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J. Appl. Oral Sci. vol.25 número1


Academic year: 2018

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Submitted: May 31, 2016 Accepted: September 26, 2016

Degree of conversion and bond

st rengt h of resin- cem ent s t o

feldspat hic ceram ic using different

curing m odes

Resin cem ent s have led t o gr eat advances in dent al ceram ic r est orat ion

t echniques because of t heir abilit y t o bond t o bot h dent al st r uct ur es and

r est orat iv e m at er ials. Obj ect iv e: The aim of t his st udy w as t o assess t he

per for m an ce of r esin cem en t s w h en differ en t cu r in g m odes ar e u sed, by

evaluat ing t he degree of conversion and bond st rengt h t o a ceram ic subst rat e.

Mat erial and Met hods: Three resin cem ent s w ere evaluat ed, t w o dual- cured 9DULROLQN,,DQG5HO\;$5&DQGRQHOLJKWFXUHG9DULROLQN9HQHHU7KHGXDO cured resin cem ent s w ere t est ed by using t he dual act ivat ion m ode ( base and

cat alyst ) and light - act ivat ion m ode ( base past e only) . For degree of conversion '&Q DPPWKLFNIHOGVSDWKLFFHUDPLFGLVFZDVSODFHGRYHUWKHUHVLQ cem ent specim ens and t he set was light act ivat ed w it h a QTH unit . Aft er 24 h

st orage, t he DC was m easured w it h Fourier t ransform infrared spect roscopy )7,5)RUPLFURVKHDUERQGVWUHQJWKWHVWLQJ¿YHIHOGVSDWKLFFHUDPLFGLVFVZHUH subm it t ed t o surface t reat m ent , and t hree cylindrical resin cem ent specim ens

were bonded t o each ceram ic surface according t o t he experim ent al groups. Aft er

24 h, m icroshear bond t est ing was perform ed at 0.5 m m / m in crosshead speed XQWLOWKHIDLOXUH'DWDZHUHVXEPLWWHGWRRQHZD\$129$IROORZHGE\7XNH\ t est ( p< 0.05) . Scanning elect ron m icroscopy ( SEM) was used for classifying t he

failure m odes. Result s: Higher DC and bond st rengt h values w ere show n by t he UHVLQFHPHQWVFXUHGE\XVLQJWKHGXDODFWLYDWLRQPRGH7KH9DULROLQN,,JURXS present ed higher DC and bond st rengt h values w hen using light - act ivat ion only ZKHQFRPSDUHGZLWKWKH9DULROLQN9HQHHUJURXS&RQFOXVLRQ7KHEDVHSDVWH of dual- cured resin cem ent s in light - act ivat ion m ode can be used for bonding WUDQVOXFHQWFHUDPLFUHVWRUDWLRQVRIXSWRRUOHVVWKDQPPWKLFN

Ke yw or ds: Polym erizat ion. Resin cem ent s. Shear st rengt h. Veridiana Resende NOVAIS1

Luís Henrique Araújo RAPOSO2

Rafael Resende de MIRANDA3

Camila de Carvalho Almança LOPES3


Carlos José SOARES1


1Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Faculdade de Odont ologia, Depart am ent o de

Dent íst ica e Mat eriais Odont ológicos, Uberlândia, MG, Brasil.

2Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Faculdade de Odont ologia, Depart am ent o de

Oclusão, Prót ese Fixa e Mat eriais Odont ológicos, Uberlândia, MG, Brasil.

3Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Faculdade de Odont ologia, Uberlândia, MG, Brasil.

Corresponding address: Veridiana Resende Novais Dentística e Materiais Odontológicos - Faculdade de


I nt roduct ion

The abilit y of ceram ics t o m at ch nat ural dent it ion,

due t o t heir good phy sical and opt ical pr oper t ies, PDNHVWKHPWKHPDWHULDORIFKRLFHIRUSDWLHQWVZLWK high est het ic ex pect at ions17. Conser vat ive ceram ic

rest orat ions for changing t he posit ion, shape, or color

of ant erior t eet h have been w idely used in m odern

dent al pract ice1. The success of ceram ic veneers has

been at t ribut ed t o t he est ablishm ent of a durable bond

am ong t oot h t issues, lut ing com posit e and ceram ic

subst rat e18.

Resin - b ased cem en t s ar e t h e m at er ials m ost

com m only used for lut ing dent al ceram ic rest orat ions,

m ainly because of t heir im pr oved phy sicochem ical

propert ies. I n general, t hese m at erials are com posed

o f a p o l y m er i c m at r i x b ased o n d i m et h acr y l at e PRQRPHUV¿OOHUSDUWLFOHVDQGSLJPHQWV9. Com m ercially

available resin cem ent s for lut ing ceram ic veneers can

be light act ivat ed or dual- cured, depending on t he RSDFLW\ DQG WKLFNQHVV RI WKH FHUDPLF UHVWRUDWLRQ28.

/LJKWFXUHG UHVLQ FHPHQWV DOORZ H[WHQGHG ZRUNLQJ t im e and rem oval of t he excess around t he rest orat ion

bef or e ligh t - act ivat ion , r edu cin g t h e t im e n eeded IRU¿QLVKLQJDIWHUUHVWRUDWLRQVKDYHEHHQOXWHG20. I n

addit ion t o t hese feat ures, light - cured resin cem ent s

have t he great advant age of im proved color st abilit y,

since no t ert iary am ines are used as chem ical act ivat or,

w hich could cause color change over t he t im e28.

Du al- cu r ed r esin cem en t s w er e in t r od u ced t o

com bine t he advant ages of light - and chem

ically-cu r ed r esin cem en t s an d ar e t h e m ost com m on

lut ing m at erials used nowadays1.These syst em s are

com posed of a cat alyst past e consist ing of benzoyl

per ox ide ( in it iat or ) an d base past e, con t ain in g a

light - cured resin cem ent , in an endeavor t o increase IUHHUDGLFDOFRQFHQWUDWLRQHYHQXQGHUWKLFNRURSDTXH rest orat ions28. The free radicals form ed by t he chem ical

r eact ion ( t er t iar y am in es/ ben zy l per ox ide) w ou ld FRPSHQVDWHIRUWKHODFNRIWKRVHWKDWUHVXOWIURPWKH physical init iat ion syst em act ivat ed by light ( aliphat ic

am ines/ cam phorquinone)11. However, dual- cured resin

cem ent s m ay have reduced color st abilit y, due t o t he

possibilit y of som e degree of oxidat ion occurring in

t he com ponent s involved in chem ical curing ( t ert iary

am ines)16.

Ther efor e, light - cur ed r esin cem ent s m ay be a

m or e suit able opt ion w hen lut ing t hin t ranslucent

ceram ic veneers29.Nonet heless, som e dual- cured resin

cem ent m anufact urers offer a light - cured opt ion for

t heir syst em s in t he absence of a light - cured resin

cem ent , and indicat e t hat dent al pract it ioners should

use t he base past e only in a light - act ivat ion m ode.

How ev er, t her e is st ill no ev idence t hat t he light

-cured com ponent s of dual- -cured resin cem ent s have

t he abilit y t o r each good phy sical and m echanical

propert ies w hen used alone.

I n addit ion t o form ulat ion, t he success of ceram ic

rest orat ions depends on opt im al cure of resin cem ent s.

The degree of conversion is crucial in det erm ining t he

m echanical perform ance of resin- based m at erials and

t heir biocom pat ibilit y. The st rengt h, elast ic m odulus,

h ar d n ess an d solu b ilit y of com p osit e r esin s ar e

direct ly relat ed t o t he degree of conversion11. As seen,

inadequat e curing wit h a reduced degree of conversion

m ay cause changes in t he physical charact erist ics of

resin- based com ponent s, affect ing t heir m echanical

propert ies, alt ering dim ensional st abilit y, decreasing

bon din g t o t oot h st r u ct u r es, capable of r esu lt in g

in t he unsat isfact or y clinical per for m ance of t hese

m at erials25.

Therefore, t he aim of t his st udy was t o assess t he

perform ance of resin cem ent s w hen using different

curing m odes, by evaluat ing t he degree of conversion

an d b o n d st r en g t h t o a cer am i c su b st r at e. Th e

hypot hesis was t hat dual- cured resin cem ent s used in

t he dual act ivat ion m ode wit h base and cat alyst past es,

w ould behave different ly w hen using t hese cem ent s

in t he light - act ivat ion m ode w it h base past e only. A

resin cem ent w it h a light - curing opt ion only was also

used for t he com parisons.

Mat erial and m et hods

For t his st udy, t hree resin cem ent s were evaluat ed, WZRGXDOFXUHG>9DULROLQN,,9/VKDGH$,YRFODU Viv aden t ; Sch aan , Liech t en st ein ; an d Rely X ARC

( RX) , shade A3, 3M- ESPE; St . Paul, MN, USA] , and RQHOLJKWFXUHG>9DULROLQN9HQHHU9/9VKDGH+LJK Value + 3, I voclar Vivadent ] . Dual- cured resin cem ent s

w ere t est ed in t he dual act ivat ion m ode by m ixing

t he base and cat alyst past es ( BC) , or in t he light

-act ivat ion m ode, by using t he base past e only ( B) .

The light - cured resin cem ent was t est ed only in t he OLJKWDFWLYDWLRQPRGH7KXV¿YHH[SHULPHQWDOJURXSV ZHUHGH¿QHG


Supply Co Lt d; Nagoya, Aichi, Japan) w ere obt ained,

on e of w h ich w as u sed t o per for m t h e degr ee of

conv er sion t est and 2 5 w er e used for m icr oshear

bon d st r en gt h t est in g. Th e m at er ials in f or m at ion

is sum m arized in Figure 1. The ceram ic discs w ere

produced in a st ainless st eel split m at rix ( 12.5 m m LQ GLDPHWHU [ PP WKLFN 7KH FHUDPLF SRZGHU liquid rat io was used according t o t he m anufact urer ’s

inst ruct ions and t he m ixt ure was placed in t he m old.

The ceram ic discs w ere subm it t ed t o a sint ering cycle

in an appropriat e furnace ( Alum ini Press I I , EDG; São &DUORV 63 %UD]LO DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH ¿ULQJ VFKHGXOH suggest ed by t he m anufact urer. I n t he conclusion of

t he procedure, ceram ic disc dim ensions w ere 10 m m LQGLDPHWHUDQGPPWKLFN

Degree of conversion

For t est ing t he degree of conversion ( DC) , resin FHPHQWVZHUHSXWLQWRYLQ\OPROGVPPWKLFN[ PPLQQHUGLDPHWHU[PPRXWHUGLDPHWHU$7HÀRQ m old was placed around t he vinyl m olds. Mylar st rips

( Quim idrol; Joinville, SC, Brazil) w ere used on bot t om

and t op surfaces of t he m old t o ensure sm oot hness

of t he specim ens, allow t he ceram ic disc t o be placed

ov er t h e r esin cem en t an d t o av oid in h ibit ion of

polym erizat ion by oxygen4. The ceram ic disc and t he

t ip of t he light - curing unit w ere posit ioned over t he

UHVLQFHPHQWVSHFLPHQVZLWKWKHKHOSRID7HÀRQULQJ The diam et er of t he light wand t ip was exact ly t he

sam e diam et er as t hat of t he disc/ sam ple. For t he

dual act ivat ion m ode, t he base and cat alyst past es

of dual- cured resin cem ent s w ere m ixed according t o

t he m anufact urer ’s direct ions and t hen t hree m inut es

w ere wait ed for t he self- cure react ion t o occur. Aft er

t h is, all t h e gr ou ps w er e ligh t - cu r ed t h r ou gh t h e

ceram ic discs using a quart z- t ungst en halogen ( QTH)

ligh t - cu r in g u n it ( Opt ilu x 5 0 1 , Ker r ; Or an ge, CA,

USA) at 800 m W/ cm2 out put for 40 s ( Figure 2) . All

VSHFLPHQVZHUHVWRUHGXQGHUGU\DQGGDUNFRQGLWLRQV at 37° C for 24 h. The DC of t he specim ens ( n= 5) was GHWHUPLQHGXVLQJDWWHQXDWHGWRWDOUHÀHFWDQFH)RXULHU t ransform infrared spect roscopy ( ATR/ FTI R, Vert ex 70, %UXNHU (WWOLQJHQ %DGHQ:UWWHPEHUJ *HUPDQ\ A prelim inary readout of each uncured m at erial was

recorded in absorbance spect rum acquired by scanning

t he specim ens 32 t im es over a range from 4000 t o

400 cm- 1 w it h a resolut ion of 4 cm- 1. An addit ional

spect rum was acquired of t he cured specim en aft er

dry st orage at 37° C for 24 h, shielded from am bient


% DC = 100 [ 1 - ( Aa( C= C)Ab( C= O) / Ab( C= C)Aa( C= O)) ]

Product (lot number)

Material Manufacturer Shade Composition*

Super Porcelain EX-3 Speed


Feldspathic ceramic

Noritake Kizai Co. Ltd., Nishi-Ku, Nagoya, Japan

Enamel S3 Si – 8.83%, C- 19.86%, O – 19.35%, F – 0.95%, Na – 6.94%, Mg – 0.33%, Al – 3.41%, K – 0.53%.

RelyX ARC (N541931)

Dual-cured resin cement

3M-ESPE St. Paul, MN, USA

A3 Paste A: Silane-treated ceramic, TEGDMA, Bis-GMA, photoinitiators, amine, silane-treated

silica, functionalized dimethacrylate polymer. Paste B: Silane-treated ceramic, TEGDMA, Bis-GMA, silane-treated silica, benzoyl peroxide, functionalized dimethacrylate


Variolink II

catalyst: J19503) Dual-cured resin cement Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein

A3 Paste A: Bis-GMA, urethane dimethacrylate, TEGDMA,

Variolink Veneer (R77030) Light-cured resin cement Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein High Value +3

Monobond S (N15269)

Silane Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein Colorless liquid silane). Acid Porcelain Etchant (387314) 10% acid Maquira Dental Products, Maringá, PR, Brazil Red gel 1,6-bis(methacryloxy-2-ethoxycarbonylamino)-2,4,4-trimethylhexane


Microshear bond st rengt h

Tw en t y - f iv e cer am ic d iscs w er e em b ed d ed in

PVC cylinders using polyest er resin ( AM 190 resin,

AeroJet ; São Paulo, SP, Brazil) . Aft er divest ing, t he

ceram ic disc surfaces were sequent ially polished using

silicon- car bide paper s ( # 600, 800, 1200 and 2000

grit sizes; Nort on; Cam pinas, SP, Brazil) , m ount ed on

a wat er- cooled polisher ( Aropol 2V, Arot ec S/ A; São

Paulo, SP, Brazil) . The discs were subm it t ed t o surface WUHDWPHQWZLWKK\GURÀXRULFDFLG0DTXLUD'HQWDO Product s; Maringá, PR, Brazil) for 2 m in27. The acid

was rem oved w it h air/ wat er spray and t he specim ens

were cleaned in an ult rasonic bat h ( USC1400, Unique;

I ndaiat uba, SP, Brazil) w it h dist illed wat er for 5 m in.

Aft er drying t he specim ens, a layer of silane coupling

agent ( Monobond S, I voclar Vivadent ) was applied and

left t o react for 1 m in.

The discs w ere random ly divided according t o t he ¿YHH[SHULPHQWDOJURXSV7KUHH7\JRQWXEHVPP high x 0.75 m m in diam et er) were placed in parallel on HDFKFHUDPLFGLVFDQG¿OOHGZLWKUHVLQFHPHQW)RUWKH dual act ivat ion m ode, t he cem ent was light - act ivat ed

t hree m inut es aft er it was insert ed24. The specim ens

w ere light - cured by using t he QTH unit at 800 m W/

cm2 out put for 40 s, w it h t he light source placed at

WKHWRSRIWKHVSHFLPHQVDQGZLWKLQD7HÀRQULQJ t hus light- curing all t he resin cylinders sim ult aneously

( Figure 3) . All specim ens w ere st ored under relat ive KXPLGLW\DQGGDUNFRQGLWLRQVDWƒ&IRUKDQG aft er st orage, t he Tygon t ubes w ere rem oved using a

scalpel blade No. 12.

Micr osh ear t est in g ( n = 5 ) w as p er f or m ed in a

m ech an ical t est in g m ach in e ( Micr ot en sile OM1 0 0 ,


by m eans of cyanoacrylat e- based glue ( Super Bonder,

Loct it e; I t apevi, SP, Brazil) . A st ainless st eel w ire ( 0.2

m m in diam et er) ( Morelli Ort odont ia; Sorocaba, SP,

Brazil) was placed around t he resin cem ent cylinder

at it s base, as close as possible t o t h e cer am ic/

resin cem ent int erface. The t est was perform ed at a

crosshead speed of 0.7 m m / m in unt il failure of t he

specim ens.

Failure m ode analysis

The failure m ode of t he specim ens was analyzed by

scanning elect ron m icroscopy ( SEM) ( TM3000, Hit achi +LJK7HFKQRORJLHV&R7RN\R.DQWŮ-DSDQDW[ PDJQL¿FDWLRQDWDQDFFHOHUDWLRQYROWDJHRIN97KH IDLOXUHPRGHVZHUHFODVVL¿HGDV,DGKHVLYHIDLOXUH I I - cohesive failur e at r esin cem ent ; I I I - cohesive

failure at ceram ic subst rat e; I V- m ixed failure w it h

predom inance of resin cem ent ; V- m ixed failure w it h

predom inance of ceram ic subst rat e. Adhesive failure

was charact erized as a fault at t he j unct ion bet w een

t he ceram ic and t he resin cem ent ; cohesive failure

w hen t here was a fract ure in t he body of t he cem ent

or t he ceram ic; and m ixed failur e w hen t her e was

cohesion failure in bot h m at erials, sim ult aneously.

St at ist ical analysis

Degree of conversion and m icroshear bond st rengt h

dat a w ere individually analyzed by one- way analysis RI YDULDQFH $129$ 7XNH\post h oc t est s w er e perform ed t o det erm ine differences am ong groups. 6WDWLVWLFDOVLJQL¿FDQFHZDVVHWDWD= 0.05. Descript ive analysis was used for failure m ode.


2-Result s

Degree of conversion

The m ean degree of conversion ( % ) and st andard

deviat ion obt ained for t he experim ent al groups are VKRZQLQ7DEOH6LJQL¿FDQWGLIIHUHQFHVZHUHREVHUYHG am ong t he groups ( p< 0.001) . The resin cem ent s used

in t he dual act ivat ion m ode ( base and cat alyst ) showed

higher DC values. The base past e of t he dual- cured

cem ent s used in t he light - act ivat ion m ode present ed

int erm ediat e DC values. The light - cured resin cem ent

show ed low er DC values w hen com par ed w it h t he

ot her cem ent s.

Microshear bond st rengt h

Th e m ean bon d st r en gt h v alu es an d st an dar d GHYLDWLRQDUHVKRZQLQ7DEOH7KH9DULROLQN,,JURXSV act ivat ed in dual m ode or light - act ivat ion m ode only

showed t he highest bond st rengt h values, wit h sim ilar

result s bet w een t hem ; and w ere sim ilar t o t hose of

RelyX ARC in dual act ivat ion m ode. The light - cured UHVLQFHPHQW9DULROLQN9HQHHUSUHVHQWHGVLPLODUYDOXHV t o t hose of RelyX ARC in t he dual act ivat ion m ode and

also t o RelyX ARC in t he light - act ivat ion m ode.

Failure m ode

The failure m ode analysis shown in Figures 4 and 5

show ed prevalence of cohesive failures in t he ceram ic

subst rat e ( Type I I I ) for t he resin cem ent s used in t he GXDODFWLYDWLRQPRGHDVZHOODVIRUWKH9DULROLQN9HQHHU light - cured cem ent . A higher percent age of cohesive

failures in resin cem ent ( Type I I ) or m ixed failures

w it h predom inance of resin cem ent ( Type I V) w ere



The hy pot hesis t est ed was accept ed. The

dual-cu r ed r esin cem en t s sh ow ed a h ig h er d eg r ee of

conversion ( DC) and at least sim ilar bond st rengt h

values w hen used in t he dual act ivat ion m ode ( base

and cat alyst ) w hen com pared w it h t he resin cem ent s

used in t he light - act ivat ion m ode ( base past e only) .

The base past e of bot h t he dual- cured resin cem ent s

present ed higher DC and bond st rengt h values t han

t he light - cured resin cem ent t est ed. Moreover, it is LPSRUWDQWWRQRWHWKDWWKHEDVHSDVWHRI9DULROLQN,,

Resin Cement Bond Strength

RX-BC 33.5 (2.8)AB

RX-B 27.8 (4.6)C

VL-BC 36.5 (4.7)A

VL-B 36.0 (2.0)A

VL-V 29.8 (2.0)BC

Table 2- Mean bond strength (μSBS) values and standard deviation for the experimental groups


3-Resin Cement Degree of Conversion (%)

RX-BC 72.8 (3.7)A

RX-B 57.5 (4.4)C

VL-BC 65.7 (2.9)B

VL-B 58.3 (2.1)C

VL-V 48.6 (4.1)D


Figure 4- Failure mode distribution (%) for the experimental groups


5-show ed higher bond st rengt h values t han t he base

past e of RelyX ARC; and t o consider t hat not all resin

cem ent s are equal in form ulat ion and m ay present

different curing propert ies10.

When com paring t he resin cem ent s using only t he

base past e in t he light- act ivat ion m ode, t here were no VLJQL¿FDQWGLIIHUHQFHVEHWZHHQWKH'&RI5HO\;$5& DQG9DULROLQN,,+RZHYHUWKH'&RIERWKUHVLQFHPHQWV was reduced in t he light - act ivat ion com pared w it h t he

dual act ivat ion m ode. Therefore, t he im port ance of a

chem ical act ivat ion in addit ion t o light curing in

dual-cured resin cem ent s m ust be em phasized. Previous

st udies have show n t he im por t ance of dual- cur ing

resin cem ent s for clinical sit uat ions in w hich t he light

from t he curing unit is not capable of fully reaching

all regions of t he cavit y or preparat ion, such as in

t he apical region of root canals during adhesive post

lut ing or t he deep int ernal areas of preparat ions for

indir ect adhesive r est orat ions2,5,6,14.Thus, w hen t he

m anufact urer inform s t hat a cem ent is dual- cured,

it is im perat ive t o respect t he inst ruct ion t o perform

t he double polym erizat ion process, in order t o achieve

higher DC values and im pr oved pr oper t ies in daily

pract ice.

Co m p o s i t e - b a s e d r e s t o r a t i v e m a t e r i a l s a r e

const ant ly subm it t ed t o agent s present in saliva, food DQGGULQNVZKLFKPD\KHOSWRGHJUDGHWKHRUJDQLF m at r ix2 1. Th e in ad eq u at e p oly m er izat ion of r esin

cem ent s, r epr esent ed by a low DC, m ay r esult in

increased dissolut ion of som e com ponent s in t he oral

cavit y, which m ay cause pulp sensit ivit y, in addit ion t o

a fast er m arginal degradat ion process and early loss of

t he indirect rest orat ion13,22. A high DC ensures t he best

chem ical and physical propert ies of resin cem ent s26.

9DULDEOHV VXFK DV FRORU WKLFNQHVV DQG W\SH RI cer am ic f or in dir ect r est or at ion s m ay in t er f er e in

t he am ount of light reaching t he resin- based lut ing PDWHULDO LQÀXHQFLQJ WKH '&1 5 , 2 5.Thus, for t he DC

m et hodology of t his st udy, a feldspat hic ceram ic disc

was int er posed bet w een t he r esin cem ent and t he OLJKWVRXUFHGXULQJFXULQJRIWKHVSHFLPHQVVHHNLQJ t o em ulat e w hat happens in t he oral cavit y during

clinical pract ice. I n t his st udy, it was show n t hat for

cases in w hich a light - curing resin cem ent is required,

t h e base past es of t h e du al- cu r ed r esin cem en t s

evaluat ed used in t he light - act ivat ion m ode show ed

suit able propert ies t hat m ay allow t heir use for lut ing

t hin ceram ic rest orat ions.


act ivat ion m odes show ed t he highest bond st rengt h

values, follow ed by RelyX ARC in t he dual act ivat ion

m ode. I n t u r n , w h en u sed in t h e ligh t - act iv at ion

m ode w it h t he base past e only, RelyX ARC present ed

v alu es close t o t h e low est bon d st r en gt h v alu es, EXWWKHVHZHUHVWDWLVWLFDOO\VLPLODUWRWKRVHYHUL¿HG IRU WKH OLJKWFXUHG UHVLQ FHPHQW 9DULROLQN 9HQHHU Despit e present ing a suit able bond st rengt h t o dent al

subst rat es, it is also im port ant for resin cem ent s t o

offer adequat e bond st rengt h t o indirect rest orat ions.

Bo n d i n g t o cer am i c r est o r at i o n s f o l l o w s si m i l ar

principles as t hose used for bonding t o dent al t issues. 7KH DGKHVLYH RU UHVLQ FHPHQW LQ¿OWUDWHV LQWR WKH roughness creat ed on t he surface of t hese m at erials,

t hus enabling m icro- m echanical ret ent ion19.

For t h is p u r p ose, acid - sen sit iv e cer am ics ar e

su b m i t t e d t o su r f a ce e t ch i n g w i t h h y d r o f l u o r i c

acid t o in cr ease t h e su r f ace r ou g h n ess, im p r ov e

w et t ab i l i t y, su r f ace f r ee en er g y, an d t o ex p o se D VLOLFRQ R[LGH QHWZRUN3 , 7. Addit ion ally, t o assu r e

int eract ion bet w een t he ceram ic and resin cem ent ,

t h e a p p l i ca t i o n o f a co u p l i n g a g e n t b a se d o n

m e t h a cr y l o x y p r o p y l t r i m e t h o x y si l a n e a l l o w s t h e

form at ion of covalent bonds bet w een t he silica from

glass ceram ics and t he or ganic m at r ix fr om r esin

cem ent s8.The silane coupling agent is also capable t o

increase wet t abilit y and surface energy on t he ceram ic


Regarding t he failure m ode, dual- act ivat ed resin

cem ent s ( VL- BC and RX- BC) and light - cur ed r esin

cem en t ( VL- V) pr edom in an t ly pr esen t ed coh esiv e

failu r es in t h e cer am ic su r face of t h e specim en s,

charact er ized as a body failur e of t he r est orat iv e

m aterial. This probably occurred because a conventional

feldspat hic ceram ic w it hout any r einfor cem ent was

used as t he subst rat e m at erial for bonding t est s and

also due t o t he higher bond st rengt hs achieved in t hese

specim ens. RX- B specim ens present ed m ore cohesive

failures involving t he resin cem ent , w it h body failures

in t he lut ing agent . VL- B ex hibit ed het er ogeneous

failure m odes t hat w ere not conclusive. No classical

adhesive failures w ere observed for t he experim ent al

groups. Therefore, despit e t he m echanical propert ies

evaluat ed in t his st udy show ing t hat t here w ere no

sig n if ican t d if f er en ces b et w een lig h t - cu r ed r esin

cem ent and dual- cur ed r esin cem ent s used in t he

light - act ivat ion m ode, no favorable failure m ode was

observed for RX- B and VL- B. Thus, m ore st udies are


t heir use in clinical pract ice.

Alt hough furt her st udies are st ill needed, t he use

of dual cured resin cem ent s used only in t he light

-act ivat ion m ode m ay be an alt er n at iv e f or lu t in g

t ranslucent ceram ic rest orat ions up t o or less t han PP WKLFN 7KH GHJUHH RI FRQYHUVLRQ DQG ERQG st rengt h show ed sim ilar behavior bet w een base past e

of dual- cured m at erials and light - cured resin cem ent .

Furt herm ore, it is im port ant t o underst and t he chem ical

and m echanical propert ies of resin cem ent s and t he

st rat egies capable of im proving t hese propert ies, t o

ensure t he success of rest orat ive procedure.




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Table 2- Mean bond strength ( μ SBS) values and standard  deviation for the experimental groups
Figure 4- Failure mode distribution (%) for the experimental groups


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