun vement with l conomic sust of the rural d ); and 4) CA g (Commitme

tted than com ooperative b economies w is closer to c e CA’s bran more present hat populatio number of ation betwee erreiro et al, e specialized er effect on SMEs, whic d in terms of e region of from local su orks. tes to facilit to territorial nd household nvergence o rritório -iul.pt/ rs’ welfare an Return-on-A d in a large m e bank, durin racteristic of

und four poin local commu tainability of development A finances pa

ent and trust

mmercial ban bank, CA is where it is pr clients in CA nch network t in rural are ons have wit CA branche en the numb , 2012). The d in credit to regional pot ch in general f the bank’s h influence of uppliers, pay

tate the acce cohesion as ds and by its of poor regio


nd not Assets market ng the f a co-nts: 1) unities f local t plan, rtially t). In nks in more resent. A than is, in eas. In th the es per ber of same firms tential l have human f each y their ess of it was direct ons, to


the de regio devel only possi finan the ne perfe dimen devel have (Coll Portu econo 2012) comm total suppo statio educa levels the P Progr The R ackno needs innov CA m bank. reluct DINÂ Tel. 2 ecrease of un ns continues The theo lopment of fi

for the easy bility of co ncial capital. eeds of firms The exist ctly mobile nsion of info lopment for a more sig lender and S uguese case, omic growth ). Apart fro mitted policy profits, i.e., orts local in ons, health ation). Other con s, in the Por lan. Secondl ramme: incre RDP include owledge that s, the acces vative firms may play an . However, n tant in financ ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax. nemploymen s in periods o ry of industr firms’ compe and speed o ooperation b If banks are s, and undert tence of ban across regio ormational co economic g gnificant rol Shaffer, 200 econometric h, with this e om the strictl y of social re €12.5 milli nitiatives in s centres, cu ntribution of rtuguese RDP ly, the day-to

ease of prod es a sub-axis t agricultural s to externa should be en important ro note that, du cing innovat Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m nt and to coun of crisis, sinc rial clusters etitive advant of access to etween supp closer to fir take common ks in certain ons, as concl osts may also growth (Sam e in promot 03; Usai and evidence in effect being ly business r sponsibility. ion, to socia social, cultu ultural asso f CA to dev P. Firstly, CA o-day CA’s f duction’s qua s on financi l firms shoul al financing ncouraged. O ole. Take as ue to its more ive projects. udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i nteract huma ce CA has a c highlights th tages. The ex inputs, but a pliers and f rms they may n projects. n regions ma luded by Am o justify the molyk, 1994). ting regiona d Vannini, 2 dicates that t stronger than relationship w Between 20 al institution ural and spor ociations, co velopment is A was one o financing als ality, investm al tools, wit ld have more should be On all these an example e conservativ udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d an desertifica countercyclic he importan xistence of lo also, and mo firms. This y easily exch ay be especia mos and Wi relevance of . In such cir al economic 2005; and H the presence n the effect

with local fir 006 and 2009 ns (Crédito A rt areas (e.g onservation s related wit of the partne o contributes ment and div

th an empha e access to fi improved, a issues, a ba the case of ve approach onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL inamiacet.iscte-ation. And th cal lending p ce of related ocal supplier st important reasoning c hange inform ally importan ngender (19 f the regional rcumstances, growth tha Hakenes et a of CA has a of other ban rms and hous 9, the bank d Agrícola, 20 ., kindergart of heritage th its particip ers consulted s to promote ersification o asis on risk m nancial tools and the crea ank with the crop insuran to banking, rritório -iul.pt/ he support to policy. d industries rs is importa tly, because can be appli mation, under nt if capital 993). The reg l level of fin , local banks an national al., 2009). I a positive eff nks (Ferreiro seholds, CA distributed 3. 010). The m tens, school ge, environm ipation, at va d for the des

some goals of local econ management s adequate to ation of new sectorial foc nce offered b CA may be


o these in the ant not of the ied to rstand is not gional ancial s may banks In the fect on et al, A has a 2% of money s, fire mental arious ign of of the nomy. t. It is o their w and cus of by the more


Third for th farme Leade four l Rural suppo CA lo millio by CA aimin 2007 publi of fo initia speci by a l counc action enterp bank’ milk netwo Portu institu on ru contr partn devel DINÂ Tel. 2 dly, CA also he transferen ers in the ela

Lastly, C er Initiative: local Caixas l Developme ort firms, pr oans are also on euros of t A’s loans. Outside t ng at the dev , this fund is ic institutions orest produc ative include es. Another e local Caixa ( cils and also ns and activi Finally, prise (Natur ’s objective production orks. From wh uguese RDP, ution promo ural areas, pa ributes to eco In conclu nerships and lopment of ru ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax. offers some nce of financ aboration of a CA is also an : CA is pres s were at the ent Associati rofessional tr o one of the m total financin the Leader velopment of s owned by s. The fund’ ction, tourism s the North example of p (Caixa Agríc o regional hig ities for the y another exa rar) undertak is to suppor into more vi hat we said, , being align otes endogen articipates in onomic and t usion, CA p d activities, ural territorie Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m supporting cial supports applications important pa ent in 24 of e foundation on of Serra d raining and main private ng, 68.7 mill Initiative, a f rural areas private inve s main goals m, hunting and Centre partnership o cola do Noro gher educatio young people mple of CA ken by three t the restruct iable produc , CA acts in ned with the ously emplo n partnership territorial coh promotion of in articulati es. udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i services in t s paid by the to CAP prog artner in man f the 47 Loca and are in t da Estrela (A the improve e financing so

lion are priv

another exam is the Real E estors with th s are the acq

and other of Portugal of CA with l oeste Founda on Institution e. A’s collabor Caixas (Póv turation of s ctions, with a n articulatio eir main pri oyment and i ps with local hesion. f local deve ion with th udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d he context o e CAP to fa grammes. ny of the par al Action Gr the administr ADRUSE). T ement of infr ources of Le vate, with aro

mple of CA Estate Fund he participati quisition of re activities co l and aims a ocal actors i ation). The F ns, and its m rative initiat voa, Noroest small and me an emphasis on with the inciples and innovation by actors in th elopment is he main pub onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL inamiacet.iscte-f the RDP, a armers and it rtnerships in roups (LAG) ration of one This associati rastructures. ader Initiativ ound 50% of involvemen Floresta Atl ion of Natio eal estate for ompatible w also to devel s the creatio oundation in main goal is t tives was th te, and Baix edium size f on the acce EU cohesio goals (Tabl y granting lo he context of characterized blic policies rritório -iul.pt/ as it is respo t gives supp the context ). As an exa e of the LAG ion main goa

More gene ve: from the f it being fin

nt in partne

lântica. Crea

onal and Eur r the develop with forestry elop diverse on of a Found ncludes eight to support cu he creation xo Mondego) farms dedica ess to comm on policy an le 2). In fac oans, with a f EU policie d by a varie s directed t


nsible port to of the ample, G, the al is to erally, 253.7 nanced rships ated in ropean pment . The forest dation t local ultural of an ). The ated to mercial nd the ct, the focus s, and ety of to the


- - - - - -


It wa solida appro Desp territo in po secto devel this p of Le oppor this p illustr proce includ formu has a may espec rural invol DINÂ Tel. 2 Ta Rural D Economic, s Innovation a Importance o Move from s Involvement Local develo


as argued tha arity. The in oach to territ ite its prese ory appeared olicies with rial focus sti The refer lopment poli policy presen eader in the rtunity to ov policy. The pres rates the bot ess of rural ding projec ulation of the a large prese be that are cially in the R The CA’ developmen lvement of lo ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax. able 2 – Cont evelopment P

social and terr and employme of rural areas subsidy to loa t of regional a opment model at the concep ncreasing cen tory is the re ence in the d as a decisiv an evident ill prevails. rence to territ icy, which is nts some crit current Norm vercome what sentation of ttom-up appr developmen ts co-financ e Portuguese nce in all te the CA coo RDP. ’s case show nt, thus val ocal actors an Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m

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OS, O. M. a ncial markets RCA, Fabrizio eeting Europ est of Danuta RRADAS, R ificities, Soc MAGNI, Rob lopment pol esion and the

ELLO, Robe ESTIMUM 5 RDOVIL, Fr pectivas para autor), ISCT DITO AGRÍ LENDER, R ket structure a YER, Janet, elopment un ervatism and OPEAN CO nomic and So ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax. and Wingend and regiona o (2009). An pean Union a Hubner, Co R., Lagoa, S ial Role and

berto (2007). licies in the European M erta (2011). 58, 1-25. rancisco (2 a o pós 2013 TE-IUL. ÍCOLA (201 R. N. and Sh and economi Neil Ward nder the C d Innovation” OMMISSION ocial Cohesio Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m der, J. R. (1 al growth”, R n Agenda for challenges a ommissioner S., Leão, E Evolution”, “The ration e European Model of Soc “Locational, 012), Políti 3 (diapositiv 0). Sustainab haffer, S. (2 ic growth”, J d, Philip Lo Common A ”, Regional S N (2004). A on, Luxembo udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i 1993). “A m Regional Scie r a Reformed and expectati r for Regiona E. (2012). “ Review of S

nale for territ Model of ciety, Lincoln , Regional G ica Agrícol vos de sessã bility Report 2003). “Loca Journal of Ba owe and D Agricultural Studies, vol.4 New Partne ourg. udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d model of the ence and Urb

d Cohesion P ions, Indepe al Policy. “The Non-fo Solidarity Ec torial cohesi society”, in n Institute of Growth and L la Comum ão apresentad t – Crédito A al bank offic anking and F David Baldoc Policy’s ‘S 41.7, 873-88 ership for Co onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL inamiacet.iscte-interaction ban Economi Policy, a plac ndent, Repo or-profit Ba conomics, for

ion and the p n A. Faludi f Land Policy Local Develo e Desenvo da em Abril Agrícola, Lisb ce ownership Finance 27, 2 ck (2007). Second Pill 87. ohesion: The rritório -iul.pt/ between reg ics 23, 85–11 ce-based app ort prepared anks in Por rthcoming. place of terr (ed.), Terr y. opment Theo olvimento R l, disponibili boa. p, deposit co 27–57. “European lar’: Institu e Third Repo


gional 10. proach at the rtugal: ritorial ritorial ories”, Rural, izados ontrol, Rural utional ort on


EURO diver Parlia EURO inclu EURO Econ EURO Towa Ambi Meet EURO Inclu Meet FALU Polic FERR and R Respo HAK Evide MINI de De SAM of a r USAI from DINÂ Tel. 2 OPEAN CO rsity into str ament, the C OPEAN CO sive growth, OPEAN CO nomic, Social OPEAN UN ards a Strong itions, Based ting in Luxem OPEAN UN usive, Smart a ting of Minis UDI, Andre y”, in Regio REIRO, F., L Rural Develo onses to Glo KENES, H., S ence from Ge ISTÉRIO DA esenvolvime MOLYK, K.A regional cred I, F. and Va Italy”, Anna ÂMIA’CET – IUL, ISCTE-IUL 217938638 Fax. OMMISSION rength, Com Committee of OMMISSION Communica OMMISSION l and Territor NION (2005) ger European d on the Scop mbourg, May NION (2011) and Sustaina sters responsi eas (2006). nal Studies, Lagoa, S., L opment: The obal Challeng Schmidt, R a erman Savin A AGRICUL ento Rural, C A. (1994). “B dit channel,” annini, M. (2 als of Region Centro de Estu – Av. das Força 217940042 E-m N (2008). Gre munication f the Regiona N (2010). E ation from th N (2010). In rial Cohesion ). The Territ n Territorial ping Docume y. ). Territorial able Europe

ible for Spati

“From Euro vol. 40.6, 66 Lima, L. (20 Portuguese ges, 2012, Be and Xie, R. (2 ng Banks”. M LTURA (200 Continente 20 Banking cond Journal of M 2005). “Bank nal Science 3 udos sobre a Mu as Armadas, 16 mail: dinamia@i een Paper on from the Co al and the Eu Europe 2020 he Commissi nvesting in n, Luxembou torial State l cohesion in ent discussed l Agenda of of Diverse R tial Planning opean Spati 67-678. 12). “Coope Case”. Pape erlin. 2009). “ Reg Mimeo. 07) do Desen 007-2013. ditions and r Monetary Eco king structur 39, 691–714. udança Socioeco 649-026 Lisboa, iscte.pt http://d n Territorial ommission t uropean Econ 0, a Strategy ion. Europe’s F urg. and Perspec n the Light o d by Ministe f the Europe Regions, agre and Territor al Developm erative Finan er presented gional Banks nvolvimento regional econ onomics 34, re and region onómica e o Ter PORTUGAL inamiacet.iscte-Cohesion: T to the Coun nomic and So y for smart Future: The tives of the of the Lisbon rs at their inf ean Union 2 eed at the inf rial Developm ment to Ter ncial Instituti in the confer s and Econom Rural e das nomic perfor 259–278. nal economi rritório -iul.pt/ Turning Terr ncil, the Eur ocial Commi t, sustainabl Fifth Repo European U n and Gothe formal Mini 2020, Towar formal Minis ment. rritorial Coh

ions and Reg rence Coope mic Develop Pescas. Prog ormance. Evi ic growth: le


ritorial ropean ittee. e and ort on Union, enburg sterial rds an sterial hesion gional erative pment: grama idence essons


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