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Os substantivos identificam e dão nomes às pessoas, coisas e qualidades do nosso dia a dia.


Academic year: 2021

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Os substantivos identificam e dão nomes às pessoas, coisas e qualidades do nosso dia a dia.

SUBSTANTIVO TRADUÇÃO teacher professor horse cavalo building prédio sky céu Sunday domingo Brazil Brasil faith fé information informação

Temos substantivos concretos (concrete nouns)


cats gatos dogs cachorros table mesa chairs cadeiras buses ônibus teacher professor

Temos substantivos abstratos (abstract nouns)


bravery bravura calm calma comfort conforto happiness felicidade hate ódio liberty liberdade

Alguns dos substantivos coletivos (collective nouns) mais usados.


colony of ants/of rats de formigas/de ratos

audience of spectators de espectadores

brigade of soldiers de soldados

cast of actor de atores

staff of employees de empregados

team of athletes de atletas

flock of birds/of ducks de pássaros/de patos

herd of elephants de elefantes


archipelago of island de ilhas

pack of dogs de cachorro

fleet of ships/of aircrafts de navios, de aeronaves


Alguns substantivos acrescentamos o sufixo -ess ao substantivo masculino para formar o feminino.


author authoress autor(a)

baron baroness barão/baronesa

count countess conde/condessa

heir heiress herdeiro(a)

steward stewardess comissário(a) de bordo

prince princess príncipe/princesa

poet poetess poeta/poetisa

host hotess anfitrião/anfitriã

lion lioness leão/leoa

prophet prophetess profeta/profetisa

Em alguns casos há uma mudança na ortografia


waiter waitress garçom/garçonete

emperor empress imperador/imperatriz

duke duchess duque/duquesa

god goddess deus/deusa

actor actress ator/atriz

ambassador ambassadress embaixador/embaixatriz

tiger tigress tigre/tigresa

master mistress senhor/senhora

murderer murderess assassino/assassina

Alguns substantivos masculinos apresentam formas irregulares de feminino.


man woman homem/mulher

bachelor spinster solteirão/solteirona

boy girl menino (a)

brother sister Irmão/irmã

bull cow touro/vaca

cock/rooster hen galo/galinha

dog bitch cão/cadela

father mother pai/mãe

fox vixen raposa macho/fêmea

gentleman lady cavalheiro/dama

king queen rei/rainha


drone bee zangão/abelha

horse mare cavalo/égua

son daughter filho(a)

monk nun frade/freira

grandson granddaughter neto(a)


sir madam senhor(a)

Uncle aunt tio(a)

wizard witch bruxo(a)

nephew niece sobrinho(a)

drake duck pato(a)

widower widow viúvo/viúva

Mister (Mr) Misses (Mrs) senhor(a)

Alguns substantivos apresentam apenas uma forma, tanto para o masculino quanto para o feminino.

MASCULINO/FEMININO O TRADUÇÃO artist artista child criança/filho(a) cook cozinheiro(a) cousin primo(a) dancer dançarino(a)

driver o/a motorista

journalist o/a jornalista

painter pintor(a) neighbor vizinho(a) parent pai/mãe person pessoa MASCULINO/FEMININO TRADUÇÃO prisoner prisioneiro(a)

reporter o/a repórter

singer cantor(a)

teacher professor(a)

scientist o/a cientista

pianist o/a pianista

doctor médico/a

economist a/o economista

director diretor/a

designer criador/a-desenho

soldier soldado/a

judge juiz/a



elephant male elephant female elephant elefante/elefanta

bear male bear female bear urso(a)

mouse male mouse female mouse rato(a)/ratazana

zebra male zebra female zebra zebra/macho/fêmea



1. (AFA)

I’m still doubtful about the characters of the new novel. You probably agree that the suspects reactions were totally unexpected as their explanations didn’t make their intentions clear enough in the testimony. We could first deduce that the fake nun was the prime suspect for having poisoned the stallion and the sow. On the other hand, the cunning steward and the wily widower had extravagant posture after the judgment.

Considering the underlined words in the text, you could say that: a) Two words are female.

b) Three words are female. c) All of words are male. d) Just one word is female.

2. (MIN.AER.) Jennifer, _____, didn't do a good job but the ______ was very well in that movie. a) the actriss /artist

b) the actrix / author c) the actress/ actor d) the actoress / actor

3. (AFA) In the following alternatives, all the nouns are feminine, EXCEPT: a) heiress / jewess / empress / mare

b) spinster / niece / vixen / hen c) daughter / cock / witch / aunt d) lioness / cow / ewe / bee

4. (EPCAR) Mark the option that presents a mistake of gender. a) My niece is called Mary.

b) Prince Diana died in car accident. c) My uncle is a good host.

d) My father is a very wealthy man.

5. (ITA) Dadas as afirmações de que o feminino de: I. actor é actress


IV. monk é monkess

constatamos que está(ão) correta(s): a) apenas a

b) apenas a I e a II. c) apenas a I, a II e a III. d) apenas a IV.

e) todas as afirmações.

6. (FATEC) Assinale a alternativa que só apresenta formas de feminino: a) actress, baroness, wife

b) sister, granddaughter, son c) baby, artist, cousin

d) father, actor, brother e) maid, wife, bull

7. (UEL) Assinale a alternativa que traz o par incorreto: a) brother/ sister

b) husband/ wife c) father/ mother

d) grandson / grandsister e) horse / mare

8. (MACKENZIE) Assinale a alternativa em que aparecem somente formas de feminino: a) mother, sister, wife, bachelor

b) girl, aunt, Miss, spinster

c) widow, brother-in-law, son-in-law, mother-in-law d) father, son, uncle, doctor

e) baroness, countess, heir, actress

9. (ITA) Dadas as afirmações de que o feminino de l. bachelor é spinster

II. uncle é aunt III. Mister é Miss


b) apenas a II. c) apenas a I e a III d) apenas a I e a II. e) todas as afirmações

10. (UEL) Uma das alternativas abaixo apresenta somente formas de masculino. Qual? a) brother, son, actress

b) niece, uncle, boy c) gentleman, husband, king d) queen, mare, vixen e) bachelor, fox, stewardess

11. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que contém o par correto: a) horse / hen

b) nephew / niece

c) reporter / reporteress d) uncle/ sister

e) monk/ fox

12. (FAAP) Mark the pair which presents a mistake about gender. a) bride – groom

b) wizard – wizardess c) actor – actress d) rooster – hen e) lion – lioness

13. (UFPE) One of the pairs below contains a mistake of gender. Mark it. a) cock -chicken

b) father -mother c) bull- cow d) friar -nun

e) nephew- nephewess


b) His daughter is a waiter. c) The lady is an actor. d) My aunt is a policeman. e) Their queen is a widow.

15. (ESC. NAVAL) Mark the item that contains only feminine nouns. a) jew – actor – waitress - princess

b) baroness – duchess – mistress - hostess c) waiter – tiger – actress – empress d) heir – giant – priest - master

e) steward – authoress – abbess – baron

16. (EFOMM) Mark the option that completes the sentence below correctly. All the women in town want to marry John because he is a rich _______ . a) spinster

b) mistress c) rooster d) bachelor e) stallion

17. (JFS) Mark the option that has the correct pair of male and female. a) drone–droness

b) fox–foxess c) horse–horsess d) drake–duck e) bull–bulless

18. (AFA) Paul, __________, didn’t do a good job but the _______ served us very well at the restaurant. a) the waiter / waitress

b) the buck / doe c) the drake / duck d) the ram / ewe


b) husband / wife c) steward / host d) lady / wife

20. (FEI) Mark the item that contains a sentence using male noun. a) Heroine of the movie is not a native of this country.

b) My niece is playing in the play-ground. c) My aunt lives with her mother.

d) The earl was not at the party.





Following a schedule and doing things on time is extremely important in today’s busy world. Using time effectively is a valuable skill that everyone must master. Catching a bus, getting to work or school on time, and even meeting friends requires managing time. Unfortunately, not everyone is very good at doing this. (Ref.1) Many people are procrastinators; they put off (Ref.2) doing things that they need to until it’s too late. We all procrastinate sometimes in life.

1. According to the text, procrastinators

a) delay things until there isn’t enough time to execute them. b) know how to manage their time well.

c) carefully make plans in advance. d) are always busy and tired.

2. “... not everyone is very good at doing this.”, (Ref.1), means that a) no one can use time well.

b) everyone is able to use time successfully. c) anyone is capable of using time properly. d) not everybody can manage time effectively.

3. “Put off”, (Ref.2), is similar in meaning to a) forget.

b) cancel. c) expect. d) postpone



It was in the summer of 1992 that Britain’s two main motoring organisations, the RAC (Royal Automobile Club) and the AA (Automobile Association), started to issue warnings about an increase in aggressive behaviour on the roads. The RAC noted that more and more drivers were losing their temper behind the wheel,(Ref.1) and there were reports of fights between motorists. In Wakefield, West Yorkshire, a 78-year-old man died after he had been punched by a driver half his age during a dispute at a set of traffic lights. In another incident a pedestrian who forced a van driver to brake suddenly was beaten senseless by a vehicle’s two occupants.



to issue warnings – divulgar advertências 1. The text is about:

a) Careless drivers. b) Reckless pedestrians. c) Constant traffic jams.

d) Increasing violence in the traffic.

2. “... more and more drivers were losing their temper behind the wheel”, (Ref.1), means that drivers a) need to control their temper.

b) became bad-tempered while repairing their wheels. c) were lost because they didn’t know where they were.

d) were becoming so angry that they couldn’t control themselves while driving.


"I can empathize with the person who has his home violated and seeks both revenge on burglars in general, and a painfully deterring experience for the next burglar in particular who chooses him for a victim. But booby traps are not the way.(...)

Under American law you can only hurt the burglar if he threatens the life and limb of innocent persons inside. A booby trap, something that physically harms an intruder, can maim or kill a fire fighter breaking in to rescue your home and possessions from a blaze. It can spring shut on your spouse or child, or even on you if you come home preoccupied with something else and forget to circumvent your trap. Improperly set up, it can go off accidentally and injure or kill you or a member of your family, or your household pet.(...)

Booby traps are for guerrilla soldiers. They do not belong in American homes and business. If you try to use them you will be the "booby" who ultimately gets "trapped".

("The truth about booby traps", Massad F. Ayoob)

1. According to American laws a citizen has the right to __________. a) run away only during a fire

b) kill only to protect his house c) revenge only particular intruders

d) hurt only if he receives threatens in his house 2. "Booby trap" is a (an) ___________.




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