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Postgraduate Programs of International Quality Offered by Brazilian Universities


Academic year: 2021

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Postgraduate Programs of International Quality

Offered by Brazilian Universities

CAPES - Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education

CAPES - Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education

Postgraduate Programs of International Quality

Offered by Brazilian Universities


Postgraduate Programs of International Quality Offered by Brazilian Universities

The scientifically orientated masters and doctorate

courses are designed to provide, within the university,

the appropriate environment and resources to develop

independent scientific research.

Postgraduate Programs of Excellence

All postgraduate programs in Brazil are evaluated

every four years by the Brazilian Federal Agency for

Post-graduate Education (CAPES), in partnership with

the academic and scientific community. Those that

receive a score of 6 or 7 are considered of excellent

quality at both national and international level. In

practice, this means scientific production with strong

insertion in the upper strata of scientific journals

(status granted to publications acknowledged for

their excellence by the scientific community), national

and international awards, exchange of researchers and

professors between leading institutions in their areas

of knowledge, internationalization of their research

projects, faculty with a high level of education

and experience, a structure designed to meet

research demands, including international standard

infrastructure and a high degree of social insertion.

There are 3678 postgraduate programs (Masters and

Doctorade) in Brazil of which 416 received maximum


Ensuring cultural richness and diversity, the excellence

programs graded 6 and 7 are present in all regions of

the country (Figure 01) and all areas of knowledge,

from art to biotechnology, from astronomy to

administration, from economy to medicine, from

environmental sciences to engineering. This diversity

means that the student looking for a stricto sensu

postgraduate program in Brazil can easily identify the

area in which he/she wishes to deepen their knowledge

and contribute to the construction of Science.

Worldwide ranking of scientific production shows

Brazil in 13th position since 2008

¹ . This improvement

in Brazilian science is seen not only in terms of the

quantity of papers published in peer reviewed journals

but also in quality with Brazilian research being

published in journals such as Nature, PNAS, Science,

among others, in all fields of research. The advance in

science recorded in recent years has contributed to

an increased demand by international students and

researchers for postgraduate qualifications as well as

integration with Brazilian research groups and network

creation on an international level. Brazil also shows a

diverse ethnic, cultural and environmental background,

which offers additional attractions for foreign students

and researchers.

The development of quality education, available to the

whole population, has been a priority in Brazil over the

last two decades. This can be seen in the publication

Education at a Glance 2015, by the Organization for

Economic Cooperation and development (OCDE)


where, among the 38 countries evaluated in 2012,

Mexico, New Zealand and Brazil were at the top of

the list in terms of proportion of the GDP devoted to

education. The consequences of this can be seen at all

levels of the education system, from primary schools to

post-graduate studies in world renowned universities.

The National Postgraduate System involves the

offer of masters and doctorates in higher education

institutions in all regions of the country. All courses

in this system are routinely evaluated to ensure the

quality of the courses on offer. This guarantees: the

training of teachers and lecturers for all levels of the

education system; training of highly qualified human

resources for the non-academic market; strengthening

of the scientific, technological and innovation (S,T&I)

bases of the country; production of knowledge

attuned to the advances in S,T&I; all associated with

internationalization of higher education and research.

Source: geocapes.capes.gov.br

FIGURE 01: Geographical distribution of Excellence (Grades 6 and 7 as classified by CAPES evaluation system) Grade Brazilian Post-graduate programs in 2015

Capes building in Brasília - DF 1. Fonte: ISI - Institute for Scientific Information. National Science Indicators, USA. Base deluxe - SCI (2009).


There are a number of incentives for the foreign student

who intends to expand his/her knowledge through the

Brazilian postgraduate system:

• Tuition waiver: 91% of postgraduate courses with

scores 6 and 7 are offered by public universities,

funded by Federal and state governments,

guaranteeing the gratuity of courses to masters

and doctorate students;

• Availability of scholarships: besides tuition waivers,

foreign students in Brazil can also apply for financial

aid to assist in daily expenses and research while

fully dedicated to the courses in which they are


• Receptivity: Brazil is known as one of the world´s

friendliest countries, both in the work environment

within universities as in society, in general. This

not only facilitates the exploration of academic

opportunities for students of any nationality, but

also allows them to easily enjoy local culture;

• Availability of subjects in English: CAPES, as well

as educational institutions, have been working

together to provide a higher number of courses

with subjects taught in English to ensure content

accessibility for those who do not speak Portuguese.

• These options, combined with all actions steered

by CAPES, result in ample opportunities for the

foreign student. Programs of excellence together

with government and social support make Brazil

a great choice for students worldwide who wish

to expand their borders and be scientifically and

culturally enriched.

The student selection process for masters and PhD

studies in Brazil is carried out by the individual

Post-Graduate Program (see websites at the end of this

document). These publish the opportunity framework

for the different lines of research once or twice a

own selection notice, where the requirements for the

application are listed.

What is CAPES?

The Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and

Assessment of Post-graduate Education (CAPES) was

founded in 1951 to ensure the availability of qualified

personnel in sufficient quantity and quality to meet the

country’s needs. Since then, CAPES has played a key

role in the expansion and consolidation of the national

postgraduate system in all states of the Brazilian


CAPES´ Scientific

Information Gateway


This is a virtual library which makes

international information available at

no cost to Brazilian scientists from

their desk-top computer, including

more than 38 thousand full text

journals, 126 reference and 11 patent

bases, as well as books, encyclopedias,

reference works, technical norms,

statistics and audiovisual content.

The gateway CAPES periodicals has

had a significant impact on Brazilian

science by making important journals

available to university lecturers and

students at no cost as soon as they

are published, leading to over 50

million accesses per year. This means

immediate access to up-to-date

information and ground breaking

research abroad is readily available

to the Brazilian scientific community.

Photo: Portal de Periódicos

CAPES’ activities can be grouped into the following

lines of action, each developed by a structured set of

programs: assessment of the national stricto sensu

postgraduate system; access and dissemination of

scientific production; investments in high-level training

of human resources both nationally and abroad;

promotion of international scientific cooperation;

induction and development of initial and continued

training for basic education teachers in both classroom

and distance formats.

As a Funding Institution for Brazilian Science, CAPES

depends on all professors, researchers and advisors in

post-graduate programs to guarantee the procedures

for evaluating the quality of research and training of the

necessary human resources for Brazilian development.


Organized by Brazilian Regions

Postgraduate Programs of International Quality

Offered by Brazilian Universities

Organized by Brazilian Regions


Northern Region

States Acre - AC Amapá - AP Amazonas - AM Pará - PA Rondônia - RO Roraima - RR Tocantins - TO

Capes evaluation fields

Name of program


Name of institution


Biodiversity Ecology http://pgeco.inpa.gov.br

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA

National Institute of Amazonian Research


Biological Sciences Genetics and Molecular Biology http://www.lghm.ufpa.br/ppgbm

Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA Federal University of Pará


Geosciences Geology and Geochemistry http://www.ufpa.br/ppgg

Northeastern Region

States Alagoas - AL Bahia - BA Ceará - CE Maranhão - MA Paraíba - PB Pernambuco - PE Piauí - PI

Rio Grande do Norte - RN Sergipe - SE

Capes evaluation fields

Name of program


Name of institution


Biodiversity Ecology and Biomonitoring http://www.ecologia.ufba.br

Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA Federal University of Bahia


Medicine Human Pathology http://www.pgpat.ufba.br

Arts/Music Performing Arts http://www.ppgac.tea.ufba.br

Public Health Public Health http://www.isc.ufba.br

Engineering Civil Engineering (Water Re-sources) http://www.posdeha.ufc.br

Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC Federal University of Ceará


Mathematics/Probability and Statistics Mathematics http://www.mat.ufc.br

Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC Federal University of Ceará


Medicine Medical Sciences http://www.ppgcm.ufc.br

Biological Sciences Pharmacology http://www.ppgfarmacologia.ufc.br

Astronomy/Physics Physics http://www.fisica.ufc.br/portalfisica/index.php/em

Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Sciences http://www.uece.br/ppgcv

Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE State University of Ceara


Social Work Public Policies http://www.pppg.ufma.br/index.php?content=page&group=57

Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA Federal University of Maranhão


Pharmacy Natural Products and Synthe-tic Bioactive http://sistemas.ufpb.br/sigaa/public/programa/noti-cias.jsf?lc=en_US&id=1882

Universidade Federal da Paraíba/Joao Pessoa - UFPB

Federal University of Paraiba


Engineering Electrical Engineering https://sites.google.com/a/dee.ufcg.edu.br/pos--graduacao

Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG

Federal University of Campina Grande


Chemistry Chemistry http://www.dqf.ufpe.br/index.php?option=com_conte


Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE Federal University of Pernambuco


Computer Science Computer Science http://www2.cin.ufpe.br/site/secao.php?s=3&c=117

Nutrition Nutrition http://www.posnutri.ufpe.br

Astronomy/Physics Physics http://www.ufpe.br/ppgfisica

Biodiversity Plant Biology http://www.ppgbv.com.br/

Political Science and International

Rela-tions Political Science http://www.ufpe.br/politica

Engineering Production Engineering http://www.ufpe.br/ppgep

Social Work Social Work http://www.ufpe.br/pssocial

Material Science - Engineering Material Science and Engine-ering http://www.posgraduacao.ufrn.br/ppgcem Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN

Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte


Astronomy/Physics Physics http://www.dfte.ufrn.br/ppgf


Midwestern Region


Distrito Federal - DF Goiás - GO Mato Grosso - MT Mato Grosso do Sul - MS

Capes evaluation fields

Name of program


Name of institution


Anthropology/Archeology Anthropology http://www.dan.unb.br/pos-graduacao

Universidade de Brasília - UnB

University of Brasília DF

Biodiversity Ecology http://www.pgeclunb.net.br

Biological Sciences Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology) http://www.unb.br/ib/cel/pg

Economy Economics http://economia.unb.br/pos-graduacao-e-pesquisa

Geotechnics Geotechnics http://www.geotecnia.unb.br/pos-graduacao.php?id=4

Environmental Sciences Sustainable development


Geosciences Geology http://www.igd.unb.br/pos-graduacao-pos-geologia

Law Law http://www.fd.unb.br/pt/pos-graduacao

Mathematics/Probability and Statitics Mathematics http://www.mat.unb.br/pagina/pos-sobre

Political Sciences and International

Relations International Relations https://irel.unb.br/ensino-e-pesquisa/pos-graduacao/

Social Work Social Policy http://www.politicasocial.unb.br

Sociology Sociology http://www.sol.unb.br/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=10&Itemid=7

Biodiversity Ecology and Evolution http://www.ecoevol.ufg.br/ Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG

Federal University of Goiás



Southeastern Region

States Espírito Santo - ES Minas Gerais - MG Rio de Janeiro - RJ São Paulo - SP

Capes evaluation fields

Name of program


Name of Institution


Astronomy/Physics Physics http://portal.cbpf.br/pos-graduacao

Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas - CBPF Brazilian Center For Research In Physics


Mathematics/Probability and Statistics Mathematics http://www.impa.br/opencms/pt/ensino/doutorado/index.html

Associação Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura E Aplicada - IMPA

National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics


Medicine Health Sciences http://www.cpqrr.fiocruz.br/pg/pesquisa/grupos-de-pesquisa/19-2/

Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou/FIOCRUZ - CPQRR

The René Rachou Research Center/Fiocruz MG

Philosophy/Theology Theology http://www.faculdadejesuita.edu.br/index.php? pagina=grupo_conteudo&tela=149&subtela=

Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia E Teologia - FAJE

Jesuit School of Philosophy and Theology

MG Administration, Accounting

Sciences and Tourism Business Administration http://portal.fgv.br/en/graduate-in-brazil Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV-SP

Getúlio Vargas Foundation


Economy Economy http://portal.fgv.br/en/graduate-in-brazil

Administration, Accounting

Sciences and Tourism Administration http://pos-adm.fgv.br/ Fundação Getúlio Vargas/RJ - FGV-RJ

Getúlio Vargas Foundation


Economy Economy http://www.epge.fgv.br/pt/pos-graduacao/doutorado-mestrado/descricao

Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology http://portal.fiocruz.br/pt-br/content/biologia-celular-e-molecular-0

Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz - Fiocruz- RJ Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

RJ Biological Sciences Parasite Biology http://portal.fiocruz.br/pt-br/content/biologia-parasit%C3%A1ria-0

Medicine Clinical Infectious Diseases

https://portal.fiocruz.br/pt-br/content/ doutorado-em-pesquisa-cl%C3%ADnica-em-doen%C3%A7as-infecciosas


Public Health Public Health and Environment http://portal.fiocruz.br/pt-br/content/doutorado-em-sa%C3%BAde-p%C3%BAblica-e-meio-ambiente Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz - FIOCRUZ- RJ Oswaldo Cruz Foundation


Public Health Public Health https://portal.fiocruz.br/pt-br/content/


Astronomy/Physics Physics http://www.ift.unesp.br/en/#!/pos-graduacao

Instituto de Física Teórica/UNESP Institute For Theoretical Physics/UNESP


Medicine Oncology http://www2.inca.gov.br/wps/wcm/connect/ensino-pesquisa/site/home/ensino/stricto-sensu

Instituto Nacional de Câncer - INCA National Institute of Cancer


Geosciences Meteorology http://www.inpe.br/pos_graduacao/cursos/met/ Instituto Nacional de

Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE National Institute For Space Research


Geosciences Space Geophysics http://www.inpe.br/pos_graduacao/cursos/geo/

Geosciences Remote Sensing http://www.inpe.br/pos_graduacao/cursos/ser/

Interdisciplinary Computational Modeling http://www.lncc.br

Laboratório Nacional de Computação Ciêntífica - INCC

National Laboratory of Cientific Computation


Law Law http://www.pucminas.br/posdireito

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais - PUC-MINAS Catholic University of Minas Gerais


Education Psychology Education http://www.pucsp.br/pos/ped Pontifícia Universidade Católica

de São Paulo - PUC - SP Catholic University of São Paulo

SP Social Work Social Work http://www.pucsp.br/pos-graduacao/mestrado-e-doutorado/servico-social

Engineering Mechanical Engineering http://www.mec.puc-rio.br/?pag=pos_apresentacao

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC - RJ

Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro


Computer Science Informatics http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/?page_id=315

Education Education http://www.edu.puc-rio.br/pos_graduacao.shtml

Astronomy/Physics Physics http://www.fis.puc-rio.br/pginformacoes.php

Economy Economics http://www.econ.puc-rio.br/index.


Engineering Civil Engineering http://www.civ.puc-rio.br/en/posgraduacao.php

Engineering Electrical Engineering http://www.ele.puc-rio.br/pos_

apresentacao.php?pageSet=15 Political Science and

International Relations International Relations http://www.iri.puc-rio.br/en.php/graduates

Mathematics/Probability and Statistics Mathematics http://www.mat.puc-rio.br/english/posgraduacao.htm

Agricultural Sciences Nuclear Energy or Agriculture

http://www.prpg.usp.br/index.php/pt-br/ faca-pos-na-usp/programas-de-pos-graduacao/622-ciencias-cena-port

Univ. de São Paulo/Centro de Energ. Nucl. Agricultura - USP - CENA - ESALQ University of São Paulo/ Nuclear Energy In Agriculture Center


Agricultural Sciences Crop Science http://www.en.esalq.usp.br/graduate/programs/crop-science

Univ.de São Paulo/Escola Sup. de Agricultura - USP - ESALQ

University of São Paulo/Luiz de Queiroz Superior School of Agriculture


Agricultural Sciences Entomology http://www.en.esalq.usp.br/graduate/programs/entomology

Agricultural Sciences Genetics and Plant Breeding http://www.en.esalq.usp.br/graduate/


Agricultural Sciences Plant Pathology http://www.en.esalq.usp.br/graduate/


Agricultural Sciences Soil and Plant Nutrition http://www.en.esalq.usp.br/graduate/programs/soil-and-plant-nutrition Environmental Sciences Applied Ecology http://www.en.esalq.usp.br/graduate/programs/applied-ecology Animal Science/Fishing Resources Animal Science and Pastures http://www.en.esalq.usp.br/graduate/programs/animal-science-and-pastures Administration, Accounting

Sciences and Tourism Administration http://prpg.usp.br/ppg.afea

Universidade de São Paulo - USP

University of São Paulo SP

Administration, Accounting

Sciences and Tourism Controllership and Accounting https://www.fea.usp.br/contabilidade/pos-graduacao

Anthropology/Archeology Social Anthropology http://pos.fflch.usp.br/taxonomy/term/8

Arts/Music Performing Arts http://www3.eca.usp.br/en/pos/ppgac/graduate-program-drama-ppgac-usp

Arts/Music Visual Arts http://www3.eca.usp.br/en/pos/ppgav/


Astronomy/Physics Astronomy http://www.iag.usp.br/pos/astronomia/english/about

Astronomy/Physics Physics http://portal.if.usp.br/pg/en

Biodiversity Biological Sciences (Botany) http://felix.ib.usp.br/posbotanica

Biodiversity Ecology http://ecologia.ib.usp.br/pos

Biodiversity Zoology http://www.ib.usp.br/zoologia/poszoologia/

Biological Sciences Genetics and

Evolutionary Biology http://www.ib.usp.br/en/presentation.html

Biological Sciences Human Physiology http://fisio.icb.usp.br:4882/ingw/

Biological Sciences Biochemistry http://rbi.fmrp.usp.br/pgbq/Html/English.html

Biological Sciences Biological Sciences (Microbiology) http://www.icb.usp.br/bmm/pos

Biological Sciences Biology of Host-Pathogen Interactions http://www.icb.usp.br/~bmpsite/eng/

Biological Sciences Immunology http://www5.icb.usp.br/corpoeditorial/trans-ing/

Chemistry Chemistry http://www3.iq.usp.br/paginas_view.php?idPagina=37

Computer Science Computer Science http://www.ime.usp.br/en/dcc/graduate


Education Education http://www4.fe.usp.br/en/international/home

Universidade de São Paulo - USP University of São Paulo


Engineering Chemical Engineering http://sites.poli.usp.br/pqi/pos

Engineering Nuclear Technology http://www.ipen.br

Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Engineering http://www.pmt.usp.br/POSTGRAD/index.htm

Engineering Mechanical Engineering http://ppgem.poli.usp.br

Engineering Electrical Engineering http://www.ppgee.poli.usp.br

Environmental Sciences Environmental Science http://prpg.usp.br/procam

Food Science Food Science http://www.fcf.usp.br/pos-graduacao/programa-pos.php?programa=1

Geography Human Geography http://prpg.usp.br/posgf

Geosciences Geophysics http://www.iag.usp.br/pos/node/102

Geosciences Oceanography http://www.io.usp.br/index.php/pos-graduacao/programa-de-pos-graduacao/apresentacao-pg

Geosciences Atmospheric Sciences http://www.iag.usp.br/pos/node/102

Geosciences Geochemistry and Geotectonics http://www.igc.usp.br/index.php?id=gg

History Social History http://historia.fflch.usp.br/posgraduacao/hs

Law Law http://www.direito.usp.br

Letters/Linguistics Brazilian Literature http://literaturabrasileira.fflch.usp.br/node/29

Letters/Linguistics Linguistic http://linguistica.fflch.usp.br/node/189

Mathematics/Probability and Statistics Mathematics https://www.ime.usp.br/en/math/graduate

Mathematics/Probability and Statistics Statistics https://www.ime.usp.br/en/graduate

Medicine Nephrology http://prpg.usp.br/ppgnefro

Medicine Pneumology http://www.pgpneumologia-en.incor.usp.br

Medicine Medical Science http://www.emergenciasclinicashcfmusp.com.


Medicine Allergy and Immunopathology http://www.alergiaeimunopatologia.com.br

Medicine Pathology http://www.rpm.fmrp.usp.br/pg/processo.html

Medicine Psychiatry http://www.psiquiatriafmusp.org.br/pg

Medicine Urology https://urousp.hc.fm.usp.br/posgraduacao/ingles/default.aspx

Nursing Nursing http://www.eerp.usp.br/fundamental-nursing-home/

Nursing Adult Health Nursing http://sites.usp.br/ee/

Pharmacy Biochemical-Pharmaceutical Technology http://www.fcf.usp.br/pos-graduacao/

Pharmacy Clinical Chemistry http://www.fcf.usp.br/pos-graduacao


Physical Education Physical Education and SPort http://www.usp.br/eef/en/

Universidade de São Paulo - USP University of São Paulo

SP Political Science and

International Relations Political Science http://www.fflch.usp.br/dcp

Psychology Experimental Psychology www.ip.usp.br/posg/pse/

Public Health Nutrition and Public Health http://www.fsp.usp.br/pos/en/

Public Health Public Health http://www.fsp.usp.br/pos/en/

Public Health Preventive Medicine http://www.fm.usp.br/preventiva

Sociology Sociology http://sociologia.fflch.usp.br/pos

Veterinary Medicine Experimental and

Comparative Pathology http://patologia.vet.br

Veterinary Medicine Preventive Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health http://www.posepidemiovps.fmvz.usp.br Veterinary Medicine Anatomy of domestic and Wild Animals http://posanato.vet.br/index.php

Biodiversity Entomology http://pgentomologia.ffclrp.usp.br

Universidade de São Paulo/Ribeirão Preto - USP - Ribeirão Preto

University of São Paulo/Ribeirão Preto


Biological Sciences Biological Sciences (Genetics) http://rge.fmrp.usp.br/pgnovo/index.php?lang=en-US

Biological Sciences Cell and Molecular Biology http://rbp.fmrp.usp.br/?q=en

Biological Sciences Physiology http://rfi.fmrp.usp.br/pg/fisio

Biological Sciences Biological Sciences (Pharmacology) http://rfa.fmrp.usp.br/Html/PosGraduacao/index.htm

Biological Sciences Basic and Applied Immunology http://iba.fmrp.usp.br/?q=en

Chemistry Chemistry http://prpg.usp.br/quimica-rp/

Medicine Child and Adolescent Health http://rpp.fmrp.usp.br/pg/index.php/us/

Medicine Medicine (Mental Health) http://pgsm.fmrp.usp.br/?lang=en

Medicine Medicine (Neurology) http://prpg.usp.br/neurorp

Nursing Public Health Nursing http://www.eerp.usp.br/ph-nursing-home/

Nursing Fundamental Nursing http://www.eerp.usp.br/fundamental-nursing-home/

Odontology Pediatric dentistry http://prpg.usp.br/ppgodontopediatria

Pharmacy Toxicology http://www.fcf.usp.br/pos-graduacao/programa-pos.php?programa=5

Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences http://fcfrp.usp.br/pg/pcf/

Psychology Psychobiology http://prpg.usp.br/pgpsicobiologia

Astronomy/Physics Physics http://www.ifsc.usp.br/posgraduacao/

Universidade de São Paulo/São Carlos - USP - São Carlos

University of São Paulo/São Carlos


Chemistry Chemistry http://spgr.iqsc.usp.br/

Computer Science Computer and Mathematical Sciences http://www.icmc.usp.br/Portal/conteudoDinamico.php?id_menu=243


Engineering Hydraulic and Sanitary

Engineering http://www1.eesc.usp.br/ppgshs/

Universidade de São Paulo/São Carlos - USP - São Carlos

University of São Paulo/São Carlos


Engineering Mechanical Engineering http://www1.eesc.usp.br/ppgem/

Engineering Electrical Engineering http://www.sel.eesc.usp.br/

Mathematics/Probability and Statistics Mathematics http://www.icmc.usp.br/Portal/conteudoDinamico.php?id_menu=237

Chemistry Chemistry http://www.iq.unesp.br/#!/pos-graduacao/chemistry/

Universidade Est.Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho/Araraquara - UNESP - Araraquara State University of São Paulo/Araraquara

SP Letters/Linguistics Linguistics and Portuguese Language http://master.fclar.unesp.br/#!/pos-graduacao/stricto-sensu/linguistica-e-lingua-portuguesa/apresentacao/

Odontology Odontology

http://www.foar.unesp.br/index.php#!/ pos-graduacao/lato-sensu/programas-de-pos-graduacao/odontologia/

Pharmacy Bioscience and Biotechnology Applied to Pharmacy http://www2.fcfar.unesp.br/pos-graduacao/biociencias-e-biotecnologias-aplicadas-a-farmacia/

Material Science - Engineering Science and Technology of Materials http://www.fc.unesp.br/posmat Universidade Est.Paulista Júlio de Mesquita

Filho/Bauru - UNESP - Bauru State University of São Paulo/Bauru

SP Teaching Science Education http://www.fc.unesp.br/#!/pos-graduacao/mestrado-doutorado/educacao-para-a-ciencia/

Biological Sciences Biological Sciences (Genetics) http://www.ibb.unesp.br Universidade Est.Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho/Botucatu - UNESP - Botucatu State University of São Paulo/Botucatu


Animal Science/Fishing Resources Animal Science http://www.fmvz.unesp.br/pos-graduacao/zootecnia

Engineering Electrical Engineering http://www.ppgee.feis.unesp.br

Universidade Est.Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho/Ilha Solteira - UNESP - Ilha Solteira State University of São Paulo/Ilha Solteira


Agricultural Sciences Agronomy (Crop Production)

http://www.fcav.unesp.br/#!/pos- graduacao/programas-pg/agronomia-producao-vegetal/processo-seletivo

Universidade Est.Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho/Jaboticabal - UNESP - Jaboticabal State University of São Paulo/Jaboticabal


Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine http://www.fcav.unesp.br

Animal Science/Fishing Resources Animal Science http://www.fmvz.unesp.br

Applied Social Sciences Information Science http://www.marilia.unesp.br/posci

Universidade Est.Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho/Marilia - UNESP - Marília

State University of São Paulo/Marília


Geography Geography http://www.rc.unesp.br/igce/geografia/pos

Universidade Est.Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho/Pr.Prudente - UNESP - Presidente Prudente

State University of São Paulo/Pr. Prudente


Teaching Mathematics Education http://www.rc.unesp.br/igce/pgem/new/index.php

Universidade Est.Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho/Rio Claro - UNESP - Rio Claro State University of São Paulo/Rio Claro


Physical Education Movement Sciences http://repositorio.unesp.br/handle/11449/77054?locale-attribute=em

Universidade Est.Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho/Rio Claro - UNESP - Rio Claro State University of São Paulo/Rio Claro


Biodiversity Animal Biology

http://www.ibilce.unesp.br/#!/pos-graduacao/programas-de-pos-graduacao/ biologia-animal/apresentacao/

Universidade Est.Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho/Sjr. Preto - UNESP - Rio Preto State University of São Paulo/Sjr. Preto


Anthropology/Archeology Social Anthropology http://www.ifch.unicamp.br/pos/antropologia

Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP State University of Campinas


Astronomy/Physics Physics http://portal.ifi.unicamp.br/pos-graduacao

Biodiversity Plant Biology http://www.ib.unicamp.br/pos_vegetal/front-page

Biodiversity Ecology http://www.ib.unicamp.br/pos_ecologia/front-page

Biological Sciences Cellular and Structural Biology http://www.ib.unicamp.br/pos_celular/front-page

Biological Sciences Genetics and Molecular Biology http://www.ib.unicamp.br/pos_genetica_molec

Biological Sciences Functional and Molecular Biology http://www.ib.unicamp.br/pos_bfm/front-page

Chemistry Chemistry http://www.iqm.unicamp.br/posgraduacao

Computer Science Computer Science http://www.ic.unicamp.br/pos

Economy Economic Science http://www3.eco.unicamp.br/posgraduacao/id/86-artigos/146-doutorado.html

Engineering Chemical Engineering http://www.feq.unicamp.br/posgraduacao

Engineering Mechanical Engineering http://www.fem.unicamp.br/~hpcpg/mostrar.php? n=index&dep=engenharia_mecanica

Engineering Electrical Engineering http://www.fee.unicamp.br/cpg

Food Science Food Technology https://www.fea.unicamp.br/posgraduacao/?q=content/food-technology-0

Food Science Food Engineering http://www.fea.unicamp.br

Food Science Food Science http://www.fea.unicamp.br

Geosciences Geosciences http://www.ige.unicamp.br/pos-graduacao

History History http://www.ifch.unicamp.br/pos/historia

Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Policy http://www.ige.unicamp.br/pos-graduacao/politica-cientifica-e-tecnologica

Letters/Linguistics Applied Linguistics http://www.iel.unicamp.br

Letters/Linguistics Linguistics http://www.iel.unicamp.br/pos/index.php?item=1

Letters/Linguistics Literary Theory and History http://www.iel.unicamp.br/pos/catalogoTL.php

Mathematics/Probability and Statistics Applied Mathematics http://www.ime.unicamp.br/posgrad/matapl/

programa-de-pos-graduacao-em-matematica-aplicada Mathematics/Probability and Statistics Mathematics http://www.ime.unicamp.br/posgrad/index.php? menuh=matematica


Medicine Medical Pathophysiology http://www.fcm.unicamp.br/fcm/em

Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP State University of Campinas

SP Medicine Gynecology and Obstetrics http://www.fcm.unicamp.br/fcm/en/en/post-graduation-gynecology-and-obstetrics

Philosophy/Theology Philosophy http://www.ifch.unicamp.br/pos/area.php? texto=filosofia

Regional and Urban Planning/

Demography Demography http://www.ifch.unicamp.br/pos/demografia

Sociology Sociology http://www.ifch.unicamp.br/pos/sociologia

Odontology Odontology http://www.fop.unicamp.br/cpg

Universidade Estadual de Campinas/ Piracicaba - UNICAMP - Piracicaba State University of Campinas/Piracicaba

SP Odontology Odontological Materials http://www.fop.unicamp.br/cpg/index.php/home-materiais-dentarios

Odontology Oral Medicine and Pathology http://www.fop.unicamp.br/cpg/estomatopatologia

Odontology Odontology http://www.fop.unicamp.br/cpg/index.php/home-odontologia

Agricultural Sciences Bioscience http://www.pgbiologia.uerj.br

Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ

State University of Rio de Janeiro


Education Education http://www.proped.pro.br/index.asp?ver=_ING

Interdisciplinary Public Policy and Human Capacitation http://www.ppfh.uerj.br

Medicine Clinical and Experimental Pathophysiology http://www.uerj.br/idiomas.php#gb

Political Science and

International Relations Political Science http://www.iesp.uerj.br/welcome-to-iesp.uerj

Public Health Public Health http://www.ims.uerj.br/?p=pos_programa

Social Work Social Work http://www.ppgservicosocial.uerj.br

Biological Sciences Genetics and Plant Breeding http://uenf.br/pos-graduacao/gmp/?lang=em

Universidade Estadual No Norte Fluminense - UENF

State University of North Fluminense


Agricultural Sciences Agricultural Microbiology http://www.prpg.ufla.br/microbiologia

Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA

Federal University of Lavras


Agricultural Sciences Agrochemistry http://www.prpg.ufla.br/agroquimica

Agricultural Sciences Genetics and Plant Breeding http://www.prpg.ufla.br/genetica

Agricultural Sciences Soil Science http://www.prpg.ufla.br/solos

Applied Social Sciences Information Science http://ppgci.eci.ufmg.br

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG Federal University of Minas Gerais


Applied Social Sciences Social Communication http://www.fafich.ufmg.br/ppgcom

Astronomy/Physics Physics http://lilith.fisica.ufmg.br/posgrad

Biological Sciences Bioinformatics http://www.pgbioinfo.icb.ufmg.br

Biological Sciences Cell Biology http://www.pgbiologiacelular.icb.ufmg.br

Biological Sciences Genetics http://www.pggenetica.icb.ufmg.br/indexi.php


Biological Sciences Physiology and Pharmacology http://www.pgfisfar.icb.ufmg.br

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG Federal University of Minas Gerais


Biological Sciences Parasitology http://www.parasitologia.icb.ufmg.br/indexi.php

Biological Sciences Microbiology http://www.microbiologia.icb.ufmg.br/pos

Chemistry Chemistry http://www.ppg.qui.ufmg.br

Computer Science Computer Science http://www.dcc.ufmg.br/dcc/?q=en/node/354

Economy Economics http://cedeplar.ufmg.br/economia/apresentacao.html

Education Education http://www.fae.ufmg.br/posgrad

Engineering Sanitation, Water Resources

and Environment http://www.smarh.eng.ufmg.br

Engineering Metallurgical Engineering,

Materials and Mining http://www.ppgem.eng.ufmg.br

Engineering Electrical Engineering http://www.ppgee.ufmg.br

History History http://www.fafich.ufmg.br/ppghis

Law Law http://www.pos.direito.ufmg.br

Letters/Linguistics Linguistic Studies http://www.poslin.letras.ufmg.br

Letters/Linguistics Literary Studies http://www.letras.ufmg.br/poslit

Medicine Infectious Diseases and

Tropical Medicine http://site.medicina.ufmg.br/cpginfectologia

Medicine Pathology http://medicina.ufmg.br/cpg/programas/patologia

Odontology Odontology


Philosophy/Theology Philosophy http://filosofia.fafich.ufmg.br/posgraduacao

Physical Education Science of Rehabilitation http://www.eeffto.ufmg.br/eeffto/pos_graduacao/mestrado_doutorado/ Political Science and

International Relations Political Science http://www.cienciapoliticaufmg.com.br

Public Health Public Health http://site.medicina.ufmg.br/cpgsaudepublica

Regional and Urban Planning/

Demography Demography

http://www.cedeplar.ufmg.br/ demografia/apresentacao.html

Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Sciences http://www.vet.ufmg.br/ensino_posgraduacao/

exibir/posgraduacao/?l=english Administration, Accounting

Sciences and Tourism Administration http://www.cepead.face.ufmg.br

Biological Sciences Biological Sciences http://www.nupeb.ufop.br/cbiol/

Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - UFOP Federal University of Ouro Preto


Chemistry Chemistry http://www.ppgq.ufscar.br Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCAR Federal University of São Carlos


Education SPecial Education Program http://www.ppgees.ufscar.br

Engineering Chemical Engineering http://www.ppgeq.ufscar.br

Engineering Materials Science and Engineering http://www.ppgcem.ufscar.br Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCAR

Federal University of São Carlos


Physical Education Physical Therapy http://www.ppgft.ufscar.br

Sociology Sociology http://www.ppgs.ufscar.br

Biological Sciences Pharmacology http://www2.unifesp.br/dfarma/pg/

Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP Federal University of São Paulo

SP Biological Sciences Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology) http://www.posgrad.epm.br/biomol/

Biological Sciences Microbiology and Immunology http://www.microimunounifesp.com.br/en/

Medicine Nephrology http://nefro.epm.br

Medicine Neurology and Neuroscience http://ppg.unifesp.br/neuro

Medicine Psychiatry and Medical Psychology http://www.posgrad.epm.br/psiquiatria

Medicine Infectology

http://www.unifesp.br/reitoria/propgpq/ index.php/pos-graduacao/stricto-sensu/ cursos?codCAPES=33009015030P0

Medicine Psychobiology http://www.posgrad.epm.br/psicobio

Medicine Surgery Translational http://www.unifesp.br/dcir/cirtrans/

welcome? set_language=em

Medicine Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences http://www.oftalmounifesp.com.br/pos-graduacao

Nutrition Nutrition http://www2.unifesp.br/pg/nutricao

Physical Education

Human Communication Disorders

(Speech and Audiology)

http://www.unifesp.br/ppgdch Biodiversity Ecology and Conservation of Natural Resources http://www.ppgeco.ib.ufu.br/

Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU Federal University of Uberlândia


Biological Sciences Applied Immunology and Parasitology http://www.imunoparasito.ufu.br/

Engineering Mechanical Engineering http://www.posgrad.mecanica.ufu.br

Agricultural Sciences Agricultural Engineering http://www.posdea.ufv.br

Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV Federal University of Viçosa


Agricultural Sciences Agricultural Microbiology http://posmicrobiologiaagricola.ufv.br/

Agricultural Sciences Crop Science http://www.posfitotecnia.ufv.br

Agricultural Sciences Forestry Science http://www.poscienciaflorestal.ufv.br

Agricultural Sciences Genetics and Breeding http://www.posgeneticamelhoramento.ufv.br

Agricultural Sciences Soil Science and Plant Nutrition http://www.possolos.ufv.br

Agricultural Sciences Entomology http://www.pos.entomologia.ufv.br


Agricultural Sciences Plant Physiology http://www.fisiologiavegetal.ufv.br Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV Federal University of Viçosa


Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine http://www.posvet.ufv.br

Animal Science/Fishing Resources Animal Science http://www.poszootecnia.ufv.br

Architecture and Urbanism Urbanism http://www.prourb2.fau.ufrj.br/apresentacao/

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


Applied Social Sciences Communication and Culture http://www.pos.eco.ufrj.br

Antroplogy/Archeology Social Antroplogy http://www.ppgasmn-ufrj.com

Arts/Music Visual Arts http://www.ppgav.eba.ufrj.br

Astronomy/Physics Physics http://www.if.ufrj.br/pos

Biodiversity Ecology http://www.ppgecologia.biologia.ufrj.br/

Biological Sciences Biological Sciences (Genetics) http://www.biologia.ufrj.br/pggen

Biological Sciences Morphological Sciences http://www.pcm.icb.ufrj.br

Biological Sciences Biological Chemistry http://www.bioqmed.ufrj.br/quimica-biologica

Biological Sciences Biological Sciences (Biophysics) http://www.biof.ufrj.br/pt-br/apresentacao_Biofisica Biological Sciences Biological Sciences (Physiology) http://www.biof.ufrj.br/pt-br/Apresentacao_PGFisiologia

Biological Sciences Science (Microbiology) http://www.microbiologia.ufrj.br/portal/index.


Biotechnology Biochemistry http://ppgbq.iq.ufrj.br

Chemistry Chemistry http://www.iq.ufrj.br/pgqo

Computer Science Systems and Computer Engineering http://www.cos.ufrj.br

Engineering Civil Engineering Program http://www.coc.ufrj.br

Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Engineering http://www.metalmat.ufrj.br/pt/pos-graduacao/

Engineering Nuclear Engineering http://www.con.ufrj.br/?page_id=16

Engineering Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes http://www.eq.ufrj.br

Engineering Chemical Engineering http://www.peq.coppe.ufrj.br

Engineering Science and Technology of Polymers http://www.ima.ufrj.br

Engineering Energy Planning http://www.ppe.ufrj.br

Engineering Mechanical Engineering http://www.mecanica.coppe.ufrj.br

Engineering Electrical Engineering http://www.pee.ufrj.br

Engineering Biomedical Engineering http://www.peb.ufrj.br

Geography Geography http://www.geografia.ufrj.br/pos-graduacao

History Social History http://www.ppghis.historia.ufrj.br


Southern Region


Paraná - PR Santa Catarina - SC Rio Grande do Sul - RS

Capes evaluation fields

Name of program


Name of Institution


Philosophy/Theology Theology


Escola Superior de Teologia - EST Superior School of Theology


Mathematics/Probability and Statistics Mathematics http://www.pgmat.im.ufrj.br

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

- UFRJ Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


Medicine Internal Medicine http://www.medicina.ufrj.br/pos-graduacao/clinica-medica

Medicine Medicine (Radiology) http://www.radiologia.ufrj.br

Regional and Urban Planning/

Demography Regional and Urban Planning http://www.ippur.ufrj.br

Social Work Social Work https://sites.google.com/site/secretariappgss/

Sociology Sociology and Anthropology http://www.ppgsa.ifcs.ufrj.br

Astronomy/Physics Physics http://www.if.uff.br/en/graduate-studies

Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF Fluminense Federal University


Geography Geography http://www.posgeo.uff.br

Geosciences Geosciences (Geochemistry) http://www.uff.br/?q=setor/instituto-de-quimica

History History http://www.historia.uff.br/stricto/index.php

Agricultural Sciences Agronomy (Soil Sciences) http://www.ia.ufrrj.br/cpacs/f_cpacs.htm

Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ

Federal Agricutural University of Rio de Janeiro


Philosophy/Theology Religious Studies http://www.metodista.br/posreligiao

Universidade Metodista de SP - Metodista - SP Methodist University of São Paulo


Psychology Psychology http://www.usf.edu.br/english/course.vm?id=94247909&segmento=SS#conteudoInternas

Universidade São Francisco - USF São Francisco University


Biodiversity Zoology http://www3.pucrs.br/portal/page/portal/fabioppg/ppgzoo-eng Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUC-RS

Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul

RS Biological Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology http://www3.pucrs.br/portal/page/portal/fabioppg/ppgbcm-eng

Education Education http://www3.pucrs.br/portal/page/


Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUC-RS

Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul

RS Interdisciplinary Biomedical Gerontology http://www3.pucrs.br/portal/page/portal/iggppg/geronbio/geronbioIngresso

Law Law http://www3.pucrs.br/portal/page/portal/fdppg/ppgd-eng

Letters/Linguistics Linguistics and Literature http://www.pucrs.br/fale/graduate-program-in-letters/ Medicine Medicine and Health Sciences http://www3.pucrs.br/portal/page/portal/famedppg/mcs-eng Medicine Pediatrics and Child Health http://www3.pucrs.br/portal/page/portal/famedppg/mpsc-eng

Philosophy/Theology Philosophy http://www.pucrs.br/pgfilosofia

Psychology Psychology http://www3.pucrs.br/portal/page/portal/fapsippg/ppgp-eng/

Social Work Social Work http://www3.pucrs.br/portal/page/portal/fssppg/ppgss-eng

Medicine Health Sciences http://www.unesc.net/portal/capa/index/338

Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense -UNESC

University of Far South of Santa Catarina


Applied Social Sciences Communication Sciences http://www.unisinos.br/mestrado-e-doutorado/

comunicacao/presencial/sao-leopoldo Universidade do Vale do Rio

dos Sinos - UNISINOS

University of Rio dos Sinos Valley


Education Education http://www.unisinos.br/mestrado-e-doutorado/educacao/presencial/sao-leopoldo

Law Law http://www.unisinos.br/mestrado-e-doutorado/direito/presencial/sao-leopoldo

Teaching Science Teaching and Mathematics Education http://www.uel.br/pos/mecem Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL

State University of Londrina


Veterinary Medicine Animal Science http://www.uel.br/pos/ciencia_animal

Agricultural Sciences Agronomy http://www.pga.uem.br Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM

State University of Maringá


Biodiversity Ecology of Inland Water Ecosystems http://www.pea.uem.br

Biotechnology Biotechnology http://www.ufpel.edu.br/biotecnologia/gppgb

Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPEL Federal University of Pelotas


Odontology Odontology http://wp.ufpel.edu.br/odontologia


Agricultural Sciences Plant Genetic Resource http://www.rgv.ufsc.br

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

Federal University of Santa Catarina


Biological Sciences Pharmacology http://ppgfarmaco.ufsc.br

Chemistry Chemistry http://www.pgquimica.ufsc.br

Engineering Civil Engineering http://www.ppgec.ufsc.br

Engineering Chemical Engineering http://www2.enq.ufsc.br

Engineering Mechanical Engineering http://www.posmec.ufsc.br

Engineering Electrical Engineering http://ppgeel.posgrad.ufsc.br

Food Science Food Engineering http://ppgeal.posgrad.ufsc.br

Food Science Food Science http://pgcal.pos.ufsc.br

Interdisciplinary Human Sciences http://www.cfh.ufsc.br/~dich/

Law Law http://ppgd.ufsc.br

Letters/Linguistics Linguistics http://ppglin.posgrad.ufsc.br

Material Science - Engineering Material Science and Engineering http://www.pgmat.ufsc.br

Nursing Nursing http://www.pen.ufsc.br

Philosophy/Theology Philosophy http://fil.cfh.ufsc.br

Teaching Scientific and Technological Education http://www.ppgect.ufsc.br

Animal Science/Fishing Resources Aquaculture http://aquicultura.posgrad.ufsc.br

Chemistry Chemistry http://www.ufsm.br/ppgq Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM

Federal University of Santa Maria


Engineering Electrical Engineering http://www.ufsm.br/ppgee

Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine http://www.ufsm.br/ppgmv

Astronomy/Physics Physics http://fisica.ufpr.br/posgrad

Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR Federal University of Paraná


Biodiversity Entomology http://www.pgento.ufpr.br

Biological Sciences Sciences - Biochemistry http://www.pgbioq.ufpr.br

Biotechnology Bioprocess Engineering

and Biotechnology http://www.ppgebb.ufpr.br

Chemistry Chemistry http://www.quimica.ufpr.br/site/dqui

Economy Economic development http://www.economia.ufpr.br/?q=node/13

Law Law http://www.ppgd.ufpr.br

Agricultural Sciences Soil Science http://www.ufrgs.br/agronomia/joomla/index.php/ensino/pos-graduacao/pg-em-ciencia-do-solo

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul


Anthropology/Archeology Social Anthropology Program http://www.ufrgs.br/ppgas

Arts/Music Music http://www.ufrgs.br/ppgmusica/en/

Astronomy/Physics Physics http://www.if.ufrgs.br/posfis/index.php/br


Biological Sciences Molecular and Cell Biology http://www6.ufrgs.br/ppgbcm

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul


Biological Sciences Genetics and Molecular Biology http://www.ufrgs.br/ppgbm

Biological Sciences Biological Sciences: Biochemistry http://www.ufrgs.br/ppgbioq

Chemistry Chemistry http://web.iq.ufrgs.br/iq_ufrgs/index.php/pt/

Computer Science Computer Science http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/ppgc/en/

Education Education http://www.ufrgs.br/faced

Engineering Water Resources and Environmental Sanitation http://www.ufrgs.br/ppgiph

Engineering Civil Engineering http://www.ufrgs.br/engcivil/ppgec

Engineering Mining, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering http://www.ufrgs.br/ppge3m/english/

Engineering Industrial Engineering http://www.ufrgs.br/producao/

Engineering Mechanical Engineering http://www.mecanica.ufrgs.br/promec

Engineering Electrical Engineering http://www.ufrgs.br/ppgee

Geography Geography http://www.posgea.ufrgs.br

Geosciences Geosciences http://www.ufrgs.br/ppggeo

History History http://www.ufrgs.br/ppghist

Interdisciplinary Technology in Education http://www.pgie.ufrgs.br

Letters/Linguistics Language and Literature http://www.ufrgs.br/ppgletras

Medicine Endocrinology http://www.ufrgs.br/ppgendo

Medicine Medical Sciences http://www.ufrgs.br/ppgcm

Medicine Medical Science: Psychiatry http://www.ufrgs.br/ppgpsiq

Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences http://www.ufrgs.br/ppgcf/em

Philosophy/Theology Philosophy http://www.ufrgs.br/filosofia/

Psychology Psychology http://www.ufrgs.br/psicologia

Public Health Epidemiology http://www6.ufrgs.br/ppgepi

Sociology Sociology http://www.ufrgs.br/ppgs/index_ing.php

Urban and Regional Planning/

Demography Urban and Regional Planning http://www6.ufrgs.br/propur

Animal Science/Fishing Resources Animal Science http://www.ufrgs.br/agroppgzootec

Biodiversity Biological Oceanography http://www.oceano.furg.br/site/index.php

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - UFRG Federal University of Rio Grande


Postgraduate Programs of International Quality

Offered by Brazilian Universities

Organized by CAPES Evaluation Fields


Administration, Accounting Sciences and Tourism

Administration Administration http://www.cepead.face.ufmg.br

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Federal University of Minas Gerais UFMG

MG Southeastern

Administration Administration http://pos-adm.fgv.br/

Fundação Getúlio Vargas/RJ Getúlio Vargas Foundation FGV - RJ

RJ Southeastern

Administration Business Administration http://portal.fgv.br/en/graduate-in-brazil

Fundação Getúlio Vargas Getúlio Vargas Foundation FGV - SP

SP Southeastern

Accounting Sciences Controllership and Accounting https://www.fea.usp.br/contabilidade/pos-graduacao

Universidade de São Paulo University of São Paulo


SP Southeastern

Business Administration Administration http://prpg.usp.br/ppg.afea

Universidade de São Paulo University of São Paulo


SP Southeastern

Agricultural Sciences

Agronomy Agricultural Microbiology http://www.prpg.ufla.br/microbiologia

Universidade Federal de Lavras Federal University of Lavras


MG Southeastern

Agronomy Agrochemistry http://www.prpg.ufla.br/agroquimica

Universidade Federal de Lavras Federal University of Lavras


MG Southeastern

Vegetable Improvement Genetics and Plant Breeding http://www.prpg.ufla.br/genetica

Universidade Federal de Lavras Federal University of Lavras


MG Southeastern

Agronomy Soil Science http://www.prpg.ufla.br/solos

Universidade Federal de Lavras Federal University of Lavras


MG Southeastern

Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Engineering http://www.posdea.ufv.br

Universidade Federal de Viçosa Federal University of Viçosa

UFV MG Southeastern Agricultural Microbiology Agricultural Microbiology http://posmicrobiologiaagricola.ufv.br/

Universidade Federal de Viçosa Federal University of Viçosa


MG Southeastern

Crop Science Crop Science http://www.posfitotecnia.ufv.br

Universidade Federal de Viçosa Federal University of Viçosa


MG Southeastern

Forestry Resources and

Forestry Engineering Forestry Science http://www.poscienciaflorestal.ufv.br

Universidade Federal de Viçosa Federal University of Viçosa


MG Southeastern

Agronomy Genetics and Breeding http://www.


Universidade Federal de Viçosa Federal University of Viçosa



Soil Science Soil Science and Plant Nutrition http://www.possolos.ufv.br

Universidade Federal de Viçosa Federal University of Viçosa


MG Southeastern

Agronomy Entomology http://www.pos.entomologia.ufv.br

Universidade Federal de Viçosa Federal University of Viçosa


MG Southeastern

Agronomy Plant Pathology http://www.dfp.ufv.br/ppg

Universidade Federal de Viçosa Federal University of Viçosa


MG Southeastern

Agronomy Plant Physiology http://www.fisiologiavegetal.ufv.br

Universidade Federal de Viçosa Federal University of Viçosa


MG Southeastern

Plant Breeding Bioscience http://www.pgbiologia.uerj.br

Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro State University of Rio de Janeiro


RJ Southeastern

Soil Science Agronomy (Soil Sciences) http://www.ia.ufrrj.br/cpacs/f_cpacs.htm

Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro Federal Agricutural University of Rio de Janeiro UFRRJ

RJ Southeastern

Agronomy Sciences (Nuclear Energy or Agriculture)

http://www.prpg.usp.br/index.php/ pt-br/faca-pos-na-usp/programas-de-pos-graduacao/622-ciencias-cena-port

Univ. de São Paulo/Centro de Energ. Nucl. Agricultura University of São Paulo/ Nuclear

Energy In Agriculture Center USP - LUIZ DE QUEIROZ

SP Southeastern

Phytotechny Crop Science http://www.en.esalq.usp.br/


Univ.de São Paulo/Escola Sup. de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz

University of São Paulo/Luiz de Queiroz Superior School of Agriculture


SP Southeastern

Plant Health Entomology http://www.en.esalq.usp.br/graduate/programs/entomology

Univ.de São Paulo/Escola Sup. de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz

University of São Paulo/Luiz de Queiroz Superior School of Agriculture


SP Southeastern

Agronomy Genetics and Plant Breeding http://www.en.esalq.usp.br/graduate/programs/plant-genetics-and-breeding

Univ.de São Paulo/Escola Sup. de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz

University of São Paulo/Luiz de Queiroz Superior School of Agriculture


SP Southeastern

Phytopathology Plant Pathology http://www.en.esalq.usp.br/graduate/programs/plant-pathology

Univ.de São Paulo/Escola Sup. de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz

University of São Paulo/Luiz de Queiroz Superior School of Agriculture



Agronomy Soil nd Plant Nutrition http://www.en.esalq.usp.br/graduate/programs/soil-and-plant-nutrition

Univ.de São Paulo/Escola Sup. de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz

University of São Paulo/Luiz de Queiroz Superior School of Agriculture


SP Southeastern

Crop Production Agronomy (Crop Production)

http://www.fcav.unesp.br/#!/pos- graduacao/programas-pg/agronomia-producao-vegetal/processo-seletivo

Universidade Est.Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho/ Jaboticabal

State University of São Paulo/Jaboticabal UNESP - JABOTICABAL

SP Southeastern

Agronomy Agronomy http://www.pga.uem.br

Universidade Estadual de Maringá State University of Maringá UEM

PR Southern

Soil Sciences Soil Science

http://www.ufrgs.br/agronomia/ joomla/index.php/ensino/pos-graduacao/pg-em-ciencia-do-solo

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS

RS Southern

Agronomy Plant Genetic Resource http://www.rgv.ufsc.br

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Federal University of Santa Catarina UFSC

SC Southern


Anthropology Social Anthropology http://www.ppgasmn-ufrj.com

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


RJ Southeastern

Anthropology Social Anthropology http://pos.fflch.usp.br/taxonomy/term/8

Universidade de São Paulo University of São Paulo USP

SP Southeastern

Anthropology Social Anthropology http://www.ifch.unicamp.br/pos/antropologia

Universidade Estadual de Campinas State University of Campinas UNICAMP

SP Southeastern

Anthropology Social Anthropology http://www.ufrgs.br/ppgas

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS

RS Southern

Anthropology Anthropology http://www.dan.unb.br/pos-graduacao

Universidade de Brasília University of Brasília UNB

DF Midwestern

Applied Social Sciences

Information Science Information Science http://ppgci.eci.ufmg.br

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Federal University of Minas Gerais


MG Southeastern

Communication Social Communication http://www.fafich.ufmg.br/ppgcom

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Federal University of Minas Gerais


MG Southeastern

Communication Communication and Culture http://www.pos.eco.ufrj.br

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Federal University of Rio de Janeiro



Information Science Information Science http://www.marilia.unesp.br/posci

Universidade Est.Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho/Marilia State University of São Paulo/Marília


SP Southeastern

Communication Communication Sciences

http://www.unisinos.br/mestrado-e-doutorado/comunicacao/ presencial/sao-leopoldo

Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos University of Rio dos Sinos Valley UNISINOS

RS Southern

Architecture and Urbanism

Architecture and

Urbanism Urbanism

http://www.prourb2.fau. ufrj.br/apresentacao/

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


RJ Southeastern


Arts Performing Arts http://www.ppgac.tea.ufba.br

Universidade Federal da Bahia Federal University of Bahia


BA Northeastern

Arts Visual Arts http://www.ppgav.eba.ufrj.br

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


RJ Southeastern

Arts Performing Arts http://www3.eca.usp.br/en/pos/ppgac/graduate-program-drama-ppgac-usp

Universidade de São Paulo University of São Paulo USP

SP Southeastern

Arts Visual Arts http://www3.eca.usp.br/en/pos/ppgav/graduate-program-visuals-arts

Universidade de São Paulo University of São Paulo USP

SP Southeastern

Music Music http://www.ufrgs.br/ppgmusica/en/

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS RS Southern


Condensed Matter Physics Physics http://www.fisica.ufc.br/ portalfisica/index.php/em

Universidade Federal do Ceará Federal University of Ceará


CE Northeastern

Physics Physics http://www.ufpe.br/ppgfisica

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Federal University of Pernambuco UFPE

PE Northeastern

Condensed Matter

Physics Physics http://www.dfte.ufrn.br/ppgf

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN

RN Northeastern

Physics Physics http://lilith.fisica.ufmg.br/posgrad

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerias Federal University of Minas Gerais


MG Southeastern

Physics Physics http://portal.cbpf.br/pos-graduacao

Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas Brazilian Center For Research In Physic CBPF


Physics Physics http://www.fis.puc-rio.br/pginformacoes.php

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro


RJ Southeastern

Physics Physics http://www.if.ufrj.br/pos

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


RJ Southeastern

Physics Physics http://www.if.uff.br/en/graduate-studies

Universidade Federal Fluminense Fluminense Federal University UFF

RJ Southeastern

Physics Physics http://www.ift.unesp.br/en/#!/pos-graduacao

Instituto de Física Teórica/Unesp Institute For Theoretical Physics/Unesp UNESP

SP Southeastern

Physics Physics http://www.ifsc.usp.br/posgraduacao/

Universidade de São Paulo/São Carlos University of São Paulo/São Carlos USP - SÃO CARLOS

SP Southeastern

Astronomy Astronomy Program http://www.iag.usp.br/pos/astronomia/english/about

Universidade de São Paulo University of São Paulo USP

SP Southeastern

Physics Physics http://portal.if.usp.br/pg/en

Universidade de São Paulo University of São Paulo USP

SP Southeastern

Physics Physics http://portal.ifi.unicamp.br/pos-graduacao

Universidade Estadual de Campinas State University of Campinas UNICAMP

SP Southeastern

Physics Physics http://fisica.ufpr.br/posgrad

Universidade Federal do Paraná Federal University of Paraná UFPR

PR Southern

Physics Physics http://www.if.ufrgs.br/posfis/index.php/br

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS

RS Southern


Ecology Ecology http://pgeco.inpa.gov.br

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia National Institute of Amazonian Research INPA

AM Northern

Ecology Ecology and Biomonitoring http://www.ecologia.ufba.br

Universidade Federal da Bahia Federal University of Bahia


BA Northeastern

Botany Plant Biology http://www.ppgbv.com.br/

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Federal University of Pernambuco UFPE PE Northeastern Ecology Ecology and Conservation of Natural Resources http://www.ppgeco.ib.ufu.br/

Universidade Federal de Uberlândia Federal University of Uberlândia UFU


Ecology Ecology http://www.ppgecologia.biologia.ufrj.br/

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


RJ Southeastern

Botany Biological Sciences (Botany) http://felix.ib.usp.br/posbotanica

Universidade de São Paulo University of São Paulo USP

SP Southeastern

Ecology Ecology http://ecologia.ib.usp.br/pos

Universidade de São Paulo University of São Paulo USP

SP Southeastern

Zoology Zoology http://www.ib.usp.br/zoologia/poszoologia/

Universidade de São Paulo University of São Paulo USP

SP Southeastern

Zoology Entomology http://pgentomologia.ffclrp.usp.br

Universidade de São Paulo/ Ribeirão Preto University of São Paulo/Ribeirão Preto USP - RIBEIRÃO PRETO

SP Southeastern

Zoology Animal Biology

http://www.ibilce.unesp.br/#!/ pos-graduacao/programas-de-pos-graduacao/biologia-animal/apresentacao/

Universidade Est.Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho/Sjr. Preto

State University of São Paulo/Sjr. Preto UNESP - S. J. R. PRETO

SP Southeastern

Botany Plant Biology http://www.ib.unicamp.br/pos_vegetal/front-page

Universidade Estadual de Campinas State University of Campinas UNICAMP

SP Southeastern

Ecology Ecology http://www.ib.unicamp.br/


Universidade Estadual de Campinas State University of Campinas UNICAMP

SP Southeastern

Ecology Ecology of Inland Water Ecosystems http://www.pea.uem.br

Universidade Estadual de Maringá State University of Maringá UEM

PR Southern

Zoology Entomology http://www.pgento.ufpr.br

Universidade Federal do Paraná Federal University of Paraná UFPR

PR Southern

Zoology Zoology http://www3.pucrs.br/portal/page/portal/fabioppg/ppgzoo-eng

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul


RS Southern

Ecology Ecology http://www.ecologia.ufrgs.br/ppgeco

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS

RS Southern

Biological Oceanography Biological Oceanography http://www.oceano.furg.br/site/index.php

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Federal University of Rio Grande FURG

RS Southern

Ecology Ecology http://www.pgeclunb.net.br

Universidade de Brasília University of Brasília UNB


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