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Resolução de Sistemas lineares


Academic year: 2021

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Resolução de Sistemas lineares

Métodos directos

Ficheiro gaussepp.m

gaussepp Metodo de eliminaçao de Gauss com escolha parcial escalonada [x,d]=gaussepp(A,b)

ou [x,d]=gaussepp(A,b,kt) Resolve o sistema Ax=b

x e´ a soluçao e d o vector com a ordem de pivotagem das linhas. Se kt existir e for igual a 1 aparece escrita a matriz aumentada, o vector escala, o vector d e a matriz transformada aumentada.


x=gaussepp([0.0002 1.471;0.2346 -1.317],[1.473; 1.029],1)

Ficheiro lufactsp.m

[L,U]=lufactsp(A) Calcula a decomposiçao LU de Crout de A sem escolha de pivot.

ou [L,U,x]=lufactsp(A,b,kt).

L e´ a matriz triangular inferior, U e´ a matriz triangular superior tal que L*U=A e

x e´ a soluçao que so´ e´ calculada se existir 3 parametros de saida. Se nao existir x so´ e´ necessario fornecer como parametro de entrada A. Conhecido L e U, para resolver Ay=c basta fazer aux=L\c e y=U\aux. O vector b deve ser coluna mas a funçao aceita tambem que seja linha. Se kt existir e for igual a 1 e, se existir o 3º parametro x, aparece no ecran a matriz L e a soluçao L-1*b e a matriz U e a soluçao final U-1*(L-1*b). EXEMPLO


Ficheiro lucroutcp.m

[L,U]=lucroutcp(A) Calcula a decomposiçao LU de Crout de A com escolha parcial

escalonada. .

ou [L,U,d,x]=lucroutcp(A,b,kt).

L e´ uma permutaçao da matriz triangular inferior, U e´ a matriz triangular

superior tal que L*U=A, d o vector com a ordem de pivotagem das linhas

(L(d,:) e´ uma matriz triangular inferior) e

x e´ a soluçao que so´ e´ calculada se existir 4 parametros de saida. Se nao existir x so´ e´ necessario fornecer como parametro de entrada A. Conhecido L e U, para resolver Ay=c basta fazer aux=L\c e y=U\aux. O vector b deve ser coluna mas a funçao aceita tambem que seja linha. Se kt existir e for igual a 1 e, se existir o 4º parametro x, aparece no ecran o vector escala, d, a matriz L e a soluçao y=L-1*b

e a matriz U e a soluçao final U-1*y.



Ficheiro lu.m ( função Matlab)

lu LU matrix factorization ( de doolitle)

Syntax [L,U] = lu(X) [L,U,P] = lu(X) lu(X) lu(X, thresh) Description

The lu function expresses a matrix X as the product of two essentially triangular matrices, one of them a permutation of a lower triangular matrix and the other an upper triangular matrix. The factorization is often called the LU, or sometimes the LR, factorization.

[L,U] = lu(X) returns an upper triangular matrix in U and a psychologically lower triangular matrix (i.e., a product of lower triangular and permutation matrices) in L, so that X = L*U.

[L,U,P] = lu(X) returns an upper triangular matrix in U, a lower triangular matrix in L, and a permutation matrix in P, so that L*U = P*X.

lu(X) returns the output from the LAPACK routine DGETRF or ZGETRF.

lu(X,thresh) controls pivoting for sparse matrices, where thresh is a pivot threshold in [0,1]. Pivoting occurs when the diagonal entry in a column has magnitude less than thresh times the magnitude of any sub-diagonal entry in that column. thresh = 0 forces diagonal pivoting. thresh = 1 is the default.


Most of the algorithms for computing LU factorization are variants of Gaussian elimination. The factorization is a key step in obtaining the inverse with inv and the determinant with det. It is also the basis for the linear equation solution or matrix division obtained with \ and /.


X Square matrix to be factored

thresh Pivot threshold for sparse matrices. Valid values are in [0,1]. The default is 1.

L A factor of X. Depending on the form of the function, L is either lower triangular, or else the product of a lower triangular matrix with a permutation matrix P.

U An upper triangular matrix that is a factor of X.


Examples Start with A = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0

To see the LU factorization, call lu with two output arguments: [L,U] = lu(A) L = 0.1429 1.0000 0 0.5714 0.5000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 U = 7.0000 8.0000 0.0000 0 0.8571 3.0000 0 0 4.5000

Notice that L is a permutation of a lower triangular matrix that has 1's on the permuted diagonal, and that U is upper triangular. To check that the factorization does its job, compute the product: L*U which returns the original A. Using three arguments on the left-hand side to get the permutation matrix as well

[L,U,P] = lu(A)

returns the same value of U, but L is reordered: L = 1.0000 0 0 0.1429 1.0000 0 0.5714 0.5000 1.0000 U = 7.0000 8.0000 0 0 0.8571 3.0000 0 0 4.5000 P = 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0

To verify that L*U is a permuted version of A, compute L*U and subtract it from P*A: P*A - L*U

. . .


Ficheiro chol.m (função Matlab) chol Cholesky factorization Syntax R = chol(X) [R,p] = chol(X) Description

The chol function uses only the diagonal and upper triangle of X. The lower triangular is assumed to be the (complex conjugate) transpose of the upper. That is, X is Hermitian. R = chol(X), where X is positive definite produces an upper triangular R so that R'*R = X. If X is not positive definite, an error message is printed.

[R,p] = chol(X), with two output arguments, never produces an error message. If X is positive definite, then p is 0 and R is the same as above. If X is not positive definite, then p is a positive integer and R is an upper triangular matrix of order q = p-1 so that R'*R = X(1:q,1:q).


The binomial coefficients arranged in a symmetric array create an interesting positive definite matrix. n = 5; X = pascal(n) X = 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 6 10 15 1 4 10 20 35 1 5 15 35 70

It is interesting because its Cholesky factor consists of the same coefficients, arranged in an upper triangular matrix.

R = chol(X) R = 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 3 6 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 1

Destroy the positive definiteness (and actually make the matrix singular) by subtracting 1 from the last element.

X(n,n) = X(n,n)-1 X = 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 6 10 15 1 4 10 20 35 1 5 15 35 69


Resolução de Sistemas lineares

Métodos Iterativos

Ficheiro jacobi.m

( Kharab modificado )

[x,k]=jacobi(A,b,x0,tol,itmax) Solve the system Ax=b using Jacobi iteration method.

ou [x,k,rerr,Y]=jacobi(A,b,x0,tol,itmax,kt)

Os dados sao a matriz n*n e o vector b n*1, o ponto inicial x0 (vector n*1) - a tolerancia tol (do criterio de paragem rerr=||xi-x(i-1)||/(||xi||+eps)<tol) a norma usada e´ a norma infinita)

e o numero maximo de iteraçoes itmax.

- Se existir kt e kt=1 e´ fornecida uma tabela com as iteraçoes.

Esta versao foi modificada do original (Kharab) vectorizando-a e para aceitar

parametros de saida.

Fornece a soluçao x, obtida em k iteraçoes, o rerr e a

tabela Y com todas as iteraçoes (coluna 1 = vector x0)e na ultima linha ||xi-x(i-1)||


[x,k]=jacobi([7 -2 1 0;1 -9 3 -1;2 0 10 1;1 -1 1 6],[17;13;15;10],[0;0;0;0],1.e-3,30,1)

Ficheiro seidel.m

( Kharab modificado )

iteration method.

ou [x,k,rerr,Y]=seidel(A,b,x0,tol,itmax,kt)

Os dados sao a matriz n*n e o vector b n*1, o ponto inicial x0 (vector n*1) - a tolerancia tol (do criterio de paragem rerr=||xi-x(i-1)||/(||xi||+eps)<tol) a norma usada e´ a norma infinita)

e o numero maximo de iteraçoes itmax.

- Se existir kt e kt=1 e´ fornecida uma tabela com as iteraçoes.

Esta versao foi modificada do original (Kharab) vectorizando-a e para aceitar

parametros de saida.

Fornece a soluçao x, obtida em k iteraçoes, o rerr e a

tabela Y com todas as iteraçoes (coluna 1 = vector x0)e na ultima linha ||xi-x(i-1)||



Ficheiro iter.m

[x,k]=iter(C,d,x0,tol,itmax) resolve o sistema x=Cx+d usando o metodo iterativo

ou [x,k,rerr,Y]=iter(C,d,x0,tol,itmax,kt)

Os dados sao a matriz C n*n e o vector d n*1, o ponto inicial x0 (vector n*1)

- a tolerancia tol (do criterio de paragem rerr=||xi-x(i-1)||/(||xi||+eps)<tol) a norma usada e´ a norma infinito)

e o numero maximo de iteraçoes itmax.

- Se existir kt e kt=1 e´ fornecida uma tabela com as iteraçoes. Fornece a soluçao x, obtida em k iteraçoes, o rerr e a

tabela Y com todas as iteraçoes (coluna 1 = vector x0) assim como ||xi-x(i-1)|| correspondente, na ultima linha



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