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D d Z > D dK K

D d Z > D dK K

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D d Z D dK K

D d Z D dK K

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D d Z D dK K

D d Z D dK K

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D d Z > D dK K

D d Z > D dK K



D d Z > D dK K

D d Z > D dK K

... [r] ...


Mitigation of mercury contamination through the acceleration of vegetation succession

Mitigation of mercury contamination through the acceleration of vegetation succession

... Analysis of variance is done using statistical software program SAS 13 for data growth of plants that collected during the study, namely: (a) the increase of height (cm), (b) the increase of diameter (mm), (c) increase ...


Short-term abandonment of human disturbances in Zagros Oak forest ecosystems: Effects on secondary succession of soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation

Short-term abandonment of human disturbances in Zagros Oak forest ecosystems: Effects on secondary succession of soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation

... Heydari M, Pothier D, Faramarzi M, Merzaei J. 2014. Short-term abandonment of human disturbances in Zagros Oak forest ecosystems: Effects on secondary succession of soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation. ...


The conservation of mitochondrial genome sequence in Leucadendron (Proteaceae)

The conservation of mitochondrial genome sequence in Leucadendron (Proteaceae)

... Morgan D, Les DH, Mishler BD, Duvall MR, Price RA, Hill HG, Qui Y, Kron KA, Rettig JH, Conti E, Palmer JD, Manhart JR, Sytsma KJ, Michaels HJ, Kress WJ, Karol KG, Clark WD, Hedren M, Gaut BS, Jansen RK, Kim KJ, ...


Review: Animal Models of Diabetes Mellitus: Pathology and Mechanism of Some Diabetogenics

Review: Animal Models of Diabetes Mellitus: Pathology and Mechanism of Some Diabetogenics

... Streptozotosin (STZ) atau 2-deoksi-2-[3-(metil-3- nitrosoureido)-D-gluko piranose] diperoleh dari Streptomyces achromogenes dapat digunakan untuk menginduksi baik DM tipe 1 maupun tipe 2 pada hewan uji. Struktur ...


Genetic Transformation of Transcription Factor (35S-oshox4) Gene into Rice Genome and Transformant Analysis of hpt Gene by PCR and Hygromycin Resistance Test

Genetic Transformation of Transcription Factor (35S-oshox4) Gene into Rice Genome and Transformant Analysis of hpt Gene by PCR and Hygromycin Resistance Test

... 0,4-0,5. The embryogenic callus from cv. rojolele and cv. IRAT 112 were induced in IK3 medium (LS media that contains 2,4-D 2,5 mg/L and solidified with phytagel 0,2%) (Slamet-Loedin et al., 1997). Callus ...


β-Glucan production of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in medium with different nitrogen sources in air-lift fermentor

β-Glucan production of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in medium with different nitrogen sources in air-lift fermentor

... Produksi β -Glukan Saccharomyces cerevisiae dalam Media dengan Sumber Nitrogen Berbeda pada Air-Lift Fermentor.. β -Glucan production of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in medium with di[r] ...


Isolation and selection of local isolates of chitinolitic bacteria that potent to biocontrol of larva stadia of Aedes aegypti L.

Isolation and selection of local isolates of chitinolitic bacteria that potent to biocontrol of larva stadia of Aedes aegypti L.

... Berdasarkan sifat-sifat yang dimiliki isolat bakteri LMB1- 5 yang terlihat selama pengujian yaitu: memiliki kemampuan tinggi dalam mengendalikan larva nyamuk, mudah diperbany[r] ...


Nepenthes diversity in Sulasih Talang Nature Reserve - West Sumatra

Nepenthes diversity in Sulasih Talang Nature Reserve - West Sumatra

... Kantong atas: bentuknya sangat berbeda dengan kantong bawah, bentuk corong atau seperti saxophone, 2/3 bagian bawah bentuk tabung-corong, 1/3 bagian atas bentuk corong, mulut melingk[r] ...


Artificial pollination in acung (Amorphophallus decus-silvae Back. & v.A.v.R.)

Artificial pollination in acung (Amorphophallus decus-silvae Back. & v.A.v.R.)

... Setelah perbungaan mekar dan putik serta kepala sarinya masak, dilakukan upaya penyerbukan, baik secara serumah (serbuk sari digunakan untuk menyerbuki putik dari perbungaan yang sama[r] ...


REVIEW: Research Ethnobotany in Indonesia and the Future Perspectives

REVIEW: Research Ethnobotany in Indonesia and the Future Perspectives

... During the last 20 years, since the Indonesia Ethnobotanical Museum was established, herbarium scientists have documented the importance of ethnobotany, ethnomedicine, ethnomycology, [r] ...


Floristic changes at Khersan Glacier Territory, Alamkuh Mountain, Central Alborz, North of Iran

Floristic changes at Khersan Glacier Territory, Alamkuh Mountain, Central Alborz, North of Iran

... This study examined changes of flora in Khersan glacier territory during recent decades according to extensive data gathering, full list of Khersan glacier territory i[r] ...


Proposing local trees diversity for rehabilitation of degraded lowland areas surrounding springs

Proposing local trees diversity for rehabilitation of degraded lowland areas surrounding springs

... Selecting tree species to be proposed for rehabilitation degraded lowland areas surrounding water spring was conducted based on some criteria, such as (i) ecological (a[r] ...


Phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere and root of mycorrhizal teak seedlings  with three levels of NPK fertilization

Phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere and root of mycorrhizal teak seedlings with three levels of NPK fertilization

... (1996) dan Sylvia ( 2005) pupuk takaran terbatas akan lebih menggiatkan berkembangnya infeksi dalam perakaran bibit tanaman inangnya. Penelitian ini menunjukkan tanggapan antar inoku[r] ...


Pollen viability and its effect on fruit set of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)

Pollen viability and its effect on fruit set of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)

... Lama simpan, jumlah serbuk sari dan pembentukan buah Penelitian ini diawali dengan pembungkusan dan pengamatan bunga betina dalam kantong penyerbukan yang dilakukan 8-10 hari [r] ...


Richness of Phytoplankton and Zooplankton in Water Streams at Jobolarangan Forest

Richness of Phytoplankton and Zooplankton in Water Streams at Jobolarangan Forest

... Di lingkungan perairan, fitoplankton umumnya berperan sebagai produsen utama, namun pada sungai-sungai kecil di pegunungan, permukaan air sungai umumnya tertutup kanopi tumbuhan, sehingg[r] ...


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