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Third Harmonic Generation of a Short Pulse Laser in a Tunnel Ionizing Plasma: Effect of Self-Defocusing


Academic year: 2016

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Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications Vol. 1, No. 1 August 2013 pp. 71–78

©2013 by Chitkara University. All Rights Reserved.

Third Harmonic Generation of a Short Pulse

Laser in a Tunnel Ionizing Plasma: Effect of


Niti Kant

Department of Physics, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara-144411, Punjab, India.

E-mail: nitikant@yahoo.com

Abstract Third harmonic generation of a Gaussian short pulse laser in a tunnel ionizing plasma is investigated. A Gaussian short pulse laser propagating through a tunnel ionizing plasma generates third harmonic wave. Inhomogeneity of the electric field along the wavefront of the fundamental laser pulse causes more ionization along the axis of propagation while less ionization off axis, leading to strong density gradient with its maximum on the axis of propagation. The medium acts like a diverging lens and pulse defocuses strongly. The normalized third harmonic amplitude varies periodically with the distance with successive maxima acquiring lower value. The self-defocusing of the fundamental laser pulse decays the intensity of the third harmonic pulse.

Keywords: third harmonic generation, self defocusing, laser, plasma.


Harmonic generation of electromagnetic radiation in plasma has been a subject of extensive study for quite sometime [1-5]. The highly nonlinear nature of the interaction of the laser pulse with plasmas implies that harmonic light should be a significant feature of such interaction. Third harmonic generation is a very useful technique that can convert output if infrared lasers to shorter wavelength in the visible and near ultraviolet. Siders et al.[4] have demonstrated the generation of a tunable blue-shifted third harmonic generated at an ultra fast ionization front with efficiencies and spectral characteristic consistent with Vanin et al. [5]. Pressure tuning of the power spectrum centroid over the range 10−5 10−1


Kant, N.


Rax and Fisch [7] have investigated relativistic third harmonic generation in a plasma. The phase velocity mismatch results in a third harmonic amplitude saturation and oscillation. In order to overcome this saturation, they described a phase matching scheme based on a resonant density modulation. Fedotov et al. [8] have observed third harmonic generation f unamplified 30-fs pulses of Cr: forsterite laser in a holey fiber.

They have demonstrated that high degree of light localization in the core of a holey fiber enhances third order nonlinear processes, allowing the third harmonic of non amplified 30 fs 0.2 nJ Cr: forsterite laser pulses appeared spectrally broadened at the output of the fiber. Lamprecht et al. [9]have shown that measuring the THG-ACF is a suitable method for evaluating the time characteristics of fs driven plasmon oscillations in metal nanoparticles. Resonant and off-resonant excitation of particle plasmons can be clearly distinguished by the ACF measurements.

Ganeev et al. [10] have studied harmonic generation from solid surfaces irradiated by 27 ps Nd:glass laser pulses in the intensity range 1013–1015 W/cm2. harmonic emission

up to fourth order is observed in the specular reflection direction with conversion efficiencies of 2 × 10-8, 10-10 and 5 × 10-12 for second, third, and fourth harmonic,

respectively, for a p-polarized pump beam at 1015 W/cm2. Sodha et al. [11] have studied

third harmonic generation in a collisional plasma by a Gaussian electromagnetic beam.

It is seen that the self-focusing of the main beam enhances the power of harmonic output by about three orders of magnitude in a typical case in the paraxial-ray approximation.

In this paper, we study the third harmonic generation of a Gaussian short pulse laser in a tunnel ionizing plasma. An intense short pulse laser with a Gaussian radial profile, propagating through a tunnel ionizing plasma. The plasma has radial as well as axial inhomogeneity. The ionization starts on the laser axis and creates a strong electron density gradient with its maximum on the axis of propagation. The medium acts like a diverging lens and pulse defocuses strongly. Laser imparts an oscillatory velocity to electrons and exerts a ponderomotive force on them, produces third harmonic nonlinear current density, driving third harmonic generation. The normalized third harmonic amplitude varies periodically with the distance with successive maxima acquiring lower value. The self-defocusing of the fundamental laser pulse decays the intensity of the third harmonic pulse.


Third Harmonic Generation of a Short Pulse Laser in a Tunnel Ionizing Plasma: Effect of




Consider the propagation of intense Gaussian laser short pulse in a tunnel ionizing plasma along z direction.

E1 =xA z tˆ 1( , ) exp[−i1tk z1 )] , (1)


f z r r f

1 2 10


1 2

2 0

2 1


= −

( ) exp[ / ] , (1a)

  

B1 ck1 E1 1

= ×

ω , (1b)

where r0 is the spot size of the main laser pulse at z = 0, and f1 is the beam width parameter of the main laser pulse. The laser pump and the third harmonic electromagnetic wave obey the linear dispersion relation, k2 2 c2 2p 2


≈(ω / )( −ω ω/ )

, where ωp=( πn e /m) / 4 0

2 1 2

is the plasma frequency, c is the velocity of light in vacuum,


0 is the electron density and -e and m are the charge and mass of an electron respectively.

The evolution of plasma frequency ωp varies with time as12

∂ = −


γ ω ω


pm p



2 2

[ ] , (2)

where ωpm z πn em m

2 2


( )= / ,


mis the initial density of neutral atoms,

γ=( / ) (π 21 2/ 0 / )( / ) exp(− / ) 2

IE EA EA E , EA=( / ) mI / 4 3 2 03 2

, where


0 is the ionization potential and h=2π is the plank’s constant. Following the Liu and Tripathi13, for paraxial ray approximation, we introduce dimension less

quantities ξ = ′z /Rd , η γ= 00t′ , where γ00 0 π

1 2 2 2 1 =( / )( / ) ( // )

Ig , express

A1=A10exp(ikS) and expand relevant quantities, in the paraxial ray approximation, as S=S0+S r2 2, and ωp ωp ωp r

2 0 2

2 2 2

= + , where


0 and


2 are the functions of z

and ωp0 ωp t z r

2 2


= ( , , = ). The equations for evolution of plasma frequency


p and

beam width parameter


1 are

∂ ′ = −

( / )

( / )

ω ω

η ω ω

p pm

p pm G 0

2 2

0 2 2

1 , (3)

∂ ′ = − − −

( / )

( / ) ( / )

ω ω

η ω ω ω ω

p pm

p pm G p pm

Gg f

2 2 2


2 2 1


2 0

2 2 2 1


Kant, N.


∂ = −

2 1 2

1 3

2 2

2 0

2 2

2 1 1

f f

r c f

p pm

pm ξ

ω ω


( )( ) (5)

where G=exp[(gg1) / f1] , g1=gf1, g=EA/E00 . In Eqs. (3) and (4), G characterizes the tunnel ionization rate and fall off rapidly when beam width parameter



rises. At the front of the laser pulse (η = 0), the beam would diverge only due to diffraction.

The laser imparts an oscillatory velocity to electrons.

 

v eE mi

1 1

1 =

ω . (6)

v1 and B1 beat to exert a ponderomotive force F1= −( /e 2c v)1×B1 , on the electrons at



1, giving an oscillatory velocity



at 2ω1,

 

v F

m i

2 1

1 2 =

ω . (7)

It also produces density perturbation


1 at



1, in compliance with the equation of continuity. We get,

n n e k E m

1 0

2 2 1 2

2 1 4 4 = −

ω . (8)

Density perturbation


1 couples with



to produce nonlinear current density at third harmonic JNL n ev

3 1 1

1 2

= − .

J n e k E i m x

NL 3

0 4

1 2

1 3

1 5 3 8 =

ω ˆ. (9)

The nonlinear current produces third harmonic wave with electric field



. This field also produces a self-consistent current



 

J n e E m i

L 3

0 2


1 3 = −

ω . (10)

The wave equation for the second harmonic field E3 can be deduced from Maxwell’s equations,

∇ = ∂

∂ +

∂ ∂ 2

3 2 3

2 2

3 2

4 1

  

E c

J t c

E t


Third Harmonic Generation of a Short Pulse Laser in a Tunnel Ionizing Plasma: Effect of

Self-Defocusing 75 ∇ − − = −      2 3 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 3

9 4 3

   E c E i c J p NL

ω ω π ω . (12)

Let the complementary solution of this equation is

E31=A3exp{−ik S3 3}exp[−i(3ω1tk z3 )], (13)



3 is a function of




. Using Eqs.(9) and (10), and equating real and imaginary parts

2 3 3 1 1

2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 ∂ ∂ − ∂ ∂ − ∂ ∂ + ∂ ∂ + ∂ ∂         S z S z S

r k A A r r

A r  − +

− =

1 9 1 0

2 2

3 2 2 ( ω ωp)

k c (14)

−∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ + ∂ ∂ − ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ − ∂ ∂ + ∂ ∂ =     A z S z A z A r S r A S r r S r 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 1 0 (15)

In the paraxial ray approximation, r2<<r f02 12 , we expand


3 as S3 z 3r 2

2 =φ( )+β / , where β3

1 −

represents the radius of curvatures of the wave front of the third harmonic wave. For an initially Gaussian beam, we may write


f z r r f

3 2 30 2 3 2 2 0 2 3 2 3 = −

( )exp[ / ] (16)

Substituting the values of


3 and 2 3


in Eqs. (11) and (12) and equating the coefficients of r2on both sides, we obtain

β3 3 3 1 = f df dz



d f

dz k r f

f c k r

p 2 3 2 3 2 0 4 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 0 2 1

= − ω , (18)

Now we suppose the solution (particular integral) of Eq.(12) is

E32= ′A3exp[−i(3ω1t−3k z1 )], (19) where A3′ = ′A30( )z ψ3, ψ3

2 0 2 1 2 1 1 3


Kant, N.


6 1 3 30 9 1 9 2 2

2 1


30 3 30 2

3 2 30

ik A

z c k A A r A


ψ ∂ ′ ω ω ψ ψ

∂ + − − ′ + ′ ∂ ∂ + ′     

 11


8 3 2

3 2 2 1 2 10 3 2 1 4 2 1 3 2 0 2 1 2 r r

e k A

c m f r r f

p ∂ ∂ = − − ψ ω

ω exp[ / ]. (20)

Multiply above equation by ψ3 *

r dr and integrate with respect to


, we get ∂ ′′ ∂ − +           A i r c i r c p pm pm pm 30 0 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 2 5 3 1 18 ξ ω ω

ω ω 

              − − ∂ ∂ − ∂ ∂ ω ω ξ ξ p pm f i f f f i f 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2                  ′′ = 2 30 10 1 2 2 0 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 A eA mc r c k c pm ω ω ω                  

× 1 +

16 1 48 1 3 0 2 2 1 2 2 2 if if p pm p pm ω ω ω ω (21)

Where A30′′ = ′A30/A10 , we have solved coupled Eqs. (3), (4), (5) and (21) numerically by applying the initial conditions; at η = 0 , ω2p0

0 = , ωp2

2 0

= , for all ξ; at ξ =

0, f1=1, ∂f1/∂ =ξ 0 for all η. The parameters are EA/E00=3 corresponding to

I0=21eV and laser intensity I= ×6 1017W cm/ 2. We have plotted in Fig. 1,


1 Vs

ξ or different values of η, the other parameters are eA10 /mω =1c 0 02. , ωpmr0 /c≈20

Figure 1: Variation of beam width parameter f1 as a function of normalized distance of propagation ξ for different values of


, the other parameters are: eA10 /mω =1c 0 02.




Third Harmonic Generation of a Short Pulse Laser in a Tunnel Ionizing Plasma: Effect of



Figure 2: Variation of normalized third harmonic amplitude as a function of normalized distance of propagation ξ for η. The other parameters are: eA10 /mω =1c 0 02. ,ωpmr0/c≈20 and k c1 /ω =1 0 44. .

Figure 3: Variation of normalized third harmonic amplitude as a function of normalized distance of propagation ξ for η = 1. The other parameters are:

eA10 /mω =1c 0 02. , ωpmr0/c≈20 and k c1 /ω =1 0 44. .


Kant, N.


of η. It is noted that as the main laser pulse defocuses, the normalized third harmonic amplitude decreases with ξ, for stronger defocusing the third harmonic amplitude saturates.


Third harmonic generation of a Gaussian short pulse laser in a tunnel ionizing plasma is studied. An intense Gaussian laser beam propagating through a tunnel ionizing plasma gets self-defocused due to ionization induced refraction. A considerable decay in the intensity of third harmonic wave is obtained on account of self-defocusing of the fundamental wave. The third harmonic amplitude decrease initially and at the later time it saturates. The normalized third harmonic amplitude varies periodically with the distance with successive maxima acquiring lower value and saturate for stronger defocusing. The self-defocusing of the fundamental laser pulse decays the intensity of the third harmonic pulse.


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