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Employees' Stimulation for the Perception of Innovations


Academic year: 2017

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Em p lo ye e s ' S tim u la tio n fo r th e Pe rce p tio n o f In n o va tio n s

1 Tаtiana V. Peregudova 2 Anton G. Bystrov

1 Volodym yr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Ukraine

Molodizhny bl., 20а, Luhansk, Ukraine, 91034

PhD (Econom y)

E-m ail:

2 Volodym yr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Ukraine

Molodizhny bl., 20а, Luhansk, Ukraine, 91034

Engineer, Postgraduate

E-m ail: shikoistheone@gm ail.com

Abs tra c t. The article justifies the approach to the encouragem ent of em ployees of the organization to the perception of innovative activity products. At the core of this process there is an estim ation of their activity regarding contribution to this process by group exam ination with point scoring of each em ployee on the selected criteria.

The principles of form ation and distribution of the bonus fund, which it is proposed to establish on the basis of proportion of the sum of average scores which the em ployee received in total, are given. 20 % of em ployees with the low rates are not paid the bonus.

Such approach to the stim ulation of innovation im plem entation in the organization will create a positive institutional environm ent and reduce im plem entation tim e.

Ke yw o rd s: incentive; stim ulation; award; innovation; im plem entation; em ployees of the organization; evaluation; expert; institutional environm ent; knowledge.

In tro d u ctio n . An innovative activity is one of the activity types that characterizes the efficient use of labor potential of the com pany. Its im portance and necessity for the im provem ent of the results of public benefit activities is due to the fact that it form s the basis for im proving the com petitiveness of enterprises, developm ent (growth) of em ployees.

H owever, the level of innovation activity, which is determ ined by the num ber of new ideas and their developm ent, the ability to solve un usual production problem s, participation in rationalization and invention, in search of reserves, work m ethods im provem ent, does not entirely define the innovative developm ent of enterprises.

The em ployees of the organization are one of the subjects of inn ovation work, as innovation products include new m ethods of work organization, m anagem ent, im plem entation of new technologies, etc. In the process of innovation im plem entation the m anagem ent of organization m ay face the problem of em ployees’ resistance to changes accom panying the innovation, because of the em ployees’ unwillingness to learn new working m ethods, to study or because of their m isunderstanding. In its turn, it requires expenditure of tim e and m oney for inform ation search, adaptation, stress release due to unknown future. This m ay significantly extend and com plicate the im plem entation of innovations.

Thus, overcom ing of the em ployees’ resistance to changes requires the search for effective principles of the im provem ent of the innovation m anagem ent m echanism , which presupposes the encouragem ent of em ployees to accept the innovation. Despite the fact that innovations are aim ed at achieving such objectives as cost reduction, acquisition of new useful properties of the product or service, im proving the organization labor, at the sam e tim e, their typical features are the increase of the com plexity and intensity of labor at the first stages of work. It’s known that innovation m akes hum an activities easier. However, before they can be applied efficiently, they should be m astered, which requires significant financial and tim e costs.

Misunderstanding and neglect of these aspects can lead to the failure of som e innovative projects.



Ma te ria ls a n d Me th o d s . Significant contribution to the issue of overcom ing staff resistance to changes, which accom pany innovations, were m ade by such scholars: A.V. Alekseeva, I. Ansoff, M.M. Vlasova, G.I. Dibnis, A. Kam m el, I.V. Koniev, J . Cotter, J .B. Quinn, A.I. Prigogin, N.I. Fedinets, S.S. Frolov, Y. H entts, E. H ughes, L. Schlezinger and others.

We would like to nam e the following scientists who rate stim ulation as one of the ways to support innovation: A.S. Afonin, I.A. Batkaieva, R. Diakiv, V. Diatlov, P.V. Zhuravlev, A.V. Kalina, A.M. Kolot, V.P. Nesterchuk, V.P. Sladkevich, V. Travin, V.I. Shkatula and others.

While acknowledging the perform ed studies we should note the lack of attention to the form ation of the em ployee stim ulation system to perception of innovations based on evaluation criteria of their activity in this direction. For the reduction of the innovation im plem entation period, form ation of a positive em ployees’ attitude, increase of the activity to learn the necessary inform ation it is necessary to study theoretical, m ethodological and practical approaches which defines the purpose and tasks of the article.

The purpose of the article is to develop the m ethodical approach to the tangible incentives for em ployees regarding innovation im plem entation.

According to the article the following tasks were assigned and consistently solved: • peculiarities and objectives of innovations im plem entation are defined;

• the essence of the category of em ployees’ stim ulation to perception of the innovations im plem entation is exam ined;

• the algorithm of em ployees stim ulation based on evaluation of their activity to the innovations im plem entation is developed;

• evaluation criteria are identified and system atized;

• principles of form ation and distribution of bonus funds in accordance with the em ployees’ activity in the im plem entation of innovations are given.

D is c u s s io n . The activity of em ployees in the im plem entation of innovations in an organization depends on their needs, values, interests, m otivations which are influenced by a variety of incentives.

The study of em ployees’ stim ulation issues in this aspect has both theoretical and practical values, which allows developm ent of effective m easures for innovative activity at the enterprise.

The role and im portance of stim ulation in the process of providing a favorable institutional environm ent for innovation im plem entation can be explained basing on the definition of this category by different authors.

In the econom ic literature there are different interpretations of the category of stim ulation, but m ostly, they are focused on the

stim ulation

to work, innovation activities, while no less attention m ust be paid to the stim ulation to innovation im plem entation within the com pany.

In general stim ulation is regarded as form ation of em ployees’ interest in achieving their goals and tasks.

I.A. Batkaieva considers stim ulation as an approach to solving the problem , according to her it is aim ed at the actual value orientations and interests of em ployees, to fuller realization of their labor potential

[1, p. 48 4–

48 5].

According to R. Diakiv stim ulation is an econom ic inducem ent, the use of financial incentives to influence producers, consum ers, custom ers in a way that they act in interests of people applying stim ulation [2, p. 557].

P.V. Zhuravlev interprets this category as creating such em ploym ent, econom ic situation, which could interest the object of stim ulation and incent to act in a certain way. Tangible and m oral incentives are distinguished am ong the external work m otives. Tangible incentives can be expressed in m onetary term s (salary, bonuses, etc.) and non -m onetary (vouchers for the rest and treatm ent, providing housing, the right to obtain deficient goods, subsidies from the enterprise, etc.) [3, p

. 424–


V. Travin and V. Dyatlov determ ine the category "stim ulation" as an external excitation, elem ent of work situations that affect hum an behavior at work, m aterial form of m otivation. H owever, it carries an intangible load, which allows the workers to realize them selves as a personality and an em ployee at the sam e tim e. It perform s econom ic and social function [4, p. 126].



condition for satisfaction of em ployee’s needs, which are im portant for him , and form ation of his labor m otives. [5, p. 111].

Thus, satisfaction of em ployee’s needs, interests and m otives depends on internal factors (m otives) and external factors (incentives).

"Stim ulus" (Latin word "stim ulus") literally is translated as a sharpened stick, whip. First, the stim ulus m eant a m eans of com pulsion. Over tim e, this concept has been linked with the encouragem ent. Inducing force can be either "carrot " or " stick." Stim ulus, as well as interest m ay be m aterial and m oral, personal, collective and public [6, p. 362].

A.M. Kolot em phasizes the difference between the stim ulus and the m otive, indicating that incentive actions are based on external m aterial and m oral factors, it m eans that stim ulation is an external inducem ent. Moreover, he notes that the incentive becom es the m otive for a person when the person realizes it as a fair com pensation [7, p. 292].

By definition of N.M. Bogatska, O.S. Neichenko labor stim ulation is a way to reward em ployees for taking part in the production, which is based on com paring the labor efficiency to technological requirem ents [8].

Adapting the given definitions to the problem of im proving the level of em ployee activity in the innovations im plem entation in an organization, we consider it appropriate to determ ine the em ployee stim ulation to accept innovation as an inducem ent of em ployees to form a positive attitude to innovation, shorten im plem entation, increase their loyalty to this process and reduce resistance based on establishing of the relation between the results of work in the new conditions and the reward.

In the labor process a clear understanding how to get reward and for what it is paid plays an im portant role. The use of m ulti-system stim ulation encourages em ployees to growth, m astering new working m ethods, im provem ent of the com petitive position of their com pany.

Re s u lts . During this stim ulation we offer to do periodic evaluation of em ployees, creation of database and determ ination of an award. We consider, this should be done by the following algorithm :

1. Defining of the goals and objectives of em ployee stim ulation to the im plem entation of innovations.

2. Selection of m ethodical approaches to the stim ulation and evaluation of em ployees. Determ ination of the expert com m ission. Singling out the evaluation criteria. Preparation of evaluation form s and creation of a database form .

3. Conduction of an assessm ent am ong em ployees.

4. The calculation of expert opinions coherence in order to provide objective inform ation. 5. Storing data in the current database. Perform ing calculations. Ranking em ployees according to the im plem entation of innovations and the size of award.

6. The paym ent of award.

In view of the fact that the im plem entation of innovations in an organization is accom panied by changes in labor activity, the m ain goal turns to be the im provem ent of the efficiency of the innovations im plem entation. The m anagem ent tasks in this case are:

• shortening of the im plem entation term will allow to beat com petitors and return the investm ent on innovation faster;

• creating a favorable institutional environm ent for innovation perception (training em ployees, developing conscientious attitude to job responsibilities in term s of the innovations im plem entation, growth of em ployees, as new situation requires m astering additional inform ation, in other words form ation of useful knowledge. The im portance of the latter is proved by the fam ous scientist, Professor of Econom ic History at Northwestern University Departm ent of Econom ics (Evanston, USA) J oel Mokyr [9, p. 8 2 - 8 7]).

The next stage of the proposed algorithm is to choose m ethodical approach to evaluation. Within this research, we have chosen the group expertise m ethod to evaluate an em ployee’s activity of innovation im plem entation assistance providing a score for each individual criterion.



•high level of com petence and knowledge in the areas that being assessed; •collective experts assessm ent m ust be coordinated with each other;

•no subjective evaluations based on their own interests and preferences m ust be given; •a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the evaluation;

•experts training to assessm ent procedures; •analytical skills and self-criticism .

Considering the fact that the m anagem ent of the organization is interested in positive attitude of em ployees towards innovation, work quality, we propose to build an incentive system based on the com pliance with the certain criteria of activity and assignation of the bonus fund for its distribution am ong em ployees on the basis of the evaluation. We propose to attribute next evaluation criteria of em ployees’ activities to assist the im plem entation of innovations in accordance with the following objectives:

•positive attitude to innovation; •quality of work;

•on-tim e tasks execution;

•the level of responsible attitude to innovation;

•the level of labor com plexity, due to the working needs in a new unfam iliar environm ent; •am ount of processed inform ation, which determ ines m astering new m ethods of work organization and etc.;

•diversity of the inform ation m astered by the em ployee; •labor intensity of each em ployee;

•the situation assessm ent rate, solving problem s, preventing errors.

The next principles should be followed in determ ining the reasonableness of the score: put “1” to an em ployee by the criteria, if according to the expert, he is characterized by the lowest activity level, the m axim um score goes to the em ployee with the highest level of activity. The value of the m axim um score is determ ined by the com m ittee of experts. One of the m ethods is to determ ine the num ber of em ployees being evaluated.

After experts have evaluated em ployees for all criteria, the results need to be entered into the prepared database, which exam ple is given in Table 1.

Table 1

: An e xa m p le o f a d a ta ba s e fo r e xp e rt e va lu a tio n by c rite rio n o f p o s itive

a ttitu d e to in n o va tio n

Em p lo ye e s ( s u rn a m e , n a m e a n d p a tro n ym ic )

Exp e rt e va lu a tio n by c rite rio n 1 - p o s itive attitu d e to in n o va tio n

Exp e rt 1

Exp e rt 2

Exp e rt 3

Ave ra ge ( c o lu m n 3 + c o lu m n 4 + c o lu m n 5 ) / m

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 A 1 2 1 1,33

2 B 4 3 4 3,67

3 С 2 1 2 1,67

4 D 3 4 5 4,0 0

5 E 5 5 3 4,33

6 Total 15 15 15 15,0 0

Where “m ” is a num ber of experts. There are 3 experts in our exam ple.



which value m ay be in the range of 0 ≤ W ≤ 1. The higher value means the more consistent between the views of experts. [10 ].

The value of the coefficient of concordance in inconsistent opinions of respondents is 0 (W = 0 ). The higher level of coherence, the greater ratio close to 1 (W = 1).

To check the m ateriality of coefficient of concordance criterion


2 m ust be determ ined. Coefficient of concordance is being essential if its value exceeds the critical (tabular) value.

After the em ployees’ activity towards innovation is evaluated, the consistency of opinions of experts is defined, the am ount of average scores for each criterion of em ployees m ust be calculated, the proportion of each em ployee and their ratings need to be determ ined, exam ples of calculations are given in Table 2.


2: An e xa m p le o f c a lc u la tin g th e a m o u n t o f w o rke rs ’ a w a rd a c c o rd in g

to th e ir a ctivity fo r th e im p le m e n ta tio n o f in n o va tio n s

Em p lo ye e s ( s u rn a m e , n a m e a n d p atro n ym ic


To ta l a ve ra ge

p o in ts

S h a re ( s u m o f a ve ra ge

w o rke r p o in ts / to ta l

p o in ts )

Ra tin g S a la ri e s

Th e bo n u s ( c o lu m n 4 *

c o lu m n 6 ) N o te

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 A 12,0 0 0 ,0 9 5 350 31,11

The bonus is not paid

2 B 25,0 0 0 ,19 3 365 67,59

Bonus is paid

3 С 17,67 0 ,13 4 345 45,15

Bonus is paid

4 D 38 ,67 0 ,29 2 370 10 5,98

Bonus is paid

5 E 41,67 0 ,31 1 376 116,0 5

Bonus is paid

6 Total 135,0 0 1 - 18 0 6 365,8 8 -

From the table is seen that size of the award is determ ined by the salary and cannot be higher than it.

Additionally, since not all em ployees were active regarding innovation im plem entation, we offer to divide them into two groups: 8 0 % of the first and 20 % of the last rated em ployees. The second group doesn’t get award, as specified in colum n 8 Table. 2.

For clarity, in Table 3 we have given rating and the division of workers to the relevant groups. Thus, in our case, 8 0 % of workers - is 4 people, 20 % - 1 person.

Table 3: Gro u p s o f e m p lo ye e s rate d by ac tivity a n d a bo n u s re c e ive d

( s u rn a m e , n a m e a n d Em p lo ye e s p atro n ym ic )

Ra tin g

Gro u p s o f e m p lo ye e s

N o te

1 2 3 4 5

1 E 1

8 0 % of the high activity Bonus is paid

2 D 2

3 B 3

4 C 4

5 A 5 20 % of the low activity Bonus is not paid



Within the article, we've included 3 tables that reflect in details the stages of em ployees’ evaluation by the level of their activity to innovation im plem entation, data processing, calculation of the rating, the size of awards. In organization practice it is easier to form one com m on table.

Co n c lu s io n s . This article gives the theoretical sum m ary and the m ethodical approach to solution of im portant scientific and applied tasks of im proving em ployee stim ulation to assist the innovations im plem entation in the organization which is revealed in the developm ent of the approach to the em ployees’ activity evaluation by the following criteria: positive attitude to innovation, work quality, on-tim e task execution, the level of responsible attitude to innovation, the level of labor com plexity, due to the working needs in a new unfam iliar environm ent, the am ount of processed inform ation, which determ ines m astering new m ethods of work organization and action, etc.; diversity of the inform ation m astered by the em ployee; labor intensity of each em ployee; rate of the situation assessm ent, solving problem s, preventing errors.

To im prove the expert evaluation we propose to exam ine the level of consistency of experts’ views by the Kandel’s coefficient of concordance.

The algorithm of incentives for em ployees to accept innovation and stim ulation based on the selection of active and inactive em ployees, their rating and th e salary is proposed.

This study m akes it possible to state that use of this incentive approach will reduce staff resistance to changes, which accom pany innovation, increase the workers’ interest to the im plem entation of innovations, shortening the im plem entation term and will allow faster covering of the investm ent on innovation.

Re fe re n ce s :

1. H um an Resource m anagem ent in an organization: tutorial / Ed. A.YA. Kybanova. - 3rd ed., Ext. and rev. Moscow: INFRA-M, 20 0 5. 638 p.

2. Research publication. Encyclopedia of businessm an, econom ist, m anager / Ed. R.

Dyakiv. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine 20.04.2000 № 21601

"KNYH ODRUK" LLC. Kyiv. International econom ic foundation. 20 0 0 . 70 3 p.

3. Zhuravlev P.V., Kartashov S.A., Mausov N.K., Odegov Yu.G. Staff. Dictionary of concepts

and defined. M.: "Эkzamen", 1999. 512 p.

4. Travin V.V., Diatlov V.A. H um an Resource m anagem ent in the com pany: Textbook. - Pract. H andbook. 3rd ed. Moscow: Delo, 20 0 0 . 272 p.

5. Travin V.V., Diatlov V.A. H um an Resource m anagem ent in the com pany: Textbook. - Pract. H andbook. – 5th ed. Moscow: Delo, 20 0 3. 272 p.

6. H um an Resources Managem ent: Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. A.Ya Kybanov. Moscow: INFRA-M, 1998. VIII. 453 p.

7. H um an Resources Managem ent. H andbook. 2nd ed., unchanged / V.M. Daniuk, V.M. Petiuh, S.O. Tsym baliuk, etc. Ed. V.M. Daniuk, V.M. Petiuh. Kyiv: Kyiv National Econom ic University, 20 0 4. 398 p.

8 . Bogatska N.M., Neichenko O.S. Tangible incentives in the enterprise. - Electronic Resource. - Access m ode:

9. J . Mokyr. The gifts of Athena: historical origins of the knowledge econom y. Electronic

Journal. Economic Sociology. T. 13. № 4. September, 2012. P. 82– 8 7.

10 . Rom ashkyna G.F., Tatarova G.G. The coefficient of concordance in the analysis of

sociological data. Sociology: 4M, 2005. № 20. Р. 131– 158 .

УДК 331.101.341:005.95

Стимулирование работников к восприятию инноваций

1 Татьяна Вячеславовна Перегудова 2 Антон Георгиевич Быстров

1Восточноукраинский национальный университет имени Владимира Даля, Украина



Кандидат экономических наук

E-m ail:

2Восточноукраинский национальный университет имени Владимира Даля, Украина

кв. Молодёжный, 20а, г. Луганск, 910 34

Инженер, аспирант

E-m ail:

Аннотация.В статье обосновано подход к стимулированию сотрудников организации

к восприятию продукта инновационной деятельности. В основе чего лежит оценка их активности относительно содействию данному процессу методом групповой экспертизы с бальной оценкой каждого сотрудника по выделенным критериям.

Приведены принципы формирования и распределения премиального фонда, который предлагается устанавливать на основе удельного веса суммы средних баллов, которые получил сотрудник, в общей сумме. 20 % сотрудникам с низкими показателями премия не выплачивается.

Такой поход к стимулированию внедрения инноваций в организации позволит сформировать позитивную институциональную среду и сократить сроки внедрения.

Ключевые слова: стимул; стимулирование; премия; инновации; внедрение;


Table 1 :  An  e xa m p le  o f a  d a ta ba s e  fo r e xp e rt e va lu a tio n  by c rite rio n  o f p o s itive   a ttitu d e  to  in n o va tio n
Table 3: Gro u p s  o f e m p lo ye e s  rate d  by activity a n d  a  bo n u s  re ce ive d


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