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Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. vol.22 número1


Academic year: 2018

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R e v is ta d a S o c ie d a d e B ra s ile ir a d e M e d ic in a T ro p ic a l 2 2 (1 ): 5 -1 2, ja n - m a r , 1 9 8 9






Benedito Barraviera1, José Carlos Bonjorno Junior1 , Denise Arakaki1 , Maria Aparecida C. Dom ingues2, Paulo Cam ara Marques Pereira1,

Rinaldo P. M endes1, Jussara Marcondes M achado


and Domingos Alves M eira1 .

F o r ty p a tie n ts w ith a d ia g n o s is o f sn a k e b ite w ere s tu d ie d a t th e In fe c tio u s a n d P a r a s itic D is e a s e S e r v ic e o f th e F a c u lty o f M e d ic in e o fB o tu c a tu . T h ir ty w ere m a le s a n d 1 0 fe m a le s , ran gin g in a ge f r o m 1 6 to 70 ye a r s. A ll w ere f a r m la b o re r s a n d 3 5 o f th em w ere b itte n in th e lo w e r lim bs . T w o o f th e 9 p a tie n ts seen m o re th an 6 h o u rs a fte r th e bite died . T h e lo w m o r ta lity ra te ( 5 % ) o b s e r v e d c o u ld be e x p la in e d b y th e e a r ly car e p r o v id e d , b y th e u se o f a p p r o p r ia te d o s e s o f a n ti-c r o ta lu s serum , p a r e n te r a l h yd ra tion , u rin e a lk a lin iz a tio n w ith s o d iu m b ic a r b o n a te a n d in d u ctio n o f o s m o tic d iu re s is w ith a m a n n ito l so lu tion . A n a to m o p a th o lo g ic a l e x a m in a tio n o f on e o f th e p a tie n ts w h o d ie d r e v e a le d ex te n siv e h e p a tic n ecrosis. T he a u th o rs d is c u s s th e p o s s ib il ity o f th e effect o f a f a c t o r o f s n a k e ven om in th e g e n e s is o f h e p a tic n e cr os is a n d in th e in c re a s e d tra n sa m in a ­

s e levels.

Key-words: C r o ta lu s snake bite. Hepatic necrosis.

Bites by crotalid snakes represent a frequent medical emergency in Brazil and they require the

action o f properly trained personnel1 8 9 18 19 21 22 24

The prevalence o f these accidents varies from region to region: 9% o f the snake bite cases seen at Hospital

Vital Brasil are due to snakes o f the genus C ro ta

-lu s21 22, while this frequency reaches 2 0 % in the

Botucatu region19. Since crotalid snake bites are usually serious and almost always fatal in the absence o f specific and adequate treatment, knowledge about their physiopathology becomes important8 21 22.

T h e venom o f th e se snakes h as neuro- to x ic7 8 9 18 21 22 2^, h em o ly tic21 22 an d m yo- toxicS 7 16 17 fractio n s. I n sev ere cases, ch an ges in blood clo ttin g 2 8 9 18 21 22 ancj acu te resp irato ry and renal in sufficien cy 1 3 5 8 9 10 18 21 2 2 m a y o ccu r .T h e la tte r are the m o st d re a d e d co m p licatio n s w hich u su ally lead to d e a th o f th e p a tie n t

In addition to specific treatment with anticrota-lus serum, complementary measures are needed to prevent acute renal insufficiency. In view o f the

1. Departamento de Moléstias Infecciosas e Parasitárias da Faculdade de Medicina e Departamento de Anatomia Pato­ lógica da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - UNESP.

Address: Dr. Benedito Barraviera.

Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, UN ESP. CP: 576 - 18610 Botucatu, SP, Brasil.

Recebido para publicação em 13/10/88.

present scarcity o f serum on the market, o f the controversy about dose, complementary treatment standardization and the importance o f this topic in the present study we analysed clinical, laboratory and anatomopathological features concerning patients

bitten by snakes o f the genus C r o ta lu s .


Between November 1975 and Novem ber 1987, we studied 40 patients with a diagnosis o f crotalid snake bite, who were admitted to the Infectious and Parasitic D isease Service of the Faculty of Medicine ofBotucatu. Thirty were males and 10 females aged 16 to 70 years. All were farm laborers from the rural zone in the Botucatu region. Thirty five o f the patients were bitten in the lower limbs and 5 in the upper limbs. Thirty one were seen within less than 6 hours after the bite and the remaining nine after more than 6 hours. After clinical evaluation and hospitalisation, all patients were submitted to parenteral hydration with glucose-saline solution induction o f osm otic diuresis with 100 ml 2 0 % mannitol at 6-hour intervals for at least 2 days, urine alkalinization with 5 ml 2% sodium bicarbonate by the oral route at 6-hour intervals, specific anticrotalus serum therapy, and antitetanus vaccination.

The dose o f anticrotalus serum was prescribed on the basis o f the severity o f each case8 18. Twenty-nine patients who were considered severely affected


B a r r a v ie r a B , B o n j o m o J r J C , A r a k a k i D , D o m i n g u e s M A C , P e r e ir a P C M , M e n d e s R P , M a c h a d o J M , M e i r a D A . A re tro s­ p e c tiv e s tu d y o f 4 0 v ic tim s o/C rotalus s n a k e b ites. A n a l y s i s o f th e h e p a tic n e c r o s is o b se r v e d in o n e p a tie n t. R e v is ta d a S o c ie ­ d a d e B r a s ile ir a d e M e d ic in a T ro p ic a l 2 2 : 5 -1 2, ja n - m a r , 1 9 8 9 .

received 300m g of serum or more. The other 11 patients, considered to be moderately affected, recei­ ved 200m g o f serum. Each patient was first tested for

sensitivity to heterologous serum ^ 18. W hen the test

was positive, aesensitisation was performed as recommended by several authors^ 18 21 22. Clotting time (C T ) and serum levels o f creatine phosphokinase (C PK ), glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (G O T), creatinine, lactic dehydrogenase (L D H ), and calcium (C a + + ) were also determined.

Statistical analysis was performed by the exact

Fisher test as described by S ie g e l^ .


The clinical findings obtained when the patients were first examined are given in Table 1 and the results o f the laboratory tests performed on the patients are given in Table 2.

Tw o patients died. Both o f them belonged to the

group o f cases seen 6 hours or more after the bite, whose death rate was significantly higher (p = 0.046). A description o f these two cases is given below. Case 1 - V SG , a 60 year old white male bricklayer, married, bom in, and coming from Tejupá (State of São Paulo). D ate o f admission: 11/25/8 2; data of death: 1 1 /2 9 /8 2 .

The patient reported having been bitten in the right leg by a rattlesnake 28 hours before. One hour after the accident he was seen in the township o f Piraju (State o f São Paulo) where he received 150mg of anticrotalus serum, parenteral hydration and 500mg hydrocortisone by the intravenous route. Sixteen hours later he started to show palpebral ptosis, oliguria and dark brown urine. Because of the deteriorating clinical picture, the patient was referred to the Univer­ sity Hospital o f the Faculty of Medicine ofB otucatu (H C FM B ), where he arrived 28 hours after the accident. Physical examination revealed a patient in regular general condition, making good contact and

Table 1 - Distribution o f clinical findings in 40 patients bitten by snakes at the time they were first seen.

Sign and/or Sympton


Patient %

Pain at the site o f the bite 11 27.5

Palpebral ptosis 10 25.0

Diplopia 10 25.0

Edem a at the site o f the bite 7 17.5

Clouded vision 6 15.0

M yalgia 3 7.5

Respiratory insufficiency 3 7.5

Somnolence 3 7.5

Table 2 - Sensitivity test, clotting time (C T ) and serum levels o f creatine phosphokinase (C PK ), glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (G O T ), creatinine, lactic dehydrogenase (L D H ) and calcium ( C a + + ) in patients bitten by snakes.

Laboratory test Patients


Patients Showing alterations

N.° %


Sensitivity test 40 4 10.0 positive

C T (minutes) 16 4 25.0 increased

C PK (m IU /m l) 16 16 100.0 increased

G O T (m IU /m l) 16 7 43.7 increased

Creatinine (mg%) 17 2 11.8 increased

L D H (m IU /m l) 15 7 46.6 increased


B a rr a v i e ra B , B o n j o m o J r J C , A r a k a k i D , D o m i n g u e s M A C , P e re ir a P C M , M e n d e s R P , M a c h a d o J M , M e ir a D A . A retro s­ p e c tiv e s tu d y o f 4 0 v i c tim s o/C rotalus s n a k e b ites. A n a l y s i s o f t h e h e p a tic n e c r o s is o b s e r v e d in o n e p a tie n t. R e v is ta d a S o c ie ­ d a d e B ra s ile ir a d e M e d ic in a T ro p ic a l 2 2 : 5 -1 2 , j a n - m a r , 1 9 8 9 .

with neurotoxic facies. BP = 1 5 0/100 mmHg, P = Pulse = 120/m in, RR = 28, T = 36.1°C . Head: bilateral palpebral ptosis. Neurological examination: somnolent, responding only when asked. Limbs: right leg with + + / + + + edema and presence o f inflamma­ tory signs. A t the site o f the bite, presence of ulceration covered with a blood stained scab. The patient was treated with 500m l intravenous physiological saline, 250m l 20% intravenous mannitol, 50m g intramuscu­ lar promethazine, and 20 0 mg intravenous anticrotalus serum.

The patient was hospitalised and hydrated to promote diuresis. Eight hours after admission he con­ tinued to show oliguria (0.03 ml per minute), his urine was brown and he did not show diuresis in response

to fluid and mannitol infusion. Because of the high central venous pressure in the presence of oliguria, the patient was submitted to restriction o f fluids and to a hypercaloric and low-protein diet. Acute renal failure was diagnosed on the same day (1 1 /2 6 /8 2 ). On N o ­ vember 27, the patient developed generalized edema, anuria and high urea and potassium levels, and peri­ toneal dialysis was started. On November 29, his general condition worsened, with the onset o f dyspnea and intensification o f edema followed by irreversible cardiorespiratory arrest despite attempts at resuscita­ tion.

Table 3 summarize the main results o f the laboratory and figures 1 and 2 show the renal and muscle necrosis.

Table 3 - Results o f the laboratory tests performed on C ase 1

T est

1 1 /2 6 /8 2

D ate

1 1 /2 7 /8 2 * 1 1 /2 8 /8 2 1 1 /2 9 /8 2

Sodium (mEq/1) 136 138 131 126

Potassium (mEq/1) 3.0 6.1 5.3 4.7

Calcium (mg%) 5.0 7 .0 7.8 7.7

U rea (mg%) 67 126 128 119

Creatinine (mg%) - - - 6.3

Proteinuria + + + + + + + + - + + + +

G lycosuria + + + + - - +

* D ay on which peritoneal dialysis was started.

F ig u re 1 - K i d n e y w ith a c u te t u b u la r n e cro sis. H e m a to x y lin - e o s in ( H E ) 4 0 X .


B a r r a v ie r a B , B o n j o m o J r J C , A r a k a k i D , D o m i n g u e s M A C , P e r e ir a P C M , M e n d e s R P , M a c h a d o J M , M e i r a D A . A re tro s­ p e c tiv e s tu d y o f 4 0 v ic tim s o/C rotalus s n a k e b ites. A n a l y s i s o f th e h e p a tic n e c ro sis o b s e r v e d in o n e p a tie n t. R e v i s t a d a S o c ie ­

d a d e B ra s ile ir a d e M e d ic in a T ro p ic a l 2 2 : 5 -1 2 , ja n - m a r , 1 9 8 9 .

Case 2 - AB, a 59-year old white single male, a farm labourer bom in Laranjal Paulista (SP) and coming from T ietê ( SP ), D ate o f admission: 1 0 /1 4 /8 7 ;d a te o f death: 1 0 /1 9 /8 7 .

The patient reported having been bitten in the right leg by a rattlesnake. Two hours after the accident he sought medical care in Tietê (S P ), where he was medicated with 45m g anticrotalus serum subcuta-nemsly. A tourniquet w as applied to the affected limb above the site o f the bite and the patient was referred to H CFM B, where he was seen 6 hours after the accident. The tourniquet was loosened and the patient received 300m g o f anticrotalus serum by sub­ cutaneous route. Since the test for sensitivity to the serum was positive, desensitization was required. The patient simultaneously received 2 0 mg promethazine, 1000ml physiologial saline and 100ml 2 0 % mannitol by intravenous route and was then admitted to the hospital.

The patient still complained o f intense genera­ lized headache clouded vision and generalized muscle pains. N o report o f bleeding. H e had been a cigarette smoker for 53 years, was a chronic alcoholic and was an untreated hypertensive.

Physical examination revealed a patient in regular general condition, somnolent, making little contact and with neurotoxic facies. Blood pressure 2 1 0 x 120mmHg, Pulse 100/m in., R R = 28mpm, T = 36.5°C . Presence o f diplopia and bilateral palpebral ptosis. The right leg showed the presence o f two punctiform erythematous lesions with no signs of inflammation.

The patient suffered a hypertensive episode, reaching pressure levels of 300 x 160 mmHg one hour after admission for which he was treated with sodium nitroprusside. H e simultaneously developed edema of the glottis for which he was submitted to emergency tracheostomy. A respiratory arrest followed but was reversed with resuscitation measures.The clotting time test revealed nonclotting blood. On the following day (October 1 5 ,1 9 8 7 ) his clotting time was increased and he continued to bleed through his tracheostomy. A decision was made to administer an additional 100 mg o f anticrotalus serum subcutaneously. The patient entered into anaphylactic shock which was reversed with adrenalin and promethazine, and then developed metabolic acidosis and hematuria even though diuresis continued to be adequate. Since he showed psycho­ motor agitation, he was examined by a neurologist who suggested the presence o f intracranial hypertension and brain edema. Treatment with hydration and 20% mannitol at the dose o f 100 ml/hour was maintained.


B a r r a v ie r a B , B o n j o m o J r J C . A r a k a k i D , D o m in g u e s M A C , P e re ir a P C M , M e n d e s R P , M a c h a d o J M , M e i r a D A . A retro s­ p e c tiv e s tu d y o f 4 0 v i c tim s o/C rotalus s n a k e bites. A n a l y s i s o f th e h e p a tic n e c ro sis o b s e r v e d in o n e p a tie n t. R e v is ta d a S o c i e ­

d a d e B r a s ile ir a d e M e d ic in a T r o p ic a l 2 2 : 5 -1 2 , j a n - m a r , 1 9 8 9 .

quate with no myoglobinuria or hematuria. On the same day, E E G examination showed minimal brain activity and the patient suffered an irreversible cardio­

respiratory arrest Table 4 presents the main results o f the laboratory tests and figure 3 shows the liver histology.

Table 4 - Results o f the laboratory tests performed on C ase 2.

T est

1 0 /1 5 /8 7 1 0 /1 6 /8 7

D ate

1 0 /1 7 /8 7 1 0 /1 9 /8 7

Hem oglobin (g%) 18.1 9.0 9.5 9.0

Sodium (m E q/1) 137 152 136 144

Potassium (m E q/1) 4.0 4.1 4.0 3.2

Calcium (mg%) 7.6 7.5 7.6 7.6

U rea (mg%) 32 71 98 140

Creatinine (mg%) - 2.5 3.7- 8.1

Proteinuria + + + + + + + +

-Hematuria + + + + + + + + + + + +

-Heme-pigment + + + + + + + + + +

-G O T (m IU /m l) - 1840 -

-G P T (m IU /m l) - 360 -

-L D H (m IU /m l) - 563 -

-F ig u re 3 - L i v e r w ith e x te n siv e a re a s o fn e c r o tic p a re n c h y m a . H e m a to x y lin - e o s in ( H E ) 1 6 X .


U sually the victims of snake bites are- indi­ viduals whose profession is related to work in the fields or who visit these places® 9 18 22. Because of the ecology o f snakes, these accidents frequently occur in dry, cultivated environments^ 11 ^ 21 22. Thus the most common victims are male laborers in their working years. These accidents are considered to be professional accidents since the victims are healthy

individuals usually bitten while they work11. The lower limbs are most often attacked because Brazilian laborers have not developed the habit o f wearing boots10 11 21 22. i n the present study, all individuals were field laborers, most o f them adult males, who were almost always bitten in the leg. These results agree with those reported by other authors10 11 ^ *9 22

The time elapsing between the accident and medical assistance is a fundamental factor in the

evolution and prognosis** 9 19 21 22 Thus, patients


B a r r a v ie r a B , B o n j o m o J r J C , A r a k a k i D , D o m i n g u e s M A C , P e re ira P C M , M e n d e s R P , M a c h a d o J M , M e i r a D A . A re tro s­ p e c tiv e s tu d y o f 4 0 v ic tim s o/C rotalus s n a k e b ites. A n a l y s i s o f th e h e p a tic n e c r o s is o b s e r v e d in o n e p a tie n t. R e v is ta d a S o c ie ­ d a d e B r a s ile ir a d e M e d ic in a T ro p ic a l 2 2 : 5 -1 2, ja n - m a r , 1 9 8 9 .

seen within the first 6 hours usually show good clinical evolution, as observed in the present study. The only 2 fatal victims were patients seen after 6 hours. These data agree with those reported in other studies which included early medical help as a prognostic factor * 8 11 18 22.

The early care given to most o f the present patients m ay justify the presence o f the clinical picture observed in only 25 % of cases. It should be pointed out that, since this was a retrospective study, the patient’s record may have been filled out in a faulty maimer in some cases, so that a clinical picture may have been present in a larger percentage o f patients than re­ corded. If on the one hand early treatment increases the chance o f survival, but it is difficult to estimate the


o f


needed for each case. Because o f

these difficulties, all patients were submitted to serum therapy at the doses recommended by the manual of the Health Department1 ® and for these reasons the pa­ tients were classified as moderately and/or seriously ill.

In addition to specific treatment, the patients also received parenteral hydration and diuresis was induced with a mannitol solution. Mannitol, an excel­ lent osmotic diuretic27, is indicated in the prophylaxis o f acute renal failure in patients with hem olysis18 or rhabdomyolysis^ 16 17. In addition, mannitol reduces brain edema27. Since crotalus venom is neurotoxic26, brain edema may occur, also due to hyperhydration with physiological saline. In this case, mannitol w ould’ be indicated for its action at the kidney and central nervous system level and is the diuretic o f first choice in this type o f accident8 21 22 27.

A ll patients received an oral sodium bicarbo­ nate solution for urine alkalinisation. M etabolic aci­ dosis, dehydration and rhabdomyolysis presdipose to acute renal failure1 13 17. Am ong the patients pre­ sented only 1 (2.5% ) developed anuria and required peritoneal dialysis. Thus early treatment adequate doses o f serum, hydration, urine alkalinisation and the use o f an osm otic diuretic contribute significantly to a reduction o f mortality.

Clotting time was altered in 25% o f cases. This effect may have been due to conversion o f fibrinogen to fibrin by the crotalus venom fraction having a clotting action, as previously demonstrated “in vitro”2. These patients are usually in serious condition and require high dose o f serum for treatment.

CPK was increased in all patients in whom it was measured. Several authors have demonstrated increased serum levels o f the enzym es CPK, L D H , G O T and G T P 1 5 8 16 18 Serum creatinine was elevated in 12% o f all cases, demonstrating impaired renal function4 . These data agree with those reported by other authors and confirm the direct or indirect nephrotoxic action o f the venom 1 3 5 8 9 18 21 22.

Serum calcium levels have frequently been found to be reduced during the oliguric phase o f renal insufficiency!7 . Hypocalcemia caused by rhabdo­ myolysis has been attributed to the deposition of calcium salts at the damaged site in the m uscle14 15. It should be pointed out that the two patients who died developed hypocalcemia.

The high transaminase levels and the intense hepatic necrosis observed at autopsy in one o f the patients lead us to propose a possible hepatotoxic action o f the venom. A survey o f the literature showed that Bancher et al7, demonstrated the ability o f crotalus venom to fix preferentially in nervous and hepatic tissue in mice. In that study, the authors7 found that

hepatic tissue can fix about 15L D 50 ° f C ro ta lu s

d u r is s u s te rrific u s venom per gram o f tissue, values higher than those detected for renal and muscle tissue. The authors7 concluded that considerable hepatic impairment may occur after rattlesnake bites, perhaps even more extensive than that observed in renal parenchyma.

Saliba et al23, in an experimental study on the effect o f crotalus venom on cattle, observed hydropic degeneration, steatosis and hepatic necrosis. Maga­

lhães et a l17 reported two cases o f rattlesnake bites in which serum G O T levels were 6 7 0 and 1900 m IU/m l, respectively. In the latter patient, G TP levels were 1350 m IU/m l. Transaminase levels increase when

hepatic, cardiac or skeletal muscle damage

occurs12 2®, even though an increase in G T P is more specific for damage to the liver2®, while an increase in G O T reflects cardiac and skeletal muscle necrosis. Thus, the patient observed by Magalhães et al17 showed G T P levels com patible with “ toxic hepatitis”, suggesting that hepatic damage had occurred in this case in addition to rhabdomyolysis. A zevedo Marques et al^ reported on 2 autopsied victims, one o f whom showed 9750 m IU /m l G O T. Anatomopathological examination showed that both patients had hepatic steatosis. According to Sherlock24, one of the etiolo­ gies o f hepatic steatosis is the direct action o f toxic agents on hepatic tissue. Thus, it is possible that crotalus venom contributed to the genesis o f steatosis in these two cases.

Azevedo Marques et al^ recently reported on 3 victims o f rattlesnake bites who did not die and who had G O T levels o f 610, 1520 and 2 0 0 0 mIU/m l.


B a r r a v ie r a B , B o n j o m o J r J C , A r a k a k i D , D o m in g u e s M A C , P e re ir a P C M , M e n d e s R P , M a c h a d o J M , M e ir a D A . A retro s­ p e c tiv e s t u d y o f 4 0 v ic tim s o /C ro talus s n a k e b ites. A n a l y s i s o f t h e h e p a tic n e c r o s is o b se r v e d in o n e p a tie n t. R e v is ta d a S o c i e ­ d a d e B ra s ile ir a d e M e d ic in a T ro p ic a l 2 2: 5 -1 2 , j a n - m a r , 1 9 8 9 .

the other hand, in view o f the large functional reserve o f the liver, clinical evidence o f hepatic insufficiency is rare.

W e suggest that the hepatic necrosis observed in the present case may have been due to anaphylatic shock caused by the use o f serum, even though the hypothesis that chronic alcoholism and a possible action o f a hepatotoxic factor in the snake venom which may have contributed to the onset o f necrosis can not be ruled out.

In conclusion, we recommend better investigat­ ion o f possible liver involvement in cases o f crotalus snake bites.


O s a u to re s a v a lia r a m 4 0 d o e n te s c o m d ia g n ó s ­ tic o d e a c id e n te c ro tá lic o , a te n d id o s no S e rv iç o de M o lé s tia s I n fe c c io sa s e P a r a s itá r ia s d a F a c u ld a d e d e M e d ic in a d e B o tu c a tu . D e sse s, 3 0 er a m d o se x o m a sc u lin o e 1 0 d o fe m in in o , co m id a d e s v a r ia n d o en tre 1 6 e 70 an os . T o d o s e ra m la v r a d o r e s e 3 5 de le s fo r a m a tin g id o s n o s m e m b r o s inferiores. A m a io r ia d o s d o e n te s ( 3 1 ) f o i a te n d id a a n te s d e 6 h o r a s do acide n te. D o s 9 q u e re c eb er am a te n d im e n to m éd ic o a p ó s 6 h oras, 2 d e le s e v o lu ír a m p a r a o óbito.

O s r e s u lta d o s o b s e r v a d o s re v e la r a m qu e o b a ix o ín d ic e d e m o r ta lid a d e ( 5 % ) ve rifica d o p o d e ev e n tu a lm e n te s e r e x p lic a d o p e l o a te n d im e n to p r e ­ coce, u so d e d o s e s a d e q u a d a s d e s o r o a n tic r o tá lic o , h id r a ta ç ã o p a r e n te r a l, a lc a lin iz a ç ã o d a u rin a co m b ic a rb o n a to d e s ó d io e in d u ç ã o d a d iu re s e o s m ó tic a co m s o lu ç ã o d e m a n ito l. O e x a m e a n a to m o p a to ló ­ g ic o d e u m d o s c a s o s qu e e v o lu iu p a r a o ó b ito ap rese n to u ex te n sa n ec ro se h e p á tic a . O s a u to re s d isc u te m a p o s s ib ilid a d e d e in te r a ç ã o en tre a lc o o ­ lis m o crô n ico e a a ç ã o e v e n tu a l d e u m f a t o r h e p a to -tó x ic o d o ven en o d a se rp e n te n a g ê n e s e d a n ec ro se h e p á tic a e n o a u m e n to d o s n ív e is d e tra n sa m in a se s.

Palavras-chaves: Acidente crotálico. N ecrose hepática.


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Table  1  -  Distribution  o f clinical  findings  in  40  patients  bitten  by  snakes  at the  time  they were  first  seen.
Table  3  summarize  the  main  results  o f  the  laboratory  and  figures  1  and  2  show  the  renal  and  muscle  necrosis.
Table  4 -   Results  o f the  laboratory tests  performed  on  C ase  2.


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