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BAR, Braz. Adm. Rev. vol.4 número2


Academic year: 2018

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BAR – Brazilian Administration Review -

Volume 04 | Nº 02 | May - August, 2007


As you m ay alr eady know, st art ing in 2007, t he Brazilian Adm inist rat ion Review is published t hree t im es a year. Therefore, t his is t he second four- m ont hly edit ion of BAR. I n t his issue, fiv e t ext s ar e m ade available t o our readers and collaborat ors. I n t he fir st art icle, Jorge Carneiro, Angela da Rocha and Jorge Fer reir a da Silv a review t he concept ual and em pir ical lit erat ure and propose a new analyt ical schem e t hat m ay serve as a st andard for j udging cont ent validit y and as a yardst ick for draw ing operat ional r epr esent at ions of t he expor t perform ance const ruct . I n t he second t ext , Ana Lucia Guedes and Alexandre Far ia propose an int erdisciplinary approach t hat challenges t he hegem onic influence of t he globalist t heory w it hin t he int ernat ional m anagem ent field, addressing t he dom ains of m anagem ent and governance by recognizing from a m ult idim ensional perspect ive on globalizat ion, t he polit ical and econom ic int erfaces bet w een public and pr ivat e, and m or e specifically , bet w een governm ent and t ransnat ional corporat ions. To follow, Rene E. Seifer t Jr . and Clóv is L. Machado- da- Silva analyze t he st rat egies of int ernat ionalizat ion of com panies in t he food indust ry in Paraná St at e, Brazil, dem onst rat ing t hat int er nat ionalizat ion is a st rat egic phenom enon cognit iv ely m ediat ed by t he int erpret ive schem es of leadership in light of env ironm ent al pressur es and t he r esources w it hin organizat ions. I n t he fourt h art icle, Denise Fleck has carr ied out a longit udinal m ult ilevel analy sis of t wo long- liv ed com panies, ident ifying t wo different m odes of organizat ional inst it ut ionalizat ion: t he react iv e m ode which giv es r ise t o r igidit y and resist ance t o change; and t he proact ive m ode w her e agency plays a m aj or role in organizat ional change and inst it ut ionalizat ion. I n t he fift h and final t ext , Denize Grzbovski, Chr ist iane Oliveira da Graça Am âncio and Elcem ir Paço- Cunha aim t o dem onst rat e t he analy t ical pow er of t he im agery concept for organizat ional analy sis by building new r eference pict ures in t he organizat ional cult ure, t ak ing t he im agery as a st art ing point , considering subj ect iv it y as an obj ect of t he phenom enology invest igat ion and im agery as an obj ect of ant hropology and sociology .

We hope you all find t hese art icles int erest ing and enj oy t his edit ion.


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