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História da Guerra: armas, homens e dinâmicas combatentes


Academic year: 2021

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Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas - FAFICH

Departamento de Ciência Política - DCP Prof.: Marco A. C. Cepik

Gabinete: 4097 Fone: (31) 3499- 5351


DCP 028 Política Internacional: História da Guerra Carga Horária: 60h/aula (04 créditos)

2002 / 1o semestre


História da Guerra: armas, homens e dinâmicas combatentes

I – Ementa:

O curso pretende abordar o fenômeno bélico desde uma perspectiva teórica que considera a guerra como uma forma de exercício da política com a interveniência de outros meios, voltada sobretudo para compelir um oponente a seguir nossa vontade (Clausewitz). A partir de uma reconstrução histórica dos condicionantes logísticos e das realidades táticas que marcaram a evolução do modo de combater, ganha novo sentido a reflexão estratégica sobre os dilemas da guerra e da paz no mundo contemporâneo.

II - Procedimentos didáticos:

Estão previstas quinze semanas de trabalho, com duas sessões por semana. Cada sessão consiste de uma exposição do professor sobre o tema relacionado no programa abaixo. Para cada tópico estão indicadas algumas leituras prioritárias. Espera-se a presença e a participação ativa dos estudantes no decorrer da aula. A avaliação será feita através de duas provas individuais (valendo 30 pontos cada uma) e um trabalho em grupo (valendo 40 pontos). O tema do trabalho deverá ser previamente aprovado pelo professor. As datas das avaliações serão acertadas em acordo com a turma. Atraso na entrega de qualquer uma das três avaliações implicará em nota zero para aquela avaliação. Prova e trabalhos deverão ser entregues em papel impresso.


III – Programa:

Semana Tópicos Autor/Páginas

1 Introdução: Clausewitz e a Guerra

PROENÇA Jr. & DINIZ & RAZA (1999: 01-90).

CLAUSEWITZ (1976:03-174)

2 Guerra e Civilização KEELEY (1996: 04-182) DIAMOND (2001)

3 Guerra na Antiguidade

JONES (1987: 01-91 cap.1) ENGELS (1978)

KERN (1999)

4 Da Idade Média ao Século XVI JONES (1987: 92-213 caps. 2 e 3)

5 Pólvora e transição: 1600-1700 JONES (1987:214-266 cap.4) McNEILL (1984: 63-184)

6 Mosquetes e baionetas: séc. XVIII JONES (1987: 267-319 cap. 5)

7 Napoleão e o Estado-Maior Prussiano JONES (1987: 320-386 cap. 6) CREVELD (1977)

8 A Guerra Industrial I: 1815-1913 JONES (1987: 387-433 cap. 7)

9 A Guerra Industrial II: 1914-1918 JONES (1987: 434-488 cap. 8)

10 A Guerra Industrial III: 1919-1945 JONES (1987: 489-595 caps. 9 e 10)

11 Depois da II Guerra Mundial JONES (1987: 596-716 caps. 11 e 12)

12 A sombra da Guerra Nuclear FREEDMAN (1989) SAGAN & WALTZ (1997)

13 Seminário 1: A Guerra do Golfo Pérsico CORDESMAN & WAGNER (1999)

14 Seminário 2: PKO e Guerra de Coalizão



IV - Bibliografia Obrigatória:

CLAUSEWITZ, Carl von. (1976). On War. New York, Alfred A. Knopf. [editado originalmente em 1832, traduzido por Peter Paret and Michael Howard]. Obs.: Existe tradução integral para o português, da editora Martins Fontes/UnB, mas recomenda-se a edição em inglês para cotejamento]

PROENÇA Jr, D.; DINIZ, E. & RAZA, S.G. (1999). Guia de Estudos de Estratégia. Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 1999.

DIAMOND, Jared. (2001). Armas, Germes e Aço: os destinos das sociedades humanas. São Paulo, Record. [1997].

KEELEY, Lawrence H. (1996). War before civilization. New York, Oxford University Press. JONES, Archer (1987). The art of war in the western world. Oxford, Oxford University Press. ENGELS, Donald W. (1978). Alexander the Great and the Logistics of Macedonian Army.

Berkeley, University of California Press.

KERN, Paul B. (1999). Ancient Siege Warfare. Bloomington-IN, Indiana University Press. CREVELD, Martin van. (1977). Supplying war: logistics from Wallerstein to Patton.

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

McNEILL, William. (1982). The pursuit of power: technology, armed force, and society since

AD 1000. Chicago, Chicago University Press, 1982.

FREEDMAN, Lawrence. (1989). The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy. New York, Palgrave Macmillan.

SAGAN, Scott. D. & WALTZ, Kenneth N.(1997). The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate. New York, W.W. Norton & Company.

CORDESMAN, Anthony H. & WAGNER, Abraham R. (1999). Lessons of Modern War:

Volume IV (The Gulf War). Boulder-CO, Westview Press.

MORRISON, Alex; FRASER, Douglas F and KIRAS, James [editors]. (1997). Peacekeeping

with muscle: the use of force in international conflict resolution. Clemensport, Canadian Peacekeeping Press. (The Lester B Pearson Canadian International Peacekeeping Centre) FISHEL, John T. [editor]. (1998). “The Savage Wars of Peace”: toward a new paradigm of

peace operations. Boulder (Co), Westview

CRENSHAW, Martha [editor]. (1995). Terrorism in Context. University Park-PA, Pennsylvania University Press.

REICH, Walter [editor]. (1998). Origins of terrorism: Psychologies, ideologies, theologies,


V – Bibliografia Complementar:

ALBERTS, David S. (1996). Defensive Information Warfare. Washington-DC, National Defense University.

ARON, Raymond. (1976). Pensar a Guerra, Clausewitz. Brasília, Editora Universidade de Brasília, 1986. 2. Vol.

ART, Robert & WALTZ, Kenneth. [editors]. (1999). The Use of Force: Military Power and

International Politics. New York, Rowman & Littlefield.

BELLAMY, Chris. (1987). The Future of Land Warfare. New York, St. Martin’s Press.

BETTS, R. K. (1982). Surprise Attack: Lessons for Defense Planning. Washington-DC, Brookings Institution.

BUZAN, Barry. (1991). People, States & Fear: An Agenda for International Security Studies in

the Post-Cold War Era. Boulder-CO, Lynne Rienner Publishers.

CLAUSEWITZ, Carl von. (1976). On War. New York, Alfred A. Knopf. [1832].

CORDESMAN, Anthony H. & WAGNER, Abraham R. (1999). Lessons of Modern War:

Volume IV (The Gulf War). Boulder-CO, Westview Press.

COULLON, Jean-Claude. (1992). "Les Leçons de la Guerre du Golfe". In: BONIFACE, Pascal (org.). L'Année Stratégique. Paris, IRIS/Dunod.

CRAIG, Gordon & GEORGE, Alexander. (1990). Force and Statecraft. New York, Oxford University.

CRENSHAW, Martha [editor]. (1995). Terrorism in Context. University Park-PA, Pennsylvania University Press.

CREVELD, Martin van. (1977). Supplying war: logistics from Wallerstein to Patton. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

CREVELD, Martin van. (1985). Command in War. Cambridge-MA, Harvard University Press. CREVELD, Martin van. (1989). Technology and war: from 2000 BC to the present. New York,

The Free Press.

CREVELD, Martin van. (1991). The Transformation of War. New York, Free Press.

CREVELD, Martin van. (1993). Nuclear Weapons and the Proliferation of Conflict. New York, Free Press.

DANIEL, Donald C. and HERBIG,Katherine L. [eds]. (1981). Strategic Military Deception. New York: Pergamon Press.

DAVIS, Paul K. [ed]. (1994). New Challenges for Defense Planning. Santa Monica-CA, RAND.


FREEDMAN, Lawrence. (1989). The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy. New York, Palgrave Macmillan.

GALEOTTI, Mark. (1995). The Kremlin’s Agenda. London, Jane's Intelligence Review, 1995. GEORGE, Alexander L. & SIMONS, William. (1994). The Limits of Coercive Diplomacy.

Boulder-CO, Westview Press. 2nd Edition.

GEORGE, Alexander L. (1991). Avoiding War: Problems of Crisis Management. Boulder-CO, Westview Press.

GEORGE, Alexander L. (1992). Forceful Persuasion: Coercive Diplomacy as an Alternative to

War. Washington-DC, USIP Press.

GILPIN, Robert. (1981). War and Change in World Politics. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

GODSON, Roy; SHULTZ, R. & QUESTER, G. [eds.] (1997). Security Studies for the 21st

Century. Washington-DC, Brassey’s.

GRAY, Colin S. (1993) Weapons don’t make war. Lawrence, University of Kansas. GROVE, Eric. (1990). The future of sea power. Annapolis, Naval Institute Press.

HOBKIRK, Michael. (1992). Land, sea or air? Military priorities: historical choices? New York, Saint Martin’s Press.

HOWARD, Michael. (1983). Clausewitz. Oxford, Oxford University Press. HOWARD, Michael. (1983). The Causes of Wars. London, Temple Smith.

JONES, Archer (1987). The art of war in the western world. Oxford, Oxford University Press. KAM, E. (1988). Surprise Attack: The Victim’s Perspective. Cambridge-MA, Harvard

University Press, 1988.

KEEGAN, John (1976). The Face of Battle. London, Penguin Books. KEEGAN, John (1987). The Mask of Command. London, Penguin Books. KEEGAN, John (1993). A History of Warfare. New York, Vintage Books.

KEELEY, Lawrence H. (1996). War before civilization. New York, Oxford University Press. KENNEDY, Paul. (1989) Ascensão e Queda das Grandes Potências: 1500-2000. Rio de

Janeiro, Campus.

KERN, Paul B. (1999). Ancient Siege Warfare. Bloomington-IN, Indiana University Press. LIBICKI, Martin C. (1995). What is Information Warfare ?. Washington-D.C., INSS-NDU


MAY, Ernst R. [ed.] (1993), American Cold War Strategy: Interpreting NSC68. Boston, Bedford Books.

MAZARR, Michael J. (1994). The Revolution in Military Affairs: A Framework for Defense

Planning. Carlisle-PA, U.S. Army War College.

McNEILL, William. (1982). The pursuit of power: technology, armed force, and society since

AD 1000. Chicago, Chicago University Press.

MORRISON, Alex; FRASER, Douglas F and KIRAS, James [editors]. (1997). Peacekeeping


ODOM, William E. (1993). America's Military Revolution: Strategy and Structure after the

Cold War. Washington-DC, America University Press.

PARET, Peter [ed.] (1986). Makers of Modern Strategy: from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age. Princeton-NJ, Princeton University Press.

PARET, Peter. (1985). Clausewitz and the state: the man, his theories and his times. Princeton, Princeton University Press.

PARKER, Geoffrey [ed.]. (1998). Illustrated History of Warfare. Cambridge-UK, Cambridge University Press.

PFALTZGRAFF, Robert L. Jr. & SHULTZ, Richard H. Jr. (1997). War in Information Age:

New Challenges for U.S. Security. Washington/London, Brassey's.

PFALTZGRAFF, Robert L. Jr. & SHULTZ, Richard H. Jr. [eds.] (1992). The Future of Air

Power in the Aftermath of the Gulf War. Mawell Air Force Base-AL, Air University Press.

PROENÇA Jr, D.; DINIZ, E. & RAZA, S.G. (1999). Guia de Estudos de Estratégia. Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar.

REICH, Walter (ed.). 1998. Origins of terrorism: Psychologies, ideologies, theologies, states of

mind. Washington, D.C., Woodrow Wilson Center Press.

SAGAN, Scott. D. & WALTZ, Kenneth N.(1997). The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate. New York, W.W. Norton & Company.

SNOW, Donald M. (1997). Distant Thunder: Patterns of Conflict in the Developing World. New York, Sharpe.

SULLIVAN, Gen. Gordon R. & DUBIK, Lt. Col. James M. (1993). Land Warfare in the 21st

Century. Carlisle-PA, Strategic Studies Institute at U.S. Army War College.

SULLIVAN, Gen. Gordon R. & DUBIK, Lt. Col. James M. (1994). War in the Information

Age. Carlisle-PA, Strategic Studies Institute at U.S. Army War College. VIZENTINI, Paulo G. F. (1991) Guerra do Vietname. Porto Alegre, Ed. UFRGS, 1991.

VIZENTINI, Paulo G. F. (1991). Da Guerra Fria à Crise: 1945-1990. Porto Alegre, Ed. UFRGS.

WALT, Stephen M. (1991). "The Renaissance of Security Studies". In: International Studies

Quarterly. (1991) # 35, 211-239.

WALTZ, Kenneth M. (1959). Man, State and War: A Theoretical Analysis. New York, Columbia University Press, 1965.

WALTZ, Kenneth M. (1979). Theory of International Politics. Reading, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1979.

WALTZ, Kenneth M. (1993). "The Emerging Structure of International Politics". In:


V – Referência para Consulta:

Atlas and Encyclopaedia of the Sea. The Times

Atlas da História do Mundo. Folha de São Paulo/The New York Times. 1995

Atlas des Relations Internationales. Paris, IRIS/Dunod, 1993. BONIFACE, Pascal [org.]. (1993).

Atlas Geográfico Mundial. Folha de São Paulo/The New York Times. 1994.

Atlas Histórico Mundial. Madrid, Istmo, 1983. (2 vol.). HILGEMANN, Werner e KINDER, Hermann. (1971)

Atlas Historique. Paris, Larousse, 1991. DUBY, Georges.

Atlas of Military Strategy. London, Arms and Armour, 1996. CHANDLER, David G.

Atlas Stratégique. Paris, Complexe, 1994. CHALIAND, Gérard & RAGEAU, Jean-Pierre. (1983).

International Military and Defense Encyclopaedia. DUPUY:

Jane’s Defence Review. (Publicação inglesa mensal)

Jane’s Intelligence Review. (Publicação inglesa mensal)

The Military Balance - IISS. (Londres).

The Brassey’s Multilingual military dictionary

The Encyclopaedia of World Military History. DUPUY, ET & DUPUY, TN.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff Dictionary of Military Terms; The Oxford Book of War.

The Salamander Modern Warfare Series (vários volumes temáticos);

The West Point Military History Series World Almanac.

World Development Indicators.


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