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Perspektivy razvitija atomnoj jenergetiki v vostochnoj chasti Baltijskogo morja kak faktor formirovanija sistemy mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij v regione [The prospects of nuclear power development in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region as a factor of th


Academic year: 2017

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Saint Petersburg State University

7—9, Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russia

Received on March 20, 2013

Currently, the development of economic diplomacy in the world is determined by a combination of globalization and regionalization processes; moreover, it exhib-its an economic dimension. At the same time, the Baltic Sea region demonstrates large-scale politicisation of the objective processes of economic cooperation. The development of nuclear power in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea is indicative of the effectiveness of political and economic cooperation in the region. The author be-lieves that Russia and the Baltics have an economic and technological opportunity for developing cooperation in the field of energy. The only question is whether his-torical patterns of interstate relations can be overcome. A more pronounced interna-tional division of labour accompanied by the historically developed specialization of the USSR-Russia makes nuclear power an important factor of Russia’s economic diplomacy. The promotion of Russian energy projects in the region contributes to the development of a system of mutually beneficial ties. The economic prerequisite to that is the increasing energy deficiency in the region.

Key words: energy, Baltic states, Russian economic diplomacy


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About the author

Prof Nikolai Mezhevich, Faculty of International Relations, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.


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