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PSA e medidas antropométricas em índios da Amazônia: avaliação da comunidade Parkatejê


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Revista de Saúde Pública

I SSN 0034- 8910 versão im pressa

Rev Saúde Pública 2003; 37(5)

PSA and anthropometric measurements among Amaz on Indians:

an evaluation of the Parkatejê community

Hom ero Oliveira de Arruda, JPB Vieira Filho, V Ort iz and M Srougi

Escola Paulist a de Medicina da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, SP, Brasil



PSA ( p r ost at e- specific ant igen) scr eening for ear ly det ect ion of pr ost at e cancer in a nat iv e com m unit y is of great epidem iological im por t ance. The pr esent st udy w as conduct ed w it h t he obj ect iv e of ver ifying t he occur r ence of pr ost at e cancer am ong m em ber s of an Am azon com m unit y, as w ell as it s possible relat ionship t o accult urat ion and overw eight ( body m ass index) .


Lifest y le and ant hropom et ric inform at ion was collect ed from a group of 22 m en, presum edly over age 50, m em bers of an isolat ed com m unit y of 363 Am azonian I ndians – self - denom inat ed Parkat ej ê and Ky k at êj ê – from Pará st at e, in Nort hern Brazil. I n addit ion t o physic al and hem at ological exam s, t ot al and free PSA dosages were perform ed.


Tot al PSA serum levels ranged from 0.35 t o 25.8 ng/ m l. Three subj ect s had PSA levels great er t han 4.0 ng/ m l, and anot her t wo had levels bet ween 2.5 and 4.o ng/ m l. Prost at ic bio psies perform ed on t w o subj ect s indicat ed t he pr esence of pr ost at e adenocar cinom a in one of t hem and of int r aepit helial neoplasia on t he ot her . Ov er w eight ( BMI =25 Kg/ m ² ) and waist - t o- hip rat io =0,9 w er e obser ved in 68.1% and 72% of subj ect s, r espect iv ely .


Changes in nut r it ional habit s caused by cont act w it h civ ilizat ion, such as t he subst it ut ion of m or e calor ic foods for t he t r adit ional gam e and veget able fiber ar e incr easing t he pr evalence of over w eight am ong t he com m unit y. I n view of t he asso ciat ion bet w een pr ost at e cancer incidence, high- fat diet , and less phy sical act iv it y , it can be assum ed t hat fur t her cases of pr ost at e neoplasia w ill occur in t he fut ure, since several com m unit y m em bers already have high PSA serum levels.


Pr ost at ic neoplasm s, diagnosis. Prost at ic neoplasm s, epidem iology. Prost at e- specific ant igen, diagnost ic use. Body m ass index. I ndians, Sout h Am erican. Ant hropom et ry. Risk fact ors. Obesit y. Accult ur at ion. Food habit s. Pr ev alence.


The discov er y , in t he last decades, of abnor m al am ount s of pr ost at e- specific ant igen ( PSA) in t he blood ser um of pat ient s w it h pr ost at e adenocar cinom as caused a r evolut ion in t he appr oach t o t his disease. PSA is a prot ease of t he kallikrein fam ily, produced alm ost exclusively by t he epit helium of t he prost at e gland, in order t o solubilize sperm aft er ej aculat ion. I t s level frequent ly increases during benign hyperplasias and prost at it is, and high serum levels can be obser v ed in pat ient s w it h pr ost at e car cinom a. The im por t ance of PSA dosage for clinical pr act ice has caused it t o becom e t he m ost im por t ant r esour ce for t he ear ly diagnosis and follow- up of pr ost at e cancer pat ient s. I t s m agnit ude is such t hat pr ost at e canc er is current ly t he m ost diagnosed int ernal cancer am ong m en, PSA dosages ident ify ing ov er 80% of new localized cases of t his disease.2

I m plicat ions concerning t he differences observed in serum PSA levels am ong African- Am ericans, whit es, and Hispanics in a num ber of et hnic m inor it ies hav e been t he subj ect of debat e for y ear s.5 Such differ ences m ay be connect ed t o t he biological differ ences am ong differ ent et hnicit ies, and m ay account for v ar iat ions in pr ost at e cancer incidence. Could t hey be genet ic det er minant s, w it h biological char act er ist ics pr oper of each individual, or ar e t hey her edit ar y t r ait s, w hich suffer environm ent al m odificat ion according t o lifest yle and nut rit ional habit s?


Differ ences in pr ost at e cancer fr equency am ong Alask an- bor n Caucasians and Nat ive- Am ericans have been w ell docum ent ed.1 , 3 , 1 3 The pr esent st udy is aim ed at ver ifying t he t r end t ow ar ds t he appear ance of pr ost at e cancer and it s possible r elat ion t o lifest yle and envir onm ent al fact or s am ong Am azon I ndians. Wit h t his in m ind, ant hropom et rical charact erist ics and serum PSA levels am ong t his group w er e analy zed.


Tw en t y - two me dical records of Parkat ej ê and Kikat êj ê I ndians, from t he healt hcare service for I ndians m aint ained by t he Vale do Rio Doce m ining com pany w er e analy zed r et r ospect iv ely . These nat iv es belong t o a Tim bir a t ribe derived from t he language group. They live in t he sout heast er n r egion of t he st at e of Par á, in West er n Am azon, in a r eser v at ion delim it ed as a r esult of t he const r uct ion of t he Car aj ás – I t aquí railroad, begun in 1980. The group com prises 363 I ndians, whose nut rit ional cust om s and t r adit ions had been preserved unt il t hen; t hese included gam e, fish, w ild fruit , and root s. Since t hat t im e, t he gr oup has had int er m it t ent and pr ogr essiv e cont act w it h w hit e civ ilizat ion. Am ong t hese 363 nat ives, an ant hropologist was able t o ident ify 22 m en presum edly aged 50 years or older. All of t hem allow ed blood t o be dr aw n for analy sis, aft er an isolat ed case of acut e ur inar y r et ent ion due t o a benign pr ost at e hy per plasia w as ident ified and sur gically t r eat ed at t he Univ er sit y Hospit al. I n addit ion t o t he blood t est , a sim ple physical exam inat ion was carried out , and ant hropom et rical m easurem ent s were regist ered in order t o obt ain body m ass index ( BMI ) , ( norm al < 25 Kg/ m ² ) , and waist - t o- hip rat io ( WHR) , ( norm al < 0.9) m easures. Biochem ical dosages were carried out , including t ot al blood PSA, t hrough im m unefluorescence. When t his level w as above 2.5 ng/ m l, free/ t ot al PSA rat io w as m easured, ( norm al: 4.0 ng/ m l and 0.72 ng/ m l) . Prost at ic biopsies, under anest hesia, were indicat ed in case of fr ee/ t ot al r at ios below 15% , and subj ect t o subj ect consent . Digit al r ect al ex am inat ion could only be perform ed during biopsy.


PSA result s are present ed in Table 1. Tot al PSA values varied bet ween 0.35 and 25.8 ng/ m l. Three subj ect s had PSA lev els gr eat er t han 4.0 ng/ m l ( 5.33, 8.64, and 25.8) , and anot her t w o bet w een 2.5 and 4.0 ng/ m l ( 2.6 and 3.2) . I n four of t hese t he free/ t ot al PSA rat io w as below 15% . Only t w o subj ect s consent ed t o digit al exam inat ion and biopsy. These revealed an adenocarcinom a nodule ( Gleason score 3+ 2) in one subj ect and a high- grade int raepit helial neoplasm in t he ot her. The pat ient wit h cancer is st ill under LHRH- analog t r eat m ent .

Ta ble 1 - Age, t ot al and free PSA values, and FPSA/ TPSA rat io am ong nat ives aged 50 years or older.

Cont r ol

Ag e

Tot al PSA

Free PSA

FPSA/ T P SA (% ) 35 57 0.59

36 68 1. 3

37 76 5.33 0.44 8.26 39 79 25.8 1.15 4.46* 40 56 0.85

43 59 1.86

44 58 8.64 0.36 4 . 1 7 * * 46 66 1


57 62 2.42 62 57 1.77

63 56 2. 6 0.37 14.23

66 70 1.06

83 56 3. 2 0.73 22.81

87 72 0.36 91 70 2.03 92 68 0.35

* Biopsy w it h pr ost at e adenocar cinom a.

* * Biopsy w it h high- level int r aepit helialneoplasia.

PSA – Pr ost at e- specific ant igen

TPSA –Tot al PSA

Ant hropom et ric m easurem ent s, PSA r esult s, and t he cor r elat ions obt ained bet w een v alues for all 22 subj ect s ar e list ed in Table 2. Despit e t he suggest iv e associat ions obser v ed w hen com par ing st udy populat ion v alues, t her e w er e no st at ist ically significant associat ions bet w een Weight , ( r= 0.162843) , BMI (r= - 0.02416) and WHR ( r= 0.132533) .

Ta b le 2 – Age, w eight , PSA values, body m ass index, w aist - t o- hip rat io, p25, p75, and m edian value am ong nat ives aged 50 years or older.

Con t r ol Ag e Weig ht Tot al PSA


35 56 67.4 0.59 25.6 6

0. 8913 86 36 61 59.3 1.30 21.2


0.8779 44 37 78 71.5 5.33 24.7


0.9864 86 39 76 77.8 25.8 26.3


0.9616 20 40 58 64.1 0.85 26.0


0.8984 13 43 56 64.9 1.86 22.7


0.8977 78 44 57 72.1 8.64 26.1


0.9488 82 46 59 63.0 1.00 23.7


0.9100 06 47 64 65.5 0.31 26.5


0. 9368 42 48 61 74.4 1.86 25.7


0.9288 66 50 78 60.0 0.41 24.5



51 55 88.7 0.66 28.9 6

0.9180 41 53 58 82.9 0.74 26.6


0.9497 32 57 67 80.0 2.42 28.0


1.0005 14 58 78 76.8 1.51 28.5


1.0005 15 62 60 77.3 1.77 28.0


0.9979 25 63 58 80.4 2. 6 27.4


1.0030 61 66 66 74.3 1.06 28.4


0.9888 55 83 61 59.3 3. 2 22.8


0.8811 71 87 68 70.1 0.36 25.4


0.9442 06 91 73 69.4 2.03 23.1


0.8936 84 92 72 78.0 0.35 31.2


1.0051 30 p2 5 0 .6 8 2 4 .5


0 .9 0 1 3 1 1 p7 5 2 .3 2 2 5 2 7 .8


0 .9 8 8 2 6 3 Media


1.405 26.0 85

0.9405 24

BMI – Body m ass index

WHR – Waist - t o- hip ratio


Th e f ir st can cer- relat ed st udies am ong Nort h- Am erican indigenous groups dem onst rat ed t hat st om ach, int est ine, r ect um , pr ost at e, and liver cancer incidences in t his gr oup w er e sim ilar t o t hose found am o ng w hit e Am ericans. Lung, breast , and bladder cancer, how ever, w ere com parat ively rare am ong Nat ive- Am er icans. Hist ological t y pes w er e t he usual, w it h t he ex cept ion of bladder cancer , for w hich fiv e in ev er y eight cases w er e squam ous cell car cinom as, and only t hree w ere t ransit ional epit helium carcinom as.3


Hist orically, cont act w it h civilizat ion has result ed in progressive social and behavioral changes am ong indigenous peoples, discouraging t hem from seeking m ore nat ural foods and significant ly alt ering t heir nut r it ional habit s. These phenom ena w er e follow ed by t he appear ance of diseases t hat ar e com m on am ong t he gener al populat ion, such as t y pe I I diabet es, chr onic degener at iv e diseases, and cancer .1 4 This new diet w as ident ified as t he lik ely culpr it for t he incr ease in pr ost at e cancer incidence, obser v ed bet w e en t he 1968- 72 and 1978- 82 periods am ong Nat ive - Am ericans from Nort h Carolina.9 Despit e it s possible causes being som ew hat cont r ov er sial, t he associat ion bet w een t his t y pe of cancer and fat -r ich diet s had al-r eady been post ulat ed at t hat t im e.4,8

I n 1995, Whit t em ore et al,1 5 in a st udy of t he r elat ionship of pr ost at e cancer t o diet , phy sical act iv it y , and body m ass in African- Am ericans, whit es, and Asians living in t he US and Canada, found a significant r isk associat ion bet w een t his neoplasia and t ot al fat ingest ion in all et hnic groups. This associat ion w as at t r ibut ed solely t o t he ex cessiv e calor ies or iginat ed fr om sat ur at ed fat s, and not t o t hose r elat ed t o pr ot ein or car bohy dr at es. At t he t im e, r isk w as not associat ed w it h BMI or phy sical act iv it y pat t er n s. The aut hor s suggest ed t hat ot her fact or s, in addit ion t o sat ur at ed fat ingest ion, could account for t he differ ent r isk lev els obser v ed for t he differ ent et hnic gr oups. Recent st udies w it h cer t ain specific gr oups, how ev er , hav e det ect ed an im por t ant associat ion bet w een pr ost at e cancer r isk and BMI . Hsing et al1 0 found an alm ost t hreefold risk ( OR 2.71wit h 95% CI ) am ong Chinese in t he highest WHR quart ile.

Gener ically , colon and pr ost at e cancer r isk s can be posit iv ely cor r elat ed t o a fat - r ich diet ; t hese t um ors have a 50% higher chance of occurrence when com pared t o t he risk found am ong individuals w it h norm al diet s. Likew ise, fruit , veget able, and legum e ingest ion is associat ed w it h lesser colon and lung cancer incidence.1

I n addit ion t o t he nut rit ional aspect , a lifest yle including r egular physical act ivit y pr obably has a relevant role in t his equilibrium , regulat ing individual necessit ies.1 , 7 Thus t he possibilit y t o st udy a

pr im it ive com m unit y allow s us t o explor e t he r ole played by genet ic fact or s and t heir expression in t he unfolding of a disease, isolat ed for m any influence of t he habit s of civ ilizat ion. The st udy of t he Parkat ej ê and Kikat êj ê indigenous com m unit ies – w hich w ere subm it t ed only recent ly t he nut rit ional habit s of w hit e civ ilizat ion – m ay reinforce such assum pt ions, since BMI and WHR analysis in t his com m unit y revealed t hat 68.1% and 72.7% of nat ives over age 50 had result s com pat ible wit h over w eight . I n t he sam e line of t hought , it can be assum ed t hat t he nat ives’ t r adit ional diet unt il t w o decades ago w as r elat ed t o a r eal and unk now n occur r ence of pr ost at e cancer am ong t hat populat ion. I n t he pr esent sur v ey , occur r ence w as one confir m ed and one suspect case of spor adic cancer , t he lat t er suffering from a high- degree int raepit helial neopla sm .

Resear cher s and ant hr opologist s, w hen st udy ing diet indicat ions in ancient civ ilizat ions and t he ut ensils of ancient t im es, believ ed t hat , in addit ion t o foods of v eget able or igin, such as cer eals, fr uit , and legum es, t he wild m eat of gam e was also low in f at .7


Biologically, one of t he explanat ions for t his phenom enon m ay be t he associat ion wit h an increased r esist ance t o insulin, obser v ed in connect ion w it h phy sical act iv it y r educt ions due t o t he decr ease in hunt ing and food collect ion act iv it ies. I n addit ion, r ecent obser v at ions indicat e t hat pr ost at e and br east cancer ar e associat ed t o incr eases in I GF - 1( insulin growt h fact or- 1) levels, which m ay influence t he pr olifer at ion of pr ost at e- can cer cells.6 I t is possible t hat ex er cise, t hr ough t he reduct ion of insulin resist ance or I GF - 1 levels, m ay play a role, m odulat ing som ehow t he appearance of prost at e cancer.

The pr esence of incr eased PSA lev els in fiv e out of 22 nat iv es ( 23% ) is sim ilar t o t he pr ev alence found am ong t he general whit e Am erican populat ion,2 w hich suggest s t hat t he Pak at ej ê and Kik at êj ê com m unit y is appr oaching t he w hit e populat ion in t er m s of pr ost at e cancer incidence. I n ot her w or ds, pr ost at e cancer incidence does r eally incr ease w hen indigenous populat ions incor por at e t he habit s of so- called “ civilized” populat ions.


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2 . Cat alona WJ, Sm it h DS, Ornst ein DK. Prost at e cancer det ect ion in a m an w it h ser um PSA concent r at ions of 2,6 t o 4,0 ng/ m l and benign pr ost at e ex am inat ion: enhancem ent of specificit y w it h free PASA m easurem ent s. JAMA 1997; 277: 1452- 5 .

3 . Dunham LJ, Bailar I I I JC, Laqueur GL. Hist ologically diagnosed cancer s in 693 I ndians of t he Unit ed St at es, 1950- 65. J Nat l Cancer I nst 1973; 50: 1119- 27.

4 . Gilliland FD, Becker TM, Key CR, Saner t JM. Cont r ast ing t r ends of pr ost at e cancer incidence and m ort alit y in New Mexico´ s Hispanics, non- Hispanic whit es, Am eric an I ndians and blacks. Can cer

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5 . Gilliland FD, Key CR. Prost at e cancer in Am erican I ndians, New Mexico, 1969 t o 1994. J Ur ol

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6 . Giovanucci E. I nsulin like grow fact or – 1 and binding prot ein – 3 and r isk of cancer . Horm Res

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7 . Graham S, Haughey B, Marshall J, Priore R, Byers T, Rzepka T et al. Diet in t he epidem iology of car cinom a of t he pr ost at e gland. J Nat l Cancer I nst 1983; 70: 687- 92.

8 . Heshm at MY, Kaul L, Kori J, Jackson MA, Jackson AG, Jones GW et al. Nut r it ion and pr ost at e can cer : a case- cont r ol st udy . Pr ost at e 1985; 6: 7- 17.

9 . Horner RD. Cancer m ort alit y in nat ive Am ericans in Nort h Carolina. Am J Public Healt h


10. Hsing AW, Deng J, Sest er henn I A, Most ofi FK, St anczy k FZ et al. Body size and pr ost at e cancer : a populat ion- based case- cont r ol st udy in China. Cancer Epidem iol Biom arkers Prev

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11. Mant zoros CS, Tzonou A, Signorello LB, St am pfer M, Trichopoulus D, Adam i HO. I nsulin- like gr ow t h fact or 1 in r elat ion t o pr ost at e canc er and benign prost at ic hyperplasia. Br it J Cancer

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12. Muir CS, Nect oux J, St aszew sk i J. The epidem iology of pr ost at e cancer . Geogr aphical distribution and tim e - t r ends. Act a On col 1991; 30: 133- 40.

13. Pow ell I J. Pr ost at e cancer in t he Afr ican Am er ican: is t his a differ ent disease? Sem in Urol Oncol

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14. Tavares EF, Vieira Filho JPB, Franco LJ. Níveis de insulina, pró - insulina e ant i- gad 65 na população indígena Parkat ej ê. Arq Bras Endocrinol Met abol 1999; 43: 248.

15. Whit t em ore AS, Kolonel LN, Wu AH, John EM, Gallagher RP, Howe GR et al. Prost at e cancer in r elat ion t o diet , phy sical act iv it y , and body size in black s, w hit es, and Asians in t he Unit ed St at es and Canada. J Nat l Cancer I nst 1995; 87: 652 - 61.

Address to correspondence

Hom ero Oliveira de Arruda 04024 - 002, São Paulo, SP, Brazil E- m ail: arrudas@dglnet .com .br

Receiv ed on 30/ 6/ 2002. Reviewed on 28/ 4/ 2003. Approved on 3/ 6/ 2003.

© 2 0 0 3 Fa cu lda de de Sa ú de Pú blica da U n iv e r sida de de Sã o Pa u lo

Ave nida D r . Ar na ldo, 7 1 5 0 1 2 4 6 - 9 0 4 Sã o Pa ulo SP Br a zil

Te l./ Fa x : + 5 5 1 1 3 0 6 8 - 0 5 3 9



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