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J. Appl. Oral Sci. vol.25 número2


Academic year: 2018

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Submitted: Aug 22, 2016 0RGL¿FDWLRQ'HF Accepted: Dec 28, 2016

Effects of hyaluronic acid on bleeding

following third m olar extraction

Obj ect ive: To explore t he effect s of hyaluronic acid ( HA) on bleeding and associat ed out com es aft er t hird m olar ext ract ion. Met hods: Forty pat ient s who had undergone m olar extraction were random ly divided into two groups; 0.8% ( w/ v) HA was applied t o t he HA group ( n= 20) whereas a cont rol group ( n= 20) was not t reat ed. Salivary and gingival t issue fact or ( TF) levels, bleeding t im e, m axim um int erincisal opening ( MI O) , pain scored on a visual analog scale ( VAS) , and t he swelling ext ent were com pared bet ween t he t wo JURXSV5HVXOWV+$GLGQRWVLJQL¿FDQWO\DIIHFWJLQJLYDO7)OHYHOV6DOLYDU\7) OHYHOVLQFUHDVHGVLJQL¿FDQWO\ZHHNDIWHU+$DSSOLFDWLRQEXWQRWLQWKHFRQWURO JURXS1HLWKHUWKH9$6SDLQOHYHOQRU0,2GLIIHUHGVLJQL¿FDQWO\EHWZHHQWKH t wo groups. The swelling ext ent on day 3 and t he bleeding t im e were great er in t he HA group t han in t he cont rol group. Conclusions: Local inj ect ion of HA at 0.8% prolonged the bleeding tim e, and increased hem orrhage and swelling in t he early post operat ive period aft er t hird m olar ext ract ions.

Ke yw or ds: Hyaluronic acid. Bleeding. Ext ract ion. Gokhan GOCMEN1

Sertac AKTOP1 Burcin TÜZÜNER2 Bahar GOKER3 Aysen YARAT2




2Marmara University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Biochemistry, Istanbul, Turkey. 3Marmara University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Biochemistry, Istanbul, Turkey.

Corresponding address: Gokhan Gocmen Guzelbahce Buyukciftlik Sokak, No.6 - 34365



I nt roduct ion


effect during oral wound- healing, and is com m only applied aft er t oot h ext ract ion. Generally, previous st udies about t he subj ect have focused on t issue


I t has been hy pot hesized t hat HA of appr opr iat e consist ency increases cell m ot ilit y1,13.

Tissue fact or ( TF) is best known as t he prim ary cellular init iat or of blood coagulat ion. TF levels vary as t he need for hem ost at ic prot ect ion changes4,10. The


changes in t issue TF levels. The bleeding t im e m ay also be an obj ect ive m easure of HA act ivit y. Swelling, pain scor ed on a v isual analog scale ( VAS) , and


t he hem orrhage ext ent .


posit iv e ou t com es of HA t r eat m en t , m ay cau se r esear ch er s t o ov er look p ot en t ial sid e ef f ect s.


pr ocess, hem ost at ic effect s of HA should also be con sid er ed . Ou r h y p ot h esis w as t h at HA m ig h t m odulat e hem ost asis and bleeding. Addit ionally it s t herapeut ic effect and relat ionship wit h side effect s can also com prom ise it s use in surgical procedures. The purpose of this study was to m easure the ability of high- m olecular weight HA t o induce hem ost asis aft er m andibular t hird m olar ( M3) ext ract ion. The prim ary m easures were t he TF level and bleeding ext ent ; t he VAS pain score, MI O, and swelling ext ent served as secondary clinical m easures.

Mat erials and m et hods

Pat ient s and Met hods:

An a pr ior i pow er calculat ion indicat ed t hat a sam ple size of 18 pat ient s was required for each gr oup. This com parat ive, pr ospect ive random ized st udy included 40 pat ient s t reat ed in t he Depart m ent of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, at t he Facult y of Den t ist r y, Mar m ar a Un iv er sit y, I st an bu l, Tu r k ey. Approval was obt ained from t he appropriat e Et hics Com m it t ee ( approval no. 2011- 1) . Writ t en inform ed consent was obt ained from all pat ient s. Eligibilit y crit eria t o part icipat e in t he st udy required pat ient s t o h av e v er t ical h alf- im pact ed M3 w it h ou t bony


according t o t he guidelines of t he Am erican Societ y of Anest hesiology. Exclusion crit eria included t he use of


t he 2 weeks prior t o surgery, and/ or any pat hological or inflam m at or y condit ion in t he im pact ed t oot h area ( n: 65) . Addit ionally, aft er subm ission t o t he sur ger y, if t he ext ract ion was t raum at ic, pat ient s were excluded from t he st udy – i.e., t he t oot h m ay r equir e or under w ent separat ion, fract ur e dur ing ext ract ion, rem oval surrounding bony support or full


ext ract ion t im e ( t im e passed during local anest het ic adm inist rat ion and anest hesia onset were excluded, only ex t ract ion per iod w as account ed fr om st ar t t o end) t ook m ore t han 30 m inut es. Bot h groups con t ain ed elect iv e pat ien t s w h o h ad u n der gon e unilat eral m andibular M3 ext ract ion ( Figure 1) .

The prim ary predictor, HA application, was coded as a binary variable. Half of t he pat ient s were random ly assigned t o r eceive a local HA gel ( 0.8% [ w / v ] ; Gengigel, Ricerfarm a, I t aly) following t oot h rem oval ( n= 20)5,6. A 0.2 m l HA gel was applied im m ediat ely aft er M3 rem oval t o t he edge of t he ext ract ion socket . The cont rol group was not t reat ed.

Before each surgical procedure, MI O was recorded ( in m m ) and the m outh was rinsed with distilled water. Saliva sam ples ( 2 m L) were collect ed by spit t ing int o a funnel while in t he rest ing posit ion. Teet h were rem oved under local anest hesia ( 2% [ w/ v] art icaine HCl wit h 1: 100,000 [ v/ v] epinephrine HCl; Ult racaine D- S Fort e; Avent is, Bridgewat er, NJ, USA) . Tissue sam ples approxim ately 1 m m3 in volum e were collected im m ediately after extraction ( T0) from the edge of the buccal wound. Wound closures were m ade wit h 3.0 silk sut ures. Bleeding t im e( s) aft er wound closure was not ed. Saliva sam ples ( 2 m L) were collect ed again exactly 1 h (T1) following extraction. Bleeding tim e and TF levels ( salivary and gingival) served as t he prim ary outcom e variables. Postoperatively, am oxicillin ( 1,000 m g every 12 h for 1 week) and ibuprofen ( 400 m g every 6 h for 48 h) were prescribed for all pat ient s. No st eroid was prescribed for any pat ient . All pat ient s were inst ruct ed t o rinse t heir m out hs t wice daily wit h 0.2% ( w/ v) chlorhexidine.


( t hus from t he m ost inferior region of t he t ragus t o t he oral com m issure, and t o t he soft t issue m argin, respect ively) on t he operat ed side were not ed11. VAS pain scores were recorded 1 h, and 3 and 7 days, aft er surgery. At 1 week ( T2) , t he m out h was rinsed wit h dist illed wat er and 2- m L saliva sam ples collect ed once m ore as described above. The sut ured regions were locally anesthetized and tissue sam ples were obtained from sit es very close t o t he init ial sam pling sit es.


of t est s. On t he day of TF m easurem ent s, t hawed t issue sam ples were washed wit h saline, all veins and


paper, and wet weight s recorded. The t issue sam ples were t hen hom ogenized in saline and TF act ivit ies in t he hom ogenat es, and saliva sam ples m easured using Quick’s one- st age m et hod em ploying pooled plasm a from healt hy part icipant s. Each TF act ivit y m easurem ent was perform ed by m ixing 0.1 m L of tissue hom ogenate or saliva with 0.1 m L 0.02 M CaCl2, and t he clot t ing react ion st art ed by t he addit ion of 0.1 m L of plasm a9. All reagent s were brought t o t he reaction tem perature (37° C) prior to adm ixture. As the clotting tim e is inversely proportional to the TF activity

level, lengt hening of clot t ing t im e is a m anifest at ion of reduced TF act ivit y.

All st at ist ical analysis was perform ed using t he SPSS for Window s soft w ar e pack age ( v er. 1 2 . 0 ; SPSS I nc., Chicago, I L, USA) . Descript ive st at ist ics w er e com put ed for all var iables. The t - t est , and Mann-Whit ney U t est were used t o assess differences bet ween t he HA and cont rol groups. A p value < 0.05


Result s

The m ean pat ient age was 24.8 years ( range: 18- 35 years) . Com parison of t he gingival TF bet ween


differ ence w it h TF w hen com par ed t o t he cont r ol group’s m ean values.

I n t he cont rol group, t here was no st at ist ically


week in HA group in One-Way ANOVA for Repeat ed Measurem ent t est ( p< 0,05) . I n t his group, binary


Difference) t est . I n which, m ean of T2 was less t hen


bot h T0 and T1. LSD t est show ed no significant difference bet ween T0 and T1 ( Table 2) .

The m ean ± SD of bleeding t im e in HA group


group. Bleeding t im e was longer in HA group t han

in t he cont rol group. ( 7.17± 1.36 versus 5.64± 1.46 m inut es, p< 0.05 ) . Com parison of pre- op, 1 hour, 3rd day and 7t h day MI O and VAS were not st at ist ically si g n i f i ca n t b et w een g r o u p s. Sw el l i n g w a s n o t


TF Control


H.A. Group

Mean ± SD Mean ± SD

Pre-op 102.15±31 89.80±24.88

Post-op (1 week) 63.10±16.2 54.15±14.03


Median í í *p

(Min ; Max) í í

0.758 +: t test

*: Mann-Whitney U test

Table 1- Comparison of gingival Tissue Factor (TF) between control and hyaluronic acid groups

TF Control


H.A. Group

Mean ± SD Mean ± SD

Pre-op 87.1±26.5 122.3±48 Post-op (1 hour) 97.55±37.48 114.20±31.48 Post-op (1 week) 84.8±29.2 68.6±22.98

+p 0.081

(Pre-op vs Post-op 1 hour) *p

Median í í 0.001

(Min ; Max) (-40.96 ; 59.72) í

(Pre-op vs Post-op 1 week)

Median í í 0.002

(Min ; Max) í í

+: Repeated measures ANOVA *: Mann-Whitney U test

Table 2- Comparison of salivary Tissue Factor (TF) between control and hyaluronic acid groups

MIO Swelling VAS

Mean ± (SD) Mean ± (SD) Mean± (SD)

HA Control p HA Control

HA Group


Control Group


p Group (mm) Group (mm) Group Group p

O.T M.T. O.T. M.T. O.T. M.T.

Pre-op 39.4

±(2.3) ±(2.2)40.1 ! ±(3.32)104.36 ±(4.6)140.4 105.2±(3.4) 140.18±(4.3) ! ! 0 0 1 hour 39.2

±(2.5) ±(2.3)39.4 ! ±(3.76)105.8 ±(4.1)142.2 106.23±(2.8) ±(3.8)140.7 ! ! ±(0.4)1.2 ±(0.5)1.4 ! 3th day 35.6

±(1.6) ±(1.8)34.82 ! ±(2.66)113 ±(2.48)148.3 ±(2.1)110 ±(2.6)144.6 ±(1.6)4.3 ±(1.2)4.5 ! 7th day 38.6

±(2.2) ±(2.5)37.8 ! ±(2.8)106.5 141.48±(4.4) ±(3.8)107.8 ±(3.2)141.2 ! ! ±(1.4)3.1 ±(1.83)3.4 !


m easurem ent s( p< 0.05) . However 3rd day out com es of orot ragus and m ent ot ragus m easurem ent s showed m ore swelling in t he HA group ( p< 0.05) ( Table 3) .


We explored whet her HA affect ed hem ost asis aft er M3 ext ract ion. We used t he TF level and bleeding t im e as prim ary out com es and VAS- m easured pain, MI O, and swelling as secondary out com es. To t he best of our knowledge, the effect of high- m olecular weight HA on hem ost asis aft er M3 ext ract ion has not previously been exam ined.

HA inhibit s plat elet aggr egat ion and adhesion and, at high concent rat ions, prolongs bleeding t im es. As HA exert s ant it hrom bot ic effect s, t he m at erial is used t o coat endovascular devices15. HA plays t wo very im port ant roles during wound- healing. First , it creat es a t em porary st ruct ure during t he early st ages of healing. Second, and m ost im port ant ly, it t riggers cell proliferat ion and m igrat ion14. Therefore, HA is oft en used t o aid oral wound- healing and increases

OHXNRF\WH GLDSHGHVLV DQG ¿EUREODVW SUROLIHUDWLRQ12. How ev er, alt h ou gh HA aids w ou n d- h ealin g, t h is m ay be associat ed w it h in cr eased bleedin g ( an ant it hrom bot ic effect )2,15. We m easured t he TF levels, t he blood coagulat ion cascade init iat or, t o explore t he relat ionship bet ween HA applicat ion and bleeding.

TF is oft en overexpressed aft er wounding, t raum a, or surgery. TF- induced hypercoagulabilit y encourages wound- healing3. However, we found t hat HA did not increase gingival TF act ivit y. The salivary TF level


cont rols at 1 week aft er operat ion, when we expect ed a reduct ion. This m ay be associat ed wit h prolongat ion of bleeding in t he HA group. HA increased salivary but not gingival TF levels, perhaps because physiological changes in t he salivary glands and gingiva differ.

HA is a nat ural com ponent of t he ext racellular m at r ix , enabling a st r uct ural fram ew or k , helping hydrat ion, and t hus cr eat ing a non- im m unogenic environm ent t hat assist s regenerat ion6. HA m ight


wound- healing and t hus having clinical applicat ions. Koray, et al.8 ( 2014) report ed less pain and a reduced MI O aft er M3 ext ract ion in pat ient s t reat ed wit h HA. Hanci and Alt un7 ( 2015) report ed post- t onsillect om y pain relief and increased w ound- healing upon HA ap p licat ion . HA also con t r olled g ast r oin t est in al

bleeding aft er failed endoscopic t herapy9. I n our st udy, we m easured early clinical out com es and t he ext ent of bleeding im m ediat ely aft er ext ract ion. HA usage was associat ed wit h m ore swelling and m ore prolonged bleeding. However, t he bleeding effect was short- t erm ( 2 or 3 days) ; out com es becam e sim ilar lat er in bot h groups.


Local injection of HA at 0.8% prolonged the bleeding t im e, increased hem orrhage and swelling in t he early post operat ive period aft er M3 ext ract ions. However, hem ost asis and hem orrhage t o induce wound healing ar e com plex m ech an ism s an d inv olv e n u m er ou s param eters. Further work on other coagulation factors, m easuring other clotting param eters in m ore patients, is required.


1- Aya KL, Stern R. Hyaluronan in wound healing: rediscovering a m ajor player. Wound Repair Regen. 2014; 22( 5) : 579- 93.

2- Basora JF, Fernandez R, Gonzalez M, Adorno J. A case of diffuse


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3- Chen J, Kasper M, Heck T, Nakagawa K, Hum pert PM, Bai L, et al. Tissue fact or as a link bet ween wounding and t issue repair. Diabet es. 2005; 54( 7) : 2143- 54.

4- Em ekli-Alt urfan E, Kasikci E, Alt urfan AA, Pisiriciler R, Yarat A. Effect of sam ple st orage on st abilit y of salivary glut at hione, lipid peroxidat ion levels, and t issue fact or act ivity. J Clin Lab Anal. 2009; 23( 2) : 93- 8. 5- Gocm en G, Gonul O, Okt ay NS, Yarat A, Goker K. The ant ioxidant


ext ract ion. J Craniom axillofac Surg. 2015; 43( 7) : 1033- 7.

6- Gontiya G, Galgali SR. Effect of hyaluronan on periodontitis: a clinical and hist ological st udy. J I ndian Soc Periodont ol. 2012; 16( 2) : 184- 92. 7- Hanci D, Altun H. Effectiveness of hyaluronic acid in post-tonsillectomy pain relief and wound healing: a prospect ive, double- blind, cont rolled clinical st udy. I nt J Pediat r Ot orhinolaryngol. 2015; 79( 9) : 1388- 92.


surgical ext ract ion of im pact ed m andibular t hird m olars. I nt J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014; 43( 11) : 1399- 403.

9- Lee JW, Kim HH. Hyaluronic acid solut ion inj ect ion for upper and lower gast roint est inal bleeding aft er failed convent ional endoscopic t herapy. Dig Endosc. 2014; 26( 2) : 285- 90.

10- Mackm an N. Role of t issue fact or in hem ost asis, t hrom bosis, and vascular developm ent. Arterioscler Throm b Vasc Biol. 2004; 24(6): 1015-22.


12- Mesa FL, Aneiros J, Cabrera A, Bravo M, Caballero T, Revelles F, et al. Ant iproliferat ive effect of t opic hyaluronic acid gel. St udy in gingival biopsies of patients with periodontal disease. Histol Histopathol. 2002; 17( 3) : 747- 53.

13- Neum an MG, Nanau RM, Oruna-Sanchez L, Coto G. Hyaluronic acid and wound healing. J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2015; 18( 1) : 53- 60.

14- Tam m i MI , Day AJ, Turley EA. Hyaluronan and hom eost asis: a balancing act . J Biol Chem . 2002; 277( 7) : 4581- 4.


Table 3- Comparison of VAS, MIO and swelling between control and hyaluronic acid groups


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