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Campanian-Maastrichtian of Taveiro (Coimbra, West central Portugal)


Academic year: 2019

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Cie ncias da Terra (UN L) Lisboa N° 15 pp.71-76 20 03 I Fig.,I PI.

Notes on the Cretaceous invertebrate faunas of Portugal I:


new species of

A nadrom us

(Mollusca, Gastropoda) from the

Campanian-Maastrichtian of Taveiro

(Coimbra, West central Portugal)

Pedro Callapez

Departamento deCienc lasdaTerra.UniversidadedeCoimbra.3()()()"2 72 Coimbra. Portugal. callapeZ@ci .uc.pl.


Key-words:Anadromus;Gastropoda; Campanian-Maastrichtian;Cretaceous;Taveiro;Portugal.

Anew specieso f terrestrialgas tropod« Anadromus penaisp. nov.(Fam. Anadromidae) - is described from a set of composite moulds collected in reddish silts and cl ays of Campanian-Maastrichtian age . found in the lower pan o f the Tave iro Formation

(Taveiro,Coimbra,\Vest Central Portugal). The known occurrencesof thisnew species are restricted to the type locality. The main

differences from other contemporaneous Anadromidae arc the profuse spiral sculpture of thebody-whorl, with 20·22 sub-equal,

close, and regular ribs.


Pal avras-ch av e:A nadromus;Gastropoda; Campaniano-Maastrichtiano;Cretacico;Taveiro; Portugal.



descricaosistematicade uma novaespeciede gastr6pode terrestre<Anadromuspella;sp. nov. (Fam.Anadrorn idae),

a partirdemoldcsrecolhidos emniveis silto-argilosos ve rmelhos,de idadecarnpaniana-maastrichtiana,pertenccntes


parte inferior

daFormacaodas Areiase Argilas de Taveiro(Tavei ro.Coimbra). Arepa rticao des tanovaespeciecinge-se por ora illocalidade tipo.

Difere significativamente dasrestantes especiesdeAnadromusportuguesas,dadaa suaornamentaeacmuitocaracteristica: cercade

20-22cordoesespiraisapertados,regulares esubiguais,dispostos ao lange da volta do corpo.


The occurrence of fossil faunas wit h abund ant and well-preserved shells of terrestrial gastropods is always scarce and of exceptional interest, when Palaeogene, upper Cre taceou s or older contin ental units are co ncerned. Th e most remarkable examples known in Portugal have been sampled from volcano -sedi mentary tufts interbedded with basaltic flows of the Volcanic Complex of Lisbon (Cotter, 190 1; Rom an, 19 17; Choffat, 1950; Zbyszewsk i&Jesus, 1954; Zbyszcwski, 1963). These rich and nicely-preserved fa u nas ar e a rem a rkab le evide nc e o f th e prim itive Sty lommatoph ora that inhabi ted the eme rged lands of Western Europe, duri ng Late Mesozoic times.

An additional assemblage ofland snails with exceptional sp eci me ns, a na logous to the faunas o f th e Volcan ic

Complex o f Lisbo n, was foun d some years ago, on the upper part of the promontory of Nazar e (litto ral of West Ce ntral Portu gal). This ass emblage was sa mpled from conglomerates and red clays of Campanian-Maastrichtian age (S itio da Nazare Formation , Antu nes, 1979), and is currently in co urse of study.

Also recentl y, P. Callapez (2002) described a new fauna of sma ll fres hw at er gas tro pods fro m the Late Palaeoce ne-Early Eoce ne of the Silveirinha Forma tion (FigueiradaFoz), bu t with a taxonomic structure rather diffe rent from the assemblages mentioned above.


Ciencias da Terra (UN L). 15

with the genusAnadromushave also been record ed from contin ental sediments exposed in thc regions of Aveiro--Viso (Choffat, 1900, 1902) and Baixo Mondcgo (Antunes & Pais 1978). As a rule, these records are limited to poorly pres er ved and distorted int ern a l mo uld s o f difficult classification. Nevertheless, the stratigraphic range of these mou lds wa s used for several times as a comp lement to the vertebrate and palaeobo tanic data, suggesting a Late Campanian or Maastrichti an age.

The present pape r intends to confirm the occurrence

o fAnadromusin the region of Baixo Mondego, after the

description of a new species found in siliciclastic sediments o f the clay-pi ts of Taveiro, near Co imbra. Th e type specimens are a set o f composite moulds already mentioned as"Bulimus ga udryi"by M. Antunes& J. Pais (1978).

Geo logic sett ing

The Late Cretaceous sedimentary record of the Baixo Mondego rcgion cnd s with a succession of cont inental yellow sandstones and reddish clays, usually designated as Taveiro Format ion (=Areias eArgilas de Taveiro, Rocha

et al.,1981; Soareset al., 1982; Reis, 198 1) (fig. I) . With

a maximum thickness of nearly 200 meters, this succession rests unconforma bly on upper Cretaceo us alluvial and ma ri ne sa nds to nes (O i. Fo r ma tio n an d Furad ouro Formation, Barbosaet aI.,1988), as we ll on Cenomanian a nd Turon ia n p la tform ca rb o nates (Costa d ' A mes Formation, Rochaet al., 1981; = Carbonate Formation , Soares, 1966, 1980).

T he Tavei ro Formation has bcen thc bulk of numerous studies on palaeontology, with emphasis in the description o f abundant faunas of fossil vertebrates (Antunes, 1979; Antunes & Pais, 1978; Antuneset al., 1986; Ant unes& Brain , 1988). The stratigraphic setting and the obvious imp o rt a nce of th e un it in th c La te C re tace o us paleogeograph ic evolution of the West Portuguese Margin, north wards the Nazare-Leiria-Pombal fault system, were also analysed by A. Soares ( 1966), M. Ant unes& J. Pais (197 8), A. Soares& R. Reis ( 1980), R. Rcis ( 1981, 1998, 200 0), R. Reis& R. Meyer ( 198 2), P. Cunha ( 1992 ), and

P. Cunha& R. Reis ( 1992, 1995). The last of thcse studies pointed to the existence of a large alluvial plain, with a meandering system oriented northwcstwards and controlled by tectonic reactivat ions and uplifts along the " Nazare fault" and related diapiric axis.

The internal moulds ofAnadromuswere found in the lower part of the Taveiro Formation, in layers of reddish carbonated silts and clays exposed bellow a conglomeratic bed with vertebrate bones (Antunes & Pais 1978). The alluvia l pla in palaeoenvironm ents su bja cent to the se sediments are congrue nt with the ceologic requirements presumed to Anad romidae: a family of archaic land snails, with species adap ted to the life in emerged areas situated near the proximity of freshwater environments.

Systematic pa laeontology

Th e nex t sys te matic descr iption foll ows A. Zilc h ( 1959-60), with reformulations on supra-family classification after S. Tillier ( 198 9).

Phylum MOLLU SCA Linne, 1758 Class GAS T RO PODA Cuvier, 1797 Subclass PULMONATA Cuvier, 1817

Order STYLOMMATO PHORA Schmidt, 1856

Su border BRA CHY NEPHRA Tillier, 1989 Su perfamily Clausiliodea Morch, 1864 Family Anadromidae Zilch, 1959 Genus AnadromusSandb erger, 1870

[Type species:Anadromusproboscideus(Matheron, 1832)]

Anadromu s p enaisp.nov,

(Plate I, figs. Ia-b, 2a-c, 3a-b)

Type ma terial: Four composite moulds with ornamenta-tion and spires part ly preserved .

Ty pe locali ty: The type specimens were collected in the slopes ofa clay-pit exploited near the village of Taveiro, in the southern suburbs ofCo imbra (West Central Portugal).

Figure I - Simplified mapof BaixoMondego with indication of

the Campanian -Maastrichtian clays and sandstones of Taveiro

Formation, as we ll the type locality forAnadromusp en al .


Upf".'l· Trinssic _ Cretaceous(T an 'i1-ot"omllllion)

@J.Iurn ssic D Ct nolOic

D C rl'IUcl"OUS (A p li :m ' C Hm p:m illn un its ) 2.Skm

Repository of speci mens: The type specimens are housed in the collections of palaeontology of the Earth Sciences Department of the New University ofLisbon (Departamento de Ciencias da Terra da Universidade Nova de Lisboa). Etymology: The specific name is an homage to Prof. R. Pena dos Reis, author of significant contributions on the stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic formatio ns of West Central Portugal.

Diagnosis: Medium sized shell, globose, ovoid, with a large and convex body-whorl and a short spire reduced to 31/2-4 curved whorls. Aperture large, inversely auriculate. Sculpture dominated by a pattern of'numerous and delicate spiral ribs, close and sub-equal.


Di scu ssion : Both the hol ot yp e an d the paratyp es arc composite moulds w ith the sculpture partl y pre served. The es timated number o f spira l ribs foun d in the body wh orl of the holotype is of 22 . The sa me style of ribbin g is also perceptible in the 3 figured pa ratypes.

The scu lp ture of th es e speci me ns seems to be cons ide rab ly distinc t, if compared with the rem a in ing spec ies ofA na dro midae already known in the Campanian-M aa st richtian o f Portug al. T he fir st o f th es e spec ies ,

Anadro musribeiroi(Toumoucr, 1879) , is we ll-known after

a large numb er o f she lls assemb led from the volc anic tuft s o f Lisbon , s ince the seco nd hal f of the X IX century. In w ha t referstoA . penaithe shells have a simpler scu lp tu re, reduced to axia l growth-lines .

In 19 02, P. C hoffat described a seco nd sp ec ies of Anadromidae, aft er a se t o f internal mou lds collected in

R eferences

Ciincias da Terra (UNL), 15

the Ca mpa nian-Ma astrichtian of Beira Lit or al , near the loca lity of Santo-Andre, Vago s. Th is spec ies -A. gaudryi

(C hoffat, 1902) - was a lso identified in the suburbs of Avei ro (cl ay- p its o f Ce ra m ica Vou ga fact ory) , a nd co nnoted with the moulds o f Taveiro (A ntunes &Brain, 1988). Howev er, the si ntypes figured by P. Cho ffa t have a more elon gat ed form and are devoid o f radi al sc ulptu re .

Ac k nowledg ements

O ur thank s go to Pro f. M. Te lles Antunes, who kindly placed to o ur d isp osal the typ e spec ime ns to study, and to Dr. R. Albuquerque de M atos for the critica l review o f the manuscript.

Antunes. M. (1979) - Ensaio de sintcse critica acerca do Crcta cicoterminal e do Paleocenico de Portugal.Cienciasdo Terr a.

Lisboa, 5: 145-174.

Antunes, M.&Broin, F. (1988) - Le Cretace Terminal de Beira Literal, Portugal: remarques stratigraphiques et ecologiques, etude cornplernentaire deRosasia soutoi(Chelanii,Bothremydidae).Cienclas da Terra,Lisboa, 9: 153-200.

Antunes, M.&Pais,J.( 1978) - Notas sabre as depositos de Taveiro: estratigrafia, paleontologia, idade, paleoecologia.Cienc las da

Terra ,Lisboa, 4: 109-128.

Antunes, M.; Sigogneau-Russel, D.&Russel, D. ( 1986) - Sur quelques dents de Mammiferes du Cretace superieur de Taveiro, Portugal (Note preliminaire),C.R. Aca d. Sci . Paris,303 (2): 1247-1250.

Barbosa, B.; Soares, A.; Rocha, R.; Manupella, G & Henriques, M. ( 1988) - Carta Geologica de Portugal na escala 1/50.000. Noticia explicative da folha 19 A - Cantanhede.Servifos Geologicos de Portugal,Lisboa, 46 p.

Callapez, P. (2002) - Upper Palaeocene-Early Eocene mollusks ofSilveirinha (Figueira da Foz, West Central Portugal).Ciiincias do

Terra.Lisboa, 15 (in publ.).

ChotTat, P. ( 1900) - Rccueil de rnonographies stratigraphiques sur Ie Systerne Cretacique du Portugal - Deuxierneetude - Lc Cretace

superieur au Nord du Tage.Direction desSe rvices Geo log ioues duPortugal,Lisbonne, 287 p.

ChotTat, P. ( 1950) - Geologie du Cenozoique du Portugal.Comun. Servo Geol. Portugal ,Lisboa, 30 (appendix): 182 p.

Cotter,J. (1901) - Sur les mollusques terrestres de la nappe basaltique de Lisbonne.CO IIUIII.Dir. Geol. Portugal,4: 127-146.

Cunha, P. ( 1992) - Estratigrafia e sedimentologiedos depositos doCretacicoSuperioreTerciariode Portuga l Central. alestede

Coimbra ,Unpubl. PhD Thesis, University of Coimbra, 262 p.

Cunha, P.&Reis, R. (1992) - Sintesc da evolucao geodinarnica c paleogeografica do sector norte da Bacia Lusitanica, durante a

Cretac icoe Terciario.Aetas l/lCongreso GeologicodeEspanay VlfCong resoLatinoamertcanode Geologia,1: 107-112.

Cunha, P.&Reis, R. (1995) - Cretaceoussedimentary and tectonic evolution of the northern sector ofthe Lusitanian Basin (Portugal).

Cretaceous Research,16: 155-170.

Re is,R.(1981) - La sedimentation continentaledu Creta ce terminal auMiocenesur la Bordure OccidentaleduPortugal. entre

Cai mbro et Leiria .Unpubl. PhD Thesis. University of Nancy I, Nancy, 153 p.

Reis, R. ( 1998) - Late Cretaceous sedimentation and controls in Nazare region (W. Portugal).Geologos,2: 11 7-120.

Reis, R. (2000) - Depositional systems and sequences in a geological setting displaying variable sedimentary geometries and

controls: Exampleof theLateCretaceous Lusitanian Basin (central Portugal).Comun. Inst ,Geol .Mlneiro,Lisboa, 87: 63-76.

Reis, R. & Meyer, R. (1982) - Sedimentation continentale du Cretacetermina lau Miocene dans Ie Bassin de Coimbra-Leiria

(Portugal). Actions tectoniques et climatiques (silicifications).C.R. A cad . Sci. Paris,294 (2): 741-744.


Ciencias da Terra ( UNLJ,15

Roman,F.( 1917) - Nouvelles observations sur les faunes continentales tertiares et quaternaires de la bassevalleedu Tage.Comlin.

Com , Serv. Geol. Portugal,Lisboa, 12: 70-10I.

Soare s, A. ( 1966) - Estud o das forrnacoes pos-jurass icas das regiOes de entre Sargent o-M or e Montemor-o- Velho (margem direit a

do Rio Mondego).Memorias No ticias, Coimbra, 62, 343 p.

Soare s, A. ( 1972) - Co ntribuicao para0 estudo do Cretacico em Portugal ( 0 Cretacico superior da Costa de Ames).Memorias

Notlcias,Coimbra, 74: I-56 .

Soare s,A.(19 80) - A «Formacao Ca rbona tada» na regiao do Baixo- Mondego .Comun.ServoGeol. Portugal,Lisboa , 66 : 99-109 .

Soa res , A.& Reis, R. (1980) - Consideracoes sobre as unidades litostratigraficas pos-j urassicas na regiao do Baixo Mondego.Livro

deHomenagemaOrlandoRibeiro,Lisboa, 1 8 3~ 20 2 .

Soa res,A.; Barbosa, B. & Reis, R. ( 1982) - Esbocode enquadramentocronostratigraficodas unidades liticaspos-jurassicasda Orla

Meso-C enozo icaOcidental entre os paralelos de Pombal eAveiro. MemoriasNoticias,Coi rnbra,93: 77-91.

Tillier, S. (19 89) - Comparative morphology, phylogeny and classific ation of land snails and s lugs (Ga stropoda: Pulmonata:

Stylommalophora).Mal acol ogia,30: 1-303.

Zby szewski, G ( 1962) - Carta geol ogica dos arredores de Lisboa na escala 1/50.000. Notlci a explicativa da folha 4 - Lisboa.

Sesvicos Geologicosde Portugal,Lisboa , 93 p.

Zby szewski,G & Jesus, A. (1954) - Contribution a 13 connaissance du Complexe Basaltique des environs de Lisbonne.Compo

Rend.JgemeSessionCongr: Geol. International, 17: 213-221.

Z ilch, A. (1959-60) - Gastropoda ,vot.2 -Euthyneura .Gebrtlder Born traeger ed., Berlin, 834 p.

Pl ate I


Ciencias da Terra ( UNL). 15


Figure I - Simplified map of Baixo Mondego with indication of the Campanian -Maastrichtian clays and sandstones of Taveiro Formation, as we ll the type locality for Anadromus p en al .


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