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Estudo Clínico: A PK da primeira dose de gentamicina

Parte II Antibióticos concentração dependente

2.3 Estudo Clínico: A PK da primeira dose de gentamicina

Com base nestes conceitos, foi realizado um estudo observacional para avaliação da PK inicial da gentamicina numa população de doentes sépticos agudos graves, em duas UCIs diferentes. O objectivo primário do estudo foi avaliar a adequação da Cmax após a primeira dose de antibiótico.

Acessoriamente pretendeu-se confirmar experimentalmente que a concentração máxima é apenas função da dose e do Vd, ou seja independente da função renal, da idade e da gravidade clínica, tal como teoricamente previsto. Por último foi avaliada a correlação entre variáveis clínicas e demográficas facilmente disponíveis e o Vd, potencialmente úteis para o cálculo da dose inicial ideal.

Foram incluídos 32 doentes infetados, internados nas duas UCIs participantes, entre Janeiro de 2006 e Junho de 2008, os quais foram medicados com gentamicina com intenção terapêutica. A sua idade mediana foi de 68 anos.


Para este estudo, a concentração alvo de gentamicina, a ser atingida logo após a primeira dose, foi de 16 mg/L32. Só foram incluídos doentes nos quais estava disponível a determinação da Cmax da gentamicina logo após a primeira dose. A dose mediana administrada foi de 7.4 mg/kg, em perfusão de 30 ou 60 min.

Gonçalves-Pereira J, Martins A, Póvoa P. Pharmacokinetics of gentamicin in critically ill patients  : pilot study evaluating the first dose. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2010; 16:1258-6350.

Estudo publicado no Clinical Microbiology and Infection (editor: Prof. Dietrich Mack. Editor-in-chief: Prof. Didier Raoult) Fator de Impacto – 4.874

2.3.A Resultados

Foi identificado um aumento significativo do Vd, cerca de 50%, sendo a mediana do mesmo de 0.41 L/kg (intervalo interquartil de 0.1 L/kg). Consequentemente a Cmax foi mais baixa que o previsto: apenas 50% dos doentes tiveram concentração superior a 16 mg/L e 31.3% uma concentração superior a 20 mg/L. Este aumento do Vd não se correlacionou com nenhum dos índices avaliados, nomeadamente o

Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score51, a idade, o Charlson

Comorbidity Index52 (figura 16). Nesta população, o Vd foi significativamente mais elevado nos doentes do sexo feminino (0.51 vs 0.39 L/kg; p=0.002). Deve ser notado que neste estudo, para os cálculos da PK, foi usado o peso ajustado, o qual entra em linha de conta com o sexo do doente.



Figura  16  –  Ausência  de  correlação  entre  o  volume  de  distribuição  (Vd)  da  gentamicina  quer  com   a  idade  quer  com  o  Score  de  comorbilidades  de  Charlson.  


Na análise multivariada, os doente do sexo feminino tiveram uma probabilidade mais baixa de ter concentração de pico superior a 16 mg/L (OR 0.032; 0.03-0.387), enquanto que os doentes que receberam uma dose mais alta (por mg/kg: OR 3.21; 1.17-8.79) tiveram maior probabilidade de atingir esse objectivo.

A mediana do Cl da gentamicina foi de 57mL/min (30.3mL/min). Esta correlacionou-se fracamente com o Cl Cr estimado (r2 =0.258, p=0.003), com a idade (r2 =0.178, p=0.016), com o score de SOFA (r2=0.199, p=0.011) e associou-se com a presença de choque séptico (p=0.0039).

Com este estudo foi possível demonstrar de forma inequívoca que a dose inicial dos aminoglicosídeos deve ser independente da função renal e da idade, apenas dependendo do Vd, habitualmente aumentado nos doentes críticos.

Este estudo foi importante para unificar as características da PK da gentamicina num contexto prático de atuação; nas palavras do revisor “Some previous studies have already addressed these variables but the present investigation puts together all of them using a different approach and supports a clinical relevant consequence that have only been addressed by few: loading doses of gentamicin 7 mg/kg given to critical ill patients with severe sepsis should be given independently of the organ dysfunction and even though could be not enough to achieve therapeutic levels in all




patients. Pilot studies like this one are important to stimulate further larger prospective ones and to the overall contribution to change the clinical therapeutic standards.”


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Artigo  5

Pharmacokinetics of gentamicin in critically ill patients: pilot study evaluating the first dose

J. Gonc¸alves-Pereira1, A. Martins2and P. Po´voa1

1) Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Me´dicos, Hospital de Sa˜o Francisco Xavier, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental and 2) Unidade de Urgeˆncia Me´dica, Hospital de Sa˜o Jose´, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, Lisboa, Portugal


Gentamicin is extensively used in the treatment of severe Gram-negative bacterial infections. A loading dose of 7 mg/kg is recom- mended to achieve a maximum concentration (Cmax) above 16 mg/L. We studied gentamicin pharmacokinetic data from patients treated

between January 2006 and June 2008 in two intensive-care units. The Sawchuk and Zaske one-compartment pharmacokinetic model was used to estimate the gentamicin volume of distribution (the 32 patients had a median age of 68 years (23 men)). The median vol- ume of distibution (Vd) per kilogram of body weight (Vd/kg) was 0.41 L/kg (interquartile range of 0.36–0.46 L/kg), with no correlations

with age, Charlson comorbidity score, sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score and creatinine serum level (r2= 0.016, 0.058,

0.037, and 0.067, respectively). Women had a significantly higher median Vd/kg (0.50 vs. 0.40 L/kg, p 0.002) and lower Cmax(15.2 vs.

18.5 mg/L, p 0.016), despite similar dose/kg. In a logistic regression model, only sex (female: OR 0.032; 95% CI 0.03–0.387) and dose/kg (per mg/kg: OR 3.21; 95% CI 1.17–8.79) were significantly associated with the achievement of Cmaxabove 16 mg/L. Gentamicin clear-

ance was 57 mL/min (interquartile range of 44.7–78 mL/min) and decreased with age (r2= 0.178, p 0.016), SOFA score (r2= 0.199, p 0.011) and creatinine clearance (r2= 0.258, p 0.003). Gentamicin V

d was increased in critically ill patients, particularly in women.

Therefore, high gentamicin loading doses should be given to all patients, especially women, independently of organ failure. Gentamicin clearance decreases with age, SOFA score, and renal failure.

Keywords: Critically ill patients, gentamicin, loading dose, pharmacokinetics, severe sepsis

Original Submission: 29 March 2009; Revised Submission: 30 August 2009; Accepted: 3 September 2009 Article published online: 14 October 2009

Editor: D. Mack

Clin Microbiol Infect 2010; 16: 1258–1263 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2009.03074.x

Corresponding author and reprint requests: J. Gonc¸alves- Pereira, Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Me´dicos, Hospital de Sa˜o Francisco Xavier, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental, Estrada do Forte do Alto do Duque, 1449-005 Lisboa, Portugal

E-mail: joaogpster@gmail.com


Gram-negative bacterial infections are responsible for increased morbidity and mortality, mainly in critically ill patients. Combination therapy with aminoglycosides, espe- cially gentamicin, is widely recommended for treatment of severe infections suspected of being caused by Gram-nega- tive organisms, in order to increase the chance of adequate empirical therapy. In severely septic patients, outcome is related to how quickly effective antimicrobial therapy is implemented [1]. Therefore, adequate antibiotic concentra- tions should be achieved as soon as possible, even before

serum measurements can be obtained. The efficacy of amino- glycosides is related to maximum serum concentration (Cmax). A Cmaxas high as 20 mg/L gentamicin has been pro-

posed for treating hospital-acquired infections, and an initial dose of at least 7 mg/kg was recommended to achieve such a level [2]. However, in critically ill septic patients, the increased extracellular volume and changes in protein binding can cause a decrease in gentamicin serum concentrations and consequent therapeutic failure [3].

These rapidly changing conditions, associated with thera- peutic interventions such as aggressive fluid resuscitation and mechanical ventilation, can alter extracellular volume, the rate of drug elimination, and, consequently, drug plasma lev- els. These pathophysiological changes are also influenced by the clinical course of the infection, resolving with successful treatment or persisting if refractory to therapy. Therefore, there is not only significant interpatient variability, but also intrapatient variability over time [4]. Consequently, a volume of distibution (Vd) per kilogram of body weight (Vd/kg) of ª2010 The Authors

Journal Compilation ª2010 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases


0.22–0.3 L/kg, calculated in the healthy population, may not correctly predict gentamicin concentrations in septic patients, in particular in the critically ill [3]. As a result, extrapolation of a Vd/kg of 0.22–0.3 L/kg to assess gentamicin

pharmacokinetics in intensive-care patients could lead to erroneous dose calculations and underdosing.

Furthermore, accumulation of aminoglycosides is associ- ated with several adverse reactions, notably renal dysfunction. Therefore, monitoring of aminoglycoside Cmaxvalues prevents

underdosing and therapeutic failure, as well as overdosing and toxicity. Studies addressing this issue sometimes combine pharmacokinetic (PK) data from septic patients in different stages of infection and with different durations of antibiotic therapy [5,6]. The aim of our study was to measure gentami- cin first-dose pharmacokinetics in critically ill patients, in order to define the ideal initial dose and schedule interval.

Materials and Methods

This study was performed in two medical/surgical intensive- care units (ICUs) of tertiary hospitals (Sa˜o Francisco Xavier Hospital and Sa˜o Jose´ Hospital, Lisbon, Portugal). We retro- spectively studied gentamicin PK parameters in patients trea- ted between January 2006 and June 2008. The decision to start gentamicin was based on a proven or presumed sepsis caused by Gram-negative bacteria. The institutional review board of each hospital approved the study design and waived the need for informed consent. The present study did not interfere with any patient management decisions. The deci- sion to start an aminoglycoside was always made by the attending physician, who was unaware of the study. The data collected included admission diagnosis, past medical history, vital signs, and ICU and hospital outcome. Sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) [7] and Charlson comorbidity [8] scores were also recorded.

Patients were eligible for inclusion in the study if they received a gentamicin loading dose selected to achieve high serum levels (a target Cmaxof 16–24 mg/L) [9] and if PK data,

specifically peak and trough levels, were measured between) the first and second dose. Trough levels were measured to determine the optimum antibiotic dosing interval. The intended trough concentration was 0.5–1 mg/L. Gentamicin was given as a continuous infusion lasting for 30–60 min. Peak serum levels were measured 30 min after the end of gentami- cin infusion [9]. Measurement of gentamicin serum concentra- tions was performed by an immunoturbidimetric inhibition technique, using a commercial kit (Dimension Vista System Gent; Dade Behring, Newark, USA). The detection limit is 0.2 mg/L, and the coefficient of variation is 4%.

The Sawchuk and Zaske one-compartment PK model [10] was used to calculate gentamicin Vd/kg, elimination rate con-

stant (Kel) and clearance. Estimates of Cmaxwere obtained by

backward extrapolation of the measured peak concentration to the end of the infusion, assuming a one-compartment model and first-order elimination kinetics. Elimination half-life (t1/2, in

hours) was calculated with the formula t1/2= 0.693/Kel.

To estimate Vd/kg and dose/kg, ideal body weight (IBW)

plus 40% of the difference between actual weight and IBW was used. IBW was calculated according to the Devine for- mula (45.5 + (0.906 · (height in cm ) 152.9 cm)) plus 4.5 kg if male). If the patient weight was less than IBW, the actual body weight was used.

Gentamicin clearance was calculated with the formula clearance = Kel· Vd. The Cockroft–Gault [11] and modified

diet in renal disease [12] methods were used to estimate creatinine clearance. For this purpose, the serum creatinine concentration was measured on the first day of gentamicin therapy. We assessed the influence of the above variables on first-dose gentamicin Cmax.

Statistical analyses

Standard descriptive statistics were used. Continuous vari- ables were reported as medians (25–75% interquartile range (IQR)), unless otherwise stated. Comparisons between groups were performed with unpaired Student’s t-test, one- way ANOVA, Mann–Whitney U-test or Kruskal–Wallis H-test for continuous variables, according to data distribu- tion. Post hoc multiple comparisons were performed with the Bonferroni test. The chi-square test was used to make com- parisons between categorical variables. Correlation coeffi- cient (r) and coefficient of determination (r2) were used to determine the relationship between two numerical variables.

To determine which independently associated variables best predicted a first-dose gentamicin Cmaxof at least 16 mg/

L, we created a multivariable logistic regression model. The variables tested as predictors of a Cmaxof at least 16 mg/L

were ICU outcome, admission diagnoses (medical, surgical, trauma), SOFA score, sex, and gentamicin dose (mg/kg). These were considered for the multivariable logistic regres- sion model if they: (i) were statistically significant in univariate analyses (p <0.05); and (ii) had an OR of ‡1.2. Before studied variables were entered into the logistic regression model, multicolinearity among them was checked by computing the correlation coefficient (r) between variables taken two by two.