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J. Appl. Oral Sci. vol.25 número5


Academic year: 2018

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Submitted: May 16, 2016 0RGL¿FDWLRQ)HEUXDU\ Accepted: March 10, 2017

Effect s of porcelain t hickness on


propagat ion in a bilayered zirconia

syst em

2EMHFWLYH 7KLV VWXG\ HYDOXDWHG WKH LQÀXHQFH RI SRUFHODLQ 90 9,7$ =DKQIDEULN*HUPDQ\WKLFNQHVVRQWKHÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKDQGFUDFNSURSDJDWLRQ in bilayered zirconia syst em s ( YZ, VI TA Zahnfabrik, Germ any) . Mat erial and Met hods: Thir t y zir conia bar s ( 20.0x4.0x1.0 m m ) and six zir conia blocks ( 12.0x7.5x1.2 m m ) were prepared and veneered wit h porcelain wit h different t hickness: 1 m m , 2 m m , or 3 m m . The bars of each experim ent al group ( n= 10) ZHUHVXEMHFWHGWRIRXUSRLQWÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKWHVWLQJ,QHDFKFHUDPLFEORFND Vickers indent at ion was creat ed under a load of 10 kgf for 10 seconds, for t he SURSDJDWLRQRIFUDFNV5HVXOWV7KHUHVXOWVRIÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKZHUHHYDOXDWHG E\2QHZD\$129$DQG7XNH\¶VWHVWZLWKDVLJQL¿FDQFHOHYHORI7KH IDFWRU³WKLFNQHVVRIWKHSRUFHODLQ´ZDVVWDWLVWLFDOO\VLJQL¿FDQWS DQG WKHPPJURXSSUHVHQWHGWKHKLJKHVWYDOXHVRIÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK7KHFUDFNV were predom inant am ong t he bending specim ens wit h 1 and 2 m m of porcelain, and cat ast rophic failures were found in 50% of 3- m m - t hick porcelain. Aft er t he indent at ion of blocks, t he m ost severe defect s were observed in blocks wit h 3- m m - t hick porcelain. Conclusion: The sm allest ( 1 m m ) t hickness of porcelain RQWKH]LUFRQLDLQIUDVWUXFWXUHSUHVHQWHGKLJKHUYDOXHVRIÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK Bet t er resist ance t o defect propagat ion was observed near t he porcelain/ ]LUFRQLD LQWHUIDFH IRU DOO JURXSV +LJKHU ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK ZDV IRXQG IRU D t hinner porcelain layer in a bilayered zirconia syst em . The dam age caused by a Vickers indent at ion near and far t he int erface wit h t he zirconia shows t hat WKHVWUHVVSUR¿OHVDUHGLIIHUHQW

Ke yw or ds: Ceram ics. Porcelain. Mechanical st ress. Confocal m icroscopy. Viviane Maria Gonçalves de


Sarina Maciel Braga PEREIRA1


Márcia Carneiro VALERA2

Marco Antônio BOTTINO1


1Univ. Estadual Paulista, Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia de São José dos Campos, Departamento

de Materiais Odontológicos e Prótese, São Jose dos Campos, SP, Brasil.

2Univ. Estadual Paulista, Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia de São José dos Campos, Departamento

de Odontologia Restauradora, São Jose dos Campos, SP, Brasil.

3New York University, College of Dentistry, Biomaterials and Biomimetics, New York, USA.

Corresponding address:



I nt roduct ion

Ceram ic m at erials are increasingly used in dent al

rest orat ions because of t he excellent com binat ion of

est het ic, biological, and m echanical propert ies, such as

wear resist ance and rigidit y20, m aking t hem a m at erial

of choice for oral rehabilit at ion11,12. Dent al ceram ics can

be used for fram ew ork, e.g., yt t rium - oxide part ially VWDELOL]HG ]LUFRQLD ZKLFK KDV KLJK ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK and fract ure t oughness, but lim it ed t ranslucency20,26.

Excellent est het ic propert ies are achieved by applying

a veneering ceram ic ( feldspat hic glass or porcelain) t o

t he fram ew ork23.

The m ost com m on clinical com plicat ions associat ed

w it h t he infrast r uct ur e of zir conia r est orat ions ar e

loss of ret ent ion, t he need for endodont ic t reat m ent ,

veneering ceram ic fract ures and bleeding on probing12.

Mechanical com plicat ions such as porcelain fract ure

t end t o be m ore prevalent in veneered zirconia crow ns

t han in t hose w it h m et al coping18,24.Clinical reasons

for t he failure of t hese ceram ic rest orat ions include

m echanical st ress for high occlusal loads, which causes

crack propagat ion and lat er result s in “ chipping”20,28

and locat ion in t he dent al arch21. From a biom echanical

m at erials perspect ive, residual st resses in com pression

and t ension generat ed along t he porcelain layer play a

crit ical role in t he failure of porcelain veneered zirconia

crow ns27.

5HVLGXDOVWUHVVHVLQÀXHQFHWKHVWUHQJWKDQGIUDFWXUH behavior of ceram ic crow ns and w hen com bined w it h

funct ional st resses m ay lead t o rest orat ion failure17.

Am ong t he fact ors t hat cont rol t he am ount of residual

st resses are t he geom et ry of t he infrast ruct ure6,8,16,19,

t he t hickness of t he ceram ic overlay and fram ew ork16,

and t he cooling rat e at t em perat ures above t he glass

t ransit ion t em perat ur e10, 15. The nat ur e of st r esses,

eit her com pressive or t ensile, also affect s ceram ics

st rengt h, t he form er increases st rengt h and t he lat t er

increases crack propagat ion under occlusal loadings.

From a clinical view point , t he t hickness of zirconia

fram ework m ay vary from 0.3 t o 1.0 m m , while t hat of

t he veneering ceram ic varies from 0.3 t o 3.0 m m22,29.

This variat ion in t hickness is due t o t he dent al crown

com plex shape, w hich has regions, such as cusps and

axial walls built up w it h varying porcelain t hicknesses,

prom ot ing different st ress m agnit udes27. Few st udies

KDYHVSHFL¿FDOO\DGGUHVVHGWKHPHFKDQLFDOEHKDYLRURI different t hicknesses of porcelain- zirconia25.Therefore,

it is necessary t o know t he effect s of m echanics and

crack propagat ion at different t hicknesses of

porcelain-zirconia infrast ruct ure perform ance.

The m et hodologies used t o analyze t he cracks in

ceram ics include m icrotom ography19, t ransillum inat ion3,

and Scanning Elect ron Microscopy ( SEM) . However, t he

lit erat ure does not report crack behavior of ceram ic

bilayer syst em w it h regard t o it s dept h, volum e, and

t he ext ent of dependence on porcelain t hickness. This VWXG\ DLPHG WR HYDOXDWH WKH LQÀXHQFH RI SRUFHODLQ ]LUFRQLDWKLFNQHVVRQWKHÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKDQGFUDFN propagat ion of a bilayered syst em by m eans of confocal

m icroscopy analysis. The hypot heses t o be t est ed were + ± 7KH VPDOOHVW WKLFNQHVV RI YHQHHULQJ FHUDPLF LQFUHDVHV ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK DQG + ± 7KHUH ZLOO EH differences in t he propagat ion of defect s ( indicat ive

of residual st resses) , depending on veneering ceram ic

t hicknesses.

Mat erial and Met hods

Th e m at er ials u sed in t h is st u dy ar e sh ow n in

Figure 1.

Sam ple preparat ion

I n t his st udy, zirconia blocks pre- synt hesized wit h

dim ensions 14x15x20 m m ( VI TA I n- Ceram® YZ Cubes,

Vit a Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Germ any) w ere used

t o m ake bar and block specim ens. Thirt y bar- shaped

zirconia specim ens, wit h dim ensions of 20.0 m m lengt h

x 4.0 m m w idt h x 1.0 m m t hickness, and six

block-shaped zirconia specim ens, w it h dim ensions of 12.0

m m lengt h x 7.50 w idt h x 1.2 m mt hickness, w ere

cut w it h t he aid of a cut t ing m achine ( 1000 I SOMET,

Buehler Lt d., Lake Bluff, I L, USA) . Specim en dim ensions

Material Type Brand Name Manufacturers Lot

Zirconia VITA In-Ceram Zirconia

YZ CUBES for Inlab


Porcelain VITA VM9

Base Dentine

VITA Zahnfabrik, Bad Sackingen, Germany



w ere obt ained aft er a sint ering process in a Zyrcom at

furnace ( Vit a Zahnfabrik, Bad Sackingen, Germ any) .

Specim en s w er e clean ed in an u lt r ason ic bat h

( Vit asonic, Vit a Zahnfabrik, Bad Sackingen, Germ any)

for 5 m in in 10% isopropyl alcohol to rem ove any residue

from previous st eps and dried at room t em perat ure.

They w ere t hen random ized int o experim ent al groups,

w it h 10 bars and 2 blocks for each group. The groups

follow ed t he porcelain t hickness, accordingly:

Group 1: Bars and blocks w it h 1 m m of zirconia

and 1 m m of porcelain.

Group 2: Bars and blocks w it h 1 m m of zirconia

and 2 m m of porcelain.

Group 3: Bars and blocks w it h 1 m m of zirconia

and 3 m m of porcelain.

Applicat ion of veneering ceram ic

The applicat ion of porcelain ( VM9; Vit a Zahnfabrik,

Bad Sackingen, Germ any) was perform ed m anually.

The zirconia specim ens w ere insert ed int o a silicone

m old for t he applicat ion of porcelain layers. Thus, t he

ceram ic powder was m ixed w it h t he m odeling liquid,

applied, and condensed ont o zirconia bars. The powder

used was Base Dent in ( VM9; Vit a Zahnfabr ik , Bad

Sackingen, Germ any) , w hich was applied w it h a brush

under vibrat ion.

7KH¿ULQJSURFHVVZDVWKHEDVLFF\FOHIRU9,7$90 ( recom m ended by t he m anufact urer) . Base Dent in was ¿UVWDSSOLHGXQWLOFRPSOHWLRQRIWKHGHVLUHGWKLFNQHVV DQG ¿UHG LQ D 9DFXPDW 9LWD =DKQIDEULN %DG 6DFNLQJHQ*HUPDQ\IXUQDFHLQWZR¿ULQJF\FOHVIRU all groups ( Table 1) . Bar and block shaped specim ens ZHUH WKHQ ¿QLVKHG ZLWK VLOLFRQ FDUELGH VDQGSDSHU # 600, 800, 1000, and 1200 ( 3M, Sum aré, SP, Brazil) ,

under const ant wat er ir r igat ion ( Aut om et , Buehler,

Lake Bluff, I L, USA) .


The st rengt h of t he bilayer syst em was m easured

by t he four- point bending t est . Specim ens were placed LQDIRXUSRLQWEHQGLQJ¿[WXUHPPGLDPHWHUUROOHUV

support s spaced 16 m m apart , and rollers 8 m m apart ) ,

w here t he porcelain was t est ed under t ensile st ress. 7KHÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKWHVWZDVSHUIRUPHGDWDVSHHGRI 0.5 m m / m in, w it h a 1000- kgf load cell, in a universal


according t o t he follow ing equat ion9:

w here P is t he applied load in New t ons ( N) , L is

t he dist ance bet ween t he support rollers in m illim et ers

( m m ) , Y’ is t he dist ance in m m from t he neut ral axis RIWKH¿EHUDQGRXWHUITOT is t he m om ent of inert ial cross- sect ion around t he cent ral axis.

The Y’ value was given by equat ion 2:

w here tc and tv, correspond t o t he t hickness ( T in m m ) of t he zirconia infrast ruct ure and porcelain,

respect ively, and Ec and Ev are t he elast ic m odulus ( E) of t he ceram ic layers of infrast ruct ure and porcelain,

respect ively.

Th e ITOT var iable w as det er m in ed accor din g t o equat ion 3:

and w is t he sam ple w idt h.

Mat er i al t h i ck n esses w er e m easu r ed w i t h a

digit al caliper, and t he elast ic m oduli obt ained from

t he lit erat ure w ere 209.3 GPa for YZ and 66.5 GPa

for VM97. The glaze layer was not used in t his st udy

and, t herefore, t he values for t his m at erial w ere not


Analysis by st ereom icroscopy

The failur es of t he bar - shaped specim ens w er e

observed w it h a st ereo m icroscope (Discovery z- 20,

Firing process

Starting T (°C) Pre-drying t (min) and closing t (min)

Heating t (min)

Heating rate (°C/min)

Firing T (°C) Holding t (min)

Vacuum holding t


Wash Firing 500 2 8.11 55 950 1 8.11

1st dentine


500 6 7.27 55 910 1 7.27

2nd dentine


500 6 7.16 55 900 1 7.16


Zeiss, Jena, Germ any)DW[DQG[PDJQL¿FDWLRQ

an d classif ied accor d in g t o Lim a, et al.1 5 ( 2 0 1 3 )

DV FUDFNLQJ D ¿VVXUHFUDFN LQ WKH SRUFHODLQ OD\HU delam inat ion/ chipping of veneer ing ceram ics; t ot al

rem oval of porcelain from t he zirconia layer, leaving

YZ free of veneering ceram ics; or cat ast rophic failure.

Vickers indent at ion

A defect in t he six block- shaped specim ens was

sim ulat ed by a Vickers indent at ion, perform ed w it h a

load of 10 kg for 10 s. Prior t o t hat , t he blocks w ere

em bedded in acrylic resin and w et - ground wit h SiC

sandpaper in t he sam e way t he bending specim ens

w ere.

Each block received t w o indent at ions ( Figure 2) ,

eit her close t o ( 0.3 m m fr om t he int er face) or far

from ( 0.3 m m from t he upper surface of t he porcelain)

zirconia. Vickers indent at ion was perform ed using a

DHV- 1000 Micro Hardness Test er ( Durom et er MD- 1;

Micr ot est , Asker, Kyot o, Japan) . As a high loading

force w ould lead t o int eract ions bet w een t he cracks

and im pair t he evaluat ion, w e per for m ed only one

indent at ion on each sit e.

Confocal m icroscopy analysis

Dam age sust ained fr om t he Vicker s indent at ion

were exam ined in a 3D confocal m icroscope ( Mit ut oyo,

Suzano, SP, Brazil) , whereby t he dept h, ext ension, and

volum e of t he defect obt ained w ere m easured using

t he appropriat e soft ware ( Cyber CT Scan 8, I ngolst adt ,

Germ any) .

St at ist ical analysis


cent ral t endency and st andard deviat ions.

Result s

The effect of por celain t hick ness on t he bilayer ]LUFRQLDV\VWHPZDVVWDWLVWLFDOO\VLJQL¿FDQWp= 0.001) , acco r d i n g t o On e- w ay ANOVA. Th e cer am i c b ar ZLWK PP SRUFHODLQ KDG KLJKHU ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK 7XNH\¶VWHVWGLGQRWLGHQWLI\DVWDWLVWLFDOO\VLJQL¿FDQW difference bet w een t he bilayers ( Table 2) . Cracking

predom inat ed am ong groups w it h 1 m m and 2 m m

porcelain t hickness, cat ast rophic failures were found in

50% of specim ens wit h 3 m m veneering ceram ics, and

delam inat ion/ chipping was present in 20% of bars wit h

2 m m of porcelain. The origin of failures occurred at

t he porcelain surface w it h propagat ion at t he int erface

bet ween zirconia and porcelain in all groups. Failures

ran from t he cent er t o t he edges in all groups ( Figures

3 and 4) . The proport ion of porcelain det ached from

zirconia in cat ast rophic failures was larger in t he 3 m m

t han in t he 2 m m group ( Figure 4) .

Groups Flexural

strength means

Type of failure p-value Grouping**

(SD) Cracking Delamination/



1 mm 51.5 (9.84) 10 (100%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0.001 A

2 mm 35.5 (9.03) 7 (70%) 2 (20%) 1 (10%) B

3 mm 35.8 (6.01) 5 (50%) 0 (0%) 5 (50%) B

Table 2- Flexural strengths (MPa) and types of failures



Defect variables

Indented region Groups Depth

ȝP ExtensionȝP VolumeȝP3)

1 mm 37.3 465.5 2.35

Close 2 mm 39.2 425.5 3.01

3 mm 52.7 610.5 3.01

1 mm 38 288.5 0.88

Far 2 mm 33.3 324.5 1.22

3 mm 30.3 386 0.77

Table 3- Mean value of depth, extension, and volume close to and far from zirconia

Figure 3- 1-mm-thick porcelain bar. Porcelain cracking (A) (10x). Origin of the crack in the porcelain surface and propagation toward the interface, from center to ends (B) (40x)




generated in the block specimens close to the interface



Average dept h, ext ension, and volum e of near and

far indent at ions are show n in Table 3. Propagat ion of

defect s show ed higher dept h, ext ension, and volum e

close t o zirconia, while all t hese param et ers were lower

w hen far from zirconia, except for dept h in t he 1 m m

group. Figures 5 and 6 show defect s generat ed in t he

block specim ens.


I nv est igat in g t h e f ailu r es in por celain - zir con ia

infrast ruct ures has becom e a m aj or focus of research

in t h e scien ce of d en t al m at er ials. I n p ar t icu lar,

underst anding t he role of residual st resses in t hese

failures rem ains a challenge for researchers. I n t he

present st udy, w e show ed t hat t hin porcelain layers PP SUHVHQWHG KLJKHU ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK DQG WKH indent at ion ( defect ) progression did not depend on

porcelain t hickness, but was m ore severe near t he

zirconia subst rat e t han on t he porcelain surface.

These result s agree w it h Lim a, et al.15 ( 2013)and

Whit e, et al.25 ( 2005) , in which a t hin veneer t hickness

SURYLGHGKLJKHUÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKRIELOD\HUFHUDPLF specim ens. These st udies also present ed cracking as

t he principal failure m ode for low- t hick bilayers.

How ever, in clinics20,27, t he m ost frequent failure

is cusp fract ures of all- ceram ic rest orat ions because

t hey present great er t hicknesses of porcelain and are

affect ed by residual and m echanical st resses27. The

int erface bet w een porcelain and zirconia is sensit ive

t o t he poor heat t ransfer am ong m at erials29 and w hen

t hick layers of porcelain t hat have even low er t herm al

diffusivit y are used, t here is spalling of porcelain27.

Therefore, t hickness of porcelain increased from PP WR PP VLJQL¿FDQWO\ LQFUHDVHV WKH WKHUPDO t r an si en t st r ess g r ad i en t s b et w een t h e zi r co n i a

and veneer29, explaining t hus t he change in failure

p at t er n s b et w een 1 m m an d 2 m m g r ou p s, an d

j ust ifying t he occurrences of delam inat ion/ chipping.

Th e r esidu al st r ess scen ar io w as ev en w or se f or

t h e 3 m m sp ecim en s, also j u st if y in g t h e h ig h er

num ber of cat ast rophic ( delam inat ion) failures. The

p r ed om in an ce of cr ack s in t h e 1 m m g r ou p can

be ex plain ed by t h e com pr essiv e st r esses du e t o

t he t em per ing effect17 t hat favor ed t he m echanical

st rengt h of such bilayer syst em .

One can argue t hat bilayered disks are not t he

sam e as cr ow ns. Never t heless, t he layer ed m odel,

w hile sim plist ic in it s geom et ry, provides a physical

basis for invest igat ing t he role of m at erial propert ies

and t he effect of t hickness in t he idealizat ion of

all-ceram ic crow ns13, besides facilit at ing t he assessm ent

of t he origin and propagat ion of t he defect14. Wit h

r eg ar d t o r esid u al st r esses, t h e m ain d if f er en ce

bet w een crow ns and disks is a t endency of t he lat t er

for residual com pressive st resses t o increase w it h an

increase in t hickness from 1 t o 2 m m1. How ever, t he

m ore aggressive dam ages seen aft er t he indent at ion RIPPVSHFLPHQVGLGQRWFRQ¿UPVXFKREVHUYDWLRQ w hich is probably relat ed t o t he fact t hat w e used a

slow cooling prot ocol t hat led t o relaxat ion of st resses

w it hin t he layers.

I n t he present st udy, w e w ere not able t o quant ify

spat ially residual st resses in t he porcelain layers using

Vicker s indent at ions, alt hough t his has been done

before w it h t he sam e m et hod on curved surfaces1.

Th u s, w e on ly ob ser v ed t h e occu r r en ce of cr ack SURSDJDWLRQQHDUWKHLQWHUIDFHFRQ¿UPLQJWKHSUHVHQFH of t ensile st resses, as shown previously4,8,10,13- 17,27. Most

RIWKHFUDFNVH[WHQGHGODWHURLQZDUGO\FRQ¿UPLQJD t endency for porcelain chipping inst ead of porcelain

debonding from zirconia. Therefore, t ensile residual

st r esses occu r pr edom in an t ly par allel r at h er t h an

per pen dicu lar t o t h e por celain / zir con ia in t er face2.

Based on t he dam age ext ension, t he cracks ran m ore

rapidly in regions close t han far from zirconia. Alt hough

t he 1 m m group showed higher defect dept hs near t he

porcelain surface, crack lengt h and volum e rem ained

relat ively sm all. The higher dept h in t his group can

be explained by t he presence of a pore in t he vicinit y.

The presence of such irregularit y inside t he layers is

a lim it at ion of using t he indent at ion m et hod, because

t he crack can easily int eract w it h t he pore in t he bulk.

On t he ot her hand, com pressive st resses are prevalent

near t he porcelain surface5 regardless of t he veneer

t hickness17, as shown by sim ilar defect sizes and crack

lengt hs. How ever, t his t ype of residual st ress is m ore

int ense in fast cooled bilayers.

The use of Vick er s indent at ions for m easur ing

residual st ress has already been proved it self useful1,2.

Though it is not appropriat e t o com pare t he m echanical

propert ies m easured by t his m et hod, t he result s of

t he present st udy w ere consist ent in show ing t hat ,

depending on t he t hickness of t he porcelain, residual VWUHVV PD\ GLI¿FXOW FRPSUHVVLYH VWUHVV RU IDYRU ( t ensile st ress) crack propagat ion. I t is im port ant t o


as in t he Vickers indent at ion t est , is not analogous

t o t he m ast icat ory load, but it is a way t o prom ot e

t he occurrence of a severe defect and t o probe t he

fract ur e r esist ance of t he por celain. We ar e awar e

of t he residual st resses im part ed by t his indent at ion

m et hod but , in t he present st udy, it helped driving t he

crack along w it h t he residual t ensile st resses inside

t he porcelain.

Ot her t echniques for t he obser vat ion of crack s

and defect s are scanning elect ron m icroscopy ( SEM) , WUDQVLOOXPLQDWLRQ DQG PLFURWRPRJUDSK\ 7KH ¿UVW m et hod is im port ant for surface assessm ent but does

not allow in- dept h observat ions. The second m et hod

allow s us t o det ect int ernal defect s, precluding t hese

m easurem ent s. Finally, m icrot om ography facilit at es

t he obser vat ion of crack pr opagat ion but r equir es

considerable specim en preparat ion, w hich can dist ort

t h e or ien t at ion of cr ack s, lead in g t o d if f icu lt y in

dam age assessm ent1. The use of confocal m icroscopy

show ed sat isfact ory result s in t he analysis of defect s

found in t he ceram ic bilayer syst em . I t proved t o be a

quick and sim ple t echnique t hat does not require cost ly

sam ple preparat ion and t hat offers crucial inform at ion

on defect s in t he sur face and beneat h it , being a

viable m et hod for observing ceram ic defect s. Thus,

we believe t hat t he associat ion of confocal m icroscopy

and t he Vickers indent at ion is an effect ive resource for

observing defect s/ crack propagat ion and it highlight s

t he presence of residual st resses in ceram ic m at erials.

The ant icipat ed hy pot heses ( H1 and H2 ) w er e

a c c e p t e d . Li m i t a t i o n s o f t h i s s t u d y w e r e t h e

absence of r ealist ic scenar ios r esem bling t he oral HQYLURQPHQWVXFKDVWKHFRPSOHWLRQRIWKHÀH[XUDO t est or t herm alcycling in wat er, w hich w ere avoided t o

m inim ize t he occurrence of subcrit ical crack grow t h.

Furt her researches should be developed using confocal

m icr oscop y t o assess t h e p at h w ay of d ef ect s in

com plex geom et ries, such as crow ns and bridges. I n

addit ion, it is im port ant t o evaluat e t he behavior of

cracks or defect s generat ed under fat igue loading or

ot her t ypes of dam age28.


The t hinnest ( 1 m m ) porcelain/ zirconia specim ens SUHVHQWHGKLJKHUÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK'HIHFWVLQFHUDPLFV close t o t he porcelain/ zirconia int erface grew fast er

t han defect s close t o t he por celain sur face for all

t hicknesses, suggest ing t hat t he occurrence of residual

t ensile st resses is higher at t his sit e.

Acknow ledgem ent s

YZ acknowledges t he US Nat ional I nst it ut e of Dent al

and Craniofacial Research Grant 2R01 DE017925.



porcelain t hickness and cooling rat e on residual st resses in zirconia

m olar crow ns. Dent Mat er. 2014; 30( 3) : 271- 80.

2- Baldassar r i M, St apper t CF, Wolff MS, Thom pson VP, Zhang Y.

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Figure 1- Material type, brand name, and manufacturers used in the study
Table 2- Flexural strengths (MPa) and types of failures
Table 3- Mean value of depth, extension, and volume close to and far from zirconia


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