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J. Appl. Oral Sci. vol.25 número2


Academic year: 2018

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Submitted: June 21, 2016 0RGL¿FDWLRQ6HSWHPEHU Accepted: September 22, 2016

Per iodont it is and t ype 2 diabet es

am ong w om en w it h pr evious

gest at ional diabet es: epidem iological

and im m unological aspect s in a

follow- up of t hr ee year s

Per iodont it is can cont r ibut e t o t he developm ent of insulin r esist ance. Gest at ional diabet es is a risk fact or for t ype 2 diabet es. Therefore, periodont it is, w hen associat ed w it h gest at ional diabet es, could incr ease t he r isk for t he developm ent of t ype 2 diabet es aft er pr egnancy. Obj ect ive: The aim of t his st udy was t o ver ify t he incidence on t he developm ent of t ype 2 diabet es in w om en w it h pr evious gest at ional diabet es w it h and w it hout per iodont it is aft er a t hr ee- year t im e int er val. Mat er ial and Met hods: I nit ial sam ple of t his follow- up st udy consist ed of 90 w om en diagnosed w it h gest at ional diabet es w ho under w ent per iodont al exam inat ion. Aft er t hr ee year s, 49 w om en w er e subj ect ed t o new per iodont al exam inat ion and biological, behavioral, and VRFLDOGDWDRILQWHUHVWZHUHFROOHFWHG$GGLWLRQDOO\WKHTXDQWL¿FDWLRQRIWKH C- r eact ive pr ot ein in blood sam ples was per for m ed. Fast ing glucose and glycat ed hem oglobin levels w er e r equest ed. Saliva sam ples w er e collect ed IRUTXDQWL¿FDWLRQRILQWHUOHXNLQDQGWXPRUQHFURVLVIDFWRUĮPDWUL[ m et alloprot einase 2 and 9. Result s: The incidence of t ype 2 diabet es m ellit us ZDV DQG RI SHULRGRQWLWLV ZDV 7KHUH ZDV QR VLJQL¿FDQW differ ence in t he incidence of t ype 2 diabet es m ellit us am ong w om en w it h and w it hout per iodont it is. I t was obser ved im pact of C- r eact ive pr ot ein in t he developm ent of t ype 2 diabet es m ellit us. How ever, it was not obser ved im pact of periodont it is on t he developm ent of t ype 2 diabet es m ellit us am ong w om en w it h pr evious gest at ional diabet es. Conclusions: I t was not obser ved im pact of periodont it is on t he developm ent of t ype 2 diabet es am ong w om en w it h pr evious gest at ional diabet es. The im pact of C- r eact ive pr ot ein in t he developm ent of t ype 2 diabet es m ellit us highlight s t he im por t ance of an LQÀDPPDWRU\SURFHVVLQWKHGLDEHWHVSDWKRJHQHVLV

Ke y w or ds: Gest at ional diabet es. Diabet es m ellit us. Diabet es m ellit us,

t ype 2. Per iodont it is. Pr egnant w om en. Rafael Paschoal ESTEVES LIMA1

Luis Otávio Miranda COTA1

Tarcília Aparecida SILVA1

Sheila Cavalca CORTELLI2

José Roberto CORTELLI2

Fernando Oliveira COSTA1


1Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Faculdade de Odontologia, Departamento de Periodontologia

e Patologia, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.

2Universidade de Taubaté, Centro de Pesquisa Periodontal, Taubaté, SP, Brasil.


I nt r oduct ion

3HULRGRQWLWLVLVDQLQIHFWLRXVLQÀDPPDWRU\FRQGLWLRQ of per iodont al t issues charact er ized by loss of t oot h


t he pat hogenesis of t he disease called t he at t ent ion t o

t he sy st em ic im pact of per iodont it is and it s pot ent ial

associat ion w it h ot her condit ions13.

Diab et es m ellit u s ( DM) com p r ises a g r ou p of

disor der s charact er ized by high blood glucose levels,

an d it is con sid er ed an im p or t an t r isk f act or f or

periodont it is2$OWHUDWLRQVLQWKHLPPXQRLQÀDPPDWRU\ UHVSRQVH RI LQGLYLGXDOV ZLWK '0 FDQ LQÀXHQFH WKH prevalence, ext ension, and severit y of periodont it is. On WKHRWKHUKDQGWKHSHULRGRQWDOLQÀDPPDWRU\SURFHVV can cont ribut e t o a condit ion of insulin resist ance, wit h

im pact on t he glycem ic cont r ol and m anifest at ion of

DM. The dissem inat ion of bact er ia and t heir pr oduct s E\SHULRGRQWLWLVFDQLQGXFHDV\VWHPLFLQÀDPPDWRU\ st at e t hat can init iat e and propagat e insulin resist ance. +LJKOHYHOVRILQÀDPPDWRU\PHGLDWRUVVXFKDV t um or n ecr osis f act or alp h a ( TNF-D) , in t er leu k in 6 ( I

L-6) , and C- r eact ive pr ot ein ( CRP) , m ight cont r ibut e

t o an incr ease in insulin r esist ance2 4. Addit ionally,

p er iod on t al b act er ia can t r an slocat e t o t h e liv er,

inhibit t he insulin signaling, and r esult in decr eased

glycogen sy nt hesis17. Recent sy st em at ic r ev iew s have

dem onst rat ed t hat per iodont al t herapy can posit ively

affect t he cont r ol of DM11,22.

Gest at ional DM ( GDM) is a hy per glycem ic st at us WKDWLQLWLDWHVGXULQJJHVWDWLRQ,WSUHVHQWVVLJQL¿FDQW associat ed com p licat ion s an d h ig h m or b id it y. An

expressive risk for t he developm ent of DM t ype- 2 (

DM-2) was r epor t ed am ong w om en w it h GDM. Ther efor e,

t he diagnosis of GDM const it ut es an oppor t unit y for

ear ly int er vent ion of DM- 22.

Based on t h e possibilit y t h at per iodon t it is can

cont r ibut e t o t he developm ent of insulin r esist ance,

periodont it is, when present in wom en wit h GDM, could

also incr ease t he r isk for t he developm ent of DM- 2

aft er t he gest at ional per iod. To our k now ledge, only

one st udy evaluat ed t he im pact of per iodont it is on

t he incidence of DM- 2 am ong w om en w it h pr ev ious

GDM, point ing out t hat w om en w it h a hist or y of GDM

and periodont it is have im paired glucose m et abolism29.

Ther efor e, addit ional st udies ar e necessar y t o bet t er

addr ess t his pot ent ial associat ion.

The aim of t he present follow- up st udy was t o verify

t he incidence on t he developm ent of t y pe 2 diabet es

in w om en w it h pr ev ious gest at ional diabet es w it h and

w it hout per iodont it is aft er a t hr ee- year t im e int er val,

and t o quant ify CRP in t he blood as w ell as TNF-D,

I L- 6, int er leuk in 10 ( I L- 10) , m at r ix m et allopr ot einase

2 ( MMP- 2) , and m at r ix m et allopr ot einase 9 ( MMP- 9)

in t he saliva.

Mat er ial and m et hods

Sam pling st rat egy

The sam ple of t he pr esent follow- up st udy init ially

com prised a cohort of 90 wom en previously diagnosed

w it h GDM fr om a pr ev ious case- cont r ol st udy t hat

invest igat ed t he associat ion bet ween periodont it is and

GDM13. These w om en r eceived pr enat al car e in t he

Odet e Valadar es Mat er nit y Hospit al, in Belo Hor izont e

cit y – Brazil, fr om Febr uar y 2010 t o Novem ber 2011,

per iod w hen t hey w er e diagnosed w it h GDM.

Subsequent ly, t hese 90 w om en w er e inv it ed t o

par t icipat e in t he pr esent st udy by phone or m ail

con t act . Fr om t h is t ot al, 3 9 w om en cou ld n ot be

locat ed and t w o r efused t o par t icipat e. Ther efor e, t he ¿QDO VDPSOH FRPSULVHG ZRPHQ ZLWK D SUHYLRXV diagnosis of GDM.

The est ablished inclusion crit eria were t he presence RI•QDWXUDOWHHWKDQGDEVHQFHRIFRQWUDLQGLFDWLRQV for t he periodont al exam inat ion. The exclusion crit eria

included ant ibiot ic or periodont al t herapy t hree m ont hs

p r ior t o clin ical ex am in at ion an d p osit iv e h u m an LPPXQRGH¿FLHQF\YLUXVLQIHFWLRQVHURORJ\

The pr esent st udy w as appr ov ed by t he Et hics

Resear ch Com m it t ee f r om t h e Fed er al Un iv er sit y

of Min as Ger ais ( CAAE 2 8 7 0 8 8 1 4 . 6 . 0 0 0 0 . 5 1 4 9 ) .

Part icipant s were inform ed about t he st udy and signed

an infor m ed consent for m .

Sociodem ographic charact er ist ics

Social and dem ographic dat a w er e collect ed for

each par t icipant t hr ough st r uct ur ed quest ionnair es.

We collect ed d at a r eg ar d in g ag e, m ar it al st at u s,

educat ional level, gest at ional period and delivery dat e, SDULW\VPRNLQJKDELWVDQG¿UVWGHJUHHUHODWLYHVZLWK '0 5HJDUGLQJ VPRNLQJ ZRPHQ ZHUH FODVVL¿HG DV sm oker s, for m er sm oker s, and non- sm oker s25.

Medical dat a

Weight and height of par t icipant s w er e r ecor ded


w eight , over w eight , or obese27.

Fast in g g lu cose t est an d g ly cat ed h em og lob in

levels were collect ed for each part icipant . When exam s

show ed alt er ed glycem ic levels, t hey w er e per for m ed DJDLQWRFRQ¿UPWKHGLDJQRVLVRI'09DOXHVKLJKHU t h an 1 2 5 m g/ dl for fast in g glu cose an d 6 . 4 % for

glycat ed hem oglobin w er e consider ed posit ive for t he

diagnosis of DM- 2. Pr e- diabet es was diagnosed as t he

pr esence of values higher t han 99 m g/ dl for fast ing

glucose and 5.6% for glycat ed hem oglobin, accor ding

t o t he Am erican Diabet es Associat ion2 ( 2014) . Sam ple

was divided in t wo groups according t o glycem ic levels:

a) nor m al fast ing glucose gr oup ( NFG) ; b) alt er ed

fast ing glucose gr oup ( AFG) . Subsequent ly, t hey w er e

su bdiv ided in t h r ee gr ou ps accor din g t o gly cem ic

diagnosis: nor m al, pr e- diabet es, and DM- 2.

Addit ionally, we request ed a blood t est for assessing

t he CRP levels. The CRP level less t han 5 m g/ l was

consider ed nor m al. Values gr eat er t han or equal t o 5

m g/ l w er e consider ed abnor m al20.

Per iodont al clinical exam inat ion

Par t icipant s under w ent a per iodont al ex am inat ion

dur ing gest at ion in a pr ev ious st udy13, det er m ined t o

be t he baseline ex am inat ion ( T0) , w hen param et er s

of bleeding on pr obing ( BOP) , pr obing dept h ( PD) ,

and clinical at t achm ent level ( CAL) w er e evaluat ed.

At T0, t he prevalence of periodont it is was 40% am ong

w om en w it h GDM13.

Pa r t i c i p a n t s u n d e r w e n t a n e w p e r i o d o n t a l

ex am inat ion aft er a per iod of appr ox im at ely t hr ee

year s aft er deliver y ( 34.5± 6.4 m ont hs) , det er m ined WREHWKH¿QDOH[DPLQDWLRQ73HULRGRQWDOH[DPV com pr ised cir cum fer ent ial pr obing w it h t he r ecor ding

of per iodon t al par am et er s at f ou r sit es per t oot h

( dist al, m esial, buccal, and lingual) w it h a m anual

pr obe ( UNC- 15, Hu- Fr iedy, Chicago, I L) . Per iodont al

exam inat ions w er e per for m ed by a single per iodont ist

( R.P.E.L.) , t rained and calibrat ed, r esponsible for t he

init ial exam inat ion of t he par t icipant s. I nt ra- ex am iner

agr eem ent for all clinical per iodont al param et er s of

int er est , bot h at T0 and T1, show ed kappa values

higher t han 0.90.

All collect ed dat a w er e r ecor ded and evaluat ed IRUHDFKSDUWLFLSDQWLQRUGHUWRGH¿QHVWXG\JURXSV The follow ing exclusion cr it er ia w er e also adopt ed

dur ing per iodont al ex am inat ion: t hir d m olar s, t eet h

w hose cem ent um - enam el j unct ion was im possible t o

det erm ine, t eet h wit h gingival m orphology alt erat ions,

t e e t h w i t h e x t e n si v e ca r i e s l e si o n s, t e e t h w i t h

iat r ogenic r est orat ive pr ocedur es, excessive calculus

pr esence.


and > 30% of sit es ( generalized) . Per iodont it is was DOVRFODVVL¿HGLQUHODWLRQWRVHYHULW\DFFRUGLQJWRWKH am ount of at t achm ent loss: 1- 2 m m ( slight form ) , 3- 4


Salivar y exam inat ion

St im ulat ed w hole saliva sam ple collect ions w er e

p er f or m ed t o q u an t i f y t h e l ev el s of I L- 6 , I L- 1 0 ,

MMP- 2, MMP- 9, and TNF-D. The collect ion of saliva

was per for m ed consider ing t he per iod of t w o hour s

aft er t he last m eal. For t he st im ulus of t he salivar y ÀRZ t he par t icipant s chew ed t he hyper boloid IRU¿YH m inut es and t he saliva pr oduced w as collect ed on

graph t ubes. The saliva sam ple was kept in a cooler

w it h ice and it was t ranspor t ed im m ediat ely t o t he

labor at or y w h er e t h e t ot al v olu m e w as r egist er ed

and cent r ifuged at 3000 r pm for 15 m inut es at 4°C.

The volum e was m easur ed w it h a m icr opipet t e. Aft er

cent rifuging, t he saliva was dilut ed in t he proport ion of

1: 1 in PBS solut ion ( 0.4 m M NaCl and 10 m M NaPO4)

cont aining pr ot ease inhibit or s ( 0.1 m M phenyl m et hyl

sulfonyl ÀXRULGH, 0.1 m M benzet honium chlor ide, 10

m M EDTA and 0.01 m g/ m L apr ot inin A) . The solut ion

was hom ogenized, dist r ibut ed in aliquot s, and fr oze

at - 8 0 °C t o per f or m t h e an aly sis by ELI SA. Th e

concent rat ions of t he cyt okines I L- 10, 2,

MMP-9, and TNF-D in t he saliva sam ples w er e det er m ined

by t he sandw ich t echnique using t he DuoSet Kit ( R&D

Syst em s, Minneapolis, MN, USA) . Det ect ion lim it s were

from 31.2 t o 1000 pg/ m L for TNF-Į, 390- 12500 pg/ m L

for MMP- 9/ TI MP2, 125- 4000 pg/ m L for MMP- 2/ TI MP2,

and 125- 2000 pg/ m L for I L- 10. The TXDQWL¿FDWLRQ of

I L- 6 was per for m ed using t he hum an I L- 6 Kit and

it s quant ikine ( R&D Syst em s, Minneapolis, MN) , w it h

det ect ion lim it s fr om 0.156 t o 10 pg/ m L. Techniques

w er e p er f or m ed accor d in g t o t h e m an u f act u r er ’s VSHFL¿FDWLRQV The concent rat ions w er e expr essed in pg/ m L. The concent rat ion of t ot al pr ot ein was used

t o cor r ect t he cy t ok ine value for each sam ple. The


St at ist ical analysis

I nit ially, a descr ipt ive analy sis of t he sam ple and

a com par ison of per iodont al st at us bet w een T0 and

T1 w er e per for m ed. For t his pur pose, t he Wilcoxon

t est w as u sed f or q u an t it at iv e v ar iab les an d t h e

McNem ar or St uar t - Max w ell ( for m or e t han t w o levels

of com par ison) w er e used for cat egor ical var iables.

For t he univar iat e analy sis, consider ing t he NFG

an d AFG gr ou ps, t h e Man n - Wh it n ey an d Kr u sk

al-Wallis t est s w er e used for quant it at ive var iables, and

t he Chi- squar ed or Fisher ex act t est es w er e used for FDWHJRULFDOYDULDEOHV6XEVHTXHQWO\WKHLQÀXHQFHRI biological, behavioral, and social variables in alt erat ions

of fast ing glucose and glycat ed hem oglobin exam s was

analy zed t hr ough a m ult inom ial logist ic r egr ession. A VLJQL¿FDQFHOHYHOLQWKHXQLYDULDWHDQDO\VLVDV w ell as t he biological plausibilit y, was adopt ed for t he

select ion of variables t o ent er t he m odels. All collect ed

dat a w er e st or ed in a dat abase ( S1 Dat aset ) , and

all analyses w er e per for m ed by m eans of st at ist ical

soft war e ( R ver sion 3.0.1, R Foundat ion for St at ist ical

Com put ing, Vienna, Aust ria) . Result s w ere considered VLJQL¿FDQWIRUDSUREDELOLW\ORZHUWKDQS

Result s

We p r esen t t h e ch ar act er ist ics of t h e sam p le

according t o biological, behavioral, and social variables

for NFG and AFG gr oups in Table 1. We obser v ed

si g n i f i can t d i f f er en ces r eg ar d i n g m ean BMI an d

glycem ic values. Sim ilar r esult s w er e obser ved in t he

analysis of t he biological, behavioral, and social dat a

according t o fast ing glucose diagnosis at T1. There was


m ean BMI ( p= 0. 014) . The incidence of DM- 2 w as

18.4% .

Table 2 show s WKH TXDQWL¿FDWLRQ of biochem ical

v ar iables f or NFG an d AFG gr ou ps. We descr ibed

CRP ca t eg o r i ca l l y a n d q u a n t i t a t i v el y . I m p o r t a n t

differences in t he levels of CRP were observed bet ween

t he gr oups. Appr oxim at ely 53% of t he AFG w om en

dem on st r at ed ch an ges in CRP lev els, w h ile in t h e

NFG gr oup t his per cent age w as 23.5% ( p= 0.040) .

Wh en CRP w as qu an t it at iv ely ev alu at ed, a h igh er

average was obser ved in t he AFG ( p= 0.077) . Ther e ZDV QRW DQ\ VLJQL¿FDQW GLIIHUHQFH bet w een gr oups for I L- 6, I L- 10, MMP- 2, MMP- 9, and TNF-D values.

Sim ilar r esult s w er e obser ved for t he analy sis of t he


and saliva accor ding t o endocr ine diagnosis. Ther e

was a differ ence bet w een t he gr oups r egar ding CRP

descr ibed cat egor ically.

We present periodont al st at us at T0 and T1 for NFG

and AFG gr oups in Table 3. At T1, t he fr equency of

per iodont it is was higher in AFG gr oup ( 46.7% ) w hen

com par ed w it h NFG gr oup ( 35. 3% ) . How ever, t his GLIIHUHQFH ZDV QRW VWDWLVWLFDOO\ VLJQL¿FDQWw her eas 38.8% of t he sam ple was diagnosed w it h periodont it is

at T1. The incidence of per iodont it is in AFG was 20% . ,W ZDV REVHUYHG D VLJQL¿FDQW GLIIHUHQFH UHJDUGLQJ t he num ber of t eet h fr om T0 t o T1 in t he sam ple.

How ever, t his differ ence was not pr esent w hen gr oups

w er e com par ed. Wom en in t he AFG gr oup pr esent ed

a higher per cent age of sit es w it h BOP and higher PD.

Fr om T0 t o T1, w om en in t he AFG gr oup pr esent ed a VLJQL¿FDQWLQFUHDVHLQWKHQXPEHURIVLWHVZLWK%23 DQG3'PPDQG&$/•PP&KDUDFWHULVWLFVRIWKH sam ple concer ning per iodont al st at us at T0 and T1

ar e pr esent ed in Table 4, accor ding t o t he endocr ine


t he fr equency of per iodont it is, as w ell as per iodont al

param et er s, am ong t he gr oups in bot h ex am inat ions.

We pr esent changes in per iodont al st at us fr om T0

t o T1, for bot h AFG and NFG gr oups, and accor ding t o

t he endocr ine diagnosis, in Table 5. I n t he AFG gr oup,

t he per cent age of w om en w ho develop per iodont it is

bet w een T0 and T1 was higher. I n addit ion, w om en in

t he AFG group present ed worse periodont al param et ers

fr om T0 t o T1. The fr equency of per iodont it is at bot h

T0 and T1, or only at T1, was higher am ong w om en

diagnosed wit h pre- diabet es, alt hough not st at ist ically VLJQL¿FDQW:RPHQGLDJQRVHGZLWK'0SUHVHQWHGD higher incr ease in PD fr om T0 t o T1.

,QWKH¿QDOPXOWLYDULDWHORJLVWLFUHJUHVVLRQPRGHO RQO\ &53 UHPDLQHG DV D VLJQL¿FDQW YDULDEOH w it h g ly cem ic con t r ol ( OR 1 . 3 1 ; 9 5 % CI = 1 . 0 3 - 1 3 . 4 5 ;

p= 0.046) . Sim ilarly, t he m ult inom ial logist ic regression

m odel ( consider ing t he endocr ine diagnosis) r et ained RQO\&53DVDVLJQL¿FDQWYDULDEOHIRU'025 p= 0.022) .

We also per for m ed all analy ses using gly cat ed

h em oglobin t o est ablish t h e en docr in e diagn osis.

Sim ilar r esult s w er e obser ved using fast ing glucose

diagnosis. I t is im port ant t o highlight t hat we observed D KLJK DQG VLJQL¿FDQW DJUHHPHQW EHWZHHQ IDVWLQJ glucose and glycat ed hem oglobin exam inat ions ( kappa


Variable Glycemic control p NFG (n=34; 69.4%) AFG (n=15; 30.6%)

CRP 0.040*

Normal 26 (76.5) 7 (46.7)

Altered 8 (23.5) 8 (53.3)

CRP (mg/l) 5.4 (10.4) 7.8 (7.9) 0.077**

IL-10 (pg/mg) 24.8 (61.5) 31.2 (68.0) 0.723**

MMP-9 (pg/mg) 1356.4 (1053.1) 1136.4 (986.0) 0.641**

MMP-2 (pg/mg) 126.8 (150.7) 156.8 (163.2) 0.494**

IL-6 (pg/mg) 55.3 (93.4) 41.6 (73.3) 0.956**

TNF-D (pg/mg) 32.8 (90.1) 27.8 (58.8) 0.312**

*Chi-squared test; **Mann-Whitney test; NFG = normal fasting glucose; AFG = altered fasting glucose; CRP = c-reactive protein; IL-6 = interleukin 6; IL-10 = interleukin 10; MMP-2 = matrix metalloproteinase 2; MMP-9 = matrix metalloproteinase 9; TNF-D = tumor necrosis fator alpha



Variables Total sample (n=49) Glycemic control p NFG (n=34; 69.4%) AFG (n=15; 30.6%)

Age in years (±) 35.3 ± 5.1 34.9 ± 4.9 36.1 ± 5.4 0.317*

Marital status (%) 0.765**

with companion 41 (83.7%) 29 (85.3%) 12 (80.0%)

without companion 7 (14.3%) 4 (11.8%) 3 (20.0%)

Other 1 (2.0%) 1 (2.9%) 0 (0.0%)

Educational level (%) 0.482**

”\HDUV 22 (44.9%) 14 (41.2%) 8 (53.3%)

From 9 to 12 years 25 (51.0%) 19 (55.9%) 6 (40.0%)

•\HDUV 2 (4.1%) 1 (2.9%) 1 (6.7%)

Parity (±) 2.4 (1.3) 2.4 (1.1) 2.2 (1.9) 0.136*

Time since delivery in months (±)

34.5 ± 6.4 34.1 ± 6.3 35.6 ± 6.8 0.467*

Smoking habits (%)

smoker 2 (4.1%) 2 (5.9%) 0 (0.0%) 1.000**

former smoker 8 (16.3%) 6 (17.2%) 2 (13.3%) 0.702**

Diabetes (%) 4 (8.2%) 0 (0.0%) 4 (28.6%) 0.005**

Family history of diabetes (%)

29 (59.2) 18 (52.9) 11 (73.3) 0.221**

BMI (%) 0.070**

adequate 13 (26.5) 12 (35.3) 1 (6.7)

overweight 16 (32.7) 11 (32.4) 5 (33.3)

obesity 20 (40.8) 11 (32.4) 9 (60.0)

BMI (mean) 30.3 (7.5) 28.6 (6.8) 33.9 (7.7) 0.014*

Fasting glucose (mean) 103 (33.6) 87.4 (7.5) 138.7 (42.2) 0.000*

Glycated hemoglobin (mean)

5.5 (1.1) 5.0 (1.0) 6.9 (1.0) 0.000*

*Mann-Whitney test; **Chi-squared test; NFG = normal fasting glucose; AFG = altered fasting glucose



The biological plausibilit y WKDW WKH LQÀDPPDWRU\

pr ocess induced by per iodont it is could cont r ibut e t o

insulin r esist ance, and DM- 2 developm ent can also be

applied t o GDM. The num ber of st udies t hat evaluat ed

t he r elat ionship bet w een per iodont it is and GDM is


ar e cont r over sial. Som e st udies5,28 dem onst rat ed t hat

per iodont it is was m or e fr equent am ong w om en w it h

GDM com par ed w it h w om en w it hout GDM. How ever,

ot her st udies4,9,13 did not ident ify differ ences in t he

fr equency of per iodont it is am ong w om en w it h and

w it hout GDM. I m por t ant m et hodological differ ences,

su ch as sam p l e si ze an d d i ag n o st i c cr i t er i a f o r SHULRGRQWLWLV DQG *'0 GR H[LVW DQG GLI¿FXOW WKH com par isons of t he r esult s.

Findings from t he present st udy dem onst rat ed t hat

t he fr equency of per iodont it is was not higher am ong

w om en w it h pr ev ious hist or y of GDM t hat developed

Variables Total sample n=49 (%) Glycemic control p NFG n=34 (69.4%) AFG n=15 (30.6%)

Presence of periodontitis (%)

T0 20 (40.8) 16 (47.1) 4 (26.7) 0.221*

T1 19 (38.8) 12 (35.3) 7 (46.7) 0.451*

p 0.763*** 0.157*** 0.083***

Present teeth (±)

T0 27.5 (3.0) 27.3 (3.2) 27.9 (1.9) 0.635**

T1 27.1 (2.9) 26.9 (3.3) 27.7 (2.2) 0.515**

p 0.002**** 0.000**** 0.427****

Extension of periodontitis (%)

Localized T0 20 (40.8) 16 (47.1) 4 (26.7) 0.221*

Localized T1 17 (34.7) 11 (32.4) 6 (40.0) 0.741*

p 0.404*** 0.096*** 0.317***

Extension of periodontitis (%)

Generalized T0 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)

-Generalized T1 2 (4.1) 1 (2.9) 1 (6.7) 0.489*

p 0.157*** 0.317*** 0.317***

Severity of periodontitis (%)

Moderate T0 1 (2.0) 1 (2.9) 0 (0.0) 1.000*

Moderate T1 3 (6.1) 2 (5.9) 1 (6.7) 1.000*

p 0.317*** 0.563*** 0.317***

Severity of periodontitis (%)

Advanced T0 19 (38.8) 15 (44.1) 4 (26.7) 0.341*

Advanced T1 16 (32.7) 10 (29.4) 6 (40.0) 0.515*

p 0.366*** 0.095*** 0.157***

Sites with BOP (%)

T0 22.9 (15.9) 22.6 (15.7) 23.6 (17.0) 0.905**

T1 32.5 (21.7) 29.8 (20.6) 38.5 (23.7) 0.121**

p 0.001**** 0.047**** 0.004****


T1 2.8 (3.3) 2.9 (2.8) 2.7 (4.3) 0.314**

4.0 (5.7) 3.7 (5.1) 4.8 (7.1) 0.315**

p 0.067**** 0.3757**** 0.009****


T0 2.2 (3.3) 2.2 (3.1) 1.8 (2.5) 0.740**

T1 2.1 (5.7) 2.1 (4.2) 2.3 (3.9) 0.456**

p 0.876**** 0.868**** 0.683****


T0 0.1 (0.4) 0.2 (0.6) 0.1 (0.4) 0.178**

T1 0.1 (0.5) 0 (0.0) 0.1 (0.3) 0.635**

p 1.000**** 0.371**** 1.000****

*Chi-squared test; **Mann-Whitney test; ***McNemar test; ****Wilcoxon test; CAL = clinical attachment level; PD = probing depth; BOP = bleeding on probing; NFG = normal fasting glucose; AFG = altered fasting glucose


DM- 2. A pr ev ious st udy29 evaluat ed t he associat ion

bet w een per iodon t it is an d t h e DM- 2 dev elopm en t

am on g w om en w it h pr ev iou s GDM. I n t h is st u dy

fr om Xiong, et al.29 ( 2013) , w om en w it h GDM and

periodont it is were only com pared wit h wom en wit hout ERWK FRQGLWLRQV DQG QR VLJQL¿FDQW GLIIHUHQFHV ZHUH found in t he m ost gly cem ic index es evaluat ed. I n

addit ion, t he st udy pr esent ed low er sam ple and shor t

follow- up per iod as w ell as it used glucose averages.

I n our under st anding, it can int er fer e w it h t he r esult s,

hinder ing t he com par ison w it h t he pr esent st udy. I n

addit ion, our r esult s did not show any im pact of t he

levels of I L- 6, I L- 10, MMP- 2, MMP- 9, and TNF-D in t he

saliva on DM- 2 or pr e- diabet es.

So m e s t u d i e s f o u n d t h a t t h e t r e a t m e n t o f

per iodont it is does not im pact t he m et abolic cont r ol of

indiv iduals w it h DM- 27,12. How ever, som e sy st em at ic

reviews and m et a- analysis11,22,24FRQ¿UPHGDEHQH¿FLDO

Variables Endocrine diagnosis p

Normal n=34 (69.4%) Pre-diabetes n=6 (12.2%)

Type 2 diabetes n=9 (18.4%)

Presence of periodontitis (%)

T0 16 (47.1) 2 (33.3) 2 (22.2) 0.451*

T1 12 (35.3) 4 (66.7) 3 (33.3) 0.316*

p 0.157*** 0.157*** 0.317***

Present teeth (±)

T0 27.3 (3.2) 28.7 (1.2) 27.4 (2.2) 0.548**

T1 26.9 (3.3) 28.3 (1.4) 27.2 (2.6) 0.626**

p 0.000**** 1.000**** 1.000****

Extension of periodontitis (%)

Localized T0 16 (47.1) 2 (33.3) 2 (22.2) 0.451**

Localized T1 11 (32.4) 4 (66.7) 2 (22.2) 0.221**

p 0.096*** 0.157*** 1.000***

Extension of periodontitis (%)

Generalized T0 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)

Generalized T1 1 (2.9) 0 (0.0) 1 (11.1) 0.523**

p 0.317*** - 0.317***

Severity of periodontitis (%)

Moderate T0 1 (2.9) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 1.000 **

Moderate T1 2 (5.9) 1 (16.7) 0 (0.0) 0.401**

p 0.563*** 0.317***

-Severity of periodontitis (%)

Advanced T0 15 (44.1) 2 (33.3) 2 (22.2) 0.547**

Advanced T1 10 (29.4) 3 (50.0) 3 (33.3) 0.647**

P 0.095*** 0.317*** 0.317***

Sites with BOP (%)

T0 22.6 (15.7) 27.6 (16.7) 20.9 (17.7) 0.646**

T1 29.8 (20.6) 42.9 (19.0) 35.6 (27.1) 0.292**

p 0.047**** 0.094**** 0.024****


T0 2.9 (2.8) 2.6 (3.5) 2.7 (5.1) 0.590**

T1 3.7 (5.1) 4.4 (2.6) 5.1 (9.2) 0.224**

p 0.375**** 0.062**** 0.090****


T0 2.2 (3.1) 2.5 (3.2) 1.3 (1.9) 0.776**

T1 2.1 (4.2) 3.1 (3.7) 1.8 (4.1) 0.793**

p 0.868**** 0.787**** 1.000****



T1 0.2 (0.6) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0.391**

0.1 (0.4) 0 (0.0) 0.1 (0.3) 0.191**

p 0.371**** - 1.000****

*Chi-squared test; **Kruskal-Wallis test; ***McNemar test; ****Wilcoxon test; CAL = clinical attachment level; PD = probing depth; BOP = bleeding on probing


effect of periodont al t herapy on glycem ic levels am ong

indiv iduals w it h DM- 2.

Thus, it is im port ant t o em phasize t hat t he fact t hat

t he sam ple included in our st udy pr esent s, m ost ly,

a m or e localized per iodon t it is cou ld ex plain som e

diver gences of r esult s. We can also hy pot hesize t hat

in a sam ple w it h a m or e generalized per iodont it is, FRQVHTXHQWO\ZLWKDKLJKV\VWHPLFLQÀDPPDWLRQWKH im pact on insulin r esist ance and DM- 2 developm ent

cou ld be m or e ev iden t . Alt h ou gh n ot st at ist ically VLJQL¿FDQW LQGLYLGXDOV ZLWK DOWHUHG JO\FHPLF VWDWXV pr esent ed a w or sening in per iodont al st at us bet w een

bot h exam inat ions. Findings showed an increase in t he

fr equency, ex t ension, and sever it y of per iodont it is as

w ell as in t he per cent of sit es w it h BOP, PD, and CAL.

One st udy18 evaluat ed t he effect of t oot h ext ract ion

o n g l y ce m i c co n t r o l o f i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h D M- 2 ,

dem on st r at in g t h at in div idu als u n der goin g den t al WUHDWPHQWVKRZHGDVLJQL¿FDQWUHGXFWLRQLQJO\FDWHG hem oglobin levels com par ed w it h indiv iduals w ho did

not r eceive any t r eat m ent . 7KLV¿QGLQJHPSKDVL]HV WKH SRWHQWLDO V\VWHPLF LPSDFW RI WKH LQÀDPPDWRU\ infect ious pr ocess of t he oral cav it y in t he m et abolic

cont r ol and t he developm ent of an insulin r esist ance. 6LPLODUUHVXOWVREVHUYHGIRULQÀDPPDWRU\PHGLDWRUV w er e pr ev iously descr ibed. One sy st em at ic r ev iew8

concluded t hat diabet ic and non- diabet ic indiv iduals

had sim ilar levels of I L- 6 in t he saliva, suggest ing a

lack of associat ion bet w een I L- 6 from DQLQÀDPPDWRU\

p r ocess in t h e or al cav it y an d DM- 2 . I n an ot h er

st udy, t he ex pr ession of I L- 6, I L- 10, and TNF-D in

gingival t issues was sim ilar in indiv iduals w it h and

w it hout DM- 210. Collin, et al.6 ( 2000) obser ved sim ilar

salivar y levels of MMP- 9 bet w een diabet ic and

non-diabet ic indiv iduals. Mor eov er, per iodont al t herapy

has dem onst rat ed t he abilit y t o r educe blood levels of

CRP, as w ell asLQÀDPPDWRU\ cyt okines such as I L- 6

and TNF-D23.

Fur t her m or e, w e should consider t he GLI¿FXOW\LQ

quant ify ing WKH LQÀDPPDWRU\ SURFHVV pr oduced by

per iodont it is. The DQDO\VLVRILQÀDPPDWRU\ m ediat or s

pr esent in t he saliva pr ovides a global m easur e of oral LQÀDPPDWLRQ. $OWKRXJKLQÀDPPDWRU\FHOOV pr esent in t he saliva m ainly der ive fr om t he gingival cr evicular ÀXLGcells f r om ot h er LQÀDPPDWRU\ p r ocesses of t he oral cavit y m ay be pr esent , cont r ibut ing t o t he

o v e r e st i m a t e d i n f l a m m a t i o n f r o m p e r i o d o n t i t i s.

On t he ot her hand, t he dilut ion by t he saliva m ay

under est im at e t he SHULRGRQWDOLQÀDPPDWLRQ30.

I nt er est ingly, in t he cur r ent st udy, blood levels of &53KDGVLJQL¿FDQWLPSDFWRQWKH'0GHYHORSPHQW a m o n g w o m e n w i t h a h i st o r y o f GD M. An o t h e r LQÀDPPDWRU\SURFHVV could be involved in t hese CRP levels, as w ell as ot her m ediat or s RI LQÀDPPDWLRQ,

cont r ibut ing t o t he m anifest at ion of DM- 2. This fact

m ay su ggest t h e r ole of a V\VWHPLF LQÀDPPDWRU\

pr ocess in t h e dev elopm en t of in su lin r esist an ce. 6\VWHPLF LQÀDPPDWLRQ is VLJQL¿FDQWO\ HOHYDWHG in

Variable Fasting glucose p Endocrine diagnosis p NFG AFG Normal Pre-diabetes Type 2

diabetes n=34 (69.4%) n=15 (30.6%) n=34 (69.4%) n=6 (12.2%) n=9 (18.4%)

Occurrence of periodontitis (T1–T0)

0.202* 0.339*

No T0 - No T1 16 (47.1) 8 (53.3) 16 (47.1) 2 (33.3) 6 (66.7)

No T0 - Yes T1 2 (5.9) 3 (20.0) 2 (5.9) 2 (33.3) 1 (11.1)

Yes T0 - Yes T1 10 (29.4) 4 (26.7) 10 (29.4) 2 (33.3) 2 (22.2)

Yes T0 - No T1 6 (17.6) 0 (0.0) 6 (17.6) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)

Mean of sites with BOP (%) (T1–T0)

7.2 (19.3) 15.0 (14.4) 0.121** 7.2 (19.3) 15.3 (17.3) 14.7 (13.3) 0.292**

6LWHVZLWK&$/•PPDQG3' 4 mm (%) (T1–T0)

0.8 (4.0) 2.1 (3.5) 0.092** 0.8 (4.0) 1.8 (1.7) 2.4 (4.4) 0.224**

6LWHVZLWK&$/•PPDQG3' 5-6 mm (%) (T1–T0)

- 0.1 (2.8) 0.6 (2.7) 0.532** - 0.1 (2.8) 0.7 (2.4) 0.5 (3.1) 0.793**


•PPPP7±7 - 0.1 (0.2) 0.1 (0.3) 0.111** - 0.1 (0.2) 0 (0.0) 0.1 (0.3) 0.191**

*Stuart-Maxwell test; **Wilcoxon test; CAL = clinical attachment level; PD = probing depth; BOP = bleeding on probing; NFG = normal fasting glucose; AFG = altered fasting glucose

Table 5- Characteristics of the sample in relation to periodontal variables according to glycemic control and endocrine diagnosis from T0


individuals w it h DM, including high levels of CRP17,24.

A r ecen t sy st em at i c r ev i ew an d m et a- an al y si s2 6

exam ined t he associat ion EHWZHHQWKHLQÀDPPDWRU\

m ar ker s I L- 6 and CRP and t he r isk of DM- 2. Result s


of I L- 6 and CRP and t he r isk of DM- 2, suggest ing WKH LQÀDPPDWRU\ SURFHVV as pr edict or of t he DM- 2 developm ent26. Sim ilar ly, w om en w it h GDM pr esent ed

incr eased levels of CRP5,9. Fur t her m or e, per iodont it is

has been associat ed wit h high CRP plasm a levels14. This

fact can support t he biological plausibilit y of t he im pact

of p er iod on t al in f lam m at ion on DM- 2 . Th er ef or e,

differ ent degr ees of per iodont it is m ay have differ ent

syst em ic r eper cussions.

Th e i n ci d e n ce o f D M- 2 a m o n g w o m e n w i t h

pr ev ious GDM was 18.4% . One st udy16 show ed t hat

38.8% of w om en w it h GDM pr esent ed pr e- diabet es

and 6.6% pr esent ed DM- 2 in a per iod of 5.5 year s.

The sy st em at ic r ev iew by Kim , New t on and Knopp19

( 2002) show ed a gr eat var iat ion in t he incidence of

DM- 2 am ong w om en w it h hist or y of GDM, fr om 2.6%

t o 70% . This gr eat var iabilit y could be ex plained by

differ ences in t he follow- up per iod, in t he diagnost ic

cr it er ia for GDM, and in t he sam ple select ion.

Elev at ed BMI w as sig n if ican t ly m or e f r eq u en t

am ong w om en w it h alt er ed glycem ic levels, eit her

diagnosed w it h pr e- diabet es or DM- 2, alt hough it not UHPDLQHGVLJQL¿FDQWLQWKHPXOWLYDULDWH¿QDOPRGHO. Obesit y has been consider ed a r isk fact or for DM- 2

developm ent2. St udies invest igat ing t he associat ion

bet ween periodont it is and GDM have dem onst rat ed an

elevat ed BMI associat ed w it h GDM4,5,9,13,28. Mor eover,

obesit y has been associat ed w it h per iodont it is21.

I n t he pr esent st udy, incr eased age show ed no

im pact on t he developm ent of DM- 2 am ong w om en

w it h GDM. I ncr eased age has been consider ed a r isk

fact or for GDM13. I n addit ion, it was also dem onst rat ed

t hat t he pr evalence of DM- 2 incr eased w it h age2. The

hist or y of GDM com m on t o all indiv iduals included

in t he pr esent st udy m ay be a possible ex planat ion IRUDJHQRWVKRZLQJDVLJQL¿FDQWGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQ gr oups. Sam ple size could be consider ed a lim it at ion

of t he pr esent st udy t hat m ay have cont r ibut ed t o WKLV¿QGLQJ

Loss of par t icipan t s du e t o n on locat ion , n on

-answ er,or non- adher ence could also be consider ed a

lim it at ion of t he pr esent st udy. Fr om t he 90 w om en

en r olled in t h e in it ial sam p le, 4 9 com p let ed t h e

pr esent st udy. The sm aller sam ple due t o t he loss is a

lim it at ion; how ever, longit udinally, t he r esult s m ay be

an im por t ant point of init ial infor m at ion on t his issue,

and t hus dir ect ing fut ur e st udies.

The per iod of t hr ee year s follow- up aft er deliver y

for w om en w it h GDM is com pat ible accor ding t o t he

Am er ican Diab et es Associat ion2. How ev er, f u t u r e

st udies m ay include longer per iods of m onit or ing t o FKHFNWKLVSRVVLEOHLQÀXHQFH

I n t he pr esent st udy, t her e was not any im pact

of per iodon t it is on t h e DM- 2 dev elopm en t am on g

w om en w it h pr ev ious GDM. How ev er, t he num ber

of st udies on t his subj ect is r educed. I t is possible

t hat , in ot her populat ions w it h differ ent per iodont al

condit ions, per iodont it is m ay dem onst rat e im pact on

DM- 2 developm ent am ong wom en wit h previous GDM.

Ther efor e, addit ional st udies on differ ent populat ions

ar e necessar y t o bet t er under st and t he r elat ionship

bet w een t hese t w o condit ions.

The im pr ovem ent of t he k now ledge about GDM

is im por t ant , since t his condit ion can be consider ed

a unique oppor t unit y for a pr event ive int er vent ion

in r elat ion t o DM- 2, a condit ion w it h high m or bidit y

and m or t alit y. The incidence of DM- 2 am ong w om en



The observed im pact of CRP on DM- 2 developm ent

am ong wom en wit h a hist ory of GDM dem onst rat es t hat

dur ing t he pr enat al m onit or ing per iod, it is necessar y

t o em phasize t he m ult idisciplinar y appr oach for t he

diagnosis and t r eat m ent of V\VWHPLF LQÀDPPDWRU\

p r ocesses, m in im izin g t h e r isk f or d ev elop in g an


of per iodont it is in t he developm ent of DM- 2 am ong

wom en wit h previous GDM do exist , signaling t he need

for addit ional st udies.

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28- Xiong X, Elk ind- Hir sch KE, Vast ar dis S, Delar osa RL, Pr idj ian G,

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29- Xiong X, Elkind- Hirsch KE, Xie Y, Delarosa RL, Maney P, Pridj ian G, et

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J Public Healt h Dent . 2013; 73: 41- 9.


biom ar ker s in saliva: assessing t he st r engt h of associat ion of diabet es


Table 3- Characteristics of the sample in relation to periodontal variables according to glycemic control at T0 and T1
Table 4- Characteristics of the sample in relation to periodontal variables according to endocrine diagnosis at T0 and T1
Table 5- Characteristics of the sample in relation to periodontal variables according to glycemic control and endocrine diagnosis from T0  to T1


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