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J. Appl. Oral Sci. vol.25 número5


Academic year: 2018

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Submitted: July 25, 2016


Accepted: November 13, 2016

Effect of ult rasound st ream ing on t he


prepared by rot ary and reciprocat ing

syst em s

1HZ WHFKQLFDO DQG VFLHQWL¿F GHYHORSPHQWV KDYH EHHQ DGYRFDWHG WR prom ot e t he success of t he endodont ic t reat m ent . I n addit ion t o rot ary and reciprocat ing syst em s, irrigat ing solut ion agit at ion has been suggest ed and passive ult rasonic irrigat ion ( PUI ) is t he m ost used. Obj ect ive: To evaluat e,

in v it r o, t he effect of ult rasound st r eam ing ( US) in t he disinfect ion of ÀDWWHQHGURRWFDQDOV\VWHPVSUHSDUHGE\WKH3UR7DSHU%LR5D&HDQG5HFLSURF syst em s, ut ilizing t he m icrobiological cult ure. Met hodology: Ext ract ed hum an m andibular incisors ( n= 84) were used. Suspensions of Ent erococcus faecalis

( ATCC 29212) were st andardized and insert ed along wit h t he t eet h im m ersed in brain- heart infusion ( BHI ) brot h. The cont am inat ion was m ade following a prot ocol during 5 days. The t eet h were random ly divided int o six groups: G1, Pr oTaper Univer sal; G2, Pr oTaper Univer sal w it h US; G3, BioRaCe; G4, BioRaCe wit h US; G5, Reciproc; and G6, Reciproc wit h US. I rrigat ion w as per f or m ed w it h salin e solu t ion . Af t er biom ech an ical pr epar at ion , m icrobiological sam ples were perform ed wit h st erilized paper point s, which were dilut ed and spread on BHI agar; aft er 48 h, t he colony form ing unit s ( CFU/ m L) were count ed for each sam ple. Result s: Groups using ult rasonic agit at ion present ed a great er ant ibact erial effect t han t he ot her ones, even using saline solut ion as irrigant . The ProTaper Universal syst em showed t he best ant ibact erial act ivit y of t he t est ed syst em s ( m edian of 0 CFU/ m L wit h and wit hout surfact ant or ult rasonic act ivat ion [ PUI ] ) . Even wit h PUI , Reciproc ( m edian of 2.5 CFU/ m L wit h PUI and 5 wit hout it ) could not reduce as m any colonies as ProTaper Universal wit hout US. The BioRaCe syst em had great er bact erial reduct ion when using US ( m edian of 0 CFU/ m L wit h PUI and 30 wit hout it ) . Conclusions: US prom ot ed great er reduct ion in t he num ber of EDFWHULDLQWKHÀDWWHQHGURRWFDQDOVSUHSDUHGZLWKQLFNHOWLWDQLXPPHFKDQL]HG syst em s. Regarding t he inst rum ent s used, t he ProTaper Universal syst em was t he m ost effect ive in reducing t he bact erial num ber.

Keyw ords: Ult rasound. Ent erococcus faecalis. I nst rum ent at ion. I rrigat ion. Layla Reginna Silva Munhoz de


Paloma Gagliardi MINOTTI1

Thais Cristina PEREIRA1

Marco Antonio Hungaro DUARTE1

Flaviana Bombarda de ANDRADE1

1Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru, Departamento de Dentística,

Endodontia e Materiais Odontológicos, Bauru, SP, Brasil.


I nt roduct ion

Biom echanical preparat ion plays an im port ant role

in elim inat ing bact eria and reducing t heir populat ion

in sid e t h e r oot can al sy st em . Teet h t h at h av e a

com plex anat om y can shelt er, in t he cr ev ices and

ist hm us ar eas, r em aining necr ot ic pulp t issue and EDFWHULDOELR¿OPZKLFKFDQDFWDVDSRWHQWLDOVRXUFH of per sist ent infect ions, r esult ing in t he failur e of

endodont ic t reat m ent23. I n t hese cases, Gram - posit ive

m icroorganism s are t he m ost frequent , and am ong

t hese, Ent er ococcus faecalis5 is t he m ost com m only used. This bact erial species has t he abilit y t o endure

m any ecological condit ions and it can adj ust t o let hal

challenges such as high levels of alkalinit y23, requiring

few nut rient s, adhering t o dent ine21 and penet rat ing

deeply int o t he dent inal t ubules11,14, which m akes it a

resist ant pat hogen12 and t he m icroorganism of choice

in ant im icrobial st udies in endodont ics.

1HZ WHFKQLFDO DQG VFLHQWL¿F GHYHORSPHQWV KDYH been advocat ed t o prom ot e t he success of endodont ic

t r eat m ent . I n addit ion t o r ot ar y and r ecipr ocat ing

sy st em s, i r r i g at i n g so l u t i o n ag i t at i o n h as b een

suggest ed and passive ult rasonic irrigat ion ( PUI ) is t he

m ost used29. This kind of irrigat ion has shown bet t er

result s in cleanliness and disinfect ion7. However, in

PUI , physical act ion wit hout chem ical act ion of t he

irrigant s has not been st udied.

The nick el- t it anium inst r um ent ( NiTi) Pr oTaper

Universal ( Dent sply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Swit zerland)

is m ade by m achining. The inst rum ent s of t he BioRaCe

syst em ( FKG, La Chaux- de- Fonds, Swit zerland) , also

m achined, were launched wit h elect rochem ical surface

t reat m ent , providing t he rem oval of surface defect s

t hat can init iat e a fract ure w hen t he inst rum ent is

subj ect ed t o a cyclic fat igue process13. The Reciproc

syst em ( VDW, Munich, Germ any) , which consist s of

a single NiTi inst r um ent , has gained popular it y in

clinical pract ice due t o it s reciprocat ing m ovem ent .

I t was launched wit h t he aim of reducing endodont ic

t reat m ent t im e wit hout alt ering it s effect iveness3.

Thus, t he aim of t his st udy was t o evaluat e t he

ef f ect of u lt r asou n d st r eam in g ( US) in r ed u cin g PLFURRUJDQLVPVLQWKHURRWFDQDOV\VWHPRIÀDWWHQHG t eet h prepared by t he ProTaper Universal, BioRaCe and

Reciproc syst em s, t o assess t he best clinical prot ocol t o

prom ot e great er root canal syst em decont am inat ion, VLQFH WKHVH WHHWK DUH PRUH GLI¿FXOW WR FOHDQ 7KH null hy pot hesis is t hat US does not fav or gr eat er

GLVLQIHFWLRQLQURRWFDQDOV\VWHPVRIÀDWWHQHGWHHWKDV well as t hat t he syst em s have t he sam e effect iveness.

Mat erial and m et hods

Specim en preparat ion

This st udy was approved by t he Research and Et hics

Com m it t ee of t he local universit y ( Num ber: 180/ 2011) .

Eig h t y - f ou r ex t r act ed h u m an m an d ib u lar in cisor s

were used. The t eet h had been ext ract ed for pulpal or

periodont al reasons. Radiographs in bot h direct ions ZHUH WDNHQ WR VHOHFW WHHWK ZLWK ÀDWWHQHG EXW VLQJOH canals. The select ed t eet h had a lengt h of 18 t o 22

m m and t hey were random ly dist ribut ed t o all groups.

All t eet h w er e scaled and st or ed in 1% sodium

hy pochlor it e for 4 8 h t o pr om ot e disinfect ion and

dissolut ion of or ganic t issues. Convent ional access

cavit ies were prepared using round burs and Endo- Z

bu r s ( Den t sply Maillefer, Ballaigu es, Sw it zer lan d) .

Canals were evaluat ed for apical pat ency wit h a size- 10 .¿OHDQGLQVWUXPHQWHGWRDVL]H.¿OH'HQWVSO\ Maillefer, Ballaigues, Swit zerland) 1 m m from t he root

apex and irrigat ed wit h 5 m L of saline solut ion. Then,

specim ens were subm it t ed t o t hree ult rasonic bat hs of

10 m in each one wit h 1% sodium hypochlorit e, 17%

EDTA and saline t o neut ralize t he ant erior subst ances

following t he Marinho, et al.16 ( 2014) prot ocol. Ext ernal

surfaces of all root s were sealed wit h nail polish t o allow

bact erial penet rat ion only by t he crown access and t he DSLFDOIRUDPHQSURFHGXUHFRQ¿UPHGLQDSLORWVWXG\ Aft er com plet e dr y ing of t he nail polish ( 24 h) ,

specim en s w er e in div idu ally placed in m icr ot u bes

( Axygen, Union Cit y, CA, USA) cont aining 1.5 m L of %+,EURWK%'/H3RQWGH&ODL[5zGDQR$OSHV±,VqUH France) and aut oclaved.

Specim en cont am inat ion

The bact erial reference st rain from t he Am erican

Ty pe Cult ur e Collect ion ( ATCC) num ber 2 9 2 1 2 , of

En t er ococcu s f aecalis w as ob t ain ed . Th e colon ial m orphology evaluat ion and Gram st ain were perform ed WR FRQ¿UP WKH SXULW\ RI WKH VWUDLQ DW VHYHUDO WLPHV during t he experim ent .

The m icroorganism s were cult ivat ed in BHI brot h

w it h successive subcult ur es t o achieve ex ponent ial

growt h. Dilut ions were m ade based on t he absorbance

v a l u e , o b t a i n e d b y t u r b i d i t y m e a s u r e d i n t h e


Lt da, Osasco, Brazil) unt il t he right concent rat ion was


The t racer m icroorganism cont am inat ion was m ade

for a 5- day period at 37oC wit h asept ic and periodic

cult ure m edia changes t o m aint ain viabilit y, following

t he Ma, et al.15 ( 2011) sequence of cent rifugat ionsand

t he Andrade, et al.4 ( 2015) prot ocol, and a Scanning


I nst rum ent at ion procedures

Th e st er ilized specim en s w er e div ided in t o six

groups according t o t he inst rum ent at ion syst em used

for root canal preparat ion, as follows:

G1 : Pr oTaper U ( Dent sply Maillefer, Ballaigues,

Swit zerland; n= 10) :

I n st r u m e n t a t i o n w i t h Pr o Ta p e r U w a s m a d e

using t he cr ow n- dow n t echnique accor ding t o t he

m an u fact u r er in st r u ct ion s u n t il t h e F2 in st r u m en t

was at working lengt h ( Sx, S1, S2, F1 and F2) . For

every inst rum ent change, t he irrigat ing solut ion was


G2: ProTaper U wit h ult rasonic agit at ion ( n= 10) :

I nst rum ent at ion was perform ed in t he sam e way

as for G1; however, for every inst rum ent change, t he

irrigat ing solut ion was act ivat ed for 1 m in wit h a plain

insert in a piezoelect ric ult rasound.

G3:BioRaCe ( FKG, La Chaux- de- Fonds, Switzerland;

n= 10) :

BioRaCe syst em was used w it h t he crow n- dow n

t echnique and followed t he m anufact urer inst ruct ions

unt il t he BR3 inst rum ent was at working lengt h ( BR0,

BR1, BR2 and BR3) . For every inst rum ent change, t he

irrigat ing solut ion was renewed.

G4: BioRaCe wit h ult rasonic agit at ion ( n= 10) :

I nst rum ent at ion was perform ed in t he sam e way

as for G3; however, for every inst rum ent change, t he

irrigat ing solut ion was act ivat ed as it was for G2.

G5: Reciproc ( VDW, Munich, Germ any; n= 10) :

I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n w a s p e r f o r m e d w i t h t h e

reciprocat ing syst em using t he crown- down t echnique

and following t he m anufact urer inst ruct ions unt il t he

25/ .08 inst rum ent was at working lengt h. Before and

aft er t he inst rum ent at ion, t he irrigat ing solut ion was


G6: Reciproc wit h ult rasonic agit at ion ( n= 10) :

I nst rum ent at ion was perform ed in t he sam e way as

for G5. Before and aft er t he use of t he inst rum ent , t he

irrigat ing solut ion was act ivat ed according t o groups

2 and 4.

Two st erilized t eet h per group were not subm it t ed t o cont am inat ion prot ocol and were considered negat ive

cont rol. As posit ive cont rol, t wo t eet h per group were subm it t ed t o cont am inat ion pr ot ocol but w er e not

inst rum ent ed, proving t he st andardizat ion of t he init ial

cont am inat ion4.

Th e sam e op er at or p er f or m ed all p r oced u r es.

Every root canal was irrigat ed wit h a t ot al of 10 m L

of st erilized saline solut ion bet ween each inst rum ent

wit h a NaviTip needle of 21 m m and 30 ga of diam et er

( Ult radent , Sout h Jordan, USA) posit ioned at 3 m m

short of t he working lengt h. I n groups 2, 4 and 6, t he

irrigant was dispensed before ult rasonic agit at ion. For

t he ult rasonic agit at ion, an ult rasonic device act ivat ed

by a piezoelect ric ceram ic pellet syst em at a frequency

of 30,000 Hz ( Jet Sonic, Gnat us, São Paulo, Brazil) by

a plain insert ( TU13, Trinit Periodont ology, São Paulo,

Brazil) for 1 m in was used, in all ult rasonic groups;

t he procedure was conduct ed wit h vert ical m ovem ent s

in t he buccal- lingual and m esial- dist al direct ions ( 30

seconds for each dir ect ion) in “ endo m ode” ( 50%

p ot en cy ) . All ex p er im en t s w er e p er f or m ed u n d er DVHSWLFFRQGLWLRQVLQDODPLQDUÀRZFKDPEHUWRSUHYHQW airborne bact erial cont am inat ion.

Sam ple collect ion

Teet h cr ow n s w er e decon t am in at ed by a sw ab

soaked in 5.25% sodium hypochlorit e for 30 seconds

and neut ralized wit h 5% sodium t hiosulfat e. Bact erial

sam ples were collect ed by t wo absorbent # 20 paper

cones ( Dent sply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Sw it zer land)

from t he root canal, t aking 1 m in for each cone, and

t h en t r an sf er r ed t o m icr ot u bes w it h 1 m L of BHI

br ot h. Micr ot ubes w er e agit at ed in a vor t ex for 10

seconds and 100 m L of t he cont ent of each t ube was

t ransferred t o ot her m icrot ubes, unt il it reached t he

10- 4 concent rat ion. Aliquot s of 100 m L of t he dilut ions

were seeded in Pet ri dishes wit h BHI - agar brot h. The

dishes were st ored in a bact eriological incubat or for

48 h before t he count ing of t he CFU/ m L.

Dat a were collect ed, insert ed in a spreadsheet and

st at ist ically analyzed using t he SPSS 15.0 soft ware.

To co m p a r e t h e CFU/ m L b e t w e e n t h e d i f f e r e n t

in st r u m en t at ion sy st em s, t h e Kr u sk al- Wallis t est


Result s

Al l i n s t r u m e n t e d t e e t h s h o w e d a b a c t e r i a l

reduct ion in t he root canal when com pared wit h t he

posit ive cont rol ( m edian of t he cont rol = 100 CFU/

m L) . The groups using ult rasound agit at ion showed D VLJQL¿FDQWO\ JUHDWHU UHGXFWLRQ RI PLFURRUJDQLVPV when com pared wit h t he groups wit hout ult rasound

agit at ion, except t he ProTaper group t hat showed t he

sam e result s wit h and wit hout t he ult rasound agit at ion

( m edian = 0 CFU/ m L) . BioRaCe groups present ed a

m edian of 0.0 CFU/ m L wit h PUI , and a m edian of 30.0

CFU/ m L wit hout PUI . Reciproc groups had a m edian

of 2.5 CFU/ m L wit h PUI and a m edian of 5.0 CFU/ m L

wit hout PUI .

Regarding t he t est ed syst em s, ProTaper U showed DVWDWLVWLFDOVLJQL¿FDQWGLIIHUHQFHZKHQFRPSDUHGZLWK BioRaCe and Recipr oc gr oups w it hout ult rasound,

and also, when com pared wit h t he posit ive cont rol


bet ween BioRaCe inst rum ent at ion wit h and wit hout

ult rasonic use (p< 0.05) . When BioRaCe and Reciproc gr oups w er e com par ed w it h each ot her, t her e was QRW VWDWLVWLFDO VLJQL¿FDQW GLIIHUHQFH p< 0.05) . Also,

WKHUHZDVQRWVWDWLVWLFDOVLJQL¿FDQWGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQ BioRaCe an d Recipr oc gr ou ps w it h ou t u lt r asou n d

and t he posit iv e cont r ol (p< 0. 05) . Ther e w as not VWDWLVWLFDOVLJQL¿FDQWGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQWKH5HFLSURF inst rum ent at ion wit h and wit hout ult rasonic agit at ion

( Table 1) .

I n t he group of BioRaCe syst em wit hout ult rasonic

agit at ion t here was one specim en wit hout bact erial

growt h, while when t he ult rasound was used wit h t he

sam e syst em 7 specim ens did not present bact erial

growt h. I n ProTaper U group, 7 specim ens did not

present bact erial growt h, but when t he ult rasound was

used t his num ber raised t o 9. The Reciproc syst em

group present ed 2 specim ens wit hout bact erial growt h

w it hout ult rasound agit at ion and 3 specim ens w it h

no bact erial growt h when t he ult rasound was used.

No specim ens of negat ive cont rol present ed bact erial

growt h. Only 3 specim ens of t he BioRaCe syst em group

wit hout ult rasonic agit at ion present ed m ore t han 100

CFU/ m L, as well as all t he specim ens from t he posit ive

cont rol ( Figure 1) .


This st udy evaluat ed t he effect of t he ult rasound

st ream ing in t he disinfect ion of root canals. The null

hypot hesis t est ed was rej ect ed since t he ult rasound

agit at ion f av or ed a gr eat er disin f ect ion af t er t h e LQVWUXPHQWDWLRQZLWKURWDU\V\VWHPLQÀDWWHQHGURRW canals and t he syst em s had different ant im icrobial

effect iveness.

Si m i l a r t o t h e Ma , e t a l .1 5 ( 2 0 1 1 ) i n v i t r o st u d y, ce n t r i f u g a t i o n s w e r e p e r f o r m e d d u r i n g WKH FRQWDPLQDWLRQ RI WKH WHHWK WR ¿OO WKH GHQWLQDO t ubules wit h E. faecalis.However, in t his st udy, m ore

Groups Teeth without bacterial


BioRaCe 1

BioRaCe + Ultrasound 7

ProTaper U 7

ProTaper U + Ultrasound 9

Reciproc 2

Reciproc + Ultrasound 3 Positive control 0 Negative control 10

Figure 1- Number of teeth without bacterial growth for each group

Groups Without Ultrasound With Ultrasound

BioRaCe 30.0


0.0 (0.0-3.0)a

ProTaper 0.0


0.0 (0.0-3.0)a

Reciproc 5.0


2.5 (0.0-27.0)a,b

Positive control 100.0 (100.0-100.0)c

100.0 (100.0-100.0)c

Negative control 0.0 (0.0-0.0)a

0.0 (0.0-0.0)a

Table 1- Median, minimum and maximum CFU/mL after the biomechanical preparation of each group, with and without ultrasound.



cent rifugat ions were m ade, based on t he Andrade, et

al.4 ( 2015) prot ocol, as t he ent ire t oot h was used, not

only a dent in block. Root s of all t eet h were sealed wit h

nail polish t o ensure t hat t he cont am inat ion penet rat ed

only t hrough t he access cavit ies.

$QHI¿FLHQWFKHPLFDODQGPHFKDQLFDOSUHSDUDWLRQ is essent ial t o decont am inat ion of t he r oot canal,

elim inat ing bact eria and t heir byproduct s, pulp and

cont am inat ed dent in6. Shaping and ir r igat ion w it h

ant im icrobial solut ions are able t o reduce or elim inat e

t he num ber of bact er ia inside t he r oot canals26, 27.

How ev er, anat om ical com plex it ies can r educe t he

cleaning effect s of t he inst rum ent at ion and irrigat ion2.

St udies have shown t hat approxim at ely one- t hird of t he

canal walls are not t ouched by t he inst rum ent s19 and

t hat even t he t ouched walls are not free of bact eria17.

Shaping by hand or wit h NiTi rot ary inst rum ent s has DOLPLWHGHIIHFWLYHQHVVLQÀDWFDQDOVLQZKLFKWR 40% of t he root canal walls are not t ouched19. The NiTi

r ot ar y inst r um ent s pr om ot e a cir cular pr eparat ion,

leaving t he buccal and lingual ext ensions wit h debris25.

Thus, m andibular hum an incisors were chosen for t his VWXG\GXHWRWKHLUÀDWWHQHGFRQIRUPDWLRQ

I n t his st udy t here were a great num ber of canals

wit h negat ive cult ures. The probable reason for t his is

t hat t he sam ple collect ion was m ade only in t he m ain

root canal wit h absorbent paper point s, so, bact eria

m ay st ill rem ain inside dent ine deep t ubules.

PUI is m ore effect ive t han convent ional irrigat ion

in clean in g t h e r oot can al sy st em2 5 , 2 9. Th is k in d

of ir r ig at ion h as t h e p ot en t ial t o r em ov e d en t in

debr is and or ganic t issue fr om ar eas inaccessible

t o inst rum ent at ion29 5|GLJ HW DO24 ( 2010) showed

t hat PUI was m or e effect ive t han ir r igat ion w it h a

syringe and a sonic syst em in t he rem oval of debris

in canal ir r egular it ies, w it h a com plet e r em oval of

debr is in 92.5% of sam ples. When pulp r em nant s

and debris accum ulat ion are present , bact eria com e

t o h ar bor t h ese m at er ials. Becau se of t h at , it is

rat ional t o suppose t hat elim inat ion of debr is can

collaborat e t o m icroorganism elim inat ion. I n t his st udy,

approxim at ely 99% of t he bact eria were elim inat ed in

t he groups wit h ult rasonic agit at ion.

Most of t he st udies t hat have invest igat ed t he

an t im icr ob ial ef f ect iv en ess of PUI h av e u sed an

ant im icrobial solut ion as an irrigant2,24. I n our st udy,

saline was used t o observe only t he physical effect of

PUI and t he abilit y of different m echanical inst rum ent s

t o prom ot e disinfect ion. Even wit hout an ant im icrobial

solu t ion , t h e in st r u m en t at ion w as able t o r edu ce

t he num ber of bact eria in t he root canal. When t he

preparat ion was associat ed wit h t he ult rasound, result s

showed elim inat ion of alm ost all bact eria, even wit h

t he innocuous irrigant . Carver, et al.8 ( 2007) show ed

t hat t he addit ion of ult rasound prom ot ed a sevenfold

reduct ion in CFU/ m L. Aft er t he root canal preparat ion,

PUI allows t he insert t o freely swing inside t he canal,

t hus causing cavit at ion and t he physical disrupt ion RI WKH EDFWHULDO ELR¿OP1 , 2 0. I n t h is st u dy, t h e PUI was used aft er each inst rum ent due t o t he fact t hat

inst r um ent at ion pr oduces debr is and sm ear lay er,

which, clinically, can be a prot ocol.

The rot ary syst em s ProTaper U and BioRaCe and

t he reciprocat ing syst em Reciproc were chosen due t o

t heir different m anufact uring m et hods, sect ions and


decont am inat e t he root canal.

The ProTaper U syst em showed t he sm aller m edian

of CFU/ m L w hen com par ed w it h t he BioRaCe and

Reciproc syst em s. The ProTaper U, when cont rast ed t o

ot her NiTi rot ary syst em s, prom ot ed a m ore aggressive

dent in cut , which led t o a great er bact erial reduct ion10

in agreem ent t o ot her st udies9,18. Besides prom ot ing

g r ea t er d en t i n r em o v a l , t h i s sy st em h a s m o r e

inst rum ent s t han t he ot hers t est ed, which leads t o a

great er am ount of irrigat ing solut ion and ult rasound

used during t he preparat ion.

All t he syst em s have t he sam e 0.25 m m apical GLDPHWHUEXWWKHLUWDSHUVYDU\ZKLFKFDQLQÀXHQFH result s. I n t he ProTaper U syst em , t he F2 inst rum ent

has a t aper of 0.8, t he sam e as t he Reciproc syst em ’s ¿OH,QWKH%LR5D&HV\VWHPKRZHYHUWKH%5 ¿OH KDV D WDSHU RI 7KXV WKH %LR5D&H V\VWHP w ore away a sm aller dent in area, result ing in less

decon t am in at ion . I n addit ion , w h en Recipr oc w as

com pared wit h ProTaper U, t he lat t er showed a great er

r em oval of dent in7, w hich can ex plain t he r esult s.

2QWKHRWKHUKDQGWKHQXPEHURI¿OHVXVHGLQHDFK group is different : 5 in t he ProTaper U group, 4 in t he

BioRaCe group and 1 in t he Reciproc group, and by WKHIDFWWKDWWKHXOWUDVRXQGZDVXVHGDIWHUHDFK¿OH t his leads t o different overall t im e regarding it s use



US prom ot ed great er reduct ion in t he num ber of EDFWHULD LQ WKH ÀDWWHQHG URRW FDQDOV SUHSDUHG ZLWK nickel- t it anium m echanized syst em s. Regarding t he

inst rum ent s used, t he ProTaper Universal syst em was

t he m ost effect ive in reducing t he bact erial num ber.

Acknowledgm ent s

7KLVVWXG\ZDVVXSSRUWHGE\)$3(63±6mR3DXOR Research Foundat ion ( Proc. no. 2 2010/ 20186- 3 and

2011/ 18479- 5) .


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Table 1- Median, minimum and maximum CFU/mL after the biomechanical preparation of each group, with and without ultrasound


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