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Braz. J. Chem. Eng. vol.33 número1


Academic year: 2018

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ISSN 0104-6632 Printed in Brazil


Vol. 33, No. 01, pp. 91 - 104, January - March, 2016 dx.doi.org/10.1590/0104-6632.20160331s20150530

*To whom correspondence should be addressed

Brazilian Journal

of Chemical





Jiwei Li


, Gonghui Liu


, Jun Li


and Mengbo Li

1,3 1China University of Petroleum, College of Petroleum Engineering, Beijing 102249, China.

Phone: + 86 010 89731225 E-mail: lijiwei2009@live.com

2Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100192, China. 3

China National Offshore Oil Corporation Research Institute, Beijing 100010, China.

(Submitted: August 24, 2015 ; Revised: November 13, 2015 ; Accepted: November 30, 2015)

Abstract - A new mathematical model was developed in this study to simulate the unsteady flow in controlled mud-cap drilling systems. The model can predict the time-dependent flow inside the drill string and annulus after a circulation break. This model consists of the continuity and momentum equations solved using the explicit Euler method. The model considers both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids flowing inside the drill string and annular space. The model predicts the transient flow velocity of mud, the equilibrium time, and the change in the bottom hole pressure (BHP) during the unsteady flow. The model was verified using data from U-tube flow experiments reported in the literature. The result shows that the model is accurate, with a maximum average error of 3.56% for the velocity prediction. Together with the measured data, the computed transient flow behavior can be used to better detect well kick and a loss of circulation after the mud pump is shut down. The model sensitivity analysis show that the water depth, mud density and drill string size are the three major factors affecting the fluctuation of the BHP after a circulation break. These factors should be carefully examined in well design and drilling operations to minimize BHP fluctuation and well kick. This study provides the fundamentals for designing a safe system in controlled mud-cap drilling operatio.

Keyword:Deep water; Controlled mud-cap drilling; Unsteady flow; Mathematical model; Kick detection.


Due to the depletion of onshore oil and gas re-sources, the oil-gas industry has extended its search for resources to water areas. However, deep-water drilling is facing many problems and chal-lenges, including pore pressure prediction uncertain-ties, narrow pressure margins, and high equivalent circulation density (ECD) (Shaughnessy et al., 1999; 2007; Stave, 2014). These problems and challenges not only lead to the inability to design wells for tradi-tional kick tolerances, but also make a well techni-cally undrillable due to lack of drilling window right

below the previous casing/liner shoe. Controlled mud cap (CMC) drilling is the solution to all of these problems and challenges, and improve safety and efficiency in the well construction process (JPT staff, 2013; Stave, 2014; Malt and Stave, 2014; Godhavn

et al, 2014; Børre and Sigbjørn, 2014).


92 le th in (B ti du T b A st d th co re (C st d n fl d d le w p B ca Ju cu b T m su w 2

evel in the m he safety mar n wells wit Børre and Si Furthermo ioned below uring CMC Therefore, th

etween the f After surface tring will co

rill string, th he annulus u olumn press eached. This Choe et al., 1

Figure 1: S

After a ci teady flow c rilling in C arrow-margi low, the mu rill string du rill string an evel in the ri which may le

earance of th BHP, resultin

an be used t uvkam-world urrently not ring additio Therefore, th must be know

ufficient mo which has mo

marine riser. rgins and dri th narrow o

gbjørn, 2006 ore, the mud w the mud le

drilling but here is a po fluids in the pump is shu ontinue to f hrough the d until an equ sures in the s process co 1998; 1999; 2

Schematic of

irculation br can cause a CMC drilling

in formation d will flow ue to pressu nd the annulu iser may cau ead to a los he friction p ng in kick. D

to solve the d, 2006), bu t very reliab nal restrictio e effect of u wn. Howeve odel in litera tivated us to

This metho ill longer ope operational 6).

level in the a evel inside t not conven otential press drill string a ut down, the m

flow downw drill bit, and uilibrium bet drill string onstitutes an


the CMC dr

reak, the un significant p g, especially

ns. During into the an ure imbalanc us. The incre use an increa s of circulat pressure loss Drill string se problems ut this addit ble. Moreov ons to drill unsteady flo er, we have atures to add

investigate in

Jiwei Li, Gong

Brazilian Jou od can impro en hole sectio mud windo

annulus is po the drill str ntional drilli sure imbalan and the annul

mud in the d wards along upwards alo tween the m and annulus

unsteady fl

rilling system

ncontrolled problem dur y in deepwa

the unstea nnulus from

ce between ease in the m ase in the BH tion; the dis

can reduce valves (DSV s (Schubert a tional device ver, DSVs c

ing operatio ow on the B not found a dress this iss

nto the proble

ghui Liu, Jun Li a

urnal of Chemica ove ons ows osi-ring ing. nce lus. drill the ong mud s is low m. un-ring ater ady the the mud HP, sap-the Vs) and e is can ons. BHP any sue, em. cha hea dri com and and ing (SM ou Mo the sui aft tio the det cir ma aft is lite tio inv loc pre and siti the beh the con Go ity sul U  ity bet

and Mengbo Li

al Engineering The unstea allenge for avy mud of illing, unstea mmon opera d disconnect d co-worker g the unstead

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oreover, CM e formula de

itable for CM A few stud ter a circulati on study of th

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developed an erature (Oga on based on

vestigate the city, mud lev esents an ac d loss of circ ivity analysi e effects of haviors durin e fundament ntrolled mud MA overning Eq The govern y in the annu ltant form is

, 2( ( Ann A f DC An U U t L P L     

The first rig y due to the tween the dr

dy flow has operations, f cementing ady flow is a ations, such a tion of the d rs presented

dy flow for m (Choe, 200 theoretical MC drilling is

scribing uns MC drilling. dies have exa

ion break. H he transient flow has not hods for CM eak are scar model desc pump shuttin nd validated awa et al., 20

the explicit e transient b vel in the ann ccurate detec culation afte is was perfo system para ng unsteady tals for desi d-cap drilling



ning equation ulus is derive

2 2 , Ann DC Ann Ann DC DC

f Ann bi

Ann nn DC DC U U A L A P P A L A      ght-hand side difference i rill string an

s always be such as the (Sauer, 198 also a potent as the conne drill string. I a simple for a subsea mu 07), but they

analysis and s different fr

teady flow f

amined the u However, a de

change in th been publis MC drilling sy

rce. In this ribing the u ng down for d with experi

007). A num t Euler was behaviors of

nulus and BH ction method er a circulatio rmed to bett ameters on

flow. This s igning a saf g operations.


n for the liqu ed in Append

,0 ) ( ( ) ( DC C Ann it DC A Ann P L L L A L A      

e term is the in the cross-d the annulu

en a practic e pumping 87). For CM tial problem ection, trippin

In 2007, Cho rmula descri

ud-lift drillin y did not car

d verificatio om SMD, an for SMD is n

unsteady flo etailed simul he BHP durin

shed yet. Kic ystems after

study, a ne unsteady flo CMC drillin ment from th merical simul

performed f mudflow v

HP. This pap d for the kic on break. Se

ter understan transient flo study provid fe system f


uid flow velo dix A. The r

,0 ) ) ) Ann Ann DC DC Ann Ann DC DC P A L A L g L A  ( kinetic velo -sectional ar us. The secon


Modeling and Analysis of Unsteady Flow Behavior in Deepwater Controlled Mud-Cap Drilling 93

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 33, No. 01, pp. 91 - 104, January - March, 2016 right-hand side term takes into account the boundary

pressure at the mud level in the drill string and the annulus. The third right-hand side term is related to friction, and the last right-hand side term represents the driving mechanism caused by the hydrostatic pressure imbalance between the drill string and the annulus. All symbols are defined in the Nomencla-ture section.

The final expression for the equation of motion for the length of mud, LAnn, in the annulus is ob-tained:




U t

 

 (2)

These two equations are solved numerically in a computer program.

Numerical Formulation

Because the mud level is not changing very rap-idly, the numerical integration need not to be exces-sive. The explicit Euler method is locally second-order accurate but first-second-order globally accurate (Bew-ley, 2012). Provided that the time step is small enough, the explicit Euler method will yield good results for the problem. The simplest and most intui-tive way of integrating the above scheme is by using the explicit Euler method, which takes the following form for Equation (1):


,0 ,0

, ,

2( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

n n n n

n n Ann Ann DC DC

Ann Ann

n Ann n

Ann DC


n n

DC Ann

n Ann n

Ann DC


n n n

f DC f Ann bit

n Ann n

Ann DC


n n

DC Ann

n Ann n

Ann DC



U U t












g L L A



    


 

 

 

 

 



The explicit scheme of the length of the mud col-umn in annulus is

1 1

n n n

Ann Ann Ann

L LU  t (4)

Eq. (3) can be easily solved using the velocity and position of the previous time step to solve for the acceleration of mud in annulus in each time step. The acceleration is then used to obtain the velocity of mud in annulus, which in turn is used to calculate the position of the liquid level in annulus. In practice, the routine can be summarized as follows:

 Use Eq. (3) to update the acceleration based on the level position and velocity at the previous time step;

 Use Eq. (4) to update the level position based on the new velocity.

This procedure is repeated for each time step until the maximum time is reached.

Initial Conditions

After a circulation break, the initial mudflow ve-locity in the drill string is equal to that in the string before a circulation break:


( 0)


U t U (5)

During normal circulation, the length of the mud column within the drill string is equal to the well depth:

( 0)

DC well

L t L


The annulus pressure at subsea level is ap-proximately equal to the seawater hydrostatic pres-sure; therefore, the length of the mud column within the annulus can be calculated using the following equation:

( 0) w

ann well w

L t L   h

  



Model Verification

Field experimental test for the unsteady flow after a circulation break are not currently available for a CMC drilling system. In 2007, Akira Ogawa et al. studied the flow in a U-tube in a laboratory (Ogawa


94 an m te m ex N st m m

ex 4

nd 3% acry mental device er (ID) of the ment, high-sp xperimental Newtonian flu

tudy to valid matical mode mental param

Figures 3-xperimental

Fluid Typ

68% glycerin solu

1.8% acrylic co-pol 3% acrylic co-pol

Figure 3: glycerin so

ylic co-polym e is shown in

e U- tube is peed camera procedure. uid flow exp date the devel el. The valu meters are sho 5 show the c results and



pe Lef he

ution 87 lymer 87 lymer 87

(a) HL

Comparison olution in wa

mer solution n Figure 2. Th 40 mm. Dur as were used The data fr periments we

loped unstea ues of the s own in Table comparisons

the calculate

Figure 2: Sc

Table 1: Para

ft-liquid ight HL

70 mm 70 mm 70 mm

L(t) profiles

n of the calc ater.

Jiwei Li, Gong

Brazilian Jou n. The expe he inner diam ring the expe d to record rom the 3 n ere used in t ady flow mat specific expe


of the record ed results fo

hematic illus

ameter valu

Right-liquid height HR

670 mm 670 mm 670 mm

culated resul

ghui Liu, Jun Li a

urnal of Chemica

eri- me- eri-the on-this


eri-ded or 3

dif loc no 2, vel ran par mo and the tio

stration of th

ues in the un

Balanced l surface h

770 mm 770 mm 770 mm

lts of HL and

and Mengbo Li

al Engineering fferent non-N cities and the

n-Newtonian indicating th locity is 3.5 nge of the e

rtially due to odel. The sca

d the capilla e capillary ef on in the math

he experimen

nsteady flow

liquid eight


m 1200 m 1030 m 1030

d V with the

Newtonian f e fluid level n fluids. The he maximum 56%, which engineering

o neglecting ale of the exp

ary effect ca ffect has not hematical m

ntal apparatus


nsity D

0 kg/m3 20. 0 kg/m3 17 0 kg/m3 41

(b) V(t) pr e experiment

fluids. Both l data agree e errors are sh m average err

h is within applications the capillary periment appa an be signifi

been taken i odel.



Dynamic viscosity

76×10-3 Pa·s .4×10-3 Pa·s .8×10-3 Pa·s

rofiles tal results fo

the flow v well for the hown in Tab ror of the flo the allowab . The error y effect in th aratus is sma icant, where into consider

Kinematic viscosity

173×10-6 m2/s 169×10-6 m2/s 40.4×10-6 m2/

or the 68%

3 ble ow ble is he all, as



as C T fl ci

an d it d lo th st v

Figure 4: acrylic

co-Figure 5: acrylic


68% 1.8% 3% a

Case Study

A deep wa s an exampl CMC drilling Table 3. Thes low velocity irculation bre

Figure 6 s nnulus with own. At the ts main powe own of surf ocity decreas he maximum

tring is reach elocity conti


Brazilia (a) HL

Comparison -polymer sol

(a) HL

Comparison -polymer sol

e 2: Error of

Fluid Type % glycerin soluti

% acrylic co-pol acrylic co-polym

ater well in t e to analyze g system. Th se data were y and mud le

eak. hows the tra

time after e beginning, er source (i.e face pump, th

ses rapidly. W m mud free

hed at point inues to dec

ling and Analysis

an Journal of Ch

L(t) profiles

n of the calc lution in wat

L(t) profiles

n of the exp lution in wat

f calculated

ion lymer mer

the Gulf of M e the unstead

he well data used to calc evel in the a

ansient flow the surface

the mud cir e., the SPP) d herefore, the When the SPP

-fall velocit A. After tha crease linearl

s of Unsteady Flo

emical Engineeri culated resu ter

erimental re ter.

data by the

Average erro

Mexico is us dy flow for t a are shown

culate the m annulus after

velocity in t pump is sh rculation los due to the shu

e mudflow v P reaches zer ty in the dr at the mudflo ly. At point

ow Behavior in D

ing Vol. 33, No. 0 ults of HL an

sults of HL a

e model for 3

or of left-liquid

1.7% 2.21% 2.3%

sed the in mud r a

the hut ses ut- ve-ro, rill ow B,

th na m lik co th sy di be flo re riu sp th le ni po

Deepwater Contro

01, pp. 91 - 104, nd V with th

and V with

3 non-Newto

d height




he flow patte ar flow insi mudflow velo

ke the flow olumn in the he high-fricti ystem preven

ict the time etween in dr ow velocity eached. As c um time is 3 ponding mud he sea level evel in the an ing and then osition.

olled Mud-Cap Dr

January - Marc (b) V(t) pr he experimen

(b) V(t) pr the calculate

onian fluid f


ern transition de the drill ocity drops e

condition in e drill string ion pressure nts the surge

to reach th rill string and y drops to an be seen f 35 minutes. d level in th versus tim nnulus incre gradually re


h, 2016 rofiles ntal results f

rofiles ed results fo

flow experim

error of flow v

1.53% 3.56% 2.97%

ns from turb string. Sub exponentially n the experim

does not osc loss in the e. The model he mud leve d annulus. W zero, the e from Figure

Figure 7 sho he annulus m e. As expec eases rapidly eaches its fin

for the 3%

r the 1.8%


velocity EV

bulent to lam sequently, th y to zero. U ment, the mu cillate becau

CMC drillin l can also pr el equilibriu When the mu equilibrium

6, the equili ows the corr measured fro cted, the mu y at the begi nal equilibriu



Un-ud use ng re-um

ud-is ib- re-om


96 Jiwei Li, Gonghui Liu, Jun Li and Mengbo Li

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Table 3: Basic parameter values.

Parameter Value

Mud density, g/cm3 1.50

Seawater density, g/cm3 1.03

Fluid model Power-law

Water depth, m 2500

Plastic viscosity, cP 45

Bingham yield point, Pa 0.87

Number of bit nozzles 3

Bit nozzle diameter, 1/32nd in 14

Well vertical depth, m 5000

Length of drill collars, m 91.5 Inner diameter of the last casing, m 0.22289 Open hole diameter, m 0.22225 OD and ID of drill string, m 0.127×0.1086 OD and ID of drill collars, m 0.1778×0.0762

ID of return line, m 0.1524

Figure 6: Change of annulus flow velocity over time after the surface pump is shut down

Figure 7: Change of mud level in annulus over time after the surface pump is shut down

The BHP can be predicted based on the mudflow velocity and mud level in the annulus (Figure 8).

Figure 8: Transient BHP after the surface pump is shut down.

The BHP is the sum of the hydrostatic pressure

and friction pressure loss in the annulus. During un-steady flow, a fluctuation in the BHP can occur. Fig. 8 shows that the BHP rapidly decreases within the first few seconds due to the disappearance of the SPP. Subsequently, the BHP increases as the increase in the pressure resulting from the rising mud level in the annulus is larger than the decrease in the pressure caused by reduced annulus flow velocity; when these two equal to each other, the BHP reaches to a new high point; and then the increase in the pressure re-sulting from the rising mud level in the annulus be-comes less than the decrease in the pressure caused by reduced annulus flow velocity, and the BHP de-creases gradually and tends to a constant. The fluc-tuation in the BHP can threaten drilling safety as it can lead to the occurrence of kick.


Under normal circulation conditions in CMC drilling, the SPP is non-zero, a kick can be detected

0 10 20 30 40 50

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

Time (min)







in t





s (




0 0.2 0.4

0.6 0.8 1

0 10 20 30 40 50







Time (min)






l d



th i

n a



s (



0 10 20 30 40 50

101 101.2 101.4 101.6 101.8 102

Time (min)








0 2 4

101 101.5 102 A



by ra is m nu d ce in as pu p an sy g ci q th  y comparing ate. Howeve s shut down masked by th ulus. The no rilling requi ease before ndicator of k ssociated wit However, ump shutdo rovide the tr nnulus after ystem is cou

iven by Eq. irculation bre

( p


When the he liquid flow

, ( 2( ( ( ( A Ann DC D Ann U U t L P L L      Figure 9: with and w


Brazilia g surface pu r, detecting k n is very di he continuou ormal kick d ires a waitin

detecting fl kick. Therefo th a delay and the timely d own is cruci ransient mud

the surface upled to a re

(8). The un eak can be si

) b


kick occurs, w velocity in

2 ,0 ,0 - ) ) ( ( ) ) Ann Ann Ann Ann D DC Ann Ann DC Ann Ann n DC DC q U A A L L A P P L L g A L A        

: Compariso without a kic

ling and Analysis

an Journal of Ch ump rate and

kick after th ifficult. The us returning

detection me ng period for low within ore, the detec d risks a loss detection of k ial. The abo dflow charac pump is shu servoir prod nsteady flow


, the governi n the annulus

2 , , ) ) ( DC DC

f DC f Ann

Ann DC DC DC DC Ann U P P A L A L A L   

on of annulu ck.

s of Unsteady Flo

emical Engineeri d subsea pu e surface pu kick is eas flow in the ethod for CM

r circulation the well as ction of kick of well contr kick after ev ove model c

cteristics in ut down. If ductivity mod

of kick afte

ing equation s is as follow

) ) bit C Ann DC P q

A L t

 

us flow velo

ow Behavior in D

ing Vol. 33, No. 0 ump ump sily an-MC n to an k is rol. very can the the del, er a (8) for w: (9) the Th her sm tra app acc of equ Fig for BH flu flo kic kic Fig kic com cal and lat cir det du me dev loa los niq sur pre los

ocity Fi


Deepwater Contro

01, pp. 91 - 104, In this pape e unsteady fl he detailed d re. The equ mall kick. For

ansformed fr plication of curacy requi two-phase uation. The simulat gure 10. At t rmation pres HP is lower t uid will inva ow of kick s ck. The flow ck are highe g. 9 and Fig ck and loss o

mparing the lculated tren d mud level ted trend, a k rculation is i

tect kick and uring unstea easures to pr veloping fur ad may be ad ss of circulat que needs to The model re drilling sy essure, but n sses.

igure 10: C ith and witho

olled Mud-Cap Dr

January - Marc er, the empha

low behavio derivation of uation just ap

r large kick, rom single p steady fricti irements. Th

flow need t

tion results a the beginnin ssure, and th than the form ade into the starts to be w velocity an er than those . 10. The mo of circulation e real-time m nd. If real-tim

in annulus kick is indica indicated. Th d loss of circ ady flow a revent kick o rther in the w dopted to de tion has occ be further in is also appli ystems, such needs to be tu

Comparison out a kick.


h, 2016 asis is laid u

r of the pure f Eq. (9) is pplied in th the fluid in phase into tw

ion factor ca he frictional

to be introd

are shown in ng, the BHP here is no ki mation pressu e wellbore.

different fro nd mud level

e of no kick odel can be n during uns monitored tr me monitored are higher th ated. Conver his method c ulation in a t and helps or loss of cir well. A chang etermine whe curred. Howe nvestigated a ied to other m h as constan uned with fri

of annulus

upon analyzin

e liquid phas not presente he situation

the annulus wo-phase. Th annot meet th pressure lo duced into th

n Figure 9 an is higher tha ick. When th ure, formatio The unstead om that of n l in annulus k, as shown used to dete steady flow b

rend with th d flow veloci



g in m qu ti su fl er to ac b in ti

nu p b th af fo in


pu 3 la an 1


The drillin elling effect ng system h matical mode uent flow is ion must be ure loss. For low lengths

ration make ors adequate cceleration o e insufficien ntroduced in ion factors.


The transi ulus during arameters, in it nozzle siz he mud, etc. ffect flow be ormed for ea ng the other p

1) Water De

The annul uted for wat 500 m and ated transien nd BHP for d 1 (a), the fl


ng fluid has a of low-velo has not been el. After a ci s unsteady fl exercised to r the CMC in combinat the applica for friction of mud, the nt. Unsteady to the mode


ient flow ins unsteady flo ncluding the ze, water de . To underst ehavior, a se ach of these

parameters c


lus flow vel ter depths of

4500 m. Fig nt flow veloc different wat flow velocity

(a) Flow ve

ure 11: Chan

a gelling effec ocity mud in n considered

irculation br low, which m o calculate th

drilling syst tion with sm ation of stead

pressure los steady frict friction fact l to replace


side the drill ow are influe

drill string, epth, physica tand how th ensitivity an parameters w constant.

locity and B f 500 m, 15 gure 11 pres city of mud ter depths. A y and equilib

elocity in ann

nges of flow

Jiwei Li, Gong

Brazilian Jou ct. The transi the CMC dr in this mat reak, the sub means that c he friction pr tem, long mu mall fluid acc

dy friction f ss. But for la tion factors c

tors need to the steady fr


l string and enced by ma

well geome al properties hese paramet nalysis was p while mainta

BHP were co 00 m, 2500 sents the cal

in the annu As shown in F brium time


velocity in a

ghui Liu, Jun Li a

urnal of Chemica ient

rill- the- bse- cau- res- ud- cel- fac-arge

can be

fric- an-any

try, s of

ters per-

ain- om-m, lcu-ulus Fig.

di-rec wa tw wh ann As wa dep can pea com ann BH the dir cee ma is cre to du dri


sen 1.5 12 flo bet Fig fec flo cre

annulus and B

and Mengbo Li

al Engineering ctly correlate ater generate ween the ins

hich consequ nulus from t s indicated in ater depth fo pth that doe n be determ arance of the mpletely by nulus. The f HP during ci e critical de rectly correla

ed the BHP ay result in a

less than the ease as the w well kick. uring narrow-illing operati

) Mud Densi

The annul nsitized to m 5 g/cm3, 1.6

(a), increase ow velocity tween the in g. 12 (b) dem cts the fluctu ow. Again, a eate fluctuati

BHP over tim

e with the w es a greater side of the uently increa the drill strin n Fig. 11 (b), or a given w es not create mined. At thi e friction pre the increas final equilibr irculation. If epth, the fin ate with the prior to the a loss of circ e critical dep water depth d Therefore, a -margin pres ions.


lus flow v mud densitie g/cm3 and 1 es in the mu due to a gr side of the d monstrates th uation in the a critical m ions in the B

(b) B

me for differ

water depth b r pressure d

drill string ases the mud ng after a circ , the BHP lev well depth. A

a fluctuatio is water dep essure loss is e in the mu rium BHP i f the water d nal equilibriu water depth e circulation culation. If th pth, the final

decreases, w a fluctuation ssure drilling

velocity and s of 1.3 g/cm .7 g/cm3. As ud density wi reater pressu drill string an hat the mud d BHP during mud density

HP can be id


ent water dep

because deep difference b and annulu dflow into th culation brea

vel drops wi A critical wat on in the BH pth, the disa

s compensate ud level in th s equal to th depth excee um BHP w h and can e break, whic he water dep l BHP will d which may lea

n in the BH g is a threat

d BHP we m3, 1.4 g/cm

shown in Fi ill increase th

ure differen nd the annulu density also a g the unstead that does n dentified.



be-us, he ak. ith ter HP

ap-ed he he ds will x-ch pth

de-ad HP to


fr m th in cr d ti


fo an


At the cri riction pressu mud level in t

he critical d nitial BHP reases. If th ensity, the st ial BHP as m

3) Well Dept

The calcul or well depth nd 9500 m a



Brazilia (a) Flow ve

ure 12: Chan

itical density ure loss is o the annulus. density, the f while circul he mud dens tabilized BH mud density d


lated annulu hs of 5500 m are shown in

(a) Flow ve

re 13: Chang

ling and Analysis

an Journal of Ch locity in ann

nges of flow

y, the decre offset by the If the mud d final BHP w lating as m sity is less th HP will be le


s flow veloc m, 6500 m, 7 n Figure 13.

elocity in ann

ges in the flo

s of Unsteady Flo

emical Engineeri nulus

velocity in a

ease in annu increase in density exce will exceed mud density han the criti ess than the i

cities and BH 500 m, 8500 As indicated


ow velocity in

ow Behavior in D

ing Vol. 33, No. 0 annulus and

ulus the eds the in-ical

ini-HPs 0 m d in

Fig rat cre equ fric dep cor sur no fie sta we cal as

n annulus an

Deepwater Contro

01, pp. 91 - 104, BHP over tim

g. 13 (a), inc te at which eases, which

uilibrium. T ction pressur pth. Fig. 13 rrelates with re fluctuation t result in fl ed. If the wel abilized BHP ell deepens.

l depth, the the well dep

nd BHP over

olled Mud-Cap Dr

January - Marc (b) B

me for the di

creases in th mudflow ve h prolongs th This phenom

re loss direct (b) shows th h the BHP, w

n. Again, a c fluctuations o

ll depth exce P will be les If the well d final BHP w pth decreases

(b) B

time for diff


h, 2016 BHP

ifferent mud

he well depth elocity in th

he time requ menon occurs tly correlates hat the well which also af ritical well d of the BHP eeds the criti ss than the i depth is less will exceed th



ferent well d


h decrease th he annulus d

uired to reac s because th s with the we depth direct ffects the pre depth that do can be ident ical depth, th initial BHP

than the crit he initial BH




de-ch he ell tly

es-es ti-he


10 (4 ti 4 tr fo (a th G cr eq v (5 fo 1 an th fl eq ti th m g lu ti th ti n d th d b v m 00

4) Mud Visc

The annul igated at mu

5 mPa·s, 50 ransient flow or different m a), the mud he time to re Generally, a rease in the f quilibrium. A iscosity will

5) Drill Strin

The calcul or drill string 19.5 mm an nd Figure 15 he drill strin low velocity

quilibrium. F ional area of he annulus c metric flow r enerates a h us. Increasin ion pressure he annulus fr ion pressure ant role in t rill string ID he annulus. A rill string ID ecause the c ersely correl more mud wi

Figure 14:


lus flow velo ud viscositie

mPa·s and w velocity in

mud viscosit viscosity aff each equilibr high viscosi flow velocity As shown in reduce the f

ng Size

lated annulu g IDs of 82.5

d 130.5 mm (b), respectiv ng size sign y in the annu

For a given f the drill strin cross-sectiona rate conditio higher initial ng the drill st loss inside th rictional pres

loss inside th the total fric D will genera As revealed i D results incr cross-section lates with th ill flow into

(a) Flow ve

: Changes in

ocity and BH es of 35 mP

55 mPa·s. F n the annulu ties. As indic ffects the flo

rium in a co ity will yiel y and a longe n Fig. 14 (b) fluctuation in

s flow veloc 5 mm, 93.2 m m are shown

vely. As show nificantly im ulus and the wellbore ID ng inversely al area. For ons, a larger

flow veloci tring ID dec he drill strin ssure loss. B he drill string ction pressur ate a higher f n Fig. 15 (b) reases the eq nal area of t he drill string the annulus

locity in ann

the flow vel

Jiwei Li, Gong

Brazilian Jou HP were inv Pa·s, 40 mPa igure 14 sho us and the B

cated in Fig. ow velocity a omplex mann d a slower er time to rea ), a higher m n the BHP.

cities and BH mm, 107.4 m in Figure 15 wn in Fig. 15 mpacts the m

e time to rea D, the cross-s

y correlates w the same vo drill string ity in the an creases the fr ng and increa

ecause the fr g plays a dom re loss, a lar flow velocity ), increasing quilibrium BH

the annulus g ID; therefo s from the d


locity in the a

ghui Liu, Jun Li a

urnal of Chemica ves-a·s, ows BHP 14 and ner. de-ach mud HPs mm, 5(a) (a), mud ach sec-with olu-ID nu- fric-ases fric- mi-rger y in the HP, in-ore, drill str dri str tua (6) tiz in, sis dis lea ing ind typ ste aff (7) we L/s for cir of tot of the m/ cu occ sur and 0.6 mu sys annulus and

and Mengbo Li

al Engineering ring. The BH

ill string size ring size doe

ation in the B

) Nozzle Size

The annulu zed to nozzle 16/32nd in, a s are presente splayed in Fi ads to a fast g in a short dicated in Fig pically incre eady flow, bu

fect the final

) Volumetric

The calcula ere sensitized s, 30 L/s, 35 r the same d rculation rate transient m tal time for e

seconds afte e annulus mu /s for differe

ssed in the curs because re imbalance d the annulu 68 m/s indic um free fall v stem in Table

BHP over tim

HP shows si es during th es not signifi BHP.


us flow veloc e sizes of 10/

and 18/32nd in ed in Figure 1 ig. 16 (a), a l

flow velocit ter time to r

g. 16 (b), an eases the BH

ut this incre BHP.

c Flow Rate

ated annulus d to volumetr L/s and 40 L drill string ge e does not c mud flow vel

equilibrium er the surfac

ud flow velo nt initial vol

previous s e the mud flo e between th us, and the cates zero S

velocity insid e 3.

(b) B

me for the di

imilar trends e unsteady f ficantly influ

city and BH /32nd in, 12/3 n. The results 16 (a) and Fig larger nozzle

y and flow d reach the eq increase in t HP fluctuatio ease does no

s flow veloc ric flow rates L/s. As shown eometry, a d

ause noticea locity in the except for th e pump is sh ocity rapidly lumetric flow section, this ow is powere he inside of t annular flo PP which m de the drill st


ifferent mud

s for differe flow. The dr uence the flu

HP were sens 32nd in, 14/32 s of this anal gure 16 (b). A e size normal

decline, resu quilibrium. A the nozzle siz on during u ot significant

city and BH s of 20 L/s, 2 n in Figure 1 different initi able differen

e annulus an he first coup hut down, an y drop to 0.6 w rate. As di

phenomeno ed by the pre

the drill strin w velocity means a max

tring for give




Figure 17:


Brazilia (a) Flow ve

e 15: Change

(a) Flow vel

ure 16: Chan

(a) Flow ve

: Changes in

ing and Analysis

an Journal of Ch locity in ann

es in flow ve

locity in ann

ges in the flo

locity in ann

the flow velo

of Unsteady Flow

emical Engineeri nulus

elocity in the


ow velocity i


ocity in the an

w Behavior in De

ing Vol. 33, No. 0 annulus and

in the annulu

nnulus and B

eepwater Controll

01, pp. 91 - 104, d BHP over ti

us and BHP o

BHP over time

led Mud-Cap Dri

January - Marc (b) B

ime for the d

(b) B

over time for

(b) B

e for differen


h, 2016 BHP

different drill


r different no


nt volumetric


l string sizes

ozzle sizes.


102 Jiwei Li, Gonghui Liu, Jun Li and Mengbo Li

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering CONCLUSIONS

A new mathematical model for the unsteady flow during CMC drilling was developed in this study to simulate the annular after-flow and BHP after a circu-lation break. The following conclusions are drawn:

1. The mathematical model was verified using experimental obtained from U-tube flow. This veri-fication indicated that the model is accurate, with a maximum average error of 3.56% for the flow velocity.

2. Based on the new mathematical model, a method of early kick detection during the unsteady flow was formulated. This method identifies abnor-malities in the mudflow by comparing the model-calculated and measured return flow in the annulus. If the real-time measured flow trend differs from the model-calculated trend, a kick or loss of circulation can be detected in time. This approach will help to overcome the current difficulty of early kick detec-tion during the connecdetec-tion of pipes. Accordingly, drillers can take well control actions in a timely man-ner to prevent well blowout.

3. Sensitivity analysis of various parameters indi-cate that the velocity of continuous flow in the annu-lus is directly proportional to the water depth, mud density, drill string size, and nozzle size and in-versely proportional to the well depth and mud vis-cosity. The time required for the unsteady flow to reach equilibrium is directly proportional to the wa-ter depth, well depth, mud density, mud viscosity, drill string size and inversely proportional to the nozzle size.

4. The water depth, mud density and drill string size were identified to be three major factors affect-ing the fluctuation in the BHP after a circulation break. Whereas the water depth cannot be controlled, the mud density and drill string size should be care-fully selected to minimize the risk of well blowout.


The authors wish to acknowledge the Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Contract No. 51334003 and 51434009) for the fi-nancial support.


AAnn Cross-sectional area of annulus (m2)

ADC Cross-sectional area of drill string (m2)

G Gravitational acceleration (m/s2)

HL Left-liquid height (mm)

HR Right-liquid height (mm)

hw Water depth (m)

ID Inner diameter

LAnn Length of mud columnin the annulus (m)

LDC Length of mud columninside the drill

string (m)

Lwell Well depth below the Kelly bushing (m)

N Time node

OD Outside diameter

PAnn, 0 Boundary pressure of mud level in the

annulus (Pa)

Pb Bottom hole pressure (Pa)

Pbit Friction pressure loss in drill bit (Pa)

PDC, 0 Boundary pressure of mud level inside

the drilling string (Pa)

Pf, Ann Friction pressure loss in the annulus (Pa)

Pf, DC, 0 Friction pressure loss in the drill

string (Pa)

PI Productivity index (m3/(Pa·s))

Pp Pore pressure (Pa)

Q Reservoir inflow rate (m3/s)

U0 Mud flow velocity in drill string before

the surface pump is shut down (m/s)

UAnn Average flow velocity of fluid in the

annulus (m/s)

UDC Average flow velocity of fluid inside

the drill string (m/s)

ρ Density of mud (kg/m3)

ρw Seawater density (kg/m3)


 Unit time step (s)


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Man-JP M O O S S A E sc af ti im th m in fl st is d d d th F th u le co tr agement T shore Tec (2014). PT Staff, EC

circulating ogy, 65(8) Malt, R., and

drilling fo shore Tech pur, Malay Ochoa, M. V and Tool J lics Calcul versity (20 Ogawa, A., Sugawara, wada, T., oscillation Newtonian Thermal S auer, C. W., state of the 39(9), 109 chubert, J. J.


In order to cribe the tran fter surface p ions were ma mmediately; he surface p mud is incom

nside the dril low is one-d tant; 7) the sothermal.

The well h rill string an rill string in efined as po he wellbore First, the drill he upper and

me are B1 a evel in drill

ontrol volum rol volume.


Brazilia Toolbox for F chnology Co

C-drill elim g density. Jou

, 38-40 (201 d Stave, R., E

or challengin hnology Con ysia (2014). V., Analysis o

Joint Effect to lations. Ph.D 006).

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Shishido, K n of liquid co n and non-Ne Science, 16(4

Mud displac e art. Journa 91-1101 (198 . and Juvkam

A: Derivati

o develop the nsient flow c pump shutdo ade: 1) all p

2) the drill pumps and o mpressible; 4 ll string and dimensional; mud does n

hole can be nd the annulu nto the annu

sitive. Figur at any time l string was s d lower bou and B2, resp l string is c me can be reg

ing and Analysis

an Journal of Ch Floating Dril onference, H

inates effect urnal of Petro


EC-drill MPD ng pressure nference-Asi

of Drilling F o Reduce Er D. Thesis, Te

., Mutou, M abe, M., Sa K., Matumoto

olumn in vert ewtonian liq 4), 289-300 (2

cement durin al of Petroleu


m-world, H. C

ion Process

e mathematic characteristic own, the foll pumps involv

string is disc open at the 4) the cross-annulus are 6) the mud not gel; and

divided into us. The mud ulus, and this e A1 shows during the studied as a c undaries of t

pectively. Be continuously

garded as a d

of Unsteady Flow

emical Engineeri ling Units. O Houston, Te

t of equival oleum Techn

D dual gradi regimes. O ia, Kuala Lu

Fluid Rheolo rrors in Hydr exas A&M U

M., Mogi, atou, K., Ki

o, N., Damp tical U-tube uids. Journal 2007). ng cementing um Technolo C., Well-cont for Govern

cal model to c in the annu lowing assum ved are stopp connected fr

surface; 3) -sectional ar constant; 5) density is c 8) the well

o two parts, flows from s direction w

the mudflow unsteady flo control volum the control v ecause the fl

changing, deforming c

w Behavior in De

ing Vol. 33, No. 0 Off-xas lent nol-ient Off- um-ogy rau- Uni-K., ika-ped for l of g: A ogy, trol Sh Sh Sta Be Çe Zie ing de-ulus mp-ped rom the reas the on-l is the the was w in ow. me; vol-luid the on-Fig any is e d dt wh vo is eepwater Controll

01, pp. 91 - 104, procedures to conventi Completion haughnessy, J P., Problem IADC Drill lands (1999 haughnessy, J

Durkee, T., lems. SPE/ dam, The N ave, R., Imp Offshore Te (2014). ewley, T. R

Copy. Rena engel, Y. A. Fundamenta Higher Edu egler, R., Du time: The b well contro flat time red ence, Houst

gure A1: Illu y time during

For this situ expressed as



hereBcan re lume, such a the local ma

led Mud-Cap Dri

January - Marc for dual-gra ional riser n, 21(04), 287

J. M., Armag ms of Ultra-ling Confere 9).

J. M., Daugh , More ultra /IADC Drill Netherlands (2 plementation echnology C R., Numerica aissance Pres and Cimbala als and Ap ucation, Ame ual gradient d

benefits of a l, enhanced w duction. Off ton, Texas (2

ustration of m g the unstead

uation, the R s follows (Çe

CV B dV t

epresent sev as the mass, aterial veloci


h, 2016 adient drilling

drilling. SP 7-295 (2006) gost, W. K., -deepwater ence, Amster

herty, W. T., a-deepwater

ling Confere 2007). n of dual gra

onference, H

al Renaissan ss, La Jolla (2 a, J. M., Flu pplications. M

rica (2010). drilling is rea a retrofit sys

water depth fshore Techn 2014).

mudflow in t dy flow.

Reynolds tran engel and Cim




veral parame momentum ity; VCS is

1 g as compare

E Drilling ).

Herrmann, R drilling. SP rdam, Nethe

, Graff, R. L drilling pro ence, Amste adient drillin Houston, Tex nce, Advan 2012). uid Mechanic

McGraw H

ady for prim stem for bett capability an nology Confe the wellbore nsport theore mbala, 2010) )


V n

eters per un or energy; V the local co


n-104 Jiwei Li, Gonghui Liu, Jun Li and Mengbo Li

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering trol surface velocity at the surface elementdA; n

represents the outward-pointing unit normal vector associated with dA; CV denotes the control volume;

CS represents the surface area of the control volume. According to the Reynolds transport theorem of a deforming control volume, the mass balance equa-tion for the drill string can be written as follows:


( )

( ) 0






    

 (A1)

The momentum balance equation for the annulus can be written as follows:



( )

( )







PA P A L A g

   (A2)

whereis the density of the mud in kg/m3; ADC is

the cross-sectional area of the drill string in m2; UDC

is the fluid velocity in the drill string in m/s; LDC is

the length from the bottom to the fluid level in the drill string in m; UB2 is the average velocity of the

lower boundary of the control volume in m/s (when the lower boundary is fixed, the velocity is 0 m/s);

,DC f

P is the friction pressure loss in the drill string in Pa; g is the gravitational acceleration in m/s2. P is the pressure difference between two boundaries of the control volume in Pa ( P PB2PB1, PB1PDC,0);

,0 DC

P is the atmospheric pressure in Pa because the drill string is open at the surface after the surface pump is shut down (PB2PDC); and PDC is the bottom hole pressure in the drill string in Pa.

Expanding the time derivative of the momentum balance equation and combining Equations (A1) and (A2) yields the following expression for the momen-tum balance equation of the drill string:


DC DC,0 f DC






L L g

t  

 

   

 (A3)

Similarly, the momentum balance equation for the annulus can also be obtained:


,0 f Ann

Ann Ann


Ann Ann




L L g

t  

 

   

 (A4)

where LAnn is the length from the bottom to the fluid

level in the annulus in m; UAnn is the average flow

velocity of the fluid in the annulus in m/s; PAnn, 0 is

the atmospheric pressure because the annulus is open at the surface. PAnnis the bottom hole pressure in the

annulus in Pa; Pf Ann, is the friction pressure loss in the annulus in Pa.

Combining the drill string and annulus momen-tum balance Equations, (A3) and (A4), yields the following expression for the momentum balance equation for the fluid in the entire well:

,0 ,0


, ,

( )

Ann DC

Ann DC

DC Ann


f DC f Ann

DC Ann



t t




L L g

 

 

 

 

 

 

 

 

   

 


The wellbore mud is incompressible; therefore, the volumetric flow is conserved, which implies that the rate of volumetric change over time is the same inside the drill string and the annulus:

DC Ann

DC Ann



t t

  (A6)

According to the energy balance equation, the fol-lowing formula can be obtained:

2 2

2 2

DC DC Ann Ann bit


       (A7)

where AAnn is the cross-sectional area of annulus in

m2; Pbit is the friction pressure loss in the drill bit in Pa. The friction pressure loss calculation is well es-tablished, and the detailed method used to calculate

, f DC

P , Pf Ann, and Pbit can be obtained from the

literature (Ochoa, 2006).

According to Equations (A5) (A6) (A7), UDC is eliminated, and the equation governing the liquid flow velocity in the annulus can be derived as follows:

2 2

,0 ,0

, ,

2( ) ( )

( )

( ) ( )

DC Ann

Ann Ann DC

Ann Ann

Ann DC Ann DC


f DC f Ann bit DC Ann

Ann Ann

Ann DC Ann DC




t L L L L


P P P L L g




 

  

 

 

 


Thus, the final expression for the motion equation for the length of mud columnLAnn in the annulus can be obtained:




U t

 


Figure 7: Change of mud level in annulus over  time after the surface pump is shut down


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