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Academic year: 2017





pr i kazi - pol emi ki - r ecenzi i

presentations - arguments - reviews







1946- 1996







Q up~o A JDI N S K I



Vov ed


P er i odot od sr edi nat a na


vek do

po-l ovi nat a na


vek (1947), odnosno do do

-n esuvawet o -na S t at ut ot -na S vet skat a

zdr av st vena

or gani zac i ja, pr et st avuva

vr eme vo koe e sozdavan i i zgr aduvan ne

sa-mo konc ept ot i odnosot , t uku i i nst i t

u-c i onal ni ot si st em za za{ t i t a, edukau-c i ja i

r ehabi l i t ac i ja za l i c a so i nval i dnost vo

svet ot . Vo ovoj ednove koven per i od se

sozdavani i nst i t uc i onal ni obl i c i za soc i

-jal na za{ t i t a, spec i -jal no vospi t ani e i

obr azovani e, za pr of esi onal no osposob

u-vawe na ovi e l i c a.

Kaj nas, za ` al , nema{ e t akvo i st or i sko

i skus t vo. Mo` e da se ka` e deka op{ t

es-t voes-t o ne be{ e podgoes-t veno da gi pr i f aes-t i

novi t e i dei i vo pr akt i kat a da gi vgr adi

sovr emeni t e konc epc i i za odnosot i za{

t i t at a na popul ac i jat a { t o so vekovi bi

-l a dr ` ena na mar gi ni t e od ` i vot o t .

The period from the middle of the XIX to the

middle of the XX century (1947), i.e., till

pass-ing the Statute of the World Health

Organiza-tion, is a period in which not only the concept

and the relationship was created and built up but

also the institutionalized system for care,

edu-cation and rehabilitation of disabled people in

the world. During this onecenturyperiod, in

-stitutional forms of social care, special

educa-tion, professional training of disabled people

were created.

Unfortunately, our country did not have such a

historical background. The society was not

ready yet to accept the new ideas and to imple

-ment in practice the contemporary concepts in

regard to the social care of the population that

had been for ages on the margins of life.

A dr esa za kor espondenc i ja: Corresponding Address:

Q up~o A JDI N S K I Ljupcho AJDINSKI

Uni ver zi t et „S v. Ki r i l i Met odi ja” F i l ozof ski f akul t et

I nst i t ut za def ekt ol ogi ja Bul . „Kr st e Mi si r kov” bb,

1000 S kopje, Republ i ka Makedoni ja Ajdinski@freemail.com.mk

University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Faculty of Philosophy

Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation Bull. “Krste Misirkov” bb,


Vo povoeni t e godi ni Republ i ka Mak

edo-ni ja nema{ e i nst i t uc i o nal na t r adi c i ja i

pr akt i ka, kadr i i nauka, { t o se osnovni

pr edusl ovi za edna op{ t est vena pr akt i ka.


Do 1946 godi na na t er i t or i jat a vo

Make-doni ja

nemal o or gani zi r ana za{ t i t a,

edu-kac i ja i r ehabi l i t ac i ja za l i c a so i

n-val i dnost . I mal o samo neor gani zi r ani

obl i c i od f i l ant r opsko i samar i jansko

zgr i ` uvawe na nezna~i t el en br oj l i c a so

t el esni , set i l ni i ment al ni pr obl emi od

r azni ver ski or gani zac i i i c r kovni

ust anovi . P o vospost avuvawe na op{ t

es-t ve no -pr avni es-t e es-t emel i na na{ aes-t a dr ` ava,

vo 1946 godi na se po~na so soc i jal

no-za{ t i t ni ust anovi za zgr i ` uvawe na


de-f ekt ni


l i c a

(kako { t o t oga{ se nar ek

u-vaa): gl uvi , sl epi , men t al no r et ar di r ani i

dr ugi . Del od ni v podoc na pr er as naa vo

speci jal no vospi t no-obr azovni us t anovi .

Vo me| uvr eme se f or mi r aa i ust anovi za

r abot no osposobuvawe na l i c a od opr

ede-l eni kat e gor i i i nvaede-l i dnost .

P ove}e pr i ~i ni ja namet naa pot r ebat a od

po~nuvawe so soci jal nat a za{ t i t na

komponent a. Zgr i ` uvawet o na vozr asni t e l i

-c a so i nval i dnost i ni vnot o osposobuvawe

za r abot a, pr et st avuva po~et ok na i nst i

-t uc i onal na za{ -t i -t a na ovi e l i c a koga se

ot vor i "

Dom za sl epi

# vo B i t ol a vo 1946

godi na, vo koj se vr { e{ e r abot no

osposb uvawe. P odoc na ovaa akt i vnost se pr

o-{ i r i so ot vor awe "

Dom za gl uvi

# vo

S kopje i "

Dom za vospi t no zapu{ t eni l i

-c a

# vo S ar aj, kr aj S kopje, odnosno vo Kr

a-t ovo, dodeka zgr i ` uvawea-t o na l i c aa-t a so

psi hi ~ka popr e~enost po~na vo du{ evni

-t e bol ni c i vo Demi r Hi sar i vo Bar dovc i .

Vospi t no-obr azovnat a komponent a se i

n-st i t uc i onal i zi r a koga of i c i jal no, so

r e{ eni e na Mi ni st er st vot o za soc i jal ni

gr i ` i , vo avgust 1949 godi na, se osnova


Dom za gl uvonemi dec a

# (i nt er nat so

u~i l i { t e) vo s. P et r ovec , kr aj S kopje, a

vo 1950 godi na "

Dom za sl epi

# vo S kopje.


In the period after the war, there was no

institu-tional tradition and practice, professional staff

and a science as a basic precondition for social

practice. (1)

Up to 1946 on the territory of Macedonia

there was not organized care, education and

re-habilitation of people with disabilities. There

were unorganized forms of philanthropic and

Samaritan care of insignificant number of

peo-ple with physical, sensitive and mental

prob-lems by different religious organizations and

church institutions. After establishing the social

and legal foundation of our country,


-tions for social care of “defective” people


they were called then): deaf, blind, mentally

retarded and others

were established in 1946


Some of them later became special education

institutions. In the meantime, institutions for

training people with certain categories of dis

-abilities were founded.

Many reasons imposed the need for the social

care component. Taking care of adults with dis

-abilities and their training for work was the

be-ginning of the institutionalized care of these

people when

“Home for blind”

was opened in

Bitola in 1946. They were also trained for work

there. These activities were broadened and

“Home for deaf”

in Skopje and

“Homes for

upbringing neglected people”

in Saraj (near

Skopje) and in Kratovo were opened, while

people with psychic disabilities were

hospital-ized in mental hospitals in Bardovci and Demir

Hisar. The educational component was

institu-tionalized when the Ministry for Social Care

with an official decision, in August 1949,


“Home for deaf - mute children”


boarding school) in Petrovec (near Skopje) and


K l u~ni zabor ov i :

i nst i t uc i onal en si

st em, za{ st i st a, eduk ac i ja, r ehabi l i st ac i

-ja, o{ t et en sl uh, o{ t et en vi d, psi hi ~k a

popr e~enost , t el esna i nval i dnost ,

go-vor na k omuni k ac i ja.

Key words

: institutionalized system, care,

edu-cation, rehabilitation, impaired hearing,

im-paired vision, psychic disabilities, physical

dis-abilities, speech communication.

Za{ t i t nat a i obr azovnat a, a podoc na i

r ehabi l i t ac i o nat a komponent a vo si st

e-mot u{ t e vo po~et okot bea kat egor i jal no

i nst i t uc i onal i zi r ani . S e po~nuva so

ot-vor awe ust ano vi za opr edel ena kat egor i ja

l i c a so i nval i dnost : gl uvi , sl epi ,

vospi t no zapu{ t eni , a podoc na i l i c a so psi

hi ~ka popr e~enost . N o, gol em br oj f akt o

r i namet naa pr omeni vo pr i st a pot i pr ak

-t i kt a na i ns-t i -t uc i onal i zac i jt a. Mor

a-{ e da dojde do f uzi oni r awe na novoot

vo-r eni t e ust anovi za gl uvi i sl epi vo edna

zaedni ~ka ust anova koja, so r e{ eni e na

Mi ni st er st vot o za soc i jal ni gr i ` i na

Makedoni ja, vo 1950 godi na pr er asna vo


Zavod za def ekt ni dec a

#. Vo u~ebnat a

1950/51 godi na Zavodot pr et st avuva

po~et ok i na i nspo~et i po~et uc i onal na r abopo~et a so l ogo

-p at i , odnosno dec a so govor ni -pr ob l emi i

dec a so psi hi ~ka popr e~enost .

"Zavodot za def ekt ni dec a#, koj vo 1951

godi na se pr esel i vo Bi t ol a, st ana sl o`

e-na i nst i t uc i ja vo koja se obezbedi ja

osnov-ni komponen t i za di f er enc i r ano i nst i t

uc i onal i zi r awe na edukat i vnat a i r ehabi

-l i t ac i onat a komponent a za r ehabi -l i t

a-c i ja na l i a-c a so i nval i dnost vo zemjat a. (3)

Zar adi obezbeduvawe uvi d vo r azvojni ot

pr o c es nu` no e da se dade pr egl ed na r

az-vojnat a hr onol ogi ja. O va go namet nuva i

f akt ot { t o na kat egor i jal en pr i nc i p e

sozdavan i nst i t uc i o nal ni ot si st em za

za{ t i t a, edukac i ja i r ehabi l i t ac i ja za l i

-c a so i nval i dnost vo zemjava.

The components of care, education and later the

component of rehabilitation in the system were

even in the beginning categorically

institution-alized. It started with the foundation of

institutions for certain category of people with dis

-abilities: deaf, blind, educationally neglected,

and later people with psychic disabilities. Many

factors imposed changes in the approach and

practice of institutionalization. There was a

need for merging with the newly opened

insti-tutions for deaf and blind in one joined

institu-tion, which with the decision of the Ministry for

Social Care in Macedonia, in 1950, became

“Institute for defective children”

. In the

school year 1950/1951 the Institute started work

with children with speech problems and psychic


The “Institute for defective children”, during

1951 was dislocated in Bitola, became a

com-plex institution with basic components for

dif-ferential institutionalization of education and

rehabilitation components for rehabilitation of

people with disabilities. (3)

In order to present an insight in the

develop-mental process, it is necessary to provide a

sur-vey of the developmental chronology. This is

also imposed by the fact that the categorical

principle is used in institutionalized system for

care, education and rehabilitation of disabled

people in our country.

1.Za{ t i t a, obr azov ani e, pr of esi ona l

-no o sp osob uv aw e i r eha bi l i t ac i ja za

l i c a so o{ t et en sl uh (gl uv i i nagl uv i )

1. Care, education, professional training and

rehabilitation of people with imapaired

hearing (deaf and hard- of-hearing)

P r va ust anova za dec a so posebni obr

azov-ni pot r ebi vo Republ i ka Makedo azov-ni ja, e

"Zavodot za def ekt ni dec a# vo s. P et r ovec


koj vedna{ pot oa (1951) se pr esel uva vo

Bi t ol a. P r i "Zavo dot za de f ekt ni dec a#

vo Bi t ol a e sozdadena i nst i t uc i onal na

o snova za za{ t i t a, pr edu~i l i { no i

osnovno obr azovani e, pr of esi onal osnovno or i ent i

-r awe, osposobuvawe i -r ehabi l i t ac i ja za

gl uvi i nagl uvi pr eku sl edni t e or gani

za-ci o ni edi ni c i :

Gr adi nka za gl uvi i nagl

u-vi dec a


Osnovno u~i l i { t e so oddel za

gl uvi i oddel za nagl uvi


S t opanska edi

-ni c a od ot vor en i zat vor en t i p



-~i ski pogon


model ar st vo


~evl ar st vo



-vodel st vo


ki l i marst vo


zemjodel st vo


gr adi nar st vo


` i vi nar st vo


Do m-i nt er nat

so ambul ant a za zdr avst vena za{ t i t a so

i zol ac i ono oddel eni e


Edi ni c a za

zanaet-~i sko -pr of esi onal no osposobuvawe i

Ka-bi net ska edi ni c a


Gr adi nkat a za gl uvi i nagl uvi dec a

, vo

koja i st ovr emeno e ost va r uvan vospi t

no-obr azoven i habi l i t ac i sko -kor ekc i onen

pr o c es vr z sovr emena r ehabi l i t ac i ska i

n-t er di sc i pl i nar na osnova, so maksi mal na

pr i mena na pr i dobi vki t e od naukat a.


gr adi nkat a se post aveni t emel i t e na t e

or i ski ot i por i menet i ot del na suordol ogi

-jat a i audi ol ogi -jat a kako nau~ni di sc i

p-l i ni za r ehabi p-l i t ac i ja na gp-l uvi i nagp-l uvi

dec a

. S t r u~ni ot t i m na ovaa edi n i c a go

so~i n uvaa def ekt ol ozi , psi hol ozi , l

eka-r i , neguva t el ki i medi c i nski sest eka-r i .

Osnovnot o u~i l i { t e za dec a so o{ t et en

sl uh go so~i nuvaa t r i or gani zac i ski edi

-ni c i : Oddel za gl uvi dec a


Oddel za nagl

u-vi dec a i Kabi net ska edi ni c a

. Vo oddel i

-t e dec a-t a se r aspor eduvaa vr z osnova na

t i mska di jagnost i ~ka obr abot ka, a za

os-novni kl asi f i kac i ski kr i t er i umi se

ze-mani : vozr ast a, i nt el i genc i jat a, sost ojb

t a na sl uhot i govor ot , vr emet o na nas t

a-nuvawet o na o{ t et uvawet o na sl uhot i

vr emet o na opf a}awe na det et o. Rabot at a

vo oddel i t e be{ e or gani zi r ana i spr o

vedu-vana vr z di f er enci jal na nast ava i kor

ek-ci o nr ehabi l i t ac i ska t er apevt ska pr

o-gr ama. Vo O ddel ot za gl uvi dec a be{ e

f or mi r ana i r abot e{ e pr vat a par al el ka

za dec a so psi hi ~ka popr e~enost .

which was dislocated in Bitola in 1951. At the

“Institute for defective children” in Bitola, an

institutionalized basis was created for care,

pre-school and elementary education, professional

orientation, training and rehabilitation of deaf

and hardof hearing through the following in

-stitutionalized units:

kindergartens for deaf

and hard-of-hearing children; elementary

school with departments for deaf and

hard-of-hearing; commercial unit of opened and

closed type; Trade section (model airplanes

making, shoemaking, carpentry, carpet in

-dustry) agriculture, gardening, poultry

rais-ing; Boarding house with ambulance for

health care with isolation section; Unit for

vocational training and Cabinet Unit.

The kinder-garden for deaf and

hard-of-hearing children,

in which education and

ha-bilitation-corrective process on contemporary

rehabilitation interdisciplinary basis was carried

out with maximal implementation of scientific


The fundaments of the

theo-retical and practical part of surdology and

audiology as scientific disciplines of

rehabili-tation of deaf and hard-of-hearing children

were set in the kinder-garden.

The profes

-sional team was composed of special teachers,

psychologists, doctors and nurses.


Kabi net skat a edi ni c a

ja so~i nuvaa: au di

o-l o{ ki kabi net so ve` bao-l ni so audi t or en

t r et man, f onet ski kabi net so akust i ~na

f onet i ka i f i zi ol o{ ka f onet ska ve`

bal na i sur dol o{ koaudi ol o{ ka ambul an

-t a od o-t vor en -t i p.

Edi ni c at a za zanaet ~i sko -pr of esi onal no

osposobuvawe ovozmo` uva{ e: r abot no

vospi t ani e


pr et pr of esi onal no



pr of esi onal no or i ent i r awe i

ospo-sobuvawe na u~eni c i t e

. Del od nejzi nat a

or gani zac i ska st r ukt ur a, kako i del od

nejzi nat a pr ogr ama za r abot a, podoc na

st anaa osnova na novat a ust anova za r

eha-bi l i t ac i ja na gl uvi ml adi nc i , koja vo 1955

godi na se f or mi r a i po~na so r abot a vo

S kopje, kako N i ` o st r u~no zanaet ~i sko

u~i l i { t e so pr akt i ~na obuka za gl uvi

ml adi nc i .

P odocna (1953-1955), ot kako od ovaa

us-t anova se i zdvoi ja vo zasebni i nsus-t i us-t uc i i

za za{ t i t a, obr azovani e i r ehabi l i t ac i ja

za gl uvi ml adi nc i , sl epi i sl abovi dni

de-c a i dede-c a so psi hi ~ka popr e~enost ,

Zavodot pr er asna vo speci jal i zi r ana def ek

-t ol o{ ka us-t anova za r ehabi l i -t ac i ja samo

za gl uvi , n agl uvi i dec a l ogopat i .

Vo 1955 godi na O ddel ot za gl uvi i nagl uvi

i oddel ot za l ogopat i pr i Zavodot pr

er asnaa vo spec i jal i zi er ana l ogopedsko suer

-doaudi ol o{ ka ust anova so nazi v "

Zavod za

r ehabi l i t ac i ja i kor ekc i ja na govor ot

# -

Bi t ol a, so sl ednat a or gani zac i ska st r uk

-t ur a:

l abor at or i ski oddel


u~i l i { t e za

l ogopat i


ambul ant a za l ogopat i


gradi nka

za gl uvi i nagl uvi


u~i l i { t e za gl uvi i

nagl uvi so kabi net ska edi ni c a


st aci onar

za l ogopat i


i nt er nat za gl uvi i nagl uvi


S o r e{ eni et o za f or mi r awe na Zavodot e

ost var ena i nst i t uc i onal i zac i ja na l ogo

-p edi jat a, sur dol ogi jat a i audi ol ogi jat a,

kako podr a~ja na op{ t est venat a pr ak t i ka

vo Republ i ka Makedo ni ja. N avedeni t e

okol nost i namet naa kval i t et no nova i

ns-t i ns-t uci o nal na sns-t r ukns-t ur a vo si sns-t emons-t za

za{ t i t at a, edukac i jat a i r ehabi l i t ac i jat a

za gl uvi i nagl uvi l i c a. S e sozdade sl edn

a-t a mr e` a usa-t anovi :

The Cabinet Unit

was composed of: audio

logic cabinet with drill session with auditory

treatment, phonetic cabinet with acoustic

pho-netics and psychological phonetic cabinet with

acoustic and physiological phonetic drills as

well as surdological and audiological

ambu-lance of open type.

The Unit for trade and professional training

provided working education,

pre-profes-sional training, students’ profespre-profes-sional

orien-tation and training.

Part of its organizational structure, as well as its

working program, later became a basis for the

new institution for rehabilitation of deaf youth,

which was established in Skopje in 1955, as a

Lower Vocational trade school with practical

training of deaf youth.

Later (1953-1955), when institutional for care,

education and rehabilitation of deaf youth, blind

and with poor vision children and children with

psychic disabilities set aside, the Institute

be-came a specialized institution for education and

rehabilitation only for deaf, hard – of – hearing

and children with speech disabilities.

In 1955 the Unit for deaf and hard – of –

hear-ing children and the Unit for children with

speech disabilities at the Institute became a

spe-cialized logopedic and surdoaudiologic

institu-tion called “

Institute for rehabilitation and

speech correction”

– Bitola, with the following

organizational structure:

laboratory, school for

children with speech disabilities, ambulance,

a kinder-garden for deaf and hard-

of-hear-ing, school for deaf and hard-of-hearing with

cabinet unit, dispensary for children with

speech disabilities, boarding house for deaf

and hard- of-hearing.

The Institute, with the decision for its

estab-lishing, started the institutionalization of speech

therapy, surdology, and audiology as fields of

social practice in the Republic of Macedonia.



S pec i jal i zi r ana ust anova za pat ol

o-gi ja na sl uhot i govor ot za r ehabi l i t aci ja

na gl uvi


nagl uvi i l ogopat i

# -

S kopje



Zavod za r ehabi l i t ac i ja na sl uh


go-vor i gl as

# -

Bi t ol a



Zavod za r ehabi l i t ac i ja na dec a so

o{ t et en sl uh

# -

Bi t ol a



C ent ar za pr of esi onal na r ehabi l i

-t ac i ja na ml adi nc i so o{ -t e-t en sl uh

# -

S kopje


P ar al el ki za gl uvi i nagl uvi dec a pr i

r edovni u~i l i { t a

vo S kopje i Ohr i d

. (3)

“Specialized institution of pathology of

hearing and speech for rehabilitation of deaf,

hard-of-hearing and people with speech

dis-abilities” – Skopje;

“Institute for rehabilitation of hearing,

speech and voice” – Bitola;

“Institute for rehabilitation of children

with impaired hearing” – Bitola

“Center for professional rehabilitation of

youth with impaired hearing” – Skopje;

Classes for deaf and hard of hearing

chil-dren at formal schools in Skopje and Ohrid.


2. Rehabi l i t ac i ja za l i c a so pat ol

o-gi ja v o gov or nat a komuni kac i ja

2. Rehabilitation of people with pathology

in speech communication

P o~et oc i t e na r abot a so l i c a so pat ol

o-gi ja na govor nat a komuni kac i ja vo zemjat a

dat i r aat od 1950 godi na, koga pr i

"Zavo-dot za def ekt ni dec a# vo S kopje po~na so

r abot a pr vat a l ogopedska ambul ant a. L

o-gopedskat a r abot a se i nst i t uc i o nal i zi r a

pr i Zavodot (koga se pr esel i vo Bi t ol a vo

1951 godi na) vo l ogopedska or gani zac i ska

edi ni c a so l ogopedsko u~i l i { t e, l

ogoped-ski l abor at or i i i st ac i onar za l ogopat i .

Zavodot za r ehabi l i t ac i ja i kor ek c i ja na

govor ot ne mo` e{ e da go odr ` i ~ekor ot

so vr emet o i mor a{ e da se t r ansf or mi r a

vo t r i ust anovi :

Edukat i vna ust anova za gl uvi i nagl uvi

vo Bi t ol a


Logopedski edi ni c i pr i edukat i vni

ust anovi vo zemjat a


S amost ojna r epubl i ~ka audi ol o{ ka

ust anova vo S kopje


S ozdadeni t e pr et post avki i pot r ebi

na-met naa:

I nst i t uc i onal i zi r awe na l ogopedska

pr akt i ka vo zemjat a


so { t o dojde do pr

e-ras nuvawe na


A udi ol o{ ki ot c ent ar




F oni jat r i sko -audi ol o{ ki c ent ar



N RM vo S kopje


P odoc na l ogopedskat a edi ni c a pr i

Za-vodot za r ehabi l i t ac i ja so o{ t et en sl uh

-Bi t ol a se pr i pojuva na


F oni jat r i sko

-The beginning of work with people with

pathol-ogy in speech communication in our Country

dates from 1950 when the first speech therapy

ambulance started work within the “Institute for

disabled children” in Skopje. Speech therapy

was institutionalized at the Institute (when it

was dislocated in Bitola in 1951) as a speech

therapy unit with speech therapy school, speech

therapy laboratories and dispensary for people

with speech disabilities.

The Institute for Rehabilitation and Speech

Cor-rection could not keep pace with time and had

to transform in three institutions:

Education institution for deaf and

hard-of-hearing in Bitola;

Speech Therapy units at education

institu tions in the country;

Independent republic audiological

institu tion in Skopje.

The assumptions and needs imposed the


Institutionalization of speech therapy in

the country, which developed the “Audi

-ological Center” into “Phoneatric-Audio

Center” of People’s Republic of Macedonia

in Skopje;


audi ol o{ ki ot c ent ar

# -

S kopje i pr odol

-` uva da rabot i kako de pandans na t oj c

en-t ar


Depandansot podoc na pr er asna vo


Zavod za r ehabi l i t ac i ja na sl uh govor i

gl as

# -

Bi t ol a


za po nekol ku godi ni da se

osamost oi


Vo S kopje ost ana da r abot i kako

samo-st ojna usamo-st anovat a pod nazi v


Zavod za r

e-habi l i t ac i ja na sl uh


govor i gl as


pr i

Kl i ni ~ki ot c ent ar vo S kopje



P okr aj spomnat at a spec i jal i zi r ana dr

-` avna l ogopedska ust anova, bea f or mi r

a-ni i l ogopedski ambul an t i pr i zdr avs t

ve-ni i edukat i vno-def ekt ol o{ ki ust anovi

vo S kopje, Vel es, Bi t ol a, [ t i p, Kavadar

-c i , N egot i no i Kumanovo.

Center” – Skopje and continued work as

branch of that center;

The branch later became “Institute for

Rehabilitation of Speech, Hearing and

Voice” – Bitola and a few years later it be

-came independent;

The Institution called “Institute for

Reha-bilitation of Hearing, Speech and Voice” at

the Clinical Center in Skopje continued to

work as an independent one.


Besides mentioned specialized state speech

therapy institution, speech therapy ambulances

were formed at the health and special education

and rehabilitation institutions in Skopje, Veles,

Bitola, Shtip, Kavadarci, Negotino and


3. Za{ t i t a, edukac i ja i r ehabi l i

-t a ci ja za l i c a so o{ -t e-t en v i d

3. Care, education and rehabilitation of

people with impaired vision

O t kako se sozdadoa soodvet ni pr ost or ni

usl ovi vo S kopje (1954 godi na)

I zvr { ni ot

sovet na N RM ot vor i


U~i l i { t e za sl epi

dec a


kako obr azovna def ekt ol o{ ka

us-t anova


za da ja i zveduva edukat i vnat a

komponen t a


odnosno osnovnot o obr

azova-ni e


vo sl o` eni ot pr oc es za r ehabi l i t

a-c i ja na ovaa popul aa-c i ja


P ot r ebat a za kompl et i r awe na

r ehabi l i

-t ac i ska pr ak-t i ka so sl epi i sl abovi dni

dec a i ml adi nc i dovede i do f or mi r awe

speci ja l i zi r ana ust anova za r abot no i

pr of esi onal no osposobuvawe.

Vo 1959

go-di na be{ e ot vor en


Zavod za r abot no

osposobuvawe na sl epi ml adi nc i


vo s


Dr a~evo


kr aj S kopje


F unkc i oni r awet o na dvet e ust anovi za

sl epi , odvoeni edna od dr uga, se poka` a

neekonomi ~no vo i skor i st uvawe na st r

u~-ni ot kadar , opr emat a i or gau~-ni zi r awe pr

o-c esot na pr of esi onal not o osposobuvawe

por adi oddal e~enost a na dvet e ust anovi .

Tr gnuvaj}i od t oa, vo

1962 godi na dve t e

ust anovi


U~i l i { t et o za sl epi

# -

S kopje



Zavodot za pr of esi onal no i r abot no

osposobuvaw e

# -

Dra~evo se i nt egri r aa vo

When appropriate facilities and conditions were

created in Skopje (1954),

the Executive Coun

-cil of People’s Republic of Macedonia opened

“School for blind children” as special

educa-tion and rehabilitaeduca-tion institueduca-tion to carry

out the educative component, i.e. elementary

education in the complex process of

rehabili-tation of this population.

The need for completion of rehabilitation prac

-tice for blind and with poor vision children and

youth imposed establishment of specialized in

-stitution for work and professional training.

Thus, in 1959 “Institute for Work Training

of Blind Youth” was opened in Drachevo,

near Skopje.

The functioning of both institutions for blind,

working separately, was uneconomical in

ex-ploiting professional staff, equipment and

or-ganization of professional training process, due

to the distance of the two institutions. Thus, in


edna ust anova pod nazi v


Zavod za sl epi

dec a i ml adi nc i

# -

S kopje


O t kako be{ e i zgr aden sovr emen objekt ,

r azr abot ena or gani zac i ja t a i koncepci

ja-t a i se sozdadoa osnovni kadr ovski i ja-t

eh-ni ~ko -t ehnol o{ ki usl ovi , ust anovat a pr

e-r as na vo "

Zavod za r ehabi l i t ac i ja na de ca

i ml adi nc i so o{ t et en vi d

# - S kopje i

po~na da gi vr { i dejnost i t e:

pr edu~i l i {

-no vospi t ani e


osnovno obr azovani e



-` o muzi ~ko obr azovani e


sredno -st ru~no

obr azovani e


korekci ono -r ehabi l i t ac i

o-nen t r et man na vi dot


r abot no i pr of

e-si onal no osposobuvawe

. (



Vo st r ukt ur at a na konc epc i jat a za op { t

at a posat avenosat na r ehabi l i at ac i jaat a za l i

c a so i nval i dnost Zavodot be{ e pr oekt i

-r an kako ust anova { t o t -r eba da gi vt e mel i

i r azvi e osnovi t e za r ehabi l i t ac i jat a na

l i c a so o{ t et en vi d, odnosno osnovi t e na

t i f l ol o{ kat a t eor i ja i pr akt i ka kaj nas.

Blind Children and Youth” – Skopje.

Later, contemporary premises with developed

technical and technological conditions,

organi-zation and conception, as well as qualified staff,

enabled the institution to become

“Institute for

Rehabilitation of Children and Youth with

Impaired Vision” –

Skopje. This institution

implemented the following activities:


education, elementary school education,

lower musical school education, secondary

school vocational education, vision correction

and rehabilitation treatment, work and

pro-fessional training

. (6)

According to the structure of conception for

general rehabilitation of people with disabilities,

the Institute was designed as an institution

aimed to develop basics for rehabilitation of

people with impaired vision, i.e. basics of

tiphlological theory and practice in our country.

4. Za{ t i t a, obr azov ani e i r ehabi l i

-t a c i ja na -t el es no i nv al i dni dec a i

ml adi nc i

4. Care, education and rehabilitation for

physically disabled children and youth

Do 1963 godi na nema{ e pr akt i ka za or

ga-ni zi r ana i nst i t uc i onal na za{ t i t a,

eduka-c i ja i r ehabi l i t aeduka-c i ja za t el esno i nval i

dni dec a i ml adi nc i . Vo i st at a go di na O r

-t opedska-t a kl i ni ka pr i Medi c i nski o-t

f akul t et vo S kopje vovede vospi t no-obr

a-zovna r abot a so dec a od pr edu~i l i { na i

osnovno u~i l i { na vozr ast , { t o bea na

po-dol g medi c i nski t r et man. I st o t aka, vo

Bol ni c at a za koskozgl obni zabol uvawa vo

O hr i d i vo Zavodot za medi c i nska r ehabi

-l i t ac i ja vo S kopje, se or gani zi r a i

zvedu-vawe nast ava za hospi t a l i zi r ani dec

a-u~e-ni c i od




oddel eni e vo podr a~ni

par al el ki , or gani zi r ani pr i najbl i ski t e

r edovni u~i l i { t a.

Vo 1971 godi na od Republ i ~ki ot or gan za

soc i jal na pol i t i ka, S obr ani et o na

op-{ t i na S t r umi c a i so mat er i jal na pomoop-{

na F ondaci jat a "S ju Rajder # od A ngl i ja,

be{ e f or mi r ana

speci jal i zi r ana ust

ano-va za r ehabi l i t ac i ja na t el esno i nano-val i dni

There was no practice for organized

institution-alized care, education and rehabilitation for

physically disabled children and youth before

1963. The same year, the Orthopedic Clinic at

the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje introduced

educational work with preschool and

elemen-tary school children who were hospitalized for

longer period. The hospital for bone and joint

diseases in Ohrid and the Institution for Medical

Rehabilitation in Skopje organized teaching

process for hospitalized school children from I

to VIII grade as branch classes of the closest

formal schools.

In 1971, the Republic organ for social policy,

Assembly of the municipality of Strumica,

fi-nanced by Foundation “Sue Ryder” from

Eng-land, a

specialized institution for


dec a i ml adi nc i

vo Bawa Bansko - S t r umi

~-ko. Konc epc i skat a, or gani zac i skat a, t

eh-ni ~ko-t ehnol o{ kat a i kadr ovskat a

pos-t avenospos-t obezbeduvaa usl ovi za ospos-t va r

uva-we na dejn o st i t e:

zgri ` uvawe i smes t



osnovno i sr edno obr azovani e


r abot

-no osposobuvawe i pr of esi onal -no

okva-l i f i kuvawe


r ehabi l i t ac i ski t r et man


psi homot or na t er api ja


hi dr ot er api ja


f i zi ot er api ja


el ekt r ot er api ja


par af

e-met er api ja


bal neo t er api ja


i zdr avst ve na

za{ t i t a

. (4)

children and youth was established

in Banja

Bansko – Strumica. The conceptual,

organizational, technicaltechnological, as well as per

-sonnel enabled implementation of the following


board and lodging, elementary and

secondary school education, work training

and professional qualification, rehabilitation

treatment (psycho-motor therapy, hydro

therapy, physical therapy, electro therapy,

paraffin therapy, spa therapy) and health


. (4)

5. Za{ t i t a


edukac i ja i r ehabi l i t aci ja

za l i c a so psi hi ~ka popr e~enost

5. Care, education and rehabilitation for

peo-ple with psychic disabilities

I nst i t uc i onal ni ot si st em za za{ t i t a,

eduka ci ja i r ehabi l i t ac i ja za l i c a so l

es-na, umer ees-na, t e{ ka i dl aboka psi hi ~ka

po-pr e~enost }e se po-pr i ka` e spor ed i nst i t

u-c i i t e { t o se osnovani za ni v.

The institutionalized system for care, education

and rehabilitation of people with easy, moder

-ate, hard and severe psychic disabilities is

pre-sented according to the institutions.



Oddel eni jat a za dec a so psi hi ~ka popr

e-~ enost

{ t o r abot ea vo "Zavodot za de f

ek-t ni dec a# vo Bi ek-t ol a, por adi neposek-t oewe

soodvet ni usl o vi , a i por adi i nt er esot vo

gr adot za { kol uvawe na vakvi dec a, vo

u~ebnat a 1953/54 godi na s

e ot vor i pr vot o

o ddel eni e za vakvi dec a vo osnovnot o

u~i l i { t e


Kol e Kani nski


a vedna{

po-t oa i vo osnovni po-t e u~i l i { po-t a


Goce Del





Tri f un P anovski


vo Bi t ol a


N eposr edno so zgol emuvawe br ojot na

poseb ni t e oddel eni ja pr i spomnat i t e u~i

-l i { t a i pr i t i sokot za ot vo r awe poseb ni

oddel eni ja, osobeno vo S kopje, bea f or

-mi r ani gol em br oj po seb ni oddel eni ja i vo

dr ugi gr adovi :

Vo u~ebnat a 1956/ 57 godi na se otvor i ja

dve posebni oddel eni ja pr i OU


Br a} a Ri



a vo 1959/60 godi na i pr i OU



S andanski


i edno posebno oddel eni e pr i



S t i v N aumov

# -

S kopje


Classes for children with psychic disabilities


which were part of the “Institute for Disabled

Children” in Bitola, due to impropriate

condi-tions and interest in the town for education of

such children, in the school year 1953/54


first grade class for such children was opened

within the formal elementary school “Kole

Kaninski” and later in the schools “Goce

Del-chev” and “Trifun Panovski” in Bitola.

After the increased number of special classes at

the mentioned schools and the pressure for

opening special classes, especially in Skopje,

such special classes were opened within other

formal schools in different towns:


Vo i st o vr eme bea ot vor eni posebni

oddel eni ja pr i OU


Kl i ment Ohr i dski


vo P r i l ep i vo OU


Tr ajko A ndr eev



Vel es


N e{ t o podoc na vo u~ebnat a 1975/76

godi na bea ot vor eni posebni par al el ki

pr i r edovnot o OU


Manu{ Turnovski



N ovo S el o - S t r umi ~ko


N epodgot venost a na r edovni t e osnovni

u~i l i { t at a za adekvat no pr i f a}awe, na

dec at a so l esna psi hi ~ka popr e~enost da

u~at zaedno so dec at a bez pr e~ki vo r

azvjot i neobezbedenost a na st r u~ndef ekt

o-l o{ ki kadr i , nu` no se namet na pot r eba

od pr ezemawe mer ki za sozdavawe adek vat

-ni usl ovi za r abot a so f or mi r awe

poseb-ni u~i l i { t a. Bea f or mi r aposeb-ni

spec i jal ni

t e osnovni u~i l i { t a za dec a so l esna psi

-hi ~ka popr e~enost


Mar ko C epenko v



P r i l ep (1966/67)



Makar enko


vo Bi t o l a




I dni na


(1971/72) i


D-r Zl

a-t an S r emac


(1972/73) vo S kopje



Mac a

Ov~ar ova


vo Vel es (1971/72) i spec i jal no

u~i l i { t e so u~eni ~ki dom za dec a so l

e-sna i umer ena psi hi ~ka popr e~ enost




# -



S v


Kl i ment Ohr i dski

# -

(1985/86) vo N ovo S el o


S t r umi ~ko



edi nst vena ust anova vo zemjat a za dec a koi

nemaat usl ovi da st ekat osnovno obr

a-zovani e vo svoi t e mest a na ` i veewe

. (3)

S pec i jal ni t e u~i l i { t a vo P r i l ep i Bi

t ol a se zat vor i ja. N amest o ni v pr odol ` i

-ja so r abot a posebni oddel eni -ja pr i r

e-dovni osnovni u~i l i { t a, dodeka dr ugi t e

~et i r i spec i jal ni u~i l i { t a vo S kopje,

Vel es i N ovo S el o pr odol ` i ja ponat amu

so r abot a.

O snovni kar akt er i st i ki na sovr emenat a

konc epc i ja i pr akt i ka za r ehabi l i t ac i ja

na ovi e dec a vo ovoj per i od bea: r ac i on

a-l i zac i ja na edukat i vno-habi a-l i t ac i oni ot

pr oc es so par al el no dejst vuvawe na

de-f ekt ol o{ ki ot , psi hol o{ ki ot i medi c i

n-ski ot kadar ; nast ojuvawe da se kompl et i r a

t r et manot so neophodni t e komponent i ,

mak-si mal na di f er enci jac i ja na ust anovi t e,

kl asi f i kac i ja na sl u~ai t e i popol nuvawe

na ust anovi t e so po t r ebni ot def ek t o l o{

-ki kadar .

At the same time, special classes at the

elementary school “Kliment Ohridski” in

Prilep and the elementary school “Trajko

Andreev” in Veles were opened. In the school

year 1975/76, special classes were opened

within the elementary school “Manush

Turnovski” in Novo Selo, Strumica.

Formal elementary schools were not ready for

adequate acceptance of children with easy

psy-chic disabilities to have classes together with

children without developmental disabilities.

Lack of professional special teachers imposed

the need for undertaking measures to establish

adequate conditions for work in special schools.

Special elementary schools for children with

easy psychic disabilities were formed:

“Marko Cepenkov” in Prilep (1966/67),

“Makarenko” in Bitola (1967/68), “Idnina”

(1971/72) and “Dr. Zlatan Sremac” (1972/73)

in Skopje, “Maca Ovcharova” in Veles

(1971/72) and Specialized school with

boarding house for children with easy and

moderate psychic disabilities “25 Maj”, now

“Sv. Kliment Ohridski” (1985/86) in Novo

Selo, Strumica, as unique institution in the

country for education of children from

dif-ferent parts of the country where special

classes could not be organized. (3)

Special schools in Prilep and Bitola were closed

and special classes continued in formal

ele-mentary schools, while the other four special

schools in Skopje, Veles and Novo Selo contin

-ued to work.




[ i r ewet o na mr e` at a na osnovni u~i

-l i { t a, odnosno o dde-l eni ja za osnovno

obr azovani e za dec at a so l esna psi hi ~ka

popr e~enost , kako i s¡ pogol emi ot br oj

u~eni c i { t o go zavr { uvaa ova obr

azova-ni e, go akt uel i zi r aa pr obl emot za sr

ed-not o obr azovani e. P or adi t oa u~i l i { t at a

za osnovno obr azovani e, dr u{ t vat a za

pomo{ na l i c at a so psi hi ~ka popr e~enost

i st r u~ni t e sl u` bi pr i nadl e` ni t e or

-gani na upr avat a vo zemjat a, pr avea napor i

da se r e{ i ovoj pr obl em. S e pr edl o` i ja

soodvet ni r e{ eni ja od koi najpovol no

be-{ e o tvor awet o sr edni u~i l i be-{ t a za ml

a-di nc i so l esna psi hi ~ka popr e~enost , vo

koi }e se i zveduva i t eor i ski ot i pr ak

-t i ~ni o-t del na nas-t ava-t a. O r gani zi r ano-t o

sr edno obr azovani e za ovi e ml adi nc i

po~-na vo

C ent ar ot za r ehabi l i t ac i ja i obr

a-zovani e


Makedoni ja

# -



S v


N aum

Ohr i dski

# -

S kopje i vo C ent ar ot za sr

ed-no obr azovani e


I skr a

# -

[ t i p za l i c a so

l esna psi hi ~ka popr e~enost

. (5)

Spreading of the elementary school network, i.e.

classes for elementary education for children

with easy psychic disabilities, as well as bigger

number of children completing this education

initiated the issue of the secondary school

edu-cation. The elementary schools, associations for

assistance to people with psychic disabilities

and professional services at the state organs in

the country tried to solve that issue. Among the

proposed appropriate solutions, the most

con-venient was opening of secondary schools for

youth with easy psychic disabilities, including

theoretical and practical part of the educational

process. The organized secondary school

edu-cation for those students started in:

Center for

Rehabilitation and Education “Makedonija”

– now “ Sv. Naum Ohridski” in Skopje and

Center for Secondary School education

“Iskra” – Shtip for people with easy psychic





P r vi t e r azmi sl uvawa za or gani zi r ano

po~nuvawe so za{ t i t a i r ehabi l i t ac i ja za

l i c a so umer ena psi hi ~ka popr e~enost kaj

nas dat i r aat od 1957, odnosno od 1962

godi na vo anal i zi t e i i st r a` uvawat a { t o

se napr avi ja od st r u~nat a sl u` ba pr i t o

-ga{ ni ot r epubl i ~ki or gan za soc i jal na

pol i t i ka.

Vo 1962 godi na I zvr { ni ot sovet na

S RM donese r e{ eni e za o snovawe ust

ano-va za r abot a so l i c a so umer ena psi hi ~ka

popr e~enost


koja po~na so r abot a vo

adap-t i r ani adap-t e pr osadap-t or i i na por ane{ naadap-t a usadap-t

anova za sl epi l i c a vo Dr a~evo (1963 godi



Vo 1970 godi na, ot kako se i zgr adi ja

no-vi t e namenski pr ostor i i vo Skopje



a-novat a se pr esel i vo ni v i po~na so r abot a

vr z nova sovr emena konc epc i ja i or gani

za-c i ja pod nazi v


Zavod za r ehabi l i t ac i ja

na dec a i ml adi nc i



The first thoughts for organizing care and

rehabilitation for people with moderate psychic dis

-abilities in our country date from 1957, i.e. 1962

in analyses and research made by the profes

-sional service of republic organs for social


In 1962, the Executive Council of

Socialistic Republic of Macedonia brought a

decision for establishing institution for

peo-ple with moderate psychic disabilities, which

started work in adapted premises within the

previous Institution for blind people in

Drachevo (1963);


Toa be{ e pr va spec i jal i zi r ana ust anova

za vakvi l i c a za za{ t i t a, edukac i ja i r

eha-bi l i t ac i ja vr z sovr emena nau~na osnova

vo na{ at a zemja so i zveduvawe na:

opserva-c i ja


di jagnost i ka i kl asi f i kac i ja



-den c i ja i st at i st i ka


pr event i va na

pod-r a~ jet o na psi hi ~kat a poppod-r e~enost


t er

a-pevt ski (kor ekt i vno-habi l i t ac i ski ) t r



edukac i ja


odnosno el ement ar no

os-novno obr azovani e


r abot na or i ent ac i ja


r abot no osposobuvawe vo i ndust r i ska


za-naet ~i ska


zemjodel ska i ` i vi nar s ka



zgr i ` uvawe


vospi t uvawe i smest



zdr avst vena za{ t i t a


sovet odavna

r abot a so r odi t el i t e na vakvi t e dec a i

ml adi nc i


Za i zvr { uvawe na ovi e dejnost i Zavodot

gi i ma{ e sl edni ve or gani zac i ski edi ni

-c i :

opser vac i ono-di jagnost i ~ka edi ni c a

so sovet uval i { t e


edi ni c a za habi l i t

a-ci o no-kor ekc i onen t r et man


l abor at or i

s-ko-i st r a` uva~ka edi ni c a so bi ohemi ska i

c i t ogenet ska l abor at or i ja


edi ni c gr

a-di nka za pr edu~i l i { no vospi t uvawe



-ni c a-u~i l i { t e za el ement ar no osnovno

obr azovani e


edi ni c a za edukac i ja


odnos-no za habi l i t ac i oodnos-no-kor ekc i ona r abot a

so umer eno psi hi ~ki popr e~eni dec a i so

pot e{ ki r ast r ojst va vo sl uhot i govor ot


edi ni c au~i l i { t e za r abot na or i ent ac i



kako i za r abot no osposobuvawe vo

oddel ni r abot ni or gani zac i i vo indust r i

-ska i zanaet ~i -ska r abot a


edi ni c a za r

a-bot no osposobuvawe vo zemjodel st vot o

(gr adi nar st vo


ovo{ t ar st vo i ` i vi nar

-st vo)


st ac i onar so kabi net za doma} i

n-st vo


ambul ant a i i zol ac i ono o ddel eni e


O r gani zac i jat a na ust anovat a, a osobeno

i zveduvawet o na r ehabi l i t ac i oni ot pr

o-c es, be{ e post aveno vr z sovr emeni osnovi

od st eknat ot o i skust vo, od napr aveni t e

spec i jal i zac i i vo svet ot i kor i st ej}i gi

sovr emeni t e dost i gnuvawa pr i sposobeni

na na{ i t e usl ovi .

That was the first specialized institution for

such people in our country for care, education

and rehabilitation on contemporary scientific

basis, implementing the following:

observa-tion, diagnosis and classification; evidence

and statistics; prevention in the field of

psy-chic disabilities; therapeutic (correction and

habilitation) treatment; education, i.e. ele

-mentary school education; work orientation,

work training in industry, trade, agriculture

and poultry raising division; care, education

and lodging; health care; consultations with

parents of such children and youth.

For performing these activities, the institution

had the following organization units:

observa-tion and diagnosis unit with counseling

ser-vice; unit for habilitation and correction

treatment; laboratory and research unit with

biochemistry and cito-genetic laboratory;

kindergarten with preschool education unit;

elementary school education unit; unit for

habilitation and correction treatment of

chil-dren with moderate psychic disabilities and

with severe impairments of hearing and

speech; unit - school for work orientation, as

well as work training in different work

or-ganizations in industry and trade; unit for

work training in agriculture (gardening, fruit

growing and poultry raising); dispensary

with cabinet for household, ambulance and

isolation section.

The organization of the institution and

especially implementation of the rehabilitation proc

-ess was set up on contemporary basis and

gained experience, specializations in the world

and contemporary achievements adapted in our




P r vi t e r azmi sl uvawa za posebno or gani

-zi r ana za{ t i t a na l i c a so t e{ ka i dl

abo-ka psi hi ~abo-ka popr e~enost gi zabel e` uvame

vo i zgot veni ot mat er i jal od st r u~nat a

sl u` ba pr i r epubl i ~ki ot or gan za soc i

-jal na pol i t i ka vo 1957 go di na.

S o r e{

e-ni e na I zvr { e-ni ot sovet na N RM vo 1958

godi na be{ e f or mi r ana ust anova za l i c a

so t e{ ka i najt e{ ka


dl aboka


psi hi ~ka

popr e~enost


so nazi v


S pec i jal en zavod


so sedi { t e vo Demi r Kapi ja


S o t oa pr

vpat vo na{ at a zemja be{ e po~nat a or gani

-zi r ana i nst i t uc i onal na def ekt ol o{ ka

za{ t i t a i t r et man za t akvi l i c a kako

dej-nost vo obl ast a na soc i jal nat a za{ t i t a,

koja r abot i i denes.

P r vi t e kor i sni c i vo

Zavodot bea pr ezemeni od du{ evni t e bo l

-ni c i o d Bar dovc i i Demi r Hi sar i od

smejst vat a kade { t o t i e pr etst avuvaa t

e-` ok soc i jal en pr obl em


Vo po~et ni ot per i od ust anovat a i ma{ e

pr et e` no azi l ski kar akt er , a podoc na se

i zmeni so podobr uvawe na usl ovi t e za r

a-bot a i anga` i r awe st r u~ni kadr i od r

az-l i ~ni pr o f i az-l i :

l ekari


t erapevt i



-ci nski sest r i i negovat el ki


def ekt ol



i nst r ukt or i za r abot no osposobuvawe


soc i jal ni r abot ni c i i dr ugi


S odr ` i nat a na t r et manot se zbogat uva{ e

so sovr emeni soznani ja od obl ast a na

so-c i jal nat a, zdr avst venat a i def ek t ol o{ k

a-t a pr ak a-t i ka, pr i { a-t o sevkupni oa-t pr oc es

pr i mi humani t ar en, za{ t i t en i habi l i t

a-ci o nen kar akt er . Toa osobeno mo` e{ e da

se zabel e` i so ot vor awe na Depandans pr i

ovoj Zavod za l i c a so t e{ ka psi hi ~ka

popr e~enost vo 1970 godi na, kade { t o se or

-gani zi r aa:

vospi t ni gr upi spor ed vozras t a

i st epenot na pr eost anat i t e psi hof i zi

-~ki spo sobnost i za st eknuvawe el

emen-t ar no vospi emen-t ani e i obr azovani e i r aboemen-t ni

gr upi od ml adi nc i za opr edel eni r abot ni

oer ac i i vo r abot i l ni c i (t kaewe


pl et





{ i ewe i dr


) i vo zemjo del

-st vot o (gr adi nar -st vo


l ozarst vo


` i vi nar

-st vo


st o~ar st vo i sl




The first thoughts for special organized care for

people with severe and deep psychic disabilities

are noticed in the material prepared by profes

-sional service at republic organ for social policy

in 1957.

With decision of the Executive

Council of People’s Republic of Macedonia

in 1958, an institution for people with severe

and deep psychic disabilities called “Special

Institute “ in Demir Kapija was formed

. That

marked the beginning of organized institutional

special education and rehabilitation process for

such people in the field of social care.

The first beneficiaries in the Institute were

brought from mental hospitals in Bardovci

and Demir Hisar and from families where

they presented a difficult social problem.

At the beginning, the institution had mostly

asylum character and later it changed and

im-proved its conditions of work and engaged

pro-fessional staff from different profiles:


therapists, nurses; special teachers,

instruc-tors for work training; social workers and


The content of the treatment was enriched with

contemporary knowledge in the field of social,

health and special education and rehabilitation

practice, and the process itself acquired

humanitarian, protective and habilitation charac

-ter. That was noticeable when the Branch at the

Institute for people with severe psychic dis

-abilities in 1970 was opened implementing the


education group according to the


Vo 1970 godi na t r et manot i za l i c at a so

dl aboka psi hi ~ka popr e~enost be{ e or

-gani zi r an na pohumani i posovr emeni

za{ t i t ni osnovi . S e vovede:

zdrav st ve na

za{ t i t a (i nt er ni st i ~ka


gi nekol o{ ka


st o mat o l o{ ka


r ent genol o{ ka i dr ugi

zdr avst veni sl u` bi )


pr avi l na i shr ana i

samoposl o` uvawe i habi l i tac i sko-t er

a-pevt ska r abot a


r abot na okupac i ja


f i

-zi ot er api ja


muzi kot er api ja i dr

.). (3)

I nst i t uc i onal i zi r awet o na za{ t i t at a,

edu kac i jat a, ospos o buva wet o i r ehabi l i

-t ac i ja-t a za l i c a-t a so psi hi ~ka po pr e~

e-nost vo Rep ubl i ka Makedoni ja pr ets t

avu-va vt emel uavu-va we i r azvoj na ol i gof r enol

o-gi jat a kako avt ent i ~na nau~na di sc i pl i na

na def ekt ol ogi jat a.

In 1970, the treatment for people with deep

psy-chic disabilities was organized in more human

and more contemporary conditions. The

fol-lowing was introduced:

health care (internal

medicine, gynecology, stomatology, X-ray

and other health services); healthy nutrition

and self-service and habilitation-therapeutic

work (work occupation, physical therapy,

musical therapy etc.). (3)

Institutionalization for care, education, training

and rehabilitation of people with psychic dis

-abilities in the Republic of Macedonia is the

foundation and development of oligo-

phrenol-ogy as an authentic scientific discipline of

spe-cial education and rehabilitation.

P r of esi onal no or i ent i r aw e


r abot

-no os posobuv aw e


pr of esi onal na kv

a-l i f i ka ci ja i v r abo t uv aw e za a-l i c a so

i nv al i dnost

Professional orientation, work training,

professional qualification and employment

of people with disabilities

A ko se napr avi anal i za na or gani zac i sk

a-t a posa-t avenosa-t , kako i na dejnosa-t i a-t e na

si t e def ekt ol o{ ki ust anovi kaj nas, }e se

vi di deka soc i jal nat a komponent a na

pr edmet ot na def ekt ol ogi jat a e zast apena

u{ t e vo ni vni ot ni kul ec .

Vo ni v bea

zas-t apeni


pr of esi onal nat a i r abot na or i

-ent ac i ja


pr of esi onal not o okval i f i

ku-vawe i r abot not o osposobuku-vawe


S ost ojbat a na psi hof i zi ~ki t e sposob

nos-t i , kar aknos-t er onos-t na p opr e~enosnos-t a i snos-t epenonos-t

na osposobenost a za r abot a, ja namet naa

pot r ebat a od pr eze mawe mer ki za adekvat

-no vkl u~uvawe na l i c at a so i nval i d-nost

vo r abot ni ot pr oc es.

P o~na vr abot uvawe

vo st opanski or gani zac i i


vo or gani zac i

s-ki edi ni c i od zat voren t i p i gr upno i

poe-di ne~no vkl u~uvawe vo ot vor eno st o

pan-st vo

. Be{ e sozdadena mr e` a od spec i jal i

-zi r ani r abot ni or gani zac i i "za{ t i t ni

r abot i l ni ci #

i "za{ t i t ni r abot ni or gani

zaci i # koi sozdadoa pr akt i ka i p omognaa

kval i t et no da se i zmeni javnot o mi sl ewe

za mo` nost i t e, vakvat a popul ac i ja da bi de

vkl u~ena vo pr oi zvodst veni ot pr oc es i da

se i nt egr i r a vo soc i jal nat a sr edi na. (4)

If analysis for organizational structure is made,

as well as the activities of all special education

and rehab ilitation institutions in our country, it

will be noticed that the social component of

special education and rehabilitation was present

even in their beginning.

These institutions

im-plemented: professional and work

orienta-tion; professional qualification and work


The condition of psycho-physical abilities, the

character of disabilities and the level of work

qualification imposed the need for undertaking

measures for adequate inclusion of people with

disabilities in the working process.

Employ-m ent in working organizations, in

organizational units of closed type and group and in

-dividual inclusion in the open economy


Special working organization network

was established: “shelter workshops” and

“shelter work organizations” with practice

w hich qualitatively changed public opinion

about the possibilities such population to be in

-cluded in the process of production and in social


L i t er at ur a / References

1. A jdi nski Q. I nt egr al na r ehabi l i t ac i ja na ment al no r et ar di r ani l i c a, Bel gr ad, 1982.

2. Ajdinski Lj, Florian L. Special education in

Ma-cedonia, Europen Journal of Special Needs Education, Vol. 12, No. 2/1997.

3. A jdi nski Q , A ndr eevski V. 50 godi ni za{ t i -t a, r ehabi l i -t ac i ja, vospi -t ani e i obr azovani e na l i c at a so pr e~ki vo r azvojot vo Republ i ka Makedoni ja, 1949-1999, S kopje, 2001.


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