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Lista de exercícios P1 2º Bimestre Aluno (a): Professor: Maria luiza Disciplina: Inglês Valor:2,0


Academic year: 2022

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Antes de iniciar a lista de exercícios leia atentamente as seguintes orientações:

É fundamental a apresentação de uma lista legível, limpa e organizada. Rasuras podem invalidar a lista.

Questões discursivas deverão ser respondidas na própria lista.

Não há necessidade de folhas em anexo, todas as respostas serão exclusivamente na lista.

O não atendimento a algum desses itens faculta ao professor o direito de desconsiderar a lista.

A lista deve ser feita a caneta, somente os cálculos podem ser a lápis.

Capítulo(s) do livro trabalhado (s): Cap. 02 página 31/ Cap 03 páginas 45 /49 / 50/52/ 53/54/55

Conteúdo: / Modal verbs /Subject/ possessive pronous/ possessive adjectives

Data de apresentação da lista ao professor: 11/ 05/ 2021

Data de entrega e prova: 11/ 05 /2021.



Read the text and answer questions HOTMART



Hotmart is a complete platform for those who want to create and sell digital products such as e-books, online courses, videos, subscriptions, among others. It is widely used by content producers and affiliates. It is a company with a worldwide presence and promotes entrepreneurship and distance education. Hotmart allows anyone who wants to work with digital products. Best of all, many people are well paid working in this digital market.

No trecho: “It is widely used...”, o termo grifado faz uma retomada da palavra:

a) “online courses”

b) “digital products”

c) “Hotmart”

d) “others

2. Read the text and answer questions HOTMART


Y53tWI/AAAAAAAAu0c/oUqKUJmQM3kL_vkQ2nFIwB1ScVZQhcdrACLcBGAsYHQ/s376/1.jpg Lista de exercícios – P1 – 2º Bimestre

Aluno (a): __________________________________

Turma: 9º ano (Ensino fundamental) Professor: Maria luiza Disciplina: Inglês

Valor:2,0 No Anhanguera você é + Enem


Hotmart is a complete platform for those who want to create and sell digital products such as e-books, online courses, videos, subscriptions, among others. It is widely used by content producers and affiliates. It is a company with a worldwide presence and promotes entrepreneurship and distance education. Hotmart allows anyone who wants to work with digital products. Best of all, many people are well paid working in this digital market.

Hotmart is a platform:


a) digital.

b) physics.

c) natural d) school

3. Read the text and answer questions HOTMART

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4qOytVJ5OUQ/YFzU- Y53tWI/AAAAAAAAu0c/oUqKUJmQM3kL_vkQ2nFIwB1ScVZQhcdrACLcBGAsYHQ/s376/1.jpg

Hotmart is a complete platform for those who want to create and sell digital products such as e-books, online courses, videos, subscriptions, among others. It is widely used by content producers and affiliates. It is a company with a worldwide presence and promotes entrepreneurship and distance education. Hotmart allows anyone who wants to work with digital products. Best of all, many people are well paid working in this digital market.

Segundo o texto, a Hotmart

a) oferece assinaturas de televisão.

b) está presente apenas na América Latina.

c) é um canal virtual de relacionamento.

d) oferece cursos de aprendizagem.

4. Observe o cartaz abaixo:

A expressão must have é uma expressão muito utilizada no mundo empresarial ,principalmente relacionada à moda e aoscosméticos. Ela é formada pelo verbo modal must e o verbo principal have quesignifica ‘ter’. O que


a) As peças obrigatórias ou necessárias que as pessoas devem ter no inverno.

b) As peças de seda ou de algodão que as pessoas devem ter no inverno. . c) As peças dispensáveis ou desnecessárias durante a estação do inverno.

d) As peças que as pessoas não podem possuir porque a estação é o inverno

5. Analise o que expressa cada frase a seguir. abaixo.Marque a alternativa com uso incorreto do significado do auxiliar modal .

a) You should do more exercise. (Você deve fazer mais exercício.) conselho /recomendação b) All the students must wear a uniform. (Todos os alunos devem usar uniforme.)proibição c) You have to drive carefully. If not, you may get involved in a car accident. (Você tem de dirigir cuidadosamente. Senão, você pode se envolver em um acidente de carro.) necessidade/obrigação d) You don’t have to come, if you don’t want to. (Você não tem que vir, se você não quiser.) ausência de obrigação

e) You mustn’t park your car in this area. (Você não pode estacionar seu carro nesta área.) proibição

6. Read the text and answer question . DAVID GUETTA - TITANIUM

You shout it out

But I can’t hear a word you say I‟m talking loud not saying much

I‟m criticized but all your bullets ricochet You shoot me down, but I get up

I‟m bulletproof nothing to lose Fire away, fire away

Ricochet, you take your aim Fire away, fire away

https://www.google.com.br/search?ei=R4G4XISrDYKP0Aad4r34Bg&q=titaniuou&o The modal verb CAN’T, bolded in the text means

a) inability.

b) obligation.

c) permission.

d) prohibition


7. The underlined words are:

a) possessive noun and possessive adjective.

b) possessive pronoun and possessive adjective.

c) personal pronoun and possessive adjective.

d) possessive adjective and personal pronoun.

e) possessive adjective and possessive pronoun.


Qual frase de Calvin apresenta um Possessive Adjective?

a) I’ve looked everywhere!

b) Oh, here it is!

c) Where’s my jacket?

d) Who put in the stupid closet?!?

9. [MISSING IMAGE: https://questoes.grancursosonline.com.br/sistema/public/imagens_provas/40331/6.GIF,


The word My in the text is a ____________.

a) subject pronoun b) reflexive pronoun c) object pronoun d) possessive adjective

10. Pelo contexto, é possível compreender que:

Disponível em: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/52/44/12/5244127bd1ca02b0bd30a8f8db96875a--peanuts-cartoon- peanuts-snoopy.jpg Acesso em: 30 de ago. 2017.

a) A professora compreendeu o sentimento da garota e permitiu a realização do teste em outro dia.

b) Mesmo estressada a garota vai ter que realizar o teste.

c) A garota convenceu a professora de que ela está estressada.

d) A garota tornou-se estressada devido ao teste.

11. Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences according to the right use of pronouns.

Dear friend, thanks for _____email. It is so nice to hear from ______. Let _____tell you ______news, even though ______are much more interesting.

a) your - you - me - my - yours b) yours - you - I - mine - your c) you - yours - my - his - they d) my - me - mine - my - you e) yours - I - I - mine - theirs

12. . (PUC – PR) Check the alternative that adequately fills the gaps:

She is Fernanda Montenegro, but ____ real name is Arlete Torres You are Grande Otelo, but ______ real name is Sebastão Prata He is Ringo Star, but ______ real name is Richard Stakney You are Gal, but _____ real name is Maria da Graça


a) your – your – his – your – their b) her – your – his – your – our c) her – his – his – your – their d) her – your – his – your – their e) her – your – his – our – your

13. (FUVEST – SP) Complete responses with the appropriate possessive pronoun:

a) Is this Mary’s book ? Yes it is _______

b) Is this your brother’s house ? Yes, it is __________

a) Hers – His b) Her – Hers c) His – Her d) His – Hers

14. (PUC – PR) Which of these books is yours ? ________ is that thick one.

a) me b) my c) his d) your e) mine

15. O enunciado representa uma situação, que é seguida de uma pergunta. Interprete o texto e escolha a opção correta de resposta.

Mark is a police officer and he sees a man stealing a cellphone on the balcony. What should Mark do?

a) Mark should arrest the thief.

b) Mark should say hello to the thief.

c) Mark should kill the thief.


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