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Name: Number: 7th Grade - Group: Date: Teacher: Dimis Silveira Atividades de Recuperação


Academic year: 2021

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Name:____________________________________________ Number:_______

7th Grade - Group:__________ Date: _____________ Teacher: Dimis Silveira

2012- Atividades de Recuperação


Vocabulário: Estudar o vocabulário das unidades do livro In @ction 8. Caso tenham alguma dúvida sobre as atividades abordadas, entrar em contato comigo:


Bom Estudo!

1) The Simple Past Tense: Significado

O simple past é usado quando nos referimos a eventos que ocorreram em um tempo determinado no passado.

Sendo assim, podemos concluir que o Simple Past é usado:

- Para ações que se completaram no passado em tempo definido estabelecido na frase. Ex: He died in 1908. (Ele morreu em 1908).

- Em contextos que nos reportem ao passado, mesmo desprovido de indicação temporal.

Ex: I’m sorry about last night. The train was 10 minutes late. (Desculpe-me sobre a noite passada. O trem estava 10 minutos atrasado).


O Simple Past é um tempo verbal simples, formado apenas por um verbo principal flexionado na forma do passado, e que faz uso do verbo auxiliar apenas nas formas interrogativas e negativas.

A flexão do verbo no passado será feita diferentemente para verbos regulares e irregulares. Os verbos regulares recebem a terminação –ed para formar o passado.

Ex: Clean – cleaned Wash – washed

Alguns verbos, apesar de regulares, exigem mudanças antes de receberem a terminação –ed. Ex: Live – lived

Love – loved

Y – Verbos terminados em y, sendo esta letra precedida de uma consoante, perderão o y para, então, ser acrescentada a terminação –ied. Caso a letra y seja precedida de uma vogal, não há mudanças. Ex: study – studied Mas play – Played

Try – tried Mas destroy – Destroyed

Os verbos, cuja última sílaba seja formada por uma consoante, uma vogal e uma consoante, sendo esta a sílaba tônica, terão sua última consoante dobrada para então ser acrescentada a terminação –ed. Esta regra é a mesma ao acrescentarmos todos os sufixos que se iniciam por vogal, como ed e o ing. Ex: step – stepped mas develop – developed




Os tempos verbais simples necessitam de um verbo auxiliar para formarem frases interrogativas e negativas. O Simple Past usará o verbo auxiliar did para todas as pessoas, indistintamente. Da mesma forma que o Simple Present na terceira pessoa do singular requer que o “s” seja retirado do verbo que já está flexionado para poder passa-lo para as formas negativa e interrogativa, o auxiliar did exige que o verbo seja colocado novamente em sua forma natural (básica), pois a presença do did ao lado de um verbo por si só indica que ele está no passado simples.

Frases Negativas

Observe as seguintes frases:

Mark liked clean things. He didn’t like dirty places. (Mark gostava de coisas limpas. Ele não gostava de lugares sujos.)

He helped his mother and he didn’t study. (Ele ajudava a sua mãe e ele não estudava).

* As primeiras frases são afirmativas, portanto o verbo está flexionado. Ao formamos uma frase negativa, dispensa-se a flexão e acrescenta-se did not ou a sua forma contra didn’t.

Frases Interrogativas

Para a construção das frases interrogativas, coloca-se o verbo auxiliar did antes do sujeito da frase e recoloca-se o verbo em sua forma básica.

Ex: Did his mother help him? (A mãe dele o ajudava?). Yes, his mother helped him. (Sim, a mãe dele o ajudava).

1) The Simple Past Tense: Exercise

I- Complete as sentences com WAS ou WERE e depois traduza-as para o português:

1- You______________ very tired. __________________________________________________ 2- She ____________ very beautiful yesterday._________________________________________ 3- They ___________ very happy.___________________________________________________ 4- We ____________ studying for the test._____________________________________________ 5- Ryan and I _____________ talking on the phone._____________________________________ 6- Ryan _______________ working at Mc Donalds last year._________________________________ 7- _________ we at school yesterday?________________________________________________ 8- They ___________ in front of the supermarket._______________________________________ 9- I __________ in Italy last year.____________________________________________________ 10- Britney _____________ in New York last week.______________________________________ 11- __________Britney and Michael in Hollywood last month?_____________________________ 12- He _______________ studying yesterday__________________________________________

II- Escreva as frases dadas nas formas negativa e interrogativa, e depois traduza-as para o português como no exemplo dado:


I went to the beach last weekend. ( - ) I didn’t go to the beach last weekend. ( ? )Did I go to the beach last weekend?

Tradução: Eu fui para praia no último fim de semana.

A- She traveled to Salt Lake City last month.

____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ B-They talked in English yesterday.



C-Ryan went to NY last April.

__________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ D-I drank Coke last Friday.

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

E- She bought a new jacket yesterday.

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

F-They danced a lot at the party last Saturday.

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

G- Richard and Mariah sang a beautiful song together last summer.

__________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ H-I played the guitar last show.

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

The Comparatives: by Dimis Silveira

Adjetivos Longos

O MORE é escrito em frente;

Beautiful – more beautiful = (mais bonito) Dangerous – more dangerous = (mais perigoso) Intelligent – more intelligent = (mais inteligente) Expensive – more expensive = (mais caro) Short Adjectives:

Adjetivos curtos em geral: Acrescenta-se ER: Cold – colder (mais frio)

Short – shorter (mais curto ou mais baixo) Fast – faster (mais rápido)

Nice – nicer (mais agradável) Tall – taller (mais alto) Old – older (mais velho) Pequenos terminados em CVC

Duplicar a última consoante e acrescentar ER. Exemplos:

Hot – hotter (mais quente) Big – bigger (maior) Fat – fatter (mais gordo) Thin – thinner (mais magro) Terminados em Y

Tirar o Y e acrescentar IER: Exemplos:




Não possuem regras, seu comparativo é diferente. Good – better (melhor)

Bad – worse (pior)

Far – farther or further (mais longe)

The Superlative

Veremos a seguir como usamos e como se forma o superlativo em Inglês. Usamos o superlativo quando queremos intensificar uma determinada característica. Observe a frase abaixo: Yesteday was the hottest day of the month.

Neste exemplo estamos intensificando o adjetivo hot(quente), ontem foi o dia mais quente do mês. Em inglês, formamos o superlativo acrescentando o sufixo "-est" para os adjetivos monossílabos, ex: hot - hottest;cheap - cheapest;hard - hardest;long - longest;etc.

Para adjetivos que tenham duas sílabas ou mais, usamos a palavra "most", antes do adjetivo, assim teremos: most famous; most difficult; most expensive;etc.

Normalmente, usa-se the antes do superlativo - the hottest, the cheapest, the hardiest, the most famous, the most difficult, the most expensive.

Há alguns superlativos que chamamos de irregulares: good - best; bad - worst; far - furthest.

Espero que essa dica tenha sido útil pra você! See you later!

( Tirado de http://englishcaffe.blogspot.com/2009/03/como-usar-o-superlativo-em-ingles.html)

Complete Mariah’s email. Use the superlative form of the adjective.

Rio de Janeiro, November 15th 2009. Dear Michael,

I’m having __the most amazing__(amazing) vacation of my life and _________________ (hot)! I’m in Rio de Janeiro. I’m staying in ____________________________________ (beautiful) place you can imagine. I’m sure the ocean is _____________________ (warm) and ___________________(clear) in the world. The nightlife is fantastic. It’s ______________________ (Good) I know. There are a lot of good-looking boys. And guess what? _______________________________ (attractive) boy here is my boyfriend! He’s also

__________________________(nice), _______________________(tall),

______________________________(strong), and _____________________________ (intelligent)! In fact, he’s Mr. Perfect!

Love, Mariah

Complete a sentença usando o adjetivo dado (em parênteses) na forma comparativa ou




5- We stayed in __________________________________(bad) hotel in the whole city.

6- Dubai is _________________________________________(modern) than New York. 7- English is __________________________________________(easy) than Japanese. 23- Russia is _______________________________________(big) country in the planet.

Complete The Dialogue With The Words From The Box Below:

Steve: Hi, Jenny! How are you today? Are you _________________________ than yesterday? Jenny: Hi, Steve! Yes, I’m okay today. Yesterday was _____________________ day of my life! Steve: Oh, why?

Jenny: Because my ______________________friend had a car accident. She’s in the hospital, but she’s fine

now, believe it or not she’s _______________________________________now.

Steve: How? What? She is in the hospital and she’s not sad at all!?

Jenny: Well, she thought she had _________________________nose in the planet before and because of the

accident, she had a nose plastic surgery.

Steve: Hahahahah, that’s ________________________________ thing I’ve ever heard! Is her nose


Jenny: Yes, it is. Not like Michael Jackson’s, but it is!


1- Which is right? (Qual está certa?)

a. Chris’ the thinnest girl here.

b. Is Peter the tallest in class? c. Mario is the best student? d. Mariah and Johnny’s the nicest

peoples here.

e. I’m not the uglyiest!

2- Which is wrong? (Qual está errada?)

a. Carlos is richer than Richard.

b. Clarice is more beautiful than


c. Is Ryan more intelligent than


d. Michael isn’t the worst student.

e. Are Ruben and Marcelo crazier than John?

3- Which is wrong?

a. Faustão is fatter than Jô Soares.

b. Robin is more handsome than


c. Dimis is more famous than


d. Is Ronaldo badder than David?

e. Are Ryan and Shakira happier than Priscilla?

4- Which is right?

a. Poa is more dangerus than RJ.

b. Fabio is the my best friend. c. Is Allen the coldest person in the


d. English is the easyiest subject at


e. I am more tallest than you!



5- Which is wrong?

a. Mc Donald’s is more expensive than Habib’s. b. Giselle is most beautiful than Xuxa.

c. Belém is not further than NY. d. Campo Bom is hotter than Canoas.

6- Which comparative adjective form is WRONG?

a- More inteligent b- Worse c- Larger d- Safer

8- Which comparative adjective form is RIGHT? a- Crazyier.

b- More beautiful

c- Easyer

d- Smaler.

9- Which comparative adjective form is WRONG? a- MORE BEAUTIFUL





10- Which comparative adjective form is RIGHT? a- BETTER





11- Which superlative adjective form is WRONG? a- The nicest

b- The biggest c- The colddest d- The most intelligent e- The best

12- Which superlative adjective form is RIGHT?

a- The driest

b- The more friendest c- The worst

d- The bestest e- The most richest

13- Which superlative adjective form is WRONG?

a- The worst b- The farthest c- The tallest d- The most dificult e- The highest

14- Which superlative adjective form is RIGHT?

a- The fatest b- The goodest c- The expensiviest d- The furtherest e- The most interesting

15- Which is RIGHT?



SIMPLE PAST: Escolha uma das alternativas para cada questão: by Dimis 1. Eu fui para são Paulo semana passada.

( ) I Have gone to São Paulo last week. ( ) I go to São Paulo last week. ( ) I went to São Paulo last week.

2. Ela não veio ontem.

( ) She went not yesterday. ( ) She didn’t come yesterday. ( ) She didn’t came yesterday.

3. Você comprou este carro ano passado?

( ) Did you buy this car last year? ( ) Do you bought this car last year? ( ) Did you bought this car last year?

4. Você assistiu o filme da TV noite passada?

( ) Do you watched the film on TV last night? ( ) Did you whatched the film on TV last night? ( ) Did you watch the film on TV last night?

5. Ryan jogou futebol das 10 às 11:30 ontem de manhâ.

( ) Ryan playeds soccer from 10 to 11:30 yesterday morning.

( ) Ryan played soccer from 10 to 11:30 yesterday morning.

( ) Ryan plays soccer did from 10 to 11:30 yesterday morning.

6. Eu não estava com ela semana passada.

( ) I Didn’t be with her last week. ( ) I wasn’t with her last week. ( ) I was not with she last week.

7. O que eles estavam fazendo às 2:30?

( ) What were they doing at 2:30? ( ) What did they doing at 2:30? ( ) What they were doing at 2:30?

8. Quem estava aqui no verão passado?

( ) Who did it be here last summer? ( ) Was it who here last summer? ( ) Who was here last summer?

9. go – eat – drink – need – want –buy – speak – know – live. No passado ficam:

( ) went – ate – drank – needed – wont – bought – spoke – knew – lived.

( ) went – ate – drank – needed - wanted – buyed – spoke – knew – lived.

( ) went – ate – drank – needed – wanted – bought – spoke – knew – lived.

10. Sarah e Wayne não foram ao médico ontem de tarde.

( ) Sarah and Wayne weren’t to the doctor yesterday afternoon.

( ) Sarah and Wayne didn’t go to the doctor yesterday afternoon.

( ) Sarah and Wayne wasn’t the doctor yesterday afternoon.

11. Eu fui um garçom no último jogo.

( ) I was a waiter last game. ( ) I went one waiter last game. ( ) I was an waiter last game.

12. A aula deles começou ontem.

( ) The class them it started yesterday. ( ) Their class started yesterday. ( ) The class they started yesterday.

13. Quem abriu a porta hoje de manhã?

( ) Who did it open the door today morning? ( ) Who opened the door this morning? ( ) Who did opened the door today morning?

14. Christy and I _____ hungry after the party.

( ) were ( ) was ( ) did

15. ______ you ________ yesterday at this time?

( ) Was – worked ( ) Were – work ( ) Were - working

16. James _______at home. He _______tv.

( ) was – was watching ( ) were – was watch ( ) was – was watched


O Past Continuous é um tempo verbal que usamos para nos referir a ações que estavam ocorrendo no passado ou que foram interrompidas. Exemplos:

- Steve was talking on phone. = Steve estava falando ao telefone.

- She was watching Tv when her mother arrived. = Ela estava vendo Tv quando sua mãe chegou. Como se pode notar, neste caso, os verbos principais estão no gerúndio, ou seja, possuem o sufixo –ing. Em outras palavras, formamos frases do Past Continuous por meio da seguinte estrutura:



Vale lembrar a conjugação do verbo To Be no passado: I - Was You - Were He - Was She - Was It - Was We - Were You - Were They – Were Forma Interrogativa

Basta trocarmos o sujeito e o verbo principal de posição. Exemplo: - Steve was talking on phone. (afirmação)

- Was Steve talking on phone? (interrogação) Forma Negativa

Adicionamos “not” ao verbo To Be. Exemplo: - Steve was talking on phone. (afirmação) - Steve wasn’t talking on phone. (negação).


a- We was shopping yesterday afternoon. b- We were shoping yesterday afternoon. c- We were shopping yesterday afternoon. d- We was shop yesterday afternoon.

B- PAST CONTINUOUS: Qual está errada?

a- She wasn’t watching TV last night. b- She weren’t cooking rice and beans. c- Mary wasn’t dancing with Richard. d- Ryan was not writing a letter.

C- PAST CONTINUOUS: Qual está certa?

a- Were you studying yesterday at this time? b- Was you studying yesterday at this time? c- Did you studying yesterday at this time? d- You were studying yesterday at this time? e- You were studing yesterday at this time? f- You was studing yesterday at this time?

D- SIMPLE PAST: Qual está certa?

a- I did not went to the beach last Summer. b- I did not go to the beach last Summer. c- I did not going to the beach last Summer. d- I ‘m not did go to the beach.

Simple Future - Futuro Simples Will

O futuro é uma forma verbal comumente utilizada para expressar eventos que ainda não

aconteceram, estando estes situados depois do ato de fala, ou da escrita. O futuro simples em inglês é construído pelo verbo modal ou auxiliar will, ou pelo menos comum shall, seguido do verbo principal no infinitivo, sem to.

O simple future é formado da seguinte maneira:

WILL + verbo

Os usos mais comuns são:



Ex: I’ll give you the money right now. (Eu te darei o dinheiro agora mesmo). · Fazer uma oferta.

Ex: I’ll get the money. (Eu darei o dinheiro). · Fazer uma predição sobre o futuro.

Ex: You’ll be very rich. (Você será muito rico). · Fazer um pedido.

Ex: Will you ask them to be quiet? (Você pedirá a eles para ficarem quietos?). · Recusar alguma coisa.

Ex: No, I won’t be quiet. (Não, eu não ficarei quieto).

· Fazer uma promessa, ameaça, dar um aviso ou um comando. Ex: I’ll call the teacher. (Eu chamarei o professor).

· Fazer um convite.

Ex: Will you join us tonight? (Você se juntará a nós esta noite?).

· Falar a respeito de acontecimentos sobre os quais você não está totalmente certo. Neste caso, usa-se advérbios que indicam probabilidade, como: perhaps (talvez), maybe (talvez), certainly (certamente), probably (provavelmente), it’s possible/probable that... (É possível, provável que) Ex: I’ll probably be late tomorrow. (Eu provavelmente estarei atrasado amanhã).

Geralmente são acompanhados por alguns advérbios ou locuções adverbiais, como: tomorrow, soon, next month/week/year, in a few days, in a short time, in hours...

O futuro simples tem as seguintes formas:

Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa Afirmativa Interrogativa Negativa

I will I will not Will I? Will not I?

You will You will not Will you ? Will not you ?

He She will


He She will not


He? Will She ?

It ?

He? Will not She ?

It ?

We will We will not Will we ? Will not we ?

You will You will not Will You ? Will not You ?

They will They will not Will They ? Will not They ?

Essas formas também possuem contrações: WILL+NOT=WON’T / SHALL+NOT=SHAN’T



I´ll I won´t Won´t I ?

You´II You won´t Won´t you ?

He´ll She´ll It´ll He She won´t It He ? Won´t She ? It

We´ll We won´t Won´t we ?

You´ll You won´t Won´t You ?

They´ll They won´t Won´t They ?

Outros Exemplos:

• We will call him now. (Nós ligaremos para ele agora). • Will she cook for us? (Ela cozinhará para nós?).

• I wontt go to the supermarket. (Eu não irei ao supermercado). • We shall never give up. (Nós não devemos desistir nunca). 4) IMMEDIATE FUTURE (TO BE GOING TO)

O Futuro imediato funciona com o presente contínuo do Going to, ou o BE GOING TO. Ele, diferentemente do Futuro Comum, necessita de um pouco mais de planejamento. Mas nada muito imutável. Se você quiser, pode alterar o acontecimento. Usamos o Futuro Simples Imediato quando já estamos praticamente fazendo a ação, por exemplo: Estou indo à escola. O futuro é chegar a escola. Já estamos no caminho para chegar a escola. Posso me desviar e entrar em uma lanchonete ou em qualquer outro lugar, por isso, não é imutável. Mas, agora, estou indo pra escola.


I´m going to Japan next monday. Estou indo para o Japão próxima segunda-feira. She´s going to study a lot more for the test next

time. Ela vai estudar muito mais para o teste na próxima vez. They are going to go skydiving on their next trip. Eles irão pular de para-quedas na próxima viagem deles. Mas cuidado, poIs o going to também pode ser usado no presente. Veja, a seguir, duas frases praticamente iguais, mas uma no futuro e outra no presente:


I'm going to my house right now! Eu estou indo para casa agora mesmo!





Para construir a forma afirmativa, basta usarmos o verbo "To Be" + "Going to" e pronto. Não existe muito mistério. Veja o modelo abaixo para aprender a construir uma frase na forma afirmativa::

Sujeito + Verbo "To Be" + Going to + Objeto ( opcional )

A seguir, veja os exemplos:


I am going to take a trip to Rome for this weekend. he is going to take a bus to get there.

you are going to be a good boy, aren't you? Ronaldo is going to phone his boyfriend next saturday.

we are going to talk with her.

The old man is going to open the bookstore soon. The children are going to cross the street.


Veja a seguir como montar a forma negativa:

Sujeito + Verbo "To Be" + Not + Going to + Objeto ( opcional )

A seguir, veja os exemplos:


I am not going to take a trip to Rome for this weekend. he is not going to take a bus to get there. you are not going to be a good boy, aren't you? Ronaldo is not going to phone his boyfriend next saturday.

we are not going to talk with her.

The old man is not going to open the bookstore soon. The children are not going to cross the street.


Veja a seguir como montar a forma interrogativa:

Verbo "To Be" + Sujeito + Going to + Objeto ( opcional )

A seguir, veja os exemplos:




Is he going to take a bus to get there.

Are you going to be a good boy, aren't you? Is Ronaldo going to phone his boyfriend next saturday. Are we going to talk with her.

Is the old man going to open the bookstore soon. Are the children going to cross the street.

FUTURE EXERCISES - What’s the best answer? (Qual é a melhor resposta?) 1- When will you travel to Disneyland?

a- Yes, she will travel next Summer. b- Yes, Ryan will go to Disneyland. c- Yes. I will travel to Disneyland. d- I think I will travel next summer.

2- -Is Daniel Radcliffe going to travel next week?

a- yes, Daniel is. b- yes, she is c- yes, he will d- yes, Daniel will.

3- Will Maite Perroni move to Brazil?

a- Yes, she is. b- Yes, he will c- Yes, she can d- No, she won’t.

4 - Are Christopher Uckermann and I going to take many pictures? a- No, we aren’t. b- Yes, they do c- Yes, he is. d- Yes, we will.

5- -Will you travel to Italy next Spring?

a- No, I can’t. b- Yes, I won’t. c- Yes, I will. d- Yes, you are. e- Yes, you will.

II- Escreva as frases dadas nas formas negativa e interrogativa, e depois traduza-as para o português:

11- I WILL study more.

( - ) ___________________________________________________________ ( ? ) ___________________________________________________________ Translation: ____________________________________________________ 12- She WILL eat less and exercise more.

( - ) ___________________________________________________________ ( ? ) ___________________________________________________________ Translation: ____________________________________________________ 13- They are going to drive a bus today.

( - ) ___________________________________________________________ ( ? ) ___________________________________________________________ Translation: ____________________________________________________ 14- You are going to go to the park.


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