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Approximations of the nonlinear Painlevand#233; transcendents


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Volume 2013, Year 2013 Article ID cna-00127, 6 Pages


Research Article

Approximations of the nonlinear Painlev

e transcendents


Najeeb Alam Khan1∗, Muhammad Jamil2, Nadeem Alam Khan1

(1)Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Karachi, Karachi 75270, Pakistan (2)Department of Mathematics, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi-75270, Pakistan

Copyright 2013 c⃝Najeeb Alam Khan, Muhammad Jamil and Nadeem Alam Khan. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


In this communication, we apply the new homotopy perturbation method (NHPM) to solve the first and second Painlev´e transcendent. The NHPM for solving differential equations based on two component procedure and poly-nomial initial condition. The numerical results are compared with existing analytic results obtained by Adomian decomposition method (ADM), homotopy perturbation method (HPM), analytic continuation method and Legendre Tau method. The outcomes confirm that the scheme yields accurate and excellent results even when two components are used.

Keywords:Painlev´e transcendent; new homotopy perturbation method (NHPM); differential equation; nonlinear equations.

1 Introduction

The Painlev´e equations [1, 2, 3] were discovered by P. Painlev´e, B. Gambier and their colleagues during studying a nonlinear second order differential equation


dx2 =R(x,u,u),

whereR(x,u,u′) is a function rational inuandu′and analytic inx. It was shown by P. Painlev´e (1900) and B. Gambier (1910) that all equations of this type whose solutions do not have movable critical points (but are allowed to have fixed singular points and movable pole) can be reduced to 50 classes of equations. Moreover, 44 classes out of them are in-tegrable by quadrature or admit reduction of order. The remaining 6 equations are irreducible; these are known as the Painlev´e equations or Painlev´e transcendent, and their solutions are known as the Painlev´e transcendental functions. It is significant that the Painlev´e equations often arise in mathematical physics. Some connections are given as follows:

The Boussineseq equation in canonical form

∂2wt2 +

∂ ∂x





+∂ 4w

x4 =0. (1.1)


This equation arises in several physical applications: propagation of long waves in shallow water, one dimensional nonlinear lattice-waves, vibrations in a nonlinear string, and ion sound waves in plasma. The connection of Boussi-neseq equation with first Painlev´e equation is due to Clarkson and Kruskal [4]. Assuming that a solution of Eq. (1.1) may be written in the form

w(x,t) = (a0+a1t)2U(z)−




)2 ,

wherez=x(a1t+a0) +b1t+b0, anda0,a1,b0 and b1are arbitrary constants. The functionU(z)is determined by second order differential equation

U′′(z) +1 2U

2=c 1z+c2.

Ifc1̸=0 the equation is reduced to the first Painlev´e equation.

The Korteweg-de Vries equation in canonical form


t +

∂3wt3 −6w


x =0. (1.2)

It is used in many sections of nonlinear mechanics and theoretical physics for describing one-dimensional nonlinear dispersive non-dissipative waves. Also, the mathematical modeling of moderate-amplitude shallow water surface waves is based on this equation. Assuming that a solution of Eq. (1.2) may be written in the form

w(x,t) = [3(tt0)]−2/3U(z),

wherez= [3(tt0)]−1/3(xx0), the functionU(z)is determined by third order ordinary differential equation

U′′′(z)−zU′−2U−6UU=0. (1.3)

A solution of Eq. (1.3) can be represented as

U(z) =g′(z) +g2(z),

where the functiong(z)is any solution of the second Painlev´e equation


whereAis any arbitrary constant. In this paper, NHPM is applied to solve the nonlinear first and second Painlev´e equations with Cauchy-Dirchelet conditiony|x=0 =A, y′|x=0 =B. Unlike the ADM [5, 6], the NHPM is free from the need to use Adomian polynomials. In this method we do not need the Lagrange multiplier, correction functional, stationary conditions, and calculating integrals, which eliminate the complications that exist in the VIM [7]. In contrast to the HPM [8, 9, 10, 11, 12], in this method, it is not required to solve the functional equations in each iteration. HPM is an especial case of HAM (Homotopy Analysis Method) and the comparison of HAM and HPM can be find in [13, 14, 15].

2 Analysis of new homotopy perturbation method

Let us consider the nonlinear differential equation

A(u) =f(z), z, (2.4)

whereA is operator, f is a known function anduis a sought function. Assume that operatorA can be written as:

A(u) =L(u) +N (u),

whereL(u)is the linear operator andN(u)is the nonlinear operator. Hence, Eq. (2.4) can be rewritten as follows:


We define an operatorH(u)as:

H(v;p) = (1p)(L(v)−L(u0)) +p(A(v)f), (2.5)

wherep∈[0,1]is an embedding or homotopy parameter, andv(z;p):Ω×[0,1]→Ris an initial approximation of solution of the problem in Eq. (2.4). Eq. (2.5) can be written as:

H(v;p) =L(v)L(u0) +pL(u0) +p(N (v)−f(z)) =0. (2.6)

Clearly, the operator equationsH(v,0) =0 and H(v,1) =0 are equivalent to the equations L(v)−L(u0) =0 andA(v)−f(z) =0, respectively. Thus, a monotonous change of parameterpfrom zero to one corresponds to a continuous change of the trivial problemL(v)−L(u0) =0 to the original problem. OperatorH(v;p)is called a homotopy map. Next, we assume that the solutionH(v;p)can be written as a power series in embedding parameter

p, as follows:

v=v0+pv1. (2.7)

Now let us write the Eq. (2.6) in the following form

L(v) =u0(z) +p(fN (v)u0(z)).

By applying the inverse operatorL−1to both sides of the Eq. (2.4), we have

v=L−1u0(z) +p(L−1fL−1N (v)L−1u0(z)). (2.8)

Suppose that the initial approximation of Eq. (2.4) has the form

u0(z) =


anPn(z), (2.9)

wherean, n=0,1,2,· · ·are unknown coefficients andPn(z), n=0,1,2,· · ·are specific functions on the problem. By substituting Eqs. (2.7) and (2.9) into the Eq. (2.8), we get




anPn(z) )



L−1f−L−1N (v)−L−1



anPn(z) ))


Equating the coefficients of like powers ofp, we get following set of equations:

Coefficient ofp0:v0=L−1(∑∞n=0anPn(z)).

Coefficient ofp1:v1=L−1f−L−1(∑n∞=0vnpn)−L−1N (v0).

Now, we solve these equations in such a way thatv1(z) =0. Therefore, the approximate solution may be obtained as

yi(z) =Yi,0(z) =L−1 (


ai,nPn(z) )


3 Approximations of the nonlinear Painleve transcendent´

3.1 Solution of the first Painleve transcendent´

The first Painlev´e equation has the form


dx2 =6u



with Cauchy data

y|x=0 =A,y′|x=0 =B.

To obtain the solution of Eq. (3.10) by NHPM, we construct the following homotopy:




dx2 −u0(x)





dx2 −u0(x)−


6U2(x) +x)


=0. (3.11)

Applying the inverse operatorL−1(•) =x



0(•)dξdτto the both sides of the above Eq. (3.11), we obtain

U(x) =U(0) +xU′(0) +



∫ τ

0 (




∫ τ

0 (


6U2(ξ) +ξ)

)dξdτ. (3.12)

Suppose the solution of Eq. (3.12) to have the following form

U(x) =U0(x) +pU1(x). (3.13)

Substituting Eq. (3.13) in Eq. (3.12) and equating the coefficients of like powers ofp, we get following set of equations

U0(x) =U(0) +xU′(0) +



∫ τ



U1(x) =



∫ τ

0 ((−

U0(ξ) +6U02(ξ) +ξ))dξdτ.

Assumingu0(x) =Σ30

n=0anPn, Pk=xk, , U0=u0and solving the above equation forU1(t)leads to the result

U1(x) =(3A2−a0 2




1−a0 6 +2AB



( Aa0 2 − a2 12+ B2 2 )

x4+· · ·.

VanishingU1(t)lets the coefficientsai, i=1,2,3,· · ·, the following values

a0=6A2,a1=1+12AB,a2=6(6A3+B3),a+3=2(A+30A2B),· · ·

Therefore, we obtain the solution of Eq. (3.10) as

u(x) =A+Bx+3A2x2+1

6(1+12AB)x 3+1


3+B2)x4+ 1


2B)x5+· · ·.

3.2 Solution of the second Painleve transcendent´

The second Painlev´e equation [16] has the form



3(x) +xu(x) +λ, (3.14)

with Cauchy data

y|x=0=A, y′|x=0=B.

To obtain the solution of Eq. (3.14) by NHPM, we construct the following homotopy:








3(x) +xU(x) +λ))=

0. (3.15)

Applying the inverse operator,L−1=x



0(•)dξdτto the both sides of the above Eq. (3.15), we obtain

U(x) =U(0) +xU′(0) +



∫ τ




∫ τ



Suppose the solution of Eq. (3.16) to have the following form

U(x) =U(0) +pU1(x). (3.17)

Substituting Eq. (3.17) in the Eq. (3.16) and equating the coefficients of like powers of p, we get following set of equations

U0(x) =U(0) +xU′(0) +



∫ τ



U1(x) =



∫ τ


(−u0(ξ) + (2U03(ξ) +ξU0(ξ) +λ))dξdτ.

Assumingu0(t) =∑30n=0anPn,Pk=tk, U0=u0and solving the above equation forU1(t)leads to the result

U1(x) =(3A2−a0 2




1−a0 6 +2AB




0 2 −

a2 12+




x4+· · ·.

VanishingU1(t)lets the coefficientsai, i=1,2,3,· · ·, the following values

a0=6A2,a1=1+12AB,a2=6(6A3+B3),a+3=2(A+30A2B),· · ·

Therefore, we obtain the solution of the Eq. (3.10) as

u(x) =A+Bx+3A2x2+1

6(1+12AB)x 3+1


3+B3)x4+ 1


2B)x5+· · ·.

4 Concluding remarks

New homotopy perturbation solutions [17] have been presented for the first and second Painlev´e transcendents. The results show a very good agreement with the other methods. The major advantage of the NHPM is that it is simple, straightforward and systematic when compared with other techniques. To avoid the cumbersome of the computational work that usually arises from the traditional strategies; we present alternative numerical strategies that proved to be effective, reliable and easy to use. In HPM and ADM we reach to a set of recurrent differential equations, which must be solved consecutively to give the approximate solution of the problem. The computations associated with the solutions of first and second Painlev´e transcendent in this work were performed using MATHEMATICA 7.


The author Najeeb Alam Khan is highly thankful and grateful to the Dean of Faculty of Sciences, University of Karachi, Karachi-75270, Pakistan for facilitating this research work, and grateful to the anonymous referees for their comments which substantially improved the quality of this paper.


[1] P. Painlev´e, Dmonstration de l’irr´e ducibilit absolute de l’´e quationy′′=6y2+x, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, (1902a) 641-647.

[2] P. Painlev´e, Sur les transcendantes uniformed d´e finies par l’´e quationy′′=6y2+x, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, 135 (1902c) 757-761.

[3] P. Painlev´e, Sur l’irrducibilit´e de l’´e quationy′′=6y2+x, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, 135 (1902d) 1020-1025.

[4] P. A. Klarkson, P.A. Kruskal, New similarity reductions of the Boussinesq equation, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 30(10) (1989) 2201-2213.


[5] G. Adomian, Solving Frontier Problems of Physics: The Decomposition Method, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, (1994).

[6] A. M. Wazwaz, A reliable modification of Adomian decomposition method, Applied Mathematics and Computa-tion, 102 (1999) 77-86.


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[8] J. H. He, Homotopy perturbation technique, Computuer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 178 (1999) 257-262.


[9] J. H. He, A coupling method of a homotopy technique and a perturbation technique for non-linear problems, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 35 (2000) 37-43.


[10] J. H. He, Homotopy perturbation method: a new nonlinear analytical technique, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 135 (2003) 73-79.


[11] N. A. Khan, A. Ara, S. A. Ali, M. Jamil, Orthognal flow impinging on a wall with suction or blowing, Interna-tional Journal of Chemical and Reactor Engineering, 9 (2011) Article A47.


[12] N. A. Khan, A. Ara, S. A. Ali, A. Mahmood, Analytical study of Navier-Stokes equation with fractional orders using He’s homotopy perturbation and variation iteration method, International Journal of Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 10 (2009) 1127-1134.


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