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Proper Names

Onomástica Parkatêjê: aspectos semânticos dos nomes próprios de pessoas / Parkatêjê Onomastics: Semantic Aspects of Human Proper Names

Onomástica Parkatêjê: aspectos semânticos dos nomes próprios de pessoas / Parkatêjê Onomastics: Semantic Aspects of Human Proper Names

... of proper names from different typologies is the central interest of the discipline called Onomastics and Anthroponymy is the study of human proper names, which will be our focus in this ...of ...


Proper Names and Their Functions in the Text Coherency Formation (at the Material of the Novels “The Twelve Chairs” and “The Little Golden Calf” by I. Ilf and E. Petrov)

Proper Names and Their Functions in the Text Coherency Formation (at the Material of the Novels “The Twelve Chairs” and “The Little Golden Calf” by I. Ilf and E. Petrov)

... the proper names analysis the authors could modify and clearly specify a detailed onym functional classification (which is known in linguistics of onyms), pointing to the necessary to distinguish six ...


The Cultural Component in the Semantic Structure of Monoreferential Proper Names: The Case of the German Language

The Cultural Component in the Semantic Structure of Monoreferential Proper Names: The Case of the German Language

... by proper names commonly known in the german language community and with the place of this information in the semantic structure of monoreferential proper ...well-known proper names are ...


The correlation between the conceptual metonymy and the process of generating proper names / A correlação entre a metonímia conceptual e o processo de geração dos nomes próprios

The correlation between the conceptual metonymy and the process of generating proper names / A correlação entre a metonímia conceptual e o processo de geração dos nomes próprios

... The semantic aspects analysis of proper names presented here is based on the notion of conceptual metaphor and metonymy proposed by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) and Lakoff (1987). From this perspective, Silva ...




... Elegemos, para este artigo, a análise, da apresentação e das retomadas recategorizadoras que se dão por expressões referenciais com nome próprio nas anáforas diretas, tendo em vista que[r] ...


Reference indexicality Rast, Erich Herrmann

Reference indexicality Rast, Erich Herrmann

... from proper names and definite descriptions is centricity and in particular ...this, proper names often act as mere placeholders for the semantic referent in situations in which identifying ...


Humorous Names in the Light of Incongruity Theory

Humorous Names in the Light of Incongruity Theory

... the proper name belongs ...of names or with the productiveness of some formal ...trade names is an example that worth considering. trade names (names of companies and their products) ...


Position Based Profile Matching Algorithm for Vibrant Alert Method

Position Based Profile Matching Algorithm for Vibrant Alert Method

... This screenshot depicts how the profile is created with the user giving his choices and entering the details. The profile name is used for reference to be understood by the user when it gets listed in the home page. ...




... from proper names. The process by which a proper name, such as a surname, becomes generalized as a word—noun, verb, adjective, adverb—is technically known as eponymy, and an eponym is a word or name ...


Work experience at the Nota Bene Translation Agency

Work experience at the Nota Bene Translation Agency

... of names (and here by names I mean names of game heroes, book characters, names of festivals, not people’s proper names) is in a league of its own and certainly requires some ...


Exploration history and place names of northern East Greenland: Colophon, abstract, introduction, official place names in Greenland

Exploration history and place names of northern East Greenland: Colophon, abstract, introduction, official place names in Greenland

... many names proposed by ...Jennov’s names it was incorrectly stated that they had been given after the act of 1 Feb - ruary 1934; Jennov argued that many of his proposed names were given during the ...


A spatial logic for concurrency (part I)

A spatial logic for concurrency (part I)

... free names in a formula A under a valuation v (Definition ...of names fn v (A) gives a bound to the support of the property set denoted by A under v, and is fully justified by Theorem ...free names ...


A set of 400 pictures standardised for Portuguese: norms for name agreement, familiarity and visual complexity for children and adults

A set of 400 pictures standardised for Portuguese: norms for name agreement, familiarity and visual complexity for children and adults

... Children named 103 concept s different ly from adult s and failed t o det ermine a modal name for 30 pict ures. Considering t he t ype of m isnom ers em - ployed by children w hen compared t o adult s, w e found t hat ...


Automated Liquibase Generator And ValidatorALGV

Automated Liquibase Generator And ValidatorALGV

... As mentioned in the query, the developer has to write the column names followed by their respective values multiplied by the number of rows. There is a very high probability of build failure if there is an error ...


Plant endemism in the Sierras of Córdoba and San Luis (Argentina): understanding links between phylogeny and regional biogeographical patterns1

Plant endemism in the Sierras of Córdoba and San Luis (Argentina): understanding links between phylogeny and regional biogeographical patterns1

... Veriication of taxa also included checking the validity of names and common synonyms; since estimates of biodiversity relies upon counting species names, including synonyms or nomina d[r] ...


The Names of God in Jewish Mysticism

The Names of God in Jewish Mysticism

... the names of God and their role in the creation and existence of the world, as well as the practice of their veneration constitute an essential part of Judaism in general, and are elaborated in detail in Jewish ...


International conference “Names and Law in Europe”

International conference “Names and Law in Europe”

... Так, двучленная антропонимическая система (имя + фамилия) в Германии является облигаторной и регулируется публичным правом, в то время как выбор личного имени ребенка лежит в области ч[r] ...


Images of Women in Pakruok (Luo Praise Names)

Images of Women in Pakruok (Luo Praise Names)

... Abstract: This paper is based on a study of pakruok (Luo praise names). The study investigated the images of women in pakruok. Among other related issues, the study examined the prevalent images of women in ...


Analysis of a Mechanical System’s Dynamic Proper-ties by Vibrations Measurements

Analysis of a Mechanical System’s Dynamic Proper-ties by Vibrations Measurements

... If we consider a mechanical system consisting of a rigid body and supports (springs and dampers – assumed to be linear), the reverse problem consists in determining the dynamic propertie[r] ...


The ArcB leucine zipper domain is required for proper ArcB signaling.

The ArcB leucine zipper domain is required for proper ArcB signaling.

... The Arc two-component system modulates the expression of numerous genes in response to respiratory growth conditions. This system comprises ArcA as the response regulator and ArcB as the sensor kinase. ArcB is a ...


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