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The discoveries of the world from their first original unto the yeere of our Lord, 1555. Briefly written in the Portugall tongue by Antonie Galvano, Governour of Ternate, the chiefe Island of the Malucos, Corrected, quoted, and now published in English by


Academic year: 2021

Share "The discoveries of the world from their first original unto the yeere of our Lord, 1555. Briefly written in the Portugall tongue by Antonie Galvano, Governour of Ternate, the chiefe Island of the Malucos, Corrected, quoted, and now published in English by"








m as 1 T H E


ofthe World from their

firft originall vnto the


i 5 5

5-Briefly written in the Por-tugall tongue by A N T O N I E

G A L V A N O , Goutrnour of

Ternatc,the cbicfr Itland

ofthe LMolueos :

Corrected, quoted, and now

publifkeiw&igliflo £jRichard Yhkluytjotnetmtcsjludtnt of Chnftcliurch m Oxford. LO NT) INI, Impenfis G.Bifhop. i d o i . [ATH]










tybert Cecill Knight,

prmcipallSe-crctaricto her Maieftie, Mafler of the Court of

VVarfo andLiuerieSythe woorthy ihancellour of

the Vniucrfitie of Cambridge,and one of

her CMatffties moft honorable fritueCeunfcU.

Ight Honorablc,wbile I went about to publifh our Englifli Voyages and Difcoucries, I was aduifed by mafter \ V A

I-TER C O P E , a gentleman of

rare and excellent parts, to draw diem into a fbort fum, adding that in his opinion that courfc woulde prooue moft acceptable to the world, efpecially to men of great action and employment. Al-though in that worke then vndcr the prcfie I could not conuenicntly alter my courfe,yet holding his aduifc,as in many things elfe, fo in this for found and very good,

I hecre prefent vnto your Honour a bricfe Treatic molt agreeable to the lame. The authour whereof was



one ^Antome Galuano, a Ponugall gentleman :of whofc pietie towards God, equitic towards men, fidelity to his Prince, louc to his countrey, skill in fea caufes, cxperi-ence in Hiftories, liberalitie towards his nation, view lance,valour, wifedome and diligence in rcftoring &fet-lingthedecaied ftateof Thelites of Maluco, (where he remained fixe or feuen yeeres gouernour,) if it plcafe

your Honour to read Fernando Lopez, dcCaBagneda, or Joannes Mr.ffeim in their Hiftories of The Eaft Indies,

you fhall finde more written in his lingular commendati-on,thcn a large Epiftle can well comprehend.

The worke though fmall in bulke containeth fo much rare and profitable matter, as I know not where to feckethe like, within fo narrow and ftrciteacompaffe. For heercin is orderly declared, who were The firft Dif-couerours of the world fince the time ofthe flood: by what waies from age to age the fpicerie, drugs,and riches ofthe Eaft were conueicd into The Weft: what were the caufes of the alterations of thofe courfes, as namely the changes of Empires and gouernments: The ccafing of all trafficke for many yeeres by The Gothcs inuafion of the Romane Empire: The riling vp of The Mahumctanc feet; with their ouerrunning of Afrikeand Spaine: The renewing againe, after many yeeres difturbance, ofthc trafficke andentercourfe of The Eaft Indies; firft by the Califas ofthc aforefaid feet: and eftfoones by The Vene-tians, Ienowais and Florentines. Then followeth the ta-king of Ceuta in Barbaric by Iohn the firft ta-king ofPortu-gall of that name in the yeere of our Lord 1415. whofc third fonne DonHenry^ahizh he had by the vertuous La-die Pfo/p/4,daughter of Iohn of Gantc,and fifter to Henri the fourth, king of England ) was the firft beginner of all thcPortugall difcoueries, and continued the feme for the fpace of fortie and three yeeres euen to his dying day.



By whofe encouragement the kings of Portugall found out with much patience and conftancic the laft way of the bringing the Spiccrie into Europe by The Cape of Buona Speranca •, and for thefe hundred yeeres pall haue become the chiefe Lords ofthe riches of the Orient By emulation of which their good endeuours, The Antiles and The weft Indies began to be difeouered by The kings of Spaine. The infancies ofboth which molt important enterprifes, The progrcffe ofthe fame from time to time, the difeoueries of Iflands, riuers, baies and harbours, of many rich prouinces, kingdomes, and countries; The erecting of caftlcs in fundry conucnicnt Iflands and pla-ces, with the drawing of trafficke vnto the fame, where, when,by whom,and by whofe authority is heere fuccinct-lyand faithfully recorded. Sothatif itpleafe your Ho-nour at your conuenicnt leifure to take a fea card or a mappc ofthe world ,andcaric your cie vpon the coaft of Africa from Cape de N o n , lying on the mayne in a p.. degrees of northerly latitude, and follow the fnore about the Cape of Buona Speranca till you come to the mouth ofThcRcdde Sea, and pafnngthcncc alongby thecoun-trey of Arabia croffe ouer to India, and doubling Cape Comory compaffe the gulfe of BengalJ,& mooting by the citie of Malacca through The ftreitc of Cincapura, coaft al the fouth of Afia to the northcaft part of China, and comprehend in this view all the Iflands from The Acorcs and Madera in the Weft, to The Malucoes, ThcPhilippinas, andlapaninthcEaft: you fhall heere finde by order, who were tlic firft difcouerours, conquc-rours and planters in euery place : as alfo the natures and commodities ofthe foylcs, togithcr with die forces, qualities, and conditions of the inhabitants. And that which I mention of the Orient, is likcwife to bevnder-ftoodofThc Occident.


715* Epislle

Now touching the tranflation,it may pleafe you fir,to be aducrtifed that it/ was firft done into our language by fome honcft and well affected marchant of our nation, whofc name by no meanes I could attaine vnto, and that asitfeerneth many yeeres ago. For it hath lien by me aboue thefe twelue yeeres. In all which fpace though I haue made much inquirie,andfcntto Lisbon, where it feemeth it was printed, yet to this day I could neuer obtaine the originall copie ; whereby I might reformed the manifold errours of the tranflator. For whereas a good tranflator ought to be well acquainted with the proprietie of the tongue out of which, and of that in to which he tranflatcth, and thirdly with the fubiect or mat' tcr it felfe : I found this tranflator very defectiue in all three; efpecially in the laft. Forthefupplyingof whofe* defects I had none other remedie, but to haue recourfe vnto the originall hiftories, (which as it appeererharc very many, and many of them exceeding rare and hard to come by) out of which the authour himfelfe drew the greateft part of this difcourfe* And in very deede it coft me more trauaile tofearchout the grounds thereof, and to annexe the marginall quotations vnto the worke, then the tranflation of many fuchbookes would haue put me vnto. Of which quotations there is yet a farther vfe; to wit,that fuch as haueleafure fufficient,and aredefirousto reade thefe things more at large, (for breuitie oftentimes breedeth obfeuntie ) may fully fatisfie their defires by ha? uing recourfe by the helpc therof to the pure fountaines, out of which thofe waters which are dravvneare for the moft part moft fweete and holfome. Now if any man fhall maruel, that in thefe Difiotteries of The World for the fpace almoft of fower thoufand yeeres here fet downe; our nation is fcarce fower times mentioned: Hee is to vndcrftand, that when this authour ended this difcourfe, (which



(which was about the yeere of Grace 1 5 5 5.) there was little extant of our mens trauailes. And for ought I can fee, there had no great matter yet come to light, if my felfe had not vndcrtaken that heauie burden, being neuer therein entertained to anypurpofe, vntill I bad recourfe vnto your felfe, by whofc fpcciall fauour and bountiful! patronage I haue been often much encouraged, and as it were rcuiued. Which trauailes of our men, becaufe as yet they be not come toripenes, and haue been made for the moft part to places firft difeouered by others; when they fhall come to more perfection, and become more profitable to the aducnturers, will then be more fit to be reduced into bricfe epitomes, by my felfe or fome other endued with an honeft zcale of the honour of our coun-trey. In the meane feafon nothing doubting of your fa-uourable acceptation of this my labour,I humbly befeech the authour of all goodnes to rcplenifh and enrich you with his beft bleffings, long to protect and prefcruc your

Honour to the profitable feruice of her Maicftie, and to the common benefit and good

of the Realmc. From London diis 2p. of October


Tour Honors chdpkin,m Alldmie

moil rcadic to be commanded,


Francis de Soufa Tauares vnto the

high and migbtie ^Prince <Don



Tronic GAUWIO vpon his death bed left vnto me in his teftament among i his papers this booke. And becaufe JT am certaine he ordained it to bee ,'prcfcntcd vnto your Grace, I haue

(thought good herein to fulfill his wil

& teftament, though in other things I haue done nothing,the fault remaining not in mc. And by all reafon thistreatie ought to be fet fobrth by a

Por-tugal! , feeing it intreateth of the variable waies from whence the pepper and fpices came in times paft into our partes,and alfo of all the naujgations and difcoueries in the old time : In both of which things the Portngals haue moft trauailed. In this treatie and in nine or. ten bookesof things touching Maluco and India (which the Cardinall willed me to giue to Damian de Goes, faying that he fhould content me, for otherwife I could not dc-liuer them ) this true Portugal! occupied himfelfe againft the vnfortunatc and forrowiull times which he had been in (which were all ended before all our daies and times:)

for when he rccciued the captainfhip and fortrefles of ££%££ Maluco, all the kings and gouernours of all the Hands»/ u*Uu. about being agreed to make war againft the Portugals,

vntill fuch time as they might druse them all outot the counncy,he fought againft them all with oncly 13o.Por-tugalsjwhen they were all together, and ftrong in Tidorc 5 and he g.'uc them the ouerthtow and killed their kn g,and one 1 etnafc^ne principal author of that war,and he tooke


from them their fortrefle: fo vpon this victorie they fub. mittcd themfelues,and came vnder the obeifanccandfer. uiceof our king ofPortugalk Herein two things happe-ncd of great admiration:. The firft, that all the kings and gouernours of Maluco agreed togither againft vs,a thing that neuer fell out, nor yet credible to be like to happen:

rariancryfu- tot tno, a r e e u e r a t v a r ja n c c a mong themfelues: The

fe-fy'sefMa- cond, that the captaine or Maluco with onely his

orduia-/«». lie foldiers fhould haue the victorie againft fo many be-ing all together. For fometimes it happeneth that fome ofthe captaines of Maluco with many extraordinarie foldiers befides tHeir ordinarie, yea and with the aide of al the Kings and Lords of Maluco in their fauour and aide went againft one King onely of them, and came backc againe with loffe.So there may be reckoned three notable things done in India,l fay of qualkie: (but of more quan-1. titie and importance there haue been others:) which were

2. the taking of Muar by Emmanuel F&lconvand the winning 3. of Bitam by Peter Majcarenas, and this, whereof we

pre-fently treate. For all thefc three deedes feemed to be im-poflible to be atchieued, confideringthe fmaU quantitie of foldiers which the captaines had in gluing the enter-prife againft fo many; with the order and maner by them ordained how and which waies to obtaine their purpofe as well by their enimies as by themfelues. And.thcy could not be atchieued otherwife but by vfing a meanc and or-der not thought of at the firft by thcPortugals,noryet euer fufpected by theic enimies. And, befides this,his fa-ther and fower of his brethren were all flaine in the kings feruice: And he now beingthe laft of hislinage, caried with him into Maluco woorth ten thoufand crufadoes, which he fpent not in idlenes,nor yet in play,but onely in bringing of many kings and innumerable townes vnto our holy faith, and in the preferuingof Maluco, employ-ing all his power and ftrength that all the cloues might


come vnto the hands of the kings highnes: which with Maluco yceldcd vnto him euery yeere fiue hundred thou-sand crufadoes; being all to his great prciudicc, let, and

hinderance. For if he had gathered cloucs for himfelfe, as the captaines of Maluco haue done and doc, then he had come home very rich. But when he came home into Portugall in great hope ( fuch is the fimplicitie ofthe

beft natures ) to be rewarded for his good feruice, and to cw/Swfct be more fauoured and honored, then if he had brought f*a'fl

"-homewith him an hundred thoufand crufadoes, he was greatly deceiucd.For he found neither fauour,nor yet ho-nor, but onely among the poore and miferablc, to wit, in anhofpitall: where he was kept feuenteene yeeres vntill the howcrof his deadi; and there he had allowed vnto him his winding fhecte to buriehimin: and the brother-hood of the Couent prepared for his burial! as for a poore courtier caft off by all men,leauing himfelfe indeb-ted in two thoufand crufadoes, whereof part came out of India, and part thereof many of his friends had lent him to maintaine him in the hofpitall: for in all thefe feuen-teene yeeres he had nc: of his highnes for to helpe him-felfe with fb much as one riall of plate, nor yet I ofthe bookes which I deliuered receiucd any thing to difcharge his will with. Yet for all this, euen as vpon theprofperitie of his victories he neuer made any boaft/o Iikcwife in his aducrfitieshis great ftotnacke did nothing abate his hart. As there arc good proofes that with fo many and foe on-tinualldifgracesas hefuffcred, he neuer vnto thchower of his death left off to raife and to augment the yeerely

rent vnto aCounto.-which fome made ftrange and would ACt»ra»u not giue eare vnto: So that euen as he was extreme pain- j£j^*fr""

full in the performance of his feruice, fohe was the like in the things founding vnto the perfecting of the fame, which was the caufe that he was brought vnto theftate that he died in. For he could not fee the qualiticof the


time,but onely thofe of his great feruice,by reafon of the great charges that it flood him in. And his faying was, That he was borne, not for to fay that his conftellation was in the wars victorious, bur in die ouercomming of kings by the arte of warfare, readmes in refoluing, pru-dence in conferuing, and greatloialtie and patience with manyferuices vnto his king and mafter. In which of all thefe hehad moft contentation it cannot eafily be deter-mined. Wherefore your noble Grace may fee, that this treatieand the others were made with fighes and afflicti-ons which his inferiour will might haue raifed vp in him againft his fuperiour reafon. Neither was he willing to take for his remedie that which that great Turke Zelm fonne to the great Mahumet did, ( for he tooke Constan-tinople and died in Rome) whovfed to make himfelfe drunke, becaufe he would not remember the great eftate which he loft: nor yet woulde he giue eare vnto thofe things which many of his friendswould tell him,wifhing he would fettle his mind out ofthe kingdome: (for other-wife he fhould neuer be able to hue:) whereunto he an-fwered, that in this point he would rather be compared

Or r^her Tbt- vnto the great Timocles the Athenian, then to be like the mMoiia. excellentRomanec?0ra>/.:»/w. Which is a goodly

exam-ple of a true and faithfull Portugall. (Though it were not fo as Idoe fay, yet I doe heare, that the hofpitals be full of the moft faithfull fubiects to their prince and countrey.) Wherefore by all reafon this rreatie ought to be of your Grace faubured, fetting apart all ouerfights, if there be

any,in this worke,of the author: I being not able to attaine vnto the vnderftanding of the

con-trary. God profper your Grace with long life and increafe of



A n excellentTreatife of


G A L v A N o Tortugall, containing the

mod ancient and moderne difcoueries ofthc

wM ejjtecially by nauigation,accoriing to the courfe of times from the flood

vntttt the yeere of grace *5 5

5-j 5-j r ^ ^tle 3 hao a oefire f o gather to* WV gcthcr fome otoe anc fome ncu)

If „,.,,

jo Y ^ i f t ) / S & V °l oiftoucries, tohtctj haue beene o rK¥&\llll/^ /# - maoebt>feaanobt>lano, UHU>

tfjctr tuft times ano utuattons; ttjcp feemeD to be tnio things of To great mfncultte, that being rofuferj tn the aut&ojs of trjmt, I DetetmtneD ontetooefiflfia an^ futt) purpofe. j?oj touch tng

tfje COUrfi? Of time tbe Hebrew cs

Beclarc,tbat from the beginning offbc uwlo to the ficoD lucre 165 6.yceres. SDrje feeucntte ^interpreters mafeemention of

i242.anbfe.AugurtincretJionc(rj 2262. ^ n t b e a t u a t t o n s ^ ^ ? ^

liheuiifc there be man? Difffrentes, ifo; ffjerc neuer faileo cap.i* togerhenn oncfleetear fea front ten pilots to tbe nun.ber of

100. buttfaatfomcof themfouno themfelues b? reckoning in one longttutie anD other fome in anotfjer. 33tit rsnfisertng better uutrj mp felfe, that the Difficulties arecpenco, ano ffje Differences amencco b? others of more tract ruDgttrcut a.-o unoerttnnotng tberetn^jpurpofeDnonuttbftanbtng top;o-teeoe in this uiojke of Difcooe nes.

£>ome there be ttjat far, that the toojlDbath full? beene ctfeouerco; ano the? allcage thie reafon,tbv,t as it hath ba?i e ncupUD


a The ancient Difcouertes

peoples ant) in&abiteD, fo it might be frequerrfco, anottatri* gable, ano the rather fo; that the men in tbaf age foere of a longer life,ano of Id toes anD languages almoftone.

contrarte»pi- %tytt be ofbcrs of a contrarte opinion fo rbts, bottling K f c S fbatalltbc earth roulo not be bnoume, no; tbe people ton* ofthe wodd. uerfant one ttritb anorber. # 0 ; tfjoagb it &aD beene fo once,

$et tbe fame tuoulDfaaue beene loft againe bp tbe malice of men, anotbe toant of tuftice among the inhabitants of the eartfj.HBut btcaufe tbe befit ano mod famous Difcouertes iuere niaDe bg fea, anD ttjat principalis th our Units, 3 Defire to

Sdifc«f«e« bnotoe, iubotoerethe nrlt-Diicouerers fiucctbetmicof the

fiace the flood, flood.

&ome affirme that ttyy uiere tbe dSrahcs, others fap.tbe |9haemctans,orbers alfo tbe ©gppttahs.SDbe people of jiiDta

agree not hereunto > affirming tbat trjep mere the firttthaf

cbte?leof *a d e 0 b^ fea J namehj tbe * Tabcncos, U)bicb noto lue call fbe

•JSiJfta* cliinois. Sim tbep alleage fo; t^e p;cofe of this, that tbeg be

feUenby fea. £ jlojDg off be Indiacs eueitbltto ft)e Cape of Bona Speranca,

f tbeiflauD of S.Laurcncc,iDbtcb is tnljabiteD be tfjem anD al

along tbe fea? as alfo tbe Iauaes,Tiinorc$,Cclebes,Maca(arc»#

Malucos,Borneos, Mindanaos, Liberies, Lequeos, Iapones,

anD otber jGamDs being manp in number, anD tbe firms

lanDS Of Cauchin-China, Laos,Branias, Pegu,Arracoiies, till The inhabitants £OU tome Onto Bengala: ^nDbeftDestbtSjNetvSpainCjPcru,

d«deSSd" BrafilJ> & Aotilcs, turn) tye reft aDtotntng brtto tbem, as ap*

fom china, pecrctb bp t^e faftnons artb maners of tbe men anD teamen, anD bg trjetr p;opo;f tons, bautng fmall etes, flat nofes, Uittb otber p;opo;uonstobefane. 0nDtotbtsDapmamjof ttjefe Silanos ano countretes are calico bg tbe names of ti icochma, Bocho-china, tubtcf) uc as much to fag, astbecountreiesof China, if urtber it apparent bp btft o;tes,tbat h)e arfce of Noe retteD bpon tt)t no;tb parts of tbe mountaines of Armenia, tobtcb ffatiDs in 40. Degrees ano optuarDs: ano njar mime* ofatel? thereupon Scythiauias firft peopleo, fo; that it is an fctgb lano,anD appeereo firft after the ficoo.&iD feeing tbe p;o< utneeano countrey of tbe Tabencos is one of tbe cbiefettof all Tartaric, as tbe^ repo;t,it ts to be thought tbat rbeg Uiere oftbemott ancient inhabitants, anD men ofthe moft ancient .weenee*ScheeTro- nautgattons,tbe feas being as caltne as fbe "tiers b* to tbofe Picioverycaim;. parts Iguig bettoegm? tbe &roptcfcs, inhere, tbe Dates ano


oftheWorll 3

nights 00 not much Differ,as toell mtbefiotoers,asui £ tern* perature: U>bere there bloui no outragtous totnoes, to caufe tbe fearers to rife 01 to be troubles. anDbylafeerperienceit ts fouuo, that tbe fmall barbs therein thep faile baue onely

a greathigb bougb in tbe miDDeft of tbe barfee, ftanotngtn J'jEJJftS ftao both of maft ano faile, ano tbe mafter fjoloetb onely an udfaiic. oare in bis banD to fitrre tottball: ano fo they faile funftlg along tbe coaft 5 anD tfae reft of tbe paflengers fit onely bpon certaine poles, lorjtcb are fafteneo tnthebarfee, uihubtbey tall Catatnaroues ano fo the? paffe totthout rototng.

Bit ts furtber faio, that tlje people of china lucre fomtimes 3lo;os of the moft part of Scychia, ano faileo o;0inartly along

fbat coaft, VDbicb fetmctb to reacb bnto 70. Degrees totoaro

tbeno;t(l. Cornelius Nepos ts tbe autbo; Of this 5 UlbO parti* Pomporr:ujMda

rularly afnrmetb, tbat in tbe time that Mctdlus tbarellofnep^Vus nb.a. Conuil of Aframus, U)asp;oconful in if ranee, tfje fetngof«p«7-Sueuia fent bnto fa,tm certaine 31 nD tans, uiljicbcame cbitbcr tnafbtp from tfats countrey, comming by the no;rt) ano by tbe flats of €>ermame. ano it ts p;obable tbat tbe? uiere peo* pic of china, fo; that tbeg from 20,30, ano 4 0 . Degrees Op* tuaros baue ftrong fhips ano clymbers, tbat can well b;coae tljcfeas, atiomourethe colD ano tnfemperaftire of fuel; no;* ttjcrly regions. flsfo;Cambaia trjerc is flapping alfo in it, ano tbe people by repo;t baue bfeD fl;e feas many yares: but it fecmcrb not tbat trjep lucre any of tbcm tob»cb came fnto jfrance: fo; tbat h)ey traflftebe onely to Cairo, ano are men in oceo of Irttietraffu be anD lefTe clothing.

Sis fb; thofc tubjeb efegpeotbe Deftructton of tbe flcoD, fbey *%»>. »*«<,&•.

uierethcreuntb fo ama?co, rhaftbey Durftnot oefceno into l* * "a , !'

the plaines ano loluc rcunfrcirs, but kept (be bus- flnotue reaoe ofNmirode, uifjo 130. yeeres after tbe flcoobuttt tbe Torero! Babell.tntcnDing tbercby to fauebimfclfe,tf tbcte fboulD come an? mo;e fuch MCODS.

2Cberefo;eitfametb, that they to&tcb firft came to be fat* Icrs teere trjofe fnbicb OUJCU m tbe eaft in tbe p;outnce of China: nlthougb others contrarttutfcIjclo rftcm iubtch Dlueil in t&e tocft as in Syria, to baue ofco tbe tr^oe of tbe fea fenrtt after the ftcoo. $3ut this contention about tbe anrtqomcof

nauigatton 3 leaue fo the &ry tbians ano (Egyptians, tube iuflinm :;b.i, uicre at gvcat tianance anu Difference m tbis mutter vfe; each


4 The ancient Dtfcoaerm

of tfjem cfaalengeo bnto themfelues the honour of the firft fea trauaile. But omitting all tars ano Differences hereabouts, 31 null apply my felfe to my purpofeo otfcourfe, ano fpeahe of tbat tobicb f>ifto;tes baue left in reco;b*

serofo. t - r - ^ e r e be fome toel feene in Antiquities, tub«b fay tbat


in the 1

4 *« w *

aftw tbe flffla


Tubal came




flood««. •*• ^paine,mbereby if fomcih tbat in thofe times nam* gaf tons mere bfeo into our parts out of (fctbiopta.

ano tbey alfo fay farther, tbat not long after tbis, tbe iSlnane Scmyrauusuient againft tbe Jnoiansfntbat riuer piodontskuins uiberof fl;cy icofce tbeir name, ano therein gaue barf atle bnto aib.»«p.j. tbebtng Stahrobaecs,tDbcrinbeloft aUpufano fbips.TObicb being creofble by tbe ancient btftojie, p;couefb manifeftly tbat in thofe parts, in trjofc times uiere many u)tps, ano tbe leas frequenteo in gcoD numbers*

Bin the 65o.yare after t^eflcoD tbere hias afeing in Spaine

B«ofi« nameo Heiperus, fobo to bi* time as ttts repo;teo toent ano OifcouereDas far asCapc Verde, t tbe|flanoof S.Thoaaas,

OonfaluoFer- Uibeieofbe ujas p;ince: #nD GonialUO Fcrnandes of Ouiedo

ToSllap0"6" tbeCb?onicler of antiquities afttrmctb, tbattohts tfmetbe

GeneraiisHiii. gflanDs oftbe Weft ImiICS uiereotfcouereo,ano calleo fome* hi >at after bis name Hdpcndcs: ano be alleagetb many «Mbf UM reafens to p;cotie if, repo;ttng particularly tbat tn 4 0 . Dates

"M* they faileo from Cape Verde onto ttjofe jflanos.

2Dbe« are otbers that fay tbat tbe like teas Done from tUs Cape Onto tbe IflanDS Of S.Thomas, anD tbe 3lfle De

Prin-cipe, anotbattbey be the Hcfperides, ano not tbe Anciles: •«« indent #no t bey Doc not Differ far from reafon: feeing in tbcfe times nauigationwas a nj many yeeres after tbey oio ofe to fatle onely along tbe

S S n S roaft,notpafrmgrfajougbtbemaiitejJDcean fea: fo;tbey baO the maine o- neither altttube no; compalft tben in ofe, no; any mariners


3t cannot be oenteo, buii^at tbere foerc many countries, 3iaanos,Capes jttbmos.anD points tob'cb noto aregrotun ten h of time Dut of fenotoleDge •> becaufe tbe names of tbmiare founb in

andfbrcc of wa. biffojtes. JiSut tt)C age cf tbe Uio;lo ano fo;t e of waters baue TeredlheSa-*° •**«» ano tonfumeo tbem,anD feparateo one countrey from

donofmanie anotber, bocb in Europe, Afia, Afuca,Js'evvSp«ttne>Peru;anD

*""• *ff;crplaces«


of the World. 5

Platofaitbin fan? Dialogue of Tim*us, tbat tbere foerein n***r™*>* ancient times in tbe jJDcean fea atlanficfee certaine great

jflanos ano countries nameo Arlamides greater tben Afrikc ano Europe: ano tbat tbe rnngs oftrjofc parts tuere ilo;os of a great part of tbts our countrey: but loin) certaine great tempefts t^t fea DID ouerfloto it, ano it rematneo as muo ano fhtngle') fo tbat in a long time after no fhips coulo patten)at uiay.

3t is alfo recojoeo in faifto;tes, ffaaf faft by tbe Bjflano of 1>,™U,,,V

Cadiz totoaros tbe J&fratghtBOf Gibraltar there was a ccr*eip,M'

taine 3flanD tobtcb bias calico Aphrodifias, well inbabtteo ano planteo toitb many garoens ano o;cbaros, ano yet at tbts oay toe baue no bnotolcoge of this Aphrodifias, but only a bare mention of it in ancient autbo;s. SDbe fain Bjflano of Cadiz is further faio to baue been fo large ano big, tbat it DID urine uritb t^e fir me lano of Spaine.

SCbe gjflanDs of the Azores uiere fomettmes a point of tbe ™erflandi f

mountaines of Eftrdla, tuijtcb toine Onto tbe fea ouer tbe 2 S » f f i „

touine of Sy ntra: SblDalfo from Sierra Verde 0; tbcgr«net h c f i r m e l i , n i

mountatne,uibttb aototnctb bnto the toaterbarb by tbe citie of Safin in tbe lano of Cucu (tobicb is tbe felfe fame gjflano of

Mouchin,U)bere Algarbc is ) come t^t BlflanDS Of Porto San-to anO Madera.

if0; it is belo as a true ano bnooubtco neritfe, tbat all AH man* banc Blflanos baue their rcots running from tbe firmelano, though ™g SAT tbey be neuer fo farre from tbe continent: fo; otber wife tfai m«neUnd. coulo not ftano firme.

2Cbere arc otber biff ones wbtcb fay, tbat from Spaine tm* E r a^e£ V

toCcucatnBarbarie mm fomeftmes tranatleD on ftotebpon^p^S1*1"

o;ic lano, ano tbat tbe Blflanos of Sardinia ano Corfica DID tome tbe one toitb tbe otber, as alfo DiD Sicdia Win) italic,

atlO Negroponto \Xiittj Grxcia.

tfflte reaoe alfo tbat tbere lucre fotmo bullcs of u)ips, an* " ' J ^ S ^ iters of iron, ano otber memo;tals of flapping bpon n)e «Ji!LiM aSc mountaines of Suffa farre tottbin tbe lano : lubere as it withmliD<i

-feemctb now no fait water 0; fea euer came.

3n India alfo, ano in tbe lano of Malabar, although noto tbere be great fto;e of people, yet many w;iters affirme that

it mas once a maine lea Onto tbefecte of tbe mountaines* ano

tbat tbe Cape of Comarim, ano tbe JflanD of Zeilao were all


6 The ancient Difcoueries

one tying: 0 s alfo tbat tbe Bjflano of Samatra DID tome win) tbe lano of Malacca by tbe flats of Caypafiav ano not farre fro thence tbere ftanos now a little Jflano, wbtcb few yores paft w a s part of tbe firme lano tbat is ouer againft if.

if urtberruoje it is to be fane, bow Ptolemey in bts tables Doto fet tbe lano of Malacca to rjje fontb of t^t line in f b;a o; fower Degrees of latifuDe, Whereas now it is at tbe point thereof, being calico lcntar.a,in one Degree on tbe nojtbfioe, asappceretb intbe&traigbtof cineapura, wbereDaily tbey Doe paffe tb;ougb bnto tbe co-ftofSian ano Ciuna,W[jere tbe 3|flanD of Ay nan flanoetb, wbtcb alfo tbey fay o to ioine baro to tbe lano of China: ano Pcolcmcy placetb it on theno;th fioc far from tbe lme,ftanomg now aboue 2o.oegrasfrom it towarOs tbe no;tb,as Alia ano Europe now flans.

Well it may be tbat in time paft tbe lano of Malacca anD

China oiD eno bcyono tbe line on tpe fouth floe, as Ptolemey Dotb fet them fco;tb: becaufe it migiit toinc toitb tlje point of

tbe lano called Iencana, Witb n)e JflanDS of Bintan, Banca, f

Salitres being many tbat toaies,fr u)e lano might be all Dime * oajc 5 ano fo y" point of Ci.!na,migbt ioine win) tt)t gflanos

Of tbeLuc,ones,Borneos,Lcqiicos,MindanaoSjf otbers Wbtcb

ftano in tbts paralleledtey alfo as yet bailing in opinion tbat

tbcBJflanD of Samatra DID ioine toitb fauaby tbe cbancllof Atthisifle of Sunda, anD tbe JflanDS Of Bali, Aujauc,c,arobatia,So!or,Ho-SSerTw"* galcao, Maulua, Vintara, Rofalaguin, anD Otbers tbat be in

uT^s™ *¥*Parallclc ano altttuoeDID all ioine toitb laua; ano fo tbey

bǤ t '"" fame ontWaroly to thofe tbat oefcric t^tm. $o; at tbts Day tbe 3'flanDs ftano fo neere tbe one to tbe ot !jcr,tbat tbey fame all but one firme lano $ ano Wbofoeiierpaffetb betweene fome of tbem.may toncb toitb ffaetr hano tbe boughs cf tbe tras on tbe one ano on tbe other floe alfo. flno to come narer to tbe matter,tt is not long ftuce,f bat in fbe eaft tlje gflanos of Ban-da Were Diuers of ttjem ouerflotoen ano o;otonco by tbe fea: MntfoMcnfla #no fo liltetoife in China about nine fto;c miles of firme latdv d i c S grouno is no to becom e a lane,as it is repo;f eo. Mikity is not jnchina. f0 be tbougbt maruellous > conftDcrtng tbat toljtcb Ptolemey

ano otbers baue to; it ten in fart) cafes > wbtcb bere 31 emit ,to rettirnefomypurpofe.

after the flcob 8oo.yeereswereaDetbat tbe citie of Troy wasbuilDeo by tbe Dardans •, ano tbat before tbat time tbe©


ofthe World. 7 fajOUgfaJ Ottf Of fbe Indies into Europe by the Red fet, (pices, *£ET **"

0;ugs,ano many other kinoes of marcbanoifes, tofaicb were mde of <•{*?•

tbere mo;c abunoant,tben noW tbey be. Mlbercunto if creoit ^*«*««&«• may be giuen.we may conceaue tbat tfae fea was of olo batm*

teo ano freemen teD, feeing tbat tben tbey of tbe (Caftfaao to much ano fo great trafficke with tbem of the Qaaeft, that tbey thought their marcbanoife onto an bauen wbtcb toas nameo

Arfiooejbeiug tbat tobicb at tbts Day is calico Suez, ftanotng *£?£eT in ?o. oegrees on tbe no;rb part of tbe Arabian Oulfe. %t

is alfo by autbo;s farther to;tften, that from this bauen of

Arfinoeo; Suez, ibefc marcbanDifes toerecarrico by Cara"™"""*1*''

uans o; great companies of carriers bpon camels, affes, ano **** mules, onto tbe Leuant fea bnto a city ralleo Caflbu,ff anotng on tbe coaft in j » . Degrees of latitnoe, yalDt'ng Onto euen; oegree 17, leagues ano an balfe, as fbe maner is. Ano there are by account from tbe one fea to the other 3 '.leagues, 0; 1 oj.miles. Ehefe carriers,by reafon ofthe beatc of tbecoun*

trey, trauaileotn the nigbt onely, Directing themfelues by l™^17'

Cars ano by marks of poftes ano canes, Which tbey bfeo to tticke in tbe grounD as tbey Went But after tbat,becaufe this courfeanoiourney bao many inconuemences, they cbangeo ano altereo the fame ttoife,to finoc out the moft commoo tous way.

poo.yeereso; tbere about after tfje flcoo, ano befojefhe **>.j«eiw «&« ocftructtonof Troy, tbere toas a king in Egypt calleo Seio- JjJjJJi,-ft ris, who perceining that tbe fo;mer coarfes ano paffages fo; the carrying of marcbanoifes by men 9 beafts,were chargea* ble to tbe one t moft painfull to the otber, p;onioeo to haue a way 0; ttreamc cutout of the lano from tbe Red fea Onto an arme of tbe riuer Nil us wbtcb runetb onto tbe citie Hcroum;

that by the meanes thereof thtps might paffe ano repafle mrnvba, toitb tbeir marcbanDifes from India into Europe, ano not"'5-1*

beotfebargeo till tbey came into Italic &o tbat this Sefoftris toas fbe firft king, tobicb built great caracks to trauaile this toay. lout this enter p;tfe fo; all tbat take little effect, if 0; if it bao, Africa hao then been male as an aflano allcompafleo toitb toater,being no mo;e grounD betto ane fea ano tea,tben tye (pace of 2o.lcagucs 0; 60 .miles.

about this time the Grecians gatbereo together an army vk>iom sknhs

O; fl«te,tohtt|j noU) te «1U0 Argonautica,tojj«Kof lafon ano "****+ C a Akcus


The lake Maso tit.

Germain* fea.


pag »«•

8 The Ancient Difcoueries

Alceus Were captains general. &ome fay they went from the HfleofCreta, otbers from Grxcia. isuttobencefoeuertbey oeparteo, tbey faileo tb;ougb the P^oponticke fea, ano Saint Georges g>laue onto the Euxme fea, tobere fome pertftjeo, anD ld!on thereupon refurneD backeinto Greece. Alceus re* po;teo that he toas o;iuen toitb a tempeftto njelaheMao-t is, njelaheMao-tobere he njelaheMao-toas fo;faken of al bis compr.ny,ano njelaheMao-tbey njelaheMao-tobicb efcapeo toitfa great trauatle, paffeo tb;eagfa by lano bnto the I n S e ' S f °c e a n te* of Almaine, tobere tbey take (hipping, patting tbe

COaftS Of Saxonic, Frilland,Holland,Flanders,France,Spaine,

Italic, ano fo refurneo Onto Peloponcfus ano Greece,otfcone* ring tbe moft part ofthe coaft of Europe.

Strabo, all-aging Arirtonicus tbe Grammarian,tyeweth that after tbe oeftrnaion of Troy Menelaus tbe king came oat of tbe ftratgbts ofthe lleuant fcas into n)e fea Atlanticke ano COaftCO Africa anD Guinea, ano Doubleo tbe Cape Of Bona Speranca, ano fo in time arriueo in India. i ) f tobicb Ooyage of ^is tbere may be many mo;e particulars gatbereo ontof thebifto;ies. %\,is Mediterrane fea toas alfo fometimes cal*

leD The Adriaticke,The Mgxzn, anD fbe Herculean fea, Win)

otber names, acco;Dtng f o n)e lanos, coafts f p a n o s tobicb

it pafletb by, running into tbe great fea Atlaatiekc, along the

coaft Of Africa.

3(n the yeere 13 oo. after the flao Solomon cattfeo a naate to be pjepareo on tbe Iteo fea, at an bauen calico Ezcon Gc-ber, to fails to tbe Eart India, tobere by opinion ftanoefbe Blflanos calleo Tharfis ano Ophir. Wois name toas tb;« yeeres on tbts Ooyage, ano tben retnrneo, ano b;ougbt toitb

t^zm golo, filuer, cyp;es, %t. Whereby ft (amzt^ tbat tbofe

places, ano Bfflanos toere tbofe, tobicb note be calleo the Lu-c^ones,Lcqueos, ano Cbinaes. iFo; weknoW few other parts from whence fome of tbofe things are b;eugbf, o; toberein nauigatton toas fo long fines Ofeo.

31 is left bs alfo in hifto;tes, that a king of Egypt calleo Neco, oefirtng greatly to ioync tbe Red fea toitb the riuer Nilus, commanoeotbe Phoenicians to faile from theftraigbt of Mecca to tbe farther eno of the Mediterrane fea, to fee if if oto make any tame backe againe Onto Egypt. Wftub com* manoement fbcyobeico, failing towarD* ibetontfa all along tbe coaft ano coantreyof Mclinde, Qyiloa, Sofala, till tbey came

I.ofKingt.y, i.Chrou.8.


oftheWorld. 9

tame to tbe Cape of Bona Efperanqa,finDing the fea rontfnu* ally on fys left hano: 2But when tbey bab ooubieo the Cape, ano founo the coaft continually on the right faano, they mar* natleo much at it. $otwtthftanoing they continaeo their courfc fo;toaro totoaro the no;tb al along the coaft of Geiney ano the Mediterrane fea, till tbey came backe againe into Egypt, whence tbey firft went out. %n tobicb otfronerie they remainco ttoo yeeres. ano thefe are thought to be tbe firft, that compaOeD by fea all the coaft of Afrikc, ano faileo rouno

about it.

3nthe yeere 590. befo;e the incarnation of Cb;ttt there JSSJKaS

-toent out of Spaine a fleete of Carthaginian marcbanf s Opon »audit* their otone p;oper cofts ano charges, tobicb faileo totoaro tjjetoett though the high feasto fee if tbey coulo finoe any lano: ano they faileo fo farre, that they fonno at laft the 3fianos, tobicb toe nolo call tbe A nnles an 0 Noua Spagna:

Which Gonzalo FcrnandcsdeOuicdo faith toere then Otfco* „aX de orfe. uereo, altbough Chriftopher Columbus aftertoaros by bw h?lib,,c!5f&of

trauaile got mo;e eractknotolcoge of them, ano batb left Os K "1

anemoent notice tobere tbey be. HButall thefe bifto;ians, which w;ote of thefe Antiles befo;e, as of Doubtfull ano On* certaine tbtngs,ano of places OnoiTconereO, ooe no to plainly confeffe the fame to be the countrey of Noua Spagna.

3n tbe yeere $ ao.bcfoje the incarnation, ano after the fet* $££"*"*" ting out of the afo;efaio army,Camby fes king of Perfia take ' ** -Egypt-, after tobom fucraoeo Darius ifae fonne of HiftaJpis,

ano he oeterminco fo make an eno of tbe enterp;tfe which king Sefbftris baD begun,if tbey bao not tolo htm that the Red fea toas higher tben tbe lano of Egypt, anD that by meanes ofthe fait fea comming into tbe riuer Nilus, all the p;ouince toculo baue ban loft ano Onoonefo; hanger ano tpirft. ifo; the freu) water of tbe riuer Nilusoon) ouerflotoetbetobole countrey, ano f be inhabitants bane no other toater then that fo; their D;inke: whereupon be left bis firft purpofe of p;o-fccutingthat enterp;ife.

$ 0 to by the toay 3 (hall not ftoarae much from my mat* A digreokn,. ter, if 3 fpeake a too;o 0; ttoo of fome things incioent ts this

Oifcourfe. Wot Egyptians fay that tbey bao in their countrey PKn.u$ ,jb

certaine oermine like bnto rats, Whereof many be balfe like cap.,». de ma.

earth ano the other balfe like a oermine. 3>ne ktnoe of them rib»iNiU


Joannes Leo Africans lib .9. cap.de Nilo. ,Piinm«!ib.8. cap. 15. Joannes Leo Aff ieaniu lib.?.

Hippopotami. •Ibis.

r » The Ancient Difioturies

kape fbe loafer, ano another kinoe tbe lano. iFo;myparf| tbtoke tbat thefe be tbey, tohicbb;eakethe ferpentsegges, tobereof tbere are many in the riuer Ndus, tobicb alfo be cal* leo Crocooites: tobicb to times paft by repo;f toere foin* cbantco, tbat thereby they coulo not hurt anypcrfon. JBuf toben tbey toere oeltuereo fromtbeirtntbantmentmaDcby tbe Egyptians arte, ano letters, then tbey cnDeuoureo fo kill i>eoplc,toiiDe beafts anD rattell,Dotng Oery much barme, fpe-cially tbofe tobicb hue in tbe toater, tobicb oftentimes come to tbe lano, ano liutng altogether on lano become bery ftrong potfon. S h e people bcyono tbe citie of Cairo bfe to fifhTo; them anD catc them, ano tbey take ttjeir beaos, ano fet tjjeai hpon the toalles of their titie*

iDf thefe Crocooiles if is to;itten,tbat tbey lay tbemfelues alonghy tbe riuer toitb their mouses open, ana tbat tbere come Onto tbem certaine \jo^itz birDs,litle bigger tben tb;uG* ftjcSjtobicb flie into tbe montb of the CrocoDile>ano picke out tbe filtbincs tobicb is bettoane b>s tatb, ano in btotatoes, wherewith be is greatly pleafcO> but fo; all tbat theCroco* Oile tooulo clofebis moatb ano oeuoure tbe biro, if nature haouotp;ouiDeo tbe biroafharpe p;uke as it toere, grow* ing out of bis beao, toberetoitbhep;icketbtbe Crocootle in the mouth> tobicb caufetb btmfogapetoioe, ano fo tbe biro fltetb atoay tottbout barme > yet there come by ano by otber of njofe birDS,tobtcb make an eno of deanfing bis mouth.

3ntbe fame riuer tbere are alfo many bcafteslike Onto fao;fes; ano bpon tbe lano certaine fetoles like bnto cranes, tobicb warre continually toitb ferpenfs, tbat come thither from Ar a bia.ano kill many of tbem. 3£ihicb biros as alfo tbe Oermine, tobicb eate the egges of ttjc Crocooiles,are greatly

eftameO of tbe Egyptians.

35ntnoto to returns to my matter, ano fop;ocaoe in the Difcouerie*; 3n the yeere 48 $ .bcfo;e th e incarnation of Cb;tft Xerxes the king of Perfia commanoeD Satafpis bis nepbeto to goe ano fearcb,ano oifcouer India: tube acco;oing to tbe p;c* cept Onoertcoke tbe boy age, ano toent tb;ougb tbe ftratgbt of Gibraltar, ano pafieo the p;omonto;ie of Africa, tobicb nolo toe call tbe Capeof Bona Speranca, ftanDingfouthWarabe*

mitt 3 4. ano 3 5. Degrees in latituoe, ano being toeary of fa

great a nautgaf ton turneo from tbence backe againe, as Bar-tholomew


ofthe World. H

tholomew Diaz DID in our Dates.

»efo;e the comming of Cfajiff 44?.yeeres Himilco ano S J j ' * * Hanno bis b;ottjer Carthaginian captaines goaerntng that

part of Spaiiie,tobKb in now calleo Andaiuzia,oeparteo from tfjence eacb one with bio naute. Himilco failing totoaros the

no;tb DtftOUercO tbe CoaftS Of Spainc,France, EnglandjFlan^

ders ano Germanic, ano feme tonrcfarther, tbat be faileo Onto Gotland, f came to tt)e gflano of Thule, 0; nland, ftan* oing Onoer the circle Ai fttcke in 24. Degrees from tbe no;fh poie,ano continueo in bis nauigation ttoo yeeres, til he came Onto tbts 30ano, tobere the bay batb in June 2 i.houres.ano in December the night alfo batb 22. boures, tobereby it 10 n)erc toamoerfully colo.

# o t o tbe otber b?on)er Hanno tcoke b»e romfe totoarbe

Africa anO Guincy, anD be OifeouercO the Fortunate lilands,

tobicb toe call tbe Canaries, anobefiDes thefe he oifcouereo

Otbers, as the Dorcadcs,Hcfpcndes, $ the Gorgades, tobicb •*»•«»**•

noto be calleo tbe3flesof Cape Verde, ac^ore tje tnttb b«* "p'5''

company toent along tbe coaft till tbey OonblcOtbeCapeof Bona Speranca, ano taking their courfe totoaros tbe lano, tbey toent along by it Onto anotber Cape nameo

Aromati-cum, tobicb is noto calleo Guardafu/ftanDingfoutbeaft from Cape Verde in 14. Degrees totoaro tbe no;tbj ano he came to tbe coaft of Arabia ftanoing in id.ano iy.oegrasi ano toas fine yeeres in tbisOoiagc, befo;e be returneo backe into

Spaine. sphere be otbers tbat fay, tbat be pafleo not beyonO Jjj^jfg" Sierra Leona,but peopleD tt,anD aftertoaros Oifcouereo as far creeSe". as tbe line, tint it ftemetb be maDe a full nanigatiou, becaufe ™o agree*. be fpent fo much time in bis trauaile. at is repo;feb that

tbeinbabitantsof tbe Cape of Bona Speranca arc great toil* ctjes, anD intbanters of certaine fnakes, tobicb they b;ing to

fucb feruice,ano commanocmentjtbat tbey bape their Char* f^g?** rbes ano CburcbyarDs,garocns,o;cbaros,barnes,ano cattel

as toell from toiloe beaff s ,as from n)aues.iF 0; if tbey fa any toDoeo;tofntenoburt, tbefnake totnoes her felfe to htm 0; tbcm,bolDingtbemasp;ifoners,anotoinmanDtngberyong ones to call their matters Ontill n)ey be taken. 3f the tbaucs be many, 0; the toiloe beaftesof fo much ftrength, tbat tbey Dare not meoole toitb tbem, then tbey goe Onto tbe boufc of him toitb tobom tbey Doe hue; ano if it be to tbe night time,.


r 2 The ancient Difcoueries

tbey giue fo many ftrokes, tbatat fbelatt tbey Doeatoake

tbem,to caafe tbem to p;oatoefo; their Defence.

& certaine Italian calleo Aloifius cadamufU to;ifetb, that

bebetng in tbe otfcouerte of Guiney in tbe kingoome of

Bu-dimol lay rnthetjoufe of Bisborolbis fonnesfonne; ano lying

infyis beo he bearo a great noife ano many blotoes giuen

about tbe boufe; whereupon Bisborol rofe,ano toent oat: ano

toben be came againe, cadamufta oemanoeo of ^im



be bao been; ano be anftoerco that be bao been toitb bis Co*

b;as o; fnakes tobicb calleo bimvSn tbe Indus tbere be many

oftbefekmee offtakes, ano fome fall of potfon, tobichnot*

tottbftanoing tbe Indian people Ofe to carrie about their

necks, ano put them into f heir bofomes ano bnoer their

armes: tobicb at fome founoestbaf t^z people make will

oaunce,ano Doe Diuers things at commanDcmcnt.

Sberetoas aPortugallfbatfomttmefolD me,tbatbeyono

the Cape Of Bona Speranca totoarDS Sofala, Qiiiloa, anD

Melmdc,wbere be bao b«n,tfaere toere certaine biros,tobtcb

A S K S B * w o m 0 come

to the Black Moores at their call, ano acco;Ding

that bought


as the Moores DID remcouc, fo t^z biros tooalo Doe, from one

" S K ?

t r


t 0 aH0t6er: an0 t b e

S M*


to folloto tbem till tbey Dio

Trapeatn'da. light Obon feme tree, from tobence tbey coulo not remmue.

#no as the Negros Went Op the free tbey ftjonlo finoe ware

ano bonie thereupon, not knowing whether it gretocthere

naturally o; not. | n n)e fame countrey alfo bnoer grounD in

2lnf-boles they Dio finoe much bonie ano Ware, tobicb tbe

States oio make, being fometobat bitter. Sflpon fbe fea coaft

alfo tbey founo certaine filhes, tobicb commonly toent Op*

right in tbe toater, bautng tbe faces ano natures of toomen,

Itt^ u)e fiftjermen of tbofe places toere atquatnteo toitb.

3n fbe yeere 3 5 5 .befo;e Cb;ttt it is faio that fbe Spanyards

faileo tb;ougb tbe maine fea till tbey came Onto the flats of

India, Arabia, anD thefe coafts aotoyntng, tobereanfo n)ey

carieo Diuers marcbanoifes, toljicb traoe tbeyOfeo in great

ftnps. 0no failing to tbe noitbtoefftbey came Onto certaine

flats, tobicb toitb tbe flotoing of tbe fea toere couereb, ano

txtit^ tbe ebbc toere oifcouereo, finoing tbere many SEunnies

of great btgnes, tobere tbey commonly Ofeo to nu) tbem to

tbetr great p;ofit, becaufe tbey toere tbe firft Ontill tbat time

f bat tbey bao fane,ano toere greatly eftameo.


Menu aides. AriftotcLdemi-randisinnatura auditis. Scrabolib.a. pag.68.de Ga-dit anoram Ion-ginqaa nauiga-tione Sc ingeo-tibus nauibus.


ofthe World. IJ

SCfaeftme of Alexander Magnus, as appeerefb by fbe ages

of the too;lo, toas befo;e the comming of Chi iff ? *4.y«res:

toe all knoto that be toas bo;nein Europe: but be tranaflco

into Alia 9 Africa, anD patten through Armenia, Affyria,

Per-fia, 9 Baclria, ttanoing no;therly in 44. Degrees of latitaOc,

tobicb fo rbefartbeff countrey mlongituoe toberetn he toas

in all fats tonrneyes. ifrom thence be oefcenoeo into India be

tbe mountaines of Imaus, ano the Oalleycs of Paropanifus,

ano p;epareo a nauie in the riuer Indus,ano tberetotfb pattco

into the Ocean lea,toberebe turneo by tbe lanos of Gedrofia,

Caramania, 9 Pcriia, Onto tfae great Citie of Babylon.leantng

OneficritusanO Nearcm captaines of bis flare, which after*

toaros came Onto him by tbe ftraigbt of the Perfia n fea, ano

Op t^z riuer of Euphrates, leauingttjat countrey ano coaft


after tbts,Ptolemcy raigneokingof Egypt,tobobyfome

is reputeo to bane been baftaro fonne Onto Philip father of

tbefo;efatO Alexander tbe great. 2DI)tS Ptolemey imitating

tbefo;enameo kings Seibftrisauo Darius, maoeatrencbo;^™



oitcfj of an bano;eo ftote b;oao ano of thirty fcote Deepe, ano

teno; ttoelue leagues in length till be came to The bitcer

Welles, p;etenoing to bane bio too;ke run into t^z fea from

a month ofthe riuer Nilus, calleo Pelufium, patting noto by

the titiz Dauiiata. fflut this tying f coke none effect: fo; tbat

tbe Red fea toas thought to be higher by tb;a cubits tben t^z

Una of Egypt, tohtch tooulo b we oucrflotoeo all tbe coun>

trey,to tbe mine ano lotte thereof.

311 the yeere a77.befo;e ttje incarnation fuceaoeo




goaernment of tbekingoome one Philadel


hus,toho b;ougbt







fo paffe that ttje marcbanoifes fiboulo come out of Europe to

tbe citie of Alexandria Optoaros by t;>e riuer Niius Onto a city

nameo Coptus, ano from tbencc to be conueyeo by lano to a copti*.

haucn ftanotng Opon the Red lea calleo Myos-Hormos \ J 5 J E ?

tobabtoay toas frauaileo in tbenigbt, tbe pilots Directing** *«*&*•

themfelues by the Cars, Which were erperttntfaatp;acrtfe.

3 no becaufe Water toas feant that way, they OfeD to carrte it

tottb them fo; all the companie, till at tbe laft to auaioe that

trouble they oiggeo Oery o«?e toels,ano maoe large citterns

fin fbe receipt of laine toater, by tobicb the toay fuinifbeo

toitb that commooitie, tohtch at tbe fiiit it toanteo gt ewe in


The eaufe of-the greatnes of Alexandria. Scrabolib,i7. Strata lib. 17, P»g-5W. Pliniuslib 6. cip.aj. Plinirn lib.ii, eap.jj. Pliniuslib. a. cap. 47,

1 4 The ancient Difcoueries continnance of time to be tbemo;e freqnenteo.

ffiut Whereas the ftraigbt way Was Dangerous by reafon of flats ano iflanos, tbe afo;efaiokingPhiladclphus win) tyis armies toent ontbe fioe of Troglodytica, ano in an banen calleo Berenice caufcD n)e fhips to arrtue tobicb came out of India, being a plate of moje furetie ano leffe perill 5 from tobence tbey might eafily carrie tbe toares to tbe citie of

Coptus,anO fo to Alexandria. flnD by this meane Alexandria'.

gretofo famous anD rich, that in tbofe oaies there toas no citie ofthe toojlo comparable to it. ano to fpeakc b;iefly ano particularly of t%zabunbancc of trafficke tbere Ofeo, it is left to;itten fo; an affureo truth, tbat in tbe time of king Ptole-mey Auletes father Onto. Cleopatra, ityaloeo in cuftomcs Onto him yarly feuen millions ano an balfe of golo> although

tt}z trafficke Was not tben fcant twenty yeeres olo,by Way of

that citie.

25ut after Ujaf this p;outnceanb countrey became fubica fo t^z <£mperoursof Rome, as tbey toere greater in potoer, ano narer in couetoufnes, fo tbey enbanfeo the cuftomcs: fe that Wit bin a little time tbe citie yaloco Double tbe fo;efaioe fumme. iFo;tbetrafttkegreto feercaomg great, tbatnjey fent euery yare into India 120. fhips laoen toitb toares, tobicb began to fet faile from Myos-Hor«nos about n)e rmD= Die of 3uly,ano returnco backe agametoitbin one yare.

SCbe marcbanotfe tobicb tbey DID carrie amounteo bnto one million ttoo bunD;eo tljoufanD crotones, ano tbere toas maoein returne of euery crotone an buno;eo. 3m fo much that by reafon of tbts increafe of toealtfj t^z matrones 0; no* ble Women of tbat time ano place, fpent infinitely in Decking tbemfelues \x>itl) p;ectous ftoncs,purple,pearles mafke am* bcr,ano the like: whereof the to;tfcrs ano bifto;ians of tbat agefpeakebcry greatly.

Cornelius Ncpos, alleageoby Plinie, mafeetb repo;t of a king of Egyptjtbatraigneo in ^is time calleo Pcoicm«us La*-thyrus, from tobom one Eudoxus fieo Opon occafion, ano tbe better to auoio ano efcape biebanos bepatteD tb;oagb tbe

Arabickc gulfCj anD the fea, ail along tbe coaft of Africa anD

tbe Cape of Bona Speranca till be came bnto tbe guano of Cadiz: anD tbts nautgatton by that courfe toas to tbofe bates as often Ofeo as noto it is, if toe may giuetreoit to tbebifio'


of the World. I f

ries. taJlbicbapparetb tbe mo;emanffett by this, f6af Caius Cxfar fbe fonne of Auguftus going into Arabia oto finoe in fbe Red fea certaine pares of thofe flnps, tohtch came tbt* tberoutofSpaine. j t t o a s abfe alfo long after tbofe bates to paffe to India by lano. jFoifo oio the kings of the Soldam, ano the p;inces of Baaria,ano other famous captaines, toho frauailing tbitberano into Scytluabylano, bao the Oicwof tbofe p;ouinces ano conntreyes, fo farre till tbey came tbat way Onfo tbe * Weft, ano to n)e feas thereof on the no;tb part,wbcrcuntomanyrnarcbant0 tbenhio trauailc. Marcus

Paul'iiVcherusto;itethmuch hereof, ano although •tfyoJ^^J*™1

firft W broke ijjas taken to; a fabulous thing, yet noto there ° ts better crebit giuen Onto if, fo; tbat by the late experiences of tbe trauatlers ano marchants of thefe bates into tbofe parts, the names of tbe cotmtreyes, cities ano totones,toi!b their Situations, latitudes ano commooitics are noto founo .true, as he ano otber btttojwgrapbero of that time haue re-»o;teo.

3n tbe loo.yarc befo;e tbe incarnation it is to;tffen,tbat tbe Romanes fent an armic by fea into India againft the great Can of Cathaia, tobicb pafftngtbJOUgh the ftraigbt of Gibral-tar, ano running to the no;tbtoeft, founo right ouer againft the Cape Finiiterre ten 3ttanDs, toberein toas much tinne;

dno they may be tbofe tobicb toere calleo the Caflitcridcs,9 caflitende*; being come to j o«ocgrees of latifuoe tbey founo a * fctraigbts J J i j ^ S1 1

ano patting th;ougb it totoaros the weft, tbey arriueo in t^t *e lanwkbc Empire of India, ano fougbt toitb the king of Cathay, ano fo 5 ™ M{'

tame backe againe Onto the citie of Rome Qanbicb tbing boto* foeaer it may fame either pofftble o;not potable, trueo; not

true, yet fo 3 finoe it left to Osrcco;oeo in tbe * biflojies of wmhi/w

tbattimC. maythefebc.

3nthc i o o . yeere after the incarnation of Ch;tft tyz <£m*

peronr Traiane pjepareo an armie by fea Opon tbe riaers xjphijin,,,^ Euphrates ano Tigris, ano oepartco from tbem, ano faileo to wtamiani. tbe3flanosof Zyzara, anopattingtbe ffraight of Perfia en*

treb into the Ocean fea ano faileo totoaros India all along the coaft fill he came f o tbat place tobere Alexander bao ban, ano tbere be rake certaine tjnps tobicb came from Bengals, of tobom he learneo the ftateof that countrey.Sout becaufe he toas then in yare* ano toearie toitb his traoaile, but efpect*


1 6 The ancient Difcoueries

ally becaufe be founo tbere fmall reliefe fo;htsarmie,rjere; turneD backe.

after tbat tbe Romanes bao gotten tt,z moft part of the too;lo, tbere were in tbat age maoe many,ano notable oifto • u cries, lout tben came tbe Gorh es,M oores,ano otber barba* reus nations, aitO Dcftroieo all. ifo; in fbe yare 412. after RomctaVcn by tbe incarnation of Cb;ttt, tbey fcofce lift citie of Rome: anD theGocheS4i2. t^c yandalcs came out of Spame ano conquereo Africa.;

0nDtntbeyare45o.tbekingcalleD AtilaDettroteomany Theor^inaiiof *&** to J'a M e : at tobicb time tbe ctticof Venice began, flno

Venice«c in tbts age tbe Frankes anD Vamials entrcD info France,

3n tbe yare 474. tfae empire of Rome was loft, anD fell

from tbC Romanes to tye Gothcs.

£no after n)is came u)e Lombards into Italic, namely in fbe yare 5 60.

£llfo about tbts time tbe feet of tbe Arrians p;euaileo great' ly: ano at this timcone Mcrline of England Was famous fo;btsp;opbecics.

ruefeaof Ma- %a be fljo^t,tn njeyaretfi 1 .fpjcongtp tbe Mahumetane S o S4 0 fcrt a"0 Morifco regiment, ia^itf) by fo;ce inaaOeo both

Africa anD Spaine.

H5y all tbts it mayappare, that in tbat age allfbetoo;lD toas in an burly burly,ano all places Ocry tumultuous. 3n fo rraflkkeand m u cb tbat trafficke ano marcbanDife ccafeo: fo; no nation)

natationccafc. Durtt traoe one toitb another neither by fea no j lanomotlnng as tben rematneo tteofaft neither in monarchies no; btng- , uSi^ftf' Oomes,fignio;fes,religions, latoes,artes>fetenccs, no; naui*

gations. ^o;fo mucb as tbe reeo;os ano to;itings of fuch things DiD rcmatne, but toere all burnt ano confumeD by tlje barbarous crueltte ano Onb;ioeleo power of fbe Goches: tobo became fo couetous ano ambtttous, tbat tbey purpofeD H

of themfelues to begin a ncto too;lo,anD to rcote out theme* mo;te, anD blot out tbe knotofeogeof all otber nations be* ftoes.

iSuttbey that fuccaoeo after thefe times in fbe goaern* ment of things, percciutng tbe great ano bugeloffe, tbat the Cb;ifttan too;lD bao by tbe want of trafficke anD ceabngof nauigation, tobereby tbofecommooities ano marcbanDifes coulo not be fpent, tobicb befo;e toent o;otnarily from one nation to another by tbe Ofc of trace; to tbe enb tbat this Decay


oftheWor.U. 1 7

oecay ano loffe might be repaireo, ano fbe freafares of the Caft might be imparteh toitb the affileft, as it toas totontm the times of qutetnes ano peaceable liutng, they began to oeutfeatoayto paffe to India, tobicb toas not astfaefO;mer

toay toas by the Red (ca ano n)e rtuer Nilus,but a toay of far* tber failing 9 farther length ano ccft alfo. if 0; they b;ougbt

n)etr Ware Op tbe 1 tuer Indus, ano there Onlaoeo it, carrying f »«uf«H i.voi. it by lano though tbe countrey of Paropamfus by Carauans ° m'

tntothep;ouinceofBactria, anDthenfbtppeDit in barbs on

V}z riner Oxus, which falleth into the Caipun fea, ano fo fat- Away by the

A-leo oner that fea Onto an bauen ofthe riuer Rha nameo Citra- SjSSJfvai. can 0; Aitracao, ano fo OptoarDs in tbe faio riuer Which noto ga.a«t °»crJand is calleo Volga-, ano as it apparerb they cameo it to the citiet0

of Nouogrode in the p;oumcc of Re tan, wbtcb now bclongeth to tbe great £Duke of Moicouia, ftanotng totoaro tbeno;tb in <4.Degras of latitude: 9 n)erebence tbey franatleo ouer lano Onto the p;oninceof Samuna Onto tfae riuer Tanais,tohich is tbe oinifion of Europe from Afia5 tobere tbey againe laoco it

in barks,ano carteo it ootone tbe riuer ,tnto tbe lake Mantis,

ano to tbe citie of Caffa, tobicb to ancient time toas calico Theodofia, tobicb then bclongco to the Gcnou ais, wbo came thitber fo; thofe toares in their galliaffes 0; great flaps.

3t is alfo left tojitten, tbat the traoe tbts toay enoureo bntill the raigne of Coumiodica emperour of Armenia, tobo p;outDeDro; a better coarfe, anocommanoeo tbistrafftcke

of tbe fptces to be conueieb by tbe Cafpian fea, aim fo tb;ougb s«abo a..!,

tbe hingDome of Hibeiia,tobich noto is calleo Gcorgiana,anD from thence they entreb by the riuer Phafis, noto Phaffo,info

Pcncus Euxinus,anD fo Onto tbe city Of Trapezunda ftanOing The mane nf

in 40. ano ODDC Degrees of n'o;tberly lattruoe. ano to t b a t S ^ ' ^ place came fbtppingfo; the marcbanoifes out of Europe ano ibidem.


3t is further left reco;oco concerning this toay of traf*

fickc, tbat Nuanor Defermtneo 0; bao alreaoy begun to open £ 5 S J •'• aboue xao.mtlesof lano, W.id) lieu) betWanctbcCaipiancap.il.' fea ano Pontus Euxinus, tbat tbey migbt come ano goe by toater toitb their fptces, D;ugs, ano otber commoDitics,tbei e Ofeo. Ifiuttntbe meanc time this mifebtcfebappeneo, that

Ptolemey Ceraunos kllleDbtol, atlObyhtS DeattjH>SSWCO;*

tby ano famous enterp;ife ccafeo without eftetf.




i $ The Ancient Difiotteriet

ffiaf tfaeorhertoay being alfo at laft loffb? reawnoftbe

uSl^^b toars ofthe Turks, itpleafeo <Doo to open another way fa WZSJhoBthefe marcbanoifes from the 3flc of Samatra, tbe ctttcof A£FJL Malacca, ano tbe3flano of laua onto Bengali, ano fo

carry-tag them Op the riuer Ganges onto the «tte of Agra •, from tobence tbey traaatleo ouer lano onto anotber citie ffanbtng naretbe riuer Indus nameo Boglur, tobere they oifcbargebi bicaafetbecitieof * Cabor ftanoeth tea farre toitjnn tbe lano, being the p;incipallcitieof tbcMogorcs. jfrom thence they toent fo;toaro to the great citie of Samarcand ttanomg in the countrey of Baftria: anotbere themarcbantsor ind«,Per-fia,anb Turkic mzt, b;ingtng tbitber their feuerall eommeli; wooiien doth tits, as clotb of goto, oeluets,chamoleis, fcarlet, ano toollen pooamarehan. cio« .c 0 ^histo were earrieo to Cathay ano tbe great king*

drfcrorcathay. ^ ^ ^ china.wbercbencetheyb;oughtagainegolD,filaer,

p;ecfous ftones,pearles,filke,mufke,ano many other tbings of greatOalne,ano much rubarbc. after this tbefe marcban* •n^wavbvor. Dife,D;ngs,anD fpiceries toere carrieo in fhips Opontbeln-«ui> and Bairara dianfeaOnto tbe Creigbt of Ormus, ano to tbe riuers bu-w ^, e p p* p h r a t e s ano Tigris-, ano toere Onlaoenin tbecttieof Balfara

ftanoinginji.oegrastotoaros theno;tb, anofromthence tbey toere cartco ouer lano Onto tbe cities of AleP

po,Damaf-cus,ano Barutti ftanoing on tbe fame fioc in 3 5 .oegras: Stab fberefheVeuetian galltes 0; galliaffes, tobicb tranjpo;te» pilgrims info the holy lano,came ano recetaeo of thofe gaM.

3n the yare 115 3. to ttje time Of Fred e ricke Barbarcffa tt

tsto;iften tbatthereeame fo Lubee a citie of Germanic one Canoa toitb certaine Indians, UkeOnto a long barge; tohtch fameo to bane come from tbecoaft of Baccalaos, tobicb Jan* oetb to tbe fame Iatttuoe tbat Germame ootb: SCO* Q « -maincs greatly toconoereo f 0 fee fucrj a barge,anO fuch people, not knototng from tobence tbey came, no; bnoerftanomg their fpach, efpecially becaufe tbere toas tbennoknotoleDge of tbat countrey, as noto there i s : it may be crebible tbat though the boate toas fmallinrefpertof thofe huge feas, yet fhetoinoeanotoater mightb;ingtbem tbitber: as we few thefe oar Dates, that the aimaoie tobicb fa but a fmall boate commetb nottoitbftanoingfromQuiloa, Mofambique, anD Sofala to the 3flanoof S.Helena,beinga fmaU foot of lano


ofthe World. 19


3 " tbe yeere 13 00. after the comming of Ch;iff the great ronanic* Soldan of Cayro commanoeo that the fpiceries ano o;ugs,Afn<anw

-ano marcb-anoifes of India fljoulo be carrieo though tbe

Red fea, as it toas Ofeo befo;e: at tobicb time they Onlaoeo j*wrwi.w». on fbe Arabian floe, attbebaaenof luda, ano carrieo tbem J7J'

Onto tbe boufe at Mecca, ano the carriers of it toere the ptl* grtms. &o that each lattice OfeQ a cuttome to augment tbe honour, ano increafe tbe p;ofiteorhfa countrey. ano thefe Soldans bao fpectatt regaroc to Cayro, from tobence t^z toares toere carrieo Onto the countreyes of Egypt, Lybia,

Africa, the ktngOomeS Of Tuncz, Trcmefl'en, Fez, Marocco,

Suz: ano fome of it toas carrieo beyono tbe mountaines of

Atlas Onto the citie of Tombuto,ano tbe ktngoomc of tbe Ialo- Tombuto-pbos; Ontill aftcrtoaros that tbe Portugals DID b;tngit about

tbC Cape Of Bona Speranca Onto tbe Cttte of Lisbon c, asm

place conucnient toeparpofe to fbeto mo;e at large.

3n tbe yeere 1344. king Peter tbe fourth of that name reigning in Arragon, the Cb;ontcles of bis time repo;t, that one Don Luis of Ccrda, fonne Onto the fonne of Don iohn of Cerda, craueo aioe of him to goe ano to conquers the3fles of

tbe Canaries, ftanoing in a 8. Degrees of latituoe to the no;th, The can** becaufe they toere giuen Onto him by pope-clement tbe firt,Mands

tohtch toas a French man. SCtbereby in tbofe Dates tbere grcto aknotoleogeof tbofe 3fianos to all Europe, ano fpeci* ally in Spaine: fo; fach great p;inces tooulo not begin no; entcrp;ife things of fiich moment without great certaintie.

aboutthfa time alfo the Jflano of Madera toas oifcouereo The vun.: <* by art Englifh man calico Machaoi: tobo failing outofEng- %£££**£ land into Spaine,totth a Woman of bis,toas 0;tuen out of his dumm 1 ^ Direct courft by a tempeft,anO aritueo in that 3flano,anD cafth{hmta

-his anker in thathauen, tobicb noto is calleo Machico after the name of Macharo. ano btcaufe bio louer toas then fea-ficke,fae there toent on lano toitb fome of bis com panic, ano in tbe meane time his fijtp toeyeo ano pat to fea, leauing him there: Whereupon bis louer fo; tbought oieo.Macha m,whicb greatly loueo her, built in the jflanoa tbappell 0; hermitage f 0 burie ber in, calling it by the nameof Ictus chap pell: ano to;oteo; graueo Opon the ftone of hertcmbe bio name ano hers,ano n)eotcafion tobereupontjjcy arriueotherc. after


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