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Curvature distribution within hillslopes and catchments and its effect on the hydrological response


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3, 1071–1104, 2006

Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

P. W. Bogaart and P. A. Troch

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Interactive Discussion Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 3, 1071–1104, 2006

www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci-discuss.net/3/1071/2006/ © Author(s) 2006. This work is licensed

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Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions

Papers published inHydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussionsare under open-access review for the journalHydrology and Earth System Sciences

Curvature distribution within hillslopes

and catchments and its e


ect on the

hydrological response

P. W. Bogaart1and P. A. Troch1,*


Hydrology and Quantitative Water Management Group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands


now at: Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA

Received: 23 March 2006 – Accepted: 26 April 2006 – Published: 20 June 2006

Correspondence to: P. W. Bogaart (patrick.bogaart@wur.nl)



3, 1071–1104, 2006

Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

P. W. Bogaart and P. A. Troch

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Interactive Discussion


Topographic convergence and divergence are first order controls on the hillslope and catchment hydrological response, as evidenced by similarity parameter analyses. Hy-drological models often do not take convergence as measured by contour curvature directly into account; instead they use comparable measures like the topographic index


or the hillslope width function. This paper focusses on the question how hillslope width functions and contour curvature are related within the Plynlimon catchments, Wales. It is shown that the total width function of all hillslopes suggest that the catchments are overall divergent, which is in contrast to the perception that catchments should be overall convergent. This so-called convergence paradox is explained by the effect of


skewed curvature distributions and extreme curvatures near the channel network. The hillslope-storage Boussinesq (hsB) model is used to asses the effect of within-hillslope convergence variability on the hydrological response. It is concluded that this effect is small, even when the soil saturation threshold is exceeded. Also described in this pa-per is a novel algorithm to compute flow path lengths on hillslopes towards the drainage


network, using the multiple-flow-direction method.

1 Introduction

The terrestrial part of the hydrological cycle is driven by hydrometeorological fluxes such as rainfall, but controlled by landscape properties. An understanding of these landscape properties is thus a prerequisite for successful rainfall-runoffmodelling,


pecially for applications in ungauged basins.

In this paper we limit ourselves to landscapes that are characterised by the following constrains:

The channel network is well-defined and consists of perennial streams only. The channel network is thus fixed in time and space.




3, 1071–1104, 2006

Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

P. W. Bogaart and P. A. Troch

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The non-channelised part of the landscape consists of hillslopes that connect topographic divides with the channel network. Every point in the landscape thus drains towards the channel network and “pits” do not occur.

Hillslopes consists of a permeable soil layer overlying an impermeable bedrock. The thickness of the soil layer is small, compared to the characteristic length.


As a result of these constrains, the hydrology of landscapes considered will be domi-nated by lateral subsurface flow and saturation-excess overland flow on hillslopes, and open-channel flow within the channel network.

Its is assumed that these conditions hold for the majority of catchments in humid climates. Notably exceptions are sedimentary basins, where groundwater flow will


dominate, and semi-arid climates where the channel network extent is highly dynamic. The mechanisms by which landscape properties control the hydrological response of catchments fall intro three broad, and not completely mutually exclusive, categories:

Ecological factors, like vegetation type and density, which control processes like rainfall interception, evapotranspiration, and biogenic modification of hydraulic soil



Hydraulic factors, like saturated hydraulic conductivity, water retention character-istics and macropores.

Geometric factors, like hillslope shape and size, soil depth, and channel network topology.


These three categories are not entirely independent, in the sense that e.g. soil hy-draulic properties are strongly affected by plant and soil ecology. Also, on a long (longer than a year) time scale, there is a feedback from hillslope hydrology to these controlling factors: vegetation composition is affected by the soil moisture regime, hillslope length is limited by a channelization threshold.


This paper is concerned with the last group of hydrologically relevant landscape characteristics, being hillslope and catchment geomorphology.



3, 1071–1104, 2006

Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

P. W. Bogaart and P. A. Troch

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Interactive Discussion The classical form of geomorphic information is a digital elevation model (DEM),

and the classical way to use it for hydrological purposes is to build a two or three-dimensional gridded spatially distributed hydrological model, where each grid cell has an associated topographic elevation, and water is allowed to flow from grid cell to grid cell. This can be considered as an explicit way of incorporating geomorphic data.


In some sense, because grid cells are only linked through common boundaries, the larger scale spatial correlations and structures that exist in the geomorphic surface are ignored.

There are, however, alternative ways of applying geomorphic data in a more implicit way, that, by doing so, do respect these larger scale geomorphic structures.


An example of a simple model that conforms to this implicit use of geomorphic data is the overland flow and sediment transport model KINEROS (Woolhiser et al.,1990; Smith et al.,1995;Canfield and Goodrich,2006). In this model, the channel network is broken up into individual channel links, each represented by a “channel” model ele-ment having a single, characteristic length, corss-sectional geometry, and slope. The


hillslopes are broken up into individual “plane” model elements, each having a charac-teristic width, length, and slope.

The model thus starts from some observations regarding the regularity that is present within catchments: channel links can be adequately described by straight lines, and hillslope elements by rectangular planes. Higher order geomorphic attributes such


as stream profile concavity and hillslope curvature are thus regarded as second-order with respect to their effect on hydrology and sediment transfer.

Parameterisation of the KINEROS model requires the identification and delineation of landscape elements as channels and hillslopes, which by definition requires the interpretation of individual DEM grid cells in a spatial and geomorphic context.


A second, more advanced example of the implicit use of topographic information for hydrological purpose is the TOPMODEL (Beven and Kirkby,1979;Beven,1997;Kirkby, 1997). The basic idea is that under hydraulic steady state, local (perched) groundwater



3, 1071–1104, 2006

Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

P. W. Bogaart and P. A. Troch

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Interactive Discussion level is directly related to the so-called topographic indexλ

λ=logAc/tanα (1)

whereAc [L] is the upstream contributing area, per unit contour line width, and tanα

is the local topographic slope gradient. The topographic index λ thus describes the balance between the amount of water that has to pass through a given point


tional toAc), and the gravity-controlled subsurface flow velocity (proportional to tanα).

In effect, the index λ functions as a similarity index, because all point of equalλ are assumed to behave similar, despite differences inAcand tanα. The TOPMODEL then routes water not through a (two-dimensional) spatial grid, but instead through a (one-dimensional) histogram ofλ. Much of the topographic structure of hillslopes has thus


been captured in this histogram. Sivapalan et al. (1990) explored the possibility of approximating the shape of the λ histogram with a 3-parameter gamma distribution, reducing the amount of required topographic data even further.

The idea of developing similarity indices for hydrological applications has been ex-tensively explored by Aryal et al. (2002) who derived such indices from topographic,


soil, and climatic attributes. the extent of hillslope saturation was found to be defined by three parameters:

An input index that relates water supply q to the soil transmissivity and the first-order hillslope geometry (length, slope). This index, which is derived in a similar fashion as TOPMODEL’sλ, predicts occurence and extent of saturated areas on


planar hillslopes.

Two parameters describing the second-order hillslope geometry, i.e. planform and profile curvature. These parameters modify the predictions made by the input parameter.

In a later paper, this theory is extended to the prediction of response time after a change


in water balance (Aryal et al.,2005).



3, 1071–1104, 2006

Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

P. W. Bogaart and P. A. Troch

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Interactive Discussion All examples described above use some simplifying assumptions regarding the flow

process, being either in steady state, or approximated by the kinematic wave theory, and thus ignoring diffusive hydraulic processes. Recently, Berne et al. (2005), start-ing from a linearized version of the hillslope-storage Boussinesq model (Troch et al., 2003), derived a similarity parameter that described the balance between diffusive and


advective subsurface flow components: the hillslope P ´eclet number, defined by

P e= Ltanα 2pD


2 (2)

whereLhillslope length, p a linearization parameter,D soil depth (the productpD is equivalent to a characteristic average perched groundwater height), anda a planform curvature measure. Berne et al. (2005) proceed further by showing that a unique


lationship exists betweenP eand the moments of the characteristic response function (i.e. the recession hydrograph). Thus,P ecan be regarded as a similarity parameter.

Summarizing, the question how the characteristic hydrological response within a catchment varies (e.g. as measured by the moments) can thus be reduced to the ques-tion how similarity indices likeλandP evary within the landscape.


In an ideal case, a catchment can be subdivided into a (fixed) drainage network and a (fixed) hillslope that folds around the channel network. This hillslope should then be broken up into geometrically homogeneous individual hillslopes, each characterized by a set of morphometric parametersL, D, α, a.

It appears that of all morphometric parameters discussed, the first order parameters


(length, slope) are relatively easily observed, measured and understood, while this is more problematic for second-order parameters such as convergence/divergence. Therefore, after a brief discussion of controls onL,D,α, this paper’s focus will be on flow line convergence and divergence, which is an important parameter in all hydroge-omorphic similarity indices described above.




3, 1071–1104, 2006

Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

P. W. Bogaart and P. A. Troch

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Interactive Discussion

2 Morphometric parameters

2.1 Hillslope gradient

Hillslope gradient tanα is primarily controlled by the tectonic and geomorphological setting of the hillslope and catchment. For low-relief areas, where tectonic uplift rate is slow, diffusive geomorphic processes will prevail. The resulting morphology consists of


dome-shaped hills, with wide flat tops, slowly steepening towards the channel network. The classic model to describe this process is the linear geomorphic diffusion law, given by

qs=kDtanα (3)

wherekD hL2T−1i is a diffusivity constant, and qs hL2T−1i the volumetric sediment


transport per unit hillslope width. A typical order-of-magnitude value forkDis 0.01 m

2 /yr (Rosenbloom and Anderson,1994). For landscapes where topography is in approxi-mately steady state, material removed from hillslopes by surface erosion is equal to material inserted from below by uplift. For a unit width hillslope strip of lengthL, this latter volume is equal to


UL (4)

whereU hLT−1iis the tectonic uplift rate. Equating Eqs. (3) and (4) and solving forL yields

tanα=UL/kD. (5)

The interpretation of Eq. (5) conforms to common sense knowledge of hillslopes:


hillslopes get steeper if they are longer; they get steeper if tectonic action is stronger; they get steeper if erodibility is lower.

There is however a strong constraint on maximum values of α. Landsliding and other mass wasting processes will limit slope angles. The effect of these processes



3, 1071–1104, 2006

Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

P. W. Bogaart and P. A. Troch

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Interactive Discussion is thatααc, where αc is a “critical” slope angle, that is controlled by soil material,

cohesion, pore pressures etc. Note that the latter implies strong feedbacks between hillslope hydrology and morphology, at least on longer time scales. A typical value for the critical slope angle is tanαc≈0.3

There is growing evidence that many diffusional processes do behave more


linear than previously assumed (Roering et al.,1999;Martin,2000). Corresponding models suggest a continuous transition between linear diffusion at small slope angles, towards landsliding-like strongly nonlinear transport at high slope angles.

2.2 Hillslope length

Hillslope length is directly related to drainage density (the total length of stream


nels per catchment area). For a highly idealised ’random-walk’ catchment, as shown in Fig.1, one can show that

L≈1/2Dd (6)

whereL[L] is hillslope length andDd


L−1idrainage density.

Drainage density is defined by the location of channel heads, or “sources”.


nel heads are primarily a geomorphic feature but have a clear hydrologic significance, because they demarcate the subsurface flow dominated hillslopes from surface flow dominated channels. Different explanations for channel head locations have been pro-posed, reasoning onwards from hydro-geomorphic or hydrologic controls.

The classical hydro-geomorphic model for channel head locations is based on a


bility analysis for geomorphic hillslope evolution (Smith and Bretherton,1972;Tarboton et al.,1992;Smith et al.,1997): infinitesimally small hollows on a hillslope will act as a focal point for water and sediment transported from upslope, due to flowline conver-gence just upflow of the hollow. If the (increased) amount of sediment delivered to the hollow is larger than the (increased) sediment transport capacity from the hollow




3, 1071–1104, 2006

Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

P. W. Bogaart and P. A. Troch

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Abstract Introduction

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Interactive Discussion delivered amount is smaller than the local transport capacity, the hollow will grow and

channelisation will initiate.

So, the channel network extent, and thus characteristic hillslope length, is primar-ily controlled by sediment transport, which is in itself strongly dependent on hillslope hydrology. As a general rule, “dry” sediment transport (such as most mass wasting


processes) lead to stable, unchanneled hillslopes, while “wet” sediment transport (due to overland flow) leads to instabilities and hence channelisation.

Thus, in general, the hillslope-channel transition will coincide with the transition from subsurface-dominated to surface-dominated hydrology. This observation is the start-ing point for an analysis that yields the maximum area of unchannelised zero-order


drainage basins (O’Loughlin,1986;Tucker and Bras,1998). It is assumed that in many cases the (shallow, perched) groundwater flow can be satisfactory described by a kine-matic wave approach, and that the head gradient (that is the physical basis for flow) can be approximated by the topographic slope gradient (that can be easily derived from terrain information) (Troch et al.,2002). Then, for a given basin of area A,


tom widthw and characteristic effective precipitation rateP, the steady state water flux through the lower boundary will beAP/w. The subsurface flow capacity, however, is the product of soil transmissivityT and local slope gradientα. Overland flow and hence channelisation will occur whenAP/w>T α.

2.3 Profile curvature


Profile curvaturecphL−1imeasures the topographic curvature along a flow line, i.e. a steepest descent path. It is computed by (Mitasova and Hoffierka,1993;Schmidt et al., 2003)


fxxfx2+2fxyfxfy +fyyfy2

fx2+fy2 fx2+fy2+1

3/2 (7)



3, 1071–1104, 2006

Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

P. W. Bogaart and P. A. Troch

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Abstract Introduction

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Interactive Discussion wherefx etc. are the first and second order partial derivatives of the topographic

sur-face z=f(x, y). See Schmidt et al. (2003) for a discussion on methods to compute these from a raster DEM. Positive (negative)cpindicate concave (convex) profiles.

The variability of profile curvature within hillslopes and catchments is directly related to the governing geomorphic processes. Landscapes where diffusional erosion


nates will have domed-shaped hills with flat tops and steeper slope bases, but convex in overall shape.

2.4 Contour curvature

Contour curvature (sometimes named “planform curvature”) cc


L−1i measures the curvature of contour lines on topographic maps. It it directly related to the convergence


and divergence of flow lines, which are by definition perpendicular to the contour lines. It is computed by (Mitasova and Hoffierka,1993;Schmidt et al.,2003)

cc = fxxf 2

y −2fxyfxfy +fyyf




x +fy2



(Note that the corresponding equation in Table 1 ofSchmidt et al. (2003) contains a typo: the first fx should be an fy). Positive (negative) cc values indicate convergent


(divergent) curvature.

The remainder of this paper will focus on the organisation of contour curvature within hillslopes and catchments.

3 Hillslope analysis

The hsB hydrological model is designed for the hillslope scale; catchment response


is to be modelled by tying together many hillslopes with a channel routing function, such as described byTroch et al. (1994). Hillslope morphological parameters of the



3, 1071–1104, 2006

Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

P. W. Bogaart and P. A. Troch

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Abstract Introduction

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Interactive Discussion hsB model are hillslope lengthL, mean hillslope gradient α, and the semi-distributed

hillslope width functionw(x).

So far, the hsB model has mainly be applied to theoretical cases using highly ide-alised hillslope geometries, spanning the whole range of profile and contour curvatures. However, delineating a catchment into individual hillslopes, that each fall in the


classes convergent, divergent and parallel, is a nontrivial problem. The main reason for this is that the lateral boundaries of a hillslope are in principle undefined. Measuring along a contour line, contour curvature continuously changes.

A much more practical way of delineating hillslopes, also suggested by Fan and Bras (1998), is to distinguish between “headwaters” and “sideslopes”. Headwaters


being those zero-order basins that drain directly towards a channel head. Sideslopes are those hillslopes that drain directly towards a channel link. Generally speaking, headwaters will be mainly convergent in nature, and sideslopes parallel and divergent. Figure 2 shows for the Plynlimon catchments in Wales (Brandt et al., 2004, e.g.) the probability densities of contour curvature for all 15 m DEM grid cells that belong


to the headwater or sideslope classes. Note that both slope types are dominantly divergent, and that headwaters appear to be even more divergent than sideslopes, which is counterintuitive. Median values for contour curvature arecc=−2.6×10

−3 m−1 for headwaters andcc=−1.7×10−3m−1for sideslopes. The fact that theccdistribution appears to be skewed towards divergence is in contrast with the prior estimation that


catchments should be overall convergent, because they can be regarded as an area draining towards a single point (i.e. the catchment outlet). This is discussed in greater detail in Sect.5, below.

The relative abundance of convergent grid cells within sideslopes is caused by the large variability of curvature within a single hillslope. To a large extent, this variability is


due to hollows. The nature of these hollows will be discussed below.

The hillslope width function w(x) is essentially the distribution of downstream path lengths. Every grid cell can be though of being the origin of a flow path that follows a steepest descent (as the water flows) path towards the channel network, where it



3, 1071–1104, 2006

Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

P. W. Bogaart and P. A. Troch

Title Page

Abstract Introduction

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Interactive Discussion terminates.

The obvious way to compute flowpath length for each hillslope grid cell is to trace a single-flow-direction path. In this method, flow originating from cellc is passed to that neighbour cellnout of 8, that has the steepest downhill gradient betweencandn. This is similar to the classic “D8” algorithm for computing upstream contributing area


(O’Callaghan and Mark,1984). McGuire et al. (2005) uses path lengths computed in this way to explain inter-catchment mean residence time variability.

However, it is widely acknowledged that the D8 algorithm does a poor job when applied to divergent landscapes. Flow on divergent hillslopes does not diverge; it keeps flowing on a single flow path, while other paths may join. In essence, the D8 algorithm


is convergent by design. To solve this problem (for computing contributing area) several multiple-flow-direction algorithms have been proposed, among which those by Quinn et al. (1991,1995) andTarboton(1997) are the most widely applied. These models do not have the constraint that water originating from a grid cellc is passed to a single neighbourn. Instead, water is passed to 2 (Tarboton, 1997) or all lower neighbours


(Quinn et al.,1991,1995). In this way, flow on divergent topographies will be divergent as well.

The proven advantages of these multiple-flow-direction hillslope routing methods raise the question whether there are any advantages for computing flow distances too. Here we present a flow-path length algorithm that takes divergent flow into account.


One property of multiple-flow-path algorithms is that unique flow paths do not exist. Therefore, flow distance between a grid cell cis not defined by a single number, but by a distribution of distances instead, see also Fig.3. For all practical purposes, The determination of this distribution is infeasible, because all possible paths between every grid cell and the channel network has to be considered, which is anO(N2) problem.


The practical solution adopted here is to trace the first moment of this distribution only. the following pseudocode describes the algorithm:

1. Sort all cellscbyz.



3, 1071–1104, 2006

Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

P. W. Bogaart and P. A. Troch

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Abstract Introduction

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Interactive Discussion 2. Setd(c)=0 for allcthat are in the channel network.

3. Let∆i be the inter-cell distances in all 8 directionsi.

4. For each hillslope cellc: 5. For each directioni:

6. Compute flow fractionfi towards neighbourni ofc.


7. end for.

8. For all directionsi wherefi6=0:

9. Compute the flow distance along a path through neighbourni asdi=d(ni)+∆i.

10. end for.

11. Compute d(c) as the weighted mean of flow distances along all paths i as



fidi. 12. end for. Notes:

a.d. 1.: dc depends ondn, wherenare those neighbours ofcthat are connected tocby flow paths. Alln are guaranteed to be lower thanc in all optional flow partitioning schemes. By


iterating through the DEM from lowest to highest cells, it is thus guaranteed for allcthat when d(c) is to be computed, alld(n) are known. In this way, recursion code can be avoided, though the algorithm itself is defined recursively.

a.d. 2.: The lowest hillslope grid cells have somenthat are channel grid cells. Settingd=0 for these channel cells avoids having to take the lowest hillslope cells as a special case.


a.d. 5.: These flow fractions are to be computed according to the schemes proposed byQuinn et al. (1991,1995);Tarboton(1997) or any other multiple-flow algorithm. Note that single-flow-direction algorithms such as the classic D8 method can also be used here. In that case only onefi is set to 1, and all otherfiare 0.



3, 1071–1104, 2006

Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

P. W. Bogaart and P. A. Troch

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Interactive Discussion Figure3 illustrates the algorithm. Flow originating in cell 1 has three different ways

to end up in the channel network, by path 1→3→5, by path 1→3→6, and by path 1→4→6. A complete analysis would involve and averaging all these path lengths to obtaind(1) as a distribution of lengths. Our (recursive) algorithm definesd(1) in terms ofd(3),d(4),f1→3andf1→4.


Figure4shows a map of flow distance, for the Plynlimon catchments, Wales (Brandt et al.,2004, e.g.). Insets show how the flow distance field vary with the method chosen.

4 Width functions

Flow distance fields are useful to parameterise the hsB model. The required hillslope width functionw(x) is equivalent with the frequency of flow distances. Figure5shows


the histograms of flow distances, as shown in Fig.4, and as computed by three different flow distance algorithms.

It can be seen from this figure that the shape of the w(x) function is clearly influ-enced by the flow redistribution method used, especially for the headwater hillslopes. The general trend observed is that MFD methods skew the distribution towards higher


distances; slightly for the MFD-T method, much stronger for the MFD-Q method. This can be explained by the divergence that is inherent in the MFD methods in general and the MFD-Q method in particular. Because flow dispersion is taken into account, multiple flow paths connect each grid cell with the channel network. The steepest-descent path is likely to correspond to the shortest path, but the alternative paths are


longer. Because MFD-Q includes more dispersion than MFD-T, even longer paths are included, although with a small weight. Median flow path lengths for the headwater hillslopes are 5% (MFD-T) and 27% (MFD-Q) higher than for SFD path lengths. For the sideslopes these numbers are slightly smaller, 1.5% and 20%, respectively. For all hillslopes taken together the effect is 2.5% and 22.5%.


The general shape of the width functions, as shown in Fig.5requires some attention. The width function for headwaters are first increasing, and then decreasing. This can



3, 1071–1104, 2006

Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

P. W. Bogaart and P. A. Troch

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Interactive Discussion be explained by the way that headwater hillslopes are placed within the landscape.

Headwaters are thought to capture much of the convergent parts of the catchment, because they form areas where flow converges towards a single point: the channel head. Hillslope width on this point (x=0) is very small (theoretically it could be zero). Then, the hillslope is becoming wider, sow(x) is increasing. The upper boundary of


hillslopes are formed by (local) divides. This divide is generally not on equal distance from the channel, nor does it have a uniform elevation. Usually the divide is a ridgelike feature consisting of hilltops and saddles. The lowest saddle of this divide also defines the highest continuous topographic contour line. Above this line, the hillslope is no longer necessarily continuous but may consists of multiple parts. This is reflected


in the width function turning into a decreasingw(x) function, reflecting the divergent nature of the hillslope fragments in these locations (the hilltops on the divide). Note, however, that the highest continuous contour is not necessarily the location of the modal flow distance. Finally, there is only a single location (usually a hilltop) that is at the maximum flow distance from the channel network. Therefore,w(x) should be


decreasing towardw=0 atx=L, whereLis the length of the hillslope.

Sideslopes, on the contrary are more characterised by divergent and parallel hills-lope fragments. This is reflected by thew(x) functions that are almost strictly decreas-ing. Only for the very lowx rangew(x) seems to be slightly increasing. This effect is absent for the SFD algorithms, and strongest for the MFD-Q algorithm. This suggests


that it is caused by riparian area dispersion. Because in these areas topographic slopes are relatively small, and valley bottoms wide, flow paths tend to diverge here. Near-channel grid cells thus cannot be expected to take the shortest route to the Near-channel netwerk, but instead have some fraction of flow that moves parallel to the streams for some while before joining the channel. Therefore, very short cell-to-channel distances


are less likely, and hence their frequency is lower.

Also shown in Fig. 5 is the overall width function when all hillslope grid cells are taken together. This overall width function is the sum of the headwater and sideslope width functions. What is most striking about the shape of the overall width function is



3, 1071–1104, 2006

Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

P. W. Bogaart and P. A. Troch

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Interactive Discussion that it is mainly decreasing. This is caused by the much larger area of sideslope cells

compared to headwater cells. therefore the contribution of the convergent lower part of the headwater width function to the overall width function is rather small, and not strong enough to prevent decreasingw(x) ford >30 m.

5 The convergence paradox


The overall width function as shown in Fig. 5c is clearly decreasing. This suggest that the catchment as a whole is dominated by divergence. This is in sharp contrast to what is to be expected. Because the catchment can be regarded as an area that drains towards a single point (the outlet) it should be convergent in overall shape.

As described above, Delineating a catchment in headwater and sideslopes, and


ing the width functions of these as indicators of convergence and divergence is just a practical approach. A more fundamental convergence/-divergence analysis should be based on per-cell contour curvature and the statistics thereof.

Table1lists, for the Plynlimon catchments, the mean and median contour curvature cc for all grid cells that belong to a headwater hillslope (subset “H”), a sideslope


slope (subset “S”), any hillslope (subset “HS”), or any cell within the drainage basin, including those grid cells that form the channel network (subset “HSC”).

It can be seen from the mean curvature data that indeed headwater hillslopes are convergent on average (meancc>0), and sideslopes are divergent (meancc<0). The HS and HSC subsets also are convergent on average. This confirms the expectations,


i.e. that the catchment as a whole should be convergent. However, when inspecting themedian curvatures for all 4 subsets, one sees that these are all negative. Thus, in 3 of the 4 subsets meancc>0 while median cc<0. These opposite signs suggest

that the curvature distributions are significantly skewed, or that extreme values play an important role.


To investigate the effect of skewness and extremes in the curvature distribution, the distribution has been cutoffat a range of percentile values. This is shown in Fig. 6.



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Interactive Discussion It can be seen that the average of (say) the 1th and 99th percentile is positive. This

indicates that extreme values are dominated bycc>0. This behaviour is up to

(approx-imately) the 10th and 90th percentile. From the average of 20th and 80th percentiles onward, the value is negative, and coincides with the overall median curvature. This indicates that for this range, the curvature distribution is skewed towards divergence,


and the effect of extreme values is absent.

A preliminary conclusion, therefore, is that the “curvature paradox” is caused by the fact that the majority of grid cells is divergent, but the catchment-scale curvature is still convergent, because of a small fraction of grid cells that are strongly convergent.

Additional information can be obtained from Table 1. The median values for


hillslope and all-basin grid cells are equal, while the mean values are not. This by itself indicates the effect of extreme values, for which the mean is sensitive while the median isn’t. The difference between the two classes considered is that HSC includes channel grid cells, while HS doesn’t. Therefore, the extreme convergent grid cells should be located in the channel grid cells, which does make sense.


This hypothesis can be tested in a systematic way by plotting contour curvature against contributing area, see Fig 7. This graph shows a strong curvature–area re-lationship. For small contributing area (A<1500 m2) curvature is dominantly divergent (median<0). For large areas (A>5000 m2) curvature is dominantly convergent (10th percentile >0). The intermediate range of 1500<A<5000 m2 is a transition zone in


which the median curvature is>0, but the 10th percentile is<0.

These zones can be interpreted in terms of dominant geomorphological processes, based on the signature that these processes create in slope-area plots (Tarboton et al., 1991; Ijj ´asz-V ´asquez and Bras, 1995; Tucker and Bras, 1998). Such a plot has been included in Fig.7. Three zones can be distinguished. Zone I (A<1500 m2)


is interpreted as hillslopes where diffusional sediment transport dominates. Zone II (1500<A<5000 m2) is interpreted as hillslope hollows where episodic transport in the form of debris flow and/or shallow landsliding dominates. These hollows are to a large extent responsible for the large variability of contour curvature within hillslopes. Zone



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Interactive Discussion III (A>5000 m2) is interpreted as the semi-permanent channel network, where “fluvial”

sediment transport is most dominant.

These zones and processes can be related to the corresponding contour curvature. Grid cells in zone I are part of diffusional hillslopes that have a characteristic dome-like shape. As a result, profile curvature is convex, and contour curvature is divergent. Grid


cells in zone II are often part of hillslope hollows. Contour curvature is either zero or lightly positive. Grid cells in zone III are part of the channel network, forming valleys in between hillslopes. As a result, contour lines that cross the channels have a strong positive (convergent) curvature.

6 Curvature effects on hydrological response


Convergence and divergence form a first-order topographic control on the hydrological response of hillslopes and catchments. This is recognised in many conceptual hills-lope hydrological models. In the TOPMODEL (Beven and Kirkby,1979;Beven,1997), convergence is one of the parameters that define the value of the topographic index of a grid cell. In the hillslope-storage Boussinesq model (Troch et al.,2003),


gence/divergence are parameterised by the hillslope width function,w(x).

A full discussion of the hydrological consequences of curvature organisation within catchments is beyond the scope of the present paper but we will present one example here. It has been mentioned above that there is a wide variability of grid cell scale contour curvature within individual headwater or sideslope hillslopes. Therefore, one


can question what the effect is of lumping convergent and divergent areas within a single computational hillslope.

A simple conceptual numerical experiment has been set up: Consider a hillslope that is 200 m long and 200 m wide. Such a hillslope can be considered to be neither conver-gent nor diverconver-gent, but parallel. In this case, the width function is uniform (w(x)=200


for all x). For a given forcing, this hillslope gives a certain hydrological response in terms ofQ(t), whereQis discharge.



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Interactive Discussion Now, this hillslope can be sliced into two halves. If these halves are both 100 m wide,

they can be considered to be parallel as well. The response of these sub-hillslopes equals that of the large hillslope, when added. This is a property of the width-functions to be uniform. What happens when the two halves are not parallel is less clear. We test two cases. In case I, the first half-hillslope will be 50 m wide at the bottom, and 150 m


wide at the top. This creates a convergent hillslope. The other hillslope is 150 m wide at the bottom and 50 m wide at the top, creating a divergent hillslope. Note that total area is preserved with this setup. In case II, these widths are 20 and 180, respectively. Other model parameters are: slope gradient α=0.10, drainable porosity f=0.3, saturated hydraulic conductivityk=1.0 m h−1, soil depthD=2 m. Initial conditions are a dry soil.


Forcing is such that steady state will be reached: recharge rateN=6 mm d−1 during 50 d, followed by an equal period of free drainage.

Results are shown in Figs.8and9. The responses for the convergent and divergent hillslopes are plotted. Discharge during the recharge phase is lower for the convergent hillslope than for the divergent hillslope. This is caused by a higher dynamic storage


capacity within the convergent hillslope because water tables will rise higher. This effect is reversed during the drainage phase: discharge from the convergent hillslope is higher because of the larger water reservoir that has been build up during steady state. The effect is quite strong: discharge from the convergent hillslope is twice that of the divergent hillslope around time 70 d. Also plotted are the average response of


the convergent and divergent hillslope combined, and the response of an equivalent parallel hillslope. These two discharge responses are almost equal, suggesting that while convergence/divergence is an important control on individual hillslope response, within-hillslope variability of convergence and divergence can be ignored.

Figure 9shows the results of the second case, where the degrees of convergence


and divergence are much stronger. The shape of the individual hillslope responses is different in character than in Fig.8, especially the response of the convergent hillslope. This is due to saturation at the downward end of the hillslope. As a result, saturation excess overland flow is generated, causing the sudden rise in discharge after time 20 d.



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Interactive Discussion Again the responses of the combined and equivalent parallel hillslopes are plotted.

Now there is a larger deviation between these two discharge responses. However, the differences are still relatively small, especially for the drainage part of the experiment.

7 Discussion and conclusions

A new algorithm has been presented to compute flowpath lengths from hillslope grid


cells towards the channel network. This algorithm is able to take flow path divergence into account, by allowing multiple flow directions from every grid cell. The algorithm has been tested by comparing path length fields for three different methods to describe per-cell flow redistribution, using the classic D8 single-flow-direction scheme (SFD), and theQuinn et al. (1991) and Tarboton(1997) redistribution schemes (MFD-Q and


MFD-T, respectively). It was found that SFD and MFD gave comparable results, while MFD-Q resulted in a significant higher (≈20%) median path length when averaged over the whole catchment. These and other characteristics could be explained from the response of the methods to hillslope, and riparian area morphology, considering the variable degree of dispersion in all three methods.


A so-called curvature paradox has been identified. Catchment-scale hillslope width functions suggest that catchments are divergent in overall shape, which is in contrast to the intuitive perception that catchments should be overall convergent because they are essentially an area draining towards a single point (the outlet). We have shown how this paradox can be explained by investigating how curvature is organised within the


landscape. It has been confirmed that hillslopes are indeed divergent when averaged. However, the drainage network – which is left out of the hillslope width function analysis – contributes the majority of convergence present within catchments. As a result, the overall curvature is indeed convergent when the channel network is considered as well. We have presented a simple numerical experiment to test to what extent


hillslope curvature variability affects the hydrological response of hillslopes. It has been found that the effects of convergent and divergent areas on the total hydrograph almost



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Curvature distribution and hydrologic response

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Interactive Discussion cancels out, making the total within-hillslope curvature variability effect small. This is

even the case when a saturation threshold has been exceeded.

It should be noted, though, that a number of simplifying assumptions have been made in the current analysis:

The catchment is considered to be “small”, such that the response time is


nated by hillslope delays. In “large” catchments, stream flow delays will become significant. Also, most headwaters can be expected to be located remote with respect to the catchment outlet. The average channel routing delay from headwa-ters thus can be expected to be different from the average delay for sideslopes. The effects of this is beyond the scope of the current paper.


Hydraulic conductivity of the soil layer is considered to be constant with depth. In reality, conductivity will most often decrease with depth. This will likely affect the behaviour of convergent and divergent hillslopes. Again, this effect is beyond the scope of the current paper.

These findings may assist in creating efficient large-scale hydrological models. If


topographic zones of convergence and divergence indeed can be clustered together without much loss of precision, it is no longer a prior requirement to delineate a catch-ment into individual hillslopes. Instead, the whole landscape could be regarded as one single large hillslope folded around the channel network. The analysis presented in this paper showed that this hillslope is a divergent one.


Acknowledgements. This research is funded by WIMEK (Wageningen Institute for

Environmen-tal and Climate Studies) project 410-39809 and NWO (Netherlands Scientific Research) project 857.00.008. M. Robinson of the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (Wallingford, UK) is kindly acknowledged for providing the digital elevation data for Plynlimon. The data itself was derived from a topographic survey commissioned by the NERC (British Natural Environment Research





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Table 1. Curvature statistics for various subsets of the Plynlimon catchments DEM grid cells.

subsets are: hillslope grid cells (H), sideslope hillslope grid cells (S), both slope types (HS), and any grid cell (HSC).

class meancc mediancc H 0.2432 −0.0026 S −0.0874 −0.0018 HS 0.0079 −0.0020 HSC 0.0102 −0.0020



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Fig. 1. Cartoon illustrating the relationship between hillslope length and drainage density. A

tile with an area ofA=4L2 has a channel length of (averaged over all tiles)≈2L, resulting in a drainage density ofL/2.



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Fig. 2.Probability density of contour curvature,ccfor headwater and sideslope DEM grid cells,

for the Plynlimon catchments, Wales.



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1 2

3 4

5 6

f = 0.3 f = 0.7

f = 1.0

f = 0.6

f = 0.4

x = 1.0

d = 1.0d = 1.41d = 1.0

d = 0.0

d = 1.25 d = 1.0

d = 0.0

d = 2.25 d = 2.41

d = 0.0

d = 1.25 d = 1.0 d = 2.36

d = 0.0

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 3.Illustration of the multiple flow direction flow distance algorithm.(a):flow fractionsffrom

every cell to at most 2 lower neighbours. (b): First step ofd(c) computations. The small-print boxed number on top of the arrows indicate path lengths along that route. The large unboxed numbers in the cell centre indicate computedd(c) values.(c): Second and last step.



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Easting (km)

Northing (km)

280 281 282 283 284 285

283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290

0 250 500 750 1000 1250

Fig. 4.Flow distance field for the Plynlimon catchments. Left: Flow distance as computed using

theQuinn et al.(1991) flow fractionalisation method (“MFD-Q”). Right, top: detail showing the D8 single-flow direction method (“SFD”). Right, middle: detail showing theTarboton (1997) multiple-flow-direction method (“MFD-T”). Right, bottom: detail showing the MFD-Q method.



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Interactive Discussion 0

1 2 3


(a) Headwater cells

0 1 2 3




(b) Sideslope cells

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Distance to channel (m)

0 1 2 3

(c) All hillslopes grid cells

Fig. 5. Flow distance probability densities for headwater hillslope grid cell, sideslope hillslope

grid cells, and combined. Methods used are using the D8 SFD algorithm, the Quinn et al. (1991) MFD algorithm (MFD-Q), and theTarboton(1997) MFD algorithm (MFD-T). Probability densities are calculated such that the total probabilities for the headwaters and sideslopes sum up to that of all hillslopes, which is 1.



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median c


global mean

global median

Fig. 6. Diagram illustrating the asymmetric tails of contour curvature distribution. For every

threshold i the ith and the (100−i)th percentiles have been computed. The red solid line indicates the average of these two percentiles. The dashed lines indicate the global mean curvature (>0; convergent) and global median curvature (<0; divergent).



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-2 -1 0





2 4 6 8

log10 Contributing area (m2)

-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2

contour curvature (1/m)

Fig. 7.Top: Slopeαvs. contributing areaAfor the Plynlimon catchments. Dots are individual

grid cells. The red solid line represents the meanS for small bins ofA. The indicated regions are: I: diffusion dominated hillslopes; II: hillslope hollows sensuStock and Dietrich(2003); III: channels. Bottom: Contour curvaturecc vs. contributing area. Dots are individual grid cells. The red solid line indicates the medianccfor small bins ofA. The dashed red lines indicate the 10th and 90th percentile ofcc.



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Time (day)





Q (mm/day)

top/bottom width = 150/50

c d + p

Fig. 8. Hydrological response for hillslopes with top/bottom widths of 50 and 150 m (case I):

“c” marks the response of the convergent hillslope; “d” marks the response of the divergent hillslope; “+” marks the response of both hillslopes combined; “p” marks the response of the 200 m wide parallel hillslope with equal width as the convergent and divergent one combined.



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Time (day)





Q (mm/day)

top/bottom width = 180/20

c d + p


Fig. 9. Hydrological response for hillslopes with top/bottom widths of 20 and 1800 m (case II).

Legends as for Fig.8. The arrow marks the period during which saturation was obtained at the foot of the convergent hillslope.


Fig. 1. Cartoon illustrating the relationship between hillslope length and drainage density
Fig. 2. Probability density of contour curvature, c c for headwater and sideslope DEM grid cells, for the Plynlimon catchments, Wales.
Fig. 3. Illustration of the multiple flow direction flow distance algorithm. (a): flow fractions f from every cell to at most 2 lower neighbours
Fig. 4. Flow distance field for the Plynlimon catchments. Left: Flow distance as computed using the Quinn et al


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