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Academic year: 2021







University of São Paulo, School of Law

Department of Legal Philosopy and Legal Theory + 55 11 3111-4015 | rmrqueiroz@usp.br


Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.br/citations?user=M0B0b6sAAAAJ&hl=en

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE University of São Paulo, School of Law

Assistant professor, 2013-present

Fundação Getulio Vargas, São Paulo School of Law Assistant professor, full time, 2009-2013 Associate Dean for Research, 2009-2013 Assistant professor, part time, 2006-2007 Teaching Assistant, 2004-2005

Universidade São Judas Tadeu

Professor, part time, 2009-2012 AREAS OF EXPERTISE

Legal History (esp. of Brazilian institutions and culture) Legal Theory

Criminal Law (esp. history & phisolophical foundations) Methodology in Legal Research


Doctor, Legal Philosophy and Legal Theory, University of São Paulo, 2009 Master, Legal Philosophy and Legal Theory, University of São Paulo, 2005 Bachelor, Law, University of São Paulo, 2002


Fellowship, São Paulo Research Funding Agency (Fapesp), overseas scholar at American University (Washington, D.C.), 2016-7



Research Grant, Brazilian Amnesty Commission, research and book publication on political lawyering during the military dictatorship (co-authored with P. Spieler), 2011-2.

Fellowship, National Agency for the Development of Research Personnel (Capes) and German Service of International Exchange (DAAD), doctoral “sandwich” at Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (Freiburg, Germany), 2007-8.

Best Law book of the year award (Prêmio Jabuti), Brazilian Book Chamber (CBL), “Curso de História do Direito (co-authored with J. R. Lima Lopes and T. S. Acca), 2006.

PUBLICATIONS Books (selected)

Monografia Jurídica Passo a Passo: projeto, pesquisa, redação e formatação, São Paulo,

GEN - Método, 2015.

Curso de História do Direito, São Paulo, Método, 3rd ed. 2013 (co-authored with J. R.

Lima Lopes and T. S. Acca) – Winner of 2007 Prêmio Jabuti, Brazilian Book Chamber, as best Law book of the year (1st ed.).

Advocacia em Tempos Difíceis: ditadura militar 1964-1985, Rio de Janeiro, FGV, 2013

(co-edited with P. Spieler).

Metodologia jurídica: um roteiro prático para trabalhos de conclusão de curso, São

Paulo, Saraiva, 2012 (co-authored with M. Feferbaum).

O Direito a Ações Imorais: Paul Johann Anselm von Feuerbach e a construção do

moderno direito penal, São Paulo, Almedina, 2012.

A Modernização do Direito Penal Brasileiro: Sursis, Livramento Condicional e outras

reformas do sistema de penas clássico no Brasil, 1924-1940, São Paulo,

Quartier Latin, 2006. Chapters in Edited Volumes (selected)

Catholic Clerics, Lawyers and the Defense of Human Rights in Brazil. In: Alexander Wilde (org.), Religious Responses do Violence: Human Rights in Latin

America Past and Present, Notre Dame-IN, University of Notre Dame

Press, 2016.

La religión y las estrategias legales: clérigos católicos, abogados y la defensa de los derechos humanos en Brasil. In: Alexander Wilde (org.), Las Iglesias ante la violencia en América Latina: los derechos humanos en el pasado y el

presente, México-DF: Flacso, 2015.

Responsabilidade Penal das Pessoas Jurídicas. In: Luiz Regis Prado; René Ariel Dotti

(org.), Doutrinas Essenciais: Direito Penal Econômico e da Empresa, São Paulo, RT, 2011.

Que havia de novo nas novidades do positivismo penal? Uma análise continuista de Esmeraldino Bandeira. In: SÁ, Alvino Augusto; Tangerino, Davi de Paiva



Costa; Shecaira, Sérgio Salomão (org.), Criminologia no Brasil: História e

Aplicações Clínicas e Sociológicas, Rio de Janeiro, Elsevier, 2010.

A leis das contravenções penais nas ciências penais de seu tempo. In: Salvador Netto, Alamiro Veludo (org.), Comentários à Lei das Contravenções Penais, São Paulo, Quartier Latin, 2006.

Refereed Journal Articles

De los bancos universitarios a la toga: la trayectoria académica de los ministros del Supremo Tribunal Federal brasileño (1988-2013), Precedente (Colombia), v. 8, p. 67-104, 2017 (co-authored with T. S. Acca and B. P. Gama)

A natureza jurídica dos crimes de responsabilidade presidencial no direito brasileiro: lições a partir do impeachment de Dilma Rousseff. E-Pública - Revista

Eletrónica de Direito Público (Portugal), v. 4, p. 221-245, 2017.

Igreja e advogados na defesa pelos direitos humanos no Brasil (1964-1985), Revista

Forum de Ciências Criminais, v. 1, p. 1-20, 2015 (co-authored with A. J.

Payar and A. N. F. Nunes).

Cinquenta anos de um conflito: o embate entre o ministro Ribeiro da Costa e o general Costa e Silva sobre a reforma do STF (1965), Revista Direito GV, v. 11, p. 323-342, 2015.

A tutela da moralidade política pelo direito penal: relato e análise da Ação Penal 470,

Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais, v. 106, p. 100-120, 2014.

Direito ao aborto e direito à vida: as perguntas e respostas que importam, Novos

Estudos Jurídicos (UNIVALI), v. 16, p. 63-82, 2011.

Uma teoria do raciocínio para a teoria do direito, Revista Direito GV, v. 3, p. 331-338, 2007.

Sursis e Livramento Condicional, 1924-1940: a expansão do novo Direito Penal,

Ciências Penais, São Paulo, v. 3, p. 176-197, 2005.

TEACHING Undergraduate

Methodology for the Study of Law (introduction to legal research & legal writing) (USP, Law School, 2018-present);

Introduction to Law (USP, Law School, 2014);

History of Political Ideas in Brazil (USP, Law School, 2013-present);

Fundamental Readings in Legal Theory and Legal Philosophy I & II (USP, Law School, 2015-present);

Legal Institutions (USP, Business School, 2013-present); Legal Sociology (FGV, 2010-2013);

Legal History (FGV, 2009-2013). Graduate (LL.M)



Methodology for Legal Research (FGV, 2006-2015);

Impeachment in Brazil (COGEAE/Catholic University of São Paulo, 2016). Post-graduate (Masters and Ph.D.)

Law, Power and Liberty (USP, Law School, 2018-present) Methodology of Legal Research (University of São Paulo, 2017);

History of the Modern Concept of Law (University of São Paulo, 2015); Applied Legal Theory (FGV, 2013).


“Impeachment in Brazil: lessons from history”, Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association (Mexico City).

“Legal Risks for the Right of Public Protesting in Brazil”, International Conference of Constitutional Law and Political Science (UFPR/UFMG, Curitiba-PR). 2016

“Uses of Comparative Legal History in Brazil”, Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association (New Orleans, LA).

“Legal Research and the Brazilian Political Scenario”, keynote speech, 6th

Annual Seminar of the Brazilian Empirical Research Network (Canoas-RS).

“Legal Culture in the Eve of Codification”, invited conference at the Colloquium on the 100 years of the Brazilian 1916 Civil Code (São Paulo-SP).


“Law and Politics in the Brazilian Supreme Court”, Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association (Seattle, WA).


“Public Health Protection in Brazilian Law: Issues on the Criminal - Administrative Borderlines”, Sixth Session of the International Forum on Crime and Criminal Law in the Global Era (Beijing).

“Legal History, Private History and Personal Archives”, invited conference at the History of Justices (1750-1850) Colloquium (São Paulo-SP).


“Mensalão Case: future perpectives”, invited conference at the International Seminar




Dozens of texts on law and politics, political corruption, and public and private liberties published in Brazil’s leading newspapers (Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo) and legal media portals (Jota.info, Justificando.com, El País).

Expert Comments

Comments, as interviewee, in television programs (Globonews), radio stations (Radio Estadão, Radio Jovem Pan, Radio Bandeirantes), newspapers (Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo) and internet news outlets (Reuters, Nexo), mostly on law and politics and political corruption cases.


Editor of Direito e Sociedade, the main legal blog in the portal of Grupo Estado, one of Brazil’s leading and most traditional media groups: http://blogs.estadao.com.br/direito-e-sociedade


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