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Braz. J. Chem. Eng. vol.33 número1


Academic year: 2018

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ISSN 0104-6632 Printed in Brazil


Vol. 33, No. 01, pp. 133 - 143, January - March, 2016 dx.doi.org/10.1590/0104-6632.20160331s00002780

Brazilian Journal

of Chemical





F. Delatore


, L. F. Novazzi


, F. Leonardi


and J. J. da Cruz

4 1

Department of Electrical Engineering, FEI University, Av. Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco 3972, Zip Code: 09850-901, Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil.

Phone: +55 11 43532900 E-mail: fdelatore@fei.edu.br 2

Department of Mechanical Engineering, FEI University, Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil. 3

Department of Chemical Engineering, FEI University, Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil. 4

Department of Telecommunications and Control, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil.

(Submitted: June 18, 2013 ; Revised: December 23, 2014 ; Accepted: February 2, 2015)

Abstract - Heat exchanger networks present an interesting control problem due to coupling among process streams. In this work, the linear quadratic regulator (LQR), a feedback optimal control technique, is used to control stream temperatures on a laboratory scale heat exchanger network, through bypass manipulation, in a multivariable system. The LQR design was based on a mathematical model of the plant and its performance was compared to traditional PID control and to dynamical decoupling. Experimental tests were performed to evaluate the controllers, involving regulatory and servo problems. The performance of the different controllers was quantitatively compared by using the integral absolute error. Although LQR is not a new control methodology, the results obtained in this work suggest that LQR is an interesting alternative to control HEN when compared to the PID and to the dynamic decoupler. Moreover, one of the main advantages of the LQR is its tuning simplicity, since only one parameter is sufficient for this application.

Keywords: Heat exchanger network; Optimal control; LQR.


Due to the oil price rise since the seventies and to environmental issues, efficient use of energy in chemical processes is very important. Almost thirty years ago the theoretical foundations of Process Inte-gration for the efficient use of energy were estab-lished, with Pinch Technology, an elegant approach to set energy / cost targets for heat exchanger networks (HEN), as well as rules to design such networks (Linhoff et al., 1982). Nowadays these synthesis tech-niques, including some which are based on mathe-matical programming, are well established in Process

Design and are easily found in many Chemical Engi-neering textbooks.


consid-134 F. Delatore, L. F. Novazzi, F. Leonardiand J. J. da Cruz

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering

ering process operability and controllability, which they called process resilience. Operability is defined as the ability of the network to remain steady-state feasible when subjected to process disturbances, whereas controllability is regarded as the network capacity to go from one steady-state to a different one, in a finite time.

Later on, Calandranis and Stephanopoulos (1988) proposed a sequence of control actions of the loops in a network to solve the regulatory and servo control problems in a HEN, exploiting its structural charac-teristics. The idea of the strategy was the identifica-tion of routes through the HEN that could allocate disturbances or setpoint changes to available sinks, i.e., utility heat exchangers.

Based on a previous work on HEN control by Ma-thisen (1994), Glemmestad et al. (1996) applied a method for optimal operation of the network and studied the coupling of manipulated variables, repre-sented by bypasses positions on the exchangers, with controlled variables, represented by stream target temperatures. In addition to the input / output pairing in the suggested decentralized control scheme, the proposed approach also contemplated the optimiza-tion of utility consumpoptimiza-tion in the HEN, since the number of manipulated variables is greater than the number of controlled parameters, which resulted in a positive degree of freedom. More recently and due to this positive degree of freedom, Sun et al. (2013) used non-square relative gain arrays to choose which bypasses should be selected to control a HEN.

Glemmestad et al. (1999) presented an alternative approach to the optimal operation of HEN systems based on on-line optimization of a steady state func-tion and a fixed control structure. Later, Giovanini and Marchetti (2003) showed that a low-level Dis-tributed Control System is also capable of handling HEN control problems when a flexible control loop structure is provided.

In the work of Lersbamrungsuk et al. (2008), a linear programming (LP) problem for the optimal operation of a HEN was formulated. As a conse-quence of the LP problem, the optimal point of oper-ation of a HEN remained at some of its constraints. The authors also proposed an offline strategy to switch between active constraints, identifying possi-ble operational regions, and combined this with de-centralized control. Previously, Aguilera and Mar-chetti (1998) developed a procedure for optimization and control of a HEN, in a more complex approach than the latter, since a nonlinear programming problem (NLP) needs to be solved online, during operation.

From the point of view of performance, there are a lot of different control techniques that could be

used in heat exchanger networks. These techniques range from methodologies that have a complex and highly engineered design, typically with a superior performance, down to methodologies that are easy and effortless to design, but normally not capable to lead to a desirable performance. As an example, the PID is the most common controller due to its straight-forward design procedure and easy implementation.

Nonetheless, in multivariable control problems, as is the case of a HEN, the PID design will demand a supplementary engineering effort to tune well the controllers. In this situation, model predictive control (MPC) may be considered to be a suitable control strategy to be used within industrial process, as it can deal with multivariable systems, complex dynamics and constraints on input and/or output variables. In this approach the future moves of the manipulated variables depend on the model and on plant meas-ured output variables, in such a way that an on-line constrained optimization is performed.

Gonzalez et al. (2006) presented an application of optimization and control of heat exchanger networks, through a two-level control structure. In the lower level, a constrained MPC was used and the higher level was supervised by an online optimizer. The MPC was based on a linear approximate plant model whereas the optimizer was based on a rigorous model. By using a moving horizon, hard constraints on the manipulated variables were dealt with in a straightforward way. Although the proposed method-ology uses a consolidated control strategy, just simu-lated results were presented. Besides, modeling er-rors were not explicitly included in the design.

In the range of suitable controllers for the control of a HEN, one can also point out the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), which has a very simple design in the time domain. During the design of a LQR, the expected dynamic response is explicitly not taken into account, and the closed-loop response is checked afterwards. If the time response does not present an acceptable performance, it is possible to try a new controller by changing the penalty matri-ces, resulting in an extraordinary ease to design, and normally a good performance (Delatore et al., 2009).


perfor-m cl m so w dy w st (L an w th sp h is tu   th (3 d cr d d b w E ca d mance found losed loop co


The shell most commo ome particu with their low

ynamic mod written based treams, as Luyben, 199 nd C stand f while T is the he stream flo

pecific heat, eat transfer c s the volume ube length.



T m


 



T m


Equations he finite diff 3) and (4), w

iscretized te retization cel

, 1 2 H i C dT a dt a T   

, 1

C n i dT a dt    In addition ehavior of s was also mod Equations (5) ates bypass a

, 5 Hby i dT a T dt

d for the LQ ontrol on a H


and tube he n HE used ular characte w cost and del of a shell

on the energ in Equation 90). In these

for the hot a e stream tem owrate, ρ its

z is the axia coefficient, A

e and ν is a




v z





(1) and (2) ference meth where the su emperature a

lls used, whe

2 , 1

, 2 ,

H i

C n i C n

a T a T      

4 , 1 4

3 4 ,

H i

C n

T a T

a a T

 

n to Equation stream bypa deled and dis ) and (6), w and f is the b

, 1 5

Hby i H

T a T

QR control HEN. MATICAL M at exchanger in chemical eristics, mai uncomplica and tube ex gy balances f ns 1 and 2

equations, th and cold side mperature, t is s density, Cp al position, U A is the heat

ratio betwe



H H p H


, H

C p C




) were discr hod, resultin ubscript i is and n is the ere i = 1,2,..,

1 2





a a T

  

, 3 1 H i i

T a a

 

 

ns (1) and (2) sses in the scretized, wh where the sub bypass fractio , Hby i T to perform MODEL

rs (HE) are l plants due inly associa ted repair. T xchanger can

for hot and c 2, respectiv he subscripts es, respective s the time, m Cp is the stre

U is the ove transfer area een volume a





retized throu ng in Equatio connected t number of d



4 C n i,

a T

), the dynami heat exchan hich resulted bscript by in on. the the e to ated The n be cold vely s H


m is

eam rall a, V

and (1) (2) ugh ons o a dis-(3) (4) ical nger d in ndi-(5) dT wh 1 a 3 a 5 a by str Fig tiv fer sol gle too etc Ni of the Mo spa sys fra exp att con fur ste err do in as so , 1

Cby n i T a dt   here,

1 H

n m f

 



n m f

 



n m f

Thus a HE y the intercon

ructure. The gure 1 for t vely (Novazz rential equati lved numeric Figure 1: THE CONT Classical co e output (SI ols, such as c., as well as

chols plots. Multiple Inp e use of su

odern contro ace model a stems (Levi amework is perimental h tenuation cor nsidered as p rthermore, st ep changes in

rors and wit es not cause

It is import relation to o the dynamic that one ca

6 Cby n i,

a T a

 




 






EN can be m nnection of H

discretization the first, i-th zi, 2007). Th ions, constitu cally. Discretized h TROLLER C ontrol techni ISO) system Laplace tra s on graphica Nevertheless put Multiple uch techniqu

ol design tec are generally ine, 2010).

applied to d heat exchan rresponding part of the p tream outlet n the setpoin h a smooth actuators sa ant to compa other typical c decoupler an verify if

6 Cby n i, 1

a T  

, a2UA/ 2

, a4UA/

a6n m fC

mathematicall HE, accordin n scheme is h and n-th s he system of uted by 4n e

heat exchang


iques for sin ms are based

ansforms, Ro al tools, such s, for the con Output (MI ues may be chniques bas

more suitab In this wo design the co ger network to inlet tem erformance

temperature nts with sma transient res aturation.

are the propo l control alte

and classica the LQR is



2H HV Cp H

2C CV Cp C,


C C Cby


ly represente ng to the HE

represented stages, respe f ordinary di equations, w

ger model.


ngle input si on analytic outh criterio h as Bode an ntroller desig IMO) system troublesom sed on a stat ble for MIM ork, the LQ ontroller in a k. Disturban mperatures a specification es must follo all steady-sta sponse, whic


13 ch o a v is ou in re fo al n te ac du v m T co ou F Y Y G G w Y Y 36

hoice. In the f these typic

) Dynamic D

In multiva ariables are s the influen

utput yi. The nput uj on o ectly related orm of the c

llows it to b aike and Ray ems with cro

ctions in con The techni uce the effe ariables, allo made in a dec The decouplin

ompensating utput and th Figure 2 (Ogu

Based on F

  

1 11


Y s G

G G   

  

2 21 2

Y s G


 

 

Let the tra

12 1 11 G GI G     21 2 22 G GI G     The new without the in

 

1 11

Y s G


 

2 22

Y s  G


e next three s al alternative


ariable syste typically co nce of the in e cross-coup ther outputs to it. The di ouplings tha be controlled y, 1994). Th oss-coupling ntrol loops.

ique of varia ects of existi owing the tun centralized m

ng can be ac g transfer ma he input of unnaike and Figure 2, one

12 2 1

1 12 2



22 2

21 1 22


GI G   ansfer functio       transfer fun nteractions be 12 21 22 G G G         12 21 11 G G G        F

sections, a sh es and of LQ

ems, the inp oupled. The

put ui on its pling is the i

, rather than irect couplin at appear in s d in a simple he difficulty i g, because th

able decoupl ing cross-co ning of the c manner by sca

chieved by a atrix between f the plant,

Ray, 1994). e can write:

 

 

2 s s

 

 

1 2 U s U s

ons GI1 and G

nctions of th etween the v

 

1 U s  

 

2 U s      

F. Delatore, L. F. N

Brazilian Jou

hort descript QR is present

put and out direct coupl s correspond nfluence of n the output ng is the desi

systems sinc er form (Ogu is found in s hey cause int

ling aims to ouplings amo controllers to

alar controlle adding a pro

n the contro as depicted

GI2 be:


he system, n variables, are



Novazzi, F. Leon

urnal of Chemica

tion ed. tput ling ding the di-ired e it un- sys- ter- re-ong o be ers. oper ller d in (7) (8) (9) 10) now : 11) 12) com in ple mo ity sta sca PID b) str nec res Ro tro hea tio and C g int tem and I K c)

nardiand J. J. da C

al Engineering

Although t mpletely eli practice th etely, since odel, which y. The decou and-alone ba alar design t D controller.


PID Contro

When subj ream outlet t cted directly sponse with otea and Mar ol is the best

at exchanger on (13), wher d KI is the in

 

I C K s s  These autho tegral contro mperature jum

d on process

1 0.739 I d K   LQR Contr

Let the syst Cruz

the techniqu iminate inter his decouplin the techniqu is not an ex upling system

asis. After a technique is


2: Dynamic


jected to b temperature y to this by a small tim rchetti (1997) option to co r with bypas re gC is the c ntegral gain.

ors proposed oller that de

mp K1 of a s

s dead time α


tem be given

ue theoretica ractions amo ng may not ue is based xact represen m is usually applying the normally us

decoupling s

bypass man in a heat ex ypass presen me delay (No

) showed tha ontrol the tem sses, as indic controller tra

d a tuning fo epends only step response

αd, as follows

n in state-spac

ally is able ong variable t occur com

on a proce ntation of rea

not used on e decoupler,

ed to design


ipulation, th xchanger co nts a lead la

ovazzi, 2007 at integral co

mperature in cated in Equ ansfer functio


ormula for th on the initi e in the bypa s:



d d


w th w la


w th th


fo (L by


w R


fu ti T T co ou g ou re


su in an co


 

 

 


x t Ax


y t Cx t

where x is the he output ve with appropr aw that minim

 




x t

where Q = Q

he state and he linear stat

 

u t  Kx t

orming the Levine, 2010


1 T


where P = P

Riccati Algeb



Since the L unction rega ion is alway Thus, they ar These matric ontrols and c ut a penalty ive importan utputs y(t) a ewrite the ma


T y C Q C

Q 


uch that the n the cost fu nd Qz penali

ost function


T y

J y Q y

 

tBu t

 

e state vecto ector and A, riate dimens mizes the per

  


Qx tu t

QT ≥ 0 and R

control weig e feedback:

so-called 0). The state

PT ≥ 0 is the braic Equatio

1 T

PBR B P 

LQR ensures ardless of the ys optimal i re the tuning

es impose p can be used

cross betwee nce only to th and their int

atrix Q as:



  

variables y a unction, wher

izes the integ can be writte

 



yz Q z

or, u is the in

B, C are co

sions. The o rformance in


 

t Ru tdt

= RT > 0 ar ghting matric

linear quad feedback ma

e solution of on:



 

s the minimi e Q and R v in the mathe g parameters penalties on

in diagonal f en variables. he states asso tegral z(t), it

and z are exp re Qy penali

gral of the ou en as:


u Ru dt


nput vector, y

onstant matri optimal cont ndex:

t (

re, respective ces, is given


dratic regula atrix K is giv


f the follow


ization of a c alues, the so ematical sen s of the desi

the states a form, i.e., wi If one wants ociated with

t is possible


plicitly includ izes the outp utputs. Thus



y is

ices trol


ely, n by


ator ven




cost olu-nse. ign. and ith-s to

the e to


ded puts the


all Du val equ pen un ma all tw sta loo a s the

Fig sta

are vec use pla at


Fig set


a x

In this work l states to pr ue to the sym

lues have th ually penaliz nalties, whic nique constan atrix, not on ly be obtaine ween speed o ate vector ca

op using the state observe e setpoints fo

gure 3: Fee ate setpoints

A more com e defined no

ctor y. In th ed, where th ant output is

low frequenc , 2009; Dela

gure 4: Feed tpoints and in

Extra states e to an exten

( ) ( )

( )


x t t

z t

 

  

 

k, an identic revent satura mmetry of t he same cha zed too. By a ch in this ca nt value as a ly can a des ed, but also of response annot be full LQR gain m er as shown or all states.

dback system included in t

mmon situat ot for the st his way a m he error betw integrated in cies, as show atore et al., 2

dback system ntegrator bloc

s are thus ad nded state xa:

cal penalty is ation of any the problem aracteristics,

appropriately ase means to a common fa sired time re

a satisfactor and control ly measured, matrix K can in Figure 3,

m with state the loop.

ion occurs w tates x but f modified stru ween the set n order to inc wn in Figure


m with state ob ck included i

dded to the s :

s proposed f internal stat and since th controls we y choosing th

o find just a factor in the

esponse gene ry tradeoff b effort. If th , the feedbac be built usin where xSP a

e observer an

when setpoin for the outp ucture can b tpoint and th crease the ga

4 (Delatore

bserver, outp in the loop.

system, givin


for te. he ere he an


er- be-he ck ng are


nts put be he ain







d d




d d





fo th m tu si d 38


( ) ( )


z t y t


The state pondingly pa

a x


By taking he state mode

( )

a a


x t A x



0 0

a A A


 

  

 


a B B    

 

Thus, the ew matrices

Before pre ormance app he physical mining the m

urbance varia idered in thi



( )

Cx t

feedback ma artitioned as:



into accoun el in Equatio

( ) (

a a

x tB u t

augmented used in the L


esenting the plied to a HE arrangement manipulated,

ables of the s work, as s

ure 5: The HE


atrix Ka can :

nt Equations on (15) can b



matrices Aa LQR project


control desi EN, it is imp

t of the exc the controlle experimenta shown in Fig

EN basic stru

F. Delatore, L. F. N

Brazilian Jou


n thus be cor


(22) and (2 be rewritten a




and Ba are .

ign and its p ortant to def changers, det ed and the d al network c gure 5 in a g


Novazzi, F. Leon

urnal of Chemica



23), as:






ter- dis- on-grid

exc H2 pic

dis ana

 

 

   

me ho wh on pa tra are wi net and is c con wh val

nardiand J. J. da C

al Engineering

The experim changers (HE 2) and one cture of the p


The manipu sturbance va

alyses are lis

Controlled v

TCOUT1: inte

TCOUT2: col


fc1: bypass v

fc2: bypass v


THIN1: hot s

THIN2: hot s

TCIN: cold s

mC: cold str

Figure 7 pr entation diag t streams H hereas the c nes. The basi sses volum ansmitters (T e also two ve

th electric re twork, the c d vessels are convenient t ntrolled by here 0 V rep

lve full open Cruz

mental HEN E1 and HE2 cold stream physical pilot

gure 6: Expe

ulated input ariables of t sted below:


ermediate co d stream out

d variables: valve positio valve positio

e variables: stream 1 inle stream 2 inle stream inlet t ream flowrat

resents a sim gram (P&ID) H1 and H2 a cold stream ic instrument metric flowm TT) and press essels (V1 an esistances. T connections, e made of A to mention th a signal ran presents a va n.

is constitute 2) and has tw m (C1). Figu t HEN used

erimental setu

ts, controlled the HEN to

old stream tem tput temperat

on, heat exch on, heat exch

t temperatur t temperatur temperature


mplified pipin ) for the pilo are indicated C1 is indic tation of the meters (FT), sure indicato nd V2) used The heat exch

pumps (P1 ANSI 304 sta hat the bypas nging from 0

alve full shu

ed by two he wo hot (H1 an

ure 6 shows in this work.


d outputs an o perform th

mperature ture

hanger 1 hanger 2

e e

ng and instr ot plant, whe d by red lin cated by blu e plant encom , temperatu ors (PI). The to heat wate hangers in th 1, P2 and P ainless steel.

sses valves a 0 up to 10 ut and 10 V

eat nd a .

nd he


ch H h u an eq ti co su S eq th an T th w p an o Some char hangers HE HEN plant ar ave the sam ted in a trian nd 1 pass in qual to 0.1 m Table 2 pr ions in the H

old stream C upply tempe

pecific heat qual to 4180 Table 3 pr he heat exch nd outlet tem The overall h

hrough stead was consider ointed out th nd TCOUT2, a

f 28.5 ºC and

Figure 7

Table 1:

Table 2: St

Stream H1 H2 C1 Variable Di NT LT DS A racteristics o 1 and HE2 e presented i me dimension ngular pitch. n the shell, w m2.

resents some HEN, for ho C1, where m

eratures and of hot and c 0 J·kg-1·K-1.

resents nomi hangers HE1 mperatures o heat transfer dy-state expe red for both hat the two c assume nom d 30.0 ºC, re

7: P&ID of t

: Heat excha

ream nomin

m / (kg·

0.154 0.154 0.165 Descr tube d numb tube le shell d area

f the shell an used in th in Table 1. B ns and the tu There is 1 p with a heat

nominal ope ot streams H stands for f

Tout for targe cold streams

inal operatin 1 and HE2, of the hot an

coefficient U

riments and h exchangers controlled va inal operatin spectively. the experime anger chara nal operatin

s-1) Tin / ºC 4 55.0 4 55.0 5 26.9

ription V

diameter 0 er of tubes ength 0 diameter 0

nd tube heat he experimen Both exchang ubes are distr pass in the tub

transfer area

erational con H1 and H2 a flowrate, Tin et temperatur

was conside

ng conditions including in nd cold stream

U was obtain the same va s. It should ariables, TCO ng temperatu

ntal HEN.


g conditions

C Tout / ºC 53.4 53.3 30.0 Value Uni 0.006 m 7 0.750 m 0.060 m 0.1 m2

ex-ntal gers rib-bes a A

ndi-and for res. ered s in nlet ms. ned alue be OUT1 ures s. C e ate lat str flo com cha and the fun cho tha in LQ wh for wa and Q wh ou wh pro on pro sta tim the eve sm pro ben inh pro of tak ven it 2

Table 3: He

Heat exchanger


Three exper e the control tory problem ream H2 tem owrate mC, an mbined wit anges in con d disturbanc e servo prob nctions. The osen to avoi at the variatio

the accuracy


The applica QR and appl here a Luenb

r state estim as added to d R matrices

 

4 27 10 . x I  

here I is the ut that the co

hich was cho ocedure, usin nly one tunin ocedure coul

The target ate decouple me in a rang e system co en faster th mall when c ocess equipm

nefits: by se herently pre ovide higher

sensor noise The gain va ken as KT eq nt numerical

eat exchange

Tin / ºC

hot cold

55.0 28.5 55.0 26.9

rimental tests system: two m, with dis mperature, T

nd one test i th a regula ntrolled vari es on mC. Ei blem, change amplitudes o d bypass sat ons of the con y range of the


ation of the ied to the H berger obser mation and a the integral s were chosen


x R

 

I 2

identity ma ntroller has osen as 10-4, ng numerical ng paramete ld also have b

performance d system wi e from 200 uld be tune han that, this

compared to ment’s. Besid etting a not event satur r robustness e.

alue of the an qual to 10, a

l problems. S

er nominal c

Tout / ºC

hot cold

53.4 30.0 53.3 28.5

s were perfor o of them inv

sturbances in

THIN2, and in

involving a s atory one,

iables TCOUT ither in the re es were cons of these step turation and ntrolled varia e measuremen


control struc HEN is show

rver was use an anti-wind

action. The n as:

2 2x

atrix. It shou a single desi , through a t l simulation. r, an experi been used. e was to ach

ith a closed to 300 seco d to achiev s amount of o the dynam des, the appro

so fast resp ration of t

and reduce

nti-windup s value high e Simulations u


U / W·m-2·K

420 420

rmed to eval volving a reg n supply h n cold strea servo proble with setpoi

T1 and TCOU egulatory or sidered as ste p changes we

in such a wa ables would b nt instrument


cture based o wn in Figure

ed in the loo dup subsyste e weighting

uld be pointe ign paramete trial and err Since there mental tunin

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Figure 8: LQ ontrol.

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) Disturban


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.0 ºC was ap

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F. Delatore, L. F. N

Brazilian Jou

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Novazzi, F. Leon

urnal of Chemica

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0 28 28.5 29 29.5 30 30.5 31








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0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



e Op








LQR - fci1 LQR - fc


ts of TCOUT


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fc1 was kept

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performance ollers. In thi AE (Ogunnai ts the control PID and the d

500 T


500 T ci2 PID - fci1 PID

responses u

of bypass val

e plots in Fig e controlled nominal ope nt performan d. The multi-sses valves, een lines in F into action b

a more aggre in Figure 10 pler actuated shut. This m o control bo on of only o ehavior of TC

, it is import e criterion to is work the I ike and Ray, llers’ perform dynamic dec

1000 Time(s)


1000 ime (s)

D - fci2 Decoupling - f

under step di

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erating value nce, dependin

-loop PID co in a smoo Figure 10. Th both bypasse

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TCOUT temper tant to speci o compare th Integral Abs

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1500 fci1 Decoupling - fci2

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he so-ed.




Table 4: Controller performance under disturbance in THIN2.



LQR 169.6 268.1 PID 132.8 187.2

Decoupling 202.5 364.9

By observing the performance of the Integral Ab-solute Error for the three controllers (Table 4), one can see that the PID has the best response for TCOUT1

and also for TCOUT2. However, even with a more

vigorous action, the LQR controller also showed a good performance when compared to the PID. These results suggest that the tuning parameter in Q, which multiplies the identity matrix, and chosen as Q equal to 10-4·I for the LQR design, seems to be high and leded to a faster control action when compared to the PID and dynamic decoupler.

It is worth noting that the PID and the decoupler controllers have more tuning parameters than LQR, which has only one, as considered in this work. Since this value is the unique design parameter in the controller, it is simpler to tune than the PID and the dynamic decoupler.

b) Servo and Regulatory Problem

To evaluate the servo problem in the experimental HEN, the setpoints of TCOUT1 and TCOUT2 were

re-duced 0.5 ºC at a time t equal to 500 s, i.e., TCOUT1

and TCOUT2 were set to 28.0 ºC and 29.5 ºC,

respec-tively. Besides, to evaluate the servo problem and also the regulatory problem, an increase in cold stream flowrate mC of 0.010 kg/s was imposed at 1000 s. Figure 11 shows the responses of TCOUT1 and

TCOUT2, where the black, green and red curves are

related to LQR, PID and dynamic decoupler, respec-tively. Figure 12 indicates the control effort of the three controllers.

By observing Figures 11 and 12, one can see that until 500 s the plant was under nominal operating con-ditions, with TCOUT1 and TCOUT2 equal to 28.5 ºC and

30.0 ºC, and the bypasses valves completely closed. After the setpoint change at 500 s, the plots in Figures 11 and 12 suggest a relatively smooth perfor-mance for setpoint tracking, as well as for disturb-ance rejection, which was imposed at 1000 s.

This behavior is quantitatively indicated in Table 5, by using the IAE criteria. Since there is a setpoint decrease at 500 s, the bypass valves tend to open until 1000 s, when an increase in mC takes place, disturbing both TCOUT1 and TCOUT2, and then the

bypasses begin to close. It can be observed that LQR action is fast when compared to the PID and the

de-coupler controller, leading to a quick setpoint track-ing and also disturbance rejection. This fact can be noted in Table 5, where LQR presents the smallest IAE among the three controllers.

Figure 11: Plots of TCOUT responses under setpoint change and flowrate disturbance.

Figure 12: Control effort of bypass valves under set-point change and flowrate disturbance.

Table 5: Controller performance under setpoint change and flowrate disturbance.


LQR 371.9 340.9 PID 431.8 374.3

Decoupling 458.9 366.9

c) Disturbance in Cold Stream Flowrate mC

To evaluate a disturbance rejection in cold stream flowrate mC, a variation from 0.165 kg/s to 0.135 kg/s was imposed at a time t equal to 500 s and then re-moved at 1200 s. The responses of TCOUT1 and TCOUT2

for the three controllers are shown in Figure 13, where the black, green and red curves are related to LQR, PID and dynamic decoupler, respectively. As previ-ously mentioned in Table 3, setpoints of TCOUT1 and

0 500 1000 1500

27.5 28 28.5 29 29.5 30 30.5







e (




0 500 1000 1500

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time (s)



e Oppe


ng (Vo





142 F. Delatore, L. F. Novazzi, F. Leonardiand J. J. da Cruz

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering TCOUT2 are equal to 28.5 ºC and 30.0 ºC. Figure 14

indicates the control effort of the three controllers, using the same color patterns as in Figure 13.

It can be seen from the plots in Figure 13 and 14 that the LQR controller reacted fast, and opened both bypass valves near 500 s, when the cold stream flow-rate increased. When the flowflow-rate in C1 returned to its nominal operating value, at 1200 s, once more the LQR was fast and drove the controlled variables to 28.5 ºC and 30.0 ºC. Table 6 presents the controllers performance based on IAE for LQR, PID and the dynamic decoupler.

Figure 13: Plots of TCOUT responses under step dis-turbance in mC.

Figure 14: Control effort of bypass valves under dis-turbance in mC.

Table 6: Controller performance under disturbance in mC.


LQR 403.9 145.9 PID 431.3 374.3

Decoupling 160.5 132.9

For the first controlled variable, TCOUT1, the

de-coupling technique shows the best performance and

the LQR is slightly better than the PID. As for

TCOUT2, the decoupler has once more the best

perfor-mance and the LQR is much better than the PID. Although the LQR was not the best option in this test, it is still a reasonable choice, due to its tuning simplicity.


In this work the use of a linear quadratic regulator to control heat exchanger networks was studied. This control technique is an alternative approach which presents advantages in HEN control: the LQR con-troller is easily designed and its performance can be even better than more common control techniques, such as PID and the dynamic decoupler. The aim of the proposed approach is not to accomplish a better performance than the one typically obtained with model predictive control techniques. On the other hand, the LQR can be designed just by using an ap-proximate plant model and only one tuning parame-ter, which can be iteratively chosen.

The approximate dynamic plant model used in the design of the LQR was based on energy balance equa-tions, which were linearized and their order reduced. However, this dynamic model could also be obtained directly from plant operation, in a more straightfor-ward way and probably with equivalent results.

The LQR was applied to a lab scale heat ex-changer network, constituted by two heat exex-changers with two hot and one cold stream. Manipulated vari-ables were the bypass valve positions and the con-trolled outputs were outlet temperatures. The LQR tuning parameter was determined by simulation and the controller performance was compared to the PID and the dynamic decoupler. The controllers’ perfor-mance was quantitatively assessed by the integral ab-solute error and this index showed that the LQR per-formed well both in regulatory and servo problems.


The authors wish to thank all the institutional support of FEI University.


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0 500 1000 1500

27.5 28 28.5 29 29.5 30 30.5 31








e (º




0 500 1000 1500

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time (s)




e Open


ng (V





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Figure 11: Plots of TC OUT  responses under setpoint  change and flowrate disturbance
Figure 13: Plots of TC OUT  responses under step dis- dis-turbance in m C .


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