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Rev. esc. enferm. USP vol.45 número especial 2


Academic year: 2018

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O arigo traz a evolução e a contribuição da produção cieníica relacionada ao concei

-to de vulnerabilidade e sua potencialidade em estudos das doenças transmissíveis. Apresenta-se o conceito de Vulnerabilida

-de e a produção do conhecimento em En

-fermagem, paricularmente desenvolvida no Grupo Pesquisa Vulnerabilidade, Ade-são e Necessidades em Saúde, do CNPq.

Tem como inalidade ampliar a compreen

-são de agravos de saúde, com base neste conceito, além de possibilitar a proposição de intervenções para o seu enfrentamen

-to, que extrapolem o âmbito do indivíduo, mas contemple a organização do trabalho nos serviços de saúde e a determinação so

-cial do processo saúde-doença.

descritores Vulnerabilidade Doenças transmissíveis Saúde pública

Enfermagem em saúde pública

The potential of the concept of vulnerability in

understanding transmissible diseases





This aricle presents the evoluion and the contribuion of the scieniic producion related to the concept of vulnerability and its potenial to help studying transmissible diseases. It presents the concept of vulner

-ability and the producion of knowledge in nursing, developed paricularly by the CNPq Research Group Vulnerability, Ad-herence, and Health Needs. The purpose

is to improve the understanding of health issues, based on this concept, and permit the proposiion of coping intervenions that surpass the individual domain, thus contemplaing the organizaion of health care work and the social determinaion of the health-disease process.

descriptors Vulnerability

Communicable diseases Public health

Public health nursing


El arículo se reiere a la evolución y a la contribución de la producción cieníica re

-lacionada al concepto de vulnerabilidad y su potencialidad en estudios de las enfer

-medades contagiosas. Se presenta el con

-cepto de Vulnerabilidad y la producción de conocimiento en Enfermería, paricu

-larmente, desarrollada en el Grupo de In

-vesigación Vulnerabilidad, Adhesión y Ne-cesidades en Salud, del CNPq. Tiene como

inalidad ampliar la comprensión de perjui

-cios de salud con base en este concepto, además de posibilitar la propuesta de in

-tervenciones para su enfrentamiento que extrapolen el ámbito del individuo, pero que contemple la organización del trabajo en los servicios de salud y la determinación social del proceso salud-enfermedad.

descriptores Vulnerabilidad

Enfermedades transmissibles Salud publica

Enfermería em salud publica

Lúcia Yasuko izumi nichiata1, maria rita bertolozzi2, Anna Luiza pinho Lins Gryschek3, núbia Virginia

dÁvila L. de Araújo4, maria clara padoveze5, suely itsuko ciosak6, renata Ferreira takahashi7

Potencialidade do conceito de vulnerabilidade Para a comPreensão das doenças transmissíveis

Potencialidad del concePto de vulnerabilidad Para la comPrensión de las enfermedades contagiosas

* extracted from the research group “vulnerabilidade, adesão e necessidades de saúde”, school of nursing, university of são Paulo, 2011. 1rn. Phd,

associate Professor, collective Health nursing department, school of nursing, university of são Paulo. researcher with cnPq. são Paulo, sP, izumi@usp.br

2rn, Phd, associate Professor, collective Health nursing department, school of nursing, university of são Paulo. são Paulo, sP, brazil. 3rn, Phd, assistant

Professor, collective Health nursing department, school of nursing, university of são Paulo. são Paulo, sP, brazil. 4rn, msc, assistant Professor, collective

Health nursing department, school of nursing, university of são Paulo. são Paulo, sP, brazil. 5rn, Phd, assistant Professor, collective Health nursing

department, school of nursing, university of são Paulo. são Paulo, sP, brazil. 6rn, Phd, associate Professor, collective Health nursing department,

school of nursing, university of são Paulo. são Paulo, sP, brazil. 7rn, Phd, associate Professor, collective Health nursing department, school of nursing,



Rev Esc Enferm USP

2011; 45(Esp. 2):1766-70 www.ee.usp.br/reeusp/

The potential of the concept of vulnerability in understanding transmissible diseases Nichiata LYI, Bertolozzi MR, Gryschek ALPL, Araújo NVDÁL, Padoveze MC, Ciosak SI, Takahashi RF


Since the late 1990’s, faculty and researchers of the Research Group Vulnerabilidade, adesão e necessidades de saúde (Vulnerability, adherence and health needs) en

-rolled with the Naional Council for Scieniic and Techno

-logical Development (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvim-ento Cieníico e Tecnológico - CNPq), adopted the concept of Vulnerability as the guideline of its educaion, research and community outreach aciviies, due to its poteniality to understand the health-disease process and perform in

-tervenions, from the perspecive of social determinaion. AIDS and tuberculosis (TB), health condiions with characterisics that are strongly rooted on social aspects, consist of a ferile ield for the development of studies about the diagnosis of vulnerability, as well as interven

-ions, in individuals, families and social groups. Over the last ten years, worldwide so

-cioeconomic-poliical and environmental changes have created condiions to dissemi

-nate infecious agents, new ones and those already known, surpassing any sort of barri

-er. This situaion, despite being unfortunate because of causing sufering to those who become infected and having a social and economical impact, has been propiious be

-cause it permits to apply the concept of vul

-nerability to infecious diseases. This state

-ment is founded on the fact that, at irst, anyone is vulnerable to these agents, just as in the recent pandemics caused by H1N1.

The risk, a central concept, frequently used in studies that address these diseases, has not been suicient to explain its produc

-ion, as it reduces the disease to the factors inherent to the eiological agents or the characterisics of the hosts and the environ

-ment, besides understanding this process as a mulifacto

-rial relaionship, based on the linear logic of cause and efect(1).

The objecive of this paper is to present the evoluion and contribuion of scieniic producion of the referred Research Group, related to the concept of vulnerability and the poteniality of its use for infecious diseases. It aims at broadening the understanding about the produc

-ion of these condi-ions, besides permiing the proposi

-ion of coping interven-ions that extrapolate the individu

-al domain, while contemplaing the organizaion of work in health care services and the social determinaion of the health-disease process.

About the concept of Vulnerability

The concept of vulnerability is rooted in the ield of human rights. It originates from the discussion about cii

-zens’ rights of social groups referred to as vulnerable due

to the fragility in achieving their rights. The concept began being used in a broader sense in health studies as of the 1990s, with the important contribuion of the study about the disseminaion of AIDS in diferent countries across the world(2). This study can be considered a frame of refer

-ence, as a paradigmaic breakthrough in terms of the use of the concept, because, unil then, it was strictly applied in situaions involving catastrophes.

Researchers(1) make an important epistemological dis

-incion between the concept of risk and vulnerability. By adoping the later, researchers have aimed to explain the abstract elements that are associated and associable to the disease processes, to plan a more efecive and par

-icularized theory construcion, in which the nexus and the mediaions contained therein comprise the object of knowledge.

Diferent from risk studies, the invesigaions that use the concept framework of vulnerability, as some authors point out, seek universality, and not the broadened reproducibility of its phenom

-enology and inference. The risk concept in

-dicates probabiliies, whereas vulnerability consists of the indicator of the inequity and social inequality. Therefore, vulnerability antecedes risk, and, by seeking to under

-stand the mediaions present in the health-disease process, it promotes disinct pos

-sibiliies for coping that are pertaining to people’s everyday lives.

According to the analysis, studies from the perspecive of vulnerability aim at the

phenomenological isolaion, i.e., to isolate the phenomenon, associaing the depen

-dent and indepen-dent variables by carefully controlling the level of uncertainty about the non-randomness of the established as

-sociaions(1). In other words, the processes

that can cause a disease and death, as well as the coping measures, result from individual aspects as well as collecive contexts or condiions.

As a concept chosen to improve the understanding of a disease and the intervenion potenials, vulnerability aims at the synthesis of the concepts of a given reality, in the several dimensions of the studied phenomenon. As a tool used to deine the prevenion and health promoion strat

-egies, it permits to interpret the phenomenon considering the suscepibiliies of individuals, families and groups(3). In

this perspecive, the intervenion holds stronger answers, involving, above all, the development of emancipatory processes of those involved, with autonomy as another key concept(4).

The concept of vulnerability favors the collecive plan, as an analyical unit whose structure is marked by an eth

-ical-philosophical framework that aims at a criical inter

-pretaion of the phenomenon, surpassing the approach aids and tuberculosis

(tb), health conditions with characteristics

that are strongly rooted on social aspects, consist of

a fertile ield for the

development of studies about the diagnosis of

vulnerability, as well as interventions, in individuals, families


limited to the individual accountability, as the one tradi

-ionally used in studies that analyze the individual’s role in the causality scheme of the health-disease process(5).

The analysis of vulnerability involves two dimen

-sions or inter-related plans: individual and the collecive, the later unfolded in the programmaic and social aspects. In the individualdimension, the cogniive, behavioral and social aspects are evaluated. The programmaic dimension

consists of the efecive and democraic access to the nec

-essary social resources to avoid the exposure to diseases, besides the possibility to access the means of protecion. The social dimension covers structural aspects related to educaion, means of communicaion, social, economic and health policies, ciizenship, gender, culture, religion, and other aspects, which exert an inluence on other dimen

-sions, determining or mediaing them. The interdepen

-dence between the three plans evi-dences that the compo

-nents of the individual dimension are condiioned by those of the collecive dimension, i.e., the adopion of protecive pracices depends on the accessibility to means of commu

-nicaion, schooling, the availability of material resources, the power to have an efect on poliical decisions, the pos

-sibility of facing cultural barriers, besides the capacity of de

-fense in situaions of violent coercions(2).

Knowledge producion in Collecive Health Nursing focused on Infecious Diseases from the perspecive of


Vulnerability is an important concept for Nursing re

-search, because it is intrinsically associated with health and heath problems. Knowing people’s vulnerability to infec

-ious diseases helps to idenify their health needs, which are marked by sigma, social exclusion, and feelings of fear. In the domain of the Research Group, the scieniic producion was iniiated in the second half of the 1990’s, with the object of study being the expression of AIDS in adults, the analysis of contexts vulnerable to infecion and disease aiming at the individual and collecive di

-mensions, deining the vulnerability diagnoses of difer

-ent social groups, and idenifying elem-ents that increase and minimize vulnerability(6-12). The posterior analysis of

these studies provided the foundaions for the creaion of markers of vulnerability to infecion, death, and becom

-ing infected with HIV/AIDS(3). This study launched the de

-velopment of a set of other studies with the purpose to produce instruments to assess the vulnerability of people to certain diseases.

It is worth to, herein, make a disincion between health indicator and health marker. Indicators express the health situaion of groups and are usually used to quan

-ify and assess informaion, i.e., they are synthesized-measures containing relevant informaion about certain aspects and dimensions of the health condiion, as well as the performance of the health system(a). They are designed

(a)RIPSA – rede interagencial de informações para a saúde-www.ripsa.org.br

according to a set of variables that can be measured di

-rectly, with the purpose to relect the existence of a certain health condiion/situaion and represent the risk measure

-ment, mathemaically calculated and represented.

The term marker refers to what marks or serves to mark. In the health area, according to Bireme’s Health Science Descriptors, has its meaning associated to a word that qualiies it. In the Research Group, the vulnerability markers refers to the qualifying elements that integrate the individual and collecive dimensions, whose presence or absence deines and characterizes the dimension of vulnerability.

One researcher(3) proposed markers that address both

dimensions of vulnerability, with the individual and pro

-grammaic dimensions being the most explored. They were gathered in subgroups: knowledge and meanings of AIDS, personal and relaional characterisics, impact of diagnosis, available resources (personal and experiences that afect coping) and forms of coping (pracices and behaviors).

In the programmaic dimension, that addresses the prevenion and health care programs and the accessibility to control measures, there are two orders of markers: one related to the dynamic structure of health service orga

-nizaion and, the other, to the operaionalizaion of the acions. In the social dimension, the ideniied markers are related to the material condiions of the existence of the individual with AIDS, the juridical-poliical apparatus regarding AIDS and social organizaions, governmental or not, related to AIDS and the gender relaionships.

Systemaic reviews(13-14) ideniied new components

of the HIV/AIDS vulnerability, and for the women group they are related to the social norms, migraion processes, contexts involving the conjugal relaionship, and health service management. In the adolescents group, the new elements are: the adolescent’s lack of percepion regard -ing their vulnerability to HIV/AIDS and a lack of perspec-ive towards their future.

Unil then, scieniic producion had focused mostly on issues that expresses a condiion or character

-ize the vulnerability to HIV, emphasizing on the individual dimension, permiing the to learn the determinants of its occurrence and supporing the proposiion of acions in the ambit of public policies, health services, and in the ev

-eryday lives of individuals or social groups.

Therefore, concurrently with the reported studies, considering that the dimension of the policies, programs, and the paricipaion of civil society as a determinant of individual and collecive vulnerability, as of the year 2000, the Research Group began performing studies to increase the knowledge focusing on this dimension, sill aiming at AIDS and tuberculosis. Regaring the domain of the po

-liical-insituional guidelines of AIDS control programs, some invesigaions(15-18) analyzed the working processes



Rev Esc Enferm USP

2011; 45(Esp. 2):1766-70 www.ee.usp.br/reeusp/

The potential of the concept of vulnerability in understanding transmissible diseases Nichiata LYI, Bertolozzi MR, Gryschek ALPL, Araújo NVDÁL, Padoveze MC, Ciosak SI, Takahashi RF

another study(19) characterized the paricipaion of civil so

-ciety in coping with the epidemics.

Regarding tuberculosis, one study(20) characterized the

vulnerability of university students to the disease. Con

-sidering the recognized relaionship between tuberculo

-sis and the social determinaion, the authors pointed out the important potenial of the concept of vulnerability to interpret this disease and propose intervenions that change the health-disease situaion. The group has also invested in the creaion of markers that support the moni

-toring of treatment adherence, also using the concept of vulnerability.

The poteniality of the concept of vulnerability for in

-terpreing other infecious diseases is being explored by Healthcare–related Infecions (Infecções Relacionadas à Assistência a Saúde -IRAS). The referred infecions are deined as those that were acquired by any type of pro

-cedure performed in any sort of health service, involving from health care users to health workers, and can be mild or severe, regardless of the involved microorganism.

In spite of the advancements in knowledge produc

-ion and in the responses to the IRAS, improving the un

-derstanding about the diseases and the so-called com

-plexity is only possible by using theoreical-conceptual instruments that permit a broader view of the phenom

-enon, such as the concept of vulnerability. Therefore, it is believed that the occurrence of IRAS can be assessed considering the aspects related to users and health ser

-vice producion, focused, for instance, on situaions that involve the exposure to biological and physical materials that originate the IRAS or aspects related to the policies of work management, of health educaion. This aspect has been more recently explores in the research project

Avaliação da vulnerabilidade programáica para preven -ção de Infecções Relacionadas à Assistência a Saúde nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde da Região do Butantã do Mu -nicípio de São Paulo (The assessment of programmaic

vulnerability for the prevenion of Healthcare-related In -fecions at the Basic Health Units in the Butantã Region in São Paulo)(b).

The concept of vulnerability also has a potenial of knowledge producion in the ield of immunopreventable

(b)Reseach Project – Professor Maria Clara Padoveze, Ph.D.

diseases. The suscepibility to theses diseases is undeni

-able, and, although vaccines are currently avail-able, at no cost, for a large part of the Brazilian populaion, in the domain of the Naional Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde – SUS), it is believed that this concept can support beter healthcare pracices for this group of diseases(21).

Another emerging group in which the concept of vul

-nerability is applied to its various dimensions is the elder

-ly. With the increase in longevity, this group has shown a progressive growth, as seen in the diseases, not only those related to aging, but also to the new forms of living

and living together. Advancements in healthcare technol

-ogy have added elements that promote behavior changes and, with them, the reemergence of diseases oten rel

-egated for this age group, such as STD/AIDS(22).


Vulnerability and the producion of knowledge in Col

-lecive Health Nursing focused on infecious diseases and other processes in this ield of knowledge and pracices are aspects addressed with the purpose to discuss about their potenialiies for Nursing studies, implicated with understanding and coping with problems and health con

-diions. Taking vulnerability as a theoreical framework opens windows of opportunity to overcome the limits of the concept of risk, improve epidemiological analyses, whose object are the situaions of inequity and social in

-equality, increase the coverage of the intervenions, aim

-ing to surpass the biological and behavioral approach, besides developing and/or appropriaing instruments to idenify the individual and collecive dimension of the health disease-process and make intervenions.

The researchers devotes to improve the scieniic pro

-ducion in Nursing invite others to increase and deepen studies guided by the concept of vulnerability, thus con

-tribuing with the proposiion and implementaion of individual and collecive vulnerability (social and pro

-grammaic) markers. Therefore, eforts will be joined to disseminate the concept, promoing deeper and fruiful debates on this theme with healthcare workers.


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