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34 9 th International Conference on Digital Exclusion in the Information and Knowledge Societya aprendizagem, a Educação com foco no

aluno, passando pelo Ciclo de Aprendizagem de Kolb (1976, p. 15) e os diferentes tipos de Estilos de Aprendizagem.

Unidade III – Nesta unidade deu-se início ao desenvolvimento dos Projetos Educacionais (criação de um Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem). Teve como foco o trabalho cooperativo e o intenso desenvolvimento da aprendizagem colaborativa.

Unidade IV – Esta unidade teve como objetivo a implantação operacional das referidas temáticas no novo ambiente Moodle, chamado de Moodle Experimental.

Resultados: A análise dos resultados só foi possível graças ao tipo de avaliação escolhida: formativa e diagnóstica. Todo o processo formativo foi devidamente acompanhado pelos tutores do curso. Ressaltamos que a proximidade empregada pelos tutores com seus respectivos alunos, surpreendeu de forma positiva, pois a grande maioria achou que ficariam isolados durante todo o processo. Esse aspecto ajudou a diminuir a distância entre aluno/tutor/professor. Outro aspecto ressaltado nos depoimentos dos alunos foi a forma de condução do curso, aspecto que aparece nos depoimentos dos cursistas ao apontarem que sentiram “conectados”. Importante ressaltar que estamos em momento único na busca de alternativas metodológicas e modelos didáticos para processos de aprendizagem online. Mello e Barros (2014) apontam que a tradição das ciências pedagógicas tem se restringido a estudar processos face a face, havendo necessidade de construir um novo espaço/tempo pedagógico.

Conclusões: As análises realizadas nas atividades desenvolvidas semanalmente em

cada uma das unidades, nos permitem afirmar que o curso trouxe inúmeros resultados positivos. Depoimentos que vão desde a superação de concepções de aprendizagem mediada por computador até no aprendizado e possibilidades de reflexão com grupo de participantes para a realização de futuras implementações em suas respectivas disciplinas ou campos de estudo. Sabemos que esses resultados são ainda são “embrionários” dada a quantidade de participantes. Entretanto, poderão contribuir para futuros projetos na área de educação a distância.


Almeida, F.J., Fonseca Jr, F.M. (2000). Projetos e ambientes inovadores. Secretaria de Educação a Distância. Brasília: Ministério da Educação.

Fujita, O.M. (2004). A formação do administrador de empresas: desenvolvendo projetos de trabalho com o uso das tecnologias de informação e

comunicação. Dissertação (Mestrado em

Educação) – Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brasil. Pres. Prudente-SP.

_____. (2010). Educação a Distância, currículo e competência: uma proposta de formação on-line para a gestão empresarial. Tese (Doutorado em Educação). Faculdade de Educação - Universidade de São Paulo. Brasil. São Paulo-SP.

Kolb, D. (1976). Psicología de las Organizaciones. Experiencias. Madrid: Prentice Hall.

Mello, D.E.; Gasparin, J. L. (2012). A educação a distância como alternativa à formação de professores da educação básica. Teoria e prática da educação. V.15, n.01. Disponível em: http://www.periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/TeorPr atEduc/article/view/18547

Mello, D. E., Barros, D.S.M. (2014). Didática no eLearning: aspectos teóricos e comunicacionais. In: Atas digitas III Congresso Internacional das TIC na Educação. Lisboa, oct.2014. Disponível em: http://ticeduca2014.ie.ul.pt/index.php/pt/.

Evaluation of educational software: development of a grid for mathematical software of discovering learning

Stéphanie Coomans1, Gilberto Lacerda Santos2

1EUROMIME, 2Universidade de Brasília, Brasil

Keywords: Educational software, Evaluation grid, Pedagogical usability, Mathematics

In the last few years, education and technology combine and created growing opportunities for teaching and learning. Among them, educational software that differ for their clear emphasis on human learning and knowledge acquisition. Effective educational software have a balance between the pedagogical aspects and the technical elements. In the

literature, lots of evaluations on educational software can be found. However, the evaluation not always takes into consideration the content coherence and the graphic interface. Moreover, the models, checklists and criteria of pedagogical usability mostly speak out to teachers so they can effectively choose and use educational software considering their

9th International Conference on Digital Exclusion in the Information and Knowledge Society


possibilities and limitations. Finally, rare are the

studies that focus on a specific field, which makes the application not always appropriated. This study proposes a grid with guidelines for educational software of mathematics, more precisely geometry. It is based on the outcome of the following previous phases: first, a theoretical analysis and comparison of the existent models of pedagogical usability of educational software to highlight the most recurrent criteria; secondly, a research on criteria of effective teaching of geometry; and thirdly, a summary of characteristics of discovering learning, a technique in the constructivist based approach to education. The application of the grid has not the purpose of guiding teachers, but rather to provide a

basis for developers and instructional designers in the conception of the educative software, or adaptation of software to pedagogical aims. This is supported with a concrete implementation of the grid to the educative software GGBook, a numeric book developed by the Abaco’s lab (University of Brasilia) based on the GeoGebra environment and integrating facilities between the graphics and the operations elements. The results of this research show the importance of the gathering of the three fields described above for a good and practical integration of the usability principles and the pedagogical criteria, in order to accomplish a proper role in the teaching- learning process of the software.

Exergames virtual laboratory: new educational tool for physical education classes

Mateus David Finco, Eliseo Berni Reategui, Milton Antonio Zaro

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Keywords: Virtual laboratory, Exergames, Education, Physical activity

Gaming is a widespread activity in our culture, with millions of people playing video games worldwide. Active games, or exergames, have been introduced as a way to enable body commands to control the games. As a result, such games started to be seen as a tool that could educate people to a less sedentary lifestyle with positive effects concerning health- related behavior (Baranowski, 2008). In Physical Education (PE) Classes, it has also been argued that exergaming engaged participants in longer periods of physical activity than did the standard PE practice (Fogel et al., 2010). It is therefore important to better understand the potential of using such games in formal educational contexts, particularly when exergaming starts affecting school curricula (Mims, 2010). In this article we describe a particular experience in the setting up of an exergames lab to complement PE classes for students unmotivated to participate in regular practices. The use of exergames in the lab has been analyzed from a qualitative perspective, focusing on the practice of physical activity and development of social skills.

Methodology: The Exergame Lab was set up in an elementary school, equipped with one Wii/Wii Fit and one XBox/Kinect console, but only the Xbox/Kinect was used for the purpose of this research. Two commercial titles were selected for the project (Kinect Sports and

Kinect Adventures) because of the wide range of activities they could support. They contained sports games (table tennis, track and field, beach volleyball, bowling and boxing) as well as other games that required the player to perform different body movements such as jumping, kicking, dancing and stomping. Twenty-four students, of both genders, took part of the experiment. The meetings lasted one hour, allowing a maximum participation of four students per group, according to age group: 8-9, 10-11, 12-14 years old. The participants of the project were selected by a committee composed by the PE pedagogical coordinator, two members of the university research team involved in the project and four of PE teachers. The main facet used to select students has been their unwillingness to participate in the classes, a problem with a multidimensional nature that may involve factors such as sedentary lifestyle, obesity, motor difficulties, introversion, or simply a discontentment with the activities proposed in the regular classes. During a period of three months, two researchers were involved in the collection of data. Regular PE classes happened twice a week, so the students who participated in the project missed one of these classes in order to carry out a different practice with the exergames. Therefore, students had one regular class of Physical Education and the second class at the exergame lab every week.


9th International Conference on Digital Exclusion in the Information and Knowledge Society


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