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Physical and Chemical Properties of Clay Minerals and Layered Materials


Academic year: 2023

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Clay minerals as a tool for the reconstruction of periods of climate change (data iodp leg 302)V.V. Changes in the structure of clay minerals under the influence of experimental cyano-actinomycetal associations E.A.

Труды российских конференций

Workshop Investigation of clay minerals for the developing of oil and gas geology

Shaly rocks: problems of petroleum geology and geophysics

The above answers that appear in the study of shale rocks in petroleum geology and geophysics are just the tip of the iceberg of problems that require experimental studies and theoretical explanation and confirmation. Clay mineral transformations during oil and gas production in source rocks and in limestone and sandstone reservoirs.

Five new tools for analyzing the mineralogy of soils, sediments, and rocks

Possibilities to determine mineral structures of the kaolinite group by applying quanto software Chemical modifications of smectites seen with selected spectroscopic techniques Investigation of clay minerals for the development of oil and gas geology. Use of physical and chemical activity of clay cement in calculations of oil and gas field development parameters.

The using of clay cement physical&chemical activity at parameters calculations of oil&gas fields development

Хавкин А. Я. Использование физико-химической активности глинистого цемента в расчетах параметров разработки нефтяных и газовых месторождений // Глины, глинистые минералы, слоистые материалы - ЦЛМ2009 - М.: Издательство И.В. Характеристики глин наноминеральных комплексов как показатель эффективности разработки и разведки запасов нефти и газа.

Investigation of clay minerals for developing of oil and gas geology

Having thus determined the main features of the composition and sequence of the layers, a more detailed investigation of the structures of the individual layers to reveal the transformation mechanism can be carried out by thermal analysis (to determine cis- and trans-vacancy patterns of the octahedral sheets); by solid-state Al and Si NMR (to determine tetrahedral and octahedral Al and Si distribution); by Mössbauer and infrared spectroscopy (to model the octahedral plate structure); In conclusion, several independent methods should be applied to investigate the clay mineralogy transformations in oil and gas wells.

Archaeology and Art

Near-infrared study of synthetic maya blue pigments

Furthermore, opening the sealed palygorskite and MB preparations and monitoring their NIR spectra in real time as they equilibrated with ambient temperature proved that MB would completely rehydrate their outer surface within minutes, similar to pure palygorskite, but their tunnels would only partially fill with zeolitic water. Zeolitic rehydration was found to be inversely proportional to the indigo content and is almost blocked in MB with approximately 10 wt% indigo. It is clear that the main interaction between indigo and palygorskite in MB involves the introduction of indigo molecules into the (zeolitic dry) tunnels.

Characterization of karacasu-turkey clay in making of terrasigillata

Morphological and structural features of kaolinites of some deposits of kaolins Properties of clay structure and hydration. Quantification of illite and smectite in sedimentary rocks and application to log analysis Wetting phenomena in swelling and non-swelling clays and their effect on drilling.

Ceramics artefacts and geo-environmental data inventory in the step pyramid and its management through geographical

Инвентаризация керамических артефактов и геоэкологических данных в ступенчатой ​​пирамиде и ее географическое управление. Кулека А., Сеглиньш В. Керамические артефакты и инвентаризация геоэкологических данных в ступенчатой ​​пирамиде и управление ими посредством геоинформационной системы (ГИС) // Глина, глинистые минералы, слоистые материалы - CMLM2009 - М.: Издательство И.В.

The chemical composition, row material and pottery manufacture of tating ware

The determination of mineral and chemical compositions of material and temperament of different pottery sherds such as Tating Ware was made and the results were compared with data from Western Europe. The determination of mineral and textural composition of ceramics by petrography, X-ray diffraction and DTA allowed to determine the mineral and chemical composition variations, technology of pottery (material, tempers, condition and temperature of firing), the mineral sources and differentiation of ceramic wares such as Discover Tating Ware from different regions. Results of Neutron Activation Analysis on Tating Ware and the Mayen Industry, Medieval Ceramics 20, pp.

Environment and Health

Anisotropy of geotechnical properties of glacigenic soils in decimeter scale

Relationships between magnetic parameters, toxic element content and clay minerals of topsoil in the area near Coimbra, central Portugal. Feasibility of nqr-spectroscopy as a tool in the study of layered and nanostructured materials. Quantification of illite and smectite in sedimentary rocks and use in log analysis. Quantitative level in determining phase content and structural parameters of clay minerals.

Landslide identification and site location in early stages of development applying georadar surveys

Карус Дж., Ситчофф Г., Сеглинс В. Идентификация оползней и расположение участков на ранних стадиях развития с помощью георадарной съемки // Глины, глинистые минералы, пластические материалы - CMLM2009 - М.: Издательство И.В. Изменение структуры глинистых минералов под влиянием экспериментальных цианоактиномицетальных ассоциаций.

Modification of the montmorillonite with the cationic and non-ionic surfactants

Bentonite-like clays in the south of russia

Thus, the sulfuric acid activation of Tarasovsk deposit clays allowed to make the content of iron oxides in them 4-5 times lower and made it possible to significantly increase the specific surface area and volume of pores. Based on the obtained results, the priority areas of application of the original and activated adsorbents based on Tarasovsk deposit clays were defined, they include: purification and clarification of vegetable oil, juice, beverages, etc.; refining of distillate, diesel and other types of petroleum oil; radionuclide extraction from aqueous solutions; the adsorbents are also used as fillers in pharmacology; as food additives for cattle and poultry farming; for the production of long-acting granulated fertiliser.

Relationships between magnetic parameters, toxic elements content and clay minerals of topsoil of an area near coimbra,

Связь между магнитными параметрами, содержанием токсичных элементов и глинистых минералов верхнего слоя почвы района Коимбры. Роша Ф., Лоуренсу А.М.М., Гомеш Ч.Р.Взаимосвязь между магнитными параметрами, содержанием токсичных элементов и глинистых минералов верхнего слоя почвы района вблизи Коимбры, Центральная Португалия // Глина, глинистые минералы, слоистые материалы - CMLM2009 - М.: Издательство И.В.

Some properties of thermal muds of some spas in turkey

These results indicate the need to establish certification and standard criteria and to establish standards for the use of thermal mud in therapeutic, pharmaceutical and/or aesthetic medicine. In order to meet the ever-increasing demand, it is necessary to explore new reserves and improve mud properties.

It was shown that the hydrogen sulfide was completely decomposed at a space velocity equal to 160 h-1. Zakarina N.A., Volkova L.D., Kim O.K.Purification of hydrogen sulfide-containing gases by photocatalytic decomposition of h2s on tio2-containing catalysts // Глины, глинистые.

The role of saponit in tnvironmental problems upon development of the lomonosov diamond deposit

Clay minerals as indicators of climatic changes during the Upper Pleistocene in the basin region of Desna Smectites from hydrothermal ore deposits of the Trans-Baikal region. Mineralogy, geochemistry and origin of the yÜylÜk kaolinite hydrothermal deposit within Neogene volcanics, kÜtahya (western Anatolia), Turkey.

Industrial applications of clays and layered materials

Mechanical treatment of clay minerals

Characterization of karacasu turkey clay in making terrasigillata Some properties of thermal mud in some spas in Turkey. Mineralogical and technological study of Karelian clay types for the manufacture of bricks. The role of clay minerals in the process of adsorption connato oil formation.

Characteristics of illite clay and its use for high – and low temperature ceramics

Mineralogical and technological study of karelian clays for facing brick production

On the DTA curve of the Voronovskoe clay, there is only an exo effect at 3200С associated with the burning of organic matter. The results of the study allowed the authors to conclude that the Ivinskoe clay is a promising raw material for the production of bricks.

Clay mineral composition at kuprava pit in latvia

Additional research is needed to determine other ways of using clays from Kupravska jama. Mixtures of natural clay minerals for porous cordierites as a component of ceramic nanocomposites Synthesis and thermochemical study of nanoplate mg-ni serpentines of the lizardite – nepouit series.

Physical and chemical characteristics of clays of deposit of ak-suu

Осконбаева Ж. А., Муксумова З. С. Физико-химические характеристики глин Ак-Суйского месторождения // Глины, глинистые минералы, слоистые материалы - ЦЛМ2009 - М.: Издательство И.В. Минералогическое и технологическое изучение карельских глин для производства облицовочного кирпича Морфоструктурная характеристика каолинитов некоторых месторождений арикаолинов кайнозойских отложений арктической прибрежной низменности Восточной Якутии.

Morphological and structural features of kaolinites of some deposits of kaolines

Structural parameters of kaolins according to the XRD, EPR and NMR methods correlate and complement each other: crystallinity coefficient↔a Hinckley coefficient (EPR – XRD, R=0.88), kaolinite content↔water content (XRD – NMR – DTG, R= 0.70), dispersivity ↔ water content (sedimentation – PМR, R = –100 nm), which has a larger square of the specific surface, allows these natural formations to relate to the nanostructure, with the possibility of their possible practical use (0.68 ). Complex physical methods of analysis on the example of kaolin investigation of the Beljaevsky deposit.

Modern methods of studying ceramic clayey stuff and forecast of processing conditions

В термических образцах увеличение интенсивности можно объяснить структурой Fe2. Трофимова Ф. А., Наумкина Н. И., Трофимов В., Сучкова Г. Г., Латыпов Р. Х. Современные методы исследования глиняных керамических изделий и прогнозирования условий обработки // Глина, глинистые минералы, слоистые материалы - ЦЛМ2009 - М.: Издательство И.В.

The kovilny eluvial kaolin deposit (the orenburg region)

Элювиально-каолиновое месторождение Южный Ушкот на юго-востоке Оренбургской области., Литология и минеральные ресурсы, №5, с. Горбачев Б.Ф., Васьянов Г.П., Красникова Е.В., Шмельков Н.Т., Беркета А.Г. Ковильное элювиальное месторождение каолина (Оренбургская область): вещественный состав и эффективные направления промышленного освоения // Глины, глинистые минералы, слоистые материалы - ЦЛМ2009 - М.: Издательство. В.

Actuated zeolite containing clays

Критерием прогнозируемой характеристики готовой продукции на стадии активации сырья может быть содержание в нем трехвалентного железа. Николаев К.Г., Корнилов А.В., Пермяков Е.Н., Гревцев В.А. Цеолитсодержащая глина, обогащенная // Глины, глинистые минералы, слоистые материалы - ЦЛМ2009 - М.: Издательство И.В.

Studying physical and chemical properties of bentonitic clays deposits of azerbaijan and the basic areas of their

Изучение физико-химических свойств донных глинистых месторождений Азербайджана и их основных территорий. Эфендиева З., Джахангир Г. Исследование физико-химических свойств донных глинистых месторождений Азербайджана и основные области их применения // Глина, глинистые минералы, слоистые материалы - CMLM2009 - М.: Издательство И.В.

Utilization of kocarli-aydin (turkey) clay in ceramic floor tile production

Ceramic properties were determined from pressed bodies using four elevated firing temperatures and 1200°C) for samples with and 20 wt% Koçarlı-Aydın clay addition to a commercial floor tile batch. The results were discussed. The use of Tunisian barren clay in the traditional ceramic industry: Optimizing ceramic properties.

Clay rocks of ukraine and their application

Thus, the amount of particles of the size less than 10 micrometers in clay raw materials should vary in limits from 40 to 70. Clay with the maintenance of particles of the size less than 10 micrometers less than 40%, as a rule, contains significant amount of SiO, low plasticity and a cake heat.

Use of metakaolin in air lime mortars for adobe walls

Использование метакаолина в воздушно-известковых растворах влияет на их поведение с точки зрения водопоглощения, но сохраняет желаемые механические свойства. Применение метакаолина в воздушно-известковых растворах для саманных стен // Глина, глинистые минералы, слоистые материалы - ЦЛМ2009 - М.: Издательство И.В.

Position and prospects of development of kaoline and clays mineral base of ukraine

The igneous clay is embedded in the sedimentary deposits of the Novo-Raisan suite of the Neogene as beds of 0.5-1.5 m thickness at a depth of 1.0-60.0 m. For the reassessment of kaolin and clay resources, a database of all occurrences and deposits of kaolins and clays.

The occurrence of the hydrothermal karaÇayir kaolinite deposit within neogene volcanites and paleozoic schists, uŞak

Кадир С., Эркоюн Х., Эрман Х. Распространение гидротермального месторождения каолина Карачаир в неогеновых вулканитах и ​​палеозойских сланцах, Ушак (Западная Анатолия), Турция // Глина, глинистые минералы, слоистые материалы - CMLM2009 - М.: Издательство I.IN . Глинистые минералы и микроэлементы гидротермально измененных гиалокластитов на поверхности суши Исландской рифтовой зоны.

Structural and taxtural changes of swat china clay with temperature

Хак А., Икбал Й., Хан М.Р. Структурные и таксономические изменения фарфоровой глины с температурой // Глина, глинистые минералы, слоистые материалы - ЦЛМ2009 - М.: Издательство И.В. Эволюция послойного заряда системы иллит/смектит в мергелях Баскско-Кантабрийского бассейна.

Clays in Oil and Gas Industry

The role of clay minerals in the process of adsorption- connate oil formation

Чем больше удельная поверхность (чем больше дисперсность глинистого минерала) – тем выше скорость адсорбции. Михайлов Н.Н., Сечина Л.С., Савочкина К.А. Роль глинистых минералов в процессе адсорбционного нефтеобразования // Глины, глинистые минералы, слоистые материалы - ЦЛМ2009 - М.: Издательство И.В.

Comparison of x-ray phase and pyrolysis analyses in the study of oil enclosing rocks of bazhenian type

Comparison of X-ray phase and pyrolysis analyzes in the study of oil enclosing Bazhensk-type rocks. The paper presents the results of the derived empirical correlations between the degree of montmorillonite illitization and pyrolysis studies.

Clays are reservoir pressure indicators

Therefore, thermal field near the borehole within the radius of the well logging method survey was simulated. By modified «normally clay compacted curves» technique the abnormal pressures and pressure coefficients for anomaly in sediments of.

About clay minerals of cryolithic zone

Ediacaran mudstones from the NW margin of the East European glauconite platform from Lower Ordovician rocks, NW Russia. Evaluation of the influence of the crystallochemical features of illite on the distribution of metals in beach and dune sediments.

The results indicate a variation in the layer loading of the expandable component during the diagenetic evolution of the samples. TEM textural study of the illite/smectite evolution in marls from the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, Spain: Transition from R0 to R1 diagenetic stages of smectite-illitization.

Improved rheological and filtration properties of some shale in some areas of upper egypt for a potential use as drilling

Clay minerals as a material for drilling mud

This leads to the growth of effective volume of dispersed particles and plastic viscosity of suspension. Successful treatment of drilling mud by polymers leads to their adsorption on the clay surface, mud stabilization and also prevents water loss through filtration of drilling mud.

Peculiarities of clay structure and hydration

The size and structure of elementary clay particles is defined by the ratio of aluminum and silicon in solidification matrix: when the number of aluminum hydrates grows compared to the number of silicon hydrates, clay properties will change from montmorillonite to kaolinite, respectively.

Mechanism of regulation of clay mineral properties in oil field

As the electrolyte concentration increases, cations enter the interlayer space and replace the water molecule connections and compete with the proton penetration process. Implementation of reagents and technologies for control of clay behavior in Tatarstan made possible.

Dielectric relaxation of water in cation-substituted clays (kaolinite and montmorillonite)

Exchangeable ions are located in the tetrahedral environment of the oxygen, molecular triads of interlayer water and one oxygen atom in the lattice. When the minerals completely swell, all ions are hydrated and lie in the adsorption layer.

Clay minerals features influence on well logging data

Глинистые минералы оказывают влияние на данные регистрации скважин // Глина, глинистые минералы, слоистые материалы - ЦЛМ2009 - М.: Издательство И.В. Количественное определение иллита и смектита в осадочных породах и их применение в каротаже. Явления смачивания в набухающих и ненабухающих глинах и их влияние на бурение глинистых пород: проблемы нефтяной геологии и геофизики.

Clay minerals composition as a key to understanding of reservoir rocks properties

Также рассмотрено применение метода инфракрасной спектроскопии для качественной и количественной оценки минерального состава глин. Куляпин П.С., Стрельченко В.В., Моисеенко А.С. Минеральный состав глин как ключ к пониманию коллекторских свойств пород // Глина, глинистые минералы, слоистые материалы - ЦЛМ2009 - М.: Издательство И.В.

The effects of burial on clay mineral diagenesis and quartz cementation in mudstones. examples from the siri canyon,

Mineralogical characteristics of mudstones of the oil- and gas-bearing stratum collector ac-3, frolovsky consequences of the southern moimsky deposit (the tyumen area). Mineral Chemistry of Biotites and Chlorites of Granitoid Rocks, Natanz Complex, Central Iran Smectites of the Hydrothermal Ore Deposits of the Trans-Baikal Region.

On genesis of water-repellent behavior of surface in shale reservoirs

Catalytic reactions of OS transformations on the surface of clay minerals occur not only at elevated temperatures, but also at normal temperatures. As a result of isomorphism, the basal surface of clay minerals usually has a negative charge.

Clay minerals of oil sourse rock as nanoreactors of hydrocarbons systems of petroleum series

Clay minerals as a tool for reconstructing periods of climate change (iodp ben 302 data). Clay minerals from the Lower Visean Complex in the Barre Reservoir in the Vuktyl Oil and Gas Field.

Сlay minerals of the lower visean complex in the bar reservoir of the vuktyl oil and gas field

Mineralogical features of oil and gas-bearing mudstones of reservoir ac-3, frolovsky lines of.

Mineralogical features of mudstones from the oil and gas bearing stratum-collector ac-3, frolovsky retinues of the

During rock consolidation, the overlying clay packs press on siltstones and sandstones, forcing out gas, oil and water. The role of lithogenesis processes in the formation of clay seals in oil and gas deposits.

The role of lithogenesis processes in the formation of clay seals at oil and gas deposits

Clay seals from the shallow sea retain the best sieving properties in a narrow depth interval of 1200-1800 m. Clay minerals from oleic acid rocks as nanoreactors of petroleum series hydrocarbon systems Peculiarities of clay structure and hydration.

Clay mineralogy of mud volcano clasts from the gulf of cadiz

Large fields of hydrocarbon-derived carbonate chimneys related to the accretionary wedge/olistostrome in the Gulf of Cádiz. 2006) Molecular and carbon isotopic variability of hydrocarbon gases from mud volcanoes in the Gulf of Cadiz, NE Atlantic.

Clay mineral transformations during oil and gas generation in source rocks and in chalk and sandstone reservoirs

This further diagenetic step was probably due to migrating hot solutions accompanying hydrocarbon filling of the chalk reservoir. Further investigation into the details of clay diagenetic transformations may provide improved understanding of the fluid migration during reservoir filling in the chalk reservoirs of the North Sea.

Physical and Chemical Properties of Clay Minerals and Layered Materials

Influence of size effect on physical and crystallochemical properties of kaolinite

Piloyan G.O., Bortnikov N.S., Novikov V.M., Bushueva E.B., fi kanneen biroo. Dhiibbaa dhiibbaa guddinaa amaloota fiizikaalaa fi kiristallookeemikaalaa kitaaba kaolinaayitii irratti qabu - CMLM2009 - Haaraa.: Kibba Haaraa. Daayilektirikii laaffisuu bishaan suphee kaatiyoonii bakka bu’e (kaaolinaayitii fi moontmoriiloonaayitii) Dhiibbaa goggogaa amaloota caasaa fi teermookeemikaalaa kaa’oliinaayitii irratti qabu.

Influence of fe-species on the rheological properties of zyrianovsky bentonite suspensions

Pokidko B.V., Krupskaya V.V., Voevodin L.I., Katsuba D.A.Influence of fe species on the rheological properties of zyrianovsky bentonite suspensions.

Interparticle interactions in water dispersions of montmorillonite from tagansky deposit

Bentonitic clays in southern Russia Clay rocks from Ukraine and their use Clay minerals as mud drilling materials. Retrograde clay mineral alteration in theistareykir geothermal field Smectites from the hydrothermal ore deposits of the transbaikal region.

The influence of dry grinding on structural and thermochemical properties of kaolinite

The present work is the first step in our study of the properties of clay minerals with different degrees of dispersity and the resistance of their structures to mechanical influences. Effect of soil acidification caused by tea plantation on mineralogical and chemical properties of yellow-brown soil (China).

Synthesis, structure and acid properties of zr-pillared tagan montmorillonite

The introduction of Zr into acid-activated Na-montmorillonite sample significantly lowers the total amount of desorbed NH3 from 518.7 to 124.7 mmol NH3/g. The amount of weak and strong acid sites decreases, and the amount of medium acid sites increases from 45.4% (NaHMM) to 89.6% (ZrNaHMM).

Thermal properties and phase composition of water for frozen saponites

Amaloota ho’aa fi walnyaatinsa marsaa bishaanii saapoonaayitii qorraa. kaaloriimeetira), gatiiwwan haala qabbanaa’eef +10оС irratti, kan qabbanaa’eef - -15oC irratti (Ershov. Motenko R.G., Karpenko F.S., Kuznetsova E.P., Aleksyutina D.M. е минералы , слоистые irratti argama.

Theoretical substantiation of adhesive water density change in the dispersal systems

Макеева Т.Г. Теоретическое обоснование изменения клеевой гидроизоляции в дисперсных системах // Глина, глинистые минералы, слоистые материалы - ЦЛМ2009 - М.: Издательство И.В. Мессбауэровский анализ соединений железа в почвах Земли и некоторых марсианских почвах. Глинистые минералы как инструмент реконструкции периодов изменения климата (данные iodp ben 302).

Adsorption of heavy metals anions and cations by layered double hydroxides

Areas of LDH calcination were identified, allowing safe burial of heavy metals. Generation functions for structure and chemical composition in layered structures Natural layered double hydroxides: systematics and new data.

Interaction of soluble salts with clay minerals

Quasi-crystals or clay-salt microaggregates are formed due to the formation of inter- and intraspheric surface complexes of metal cations and mineral matrix on the basal and lateral surfaces of clay mineral crystallites. Dialysis resistance is characteristic only of clay-salt aggregates of NaCl- and Pb(CH3COO)2-smectite with face-to-face packing of crystallites.

Brij – montmorillonite composites

Due to the nature of BRIJs, different conformational forms can be present in solution and in the adsorbed phase at any time. Nanoreactors Based on Layered Double Hydroxides with Complexonate Pillars Computational Molecular Modeling of Aqueous Species Confined in Clay and Layered Materials.

Examinations of types of water in layer and layer–ribbon silicates by method of a proton magnetic resonance

Investigations of types of water in layer and layer-ribbon silicates by means of a proton magnetic resonance. Analysis of types and behavior of water in some clay minerals NMR proton measurements.// Materials of XIII All-Union meeting "Clay, clay minerals and their use in a national economy".

Sorption processes of naphthalene and β-naphtole on layered double hydroxides (synthetic anionic clays)

However, until recently, this assumption had no experimental evidence. In the current work, hydroxyl radical formation upon KSF photolysis was observed in laser flash photolysis experiments (AIG laser, 355 nm) of clay suspensions in the presence of methyl viologen dication (MV2+). UV spectra of clay suspensions in the near UV spectral range almost coincide with the spectrum of Fe(OH)2+.

Epitaxial mechanism of clay minerals hydration

Chemical modifications of smectites seen by selected spectroscopic techniques Wetting phenomena in swelling and non-swelling clays and their effect on drilling Investigation of clay minerals for the development of oil and gas geology.

Geology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry

Mossbauer analysis compounds of iron in soils of the earth and some soils of the mars

For example, water existed in the past on a surface of Mars and an origin of the increased maintenance magnetite in top horizons of soils of the Earth. Zalutskii A.A., Sedmov N.A., Kuzmin R.N., Ivanov A.V. Mossbauer analysis of compounds of iron in soils of the Earth and some soils of Mars // Глины, глинистые минералы, слоистые.

Retrograde clay mineral alteration in the theistareykir geothermal field


Fig. 1. Consistency curves of 6% Na + -bentonite suspensions. 1 – untreated bentonite, 2 – fine fraction of bentonite, 3 – hydrogen peroxide treated bentonite, 4 – dithionite treated bentonite, 5 – untreated bentonite dried at 105°C.
Fig. 1. Flow curves of montmorillonite suspensions at different solid


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