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Original Article





J.M ahendran, M .PT (Ortho)

* 1

, A.N.Sundaresan M .PT (Ortho)


, Gowrishankar Potturi

M .PT(Neuro)


, P.D. Karthikeyan M .PT (Neuro)



* 1,3,4 Lect urer, School of Physiot herapy, Allianze Universit y college of M edical Sciences, Kepala Batas,

Penang, M alaysia.

2 Senior Lect urer, School of Physiot herapy, Allianze Universit y college of M edical Sciences, Kepala

Batas, Penang, M alaysia.

Objective: To invest igat e t he effect iveness of ult rasound w it h M ait land m obilizat ion over Short w ave diat hermy w it h M ait land m obilizat ion in im proving t he f unct ional perform ance of pat ient s w it h Per iart hrit is of shoulder

Design: A sim ple random ized cont rolled clinical t rail

Sett ing: The st udy w as conduct ed in t he depar t m ent of physiot herapy in Ganga Hospit al Coim bat ore (India), Vinayaka M ission Hospital Salem (India).

Subject s: 30 pat ient s w ere select ed random ly from t he populat ion using sim ple random sam pling procedure (Lott er y M et hod) and w ere divided int o t w o equal groups.

Intervention : The experim ental group (n=15) w ere given Ult rasound w it h M ait land m obi lizat ion w it h 1 M Hz in

frequency, cont inuous m ode and 1.5 W/ cm2 of int ensit y w it h 5cm2 sized t ransducer for 10 m inut es of t reat m ent

durat ion .The cont rol group (n=15) w ere given Short w ave diat hermy w it h M ait land m obi lizat ion for period of 15 m in w it h cont ra planar t echnique.

Outcome m easures: The funct ional perform ance w as m easured using Shoulder Pain and Disabilit y Index (SPADI) scale.

Results: In Group-A (Exper im ent al Group ) and Group-B (Cont rol Group), all data w as expressed as m ean ± , SD and w as stat ist ically analysed using paired ‘t ’ t est and independent ‘t ’ t est t o det erm ine t he stat ist ical difference am ong t he param et ers at 0.5% level of significance. Stat ist ical data of SPADI show ed t hat , Group-A is significant ly dif ferent from Group-B w it h p<0.05; i.e 95% of significance.

Conclusion: The post ult rasound M ait land m obilizat ion is found m ore effect ive and beneficial t han post SWD M ait land m obilizat ion on shoulder f unct ions in periart hrit is.

KEYW ORDS: M ait land m obilizat ions, Short w ave diat hermy, Ult rasound, Periart hrit is, Glides.

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International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research

ISSN 2321- 1822

w w w.ijmhr.org/ ijpr.html

Received: 18-06-2014 Accepted: 07-07-2014

Published: 11-08-2014



Address for correspondence: J.M ahendran, M .PT (Ort ho), Lect urer, School of Physiot herapy, Allianze Universit y college of M edical Sciences, Kepala Batas, Penang, M alaysia-13200

E-M ail: jayamahendran@gmail.com

International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, Int J Physiother Res 2014, Vol 2(4):621-25. ISSN 2321-1822

Peer Review : 18-06-2014

The shoulder is a complex anat omical joint t hat allow s movement in many planes. M ult i-plane w ide arcs of movement s are t he result s of t he



for a w ide range of cont rolled purposeful daily act ivit ies like washing hair, washing back, put-t ing an objecput-t on a high shelf.

Periart hrit is is a common disabling and painful condit ion characterized by act ive and passive lim it at ion of t he shoulder range of m ot ion (ROM ).The term “ Periart hritis” first described by a French doct or ES Duplay in 18721. Shoulder

m o t i o n an d d ai ly act i v it i es ar e r est r i ct ed gradually, causing disabilit y. Alt hough t he ROM varies depending upon w hich stage t he pat ient present s, yet he or she st ill has limit at ions of p assi v e ROM i n a cap su lar pat t er n . Approxim ately 7% t o 21% of t he populat ion su f f er s f r om pain f u l or st if f sh ou ld er 2. It

commonly affect s w omen more frequent ly t han m en and p eak age is 56 years 3. Bi lat eral

involvement occurs in 40% t o 50% 4. Pat ient s

w it h diabetes have high prevalence rate of 20% t han t he normal populat ion. 5

Various convent ional treatments like Analgesics, Nonsteroidal ant i-inflammat ory (NSAIDS) drugs, physiot herapy modalit ies, exercises and advices are available t o t reat t his condit ion. They mainly aim at relieving pain and im proving range of mot ion (ROM ).

Short-w ave diat hermy (SW D) is a deep t issue heat ing elect rot herapeut ic m odalit y, w hich produces an oscillat ing elect romagnet ic field in t he frequency range of 27.12 M Hz. Therapeut ic effects of t hese oscillat ions proven in t heir abilit y t o decrease t issue viscosit y and w it h t hese m uscu lar an d t en d in o u s co nt r act u r es. Additionally, the deep heating effect also induces an an t i -i nf lam m at or y resp on se, st im ul at e connect ive t issue repair, reduce joint st iffness, m uscle spasm , pain and prepare t issue for passive st retching. 6

Ult rasound (US), w hich is a deep t issue heat ing modalit y, can elevate t issue temperat ure. The physiologic response due t o ult rasound t herapy includes increased collagen t issue extensibilit y, pain t hreshold and enzymat ic activit y, along w it h ch anges i n ner ve con duct ion vel oci t y and cont ract ile act ivit y of skeletal muscle 7. A recent

evidence-based guidelines conclude t hat t he t herapeut ic US was effect ive in t he t reat ment of calcific tendonit is of t he shoulder, t here was no evidence that it was beneficial for ot her forms

of shoulder pain (e.g. capsulit is, bursit is, and tendonit is). 8

M ait l and m ob i l izat io n is a w i d el y used t herapeut ic technique used to treat various intra art icular and periarticular disorders. Grades I and II of M ait land m obi lizat ion t echniques are primarily used for t reat ing joint s limited by pain. The oscillat ion may have an inhibit ory effect on t he percept ion of painful st imuli by repet it ively st i m ul at i n g m ech ano r ecept o rs t hat b l ock nocicept ive pat hways at t he spinal cord or brain stem levels. These nonst retch mot ions help t o move synovial fluid t o improve nut rit ion t o t he cart ilage w hereas Grades III and IV are primarily used as st retching manoeuvres9. Appropriate

select io n of m ob i l izat i on t ech n iq u e f o r t reat ment can only take place after a t horough assessment and examinat ion.

Aim for study:

To find t he effect iveness of ult rasound w it h M ai t l an d m o b i li zat i o n o v er sh or t w av e d i at h er m y w i t h M ai t l an d m o b i l i sat i o n i n improving funct ional performance of pat ient s w it h periart hrit is shoulder.


1. To find t he effect iveness in applicat ion of ultrasound combined w it h M ait land mobilisation in improving funct ional performance of pat ient s w it h periart hrit is shoulder.

2. To find t he effect iveness in applicat ion of short wave diat hermy combined w it h M ait land m obilisat ion in im proving funct ional perfor-mance of pat ient s w it h periart hrit is shoulder. 3. To compare t he effect iveness of ult rasound w it h M ait land m obi lizat ion over short w ave d iat h -er m y w i t h M ait lan d m o b i l isat i on i n improving funct ional performance of pat ient s w it h periart hrit is shoulder.




Inclusion Criteria:

1. Unilateral periart hrit is 2. Pat ient s age bet w een 40-60 3. Bot h sexes w ere included Exclusion Criteria:

1. Hist ory of uncont rolled diabetes mellit us 2. Pat ient s w it h skin disorders

3. Pat ient s under steroid t herapy

4.Hist ory of any major t rauma or surgery M aterials:

1. Consent forms 2.Evaluat ion format

3.Ult rasound machine and conduct ion gel 4.Shortwave diat hermy machine, elect rodes and pads

5. Pillow s and t ow els

Treatment and assessment technique:

30 p at ien t s w i t h con f i r m ed di agno si s o f periarthrits w ere selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. They w ere divided int o t w o equal groups consist s of 15 pat ient s by simple random sampling procedure (Lottery M et hod). The p at i ent s w er e exp lai n ed abo u t t h e t reat ment and assessment procedure and w ere taken t heir consent before group division. Group A w as given Ult rasound and M ait land mobilisat ion 5 sessions per w eek for a period of 2 successive w eeks.


Application of Ultrasound

The pat ient s posit ioned comfortably t o receive t herapeut ic ult rasound w it h parametric settings of 1 M Hz in frequency, continuous mode and 1.5 W/ cm2 of intensit y w it h 5cm2 sized t ransducer

for 10 minutes of treatment durat ion. After coat-ing the skin w it h couplcoat-ing media (Aquasonic gel), Ult rasound was delivered by moving t he t reat-m ent head over t he ant erior, super ior and posterior regions of t he affected joint in slow, circular and overlapping fashion. 10

Application of M aitland M obilisation 9

Passive Accessory M ovements

The follow ing passive accessory m ovem ent s w ere tested and t reated accordingly.

Gleno-Humeral Joint : · Antero –Posterior glide · Postero – Anterior glide · Caudal glide

· Dist ract ion or Lateral glide Sterno – Clavicular Joint : · Antero – Posterior glide · Postero – Anterior glide · Caudal glide

· Cephalad glide

Acromio – Clavicular Joint · Antero – Posterior glide · Posterior – Anterior glide · Caudal glide

· Cephalad glide

Passive Physiological M ovements

The follow ing passive physiological movement s w ere tested and t reated accordingly

· Flexion · Extension · Abduct ion

· Internal and External rotat ion

Group B was given Short wave diat hermy and M ait land mobilisat ion for t w o w eeks

Application of Shortwave

Before start t he t reat ment t he t herapist evalu-at ed t he safet y m easures of t he shor t w ave diat hermy device. Pat ient ’s t hermal sensat ion of t he t reat ment part was evaluated and all metal obj ect s, m at er ials, cl ot hing and elect ronic devices from t reat m ent part w ere rem oved. Pat ient was posit ioned in supine lying and short wave diat hermy pads w ere applied in cont ra-planner (AP) met hod for 20 minutes on affected shoulder11. The spacing bet w een t he pads and

t reat ment part is maintained by t he placing of eight folded t ow els. Intensit y was maintained and adjusted t o produce comfortable warmt h based on pat ient ’s feedback.




The SPADI is a disease specific, self – adminis-t raadminis-ted scale adminis-t haadminis-t measures adminis-t he impacadminis-t of shoul-der pat hology in terms of pain and disability. The scale consist of 13 items int o t w o subscales: pain (5 items) and disabilit y (8 Items). The t otal score was calculated out of 100.


This st udy is t o analyse t he effect of Ult rasound over Short w ave diat hermy in combined w it h M ait land m obilisat ion im proving funct ional performance in periart hrit is shoulder.

In Group-A (Experimental Group ) and Group-B (Experimental Group ), all data was expressed as mean ± , SD and w as st at ist ically analysed using paired ‘t ’ test and independent ‘t ’ test t o determine t he stat ist ical difference among t he parameters at 0.5% level of significance.

Paired ‘t ’ test was used t o examine t he changes in dependent variables from baseline t o after complet ion of intervent ion in each group. The pre-test mean value of SPADI in Group-A is 70.73 (SD=10.92) and p o st -t est is 19.26 (SD=3.78). ‘t ’ value = 22.59, p<0.05.

The pre-test mean value of SPADI in Group-B is 70.26 (SD=11.46) and post-test is 28.8 (SD=6.06). ‘t ’ value =24.53, p<0.05.

The independent ‘t ’ test is done t o calculate t he signi f i cance o f di f f er en ce i n SPADI sco res bet w een Group-A and Group-B. The mean of differences in SPADI scores bet w een pre and post- test in Group-A is 51.86 (SD=8.74) and in Group B is 41.8 (SD=6.47), t = 3.58.

Thus from above statistical data of SPADI, Group-A is significant ly different from Group-B w it h p<0.05; i.e 95% of significance. Hence w e reject t he null hypot hesis.

Table 1: Com parison of Pre and Post-t est values of SPADI scores in Group A and Group B.

M ean SD P value M ean SD P value Pre test 70.73 10.92 70.26 11.46

Post test 19.26 3.78 28.8 6.06 T value

SPADI score Group A Group B

<0.05 <0.05

22.59 24.53

Table 2: Com parison of Pre t est and Post t est dif ferences in SPADI scores in Group A and Group B.

M ean of differences in SPADI scores

Pre test and Post t est M ean SD T value P value

Group A 51.86 8.74

Group B 41.8 6.47 3.58 <0.05

Graph 1: Show ing t he Pre-t est and Post-t est dif ferences in SPADI scores in Group A and Group B.


In this study efficacy of ult rasound with M aitland m obilisat ion over Short w ave Diat hermy w it h M ait l and m ob i l isat io n in i m p r o vi n g t h e funct ional perform ance of t he pat ient s w it h periart hrit is shoulder t he result s show n t hat Ultrasound w it h M aitland mobilisat ion was more effect ive and beneficial.

The beneficial effect of Ult rasound in improving sh ou l d er f un ct io n al p er f o r m an ce can b e at t r i but ed t o t he non -t her m al ef fect s and t hermal effect s.

Cyt okines play a vital role in regulat ion of injury r ep ai r and st i m ul at in g t issue h eal in g an d r em o d ell i n g. The n on -t her m al ef f ect o f ult rasound result s in increase in release of cyt okines by bot h vasodilatat ion and act ivat ion of adhesion molecules by signal t ransduct ion pat hways.12-16

A number of report s have demonst rated t hat ult rasound has been proven for it s beneficial ef f ect s b y m o du l at i n g vasod i l at at io n , lymphocyte adhesion, mast cell degranulat ion, phagocyt ic proliferat ion of T-cells, ost eoblast s and a n um b er of pr ot ein associ at ed w it h inflammat ion and repair. 17-20

It also helps in breaking of t he adhesions w hich are leading to joint rest riction by the mechanical energy w it hin t he Ult rasound w ave and t he shearing force of t he wave combined to produce mechanical propert ies t hat effect t he molecular st ruct ures w it hin t he cell.

M any r esearch st u d ies hav e p r o ven t h at ult rasound m ay int eract w it h one or m ore co m p o n en t s o f in f l am m at io n an d al so accelerates fibrinolysis.21-22



struct ures t o produce its thermal or non-t hermal effect s23, by t he t hermal effect of Ult rasound it

increases t he collagen and tendon extensibilit y t hereby it increases t he range of m ot ion in pat ient w it h adhesive capsulit is24. Vermeulen

HM et al (2000) d escr i b ed t hat M ai t lan d M obi lisat ion plays m ajor role in decreasing sympt oms of perirt hrit is of shoulder25 and if t he

t herm ot herapy applied prior t o joint m obili-sat i o n can i n cr ease t he ext en si b i li t y o f connec-t ive t issue leading t o increased range of m ot i on2 6.Resear ch es pr o v ed t h at b y t h e

applicat ion of short wave diathermy increase the blood supply and increases t issue extensibilit y.27


In t his st udy, w e conclude t hat applicat ion of M ait land mobilisat ion can be combined w it h Ult rasound t han Short wave diat hermy t o give greater funct ional performance in pat ient s w it h periart hrit is of shoulder.

Conflicts of interest:None


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