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J. Appl. Oral Sci. vol.25 número5


Academic year: 2018

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Submitted: September 2, 2016 0RGL¿FDWLRQ1RYHPEHU Accepted: December 18, 2016

Effect iveness of a new non- hydr ogen

per oxide bleaching agent aft er

single use - a double- blind

placebo-cont r olled shor t - t er m st udy

Toot h whit ening represent s perhaps t he m ost com m on aest het ic procedure LQGHQWLVWU\ZRUOGZLGH7KHHI¿FDF\RIEOHDFKLQJGHSHQGVRQWKUHHDVSHFWV bleaching agent , bleaching m et hod, and t oot h color. Obj ect ive: This in vivo

st udy aim ed t o ex am ine w hit ening effect s on fr ont al t eet h of t he upper

and low er j aw s using an over- t he- count er ( OTC) non- hy dr ogen per ox ide

bleaching agent in com parison t o a placebo aft er one single use. Mat erial and

m et hods: Fort y subj ect s ( 25 fem ale; 15 m ale) part icipat ed in t his double- blind

random ized placebo- cont rolled t rial. The subj ect s w ere random ly allocat ed t o

t w o groups ( n= 20) . The t est group received t he OTC product ( iWhit e I nst ant )

and t he placebo group received an ident ically com posed product except for t he DFWLYHDJHQWV(DFKVXEMHFWZDVWUHDWHGZLWKDSUH¿OOHGWUD\FRQWDLQLQJL:KLWH I nst ant or t he placebo for 20 m inut es. The t oot h shade of t he front t eet h ( upper

and low er j aw s) was assessed before ( E_0) , im m ediat ely aft er ( E_1) and 24 h

aft er t reat m ent ( E_2) , using a shade guide ( VI TA classical) . St at ist ical t est ing

was accom plished using t he Mann- Whit ney U t est ( p< 0.001) . The dropout UDWHZDV5HVXOWV7KHUHZHUHQRVLJQL¿FDQWGLIIHUHQFHVDW(BEHWZHHQ placebo and t est groups regarding t he t oot h color. Differences in t oot h color FKDQJHVLPPHGLDWHO\DIWHUƩ(BDQGKDIWHUWUHDWPHQWƩ(BZHUH calculat ed for bot h groups. The m ean values ( st andard deviat ions) of t oot h FRORUFKDQJHVIRUƩ(BZHUHLQWKHWHVWJURXSDQG LQWKHSODFHERJURXS7KHFRORUFKDQJHVIRUƩ(BVKRZHGPHDQYDOXHVRI LQWKHWHVWJURXSDQGLQWKHSODFHERJURXS)RUƩ(B DQGƩ(BVLJQL¿FDQWGLIIHUHQFHVZHUHIRXQGEHWZHHQWKHJURXSV&RQFOXVLRQ I n t his short - t erm st udy, t he result s show ed t hat a non- hydrogen peroxide EOHDFKLQJDJHQWKDVVLJQL¿FDQWZKLWHQLQJHIIHFWVLPPHGLDWHO\DQGKDIWHU a single- use t reat m ent .

Ke y w o r d s: Ef f icacy. Hy d r og en p er ox id e. Dou b le- b lin d st u d y. Toot h

bleaching. Side effect s. Mozhgan BIZHANG1

Julia DOMIN1

Gholamreza DANESH2

Stefan ZIMMER1


1Universität Witten/Herdecke, Department of Operative and Preventive Dentistry, Witten, Germany. 2Universität Witten/Herdecke, Department of Orthodontics, Witten, Germany.


I nt r oduct ion

Accor ding t o r epr esent at ive dat a fr om t he Unit ed

Ki n g d o m an d f r o m a st u d y w i t h Ch i n ese u r b an

populat ion, t he prevalence of t oot h discolorat ion in

13-65 year- olds is appr ox im at ely 50%3,27. Consequent ly,

t oot h whit ening is perhaps t he m ost frequent ly applied

aest het ic pr ocedur e in dent ist r y.

The et iology of t oot h discolorat ions is m ult i- causal

and can r esult fr om indiv idual behav ior, diseases,

i n j u r y a n d o t h e r e x p o su r e s a l o n g w i t h v a r i o u s

p h y siolog ical p r ocesses1. Pr of ession al clean in g of

discolor ed t eet h is a com m on pr ocedur e t o r em ove

t he m aj or it y of ex t r insic st rains. Var ious bleaching

t echniques and pr oduct s ar e used t o r em ove int r insic


and over- t he- count er bleaching pr oduct s.

Most bleaching pr oduct s use hydr ogen per ox ide

as act iv e ag en t . How ev er, b leach in g t r eat m en t s

w it h per ox ide m ay cause local adver se effect s such

as oral m ucosa ir r it at ion, pulpal sensit iv it y, pulpit is

or alt erat ion of t he enam el sur face14. On t he ot her

hand, bleaching is a r elat ively safe pr ocedur e t hat

pr edom inant ly causes sev er e adv er se effect s only

at high hy dr ogen per ox ide concent rat ions on har d

t issue, soft t issue and r est orat iv e m at er ials15. The


( SCCP)4 r epor t ed t h at t h e u se of t oot h w h it en in g

pr oduct s cont aining > 0.1 t o 6.0% hydr ogen per ox ide

or equivalent hydrogen peroxide- releasing subst ances

is safe aft er consult at ion w it h a dent ist .

On 3 1 Oct ober 2 0 1 2 , t h e EU Cou n cil Dir ect iv e

2011/ 84/ EU ( am ending EU Council Dir ect ive 76/ 768/


k it s m ay only cont ain up t o 0.1% hydr ogen per ox ide.

How ever, t his concent rat ion is t oo low t o have any

not iceable effect on t he color of t eet h.

Legally, pr oduct s t hat cont ain m or e t han 0. 1%

hydr ogen per ox ide can only be sold t o a dent ist24. I n

Januar y 2008, t he SCCP r ecom m ended 6% hydr ogen

per ox ide as a safe lim it t o use for hom e bleaching

if super v ised by a dent ist24. Toot h bleaching based

on non- per ox ide sy st em s ar e available as over- t

he-count er pr oduct s in t he for m of gels, r inses, gum s,

GHQWLIULFHV ZKLWHQLQJ VWULSV RU SDLQWRQ ¿OPV10,15,24. Auschill, et al.5 H[DPLQHG WKH HI¿FDF\ DQG side effect s of t hr ee differ ent bleaching t r eat m ent s:

Whit est r ips ( OTC pr oduct , 5.3% hydr ogen per ox ide) ,

Opalescence PF 10% ( hom e bleaching, 10% carbam ide

p er ox id e) an d Op alescen ce Xt r a Boost ( in - of f ice

b l e a ch i n g , 3 8 % h y d r o g e n p e r o x i d e ) . Th e si d e

effect s w er e r ever sible and t he t est pr oduct s had no

har m ful effect on t he t oot h sur faces. Addit ionally, t he

t reat m ent s were effect ive in rem oving int rinsic st ains4,

but given t he act ual legislat ion, such pr oduct s ar e no

longer allow ed t o be sold as OTC pr oduct s w it hout

super v ision of a dent ist . Var ious st udies invest igat ed

t he effect iveness, safet y and possible r ebound effect

of at - hom e and OTC agent s. The m ost com m on side

effect s aft er bleaching were dent al hypersensit ivit y and

gingival ir r it at ion180RUHRYHUWKHHI¿FDF\RISURGXFWV con t ain in g h y d r og en p er ox id e is g en er ally b ased

on cum ulat ive and r epeat ed t r eat m ent s; no inst ant


clinical st udies w er e found for non- per oxide bleaching

pr oduct s. Only one st udy ex am ined a non- per ox ide

at - hom e bleaching pr oduct based on sodium chlor ide

in vit r o and obser ved det er iorat ing effect s on dent al

enam el20.

A n ov el OTC b l each i n g ag en t b ased o n n o n

-peroxide gel was invest igat ed in t his st udy. I t cont ains

pht halim ido per ox y capr oic acid ( PAP) and calcium

lact at e gluconat e as act ive ingr edient s and has a high

pot ent ial of ox idat ion w it h r elease of act ive ox y gen.

The gel should be placed on a r eady- t o- use t ray. The

calcium - lact at e- gluconat e is an im plem ent ed com plex

t o r em ineralize and conser ve dent al har d t issue. A

com binat ion of bleaching and r em ineralizat ion agent s

ZDV HI¿FLHQW LQ UHGXFLQJ GHQWDO K\SHUVHQVLWLYLW\8,23. Thus, t he pur pose of t his random ized, double- blind,

an d p laceb o- con t r olled sh or t - t er m st u d y w as t o


OTC non- per ox ide bleaching agent aft er a single- use

applicat ion.

I n t his double- blind st udy, t he pr im ar y goal was

t o t est t h e h y p ot h esis t h at t h er e ar e sig n if ican t

differ ences in t oot h color unit s ( 1- 16 unit s) bet w een

a n ov el OTC n on - per ox ide bleach in g an d placebo

im m ediat ely aft er a single- use applicat ion r egar ding

t he effect iveness of bleaching. The secondar y goal

was t o det er m ine t he color change as w ell as t he side

effect s bet w een baseline and aft er 24 h plus bet w een


Mat er ial and Met hods

Et hical appr oval

Wr it t en infor m ed consent was obt ained fr om all

par t icipant s, and all pr ocedur es of t he st udy w er e

clearly explained in advance. The st udy was conduct ed

accor ding t o t he Declarat ion of Helsink i pr inciples for

m edical research involving hum an subj ect s. The st udy

was appr oved by t he et hical com m it t ee of Wit t en/

Her decke Univer sit y, Ger m any ( No. 26/ 2014) , w her e

t he full t r ial pr ot ocol can be accessed. The st udy has

t he follow ing Ger m an Clinical Tr ials Regist er num ber :

DRKS00007636, dat e: 7 Januar y 2015. The sam ple

size w as calcu lat ed u sin g G* Pow er ( v er sion 3 . 0 ;

ht t p: / / w w w. psy cho. uni- duesseldor f. de/ abt eilungen/

aap/ gpow er 3)12. The num ber of par t icipant s for t he

pr im ar y out com e was set at 20 per gr oup t o allow for

dr opout and t o ensur e an adequat e pow er of 80%

and an alpha er r or of 0 . 0 5 t o det ect a differ ence

of one- shade guide unit s and 0.5 unit s of st andar d

dev iat ion bet w een t he t w o gr oups w it h an effect size

of 1. Met hods w er e applied in accor dance w it h t he

appr oved guidelines.

St udy populat ion

For t y volunt eer s ( 15 m en and 25 w om en) w it h

a m ean age of 35.1± 14.5 year s par t icipat ed in t his


scr een in g ex am in at ion w h o w er e in t er est ed an d


exclusion cr it er ia w er e asked t o sign t he consent for m

and enrolled in t he st udy. The subj ect s received dent al

pr ophy lax is, t hen a single average shade scor e was

calculat ed for each individual. This st udy was a

double-blind random ized parallel st udy, and subj ect s w er e

random ly assigned t o one of t he t wo groups, balancing

for gender and baseline t oot h color. Random izat ion was

done w it h a sealed envelope sy st em by a per son w ho

was not involved in t he t r ial. The random izat ion was


and gender ( fem ale & average shade color darker t han

A3/ fem ale & average shade color br ight er t han A3/

m ale & average shade color dar ker t han A3/ m ale &

average shade color bright er t han A3) . The part icipant s

w er e given random ly generat ed t r eat m ent allocat ions

w it hin sealed opaque envelopes.

Test gr oup ( n= 20) : iWhit e I nst ant ( Sy lphar N.V.,

Deur le, Belgium ) w it h bleaching agent s;

Placebo gr oup ( n= 20) : iWhit e I nst ant ( Sy lphar

N. V., Deu r le, Belg iu m ) w it h ou t b leach in g ag en t s

( in gr edien t of t h e placebo agen t : aqu a, gly cer in ,

sor bit ol, pot assiu m acesu lf am e, ch on dr u s cr ispu s

p ow d er, h y d r at ed silica, ar om a, m et h y l p ar ab en ,

ant i- ox idant ) .

The ingr edient s of t he pr oduct s used in t his st udy

ar e list ed in Figur e 1. The pr oduct s had t he sam e

pack aging.

The key list t hat docum ent ed t o w hich gr oup t he

subj ect s belonged was kept by a t hir d per son and

was not r evealed t o t he clinical ex am iner unt il t he

st udy w as com plet ed. No par t icipant indicat ed t he

pr esence of a sy st em ic disease in his/ her m edical

h ist or y. An in t r aor al ex am in at ion con f ir m ed t h at

each par t icipant had an age bet w een 18- 65 year s, at

least 22 nat ural t eet h w it h no cur r ent car ies act iv it y,

gingivit is, periodont al disease, or ot her oral pat hology.

The fr ont t eet h should not be light er t han A2 and

w it hout defect ive enam el st r uct ur e or r est orat ions.

Exclusion cr it er ia w er e t he pr esence of any sy st em ic

d isease, p r eg n an cy or b r east f eed in g , t h e u se of


alcohol abuse, aller gic r eact ion t o any com ponent of

t he agent s, t he use of any bleaching agent s w it hin

t he last year and dent al hy per sensit iv it y. Subj ect s

w er e in st r u ct ed t o u se t h e sam e n on - w h it en in g

t oot h past e ( Sen sody n e Flu or ide, Glax oSm it h Klin e

Consum er Healt hcar e Gm bH & Co. KG, Ham bur g,

Germ any) and a soft t oot hbrush ( Sensodyne Precision;

GlaxoSm it hKline Consum er Healt hcar e Gm bH & Co.

KG; Ham bur g, Ger m any ) t hr oughout t he ex per im ent .

Whit ening pr oduct s and t he consum pt ion of cur r y,

coffee, black t ea or r ed w ine w er e st r ict ly for bidden

dur ing t he st udy.

Calibrat ion of t he exam iner

All exam inat ion procedures and subj ect inst ruct ions

were perform ed by t he sam e experienced clinician ( JD)

t o avoid int er ex am iner differ ences. Befor e t he st udy,

t he clinician was calibrat ed on 20 subj ect s t o ensur e

t he validit y of t he t oot h color m easurem ent s using t he

VI TA shade guide ( Vit a Zahnfabr ik , Bad Säck ingen,

Ger m any ) . Th e secon d t oot h color m easu r em en t s

w er e per for m ed aft er a t w o- w eek br eak. The st r engt h

of agr eem en t w as assessed by calcu lat in g Kappa


0.83; hence, t he st r engt h of agr eem ent can be rat ed


Exam inat ion


su ch as t oot h sen sit iv it y an d g in g iv al ir r it at ion )

w er e assessed at baseline ( E_0) , im m ediat ely aft er

t r eat m en t ( E_ 1 ) an d 2 4 h aft er t r eat m en t ( E _ 2 ) .

Toot h color was m easured using t he VI TA Lum in shade

guide ( Vit a Zahnfabr ik , Bad Säck ingen, Ger m any ) ,

w hich consist s of t he 16 m ost com m on t oot h color s

( 1- 16) . The exam iner assessed pat ient s’ condit ions by

deploy ing a blast of air t o t eet h isolat ed w it h cot t on

r olls, fr om a dist ance of 1 cm , for 1 s. The scale was

used as follow : 0 = absence of pain and 1 = pr esence

of pain ( sligh t , m oder at e an d sev er e sen sit iv it y ) .


r edness, edem a or epit helial ir r it at ion of soft t issues

was r ecor ded by t he ex am iner. The nex t param et er s

w er e self- r epor t s for t oot h sensit iv it y and gingival


in clu d ed p ain af t er t h e con su m p t ion of cold an d

hot beverage and/ or food r espect ively and gingival

irrit at ion involved any discom fort or gingival irrit at ion.

The scale r ecor ded as 0 = absence of pain and 1 =

pr esence of pain.

Tr eat m en t s w er e p er f or m ed accor d in g t o t h e

m an u fact u r er s’ in st r u ct ion s. Th e t est an d placebo

gels w er e placed on a r eady- t o- use t ray for six upper

and six low er ant er ior t eet h. The exam iner super vised

t he subj ect s t o ensur e cor r ect applicat ion. They w er e

not allow ed t o r em ove t he t ray s dur ing t he t r eat m ent

session but t hey w er e allow ed t o t alk . Aft er 20 m in,

t he t ray s w er e r em oved and discar ded. Teet h w er e

cleaned fr om r em nant s of t he gel. Ther eaft er, t he

t oot h color, t oot h hyper sensit ivit y and t he condit ion of


Gelée, CP GABA, Ham bur g, Ger m any ) was applied


was per for m ed aft er 24 h.

The individual color det erm inat ions were evaluat ed

by on e ex am in er u n der iden t ical con dit ion s u sin g

t he VI TA Lum in shade guide ( Vit a Zahnfabr ik , Bad

Säck ingen, Ger m any ) . The VI TA shade guide ser ved

as r efer ence t o t he clinical sit uat ion and consist s of

t he 16 m ost com m on t oot h color s sor t ed accor ding t o

shade5,18. The m iddle one- t hir d of t he facial sur face

of t he upper and low er ant er ior t eet h was m easur ed

t o select t he shade. A single average shade scor e of

Products Ingredients Function

Test gel $TXD Emulsion stabilizer

Hydrated Silica Abrasive

Glycerin Solvent

pthalimido peroxy capronacid (PAP) Bleaching agents

Sorbitol plasticizer

Chondrus crispus powder/Hydrated Silica Abrasive, thickener

PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil Emulsifying

Aroma Flavouring agent

Acrylates/Arcylamide Copolymer and Mineral Oil and Polysorbate 85

Stabilizes emulsions

Citric acid acid

Methyl Paraben Preservative

Calcium-lactate-gluconate remineralization

Xylitol Sweetener

Potasium Acesulfame Sweetener

Placebo gel $TXD Emulsion stabilizer

Glycerin Solvent

Sorbitol plasticizer

Potasium Acesulfame Sweetener

Chondrus crispus powder/Hydrated Silica Abrasive, thickener

Aroma Flavouring agent

Methyl Paraben Preservative

BHT Anti-oxidant, masking agent


upper and low er ant er ior t eet h w as calculat ed for

each indiv idual.

A clinical exam inat ion of t he oral and perioral region

was conduct ed t o r eveal any signs of adver se changes

t o t eet h or soft t issue aft er t r eat m ent , in addit ion t o


hy per sen sit iv it y an d or al ir r it at ion w er e t h e m ost

im por t ant issues. These r epr esent t he m ost com m on

adver se event s associat ed w it h v it al bleaching9. The

severit y and durat ion of adverse event s were recorded.

St at ist ical analysis

St at ist ical analy ses w er e per for m ed by st at ist ical

soft w ar e ( SPSS for Window s v er sion 2 0 , Super ior

Perform ing Soft ware Syst em s, Chicago, USA) . For each

gr oup, m ean t eet h color shade at differ ent t im es of

ex am inat ion was calculat ed w it h st andar d dev iat ion

an d 9 5 % con f id en ce in t er v als. Th e Kolm og or ov

-Sm ir nov t est show ed an inhom ogeneous dist r ibut ion

of t he dat a. We applied non- param et r ic t est s due t o

t he asym m et r ic dat a dist r ibut ion. The non- param et r ic

Man n - Wh it n ey U t est w as u sed f or an aly sis. Th e

VLJQL¿FDQFHOHYHOZDVVHWDWp< 0.05. The analy sis of

t he secondar y dat a was car r ied out in a descr ipt ive

m anner.

Result s

Fort y subj ect s bet ween 18 and 64 years part icipat ed

in t h is st u d y. Baselin e d em og r ap h ic an d clin ical

charact er ist ics for each gr oup ar e show n in Table 1.


i n co l o r w as f o u n d b et w een g r o u p s at b asel i n e

ex am inat ion. Aft er a single- use bleaching, t he t oot h


bet w een iWhit e and t he placebo im m ediat ely and 24

h aft er t r eat m ent ( Figur e 2) .

Th e m e a n ( ± s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n , a n d 9 5 %

FRQ¿GHQFHOHYHO&, t oot h color shade E_0 was 9.84 ( ± 1.93, 95% CI = 8.94- 10.74) unit for t he t est gr oup and 9.21 ( ± 1.11, 95% CI = 8.69- 9.73) unit for

Female Male Age VITA color scale

n % n % mean SD mean SD

iWhite Instant

12 60 13 65 34.76 13.54 9.837 1.928

Placebo 8 40 7 35 38.02 13.90 9.208 1.114

Table 1- Distribution of subjects by gender, age, and VITA color scale at baseline examination


Figure 3- Values of the tooth color of the bleaching product and the placebo for baseline examination, immediately and 24 h after EOHDFKLQJQVQRWVLJQL¿FDQWS

Figure 4- Distribution of shade improvement for the iWhite Instant between baseline and immediately after bleaching (a) per teeth (b) per


t he placebo gr oup. The m ean t oot h color shade E_1 was 7.58 ( ± 1.66, 95% CI = 6.80- 8.36) unit for t he t est gr oup and 9.22 ( ± 1.16, 95% CI = 8.68- 9.76) unit for t he placebo gr oup. The m ean of t oot h color shade E_2 was 7.79 ( ± 1.73, 95% CI = 6.78- 8.60) unit for t he t est gr oup and 9.31 ( ± 1.01, 95% CI = 8.84- 9.79) unit for t he placebo gr oup.

The t oot h color shade change for t he placebo group


( Fi g u r e 3 ) . Th e t e st g r o u p sh o w e d si g n i f i ca n t


I n t he t est group, 39% of t he exam ined t eet h had a

shade im pr ovem ent of four shade values im m ediat ely

aft er t r eat m ent , 17% had an im pr ovem ent of t hr ee

shades, and 3% had an im provem ent of seven shades.

Am ong t he ex am ined t eet h, 41% show ed no shade

value im pr ovem ent ( Figur e 4a) . When assessed per

indiv idual, 5% of t he t est gr oup show ed an average


im pr ovem ent of t hr ee shades, 50% an average of t w o

shades, and 15% an average of one shade ( Figure 4b) .

The exam iner obser ved t w o subj ect s ( im m ediat ely

aft er t r eat m ent ) and t hr ee ( 24 h aft er t r eat m ent )

w it h gingival ir r it at ion on soft t issue dur ing t he st udy

in t he t est gr oup. None of t he subj ect s had dent al

hy per sensit iv it y. Thr ee subj ect s in t he placebo gr oup

w er e diagnosed w it h hy per sensit iv it y and t hr ee w it h

gingival irrit at ion ( im m ediat ely aft er t reat m ent ) ( Table

2) .

Tw o subj ect s in t he t est gr oup r epor t ed gingival

ir r it at ion, one subj ect gingival edem a im m ediat ely

af t er t r eat m en t an d on e su b j ect r ep or t ed t oot h

hy per sensit iv it y im m ediat ely aft er t r eat m ent . These

adver se event s had disappear ed aft er 24 h ( Table

2 ) . I n t he placebo gr oup, t hr ee subj ect s r epor t ed

“ no com m ent ” inst ead of “ no gingival ir r it at ion” or

“ gingival ir r it at ion”.


Bleaching is an ox idat ive pr ocess t hat alt er s t he


The bleaching t r eat m ent is int ended t o be par t of a

com plet e dent al pr ocedur e. The dent ist ’s exam inat ion

is n ecessar y t o en su r e t h e cor r ect in dicat ion s for

bleach in g, an d h e/ sh e m on it or s t h e t r eat m en t t o

DYRLGVLJQL¿FDQWVLGHHIIHFWV19. A double- blind placebo-cont r olled clinical st udy was conduct ed t o evaluat e

init ial color im provem ent aft er a single- use applicat ion

of t he newly m arket ed non- peroxide bleaching syst em .

The r esult s of our st udy dem onst rat ed t hat t he

non-per ox ide bleaching sy st em is effect ive.

Ger lach and Zhou13 ( 2001) show ed t hat t he m or e

yellow t he t eet h at t he baseline t he bet t er t he out com e

of t h e t oot h bleach in g1 3. Th er efor e, t h e bleach in g

gr oups w er e balanced for baseline t oot h color and

age. The t est bleaching product s m ay pot ent ially cause

ir r ever sible dam age if used on a long- t er m basis; so

w e decided t o per for m a single- use applicat ion under

t he super v ision of a dent ist .

The t oot h color alt erat ions w er e assessed using Examiner iWhite Instant (E_1) iWhite Instant (E_2) Placebo (E_1) Placebo (E_2)

n % n % n % n %

No hypersensitivity 20 100 20 100 17 85 20 100

hypersensitivity 0 0 0 0 3 15 0 0

No gingival irritation 18 90 17 85 17 85 18 90

Gingival irritation 2 10 3 15 3 15 2 10

Self-report iWhite Instant (E_2) Placebo (E_2)

n (%) n (%)

No hypersensitivity 19 95 20 100

Hypersensitivity 1 5 0 0

No comment 0 0 0 0

No gingiva irritation 17 85 17 85

Gingiva irritation 3 15 0 0

No comment 0 0 3 15


a shade guide and t he v isual evaluat ion fr om one

ex am iner, w hich is in accor dance w it h ot her clinical

st udies6,22. Visual inspect ion is a clinical subj ect ive

m et hod17 WKHUHIRUH WKH .DSSD FRHI¿FLHQW YDOXH IRU int raexam iner reliabilit y was assessed before t he st art


evaluat ed t oot h color s25. I nt er fer ence by sur r ounding

light is a disadvant age for t he color det er m inat ion by

m eans of a shade guide. The color im pr ession of a


t he adsor pt ion of t he light on t he t oot h sur face. The

t oot h color was exam ined under st andardized light and


The inv est igat ed nov el bleaching agent ( iWhit e

I nst ant ) consist s of pht halim ido per ox y capr oic acid

( PAP) , an or ganic peracid cont aining a high pot ent ial

of ox idat ion. Ox idat ion is necessar y for t he bleaching

pr ocedur e as it neut ralizes or ganic double bonds t hat

cause dent al discolorat ions. But t he act iv it y of PAP is

not based on t he release of hydrogen peroxide11. Risks


ar e t oot h hy per sen sit iv it y an d gin gival ir r it at ion s.

These side effect s depend on t he concent rat ion of

t he bleaching agent and t he cont act bet w een t he

t ray and t he gingiva9. Ther efor e, a m ucosal ir r it at ion

or dent al hy per sensit iv it y m ay also occur aft er t he

u se of n on - per ox ide bleach in g agen t s. No den t al

h y p e r se n si t i v i t i e s a n d m u co sa l i r r i t a t i o n s w e r e

obser ved by t he ex am iner im m ediat ely and 24 h aft er

t he single use of t he new bleaching agent . Fluor ide

was applied aft er t he t reat m ent which m ay also have a

rem ineralizing effect on t he enam el7. But self- report ed

dent al hy per sensit iv it y and m ucosal ir r it at ion indicat e

t hat t hese side effect s have t o be ex am ined in

long-t er m slong-t udies.


a ct i v e b l e a ch i n g a g e n t a n d t h e p l a ce b o . To o t h

w hit ening using at - hom e OTC bleaching agent s has

already been exam ined in several st udies6,16,26 and was

show n t o be effect ive for w eak t oot h discolorat ions16.

I n t his st udy, 59% of all ex am ined t eet h bet w een

baselin e an d im m ediat ely af t er bleach in g sh ow ed

an im pr oved color shade in t he t est gr oup ( Figur e

5) . Never t heless, not all t eet h w er e hom ogenously

bleached depending on t he posit ion and indiv idual

charact er ist ics like discolorat ion pat t er n or anat om ic

st r uct ur e. The r eady- t o- use t ray m ay also be a r eason


The color st abilit y aft er bleaching has been lar gely


The bleaching effect is well known and depends not

only on t he bleaching m et hod but also on subj ect s’

food and lifest y le habit s21. We invest igat ed t he shor t

-t er m effec-t of -t he novel OTC non- per ox ide bleaching


w as obser ved w it hin 24 h aft er bleaching. Fur t her

st udies about t he effect iveness aft er 14 day s of t he

applicat ion and a long- t erm color st abilit y aft er m ont hs

ar e needed for t he non- hydr ogen per ox ide bleaching

agent .

The single use and t he shor t - t er m obser vat ion for

t he effect of color st abilit y w er e t he lim it at ions of t his

st udy, w hich, on t he ot her hand, w er e necessar y t o

assess t he init ial effect iveness of t he new bleaching

agent . The single applicat ion of t he novel pr oduct


for hydr ogen per ox ide pr oduct s.


Wit hin t he lim it at ions of t his st udy, t he r esult s

sh o w e d t h a t si n g l e - u se b l e a ch i n g co n t a i n i n g a

pht halim ido per ox y capr oic acid ( PAP) agent y ielded


placebo. These r esult s r em ained st able in t im e, e.g.

24 h aft er applicat ion.

Acknow ledgem ent s

We t hank all of t he part icipant s, w it hout w hom t his

st udy could not have been conduct ed. We t hank

Dipl.-Dolm Chr ist ina Wagner, Wit t en/ Her decke Univer sit y,

for pr oofr eading t he m anuscr ipt .


int erest s. The st udy was support ed by Sylphar ( Deurle,

Belgiu m ) . Th e com pany pr ov ided t h e f u n din g f or

m at erials and a com pensat ion for t he part icipant s. The

com pany was not involved in t he st udy design, t he

dat a collect ion and analy sis, t he decision t o publish,

or t he pr eparat ion of t he m anuscr ipt .

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Figure 1- Ingredients of the test and placebo bleaching gels
Table 1- Distribution of subjects by gender, age, and VITA color scale at baseline examination
Figure 3- Values of the tooth color of the bleaching product and the placebo for baseline examination, immediately and 24 h after  EOHDFKLQJQVQRWVLJQL¿FDQWS
Figure 5- Values of the color change for bleaching and placebo groups between baseline and immediately after bleaching, between  LPPHGLDWHO\DQGKDIWHUEOHDFKLQJDQGEHWZHHQEDVHOLQHDQGKDIWHUEOHDFKLQJQVQRWVLJQL¿FDQWS


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