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Arq. NeuroPsiquiatr. vol.62 número4


Academic year: 2018

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1118 Arq Neuropsiquiat r 2004;62(4)




* Ef eit o do t rat ament o in vit ro e in vivo do monot erpeno álcool perílico no cresciment o e cont role da expressão gênica no glioma de alt o grau (Resumo). Dissert ação de M est rado, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Área: Neurologia). Orient adores: Abelardo de Queiroz-Campos Araújo; Thereza Quírico-Sant os

* * Address: Avenida Canal de M arapendi 1600 / 1303, 22631-050 Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brasil.

Introduction. Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE)

is t he most f requent subt ype of t emporal epilepsy.

There is some evidence t hat mesial t emporal st

ruc-t ures oruc-t her ruc-t han ruc-t he hippocampus parruc-t iciparuc-t e in

seizure generat ion. In part icular, an increasing

num-ber of st udies demonst rat e t he involvement of t he

ent orhinal cort ex (EC) in t he TLE pat hogenesis.

Object ive. The role of t he EC in human M TLE

sei-zures genesis has rarely been directly studied. This study

aimed at det ermining t he respect ive role of t he EC

and ot her t emporal lobe st ruct ures in t he genesis of

M TLE seizures.

Method. Twenty seizures from 11 patients

present-ing w it h M TLE w ere analyzed. In addit ion t o visual

analysis of int racerebral recordings, a non-linear

measure of signal int erdependencies w as used t o

evaluat e t he f unct ional couplings occurring bet w een

t emporal lobe regions during seizures. Seizures w ere

classif ied according t o t w o f requent pat t erns of M TLE

seizure onset . The f irst pat t ern w as t he emergence

of a low -f requency, high-amplit ude rhyt hmic spiking

f ollow ed by a t onic discharge. The second pat t ern of

seizure onset w as t he emergence of a t onic discharge

in t he mesial st ruct ures.

Result s. The f irst pat t ern w as charact erized by an

init ial synchronizat ion bet w een mesial st ruct ures and

part icularly bet w een amygdala (A) and

hippocam-pus(H). Result s st rongly suggest ed t hat t he act ivit y of

t he EC w as secondarily t riggered by t he

hippocam-pus or in some cases t he amygdala. In pat t ern 2

seizures, t he t onic discharge af f ect ed simult

aneous-ly t he amygdala, t he hippocampus end t he ent

orhi-nal cort ex. These seizures appeared t o be init iat ed by

int eract ions bet w een t he EC and one of t he ot her

mesial st ruct ures (amygdala or hippocampus). The

ent orhinal cort ex w as f ound t o play a leader role

sug-gest ing t hat it is involved in t he init iat ion of t he ict al


Conclusion. The ent orhinal cort ex is involved in

M TLE seizure generat ion in dif f erent w ays. It

appe-ars t o be a key st ruct ure in seizures t hat st art w it h

rapid discharges arising f rom mesial st ruct ures.

KEY WORDS: mesial t emporal lobe epilepsy,

ent orhinal cort ex, elect roencephalography.

and A172 cells. Furt hermore, previous in vit ro t reat

-ment of glioblast oma cells w it h 0.3% v/v and 0.03%

v/v POH show ed inhibit ion of cell migrat ion and ant

i-met ast at ic act ivit y in t he in vivo model of t he chick

embryo w it h C6 cell line.

Such result s indicat e t he chemot herapeut ic

ac-t ion of POH by promoac-t ing cyac-t oac-t oxiciac-t y and arresac-t ing

migrat ion of murine and human glioblast oma cell


KEY WORDS: glioblast oma chemot herapy, t

er-penes t herapeut ic use, gene expression, rat , in vit ro,

neovascularizat ion.

* Part icipação do córt ex ent orrinal na epilepsia do lobo t emporal mesial humana (Resumo). Dissert ação de M est rado, Universit é D`Aix-M arseille I, CHU Timone, INSERM EM I9926. Orient ador: Fabrice Bart olomei.


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