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Int J Anat Res 2015, 3(2):1008-10. ISSN 2321-4287 1008

Case Report



Charushila D. Shinde* , Rekha M ane.


Address for Correspondence: Dr. Charushila D. Shinde, Assistant Professor, Dept . of Anat omy, M GM M edical College, Navi M umbai, M aharasht ra, India. M obile No.: +919420112269

E-M ail: charushila29@gmail.com

Assistant Professor, Dept . of Anat omy, M GM M edical College, Navi M umbai, M aharasht ra, India.

Absence of M usculocut aneous nerve and unusual form at ion and innervat ion of M edian nerve w ere not ed in left upper lim b during anat om ical dissect ion of 60 yr old fem ale cadaver. M edian nerve norm ally does not give any br anch in ar m but in t his case it innervat es all t he m uscles of ant er ior com part m ent of arm in place of M usculocut aneous nerve. Here w e discussed it s em bryology. It is im portant t o be aw are of such possible anat om ical variat ions in rout ine clinical pract ice.

KEY W ORDS:Brachial plexus, M edian ner ve, M usculocut aneous nerve, Flexor m uscles, lat eral cord, M edial



Int ernat ional Journal of Anatomy and Research,

Int J Anat Res 2015, Vol 3(2):1008-10. ISSN 2321- 4287 DOI: ht t p:/ / dx.doi.org/10.16965/ ijar.2015.146

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Received: 23 M ar 2015 Accept ed: 16 Apr 2015 Peer Review : 23 M ar 2015 Published (O): 30 Apr 2015 Revised: None Published (P): 30 June 2015

Int ernat ional Journal of Anat omy and Research ISSN 2321-4287

ww w.ijmhr.org/ ijar.htm

DOI: 10.16965/ ijar.2015.146

M usculocut aneous nerve (C5-7) is a branch of l at er al co r d o f b r ach i al p lexu s an d i s i t s con t i nu at io n . It is t he n er v e o f an t er i o r compart ment of t he arm. It s muscular branches are t o Cor acobr achialis, Biceps Br achii and Brachialis and it cont inues as Lat eral Cut aneous nerve of forearm w hich supplies lat eral aspect of forearm t ill t he base of t henar eminence.

M edian nerve is form ed in axilla by union of lat eral root (C5-7) and medial root (C8, T1) of l at er al & m ed ial co r d o f br achi al p l exu s respect ively [1].

Know ledge of anat om ical variat ion of t hese nerves in axilla and arm are very import ant for surgical purpose.


During t he routine dissect ion of 60 yr old female cadaver at M GM M edical College, Navi M umbai, in left upper limb w e not iced:

1. Absence of M usculocut aneous nerve

2. M edian nerve receives IIIrd addit ional root

from medial cord of brachial plexus Ant erior t o IInd part of Axillary artery.

3. Lat eral root of M edian nerve gives a branch t o Coracobrachialis.

4. Lat eral root of M edian nerve gives a common t runk w hich supplies t

o-a. Lo ng and sho r t h ead o f Bi cep s Br achi i individually


Int J Anat Res 2015, 3(2):1008-10. ISSN 2321-4287 1009


c. And it cont inues as Lat eral Cut aneous nerve of forearm

5. M edian nerve is formed in middle of t he arm.

In low er half of arm, in cubit al fossa, in forearm and in hand it s course and branches are normal.

Fig 1: LC,M C-Lat eral and M edial Cord of brachial plexus.

1- lat er al root of M edian nerve, 2- m edial root of m edian ner ve, 3-3rd root of m edian ner ve, 4- br. To coracobrachialis, 5- com m on t runk, 6- M edian nerve, 7- 2nd part of axillar y art er y.

Fig . 2: diagram m at ic represent at ion of var iat ion Show ing var iat ion in form at ion of M edian nerve and it s supply t o ant erior com part m ent m uscles.

5- com m on t r unk, 8,9- Br. To short & long head of biceps, 10- Br. To brachialis, 11-Lat eral cutaneous nr.


M edi an n er v e as r ep or t ed i n lit er at ur e is associat ed wit h several variat ions which include abnormal communicat ion wit h other nerves such as M u scu locut aneo us ner ve, Ulnar n er v e, spl i t t i n g o f M ed i an n er v e an d u n u su al innervat ion of flexor muscles in arm by median nerve [2].

In our st udy, M usculocutaneous nerve is absent and all f lexor gr oup of m uscles in ar m ar e supplied by M edian nerve.

Uzan (2001) found t hat 3 root s of lat eral cord and 1 root of medial cord form M edian nerve [3].

In our st udy, 2 root s from medial cord and 1 root fr om lat eral cor d t ook part in f or m at ion of M edian nerve.

Jah ansh ali (2003) f o u nd t h at , ab sence o f M usculocut aneous nerve, and muscles supplied by it w ere supplied by M edian nerve. Here t he format ion of M edian nerve is normal i.e lat eral and medial root from lat eral and medial cord of brachial plexus respect ively [4].

In our study, M usculocutaneous nerve is absent , and m uscles supplied by it are supplied by M edian nerve (Lat eral root ) w hich is formed at middle arm level and also receives IIIrd root from

medial cord anterior t o 2nd part of axillary artery.

Sat yanarayana (2009), described 3 unilat eral cases of variat ion of format ion of M edian nerve. In 1st case he described M edian nerve formed

on medial side of Axillary art ery at higher level. Lat er median nerve cont inued behind brachial art ery and receives a com m unicat ing branch from lat eral cord. In t he 2nd case -format ion of

M edian nerve by t hree root s- 2 from lat eral and 1 from medial cord of brachial plexus. In 3rd case


Int J Anat Res 2015, 3(2):1008-10. ISSN 2321-4287 1010


In our case, lat eral root receives addit ional communicat ing root from medial cord in front of IInd par t of Axi llary art ery. M edian ner ve

form at ion t ake place at m idd le of t he ar m . Additional t o it it supplies flexor group of muscles in arm as M usculocut aneous nerve is absent .

Combinat ion of absence of M usculocut aneous nerve, M edian nerve receives 3rd root ant erior

t o 2nd part of axillary art ery and form at ion of

M edian Nerve at low er level (at middle of t he arm) as seen in our case, is rare occurrence.

Kn ow l edge of v ar i abl e p at t er n s of n er v e format ion and nerve supply t o muscles, joint s skin is essent ial t o explain t he unexpect ed clinical signs and sympt oms. It is also helpful dur ing surgical int er v ent ions li ke shoulder r eco n st r u ct i on s, i n ci si on and dr ai nage o f abscesses, block dissect ion of axilla, axillary lymph nodes, reconst ruct ive flab surgeries et c.

Presence of such variat ions should always kept i n m i nd w hi l e t est i n g a m uscl e, af t er adm inist rat ion of neurom uscular block. It is import ant for surgeon, clinician and anat omist t o be aw are of possible anat omical variat ions t o avoid unexpect ed complicat ions.

Embryology: The embryological development of upper lim b m ay help in explaining t hese anat omical variat ions.

Significant variat ions in nerve pat t erns may be r esu l t o f al t er ed sign ali n g b et w een mesenchymal cells and neuronal grow t h cones [6] or circulat ory fact ors at t he t ime of fusion of brachial cords [7].

The axons of somat ic mot or fibers in dorsal and vent ral rami seek out specific muscle or bundle of muscles fibers and form synapses w it h t he m uscle fibers. The specific signals t hat guide mot or fibers to t heir t argets are unknown. Axons h ave r em ar kab l e ab il i t y t o r each t hei r appropriate t arget s.

The mot or axons t hat innervate t he limb perform an int ricat e feat of pat h finding t o reach t heir t arget m uscles. The axons dest inat ed for t he limb apparent ly t ravel t o t he base of limb bud by grow ing axon permissive pat hways. Once the mot or axons arrive at t he base of limb bud, t hey mix in specific pat t ern t o form brachial plexus in upper limb. This zone const it utes t he decision

making region. Once axons have sort ed out in plexus, growt h cones cont inue int o the limb bud, t ravelling along permissive pat hw ays t hat lead in general dir ect ion of appr opr iat e m uscle compart ment [8].

In our case, t he grow t h cone of vent ral column m ot or axons com ing f or M usculocut aneous nerve takes different pat h t o t ravel t o target organs; it passes t hrough lat eral root of M edian nerve. Growth cone recognize their target organs and innervat e t hem . M edian nerve has t w o m edial root s as fibers from C8 and T1 spinal segm ent passes separ at ely t o form M edian nerve.


The variat ion in M edian nerve format ion and it ’s innervat ion, and absence of M usculocut aneous nerve have no effect on t he funct ions of upper limb but knowledge of various pattern of brachial plexus is essent ial for medical professionals w ho explores axilla for t reat ment , int ervent ions’ or block dissect ion.

Conflicts of Interests: None


[1] . Gray’s Anat omy, 40t h edit ion. Edinburgh, London, New york, Phi ladelphia, Sydeny, Toront o:Churchill Livingst one, 2008: pp 781,790, 821, 822.

[ 2] . Bud hiraja V, Rast ogi R, Ast ana AK. Anat om ical variat ion of m edian nerve form at ion:embryological an d cl i n i cal co r r e l at i o n . J. M o r p h o co l Sci . 2011;28(4):283-286.

[3] . Uzan A, Seelig LL Jr. A variat ion in form at ion of m edian ner ve: com m unicat ing branch bet w een m usculacut aneous and m edian nerve in m an. Folia M or phocol (W arsz), 1997:60:99-101.

[ 4] . Jah an sh ah i M ,M o h ar r er i AR,Go lal i p o u r M J. A v ar i at i o n o f b r ach i al p l e xu s: Ab sen ce o f m usculocut aneous nerve.M JIH, 2003;6:87-88. [5] . Sat yanarayan N, Vishvkar m a N,Kum ar GP, Guha R,

Dat ta AK, Sunita P. Rare variat ions in form at ion of m edian nerve: em bryologycal basis. Nepal M ed Col J. 2009;11(4):287-290.

[6]. Abhya A, Bhardw aj R, Prakash R. Dual origin of M usculocut aneous nerve. Jour naal of Anat om ical societ y of India 2003;52(1):94.

[7] . Brow n M C, Hopkins WG, Keyneys RJ.essent ials of n e u r al d eve l o p m en t Cam b r i d ge : Cam b r i d ge univercit y press, 1991: pp 46-66.

[8] . Larsen’s W illium J. 200—,Hum an em bryology. 4t h edit ion, New york, Edinburgh, Churchill Livingst one, pp 640-642.


Fig 1:  LC,M C-Lat eral and M edial Cord of brachial plexus.


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